
沪教版小学语文三年级(上) 17 《 梅兰芳练功》 课外、课后练习和作文课课练及答案

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沪教版小学语文三年级(上) 17 《 梅兰芳练功》 课外、课后练习和作文课课练及答案沪教版小学语文三年级(上) 17 《 梅兰芳练功》 课外、课后练习和作文课课练及答案 17 梅兰芳练功[原文] 梅兰芳是我国著名的京剧表演艺术家。 他8岁那年,曾跟一位有名的先生学戏。这位先生反复教他,他没有学会,先生见他进步太慢,就说他不是学戏的料子,没心思再教他了。临走时,先生对梅兰芳说:“祖师爷没给你这碗饭吃,我也没办法。” 先生走了,可他的话,常常在梅兰芳的耳边响起,像针一样刺疼他的心。他常想,我真不是学戏的料子吗,梅兰芳下定决心,一定要学好戏,闯出个样子来。 后来,梅兰芳进了一个叫“云和堂”的戏班子拜师学艺...
沪教版小学语文三年级(上)  17 《 梅兰芳练功》 课外、课后练习和作文课课练及答案
沪教版语文三年级(上) 17 《 梅兰芳练功》 课外、课后练习和作文课课练及答案 17 梅兰芳练功[原文] 梅兰芳是我国著名的京剧演艺术家。 他8岁那年,曾跟一位有名的先生学戏。这位先生反复教他,他没有学会,先生见他进步太慢,就说他不是学戏的料子,没心思再教他了。临走时,先生对梅兰芳说:“祖师爷没给你这碗饭吃,我也没办法。” 先生走了,可他的话,常常在梅兰芳的耳边响起,像针一样刺疼他的心。他常想,我真不是学戏的料子吗,梅兰芳下定决心,一定要学好戏,闯出个样子来。 后来,梅兰芳进了一个叫“云和堂”的戏班子拜师学艺。云和堂的吴先生对弟子的要求十分严格,对梅兰芳也不例外。 一次,吴先生教梅兰芳练跷功。吴先生搬来一条板凳,上面放一块砖,让梅兰芳踩着半米多长的高跷站在砖头上,并要求一次要站一柱香的时间,中间不准休息。开始,梅兰芳一站到那么高的地方,心里就很慌张,站一会儿腰又酸,腿又疼。梅兰芳为了练出过硬的功夫,硬是咬着牙坚持着,连腿都站肿了。 练了一个秋天,梅兰芳的跷功大有长进,吴先生连连称赞。梅兰芳并不满足,想方设法要使自己的跷功更上一层楼。 冬天,他自己浇了一个小冰场,踏上高跷,在冰场上跑。Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 那光滑的冰面,不要说踩高跷,就是在上面走路,也难免要摔跤。梅兰芳身上经常被摔得青一块紫一块。每次跌倒,他都立即爬起来,继续练。吴先生看见后,劝他休息几天。梅兰芳说:“先生,您不是常说,练功练功,一日不练三日空吗,”吴先生听后不住地点头。 正是凭着这种顽强的毅力,梅兰芳从小打下了扎实的功底,后来终于成为一名蜚声海内外的京剧艺术大师。 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 17 梅兰芳练功[练习] 一、给加?的字注音: 曾经( ) 砖头( ) 踩踏( ) 肿胀( ) 想方设法( ) 凭借( ) 蜚声( ) 二、看拼音写词语 Qiāo gōng shuāi jiāo zhā shí fēi shēng yì lì wán qiáng 三、加部首成字,再组词 例:每—— 海(海水) 梅(梅花) 莓(草莓) 尧—— 采—— 中—— 专—— 殳—— 四、按要求填空 字 部首 除部首外 释义 有几笔 曾 拜 凭 五、选择下列各句解释,把正确的填在加点词的后面: 1、梅兰芳为了练出过硬( )的功夫,硬( )是咬着牙((((((坚持着,连腿都站肿了。 A.物体内部的组织紧密,受外力作用后不容易改变形状(跟“软”相对) Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence B.(性格)刚强;(意志)坚定 C. 坚决地(做某事) D. 勉强(miǎn qiǎng)地;固执地 (做某事) E.(能力)强;(质量)好 F. 偏是,就是。 2、练功练功,一日不练三日空( )吗, ((( A.不包含什么;没有内容;不合实际 B.白白地;没有结果的 C.空虚 六、阅读下文。完成练习: 冬天,他自己浇了一个小冰场,踏上高跷,在冰场上跑。那光滑的冰面,不要说踩高跷,就是在上面走路,也难免要摔跤。梅兰芳身上经常被摔得青一块紫一块。每次跌倒,他都立即爬起来,继续练。吴先生看见后,劝他休息几天。梅兰芳说:“先生,您不是常说,练功练功,一日不练三日空吗,”吴先生听后不住地点头。 正是凭着这种顽强的毅力,梅兰芳从小打下了扎实的功底,后来终于成为一名蜚声海内外的京剧艺术大师。 1、 在上文划出描写表现梅兰芳顽强毅力行动的句子。 2、 蜚声海内外的意思是 。 3、 在括号里填上合适的词 ( )的毅力 ( )的功底 ( )的京剧艺术大师 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 4、你知道“练功练功,一日不练三日空”的意思吗, 5、通过课文的学习,你懂得了一个什么道理, 作文课课练 作文训练目标:点面结合的写作手法. 1) 在《燕子专列 》那课,我们已经初步接触了点面结合的 写作手法. 这课也成功运用了这种手法,请你说说,这课 的点讲了什么,哪一句讲的是面,这样运用点面结合的 写作手法有什么好处, 2) 阅读下文,完成练习: 爱迪生小时候,老爱问这问那:“这是什么呀,”“那是什么呀,”他是个爱动脑筋的孩子。 爱迪生5岁的时候,有一天,他看见家里的母鸡老呆在窝里不出来,就“哦嘘哦嘘”地叫着去赶它。可是母鸡歪着脑袋,眨了眨眼睛,一动也不动。 这是怎么回事呀,爱迪生把母鸡抱起来一看,哟,窝里有10多个蛋。奇怪,母鸡今天下了那么多蛋呀,他好奇地跑去问妈妈。 “妈妈,妈妈,母鸡今天下了10多个蛋,这是怎么回事呀,” “母鸡不是在下蛋,是怕蛋着凉。”妈妈把爱迪生搂在Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 怀里说,“妈妈抱着你,你不是暖和多了吗,” 爱迪生更奇怪了,瞪着眼睛问:“妈妈,蛋也跟人一样,会着凉吗,” 妈妈笑起来了,告诉爱迪生,母鸡是在孵蛋呢。母鸡用自己的身子把蛋盖上,蛋就暖和了,蛋里面就会长出小嘴,长出小脚,长出羽毛,变成小鸡,最后,“笃笃笃~”啄破了蛋壳,小鸡就从蛋壳里钻出来了。 爱迪生听了妈妈的话,就跑开了。过了一个钟头,又过了一个钟头,妈妈没有看见爱迪生,心里多着急啊~爸爸心里也很着急,东找西找,啊,原来爱迪生跑到邻居家里去了。他用柴草做了一个窝,里面放了许多蛋,学着母鸡的样子,正蹲着孵小鸡呢~ “孩子,快回家去~” “不,不~妈妈说的,鸡蛋着了凉,就孵不出小鸡来了,我正在孵小鸡呢~” 爸爸看见爱迪生这股傻劲,真觉得好笑,就把爱迪生拉了起来,说:“走吧,傻孩子。你是孵不出小鸡来的。” 爱迪生嘟着嘴说:“我为什么孵不出来呢,” 用横线划出上文的面,并说说上文的点是什么, 3)模仿《梅兰芳练功》点面结合的记事的手法,写一篇小作文——妈妈最爱我 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 17 梅兰芳练功[练习答案] 一、给加?的字注音: 曾经(céng) 砖头(zhuān) 踩踏(cǎi) 肿胀(zhǒng) 想方设法(shè) 凭借(píng) 蜚声(fēi) 二、看拼音写词语 Qiāo gōng shuāi jiāo zhā shí fēi shēng yì lì wán qiáng 跷功 摔跤 扎实 蜚声 毅力 顽强 三、加部首成字,再组词 例:每—— 海(海水) 梅(梅花) 莓(草莓) 绕(绕路) 饶 (富饶) 尧—— 浇(浇水) 采—— 踩(踩踏) 彩(色彩) 菜(素菜) 中—— 种(种粮) 钟(闹钟) 肿(肿胀) 专——转(周转) 砖(砖头) 传(传统) 殳——设(建设) 毅(毅力) 役(劳役) 四、按要求填空 字 部首 除部首外 释义 有几笔 曾 八字旁 10笔 曾经 拜 手字旁 5笔 行礼表示敬意 凭 几字 6笔 靠着 部 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 五、选择下列各句解释,把正确的填在加点词的后面: 1、梅兰芳为了练出过硬( E )的功夫,硬( F )是咬着牙((((((坚持着,连腿都站肿了。 A.物体内部的组织紧密,受外力作用后不容易改变形状(跟“软”相对) B.(性格)刚强;(意志)坚定 C. 坚决地(做某事) D. 勉强(miǎn qiǎng)地;固执地 (做某事) E.(能力)强;(质量)好 F. 偏是,就是。 2、练功练功,一日不练三日空( B )吗, ((( A.不包含什么;没有内容;不合实际 B.白白地;没有结果的 C.空虚 六、阅读下文。完成练习: 冬天,他自己浇了一个小冰场,踏上高跷,在冰场上跑。那光滑的冰面,不要说踩高跷,就是在上面走路,也难免要摔跤。梅兰芳身上经常被摔得青一块紫一块。每次跌倒,他都立即爬起来,继续练。吴先生看见后,劝他休息几天。梅兰芳说:“先生,您不是常说,练功练功,一日不练三日空吗,”吴先生听后不住地点头。 正是凭着这种顽强的毅力,梅兰芳从小打下了扎实的功Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 底,后来终于成为一名蜚声海内外的京剧艺术大师。 4、 在上文划出描写表现梅兰芳顽强毅力行动的句子。 5、 蜚声海内外的意思是名扬国内外。 6、 在括号里填上合适的词 (顽强)的毅力 (扎实 )的功底 (蜚声海内外)的京剧艺术大师 4、你知道“练功练功,一日不练三日空”的意思吗, 只有勤练,功夫才不会生疏。一日不练功,就好比前三日白练了。意思是要做到拳不离手,曲不离口,坚持不懈,天天练习。 5、通过课文的学习,你懂得了一个什么道理, 通过课文的学习,我们懂得了只有凭顽强的毅力,才能取得成功的道理。 作文课课练 作文训练目标:点面结合的写作手法. 2) 在《燕子专列 》那课,我们已经初步接触了点面结合的 写作手法. 这课也成功运用了这种手法,请你说说,这课 的点讲了什么,哪一句讲的是面,这样运用点面结合的 写作手法有什么好处, 这课的点,讲的是梅兰芳苦练跷功的动人事迹。而最后一节的“正是凭着这种顽强的毅力,梅兰芳从小打下了扎实的功底”句,讲的是就是面。我们通过梅兰芳苦练跷功动人事迹Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 的这个点,就能形象生动地想象出梅兰芳是如何苦练京剧各种基本功的。从而我们也就能从中悟出梅兰芳为什么能成为蜚声海内外的京剧艺术大师的原因。从而为我们今后如何做人,如何做事,指明了方向。 2) 阅读下文,完成练习: 爱迪生小时候,老爱问这问那:“这是什么呀,”“那是什么呀,”他是个爱动脑筋的孩子。 爱迪生5岁的时候,有一天,他看见家里的母鸡老呆在窝里不出来,就“哦嘘哦嘘”地叫着去赶它。可是母鸡歪着脑袋,眨了眨眼睛,一动也不动。 这是怎么回事呀,爱迪生把母鸡抱起来一看,哟,窝里有10多个蛋。奇怪,母鸡今天下了那么多蛋呀,他好奇地跑去问妈妈。 “妈妈,妈妈,母鸡今天下了10多个蛋,这是怎么回事呀,” “母鸡不是在下蛋,是怕蛋着凉。”妈妈把爱迪生搂在怀里说,“妈妈抱着你,你不是暖和多了吗,” 爱迪生更奇怪了,瞪着眼睛问:“妈妈,蛋也跟人一样,会着凉吗,” 妈妈笑起来了,告诉爱迪生,母鸡是在孵蛋呢。母鸡用自己的身子把蛋盖上,蛋就暖和了,蛋里面就会长出小嘴,长出小脚,长出羽毛,变成小鸡,最后,“笃笃笃~”啄破了Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence 蛋壳,小鸡就从蛋壳里钻出来了。 爱迪生听了妈妈的话,就跑开了。过了一个钟头,又过了一个钟头,妈妈没有看见爱迪生,心里多着急啊~爸爸心里也很着急,东找西找,啊,原来爱迪生跑到邻居家里去了。他用柴草做了一个窝,里面放了许多蛋,学着母鸡的样子,正蹲着孵小鸡呢~ “孩子,快回家去~” “不,不~妈妈说的,鸡蛋着了凉,就孵不出小鸡来了,我正在孵小鸡呢~” 爸爸看见爱迪生这股傻劲,真觉得好笑,就把爱迪生拉了起来,说:“走吧,傻孩子。你是孵不出小鸡来的。” 爱迪生嘟着嘴说:“我为什么孵不出来呢,” 用横线划出上文的面,并说说上文的点是什么, 上文的点,讲的是爱迪生孵小鸡的故事 3)模仿《梅兰芳练功》点面结合的记事的手法,写一篇小作文——妈妈最爱我 Japan guard and sui, respectively stationed counties songling, shengze, ping Wang, zhenze town and transport hub, building positions, establishment of mantell, implementing dots occupation. Then in other towns and large rural areas without the enemy garrison. Local over-abundance guerrillas in Wujiang, in which famous Cheng Wanjun, Zhao Anmin force in Taihu Lake area, strict area of Zhu Xi's Tomb, Wuzhen, Wang Hesong forces north, luqu, Lili forcefully Hao Daosheng, Chen Ayou Yixing troops each for the party. The first half of 1938, third war zone Commander of the Kuomintang and Chairman of the Jiangsu Province, Gu zhutong, appointed commander Cheng Zeren Shen Liqun and against self-defence
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