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演讲时如何消除紧张心理演讲时如何消除紧张心理 文章导读:演讲者不应在上台演讲前多想可能导致演讲失败的因素,如“不要紧张不要害怕”、“我忘了演讲词怎么办,”、“听众嘲笑我怎么办,”等等。这种负面的自我暗示往往会导致失败的结局。在现实生活中大家„„ 建立自信、充分准备和适应变化是消除紧张心理的主要途径,但在演讲过程中,我们还可以运用以下具体方法来消除紧张心理。 自信暗示法 提纲记忆法 目光训练法 呼吸调节法 调整动作法 专注所说法 预讲练习法 自信暗示法 演讲者不应在上台演讲前多想可能导致演讲失败的因素,如“不要紧张不要害怕”、“...
演讲时如何消除紧张心理 文章导读:演讲者不应在上台演讲前多想可能导致演讲失败的因素,如“不要紧张不要害怕”、“我忘了演讲词怎么办,”、“听众嘲笑我怎么办,”等等。这种负面的自我暗示往往会导致失败的结局。在现实生活中大家„„ 建立自信、充分准备和适应变化是消除紧张心理的主要途径,但在演讲过程中,我们还可以运用以下具体方法来消除紧张心理。 自信暗示法 提纲记忆法 目光训练法 呼吸调节法 调整动作法 专注所说法 预讲练习法 自信暗示法 演讲者不应在上台演讲前多想可能导致演讲失败的因素,如“不要紧张不要害怕”、“我忘了演讲词怎么办,”、“听众嘲笑我怎么办,”等等。这种负面的自我暗示往往会导致失败的结局。在现实生活中大家也经常会看到这样一幕:小宝宝手里端着一个玻璃杯子,妈妈在一旁就特别担心小宝宝把杯子给打碎了,所以就对小宝宝说:“不要打碎、不要打碎、千万千万不要打碎~”结果还是打碎了。更有趣的是the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 到了晚上,妈妈就嘱咐小宝宝不要尿床、不要尿床、千万千万不要尿床~结果怎么样,又尿床了。 为什么是这样呢,从心理学角度讲,人的潜意识分不清楚是非对错,正确与否,它只接受肯定的信息。什么不要打碎、不要尿床、不要紧张、不要害怕等否定信息一概排斥,潜意识只接受打碎、尿床、紧张和害怕的肯定信息。 所以演讲者对自己的演讲材和演讲效果要充满自信,更要在精神上鼓励自己去争取成功。演讲者可以用以下积极正面的文字反复暗示、刺激自己:“我的演讲内容对听众具有极大的价值,听众一听一定会喜欢”;“我非常熟悉这类演讲题材,我一定会成功”;“我已准备得非常充分了”,等等。每次在演讲前暗示自己:我会讲得很好,会讲得很成功,听众会非常喜欢听我的演讲。想象演讲结束,听众掌声雷动的情形,热血沸腾的动人场面。这个方法我屡试不爽。 提纲记忆法 初学演讲者常常把能够背诵演讲稿作为准备充分的标志。背诵记忆,对于初学演讲者可能是一种必要的准备方式。但是,背诵依赖的是机械记忆,逐字逐句的记忆不仅耗费演讲者大量的时间,而且容易造成演讲者心理麻痹。实际的演讲过程中,一旦因怯场、听众骚动,设备等突然出现故障而打断了演讲者的思路,机械记忆的链条往往就被截断,演讲者脑海中会一片空白,导致演讲停顿。此外,单纯的背诵记忆,还极易形成机械单调的“背”节奏,丧失了演讲应该具备的激情和人情。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 着名政治家、演讲家丘吉尔,年轻时也常常背诵演讲稿而后发演讲。在一次国会会议的演讲中,丘吉尔突然忘记了下面的一句话,他不断重复最后一句话仍然无济于事,最后只得面红耳赤地回到座位上。从此,丘吉尔放弃了背诵演讲稿的准备方式。 对于大多数的演讲来说,我们提倡用提纲要点记忆法。提纲要点记忆的一般程序是:首先,就有关演讲的主题、论点、事例和数据等做好演讲笔记,最后整理成翻阅方便的卡片。然后,对笔记或卡片上的材料深思、比较并补充,整理出一份粗略的演讲提纲,提纲注明各段的小标题。最后,在各段小标题下面按序补充那些重要的概念、定义、数据、人名、地名和关键性词句。至此,一份演讲提纲基本完成。在整理演讲材料和编排纲目的过程中,演讲者应反复思考和熟悉了解自己的演讲内容,而在演讲时仅仅将演讲提纲作为提示记忆的依据。 初学演讲者往往害怕与听众进行眼神的交流,于是出现了低头、抬头、侧身等影响演讲效果的不正确的姿势。演讲者正视演讲对象,这不仅是出于演讲者的礼貌,更重要的是演讲者与听众全方位互动交流的需要。初学演讲者不妨按以下方法来训练:找人与自己对视,并且在此过程中不要讲话。或者也可以像我在初学演讲时一样,我经常在早上散步的时候,故意从那些参加晨练扭秧歌的大妈面前走过,我用眼神与她们对视交流,想象在对她们进行演讲。每次在坐地铁的时候,人群往上走我就看着他们的眼睛往下走,想象如果在对他们发表演讲,我应该用一种什么样的眼神与他们交流。在“中国公众演说特训营”的班上我也都要求学员做目光对视训练。平时在底下养成the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 习惯了,上台看听众也就非常自然了。 呼吸调节法 适度的深呼吸有助于缓解紧张、焦躁、烦闷的情绪。演讲者在临场发生怯场时,可以运用深呼吸法进行心理和生理调节:演讲者全身呈放松状态,目光转移到远方景物,做缓慢的腹式深呼吸,根据情况做五到十次,甚至更多次。很多运动员、歌星、主持人,他们在上场时也做深呼吸来调节自己的情绪。其实,这在心理学上叫注意力转移法。原来把注意力放在担心上,现在不过是把注意力转移到深呼吸上,以此来让自己放松平静下来。 调节动作法 你在台上紧张的时候,会发现你的浑身肌肉紧缩着,绷得紧紧的,这个时候你换个动作,换个姿势,会直接减轻你的紧张程度。或者是握紧双拳,握得不能再紧之后放松,这样反复练习,多做几下身体就会慢慢放松下来。 还有一种土办法,有些主持人参加我的培训时告诉我,刚开始也没有人教他们怎么克服紧张,每当紧张的时候,就用力地掐自己,就能马上分散或转移注意力。朋友们的这些方法很简单也很实用,不妨尝试一下。 专注所说法 专注自己的说话,就是把注意力全部专注在你要演讲的内容上,而不是放在听众怎么评价我,对我形成什么样的印象上。其实演讲的最高境界就是忘了自己,面向听众,专注所说。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth 专注自己的说话,其实也是注意力转移的一种方法。我们常常是面对听众会紧张,但自己说话不会紧张,所以将注意力全部放在讲话本身上,而无暇顾及听众的反应,无暇关注听众,自然就会减轻紧张程度。 预讲练习法 与前面的几种方法相比,更重要的是多讲多练,积累成功的经验。讲一次不行,讲十次,三十次,五十次,肯定会越来越能够把握自己。 预讲练习有两种方式: 第一种,为了纠正语音,锻炼遣词造句能力,训练形体语言,演讲者可以自撰一个演讲题,或模仿名家的演讲,在僻静处独自演练。着名演讲家,美国第十六任总统林肯,青年时代就经常模仿律师、传教士的演讲,独自一个人对着森林和玉米地反复练习。 第二种,为了参加正式的演讲比赛或在规格较高的会议上发表演讲,有必要进行试讲。这种试讲最好邀请一些亲朋好友充当听众,一则可以模拟现场气氛,二则可以听取亲朋好友的意见和建议。 我本人也经常在早晚散步的时候练习演讲,更多的时候在正式演讲之前,我会在办公室里对着一面大镜子练习。这样能够更好地调整面部表情、手势等肢体语言。 大量的预讲练习可以帮助演讲者建立充分的自信,而且还便于自己更好地去发挥,避免因准备不充分或不适应演讲环境而引起的惊慌失措。中国有句古语叫熟能生巧,就是这个道理。 the intelligent integration of operations management. The weak system of the programme covers rehabilitation center renovation and expansion (phase I) comprehensive medical building of the new rehabilitation building weak electricity system construction and the 1th floor (East building, floor, West Wing), 2nd floor, looked after the weak electricity system. Construction guideline 1.4 with the conception of scientific development and security development concept-driven, focusing on characteristics of the rehabilitation centres and related technical management regulations, adhere to the "system stable and reliable support, reasonable structure, scientific and applicable," the guiding ideology of establishing reliable, functional rehabilitation centre for applied weak application system. 1.5 design principles according to rehabilitation center of features and requirements, in technology advanced, and save practical, and based current, and oriented future of principles, weak system construction project will from actual starting, as selection products mature, and quality stable of equipment and the system, in meet owners actual needs of while, can guarantee with system of development support smooth
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