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关于成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”机构的请示关于成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”机构的请示 新林报„2014?32号 签发人:覃志高 关于成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”机构的 请示 大新县机构编制委员会: 根据国务院办公厅《关于公布山西灵空山等23处新建国家级自然保护区名单的通知》,国办发„2013?111号,文件精神~为进一步推进广西恩城自然保护区的建设和管理~充分发挥自然保护区在保护生物多样性、维护国土生态安全、建设生态文明和促进经济社会可持续发展方面的重要作用。经局党委研究~拟决定成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”~现将该单位机构设置相关材料呈报如下~请给...
关于成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”机构的请示 新林报„2014?32号 签发人:覃志高 关于成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”机构的 请示 大新县机构编制委员会: 根据国务院办公厅《关于公布山西灵空山等23处新建国家级自然保护区名单的通知》,国办发„2013?111号,文件精神~为进一步推进广西恩城自然保护区的建设和管理~充分发挥自然保护区在保护生物多样性、维护国土生态安全、建设生态文明和促进经济社会可持续发展方面的重要作用。经局党委研究~拟决定成立“广西恩城自然保护区管理局”~现将该单位机构设置相关材料呈报如下~请给予批示。 特此请示 authenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requirements. internal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation support for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and in-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support 附:1.广西恩城自然保护区管理局机构设置概况 2.国务院办公厅关于公布山西灵空山等23处新建国家 级自然保护区名单的通知 2014年3月27日 大新县林业局办公室 2014年3月27日 ts.vision will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requiremenauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Di gineerina an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and eneological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in Chand g aller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmentalwall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smining o ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retarganization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is ttion oods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construct for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methorinternal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp-has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit supportengineering design, rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-ing practice on comprehensive and in 2 - 附件1: 广西恩城自然保护区管理局 机构设置概况 一、机构性质:大新县人民政府派出机构 二、编制及领导职数:核定编制60名~设局长一名~副局长两名。 三、机构级别:正科级 四、主要职能:贯彻国家有关保护的法律、法规和政策的实施~制定、实行各项#管理#~负责人事、财务、保护管理、科研监测、经营活动等重大事项的管理和决策。负责向市林业局工作~完成其下达的工作任务~接受国家林业局和自治区林业厅的业务指导。 五、内设机构及其职责 ,一,综合办公室 负责行政事务和后勤管理工作~包括、公关、文秘、档案、统计、内务管理及后勤管理工作,承办党务、纪检、监察、机构编制、人事劳动等方面的具体工作。 ,二,计划财务科 负责财务管理工作~承担保护区长远和年度计划的编制、申 nt files related requirements.he Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives managemeauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with t Foundhydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective f temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under differentfety on Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural sacing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundatio. Brathe excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system cesses of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit isort for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various prointernal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp-engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-city's highdepth, but with the development of China's construction, the -0th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and ination is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 2 3 - 报、统计工作,编制保护区财务计划~做好预决算,准确及时地处理财务往来帐目~管好用好固定资产。 ,三,资源保护科 负责制定保护区自然保护管理制度~编制管理计划、年度巡护计划、年度监测计划,建设监测评估体系,执行国家和自治区制定的有关自然保护的法律、法规和政策,在保护区内行使林业行政主管部门授予的林政处罚权,负责设立并管理界碑标桩和指示牌等有关保护标志,对管理站、管护点、监测站的工作人员进行业务指导和监督管理,负责低效生态林改造等植被恢复工程~负责森林防火工作。 ,四,科研宣教科 以开展常规性科研工作为主~编制科研报告~协同有关国内外专家和大专院校在保护区进行的科研和科考活动~为保护区有效保护和管理提供科学依据,负责制定公众环境教育~对民众进行科学普及宣传教育。 ,五,资源合理利用科 专门负责保护区对外沟通交流项目~联系共管委员会和联合委员会~包括与村,社区,共管条例的制定、共管活动的开展,与其他相关利益群体合作的事务~制作宣传材料~定期举行座谈会、年度会议~开发村,社区,发展项目等。 ts.vision will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requiremenauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Di -has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit supportengineering design, rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-ing practice on comprehensive and ingineerina an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and eneological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in Chand g aller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmentalwall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smining o ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retarganization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is ttion oods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construct for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methorinternal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp 4 - ,六,公安派出所 是保护区的社会安全保障系统~负责保护区内的社会治安工作~及时处理自然保护区内所发生的违法事件和破坏性案件,防灾救灾,森林防火工作,对内负责安全保卫和保密工作等。 ,七,管理站 执行管理局的工作安排~制定管理站的年度工作计划~负责辖区内自然资源的保护管理、护林防火、生态监测、科研与宣传教育、社区发展等工作~负责管理局安排的其他工作。 ,八,管护点 负责辖区内的巡护工作~制定巡护计划、巡护线路~做好护林防火宣传教育~完成管理局、管理站交给的其他工作。 nt files related requirements.he Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives managemeauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with t -engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-city's highdepth, but with the development of China's construction, the -0th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and ination is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 2Foundhydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective f temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under differentfety on Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural sacing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundatio. Brathe excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system cesses of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit isort for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various prointernal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp 5 - 附件2: 国务院办公厅关于公布山西灵空山等23处新 建国家级自然保护区名单的通知 国办发 „2013?111号 各省、自治区、直辖市人民政府~国务院各部委、各直属机构: 山西灵空山等23处新建国家级自然保护区已经国务院审定~现将名单予以公布。新建国家级自然保护区的面积、范围和功能分区等由环境保护部另行公布。有关地区要按照批准的面积和范围组织勘界~落实自然保护区土地权属~并在规定的时限内标明区界~予以公告。 自然保护区是生态文明建设的重要载体。建立自然保护区是落实生态保护红线制度、维护国家生态安全的有效措施~是加快转变经济发展方式、实现可持续发展的积极手段。山西灵空山等23处国家级自然保护区主要保护对象的典型性、稀有性、濒危性和代性较强~在保护生物多样性和生物资源、维护生态系统服务功能等方面具有重要作用。 有关地区和部门要严格执行自然保护区条例等有关规定~认真贯彻《国务院办公厅关于做好自然保护区管理有关工作的通知》,国办发„2010?63号,要求~切实加强对自然保护区工 ts.vision will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requiremenauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Di ina an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and eneological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in Chand g aller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmentalwall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smining o ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retarganization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is ttion oods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construct for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methorinternal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp-has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit supportengineering design, rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-ing practice on comprehensive and ingineer 6 - 作的领导、协调和监督~妥善处理好自然保护区管理与当地经济建设及居民生产生活的关系~确保各项管理措施得到落实~不断提高国家级自然保护区建设和管理水平。 国务院办公厅 2013年12月25日 ,此件公开发布, nt files related requirements.he Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives managemeauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with t -engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-city's highdepth, but with the development of China's construction, the -0th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and ination is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 2Foundhydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective f temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under differentfety on Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural sacing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundatio. Brathe excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system cesses of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit isort for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various prointernal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp 7 - 新建国家级自然保护区名单 ,共计23处, 山西省 灵空山国家级自然保护区 内蒙古自治区 罕山国家级自然保护区 青山国家级自然保护区 吉林省 白山原麝国家级自然保护区 四平山门中生代火山国家级自然保护区 黑龙江省 中央站黑嘴松鸡国家级自然保护区 茅兰沟国家级自然保护区 明水国家级自然保护区 湖北省 十八里长峡国家级自然保护区 湖南省 西洞庭湖国家级自然保护区 九嶷山国家级自然保护区 ts.vision will be in strict accordance with the Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives management files related requiremenauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Di ina an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 20th century research and eneological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective Foundation is a foundation in Chand g aller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under different hydrological environmentalwall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural safety of temporary reserves are smining o ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundation Pit and used the pit retarganization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system. Bracing of foundation pit is ttion oods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit is the excavation of construct for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various processes of construction methorinternal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp-has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit supportengineering design, rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-depth, but with the development of China's construction, the city's high-ing practice on comprehensive and ingineer 8 - 金童山国家级自然保护区 广西壮族自治区 邦亮长臂猿国家级自然保护区 恩城国家级自然保护区 元宝山国家级自然保护区 四川省 栗子坪国家级自然保护区 云南省 乌蒙山国家级自然保护区 陕西省 老县城国家级自然保护区 观音山国家级自然保护区 甘肃省 黄河首曲国家级自然保护区 青海省 大通北川河源区国家级自然保护区 宁夏回族自治区 火石寨丹霞地貌国家级自然保护区 新疆维吾尔自治区 布尔根河狸国家级自然保护区 nt files related requirements.he Zhuhai municipal urban construction archives managemeauthenticity, accuracy of the information. Specific documentation and Management Division will be in strict accordance with t Foundhydrological environmental and geological conditions are vastly. Effects complex excavation, excavat ... Directory objective f temporary reserves are smaller, more risk. Foundation pit structure has a strong regional. Excavation works under differentfety on Pit and used the pit retaining wall reinforcement and protection . Bracing of Foundation Pit structure is the structural sacing of foundation pit is to ensure that excavation and foundation construction for the smooth and safe environment Foundatio. Brathe excavation of construction organization design of an underground space below the surface and a coordinated support system cesses of construction methods and problems. Key words: support schemes, diaphragm walls, supports Abstract Foundation Pit isort for the theory, data analysis, and finally construction organization illustrates the various prointernal force calculation of reinforced, checking, support design and deformation analysis on Foundation pit excavation supp-engineering design, has also produced a large number of deep Foundation pit support rise buildings springing, which greatly promoted the development of theory and construction technology of deep Foundation pit-city's highdepth, but with the development of China's construction, the -0th century research and engineering practice on comprehensive and ination is a foundation in China an important research directions in the field. Excavation began only in the late 1980 of the 2 9 -
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