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商务信函为对方没收到货物道歉商务信函为对方没收到货物道歉 商务信函为对方没收到货物道歉 篇一: 商务英语信件写作: 道歉信件在线英语外教一对一培训://商务英语信件写作: 道歉信件道歉 Apologies 有时我们需要表达歉意,往往是因为自己做过某件事、没有去做某件事或者没能够去做 某件事。道歉应该是真诚的,而且应该强调是你自己的过错,或者解释你没能够去做某事的 原因。你应该: 1.道歉。2.解释发生了的事情。3.保证将来不会再发生了。4.最后,再次道歉。常用句型Formal 正式的 1. I really must apolo...
商务信函为对方没收到货物道歉 商务信函为对方没收到货物道歉 篇一: 商务英语信件写作: 道歉信件在线英语外教一对一培训://商务英语信件写作: 道歉信件道歉 Apologies 有时我们需要表达歉意,往往是因为自己做过某件事、没有去做某件事或者没能够去做 某件事。道歉应该是真诚的,而且应该强调是你自己的过错,或者解释你没能够去做某事的 原因。你应该: 1.道歉。2.解释发生了的事情。3.保证将来不会再发生了。4.最后,再次道歉。常用句型Formal 正式的 1. I really must apologize for…我真得为……道歉。2. I am sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you.我对由此给您带来的麻烦表 示歉意。3. 1 would like to express my apologies for…我要为……表达我的歉意。4. It is with great regret that…非常抱歉,…… 5. I regret that I have caused you…我为给你造成的?一道歉。6. I hope you will forgive me for…我希望你能就……之事原谅我。7. I am writing to apologize for…我为……之事写信道歉。8. I am writing to express my apology for…我为……之事特此写信表达歉意。9. Please accept my apology for…请接受我就……之事的道歉。10. My apologies for not being able to…我为未能……道歉。Informal 非正式的 在线英语外教一‎‎对一培训:// 1. I am so sorry…非常抱歉…… 2. I really feel bad about。……我真的觉得对不起。3. I m sorry I couldn t…对不起,我没能…… 4. I m sorry for…对不起,…… 5. I apologize for…我为……道歉。6. I am really sorry…真对不起,…… 7. I really didn t mean to offend you when I…当我……,我真的不是故意要冒犯你。8. Sorry for the…对不起,…… 9. Sorry mate.对不住,哥们儿。经典范文 Subject:Apology Dear Mrs. Hoo. I feel I owe you a personal apology for my insensitive ment at the meeting yesterday. I know these days since John s funeral have been very difficult for you,and I was clearly out of order in making reference to merry widows. I m sorry you had to suffer from my foolishness. I hope you will be able to forgive me. I have tremendous respect for you and your abilities, and I hope we can continue to work well together. I m terribly sorry. Regards, Tom本文来自金嘴巴英语: :///forum/read-31635-13.html 篇二: 商务信函考试题假设你是恒弛实业有限公司(Hengchi Industries Co. ,ltd.)的业务员 Leon, 一客户给你公司发来 邮件,表示对你们公司的产品质量很满意,认为你方报价偏高,要求你们减价。你方收到信 后,经过研究,认为你方的报价与现行价 格相符,因此拒绝对方的还盘。请你给该客户回一 封函电表明你方观点, 写信时间为 2017 年 5 月 8 日。你的公司地址: Room601, Tianshi Mansion, Siyuanqiao 47#, Shanghai, P. R. China,电话: (021)56248632,传真: Fax: (021)56245832,邮 箱: hc@msn.L. P. G. International Corporation333 Barron Blvd. , Ingleside , Illinois ( United States ) , 60041 Tel: 1 847 543-4658 Fax: 1 847 543-7152 E-mail: lpg@msn.May 7, 2017Dear Leon, We are glad to receive your letter of May 6 but sorry to find that your prices are rather on the high side. We appreciate your prompt response to our enquiry and would like to take this opportunity to conclude some transactions with you. We would, therefore, suggest that you make some allowance, say 5% on your quoted prices so as to enable us to introduce your products to our customers. Since we have a thorough knowledge of the market and an extensive sales organization in USA, we feel confident to promote the sales of your products. Therefore, we hope you will consider our counter-offer favorably and let us have your acceptance by telex.Yours faithfully, L. P. G. International Corporation Cherry请在下一页回复 Cherry 的邮件 篇三: 商务信函发 09 级 1-3 班复习资料English Practical Writing ?We have learned English for three years and major in Intensive reading, Extensive reading, Listening, Spoken English, Translation, Writing (narration, description and exposition). From this semester we should learn English Practical writing .For example ,we should write a letter of invitation, a letter of business , a letter of self-remendation, a letter of application and so on.商务信函?商务信函 (business letter)不同于社交书信,它是商务活动中不可缺少的内容,写好商 务信函,不仅有助于为本公司树立良好的形象,而且,对促成交易也有积极作用。 一、写好商务信函的基本原则 ?写商务信函,没有必要以嘘寒问暖作为开始,而 应该开门见山,简明扼要。在写商务信函 时,力求简洁、朴实而又不失人情味。 1. 简洁 ?简洁(brevity)明了是一封好的商务信件的必备条件。能用 50 个词表达的意思, ?如果用了 200 个词,不但浪费他人时间及自己的时间,而且也使得文体累赘,使本来简单 清楚的事情复杂化,让人不得要领。?当然,要求简洁并不是要使书信像电报一样,没有一个多余的词。有时,为了给书信增添几分人情味,加上一些词语也属书信写作的一种策略和必要。问题是作者怎样把握好,简‖ 与,繁‖ 这个,度‖。删繁就简是必须的,但我们主张删除的是那些不增加任何新信息的无意义 的、重复的和累赘的字、词、短语和句子。例 2-1-1 力求简洁之一 Original manuscript: ?Dear Sir or Madam:With the reference to your request for an extension on your note under date of March 20 we have considered the matter carefully and are pleased to tell you that we will be willing to allow you an additional ninety days to make payment on your note. ? Very cordially yours, (50) Revised pattern:??Dear Sir or Madam: ? We are pleased to allow you an additional ninety days to pay your note dated March 20. ? Very cordially yours, 例 2-1-2 力求简洁之二 Original manuscript: ?Dear Sir or Madam: ? In looking at your current catalog, I notice that the emergency couch on page 50 (No. 273-1960) is show in the illustration in the colour of blue. However, in the description provided under the illustration, the colors listed as being available are black, ivory, green and red. Does this mean that the color of the couch in the illustration is not available at this time? ? If I could obtain the blue vinyl, which would match our dé cor, I would place an order in the near future for at the price of $ 118.50 each. But I do not wish to order any of the other colors that1 you list in your description in the catalog.(116)?Very cordially yours,Revised pattern: ?Dear Sir or Madam: ? Is the emergency couch on page 50 of your catalog available in the blue vinyl illustrated? The colors listed as available do not include blue. ? If the blue vinyl couch is available, I will place an order for four. (40 words) ? Very cordially yours, 例 2-1-3 力求简洁之三 ?Original manuscript: ?Although it is our policy to accept returned merchandise that is in good condition, returned merchandise that is not salable cannot be accepted. ?Revised pattern: ? We accept only merchandise that can be resold. 例 2-1-4 力求简洁之四 ?Original manuscript: ? When we print your form letters, your customers will not recognize them as form letters. The letters will appear to be individually typewritten. ?Revised pattern: ? When we print your form letters, your customers will think they were individually typewritten. 2. 朴实 ?许多人以为使用诘屈聱牙的,大词‖可以体现自己 的写作水平,因此每每下笔,总是搜肠刮 肚, 寻找深奥罕见的词儿来堆砌。殊不知这样做在多数情况下只会让人云里雾里而使书信丧 失交际的价值,最终得到的是负面作用。?当然我们并不反对运用丰富的词汇来表达丰富的思想,有一些,大词‖是无法替代的,只要用得恰当,不影响读者的理解,它们可以为文章增添几分文采。?可是在商务书信中,我们主张摒弃华而不实、高深莫测的词语,选用那些平实、最为人们 熟悉的词语。商务书信不同于其他书信, 根本之处在于它的功利性, 其主要目的是促成交易, 而一封词语平实、 意义清楚的信要比一封由华丽、 成功。根本之处在于它的功利性,其主高深的词语书写的信件更容易促成交易的 要目的是促成交易,而一封词语平实、意义清楚的信 要比一封由华丽、高深的词语书写的信件更容易促成交易的成功。写信,就是用书面的形式与对方交谈。?如果想把信息完整的传达给对方, 那就不宜说: ,My analytical evaluation of the incentive plan that has been instituted revealed myriad discrepancies and inconsistencies, with the inevitable result that serious inequities prevail among personnel.‖ ?可以这样说: ,I have s‎‎tudied our incentive plan carefully and I think some changes are in order. What bothers me most about it is that the plan is very fair to some, but not at all fair to others.‖ 即使收信人是一位颇有文化修养的人, 用平实而非艳丽的词语仍然不失是上策, 这并不2 是因为收信人不‎‎能理解你的意思,而是因为平实的文体较之华丽的文体更加活泼、 生动。例 2-1-5 体现朴实之一 Original manuscript: ?The contract enclosed herewith requires your signature before it can be executed and should be directed to the undersigned. Revised pattern: ?Please sign the contract enclosed and return it to me. 例 2-1-6 体现朴实之二 ?Original manuscript: ? The expedition manner in which you executed our high-priority order for maple seedling is hereby gratefully acknowledged. ?Revised pattern: ? The maple seedling arrived this morning and I can’t thank you enough for this fast service. 3. 人情味 ?文章是写给他人看的,商务书信自然也不例外。人是有感情的。如果写信时能将对方看 作 是一个活生生的人,而不是一个不具感情和生命的东西,那就会自然的流露出 一种人情味 (human touch), 而这会有助于商务活动的顺利展开。我们难以想象下面这封由一名经销经 理写给一位新结交的顾客的信件会打动顾客,从而促成一笔 交易。例 2-1-7 缺乏人情味的一封商业信函 ?Dear Sir or Madam: ? This will acknowledge your order for sixteen Multi-Craft sanders and eight disc grinders. This order will be shipped promptly. Thank you for your business. Version : ?此信系对贵公司订购 16 台多轴砂带磨光机和 8 台盘磨机的确认。该订货将尽快装运。感谢惠顾。Explanation: ?纯粹从买卖交易角度来看,这封信尚属不错。所有必要的三个内容(收到订单,立即发货, 致谢)都说到了。遗憾的是这封信缺了 一点个人感情色彩。下面例 2,1,8 这封信虽然所涉 及的事情与上例一样,但由 于增加了几分人情味,语气顿时变得亲切、友好了。例 2-1-8 有人情味的一封信 函 ?Dear Mr. Rosetti: ? Just last month Hal Milsap and I were talking about how we might persuade you to carry our Multi-Craft line of power tool at Four Comers Building Supplies. Then this morning Hal Strode in and handed me your order for sixteen belt sanders and eight disc grinders. I didn’t get to keep it very long because Hal grabbed it, saying something about ,getting these items on the truck this afternoon.‖?We’re might happy, Mr. Rosetti, that a reputable store like yours has chosen Multi-Craft tools. Iadmit prejudice when I say that they’re in a class by themselves, but I’m predicting that you’ll have such success with them that you’ll think I’ve been modest! ? Hal will be in touch with you soon to see how he can help you with your display and promotion. And if I can do anything, just pick up the phone and call me.3 ? ?Thank you--- and good luck! Sincerely yours,Explanation:?值得注意的是,虽然人情味是必要的,但不可过度,否则会因情感过多过滥而显得矫揉造作 。 二、商务信函种种 ? 1. 询价信与回函 ?询价信(a letter of inquiry)一般包括希望购买商品的名称、价格、交货日期、品质以及其 它交易条件。例 2-2-1 询价信之一 ?Please quote best prices and earliest delivery for your SL212 and SL212-X slicers. Kindly include any other information you feel would be pertinent. Version:?关于贵公司的 SL212 型和 SL212-X 型切片机,请告知最优价格及最快的交货日期。如有相关资料,也请附寄。例 2-2-2 询价信之二 ?Dear Sir, ? A purchasing organization in this city has asked us to purchase a large quantity of soy beans in your place. How is the present market of soy beans there? We would appreciate it if you would let us know the quotation of each grade, available quantity, freight and other related information. Version:?本市一家买主向我们购买贵地的大量黄豆, 不知当地目前黄豆市场的行情如何,如若贵 方能告知每种黄豆等级的价格、可供数量、运输方式和其它有关的信息,我们将不胜感谢。询价信的回函(reply to inquiry)?对询价信的回函(reply to inquiry)一般应包括下述内容: 说明收到询函,致谢和答复。例 2-2-3 对询价信的回函之一 ?Dear Sir or Madam: ?Thank you for your inquiry of June 8 regarding our line of fully automatic probers. The information you requested is as follows: ?? Prices: ? Model IFP-140A: $9870.00 f.o.b. Tokyo. ?? Delivery: ? Sixty (60) days from receipt of firm order.?? Payment:Within 90 days of shipment. Please note that a 10% volume discount is granted for orders of five or more units. ?Enclosed is some additional technical information on the probers. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you require any further information. ? Sincerely yours, Version: ?非常感谢贵公司 6 月 8 日来函询问敝公司全自动探测器的情况,现答复如下: ?? 价格: IEP-140A 型东京离岸价为$9870.00? 4 ?? 交货日期: 收到订单 60 日后 ?? 付款日期: 出货后 90 日内 ?若订购 5 组以上,可享 10,的折扣。?另附上探测器技术方面的附加资料。若还需其他信息,请随时与我们联系。例 2-2-4 对询价信的回函之二 ?Dear Sir or Madam: ? We thank you for your letter of 11th June, requesting details of our new range of Queen Anne reproduction furniture. ? We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our illustrated brochure, together with our latest price list. Version : ? 感谢您于 6 月 11 日来信要求了解新的安妮皇后牌系列仿古家具。? 我们很高兴能为您寄去产品图例手册和最新的价格表。2. 订购信及订单的确认和取消?订购信 是在同意了卖方的交易条件后开具的商务信件。一般应包括: 所订物品,交货日期,物品品质。例 2-2-5 订购信 ? We are pleased to place an order as per the order sheet enclosed. We are in urgent need of the goods, therefore we ask you to arrange shipment so that they may arrive here by the 20th next month. We shall appreciate your attending to our instructions on the quality. Version : ?很乐意向贵公司订货,所订货物,见附上的我们订单。我们急需这批货,请务必安排在下月 20 日前运到,并保证货物质量。例 2-2-6 发订单 ? We are in receipt of your letter of August 16 enclosing patterns and price list. ? We enclose our order sheet. Your attention will be appreciated. Version : ?8 月 16 日尊函附来的样本和价目单均已收悉。随信附上我们的订单,敬祈查收 为荷。?确认订单是对订购信(单)的答复,一般包括收到订单,致谢,对交货日期及货物品质等 要求做出保证等内容。例 2-2-7 确认订单之一 ?Your order of the 10th has been received today. We thank you for your favour. We assure you that we will proceed with the execution so that we may deliver it by the date indicated. Version:?今收到阁下本月 10 日开来的订单,承蒙惠顾,深表感谢。订购的货物,保证将如期交付。例 2-2-8 确认订单之二 ? We accept your order as you propose. We enclose the contract. Please sign and return it to us at your earliest convenience. Version : ?我们悉照尊意,接受阁下的订单。兹将寄上,签署后,得便请即寄回。5 Explanation:?取消订单的决定是在不能答应买方的某些条件等情况下做出的。由于不能成交,书写这些信函时应注意阐明取消订单的原因。语气应尽量婉转,力争做 到生意不成人情在。例 2-2-9 取消订单之一 ? We inform you that your order dated March 6 cannot be accepted at the price you requested because of the rise in the prices of raw materials and labor services. We ask you to refer to the enclosed price list. If our price is acceptable to you, we will execute your order in accordance with your instructions on the quantity and date of shipment. We appreciate your understanding our circumstances, and wait for your order. Version : ? 关于您于 3 月 6 日所开出的订单,我们谨通知您: 因原料涨价,工资增加,我们不能接 受阁下的出价。这里附上价目单一份,如果您认为定价合适,我们便遵照阁下订单中开例的 数量和装运日期,按时交货。希 望阁下理解我们的处境,谨此致谢,并候佳音。例 2-2-10 取消订单之二 ? Thank you for your order. We want to execute your order at once, but we transact all business on cash payment. Whether the customer is new or old, we never do business on credit. Our prices are all lower than those of any petitors. So we would appreciate your understanding our position. Version:?谢谢您的订单。所订的货物,我们很希望能立即发运。但我们所有生意的往来,不论新 老客户,一律现金交易,从不赊账。我 们的出价均低于其他公司,希望予以谅解,并致谢忱。3. 函索有关商品信息?函索 样品和价目单时,应具体说明需要何种物品的样品以及价格,并致谢。例 2-2-11 samples of lace curtain cloth with catalogs and prices lists. 索取价目单?please send us We appreciate yourprompt attention to this matter. Version:?请速将贵公司的花边窗帘布样连同目录和价格单寄来,多谢及时关照。例 2-2-12 索取样本和价目单 ?Dear Sir : ? March next year will mark the 30th anniversary of the foundation of our firm. In order to memorate it, we are planning to hold a special sale. In this connection, we will sell popular lines of American goods. So may we ask you to send us samples of various lines with price lists? Thank you for your attention. ? Sincerely yours, Version:?明年 3 月是我公司创业三十周年庆典,届时拟进行特价酬宾。并销售一些受欢迎的美国商 品。请阁下将各种货品的样本和价目单寄来,以便选购,谢谢。6 ?答复索要商品材料的函件应包含致谢、对方函件的日期等内容。例 2-2-13 答复函索之一 ? We thank you for your letter of 11th June, requesting details of our new products. ? We have pleasure in enclosing a copy of our illustrated brochure, together with our latest price list. Version :?阁下 6 月 11 日有关索取我们新产品详细材料的信函业已收悉,对此我们表示感谢。随函寄奉一本插图册和新产品的最新价目表。 例: 2-2-14 答复函索之二?Thank you for your inquiry for suiting. Our prices are mentioned in the enclosure. We are waiting for your study and order. Version:?谢谢您函询敝公司衣料的售价。我们的价目已罗列在附件中,请仔细阅读,欢迎订货。4. 要 求建立商务关系的书信?由于这类书信是首次发给对方,因此写信者应做自我介绍 并说明写信的意图,最后还应表示希望得到回复。例 2-2-15 要求建立商务关 系 ?Dear Sir or Madam: ?We are writing to you in the hope that we may open an account with you. We are a chain store, operating 50 stores across the country. We handle men’s and women’s apparels, under-wears and other related goods. We are interested in your products and wonder if we can handle them in our chain outlet. We are enclosing a leaflet introducing our chain business, and the details of the general terms and conditions of business for your information. ? Sincerely yours, Version: ? 我们写信给您,希望与贵公司建立业务往来。我们是一家连锁商号,在全国开有 50 家商店,经销男女服 装、内衣以及其他相关商品。我们对贵公司的产品颇感兴趣,不知 可否给我们连 2-2-16 答复要求锁店经销,兹附上介绍我们连锁店的宣传单一张,尚希查阅。例 商务往来的信函 ?Dear Sir or Madam: ? I would like to refer to your letter of May 2, 2017, in which our pany, together with the Brazilian Central Trade , Investment Co., was being considered for the distributorship of INTEC products in Brazil.?A great deal of time has passed since then and much has changed in the economic and politicalclimate which was such an important factor in your consideration of our candidacy.?Please understand that the Brazilian Central Trade , Investment Co. no longer exists.However, we are very interested in being the sole distributors for INTEC in Brazil.7 ?In view of the above-mentioned changes, we ask you to reconsider our candidacy for the INTEC distributorship in Brazil, and to inform us if you are willing to resume negotiations that for various reasons were left in ,abeyance‖. ? Sincerely yours, Version: ? 2017 年 5 月 2 日来函收悉,仅就其内容回信。敝公司曾与巴西圣特罗贸易投资有限 公司共同申请 INTEC 产品的巴西经销权。? 自那时候以来,时间已经过去了好久,而贵公司在考虑我们的候选人资格上,作为一 个重要因素的政治经济形势已发生了很大的变化。?巴西圣特罗贸易投资公司已不复存在,但我们对于 INTEC 产品的巴西独家代理权仍感兴 趣。? 期望贵公司在考虑上述变化之后,重新考虑是否有可能使我们成为 INTEC 在巴西的 代理公司。如你们愿意恢复谈判,将各种各样原因留在待决事项中,请通知我们为荷。?Let’s sum up ?Let’s give a summary of the business letter writing.? 三、商务英语信函应遵循的一般写作原则? (一)语言简单、易懂 ?1单词方面 ? (1)使用日常词汇 (2)使用简短的单词 (3)使用具体的单词 ?2 句子方面? (1)多用单词,少用短语和从句 ? (2)使用主动语态及人称主语 ? ? (3)尽量使用简短的句子 ?3段落安排方面 (1)段落不要太长 ? (2)段落重点根据所传送信息的性质安排 ?比较下面的例子: ?A. ?a. (深涩)You may peruse the contract and find the solution. ?b. (简易)You may read the contract an find the solution.?B. ?a. ?b.(含糊)We will make payment soon (具体)We will make payment on May 158 ?a.(含介词、名词短语)In the event that you speak to Mr. Wood in regard to production, ask him to give consideration to the delivery schedule. ?b. (以介词、 动词代替短语) If you speak to Mr. Wood about production, ask him to consider the delivery schedule. ?D. ?a. (以自我为中心) We are in need of funds and that’s why your overdue bill must be paid right away. ?b. (强调对方利益) To maintain your excellent credit reputation, please remit your overdue bill.? (二)针对不同性质的信函完成 ? 1、传递正面信息(PositiveMessage) ?正面信息也称好消息或中性信函,既向对方提供所要求的业务信息,如商品目录、价目单、 通知装船日期,安排保险等事宜,或者正面回复对方,答应对方要求等。传递正面信息时写信人在开头段落就直接切入主题,或通报有关信息,或答应对方上 次的要求,开门见山,直截了当,然后再解释细节。? 2、传递负面信息(Negative Message) ? 负面信息也称坏消息信函,即传递有违对方意愿的信息。? 传递负面信息时要采取迂回策略,就是开始段落提及其它,如客气提出收到来函或‎‎就 双方关心的热点进行探讨,有意延缓通知坏消息或部分否定的消息,以创造友好气氛,然后 说明情况做出解释,最后表达拒绝之意。? 3、说服或劝服信函(Persuasive Message) ? 即通过几次信函来往,提出希望。促使对方按自己的意愿行事。策略同上。? (三)语气的使用??四、各类信函的翻译学习 ? (一)建立贸易关系(Establishing Business Relations)与有发展潜力的贸易商建立贸易关系是创立和发展贸易的基础,这对新老贸易商而言, 都是至关重要的。??然而,贸易商通过什么渠道获得所有关于新市场与新客户的必要信息, ? (1)通过报纸、广播、中的广告节目、电视经济信息以及通过因特网等 ? (2)通过贸易客户的介绍 ? (3)通过子公司或分公司、国外代理商的介绍 ? (4)借助市场调查 ? (5)利用参加商品交易会的机会 ? (6)派遣贸易代表团赴国外参观考察 ?(7)通过自我介绍或答复国外贸易商的询盘 ?(8)通过银行的介绍9 ?(9)通过商务参赞的介绍 ?(10)通过国内外商会的介绍 ?在这些情况下,写信人通常按下列步骤书写建立贸易关系的信函: ? (1)信息的来源 ? (2)写信人的意图 ? (3)公司的经营范围 ? (4)有关公司财政状况及信誉状况的查询之处 ?如果写信人有意进口,他也可以向对方索要目录单、样品、价目表等。在信的结尾,写信人常常表达期盼合作与早日答复的愿望。?建立贸易关系是交易的第一个环节。良好的开端是成功的一半。因此,在拟写有关建立贸 易关系的信函时,应注意礼貌、得体、热情、诚挚,并应将自己要表述的内容清楚地叙述完 整。? 1.建立贸易关系信函的常用写作步骤: ? (1)thesource of sender’s information of receiver ?寄信人获得有关收信人信息的渠道 ? (2) the sender’s intention of writing the letter ? 寄信人写信的意图? (3)the business scope of sender’s firm ? 寄信人公司的业务(经营)范围 ? (4) the reference as to sender’s financial position and integrity ? 寄信人资信情况 ?2.熟悉并掌握表达上述内容的常用句型? (1)有关寄信人获得收信人情况的渠道的表达方式有: ?a.We have obtained your name and address from。 ?e.g. We have learned your name and address from the trade Magazine, ,The Business World.‖ ?本公司由《商业世界》这本杂志,得悉贵方的名称和地址。? We have learned from the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo that you are in the market for Sporting goods. ?本公司由东京商会处得悉贵方想买体育用品。?b. Your firm/name and address has been remended /given /introduced to us by 。 ?e.g. Your name and address have been remended/given to us by The China External TradeDevelopment Council. ?我方由外贸协会获悉贵方公司的名称和地址。?Your firm has been remended to us by John Morris Co., with whom we have done10 business for many years. ?承蒙约翰莫利斯公司推荐,得悉贵公司的名称。我公司已与该公司有多年的贸易来往。?c. Through the courtesy of 。,we e to know your name and address. ?e.g. Through the courtesy of our old customer, Messrs. Smith Co., we e to know your name and address. ?承蒙我方老客户史密斯公司告知贵方名称和地址。?d. We own your name and address to。 ?e.g. We owe your name and address to The China Federation of Chambers of ?我方经由中国商会联合会,得知贵公司的名称和地址。?Commerce.We owe your name and address to Bank of China, Lagos Branch, through whom we have learnt you are exporters of Chinese Textiles and Cotton Piece Goods. ?承蒙中国银行拉哥斯分行告知贵公司名称和地址,我方得知贵公司是纺织 品和棉布出口 商。? We owe your name and address to the mercial counselor’s office of American embassy in Beijing. ?承蒙美国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,我方得知贵公司的名称和地址。?e. We are indebted to 。 for your name and address. ?e.g. We are indebted for your name and address to Mr. George Smith, Mexican Ambassador inBeijing. ?我方承蒙驻北京的墨西哥大使,乔治.史密斯之赐,得知贵公司的名称和地址。?f. We are given to understand that。 ?e.g. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of …which es within the frameof our business activities. ?据了解,你们是某商品有潜力的买主,而该商品正属我们的业务经营范围。?g. On the remendation of 。, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. ?e.g. On the remendation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your city , we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm and?andwe are writing to you to know if you are interested in importing China Stationary. 承蒙贵市工商协会的推荐得知贵公司的名称,写信询问贵方是否有兴趣进口中国文具。?On the remendation of… Co. Ltd., we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.?承蒙……有限公司的介绍得知贵公司的名称,我方非常乐意与贵方建立贸易关系。?h.We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with …/We write/wish to introduce ourselves ?e.g. We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business11 relations with your firm. ?我方有幸自荐,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。? We write to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension. ?我方有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与贵方合作,扩展业务。?We take the liberty of writing to you … ?我方冒昧通信……?i. Through your trade delegation who recently paid a visit to this country we learned thatyou are well-established importer of … ?通过贵国最近来访的贸易代表团,我方了解到贵方是信誉良好的…(商品)进口商?建立贸易关系常用动词短语:商业世界》这本杂志,得悉贵方的名称和地址。? We have learned from the Chamber of Commerce in Tokyo that you are in the market for Sporting goods. ?本公司由东京商会处得悉贵方想买体育用品。?b. Your firm/name and address has been remended /given /introduced to us by 。 ?e.g. Your name and address have been remended/given to us by The China External TradeDevelopment Council. ?我方由外贸协会获悉贵方公司的名称和地址。?Your firm has been remended to us by John Morris Co., with whom we have done10 business for many years. ?承蒙约翰莫利斯公司推荐,得悉贵公司的名称。我公司已与该公司有多年的贸易来往。?c. Through the courtesy of 。,we e to know your name and address. ?e.g. Through the courtesy of our old customer, Messrs. Smith Co., we e to know your name and address. ?承蒙我方老客户史密斯公司告知贵方名称和地址。?d. We own your name and address to。 ?e.g. We owe your name and address to The China Federation of Chambers of ?我方经由中国商会联合会,得知贵公司的名称和地址。?Commerce.We owe your name and address to Bank of China, Lagos Branch, through whom we have learnt you are exporters of Chinese Textiles and Cotton Piece Goods. ?承蒙中国银行拉哥斯分行告知贵公司名称和地址,我方得知贵公司是 纺织品和棉布出口 商。? We owe your name and address to the mercial counselor’s office of American embassy in Beijing. ?承蒙美国驻北京大使馆商务参赞处介绍,我方得知贵公司的名称和地址。?e. We are indebted to 。 for your name and address. ?e.g. We are indebted for your name and address to Mr. George Smith, Mexican Ambassador inBeijing. ?我方承蒙驻北京的墨西哥大使,乔治.史密斯之赐,得知贵公司的名称和地址。?f. We are given to understand that。 ?e.g. We are given to understand that you are potential buyers of …which es within the frameof our business activities. ?据了解,你们是某商品有潜力的买主,而该商品正属我们的业务经营范围。?g. On the remendation of 。, we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm. ?e.g. On the remendation of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in your city , we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm and?andwe are writing to you to know if you are interested in importing China Stationary. 承蒙贵市工商协会的推荐得知贵公司的名称,写信询问贵方是否有兴趣进口中国文具。?On the remendation of… Co. Ltd., we have learned with pleasure the name and address of your firm and shall be glad to enter into business relations with you.?承蒙……有限公司的介绍得知贵公司的名称,我方非常乐意与贵方建立贸易关系。?h.We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with …/We write/wish to introduce ourselves ?e.g. We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you with a view to building up business11 relations with your firm. ?我方有幸自荐,以期与贵公司建立业务关系。? We write to introduce ourselves to you with the hope that we may have an opportunity of cooperating with you in your business extension. ?我方有幸自荐,盼望能有机会与贵方合作,扩展业务。?We take the liberty of writing to you … ?我方冒昧通信……?i. Through your trade delegation who recently paid a visit to this country we learned thatyou are well-established importer of … ?通过贵国最近来访的贸易代表团,我方了解到贵方是信誉良好的…(商品)进口商?建立贸易关系常用动词短语》 规定: ,凡向一个或一个以上特定的人提出的订立合同的建议,如果其内容十分确定并表明发盘人 得到接受时承受约束的意思,即构成发盘‖。发盘既可由卖方提出,也可由买方提出。后者 提出的,习惯上称为递盘(bid)? 1. 构成一项发盘,必须具备下列条件: ? (1)发盘应向一个或一个以上特定的人提出,即指向有名有姓的公司或个人提出。? (2)发盘的内容必须十分确定,其中至少应包括三个基本要素: 一是标明商品的名称; 二是明示或默示地规定成交商品的数量或规定数量的方法; 或确定价格的方法。? 三是明示或默示地规定商品的价格 (3)必须表明发盘人对其发盘一旦被受盘人接受即受约束的意思。否则,就不是发盘,而 只是邀请对方发盘。?2.发盘分虚盘(non-firm offer)和实盘 (firm offer) ? 虚盘也称无约束力发盘。发盘人不承担任何义务, 因为在任何时候这种发盘都可以改变、修改甚至取消。发虚盘有以下几方面需要考虑: 发盘人只想知道询价者是否有购买潜力,产 品是否适销;市场机会是否存在。虚盘中通常有下列信息: 13 ?1)发盘清楚标明,参考‖字样 ?2)缺少主要条款 ?3)有许多保留条款: 此报盘以未经通知就可改变为准;此报盘以买方最后确认为准;此报盘以货物未售出为准;此报盘以市场波动为准。?C-version: ?你公司三月二十一日函接悉。兹按你 公司要求另封航邮寄去印花细布目录一份和样本二份,相信会及时寄到你方并有助你方选购。?为使双方达成一笔具体交 易,现特报盘,以我方最后确认为准如下: ?货号: 81000 号印花细布 ?花号: 72453-2A ?规格: 30*36 72*69 35/6*42 码 ?数量: 18,000 码 ?包装: 布包或木箱包装,由卖方选择 ?价格: CIF 拉哥斯每码人民币……元,包括你方佣金 5% ?交货期: 从 2017 年 6 月起分三个月平均装运。?付款: 以保兑的、不可撤消的、凭即期汇票付款的信用证支付,信用证要在交货期前 30 天开立。?相信上述报盘可为你方接受,并殷切等待你方试定。?samples:P63?non-firm offer ?Dear Sirs, ?We are in receipt of your letter dated March 21 and, as requested, are airmailing you, underseparate cover, one catalogue and two sample goods for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection.?In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a specialoffer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows:?Art. No.81000 Printed Shirting ?Design.No.72435-2A ?Specifications: 30*36*72*69 35/6″*42yds ?Quantity: 18,000yards ?Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at seller’s option ?Price: RMB…per yard C.I.F.C.5% Lagos14 ?Shipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning form June, 20…. ?Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to bethe time of shipment. opened 30 days before?We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order. ?Yours faithfully,?敬启者: ?你公司三月二十一日函接悉。兹按你 ?Dear Sirs, ?We are in receipt of your letter dated March 21 and, as requested, are airmailing you, underseparate cover, one catalogue and two sample goods for our Printed Shirting. We hope they will reach you in due course and will help you in making your selection. 公司要求另封航邮寄去印花细布目录一份和样本二份,相信会及时寄到你方并有助你方选购。?为使双方达成一笔具 体交易,现特报盘,以我方最后确认为准如下: ?In order to start a concrete transaction between us, we take pleasure in making you a specialoffer, subject to our final confirmation, as follows?货号: 81000 号印花细布: ?Art. No.81000 Printed Shirting ?花号: 72453-2A ?Design.No.72435-2A?规格: 30*36 72*69 35/6*42 码15 ?Specifications: 30*36*72*69 35/6″*42yds ?数量: 18,000 码 ?Quantity: 18,000yards ?包装: 布包或木箱包装,由卖方选择 ?Packing: In bales or in wooden cases, at seller’s option ?价格: CIF 拉哥斯每码人民币……元,包括你方佣金 5% ?Price: RMB…per yard C.I.F.C.5% Lagos ?交货期: 从 2017 年 6 月起分三个月平均装运。?Shipment: to be made in three equal monthly installments, beginning form June, 20…. ?付款: 以保兑的、不可撤消的、凭即期汇票付款的信用证支付,信用证要在交货期前 30 天开立。?Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. ?相信上述报盘可为你方接受,并殷切等待你方试定。?We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order. ?Yours faithfully,?实盘 ?在发出虚盘和预先通过调查确切地了解了询价者的状况的基础上,出口商要抓住成熟的机会不失时机地向受盘人发出实盘。实盘一旦发出,发盘人就完全受其约束,在有效期内 不允许撤消。实盘的明显特点: ?1)发盘中各项条件必须完整、明确、肯定。应包括规定的数量,完整的规格,固定的价格和规定的条件。?2)必须明确规定有效期。否则对发盘人就没有约束 有效期长短的规定,完全取决于产品的性质和市场行情。一些敏感产品力。至于对 如棉花的有效期很短,价格波动幅度很大。另 外一些产品如美术品,手品的有效期较长,价格相对稳定。实盘中附带的最重要的条款 是,此报盘以你方答复在某一时间前到达我处为准‖。这是措辞最好的条款。因为,我处‖有两 种含义: 发盘人地点和发盘人的当地时间。?虚盘与实盘各有利弊,慎重选择。?2.发盘(实盘)包括以下内容: ? (1)感谢对方的询盘; ? (2)商品的名称、质量、数量及规格;16 ? (3)价格、支付条件、佣金或折扣等详细情况; ? (4)包装及交货日期; ? (5)报价有效期?规定报价有效期的方法主要有以下几种: ?1)规定最迟接受的期限,如限某复,或限某日复到此地。?2)规定一段接受的期限,如发盘有效期四天,或限七天内复。按〈 〈联合国国际货物〉 〉规定: 采用函电成交时,如发盘中规定了具体期限,应从发交时或信中载明的日期 算起。?3)未规定有效期。如未规定有限期时,应在合理时间内接受。究竟多长,应视不同货物行业惯例和习惯做法而定。鉴于国际上对发盘有限期的合理时间并无统 一规定, 发盘人最好 在发盘中明确规定具体有限期,以免因解释不同而引起争议。?报价有效期常用表达法: ? 1.weoffer firm /give/make you an offer subject to your reply/acceptance reaching us/hereby/not later than)+date?2.we offer firm for acceptance in our hands by date ?3.this offer is firm/valid for(具体天数)three days?this offer must be withdrawn if not accepted within seven days(具体天数)?报盘常用句型: ?to quote somebody a price for sth. ?Please quote your lowest price ?Please quote us for corrugated(瓦楞纸板)board containers. ?We take pleasure in quoting you our lowest price for ?We quote for this article at US$20per case FOB Qingdao. ?All the prices quoted are on CIF basis without mission ?We thank you for your letter of 12 March and have the17pleasure of offering you the following:?Weoffer, subject to your reply reaching here on or before February 28 500 Phoenix Bicycles at $25 per set CIF London for shipment in April.?敬启者: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?兹答复贵方 7 月 14 日来函。现报盘如下,此盘以我方时间 8 月 5 日,星期二下午 5时前收到贵方答复为有效。商品: 电子计算器 规格: 参阅附件 包装: 由买方选择 数量: 3000 件 价格: 成本、保费、运费拉各斯价每件 9 美圆净价 装船日期: 2017 年 9 月或 10 月 支付条件: 由装船前 30 天开立保兑、不可撤消的即期信用证付款。另函中,我方已按贵方要求寄出各种品牌的样品目录本。期盼早日收到贵方订单。?Dear Sirs, ? ? ??In reply to your letter of July 14, we are giving you an offer, subject to your reply here by 5p.m.our time, Tuesday, August 5, as follows: Commodity: Electronic Calculators Specifications: As per attached list Packing: at buyer’s option. Quantity: 3,000 pieces Price: US$9.00 net per piece CIF Lagos? ? ?18 ?Shipment: Septembr/October,2017 ? ?request. Payment: Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit(L/Cpayable draft at sight(即期汇票)to be opened 30 days before the time of shipment. Under separate cover, we have sent you sample books of various brands as per your? ?We are expecting your early order. Yours faithfully,?敬启者: 兹答复贵方 7 月 14 日来函。现报盘如下,此盘以我方时间 8 月 5 日,星期二下午 5 时前收到贵方答复为有效。?Dear Sirs, ? In reply to your letter of July 14, we are giving you an offer, subject to your reply here by 5p.m.our time, Tuesday, August 5, as follows: ? 商品: 电子计算器 ? Commodity: Electronic Calculators ? 规格: 参阅附件 ? Specifications: As per attached list ? 包装: 由买方选择 ? Packing: at buyer’s option. ? 数量: 3000 件 ? Quantity: 3,000 pieces ? 价格: 成本、保费、运费拉各斯价每件 9 美圆净价??Price: US$9.00 net per piece CIF Lagos?装船日期: 2017 年 9 月或 10 月?Shipment: Septembr/October,2017支付条件: 由装船前 30 天开立保兑、不可撤消的即期信用证付款。?Payment:Confirmed, Irrevocable Letter of Credit(L/Cpayable draft at sight(即期汇票)to beopened 30 days before the time of shipment. ?另函中,我方已按贵方要求寄出各种品牌的样品目录 sample books of various brands as per your 本。?Under separate cover, we have sent you request.?期盼早日收到贵方订单。19 ?We are expecting your early order. ?Yours faithfully,?Assignment: ?敬启者: ? 海尔电冰箱 ? 贵方 2 月 10 日要求我方发盘标题下商品的传真立刻受到我方关注。非常高兴贵方对我方产品感兴趣。? 兹答复贵方询盘,我方报盘如下,以贵方回复在 7 日内送达我方为效: ? 规格 数量(台) 价格(美圆)? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?BYD212 1000 410.00 BYD175 1000 380.00 BY 219 500 395 此价格为亚历山大市成本、保费加运费价。包装: 由买方决定。装船日期: 从 2017 年三月至五月,所有货物分三个月三次平均装运。支付条件: 100% 不可撤消、循环信用证。鉴于我方库存极少,而且大量承约,你方早日发 出订单十分必要。谨上?Dear Sirs, ?Hair REFRIGERATOR ?Your fax of February 10 asking us to offer you the subject article has received our immediateattention. We are pleased to know that you are interested in our products.?In reply to your inquiry, we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, provided your replyreaches us within 7 days from today:? ? ? ? ?Specification: BYD212 BYD175 By 219Quantity(set) 1000 1000 500Price(US$) 410.00 380.00 395.00?The price is on the basis of CIF Alexandria. ?Packing: at buyer’s option. ?Shipment: Total quantity to be delivered by 3 equal monthly shipments, March through May,2017?Payment: 100% by irrevocable, revolving letter of credit. ?In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy mitment, your20 early order is absolutely essential.?Yours faithfully,?敬启者: ? 海尔电冰箱 ? 贵方 2 月 10 日要求我方发盘标题下商品的传真立刻受到我方关注。非常高兴贵方对我方产品感兴趣。?Dear Sirs, ?Hair REFRIGERATOR ?Your fax of February 10 asking us to offer you the subject article has received our immediate attention. We are pleased to know that you are interested in our products. ? 兹答复贵方询盘,我方报盘如下,以贵方回复在 7 日内送达我方为效: ? In reply to your inquiry, we take pleasure in making you an offer as follows, provided your reply reaches us within 7 days from today:?数量(台) 价格(美圆) Quantity(set) Price(US$) ? BYD212 1000 410.00 ? BYD175 1000 380.00 ? BY 219 500 395 ? 此价格为亚历山大市成本、保费加运费价。? price is on the basis of CIF Alexandria.. ?包装: 由买方决定。?Packing: at buyer’s option. ? 装船日期: 从 2017 年三月至五月,所有货物分三个月三次平均装运。?Shipment: Total quantity to be delivered by 3 equal monthly shipments, March through May, 2017 ? 支付条件: 100% 不可撤消、循环信用证。?Payment: 100% by irrevocable, revolving letter of credit ? 鉴于我方库存极少,而且大量承约,你方早日发出订单十分必要。? 谨上 ?In view of the fact that our stock on hand has been quite low owing to heavy mitment, your early order is absolutely essential. ? Yours faithfully,? ?Specification:规格?敬启者: ? DELL 个人电脑 ? 兹确认贵方 8 月 10 日来函,要求我方报上述个人电脑新港离岸价。现 报盘如下: ? 商品名称: DELL 个人电脑21 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?规格: 英特尔奔腾 4 处理器 2.8G 数量: 2017 台 包装: 每台电脑包在塑料袋内,然后装入出口纸箱,箱内四周填充泡沫塑料。价 格: 每台中国新港离岸价 730 美圆。装船日期: 2017 年 9 月或 10 月 支付条件: 装船日期前 30 天开立的保兑和不可撤消即期信用证。此报盘以 8 月 5 日或 5 日前贵方复到为有效。请注意我方已给贵方报出最优惠的价格,并相信贵方会接受上 述各项条款。如蒙早日回复,将不胜感激。谨上?Dear Sirs, ?DELL PC ?We confirm your fax of 10th August, asking us to make you an offer for the captioned personalputers, FOB Xingang. Now we are making you an offer as follows:? ? ? ? ?Commodity: DELL Personal Computer Specification: CPU Intel Pentium IV 2.8G Quantity: 2,000 sets Packing: Each set is wrapped in a polybag and packed in a standard export card boardcarton lined with foam.?Shipment: September/October, 2017 ?Payment: by confirmed, irrevocable L/C payable by draft at sight to be opened 30 daysbefore the date of shipment.?This offer is subject to your reply here on or before 25th August. ?Please note that we have given you our most favorable price and we trust that the above will beacceptable to you.?We highly appreciate your early reply. ?Yours faithfully,22 ? 1、我方以贵方的承诺于 3 月 3 日前到达条件,给予贵方以下货品的:?We offer your firm the following goods subject to your acceptance reaching us by March 30:? 2、非常谢谢您 3 月 15 日的询问,并且很高兴以我方最后确认为条件,报价如下: ?We thank you for your enquiry of March 15 and are pleased to offer you as follows subject toour final confirmation:? 3、本报价是以 3出,特此奉告。天为限的确定报价,一旦这项特别报价失效,这些货品不太可能仍未卖?We would state that this offer is firm offer for three days and that there is very little likelihood ofthe goods remaining unsold once this particular offer has lapsed.?Write a letter offering the following: ?商品:山地车( ?货号:KH120 ?数量:1,000 辆 ?价格:每辆 55 英磅 CIF 伦敦价 ?装运期:12 月 ?付款方式:不可撤消即期信用证 ?包装:纸板箱 ?有效期:以你方这个月底复到有效.?Dear Sirs, ? Thank you for your enquiry for our Mountain Bikes, Art.No.KH120 as follows, subjectto your reply receipt by us before the end of this month.? ?Commodity: Mountain Bikes Article No.: KH 12023 ? ? ? ? ? ?Quantity: 1,000 sets Price: GBP 55/set CIF London Shipment: in December Payment: By irrevocable L/C at sight Packing: In cartons We trust the above will be acceptable to you, and hope to receive your order soon.?Write a reply according to the ining letter: ?October 5, 2017 ?Dear Sirs, ?to us. Thank you for your catalogues forwarded to us and we find some items are of interest? ? ? ?We should appreciate it if you would give us the best quotation for the 1,000 yards ofyour Printed Shirting, Art. No. 145. If your prices are reasonable, we trust large can be concluded. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully,?The following information is for your reference: ?Commodity: Printed Shirting, Art.No.145 ?Quantity: ?Unit Price: ?Shipment: ?Payment:1,000 yards USD150/yard CIFC4% San Fran During January/February, 2017 By irrevocable L/C at sight?The offer keeps open for 5 days. ?Dear Mr. Brown, ?Thank you for your enquiry for our Printed Shirting. As requested, we are offering24 you 1,000yards Printed Shirting, Art. No.145 at USD150 per yard CIFC4% San Francisco for shipment during January/February, 2017. We require payment by irrevocable L/C at sight and this offer keeps open for 5 days.? ? ?As you know, the item we offered is the most popular item of this year, we suggest youact quickly. We hope to receive your order soon. Yours faithfully,?敬启者: ?,月,日来信收悉,要求我们报中国红茶的成本加运费的悉尼价(兹答复,我方现报,,,箱中国红茶,每箱,,澳元,,,悉尼价,,,,,年,月装船(付款方式为不可撤 消即期信用证支付(此报盘以你方,月,,日前复到为有效(? ? ?请注意我们的报价非常有竟争力,我们建议你方立即接受( 谨上?,ear Sirs, ?We are in receipt of your letter of May 5 asking us to make you an offer for ChineseBlack Tea CFR Sydney. In reply, we are offering you 500 cases of Chinese Black Tea at AUD 60 per case CFR Sydney for shipment in July, 2017. Payment is to be made by irrevocable L/C at sight. This offer is subject to your reply reaching us before 15th of May.? ?? ?Please note that our price is very petitive and we remend your immediateacceptance. Yours faithfully,第五节 还盘 交易的一方在接到一项发盘后, 不能完全同意对方的交易条件, 为了进一步洽商交易, 针对另一方的发盘内容提出不同建议即为还盘,亦称还价.法律上称为 ,反要约‖. ?还盘不一定是还价格,对支付方式、装运期等主要交易条件提出 ?建议也是还盘。在拟写还盘的信函时,一定要注意要有礼貌,遵循四步曲格式: 首先应对 对方的报盘表示感谢,表示愿意充分考虑对方的需求和意愿;然后详细 不能接受的理由比如不接受对方的某项条件,例如价格太解释我方观点,阐述 高,高出了市场现行价格,装运期25 太晚过了销售季节等等。同时说明我方产品的主要优点,争取对方下单;接着要提出自己 的建议来,陈述我方实盘内容,并加上,该盘以你方答复在一星期内到达此地为有效‖之类的 限制条件,稍稍给对方一点速下决心的压力;最后以乐观的语气作结,留下一些给对方以鼓 励的余味。?还盘就受盘人对发盘条件进行添加、限制或其它更改的答复。还 盘一经提出,即成为新的报盘,原发盘自动失效,还盘人变为新报盘人,而原发盘人则 成为新受益人。所以,counter-offer= rejection + new offer?还盘常用句型: ?表示条件不恰当: (价格、订量、质量、日期、付款等) ? 1、很抱歉我方不能接受贵方的报价,因为价格过高。?We regret to say we cannot accept your offer because your price is too high. ? 2、500 打最低订购量对我方来说过于庞大。我方不能一次向一家公司大量购买。?The minimum order of 500 dozen is too big for us.We are importing a bit of all sorts of goods from various sources and we cannot buy a large quantity from one pany at a time.? 3、仔细检查贵方样品后,我方发现贵方商品的质量,跟其他供应商的商品比起来,低劣许多。?After carefully examining your samples, we have found that your quality is rather inferior to thatof other suppliers.? 5 月行将结束,贵方 6 月 30 日交货太迟。?Your delivery date 4、我方夏季采买在 of June 30 is too late for our summer collection, which is to be finishedduring May.? 5、贵方以即期汇票为付款条件,对我们来说很困难。其他公司给予我方见票后 50 天付款条件。?Your terms of payment by a sight draft are too hard for us.terms of draft at 50d/s.All other firms are granting us the?6 我们不能按照你方的条款进行交易。?We can not do business on your terms.?提出我方的希望条件: ? 1、若贵方能降低 10%或给予我方 10%折扣,我方将会向贵方大量订购。26 ?If you could make a 10% discount or make a reduction of 10%, we may give you a large order. ? 2、若贵方保证 5 月 20 日或在此之前交货,我方准备试购 200 打。?We are prepared to give a trial order of 200 dozen provided you guarantee delivery on or beforeMay 20.? 3、希望贵方给予见票后 50 天付款的条件,而不是见票即付。?We would like you us the terms of a draft at 50d/s instead of a draft at sight.?Counter-offer on Price to give for Hair Refrigerators?Dear Sirs, ?Your Offer No.146 for Hair Refrigerators ?We have received your offer No.146 offering us 2,500 sets for three designs of the subjectgoods.?In reply, we regret to inform you that our clients find your price much too high.?Information indicates that some kinds of the said articles made in other countries have been soldhere at a level about lower than that of yours.?We do not deny that the quality of your products is slightly better, but the difference in priceshould, in no case, be so big. To step up the trade, we counter offer as follows subject to your reply here by 5 p.m. our time, February 18:?US$ 240.00 for BYD212? US$ 235.00 for BYD157 ? US$ 245.00 for BYD219 ?As the market is of keen petition, we remend your immediate acceptance. ?Yours faithfully,27 ?参考译文: (还价) ?敬启者: ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?你方的第 146 号关于海尔电冰箱的报盘 我方已收到贵方第 146 号提供 2500 台三种规格上述电冰箱的报盘。很抱歉通知贵方,我方用户发现贵方价格偏高。有信息显‎‎示,此地销售的别国生产的箱的价格比贵方低 5%左右。我方不否认贵方的产品的质量较好,然而,不论怎样,价格也不能差异太大。为促进贸易,我方还盘如下,以贵方于我方时间 2 月 18 日下午 5 时前复到为有效: BYD212 BYD157 BYD219 240.00 美圆 235.00 美圆 245.00 美圆由于市场竞争激烈,建议贵方立即接受。谨上?敬启者: ? ?贵方第 123 号报价 感谢贵方 4 月 4 日传真发来六种图样的装饰布的报盘。然而, 很遗憾地告诉贵方 1000?码的最低订购量对于该市场来说太多。?如果贵方把每件花色的最低订购量降到 7000 码,将有可能向贵方定货,因为该市场?要一定数量的这种布料来做窗帘、床单等。? ?如蒙早日回复将不胜感激。谨上?参考译文: (要求降低起订量)28 ?Dear Sirs, ?Your Offer No.123 ?We thank you for your fax of April 4 offering us 6designs of OrnamentalCloth.However weregret to inform you that the minimum of 10,000yards per design is too big for this market.?In case you can reduce the minimum to 7,000 yards per design, there is a possibility of placingorders with you, because a considerable quantity of?this material is required on this market for manufacturing curtains, bedsheets, etc. ?Your early reply will be highly appreciated. ?Yours faithfully,? 对支付方式的还盘 ?敬启者: ?感谢贵方 2 月 3 日对 1000 台松下 2188 彩色电视机的报价。我方对贵方的价格及交货日期感到满意,但是,我方建议贵方对付款方式作一改动。按照惯例, 我 方以往从贵方购买家用电器的支付方式为保兑的、 不可撤消的即期 信用证。?在此基础上,我方确实花费了很多资金。从开立信用证到用户支付我方货款,占用资金持续四个月左右。目前,由于银根紧及银行空前高的利率等问题确实使我方感到十分棘手。? ? ?鉴于我们长期的业务关系及友好的合作前景,我方建议贵方接受,货到后凭单付款‖或,开出见票 60 天付款的汇票向我方收款‖的条件。若贵方能考虑上述要求并早日给予有利回复,我方将十分感激。谨上?Dear Sirs, ?We thank you for your quotation of February 3 for 1,000sets of Panosonic2188 Color29 TV. We find your price as well as delivery date satisfactory, however we would give our suggestion of an alteration of your payment terms.?Our past purchase of other household electrical appliances from you has been paid as arule by confirmed, irrevocable letter of credit at sight. On this basis, it has indeed cost us a great deal. From the moment to open credit till the time our buyers pay us, the tie-up of our funds lasts about four months.?Under the present circumstances, this question is particularly taxing owing to the tight moneycondition and unprecedentedly high bank interest.?In view of our long business relations and our amicable cooperation prospects, we suggest thatyou accept either ,Cash against Documents on arrival of goods‖ or ,Drawing on us at 60 day’s sight‖.?Your first priority to the consideration of the above request and an early favorable reply will behighly appreciated.?Yours faithfully,?Exercises1) 由于行市上涨,你方建议的价格又偏低,我们无法接受你们的还盘。2)很遗憾,由于市 场疲软,我们不可能与你方达成交易.除非你方降价 4%. 3)为了在你地区扩大市 场,我们一报了最低价,致使我们只有微薄利润。4)我们的报价相当合理,这已 为你地其他客户所接受。5)我们已与你处其他买主按我们的价格成交了业务。6) 报给你方的价格是很实际的,很抱歉,你方的还盘不能接受。7)把我们的价格降 至你方所提出的水平是不可能的。8)鉴于你我两公司之间长期的贸易关系,我们 才给你方报这样优惠的价格,希望你们重新 考虑这一优惠报价。?1)As the market is advancing, your suggested price is rather on the low side. Up to now wecannot see our way clear to entertain your counter offer.?2)We are sorry to say that we can’t e to terms unless you reduce your price by 4% becauseof the declining market.?3) With a view to expanding the market in your place,leave us only small profit.we have offered the lowest prices, which?4)Our priceis quite reasonable, which has been accepted by other clients in your area.30 ?5)We have already done business with others in your city at the price we quoted. ?6)Theprice we quoted is quite realistic. We, therefore, regret that your counter-offer is not acceptable to us.?7)There is no possibility of our cutting the price to the extent you indicated. ?8)As a matter of fact, it is only in view of our long-standing tradeyou such a favourable price and we hope you will reconsider it. relations that we offered?Write a letter according to the following situation:1) 告知收到对方 3 月 26 日报盘: 500 箱红茶,每公斤 40 英镑,CIF 利物浦。2)抱歉,不能按所报价格成交,现一些印度商人正减价销售。3)我方承认中国红茶质量略佳,但价格差异不应达到 8%。为了达成交易,还盘如下: 4)500 箱红茶,每公斤 37 英镑,其他条款见你方 3 月 26 日函。?Dear Sirs, ? ? ??we do not deny that the quality of Chinese black tea is better, but the difference in price shouldnot be as big as 8%. To close the business, we make counter offer as follows: We are in receipt of your offer March 26 for 500 cases of black tea at GBP 40 per kilogram, CIF Liverpool. we regret to inform you that we cannot do the business at your price. You may beaware that some Indians dealers are selling their goods at a price about 8% lower than yours.?500 cases of black tea at GBP 37 per kilogram, CIF Liverpool, other terms as per your letter ofMarch 26.? ?As the market is declining, we remend your early acceptance. Yours faithfully,31 1.兹遗憾通知你方,本地买主认为你方报价太高. 2.我们很遗憾你们的发盘比美国 供应商的价格高出 5%。3. 至于男士衬衫,我们盼望能够按接近我们的价格达成交 易。4.羊毛行市目前疲软,除非你方能降价 5%,否则无法成交 1. We regret to inform you that our customers here find your price too high. 2.We very much regret that your offer is 5% higher than those from the American suppliers. 3. As regards Men’s Shirts, we look forward to doing business with you at a figure close to our quoted price. 4.As the market of wool is declining, there is no possibility of business unless you can reduce your price by 5%。敬启者: 感谢你们 6 月 26 日的报盘以及寄来的餐具样品。尽管我们欣赏这些餐具的优良 品质,但我们遗‎‎憾地说,你们的价格似乎太高。如果 接受你们的报价将使我们在 销售中无利可图,因为其它供应商对同样品质的商品出价更低。因此,我们建议你 方将价格减至 25 美元/套,否则无法成交。我们期待着你们的确认。谨上Dear Sirs, Thank you for your offer of June 26 and samples of Dinner Sets you kindly sent us. While we are appreciating the good quality of your Dinner Sets, we regret that your price appears to be on the high side. To accept the price you quoted would leave us no margin of profit in our sales, since the other suppliers are offering lower prices for Dinner Sets of same quality. Therefore we suggest you reduce the quoted price to USD25/set, otherwise there is no possibility of business. We look forward to your confirmation.?第六节 ?订单Orders, Acceptance and Rejections订单既可能是买方对报盘的接受, 也可能是卖方 主动寄发的购货单。订单应该书写 清晰,语言准确,能够表明交易中的所有条 件。订购床单及枕套?敬启者: ?贵公司的床单和枕套在我方顾客中深受欢迎,兹随函附寄我方的第 345 号订 单。由于32 此货急需,所以‎‎贵方若能及时装运,将不胜感激。?附件: 345 号订单?fresh order ?new order ?initial order ?trial order ?repeat order ?duplicate order ?outstanding order ?pending order ?to accept an order ?to accept an order ?to confirm an order ?to cancel an order新订单 新订单 初次订单 试订单 续订单 重复订单未完成订单 未完成订单 接受订单 接受订单 确认订单 取消订单? ? ? ? ? ?to withdraw an order to turn down an order to decline an order to fulfill an order to execute an order to carry out an order取消订单 拒绝订单 谢绝订单 执行订单 履行订单 执行订单33 A letter of Inquiry? ? ? ? ?Heading—————English Department Beijing Foreign Studies Univ. Beijing, 100081 China Sept. 5, 2017?Editor ?Newsweek International ?444 Madison ?New York, NY 10022 ?U.S.A.—Inside address?Dear Editor: ?I read in Newsweek (September 10, 2017) that an updated second edition of the unabridgedRandom House Dictionary of the English Language is being published. I would be very grateful if you could give me some information on where and how I can get a copy of the dictionary and if there is a less expensive edition than the one described.? ?Thank you for any help you can give me.?Complimentary close------------------- Sincerely ?Signature------------------------------(Signature) ?Typed name--------------------------Lin HuafengModel II An Inquiry Letter? ? ? ? ? ?Editor ?NewsweekEnglish Department Beijing Foreign Studies Univ. Heading——— Beijing, 100081 China Sept. 5, 1993International ?444 Madison ————Inside address ?New York, NY 10022 ?U.S.A. ?Dear Editor: ———————— Salutation ? I read in Newsweek (September 14, 1987) that an updated second edition of the unabridged Random House Dictionary of the English Language is being published. I would be very grateful if you could give me some information on where and how I can get a copy of the dictionary and if34 there is a less expensive ?edition than the one described.? ? ?Thank you for any help you can give me.Complimentary close------------------- Sincerely ? Signature------------------------------(Signature) ? Typed name---------------------------Lin Huafeng Addressing an Envelope Addressing an Envelope 2?Self-remendation letter?Dear Mr. Smith: ? I wish to apply for the position as sales assistant mentioned in your advertisement in thelocal newspaper of May 8. I believe that both my working experience and personal character will prove qualified to your position.?I am at present a third- year college student. In order to pay for my expensive tuition, I havetaken up different part –time jobs up to now, and one of them was as a sales assistant in a trade pany for four months. Therefore, I am very familiar with the requirements of the job as salesassistant. Moreover, I myself like the job very much and I think my personality is well suited to working as an assistant . I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all age. In fact, my former boss was surprised at both my incredible stamina and efficiency in dealing with customers’ orders.?My resume is enclosed, but I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience. You mayreach me at this number 139********after 7pm any day. Thank you for your consideration of my application.Yours faithfully?NellyCurriculum vitae ? A curriculum vitae (c.v.) or resume is a short written account of the main events of one’s life. It is often required when one applied for a job. ? A curriculum vitae usually includes the following items: name, address, telephone number,35 date of birth, education, and work experience. Among other headings that may be added are marital status, citizenship/nationality, present position/current status, awards/honors and scholarships, publications, current studies/research, professional affiliations/memberships, languages, travel, hobbies and interests, and references/referees. These should be inserted at suitable and logical places, but when letter of remendation are not sent along with the c.v. references/referees should be the last item. ? When you pose your curriculum vitae, try to give the information that will show you in the best possible light. 1. Name: Unlike most Westerners, we Chinese put our family name at the beginning as surname, where as they put it at the end as last name. To avoid misunderstanding, you may either put a ma after your surname—Wang, Ming—or capitalize every letter of it like this—WANG Ming. 2. Address: If you like, you may write both your business or temporary address and your home address. For example: Temporary address: 17 University Ave.? ?3. Telephone:Providence, RI 02906 (until Dec. 31,2017)?(O) or (W) is put after your office telephone number and(H), your home telephone number. 4. Marital Status:?Put Single or Married (no/two child)5. Education: For example:? ? ? ? ? ? (1)1978 -1982 Nankai University Major: History 1982-1985 Zhongshan University Major: History 1988-1989 Harvard University Major: American Civilization? (2) M.A. in puter Science, QinghuaUniversity?B.A. In Mathematics, Lanzhou University 6. Professional/Work Experience:?Underthis heading, in addition to the Date, write also your position/title and name of the36 institution. For example:? ? ?2017-Associate Professor of Education1992 – 2017 Lecturer, Henan University 7. Awards/Honors and Scholarship:?These include scholarships, fellowships, grants, etc.: ? 1998 -1999 Fulbright Award, United StatesState Department Exchange Program, Washington, USA.?2017Excellent Student, xxxxx University8. Publications:?Books and articles follow the format of the bibliography card in Part Eight The Research Paper, with the name of the author omitted.?Books:Introduction to English Stylistics. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press,1997.?Article:,Journals and Letters of Hey David Thoreau.‖ Trans. American Literature Quarterly, No. 4 1993 9. Professional Affiliations/Memberships:?Examples under this heading are: ? 1991 Member, Yunnan Provincial Writers’? ?2017 – 2017 2017 -Association Secretary-General, Chinese Association for African Study Council Member, Chinese Translators’ Association10. Language:?You may write the following under this heading: Chinese and English (fluent in both speakingand writing)?French (reading only)11. Reference/Referees:?Theyare people who know you and can offer information or remendation. The normal number of references is two or three, and it is imperative that you obtain their permission before using their names, In addition to names of your references, provide also their positions, full addresses and telephone numbers.37 ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Prof. Tan, Yonggang (Chairman) Department of Foreign Language and Literature Hubei University Baoyiyan, Wuchang Hubei, 430062 P.R.C. Telephone: 611903 Ext. 565留学书信与电传 一、留学书信 一、留学书信?到国外学习,一般要向有关学校和科研单位写信询问并索取报名表格及有关资料。收到对方的回信和资料后,应仔细阅读,弄清表格的内容和应注意的事项,填好以后再寄给对方, 有时还可附上有关学习经费来源的证明书, 供对 方了解这方面的情况, 以便作出接受与否的 决定。此外,还须请担保人或单位出具有关学历证件、成绩报告单、个人简历、著作要目或 论文摘要等。还可以请一 两位教授或专家学者分别写出对申请人的推荐书等。例 1 留学申请 信? ? ? ? ? ?Admission Officer ?Graduate School of Engineering ?Massachusetts Institute of Technology ?Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139 ?United States of AmericaDepartment of Electrical Engineering Hunan Polytechnical University Changsha City, Hunan Province The People’s Republic of China April 2, 2017?Dear Sir, ? I left Shanghai Jiaotong University as a graduate in electrical engineering in Aug. 2017.Now I am an assistant and experimenter, working in the Department of Electrical Engineering of the Hunan Polytechnical University. To pursue further studies I wish to enter the Graduate School of Engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology to study for the degree of Master of Science.?Your institute has a long history and a fine tradition of scholarship. It is well staffed and38 equipped, enjoying world-wide fame. To find a place in such an ideal school of high learning is indeed a matter of the greatest honor. It is my long cherished hope that I will be fortunate enough to be admitted into it.? ? ? ?I should be grateful to know the conditions under which the applicants are accepted. Wouldyou please send me an application form and some related information? I am looking forward to your early reply. Respectfully yours, Liu, FengVersion:?美利坚合众国麻萨诸塞州 02139 ?麻萨诸塞理工学院工程研究生院 ?招生办主任?亲爱的先生: ?坎布里奇我于 2017 年 6 月毕业于上海交通大学电机工程系, 目前在湖南理工大学电机工程系工作,担任助教兼实验员。为了进修深造,我希望能进入麻萨诸塞理工学院工程研究生院 攻读理学硕士学位。贵院有着悠久的历史和优良的学风,师 资力量雄厚,教学设备精良,享 有崇高的国际声望。能在这样一所理想的高等学府深造,实为一件无上光荣的幸事。烦请给 我寄份报名单和有关材料。?盼能早日收到您的复信。? ? ? ? ?例 2 留学推荐书 敬礼~此致刘峰 中华人民共和国湖南省长沙市 湖南理工大学电机工程系 2017 年 4 月 2 日?Name of Applicant: Huang Anming39 ?Mailing Address: The Pine Tree Middle School, Changsha City, ? Hunan Province, the People’sChinaRepublic of?Present Occupation: Teaching ?Employer: the Education Bureau of Changsha City ?Area of Specialty: General Physics ?Name of Referee: Li Fengping?Mr. Huang Anming graduated from the Physics Department of the Hunan Teacher’s Collegein 2017. During his college year (his stay in college), he achieved excellent results in study. He has some capacity to do research work and shows much promise as a college teacher.?Mr. Huang Anming has a fairly good ability to understand written English and to write inEnglish. He is, however, rather weak in (speaking) spoken English and must work hard to improve himself in this respect.?? ? ?I remend Mr. Huang and hope that he will get admitted as a graduate student in theGraduate School of Engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Li Fengping, President of Dongfang University Address: Changsha City, Hunan Province, The People’s Republic of China?Nameof Applicant: Huang Anming ?Mailing Address: The Pine Tree Middle School, Changsha City, Hunan Province, the People’s Republic of China ?Present Occupation: Teaching ?Employer: the Education Bureau of Changsha City ?Area of Specialty: General Physics ?Name of Referee: Li Fengping ? Mr. Huang Anming graduated from the Physics Department of the Hunan Teacher’s College in 2017. During his college year (his stay in college), he achieved excellent results in study. He has some capacity to do research work and shows much promise as a college teacher. ? Mr. Huang Anming has a fairly good ability to understand written English and to write in English. He is, however, rather weak in (speaking) spoken English and must work hard to improve himself in this respect. ? I remend Mr. Huang and hope that he will get admitted as a graduate student in the Graduate School of Engineering of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. ? Li Fengping, President of Dongfang University ? Address: Changsha City, Hunan Province, ? The People’s Republic of China40 Version: ?被推荐人: 黄安明 ?通讯地址: 中华人民共和国湖南省长沙市松树中学 ?现任职务: 教师 ?工作单位: 长沙市教育局 ?申请的研究生专业: 物理 ?专业: 普通物理学 ?推荐人: 李枫萍 ? 黄安明于 2017 年毕业于湖南师范学院物理系,学习期间成绩优良,有一定的研究 能力,可望成为大学教师。? 黄安明能阅读英语书籍,并能用英语写作,但口语较差些,需继续提高。我推荐 他。并希望贵院予以录取。? 东方大学校长: 李枫萍 ? 地址: 中华人民共和国湖南省长沙市 ? 2017 年 10 月 26 日 二、电传、传真?电传是电讯部门在用户那里安装的打字机, 直接收发电文的一种通讯手段。电传的英文全称是 telegraph exchange, teleprinter exchange or teletypewriter exchange.汉语中称,用户电报‖ 或,打字电报‖telex 是以上三种英语名称的缩写形式。电传是继电报发明之后的一种更为先 进的通讯工具,1930 年最先由德国人发明。70 年代后,世界步入电脑时代,电传进入全盛 时期。近年来,人们开始用传真机直接传送信件,或通过电脑联网发送电子邮件。通讯就更 加简捷方便了。电传和传真有以下几个特点 :? 1.传递迅速,它不受距离影响,电文在拍发的同电文;时,对方即可收到一份同样内容的?2. ?3. ?4. ?5.可靠性强,双方是用电传打字机或传真机交换信息,进行笔谈,与电话通话‎‎相似,可作直接即时的对答; 使用方便,可在办公室直接收发,即使对方人不在,电传打字机或传真机也会自动接受电讯,而且 24 小时均可工作; 书写方便,电传和传真文法简单,文体自由,明语及密语均可使用; 费用低廉,远远低于电报费用而且效率很高。电传的格式不同于书信和电报的格式,通常是由下列几部分组成的: ? 1.收电人电传号码: 一般用号码;TO 表示比较清楚,但有个别人不用,就直接写上收电人电传?2.发电人电传代码: 一般用 FM 或 DE 表示;?3.日期: 对于年、月、日的表示方法应注意,如果日数不超过十,月数应以字母标明,不41 要写阿拉伯数字,否则会引起误解;?4.收电人: 以 ATTN 或 ATT 标明,后接姓名及头衔; ?5.起草电文要力求简明扼要, 如电文较长, 应予分段。通常用阿拉伯数字或英文字母表示,如: (1)A) AA. AAA。?至于传真和电子邮件,则可根据发信人的需要,采用普通书信或双方约定任何格式进行传送 。例 1 电传之一?Version: ?寄: 22401 比利时 ?由: 40117SODXIMB中国冶金进出口公司上海分公司?日期 2017 年 2 月 8 日 ?致: 史密斯先生 ?事由: 有关您来宝钢访问?去年九月,我们寄给了贵公司有关卡车部件的第 ZC81160 号询价单。2017 年 12 月 21 日,我们给布斯先生发来电传(电传号为 B6172) 。我们建议贵公司派一两名专家来宝钢与我们 商谈有关技术和商务问题。如果是为卡车部件而来,请通过电传告诉我们。如果不是,请告 诉布斯先生我们仍在等候他的回音。? ?谨致问候 总经理Version: ?寄: 22401 比利时 SODXIMB ?由: 40117 中国冶金进出口公司上海分公司 ?日期 2017 年 2 月 8 日 ?致: 史密斯先生 ?事由: 有关您来宝钢访问 ? 去年九月,我们寄给了贵公司有关卡车部件的第 ZC81160 号询价单。2017 年 12 月 21 日,我们给布斯先生发来电传(电传号为 B6172) 。我 与我们商谈有关技术和商务问题。如果是为卡们建议贵公司派一两名专家来宝钢 车部件而来, 请通过电传告诉我们。如果不是, 请告诉布斯先生我们仍在等候他的回音。? 谨致问候42 ?例 1 电传之一总经理?TO: 22401 ?FM: 40117 ?DATE: ?ATTN:SODXIMB METSH CH FEB 8TH 2017 MR SMITH?RE: YR VISIT TO BISCO?LAST SEPT. WE SENT OUR ENQUIRY CARD ZC81160 TO YR COMPANY FOR SPAREPARTS FOR TRUCKS IN OUR TLX B 6172 DT 21/12/07 SENT TO MR BUHSE, WE SUGGESTED YR COMPANY SENT ONE OR TWO EXPERTS TO BISCO TO HOLD TECHNICAL BUSINESS TALKS WITH US.PLS TLX US IF YR VISIT IS FOR SPARE PARTS FOR TRUCKS. IF NOT, PLS TELL MR BUHSE WE’RE STILL WAITING FOR HIS REPLY TO OUR SUGGESTION.?B. RGDS ?G. MANAGER例 1 电传之一 ?TO: 22401 SODXIMB ?FM: 40117 METSH CH ?DATE: FEB 8TH 2017 ?ATTN: MR SMITH ?RE: YR VISIT TO BISCO ? LAST SEPT. WE SENT OUR ENQUIRY CARD ZC81160 TO YR COMPANY FOR SPARE PARTS FOR TRUCKS IN OUR TLX B 6172 DT 21/12/07 SENT TO MR BUHSE, WE SUGGESTED YR COMPANY SENT ONE OR TWO EXPERTS TO BISCO TO HOLD TECHNICAL BUSINESS TALKS WITH US.PLS TLX US IF YR VISIT IS FOR SPARE PARTS FOR RUCKS. IF NOT, PLS TELL MR BUHSE WE’RE STILL WAITING FOR HIS REPLY TO OUR SUGGESTION. ?B. RGDS ?G. MANAGER 例 2 电传之二?Version: ?艾利克逊将乘坐 1 月 16 日星期一 SK508 航班 17:00 抵达希斯罗机场,请预定 1 月 16 日至 23 日的旅馆房间,一切项目(或开支)包括在内。例 2 电传之二?ERIKSSON ARRIVING HEATHROW MONDAY 16 JAN 17:00 HRS FLIGHT SK 508. PLS43 BOOK HOTEL 16-23 JAN INCL. 例 3 电传之三?An American customer has just received a Sunco T100 generator. But he has some problemswith the consignment. So he sends a telex to the Sunco Orders Department:?Version: ?一位美国客户刚收到一台 T100 型发电机,但他发现这批货物有问题,所以他向 Sunco 订货部门发出了一份电传: ?2160711 JA ? ?LM N已收到我们预定的 0099 T100 型发电机一台,但是货不齐全,缺少发电机预座部件、加热部件及电缆,还有两个控制板缺少,振荡器部件业已损坏。请查看并通知我们。急件 福特?纽约?2160711 JA LM ?RE OUR ORDERN 0099 FOR ONE T100. UNFORTUNATELY CONSIGNMENT NOT COMPLETE. TOWER UNIT HEATER UNIT AND CABLE MISSING ALSO TWO CONTROL PANELS NOT ONE SUPPLIED. ALSO ALTERNATOR UNIT DAMAGED. PLS INVESTIGATE AND ADVISE.?URGENT ?FORD NEW YORK例 4 传真?Version: ? ? ? ?亲爱的林诗鲁: 谢谢你 1994 年 1 月 11 日的来信。我理解你的问题。你可以二月或三月来此。请随时告知。祝好。Argela Brooks 代教育艺术系主任理查德? 史密斯GRIFFITH UNIVERSITY44 GOLD COAST UNIVERSITY COLLEGE?FACULTY OF EDUCATION AND Gold Coast Campus Parklands Drive Southport Dean Professor Richard Smith Telephone (076) 948 803 Fax (075) 948 634 Mobile (018) 759 127 Email richard smith @ eda.gu.edu.au 21 January 1994THE ARTS? ? ? ? ? ? ?Mr Lin Shilu ?Department of Foreign Languages ?Shanghai University ?100 Yan-An Road (M) ?Shanghai ?People’s Republic of China?Dear Lin Shilu, ?Thank you for the information of 11 January 1994. I understand your problem. A February/Marcharrival is fine. Please keep me informed.?Best wishes. ?Yours sincerely, ? ?for Professor Richard Smith ?Dean ?Faculty of Education and the Arts例 5 电子邮件 Argela Brooks?fupnet@fudanpress. ?说明: ?这是名为 fupnet 的用户(复旦大学出版社)所用的电子邮件地址: @ 后的内容就是电信局服务器名称。 三、申请留学来往电传?申请到国外留学,首先考虑的是到哪一个国家,应该选择什么样的学校。不能只根据学校的名誉来选定, 应查明该学校有没有申请者要学的专业和课程, 弄清楚学校的入学条件和标 准,学校所在地区的位置、环境、气候、城市还是乡村,是否有经济资助,有什么具体要求, 外语水平方面的限制条件等等详细情况,以决定自己的申请去向。摸清学校的通讯地址。随 后简明扼要、开门见山地一封短信给心目中想去的学校(不要盯住一所学校,可以广为发信 到多所学校)的招生办公室,对方会寄给你该校的招生简章或资料,内有详细而涉及多方面 的内容介绍。?在选定好学校和专业后,按招生简章或资料上的要求 ,45寄上规定所要的学历证件(复印件) 并附上读中学或大学的日期,已获得或即将获得的文凭及各科成绩。学校方面收到表格或, 会根据情况给予不同的答复: ? 1.可能寄一份正式申请表格给你。?2.可能认为寄出的表格或询问信里所介绍的情况不够,学校还会继续寄周全的资料给你。?3.可能不让你进一步申请。例如,认为你未达到入学的最低成绩或该校没有你想攻读的课程,于是婉言谢绝你的申请。?4.有的学校对英语要求很严,规定必须达到 TOEFL(作为外国语的英语测验,也称托福考试) 、GRE (Graduate Record Examinations 研究生能力考试)、GMAT (Graduate Management Admission Test 管理类研究生入学测试) 、 SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test, Scholastic Assessment Test 简单说是美国高考) 的某一分数线才予以考虑。?如遇特殊情况可提请校方斟酌考虑,有疑问的,可通过信函联系,如果时间紧迫,考虑到信函往返时间太长,可考虑以电传或电子邮件的形式告诉对方。例 1 询问申请材料是否齐全?Version: ? ? ? ? ?澳大利亚悉尼麦奎利大学入学处 G? K? 斯宾塞副校长兼入学处负责人: 请告知本人入学申请材料是否齐全 谢谢 林青川?REGISTRAR AND VICE CHANCELLOR G? K? SPENCER, ?REGISTRARA’S OFFICE, ?MACQUARIE UNIVERSITY, SYDNEY NSW 2109 (AUSTRILIA) ?ADVISE IF MY APPLICATION FOR ADMISSION COMPLETE, ?TK U ?QINGCHUAN LIN例 2 要求寄发 1,20 学生签证资格证明书?Version:46 ? ? ?澳大利亚维多利亚州帕克维尼墨尔本大学外国学生入学处: 请速寄 1,20 学生签证资格证明书 杜国 英?INTERNATIONALADMISSIONS, THE UNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE,PARKVILLE,VICTORIA 3052 (AUSTRALIA)?PROMPT ISSUANCE OF 1-20 REQUESTED ?TK ?GUOYING DU例 3 申请助学金?Version: ? ? ? ?CHRIS澳大利亚维多利亚州帕克维尼墨尔本大学外国学生入学处克利斯? 卡曼: 1-20 已收到,请考虑助学金 张文平CHARMAN, ADMISSIONS OFFICER-INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS, THEUNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, PARKVILLE, VICTORIA 3052 (AUSTRALIA) 1-20 RECEIVED. PLS CONSIDER FINANCIAL AID. TK?WENPING CHANG例 4 通知接受助教奖学金?Version: ?加急?澳大利亚维多利亚州帕克维尼墨尔本大学国际学生入学处克利斯? 卡曼: 12 日来函收到, 本人接受助教奖学金,书面接受函另寄。??URGENT47张文平 ?CHRIS CHARMAN, ADMISSIONS OFFICER, INTERNATIONAL STUDENT OFFICE, THEUNIVERSITY OF MELBOURNE, PARKVILLE, VICTORIA 3052 (AUSTRALIA)?RYL 12 ASSISTANTSHIP OFFER ACCEPTED. WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE FOLLOWS ?WENPING CHANG例 5 要求电复助教奖学金金额?Version: ? ? ? ?DEAN,澳大利亚新南威尔士阿米德尔新英格兰大学化学系主任: 敬悉 12 日来函。函中对助教奖学金金额未言明,请回电阐明为荷。朱金明CHEMISTRY FACULTY, THE UNIVERSITY OF NEW ENGLAND, ARMIDALENSW 2351 (AUSTRILIA)?REURLET 12 ASSISTANTSHIP STIPEND UNSPECIFIED. PLS CLARIFY BY CABLE ?JINMING ZHU例 6 要求电复注册日期?Version: ? ? ? ?DEAN澳大利亚维多利亚州墨尔本拉? 托毕大学邦杜拉分校研究生院负责人: 寄来的 1,20 未注明详细注册日期,请以电传赐告。谭凌元OF GRADUATE SCHOOL, LA TROBE UNIVERSITY, BUNDOOR CAMPUS,MELBOURNE, VICTORIA 3083 (AUSTRALIA)?1-20 DOESN’T INDICATE EXACT REGISTRATION DATE. PLS ADVISE BY TELEX ORE-MAIL?LINYUAN TAN48 Self-remendation letter ?Dear Mr. Smith: ? I wish to apply for the position as sales assistant mentioned in your advertisement in the local newspaper of May 8. I believe that both my working experience and personal character will prove qualified to your position. ?I am at present a third- year college student. In order to pay for my expensive tuition, I have taken up different part –time jobs up to now, and one of them was as a sales assistant in a trade pany for four months. Therefore, I am very familiar with the requirements of the job as sales assistant. Moreover, I myself like the job very much and I think my personality is well suited to working as an assistant . I am a very friendly person who can quickly establish rapport with people of all age. In fact, my former boss was surprised at both my incredible stamina and efficiency in dealing with customers’ orders. ?My resume is enclosed, but I would like to meet with you at your earliest convenience. You may reach me at this number 139********after 7pm any day. Thank you for your consideration of my application.Yours faithfully ? Nelly49 篇四: 商务信函 1. 称呼和结束句: Dear Sir Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Sirs Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Madam Yours faithfully Dear Ms Brown Yours sincerely Dear MrMith Yours sincerely 2. 介绍这封信的背景: With reference to: With reference to your advertisement in the Times of 12th December,… With reference to your phone call today,… 3. 解释写信原因: I am writing to… I am writing to confirm the arrangement. I am writing to enquire about the price and discount of your products. I am writing to inform you that we have sent your goods on July 2 1. I am writing to apologise for the delay of the goods. 4. 提出要求: I would be grateful if you could send me a catalogue. I would appreciate it if you could deliver them as soon as possible. Could you possibly give a presentation at the annual sales conference? 5. 表示感谢 Thank you for… Thank you for your telephone call today. Thank you for sending the catalogue to me. 6. 随信寄去的材料 Please find enclosed a cheque. I am enclose a price list. We enclose a brochure. 7. 表示道歉 I am sorry that our cashier charged you too much. I apologize for not attending the meeting. I am sorry for not replying to your letter. 8. 确认某事 I am pleased to confirm the booking of the conference room on Monday ,March 3—5 . I can assure you that we can deliver the goods by the required date. 9. 讲述不好的消息 Unfortunately, the handles of the teapots were missing. I am afraid that only two of the ten microphones can work. 10. 结束一封信 Thank you for your help. Please contact us again if we can help in any way. / you have any questions. I look forward to hearing from you soon. /meeting you ./ seeing you next Friday. 篇五: 商务信函的格式和范文商务信函的格式和范文 商务信函属于商务礼仪文书范畴, 是指企业与企业之间, 在各种商务场合或商务往来过程中 所使用的简便书信。其主要作用是在商务活动中用来建立经贸关系、传递商务信息、联系商 务事宜、沟通和洽商产销;询问和答复问题、处理具体交易事项。其种类包括联系函、推销 函、订购函、确认函、索赔函等多种。文种特性 〔一)语气口语性 每一封商务信函的往来都是不同的企业之间或者企业领导者彼此之间的一种情感交流。人都 是感性的, 所以商务信函更多地体现了感性的一面。而不是人们想象的商务信函应该用一种 特殊的―生意腔‖ ,信函读起来使人感到非常热情、友好,就像朋友之间的谈话那样简单、 自然、人性化。无论是歉意的道歉函,还是善意的劝说函,或者购买函,完全‎‎可以通过信函 中的语气、语调来表现。 (二)内容直接性 企业每天都要阅读大量信函文件。商务信函不需要用华丽的词句。所以,商务信函要写得简 明扼要,短小精悍,切中要点。用简洁朴实的语言来写信函,使信函读起来简单、清楚、容 易理解。当涉及数据或者具体的信息时,如时间、地点、价格、货号,等等,要用语精确, 使交流的内容更加清楚,这更有助于加快商务活动的进程。 (三)态度真诚性 商务信函要能够充分体现真诚、礼貌。不管说什么,都要带着诚意去说。把写好的商务信函 拿起来读一遍,确保如果此时对方正在电话中与你 和礼貌。这里所说的礼貌,并不是简单通话,他一定能够感受到你的自然、真诚 用一些礼貌用语,而是体现了一种为他人考虑,多体 谅对方心情和处境的态度。 (四)主旨单一性 商务信函具有纯粹的业务性,一般要求专文专事,内容集中单一,围绕公务,突出主旨。 (五)格式性 商务信函结构类似于一般的书信,有称呼、有正文、有署名。外贸商务函、电的写作则必须 依照国际惯例, 用英语或对方国家所使用的语言书写, 在文法和书写格式上也要符合对方的 语言规范和习惯。 (六)地位平等性 商务信函是两个平等法人之间的往来文书,反映双方平等、互惠互利的关系。商务信函的写 作应相互尊重,以礼相待。 (七)要求时限性 商务信函是在商务活动的每个环节中形成的, 每封信函都是一定时限内的双方意愿的明确表 达。因此,接收对方的信函后必须及时回复。目前,信函的传递越来越多地使用图文传真、 电子邮件等快速传递形式,以适应这一特点的需要。商务信函一般由三部分组成: 信头、正文、信尾。 (一)信头 信头即信函的开头,由发信人名称及地址、标题、函号、称谓、收信人地址和单位等组成。1 发信人名称及地址 发信人名称及地址一般写明发信人企业单位名称及详细地址。还包括电话号码、电报挂号、 专用电码、电传、传真、网址等商务联系信息。2(标题 作为商务信函,它与一般的普通信件不同,只要不是企业单位个人与个人之间的交流,商务 信函一般可以有标题。标题位置在信文首页卜方,居中书写,其内容是标明事由。事由要求 概括出函件的主旨、中心,使收信人通过标题就对信文的主要内容有大致的了解。常见的商 务信函标题有以下两种形式: (1)由事由加文种名称―函‖构成,如―关于要求承付打印机货款的函‖―推销函‖―订购 、 、 函‖―索赔函‖等。、 (2)先写―事由‖二字,加冒号提示,然后直接标写该信函的内容,如―事由: 机动车索赔‖ 。3 函号 函号即编号,分为对方编号和己方编号。在外贸业务信函的信头上注明编号,可保证信函便 于管理和查阅。函号位置一般出现在标题右下方或信头的左上方。常见的有两种形式: 一是仿效行政公文发 文字号的格式,采用―x 函〔xxxx〕x 号‖或(xxxx) ―函第 x 号‖的形式; 二是采用直接编 号的形式,如―第 x 号‖ 。4 称谓 称谓是对收信人或收信单位的称呼,一般写受文者的尊称,这是商务信函必须的一项。其位 置一般在标题或函号的左下方, 单独占行, 顶格书写, 后面用冒号。书写时有以下两种称谓: (1)泛指尊称。―尊敬的‖后加称谓并加冒号,如―尊敬的先生‖―尊敬的女士‖等。尊称中 、 可以使用职务,如―尊敬的办公室主任‖―尊敬的财务部部长‖ ―尊敬的销售部经理‖等。、 、 (2)具体称谓。即具体指名道姓的尊称。在姓名后面加称谓语。这类称谓一般用于写信人与 收信人彼此认识或者非常熟悉的情况。因为这种称谓能够体现写信人与收信人之间的情感与 密切关系。称谓可用泛称中的―先生‖―女士‖等,也可以使用职务,如―尊敬的办公室石 、 主任‖―尊敬的财务部张部长‖―尊敬的销售部王经理‖等。、 、 5(收信人地址、单位 收信人地址、单位要写明收信人企业单位名称及详细地址。 (二)正文 正文是商务信函的主体, 叙述商务往来联系的实质问题。正文写作要求内容单纯, 一文一事, 文字简明,事实有据,行文礼貌。1 问候语 问候语也即应酬语或客气语。开头的问候语是商务信函必不可少的, 即发信人对收信人打招 呼的礼貌问候语。一般用一两句尊敬的客气话表示,如―您好‖,―近来生意可好,效益颇 高‖等。如果是初次联系,可使用―久仰大名,未亲雅教‖等词语。如果是回函,可使用―惠 书敬悉,不胜感激‖等词语表示感谢来函。2 主体 主体是商务信函正文的核心内容, 是发信人要说明的事项。不同的商务信函的内容是不同的。一般包括以下两个内容: (l 说明发函缘由。直截了当、简明扼要地说明发函的目的、根据、原因等内容;复函则要引 叙对方来函要点,以示复函的针对性。 (2)说明发函事项。主体表达信函的中心内容,一般是根据发函缘由详细地陈述具体事项, 或是针对所要商洽的问题或联系事项,阐明自己的意见。要求语气要平和,问题要明确,事 实要清楚,表达要明白。如商洽函的正文主体包括商洽缘由、商洽内容、意愿要求三部分; 询问函的正文主体包括询问缘由、询问事项两部分;答复函的正文主体包括答复缘由、答复 内容两部分;商品报价函的正文主体包括产品的价格、结算方式、发货期、产品规格、可供 数量、产品包装、运输 方式等。如果正‎‎文主体内容简单,逻辑上可采用篇、段合一式结构,如果正文主体 内容较多,逻辑上 可采用分段式结构。3 结尾语 正文结束以后,‎‎一般用精练的语言将主体所叙之事加以简单概括,并提出本函的有关要求, 强调发函的日的。如请求函的结尾语是―拜托之事,承望协助解决为盼‖ ,希望回函的结尾 语是―不吝赐函,静候佳音‖等。结尾语视发信人与收信人的关系以及信函的内容而定,要 求恰当得体。 (三)信尾 信尾部分包括四部分内容。1 祝颂语 所有的商务信函都要写明祝颂语。祝颂语分为祝者自身的请候语和收信人的安好语两部分: (1)请候语,在正文结束后空两格书写。常用的有―敬祝‖―顺颂‖―恭祝‖ 、 、 等。 (2)安好语,一定另起一行顶格书写,以表示对对方的尊重。常用的安好语有―商棋‖―金 、 安‖―生意兴隆‖等。、 2 签署 签署即发信人的署名或签名、 用印。商务信函的署名可根据企业的要求或发信人的意见而定。有的企业署名以单位名称加盖印章的方式; 有的企业要求发信人直接签名, 以示对信函的内 容负责。个人签名一定要由发信人亲手所签。3 日期 日期一般是发信具体时间。商务信函因为涉及商务业务往来,务必写明发信日期。一般采用 以下三种形式: (1)公文日期形式。即在信函签署下方用汉字小写写明发信日期,如 xxxx 年八月十八日。(2)阿拉伯数字形式。即在信函签署下方用阿拉伯数字写明发信日期,如 2017 年 8 月 18 日。 (3)国际标准简写法形式。即在信函签署下方用阿拉伯数字标记年、月、日,在一位数的月、 日前加―0 ,如 2017 年 08 月 18 日。无论哪种写法,日期务必写全,以便存档备查。如 2017 年 08 月 08 日,不能写成―08 年 08 月 08 日‖ 。4 附件 附件是随函附发的有关材料,如报价单、发票、确认书、单据等。如果需要标注附件的,在 信函签署的下方可以标注附件。如果附件是两个以上的,要分别标注附件 一、附件二等。范文: 道歉函 xx 市兴达贸易有限公司: 贵公司 20xx 年 x 月 x 日函收悉。函中所诉 20xx 年 1 月 7 日《购买电脑桌合同》中,所收的 35 套黄花牌电脑桌部分出现接口破裂一事,深表歉意,此事已引起我方高度重视,现已就 此事进行调查。经有关邵门查实: 我厂生产的 xxxx 型黄花牌电脑桌,出厂时,经质检部门检验全部为优质 产品。函中所提的部分电脑桌出现接口破裂,是由于我方工人在出仓时搬运不懊造成的。衬 贵公司的损失, 我公司再次深表歉意, 并请贵公司尽快提供电脑桌受损的详细数字及破损程 度,以及公证人证明和检验证明书,我介司将以最快的速度按实际损失给予无条件赔偿。对此, 我们将引以为戒, 查找工作中存在的问题和不足, 制仃改正措施杜绝此类事件的发生。希望能够得到责公司谅解,继续保持良好的贸易往来关系。候复 xx 市光明家具有限公司 20xx 年 8 月 9 日 本文来源于: :///article/sort07/sort053/info-3417.html
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