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《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次

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《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) ------------------------------- 特别提示:作为参考文献引用时举例: [1] 童敏杰,王长文,雷鹍,等. 电沉积法制备的超细晶薄铜板拉伸及表面层效应[J]. 锻压 技术, 2007, 32(1): 16-19. ----------------------------------------- 综述 超重型液压缸的科学技术价值和工程应用 颜永年,荆红,俞新陆,等(1-7...
《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次
《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第1期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) ------------------------------- 特别提示:作为参考文献引用时举例: [1] 童敏杰,王长文,雷鹍,等. 电沉积法制备的超细晶薄铜板拉伸及表面层效应[J]. 锻压 技术, 2007, 32(1): 16-19. ----------------------------------------- 综述 超重型液压缸的科学技术价值和工程应用 颜永年,荆红,俞新陆,等(1-7) 锻造 长杆类差速器壳体闭式模锻工艺研究 李德超,车奇楠,陈海鹏,等(8-11) 船用长轴类大锻件锻造工艺方法研究 夏琴香,向可,赵学智,等(12-16) 核电汽轮机用0Cr13环锻件热加工工艺的探讨 戴玉同,钱喜根,潘正华(17-19) 板料成形 基于增量法的多工艺的拉深筋优化与 易国锋,柳玉起,章志兵,等(20-24) 铝合金板材弯曲成形性能 陈超,桂枫,陈明安(25-29) 提高转接段外套成形质量的优化成形工艺 杨海钢(30-34) 不同应变路径下高强度钢板料成形数值模拟分析 齐振杰,夏琴香,戚春晓,等(35-39) 基于LS-DYNA有限元平台火车车厢小弯梁板材成形研究 何亚峰,干为民(40-44) 基于Dynaform的托辊轴承座壁厚减薄率的影响因素研究 曹自林,聂慧慧,池成忠,等(45-48) 组合式金属风叶制作精度的工艺保证 徐立华,殷铭(49-52) 汽车板厚度对拉延筋部位摩擦系数测量的影响 李川海(53-55) 特种成形 铝挤压机挤压筒的失效分析 王玲玲(56-60) 花键轴增量式滚轧成形坯料直径计算及有限元分析 李泳峄,赵升吨(61-64) 螺旋钻杆接头成形工艺方案设计及数值模拟分析 冯文杰,祝宇,陈莹莹,等(65-68) 渐开线直齿齿轮轴楔横轧成形过程优化研究 徐彩玲,王国栋(69-72) 基于MSC.Superform的圆截面轧扁三维轧制数值模拟 韩小峰,郭成,邢光汉,等(73-75) 叶片辊轧过程动力学仿真研究 毛君,张瑜,李深亮,等(76-79) 装备与成套技术 大型模锻压机卸压回路仿真研究 湛利华,沈文奇,陈敏,等(80-84) 三辊定心装置在无缝钢管穿孔机上的应用 张迎春,宁艳平,罗辉(85-88) 基于PLC的电池盒冲压运料机械手研制 王少纯,傅秀云,王笑香,等(89-92) 80 MN双柱斜置式快速锻造液压机有限元分析 闫红红,李永堂,刘兴 ,等(93-97) 一种以非圆形齿轮驱动冲床的实现方法研究 金旭星(98-102) 运动副间隙对高速精密压力机振动的影响 吴洋洋,赵宇,吴洪涛,等(103-107) 四辊卷板机卷制椭圆柱面控制的数学模型 徐兆军,马晨波(108-110) 基于三辊辊板机的制管基本参数性能分析 仲继彬,张继青,束海燕(111-114) 一种新型机械拉伸压力机传动机构及仿真分析 何彦忠,黄建民(115-120) 上、下位机数据高速通讯方法及其在大型锻压机中的应用 舒招强,谭建平,陈晖(121-125) 模具 热冲压和超塑气胀复合成形的模具设计 孙梦莹,吴晓炜,王勇,等(126-129) 支架一模二件无废料级进模设计 匡余华(130-132) 基于CAD/CAE汽车大地板外侧梁拉延模设计 周雄新,欧笛声(133-136) 支撑架多工位级进模的设计 何敏红,王树勋(137-139) 测试技术 基于超声波技术的冲压送料双板检测系统研究 王国栋,钟佩思,丁淑辉,等(140-142) 材料与成形性能 基于塑性应变比的圆筒形件极限拉深系数预测 聂慧慧,池成忠,黄莉莉,等(143-146) 热压缩实验误差定量分析及修正软件开发 刘晓飞,张艳姝(147-154) 计算机应用 考虑内禀长度的纯铝L2微拉深过程模拟 王瑞亭,李付国,陈波,等(155-158) TC4钛合金叶片等温成形多塑性变形机制模拟分析 董俊哲,李付国,肖美立,等(159-163) 孔径比为2.50~3.00的自由锻冲孔坯料形状研究 张如华,熊勇勇,王师,等(164-167) GH4169高温合金叶片挤压制坯成形规律研究 齐广霞,徐培培,史丽坤(168-171) 技术交流 中碳合金钢零件成形技术研究 韩来福,尹小平,马涛,等(172-174) 化 机械行业标准《齿轮轴毛坯楔横轧 技术条件》研制的必要性及技术概要 张军改,张康生,李昱,等(175-176) 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第2期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 (1-5) 基于伺服压力机的板料成形研究现状与发展趋势夏敏,向华,庄新村,等锻造 (6-9) 矩形直齿轮热锻工艺有限元模拟只悦胜,胡成亮,赵震,等 (10-13) 前轴垂直整形工艺模拟与模具开发曾琦,蒋鹏13B (14-16) 型货车钩尾框框体锻造工艺模拟及优化王凯,王皓,唐振英,等396 (17-20) 柴油机连杆模锻成形工艺研究李志广,安文忠,刘振杰板料成形 (21-25) 深腔类盒形件充液成形技术研究郎利辉,许诺,王永铭,等 B (26-30) 汽车柱加强板拉延筋优化设计朱取才,王成勇,田植诚,等 (31-33) 半圆筋循环载荷作用下的板材变形特征研究李群,李娜,郭宝峰,等 (34-36) 板料渐进成形极限图测试方法研究王进,姜虎森,陶龙,等 (37-39) 基于拉伸试验的板料成形性能研究丁华,薛松,张东,等 (40-42) 小口径厚壁球形封头的冷拉深成形蒋起臣,王永生,杨一平,等 (43-46) 带凸缘锥形零件拉延成形工艺研究韩来福,杨智刚,尚志全,等特种成形 (47-52) 碳纤维连接结构钛合金铆钉电磁铆接试验研究崔俊佳,孙立强,孟令博,等SUSXM7 (53-56) 含铜不锈钢冲压成形性能研究张艳梅,程永奇,黎文灿,等 (57-60) 大比例三通接头成形工艺研究及质量控制王玲,付冬雪,郎利辉,等 (61-64) 厚壁管坯零件快速充液成形过程的数值模拟杨春雷,郎利辉,王秀凤,等 (65-68) 螺塞复合挤压的材料分配规律研究孙见奇,雷君相,马晓峰 Φ219 mm×45 mm BFe10-1-1 (69-72) 大口径白铜管生产工艺研究陈琴,刘广龙,张娟,等 (73-76) 劈分角对矩形槽劈挤成形的影响研究祝岳峰,张如华,艾凡荣,等 (77-80) 汽车蓄能器壳体件挤压成形工艺研究苏晓斌,龚红英,李会肖,等 (81-84) 凸模锥角对三柱轴式万向节径向冷挤压成形的影响严健鸣,王成勇,李伟,等装备与成套技术 (85-89) 大型水压机阀芯驱动系统凸轮升程曲线设计陈玲,谭建平,杨俊,等200 kN (90-93) 液压锻造操作机监控系统研究张寅,孔祥东,翟富刚,等 (94-97) 计入系统弹性的压力机冲压曲线修正模型研究金旭星 (98-100) 高能螺旋压力机新型控制系统研究李红,李庆祥,张浩模具 (101-104) 后背门外板加强板多工位级进模设计向小汉 (105-108) 链管冷挤压模具设计刘立起,骆鸣 (109-111) 氮气弹簧在磁轭落料拉深模中的应用肖洪波,梁士红加热与热处理 (112-117) 获得热锻工艺模拟中等效热参数的简易实验方法刘晓飞,潘利永,张风光测试技术 TB6 (118-122) 钛合金超塑性拉伸试验误差分析马超,王高潮,梁军辉,等节能技术 (123-129) 压铸机节能化再制造郑洪波,孙友松,何炎光,等材料与成形性能 -n (130-133) 一种计算椭圆圆孔型影响系数的新方法温慧,郑申白,周森k 理论与实验研究 (134-137) 超塑性厚向异性板胀形的一个理论解李跃宇,刘树春F45V (138-141) 非调质钢动态再结晶模型及数值模拟马文龙,王进,王宝平,等 (142-146) 超薄板胀形破裂极限预测理论研究孙立君,黄珍媛,张寒,等计算机应用 (147-150) 空心圆柱斜齿轮正挤压数值模拟研究俞德哲,王新云,金俊松,等 DMC-PID (151-155) 基于模糊的模拟等温挤压控制系统研究杨磊,李好文 (156-159) 无端头凹心楔横轧件精确成形机理数值模拟张晓英 (160-163) 液气锤冲击振动及对基础影响的研究毛君,张宇,许文馨,等 ICP (164-167) 能量法与算法相结合的从粗到精的曲面配准技术潘明存,乔丽霞,赵松潮80MN 168-171 快速锻造液压机的有限元模态分析佘海滨,张学良,温淑花,等() 172-174 新型数控冲割复合工艺在车架纵梁生产中的应用王淑俊,马国礼,罗龙飞,等() 175-178 基于反求工程技术的零件冷弯轧辊设计孟鑫,王宗彦,郑江() 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第3期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 庆祝《锻压技术》杂志创刊五十五周年 陆辛,金红,张雷,等 (1-2) 锻造 基于Deform的金属锻造过程的晶粒度分析研究 胡光明,刘旺玉,林伟强(3-6) 大尺寸内齿轮冷挤压成形工艺研究 李建平,夏祥生,万元元,等(7-11) 高锰无磁钢护环锻造特点及锻造工艺 曾艳玲(12-14) 板料成形 数字图像相关法的板料成形极限研究与应用 王永信,丁恩伟,梁晋,等(15-18) 汽车保险杠热冲压成形及坯料形状设计 桂中祥,张宜生,李洪庆,等(19-23) 镁合金方形件液压拉深成形的数值模拟 毛献昌,杨连发,刘赟,等(24-28) 22MnB5高强钢板热成形淬火时间对回弹的影响规律 肖海峰,王敏,张春,等(29-33) 摩擦对汽车零件拼焊板成形行为影响 陈水生,王裕清,张高峰(34-37) 5A06合金壳体拉深成形及性能评价 周朝辉,吉卫,曹海桥,等(38-41) 压边力成形窗口建立方法的研究 陈玉龙,蒋敏,赵仕宇,等(42-45) 汽车前防撞梁的热冲压成形数值模拟与试验 郭怡晖,马鸣图,张宜生,等(46-50) 热冲压成形技术与应用 蔡长生(51-53) 基于模具变形分析的防撞梁回弹预测精度研究 于强(54-57) 特种成形 电动工具异形输出轴镦挤成形工艺研究 王卫平,王雷刚,谢斌,等(58-63) 二辊楔横轧颚式破碎机偏心轴成形数值模拟 杨永明,郭亮,米涛,等(64-67) 橡胶履带铁齿的楔横轧制坯工艺数值模拟分析 陈钰金,任伟伟,徐春国,等(68-71) 304不锈钢四通件热挤压成形规律研究 颜凌云,武鹏飞,包宗贤,等(72-74) 型材弯曲中断裂缺陷的探讨 乔雅智,李晓星,郭涛,等(75-78) 装备与成套技术 基于遗传算法的冷锻压力机广义肘杆机构的多目标优化 潘庆元,李江国,金魏,等(79-84) 某高速冲床润滑系统环境适应性研究 张根保,孙晓丁,鞠萍华,等(85-89) 锻造操作机钳口抓取状态的分析与研究 何琪功,杨晋(90-93) 1250 mm辊锻机工作部分刚度有限元分析 陈杰鹏,蒋鹏,孙国强(94-97) 数控冲床中旋转冲头的设计与分析 梁凤喜,钟佩思,丁淑辉,等(98-101) 基于ARM的伺服压力机网络控制系统设计 李麟,叶春生,莫健华(102-106) 七杆式复合驱动伺服冲床的机构合成研究 金旭星(107-110) 模具 一种冲压模具闭合间隙监控方法与实验验证 刘迪辉,吴学胜,张新悦(111-114) 压盖级进模排样设计的研究 何敏红,王树勋,武晓红(115-117) 成形加强筋工艺研究与模具设计 韩来福,尚志泉,闫江,等(118-121) 非对称法兰密封固定盖级进模设计 丁明明,蔡丹云,黄勇(122-124) 基于知识工程的冷冲压模具设计系统 张永春,周洪,王秀凤,等(125-128) 单摆杆级进模的设计与制造 武晓红(129-132) 摩擦与润滑 时变效应对轧辊轴承热弹流润滑的影响 任付娥,王优强(133-136) 加热与热处理 热处理对Ti2AlNb/Ti60双合金接头组织及性能的影响 郭凡,郭鸿镇,姚泽坤,等(137-140) 测试技术 金属材料点接触塑性强度的验证 周流芳(141-144) 材料与成形性能 基于变形均匀性的AZ31镁合金ECAP多道次成形工艺研究 周超,彭必友,沈冰,等(145-151) 理论与实验研究 激光快速成形正多边形格子扫描路径的生成算法 黄小毛, 叶春生,黄伟军,等(152-155) 计算机应用 基于Ti-6Al-4V的热等静压与温压成形数值模拟对比研究 姚松,郎利辉,布国亮,等(156-159) 铝合金板弯曲回弹试验与有限元仿真 王巍,李东升,李小强(160-164) 多加强肋胀形可行性补充条件及有限元数值模拟 管爱枝,施于庆(165-169) 铜管铸轧加工过程质量管理系统建立与实施 孟艳敏,刘劲松(170-173) 技术交流 从《锻压技术》收录分析近十年塑性加工领域的发展 张雷(174-178) 标准化 技术标准《高速工具钢锻件 技术条件》的编制及解读 金颖(179-180) 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第4期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 锻造 DK20连杆高能螺旋压力机精密模锻工艺 詹辉(1-5) 传动轴多工位锻造过程数值模拟及工艺优化 陈学文,王 博,金春光(6-10) 第三类边界条件下大型圆柱体钢锭加热速度计算 高兴勇,郑继明(11-13) 基于曲轴生产的锻压自动化生产线分析 姜楠,其尔曼,刘国豹,等(14-17) 板料成形 基于三维全场应变摄影测量的板料成形极限动态在线测定 陈军,梁晋,胡浩(18-22) 一种细滤网冷冲压加工的工艺改进 陈燕,邱江红(23-26) 多道次拉深中间构型对成形影响的研究 韩志仁,苑泽冰,曲学军(27-31) 基于有限元的汽车外覆盖件面畸变分析 谌勇志,郭劲松,娄茂昆(32-35) 镀锌层对高强度镀锌薄板力学性能的影响 裴少伟,韩飞(36-39) 冲压板料可成形性区域图的研究与应用 闫盖,郑燕萍,何镇罡,等(44) 特种成形 SiC的激光表面微造型工艺研究 刘萍萍, 魏龙,谢海银(45-49) 铝合金筒件侧向等温挤压成形的金属流动分析 吴立波,朱庆,薛勇,等(50-53) 平面螺旋线材的成形技术研究 欧阳醌,姚斌,卢杰,等(54-57) 挤压轮转速对异型铜管连续挤压影响的数值模拟研究 于天娇,宋宝韫,裴久杨(58-63) 螺旋线材数控代码的生成与应用 卢杰,姚斌,李晓卉,等(64-67) 装备与成套技术 某高速冲床离合制动器维修决策模型的研究 张根保,张会杰,鞠萍华,等(68-73) 变刚度碟形弹簧减振器在冲床上的应用 孙培明,魏协奔, 陈树钦(74-77) 四辊卷板机的受力分析及驱动功率计算 岳明英,刘强,刘艳妍(78-81) 焊接式卧式旋压成形机床结构设计及分析 黄成龙,夏琴香,赵学智,等(82-86) 基于LabVIEW的管材液压成形设备测控系统设计 张航,雷君相,程文超,等(87-91) 重型锻压机刚柔耦合系统动力学分析 范彬,刘明,陆新江,等(92-96) 多连杆伺服压力机控制系统的设计 汤世松,仲太生,罗素萍,等(97-100) 模具 带气动切换机构的汽车顶盖翻边整形模设计 陈世涛,阮林凡,赵淮北(101-105) 接触簧片冲压工艺及模具结构设计 钟江静,梁士红(106-110) S6冷凝器固定支架零件冲压工艺及模具设计 胡兆国,朱超(111-115) 月牙形孔手动分度冲裁模设计 孟少明,聂慧萍,陈晨(116-119) 节能技术 蓄热式燃烧技术在锻造加热炉中的节能应用 陈操,史建东,谭学庆,等(120-123) 材料与成形性能 变压边力下TRIP600高强钢板的成形窗口 陈淑婉,蒋敏,詹艳然,等(124-130) 镁合金板材热态下成形极限预测研究 张小龙,曹晓卿,杨琳,等(131-134) 镁合金及纯铝连续挤压流动均匀性对比研究 万萌萌,王延辉,杨俊英,等(135-139) 挤压AZ31镁合金管材的组织性能及热塑性研究 杨树恒(140-143) 高温合金A286室温动态力学性能研究 辛选荣,梁坤,谢田,等(144-147) 低合金钢Q345E高温热变形行为及动态再结晶图 李佳,张秀芝,刘建生(148-151) 计算机应用 非对称方锥台件数控渐进成形研究 赵仕宇,高平生,詹艳然(152-156) 数控渐进反向成形支撑凹模STL模型生成与制作 朱虎,林雯雯,韩福辰(157-161) 带钢热连轧粗轧过程FEM分析前处理模块开发 张芳,张小平,王文龙(162-166) Al-Zn-Mg-Cu高强铝合金多向自由锻数值模拟与实验研究 张云飞,王亮,赵晓东,等(167-171) 电极端子冷挤压成形数值模拟与工艺研究 鄢志雄,罗云华,李彦涛,等(172-176) 6061铝合金板料的成形性能及数值模拟研究 白云瑞,陶杰,郭训忠,等(177-181) 基于正交试验的筒形件旋压工艺优化设计 解加庆,赵捍东,李飞,等(182-185) 技术交流 法兰制造厂申请 PED/AD2000-W0认证的关键技术要求 李振方,李洪刚,张术宽(186-189) 先进开卷落料线的工艺规划设计 王平,崔礼春,马国礼(190-192) 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第5期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 用于先进材料的先进检测技术研究 张德海,崔国英,白代萍,等(1-6) 锻造 700 MW级水轮发电机镜板镜面均匀性控制研究 罗晋平,钟约先,马庆贤,等(7-12) 基于Deform-3D和正交实验法的GH4169合金涡轮盘热模锻工艺优化 王浩宇,赵薇,董建新,等(13-19) 冷成形直齿锥齿轮齿形回弹分析及凹模修正 胡建军,凌文凯,张卫青,等(20-23) 离心机吊篮筒体件选材与制坯工艺研究 杨辉(24-28) F51AE型钩舌的锻造工艺分析及模具设计 卜文学,赵增华,杨勇,等(29-32) 4Cr16Mo石化主轴锻造工艺研究 叶玉娟,高全德,孙振环,等(33-36) 板料成形 基于多重约束模型的折弯工序规划算法 赵祖烨,张李超,史玉升,等(37-41) 板材多点渐进成形控制系统设计 蔡改贫,廖强,姜志宏,等(42-45) 相对弯曲半径对成形凹模接触应力峰值的影响 李伟,王成勇,鲁志兵,等(46-49) 先进高强度钢板DP590回弹试验及数值模拟研究 李贵,柳玉起,柯俊逸,等(50-55) 微型轿车翼子板冲压工艺及拉延模设计 蒙以嫦(56-61) 圆筒拉深件形状与厚度变化数值模拟分析 彭广威(62-65) 载货车纵梁回弹的数值分析及模具补偿 钱直睿,黄秀香,王新华,等(66-69) 不同加载路径下预裂纹50W800G硅钢板的拉伸性能 何玉林,孙明军(70-73) 特种成形 角部先行起爆成形结晶器方管的数值模拟 王海涛,李晓杰,闫鸿浩,等(74-78) 变截面辊弯回弹机理研究 王世鹏,韩飞(79-86) TC4盘件双面辗压的实验研究 张风光,金泉林,李洪波(87-90) 模具入口角度对铜排连续挤压扩展成形的影响 曹雪,刘元文,裴久杨(91-95) 单直缝焊接圆管成形制造工艺改进 林相楠(96-98) 装备与成套技术 基于马尔可夫链的折弯机活塞密封圈可靠性研究 张根保,高琦樑,刘杰,等(99-103) 基于目标驱动优化技术的自冲铆接机C型框架结构优化 黄志超,程雯玉,占金青,等(104-109) 高速组合油压机冲盂过程减速特性仿真研究 姚静,郭悦,张哲(110-114) 数控液压板料折弯机控制系统的研究与实现 余俊,张李超,史玉升,等(115-118) 摆辗机机架性能研究与改善 吴昊,王少华,孙正峰(119-122) 基于LabVIEW的螺旋压力机打击力测量系统 石然然,李名尧,张报建,等(123-126) 温挤压自动供料机械手控制系统设计 武晓志,王亚军,陈大专,等(127-131) 重型摩擦压力机的再制造方案 卢蔚民,孙友松,卢怀亮(132-137) 一种八连杆机械压力机连杆的优化设计 余发国,王园(138-141) HSHP-1000T液压机节能效应浅析 裴华军,马国礼,崔礼春(142-144) 模具 齿轮轴一次挤压成形模具设计 匡余华(145-147) 摩擦与润滑 基于Archard的正挤压模具磨损模拟分析与研究 郑伟刚,尹存宏,杨宁,等(148-151) 加热与热处理 第三类边界条件下大型圆柱体钢锭加热的应力模型 高兴勇(152-154) 高压水除鳞系统的设计及应用 肖铁忠,罗静,龚文均,等(155-157) 理论与实验研究 初始应变速率对00Cr22Ni5Mo3N双相不锈钢超塑性的影响 李少峰,任学平,李殊霞,等(158-161) 计算机应用 铝型材挤压流动模型的网格划分算法研究 李莹,刘江伟,赵国群(162-168) 粉末颗粒压制变形的细观模拟分析 孙龙,焦明华,尹延国,等(169-173) HFW焊管排辊成形中线成形段有限元仿真分析 胡盛德,张静,刘勇,等(174-177) 5CrNiMo热作模具钢模块锻造方法的数值模拟 夏琴香,范燕波,吕明柯,等(178-184) ECAE处理钛合金数值分析研究 韩雄伟,杨金凤,冷祯龙(185-193) 《锻压技术》2013年(第38卷)第6期 目次 (全国中文核心期刊) 综述 重型承载机架的优化设计——论1200 MN液压机之一 颜永年,荆红,张定军,等(1-13) 锻造 辋板距大差异车轮热成形工艺研究 许章泽,李翔,谢峰,等(14-16) 精锻机锤头加工及堆焊工艺研究 辛志杰,曹敏曼,刘芳(17-19) 锻造生产线效率提升的研究 颜峰(20-24) 轴承套圈锻件热变形收缩系数的应用 姜岩(25-27) 板料成形 金属板料单点渐进成形变形控制方法 张国新,戴京东(28-31) 数控渐进成形板料尺寸自动确定方法研究 朱虎,韩福辰,林雯雯(32-36) 带翻边拉深件的成形工艺设计及数值模拟 孙慧,纪平鑫,陈永兴(37-40) 基于伺服压力机的厚板变速冲裁噪声研究 陈辉,章争荣,潘镇强,等(41-45) 浅谈燃机燃烧室过渡段成形特点 赵宝艳,杨海钢(46-51) 升降器座板冲压工艺的改进 肖亚慧,周立波(52-55) 特种成形 7475铝合金壁板蠕变成形筋条失稳及数值模拟 吴阳,郑英,邓运来,等(56-61) 筒形件强力旋压用对轮旋压装置的研制 黄涌,夏琴香,程秀全,等(62-66) 基于有限元模拟的变截面辊弯成形起皱缺陷预测 王婷,韩飞(67-72) 摆辗机新型椭圆运动轨迹的研究 姚万贵,冯文成,邵长斌,等(73-75) 装备与成套技术 基于混合威布尔分布的数控折弯机可靠性评估 张根保,杨毅,刘杰,等(76-79) 基于噪声声强最弱的泵控压机卸压特性研究 艾超,孔祥东,刘胜凯,等(80-85) 铝挤压机运垫机械手的自动化控制 韩泓(86-88) 基于Matlab-GUI的挤压机挤压筒计算软件开发 王玲玲(89-92) 模具 磁轭多工位级进模设计 崔柏伟,邓卫国(93-96) 渐进成形技术在滚塑模具制造上的应用 王停停,张国新(97-99) 座椅加强板多工位级进模设计 向小汉(100-103) 测试技术 板材折弯件全长弯曲角度的双目视觉检测方法研究 孟德安,赵升吨,张琦,等(104-110) 基于应变非接触测量的裂纹拼接 李亚男,万敏,吴向东(111-115) 材料与成形性能 GH5188合金流变行为研究 东赟鹏,王超渊,宋晓俊,等(116-121) 超级双相不锈钢00Cr32Ni7Mo3.5N的热塑性及高温组织演变 李静媛,杨智辉(122-127) 理论与实验研究 汽车转向器螺杆中心细长孔冷挤压成形工艺研究 刘百宣,孙红星,刘华,等(128-131) FGH96合金挤压过程非金属夹杂物的变形行为 张敏聪,方爽,陈由红,等(132-137) 基于微观演化的304不锈钢四通件挤压温度优化 赵金国(138-141) 基于管材挤压实验的ZK60镁合金本构关系模型 王芳,王忠堂(142-145) 计算机应用 薄壁零件充液成形知识库系统的方法研究 王增华,黄青松,陈振林,等(146-149) 挤压机速度控制系统建模及控制策略研究 杨武,谭建平,陈晖(150-155) 曲线焊缝位置对拼焊板焊缝移动的影响规律研究 张家骅,陈志祥,徐连强,等(156-159) 板料成形参数化建模与自动分析平台开发及应用 张远清,刘义,白笃,等(160-164) 汽车挡泥板冲压工艺的改进 陈文勇(165-169) ZK60镁合金薄壁矩形管等温挤压仿真研究 李荣兵(170-172) 空心管坯挤制铝型材的数值模拟和实验分析 陈珍山,黄瑶,王雷刚,等(173-177) QT8812汽车发动机油底壳二次拉深成形回弹分析 覃天,吴泊良,苏广才,等(178-185) ------------------------------- 以下为《锻压技术》2013年各期英文目录,供您在向国内、外英文期刊投稿时参考引用, 作为参考文献引用时举例如下(其中终止页码一项,请参照上面的中文目录): [1] XU Wei-li, Ai Jian, YU Ning-feng, et al., Stamping-stiffness coupling simulation techniques[J]. Forging & Stamping Technology, 2006,31(1): 6-9. ------------------------------- Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.1 SUMMARY Science technology value and engineering application of super heavy hydraulic cylinder YAN Yong-nian,JING Hong,YU Xin-lu,et al (1) FORGING Study on close die forging process of long rod differential case LI De-chao,CHE Qi-nan,CHEN Hai-peng,et al (8) Research on forging method of marine long-shaft heaving forging XIA Qin-xiang,XIANG Ke,ZHAO Xue-zhi,et al (12) Heat treatment process research on 0Cr13 ring forgings used in nuclear power turbines DAI Yu-tong,QIAN Xi-gen,PAN Zheng-hua (17) SHEET FORMING Optimization and design on drawbead of multi-process management system based on incremental method YI Guo-feng,LIU Yu-qi,ZHANG Zhi-bing,et al (20) Bending formability of aluminum alloy sheet CHEN Chao,GUI Feng,CHEN Ming-an (25) Optimized forming process for improving forming quality of outer transition sleeve YANG Hai-gang (30) Numerical simulation of high strength steel sheet metal forming in different strain paths QI Zhen-jie,XIA Qin-xiang,QI Chun-xiao,et al (35) Forming research on railway carriages small curved beam based on LS-DYNA finite element platform HE Ya-feng,GAN Wei-min (40) Study on influence factors of wall thinning ratio for bearing seat of supporting roller based on Dynaform CAO Zi-lin,NIE Hui-hui,CHI Cheng-zhong,et al (45) Manufacturing process precision assurance for combined type of metal blower fan XU Li-hua,YIN Ming (49) Influence of auto sheet抯 thickness on measurement of frictional coefficient in draw bead region LI Chuan-hai (53) SPECIAL FORMING Failure analysis of extrusion cylinder for aluminum extrusion press WANG Ling-ling (56) Diameter calculation of billet before incremental rolling for spline shaft and finite element analysis LI Yong-yi,ZHAO Sheng-dun (61) Forming process design and numerical simulation of helix drilling joint FENG Wen-jie,ZHU Yu,CHEN Ying-ying,et al (65) Study of forming process optimization for involute gear shaft wedge cross rolling XU Cai-ling,WANG Guo-dong (69) 3D rolling numerical simulation of circle section being rolled to flat based on MSC.Superform HAN Xiao-feng,GUO Cheng,XING Guang-han,et al (73) Dynamics simulation study on blade rolling process MAO Jun,ZHANG Yu,LI Shen-liang,et al (76) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Simulation research on pressure relief loop for large die-forging hydraulic press ZHAN Li-hua,SHEN Wen-qi,CHEN Min,et al (80) Application of three-roll centering device in seamless steel tube punch ZHANG Ying-chun,NING Yan-ping,LUO Hui (85) Development of manipulator for stamping automatic feeding in the battery cover based on PLC WANG Shao-chun,FU Xiu-yun,WANG Xiao-xiang,et al (89) Finite element analysis of 80 MN inclined double-column rapid forging hydraulic press YAN Hong-hong,LI Yong-tang,LIU Xing,et al (93) Study on achieving method for designing press driven by non-circular gears JIN Xu-xing (98) Influence of joint clearance on vibration of high-speed precision press WU Yang-yang,ZHAO Yu,WU Hong-tao,et al (103) Mathematical model of bending process control of elliptic cyclic in a four-roller bending machine XU Zhao-jun,MA Chen-bo (108) Analysis of basic parameters and performance for pipe manufacture based on three-roll rolling machine ZHONG Ji-bin,ZHANG Ji-qing,SHU Hai-yan (111) Transmission mechanism and simulation analysis of new mechanical drawing press HE Yan-zhong,HUANG Jian-min (115) High speed communication method between upper and lower control systems and its application on huge forging hydraulic press SHU Zhao-qiang,TAN Jian-ping,CHEN Hui (121) DIE TECHNOLOGY Die design of hot stamping and superplastic inflatable compound forming SUN Meng-ying,WU Xiao-wei,WANG Yong,et al (126) Support frame progressive die design for two workpiece with one die without waste material KUANG Yu-hua (130) Drawing die design of automobile floor lateral beam based on CAD/CAE ZHOU Xiong-xin,OU Di-sheng (133) Design of multi-position progressive die for support frame HE Min-hong ,WANG Shu-xun (137) MEASUREMENT & TEXT TECHNOLOGY Double sheet detection system of stamping feed based on ultrasonic technology WANG Guo-dong,ZHONG Pei-si,DING Shu-hui,et al (140) MATERIAL & FORMING PERFORMANCE Prediction of limit drawing coefficient for cylinder based on plastic strain ratio NIE Hui-hui,CHI Cheng-zhong,HUANG Li-li,et al (143) Quantitative analysis on hot compression test erro and software development for correction LIU Xiao-fei,ZHANG Yan-shu (147) COMPUTER APPLICATION Deep drawing process simulation of pure aluminum L2 considering intrinsic length WANG Rui-ting,LI Fu-guo,CHEN Bo,et al (155) Simulation of multiple plastic deformation mechanism for isothermal forming of TC4 titanium alloys blade DONG Jun-zhe,LI Fu-guo,XIAO Mei-li,et al (159) Billet shape research of open punching with aperture ratio from 2.50 to 3.00 ZHANG Ru-hua,XIONG Yong-yong,WANG Shi,et al (164) Research on laws of extrusion blank forming for GH4169 superalloy blade QI Guang-xia,XU Pei-pei,SHI Li-kun (168) STANDARDIZATION Research on forming technology of medium carbon alloy steel parts HAN Lai-fu,YIN Xiao-ping,MA Tao,et al (172) Research necessity and technical summary of machinery industry standard of CWR process specification for rough gear shaft ZHANG Jun-gai,ZHANG Kang-sheng,LI Yu,et al (175) Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.2 SUMMARY Research status and development tendency of sheet metal forming using servo press XIA Min,XIANG Hua,ZHUANG Xin-cun,et al(1) FORGING FE simulation of hot forging process for rectangular spur gear ZHI Yue-sheng,HU Cheng-liang,ZHAO Zhen,et al(6) FEM analysis of front axle vertical finishing process and mold development ZENG Qi,JIANG Peng(10) Forging process and FEM optimization of 13B type forged yoke body for railway wagons WANG Kai,WANG Hao,TANG Zhen-ying,et al(14) Research on forming technology for 396 diesel engine connecting rod die forging LI Zhi-guang,AN Wen-zhong,LIU Zhen-jie(17) SHEET FORMING Research on hydroforming technology for rectangular box with deep cavity LANG Li-hui,XU Nuo,WANG Yong-ming,et al(21) Optimal design of half-open draw bead of B-pillar reinforced plate ZHU Qu-cai,WANG Cheng-yong,TIAN Zhi-cheng,et al(26) Study of sheet deformation characteristics under the cyclic loading applied by semi-circle drawbead LI Qun,LI Na,GUO Bao-feng,JIN Miao(31) Study on experimental method of measuring forming limit diagram in incremental sheet forming WANG Jin,JIANG Hu-seng,TAO Long,et al(34) Study of sheet metal forming performance based on tensile test DING Hua,XUE Song,ZHANG Dong,et al(37) Cold drawing of small-bore thick walled spherical head JIANG Qi-chen,WANG Yong-sheng,YANG Yi-ping,et al(40) Analysis and application of drawing and forming process of cone part with flange HAN Lai-fu,YANG Zhi-gang, SHANG Zhi-quan,et al(43) SPECIAL FORMING Research on carbon fibers structure of electromagnetic riveting for titanium alloy rivet CUI Jun-jia,SUN Li-qiang,MENG Ling-bo,et al(47) Research on stamping forming performances of SUSXM7 Cu-bearing stainless steel sheet ZHANG Yan-mei,CHENG Yong-qi,LI Wen-can,et al(53) Process study and quality control for forming large-scale duplex fitting WANG Ling,FU Dong-xue,LANG Li-hui,et al(57) Numerical simulation of rapid hydraulic forming process for thick-wall tube YANG Chun-lei,LANG Li-hui,WANG Xiu-feng,et al(61) Research on material distribution law in combined extrusion process of screw plug SUN Jian-qi, LEI Jun-xiang, MA Xiao-feng(65) Study on production process of large diameter Φ219 mm×45 mm BFe10-1-1 cupronickel tube CHEN Qin,LIU Guang-long,ZHANG Juan,et al(69) Study on forming laws of split-extruding rectangular groove with different splitting angles ZHU Yue-feng,ZHANG Ru-hua,AI Fan-rong,et al(73) Research on extrusion forming process of automobile accumulator shell SU Xiao-bin,GONG Hong-ying,LI Hui-xiao,et al(77) Influences of taper angle of punch on radial cold extrusion process of three-pillar universal joint pin YAN Jian-ming,WANG Cheng-yong,LI Wei,et al(81) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Design of cam lifting profiles used to drive spool system in large hydraulic press CHEN Ling,TAN Jian-ping,YANG Jun,et al(85) Research on monitor and control system of 200 kN hydraulic forging manipulator ZHANG Yin, KONG Xiang-dong, ZHAI Fu-gang,et al(90) Research on revising stamping curve model of press under taking into system elasticity JIN Xu-xing(94) Performance analysis of EPC-8000 electric screw press of 80 MN ZHANG Yuan-liang,ZHANG Hua-de,ZHU Yuan-sheng,et al(98) Study on new control system of high energy screw press LI Hong,LI Qing-xiang,ZHANG Hao(103) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design of multi-position progressive die for reinforcement-GATE OTR PNL XIANG Xiao-han (106) Cold extrusion dies design of chain pipe LIU Li-qi,LUO Ming(110) Application of nitrogen spring in magnetic yoke blanking-drawing die XIAO Hong-bo,LIANG Shi-hong(114) HEATING & HEAT TREATMENT Simple experiment method for getting equivalent thermal parameter of simulated hot forging process LIU Xiao-fei,PAN Li-yong,ZHANG Feng-guang(117) MEASUREMENT & TEXT TECHNOLOGY TB6 titanium alloy superplastic tensile test and error analysis MA Chao,WANG Gao-chao,LIANG Jun-hui,et al(123) ENERGY-SAVING TECHNOLOGY Energy-saving refabrication for die casting machine ZHENG Hong-bo,SUN You-song,HE Yan-guang,et al(128) MATERIAL & FORMING PERFORMANCE Influence of spinning process on the properities of nickel-based alloy ZHAO Bo,LI Xin-he,YANG Fei,et al(135) New method for calculating effect coefficienct nk of oval- round pass WEN Hui,ZHENG Shen-bai,ZHOU Sen(140) THEORY & EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Theoretical solution to superplastic bulging of normal anisotropic plate LI Yue-yu,LIU Shu-chun(144) Dynamic recrystallization model and numerical simulation for F45V non-quenched and tempered steel MA Wen-long,WANG Jin,WANG Bao-ping,et al(148) Theory research on rupture limit prediction for thin plate SUN Li-jun,HUANG Zhen-yuan,ZHANG Han ,et al(152) COMPUTER APPLICATION Numerical simulation investigation on forward extrusion process of hollow cylindrical helical gear YU Tok-Chol,WANG Xin-yun,JIN Jun-song,et al(157) Research on simulated isothermal extrusion control system based on DMC-Fuzzy PID YANG Lei , LI Hao-wen(161) Simulation of deformation principle of near net shape cross wedge rolling process to form shafts without concaves ZHANG Xiao-ying(166) Research on impact vibration of counterblow hydraulic-air hammer and its effect on foundation MAO Jun,ZHANG Yu,XU Wen-xin,et al(170) Surface registration algorithm by employing energy registration method and ICP algorithm PAN Ming-cun ,QIAO Li-xia,ZHAO Song-chao(174) Friction effect on forming behaviors of tailor welded blanks for auto parts CHEN Shui-sheng,WANG Yu-qing,ZHANG Gao-feng(178) Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.3 The 55th aniversary celebration of Forging & Stamping Technology LU Xin,JIN Hong,ZHANG Lei,et al(1) FORGING Grain size analysis of metal forging process based on Deform HU Guang-ming, LIU Wang-yu,LIN Wei-qiang(3) Technical research on cold extrusion of large size internal gear LI Jian-ping,XIA Xiang-sheng,WAN Yuan-yuan,et al(7) Forging characteristics and process of high manganese non-magnetic steel retaining ring ZENG Yan-ling(12) SHEET FORMING Forming limit research and application of digital image correlation method in sheet metal forming process WANG Yong-xin, DING En-wei,LIANG Jin,et al(15) Hot stamping and blank shape design for vehicle bumper GUI Zhong-xiang, ZHANG Yi-sheng, LI Hong-qing,et al(19) Numerical simulation of magnesium alloy square parts in hydraulic deep drawing MAO Xian-chang, YANG Lian-fa, LIU Yun,et al(24) Study of quenching-time effect to springback for 22MnB5 high strength steel hot forming process XIAO Hai-feng, WANG Min, ZHANG Chun,et al(29) Friction effect on forming behaviors of tailor welded blanks for auto parts CHEN Shui-sheng, WANG Yu-qing, ZHANG Gao-feng(34) Drawing and performance evaluation of 5A06 alloy shell ZHOU Zhao-hui, JI Wei, CAO Hai-qiao, et al(38) Research on establishment method of BHF forming window CHEN Yu-long,JIANG Min,ZHAO Shi-yu,et al(42) Numerical simulation and experiment of hot stamping for front bumper of automobile GUO Yi-hui,MA Ming-tu,ZHANG Yi-sheng,et al(46) Hot stamping technology and its application CAI Chang-sheng(51) Accuracy study of springback prediction for anti-collision beam based on die deformation YU Qiang(54) SPECIAL FORMING Study on forming process of power tools profiled output shaft WANG Wei-ping, WANG Lei-gang, XIE Bin,et al(58) Numerical simulation of cross wedge rolling for jaw crusher eccentric shaft YANG Yong-Ming, GUO Liang,MI Tao,et al(64) Numerical simulation analysis of cross wedge rolling billet process for rubber track iron teeth CHEN Yu-jin, REN Wei-wei, XU Chun-guo, et al(68) Research on the hot extrusion process of 304 stainless steel four valve body YAN Ling-yun,WU Peng-fei,BAO Zong-xian,et al(72) Discussion about fracture in profile bending process QIAO Ya-zhi,LI Xiao-xing,GUO Tao,et al(75) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Multi-objective optimization on generalized knuckle mechanism in cold forging press based on Genetic Algorithm PAN Qing-yuan,LI Jiang-guo,JIN Wei,et al(79) Environmental suitability research on lubrication system of some kind of high-speed punch ZHANG Gen-bao, SUN Xiao-ding, JU Ping-hua, et al(85) Analysis and research of grabbing condition for forging manipulator’s jaw HE Qi-gong,YANG Jin(90) FEM analysis of working part stiffness for 1250 mm roll forging machine CHEN Jie-peng,JIANG Peng,SUN Guo-qiang(94) Design and analysis of CNC revolving punch LIANG Feng-xi, ZHONG Pei-si, DING Shu-hui, et al(98) Network control system design of servo press based on ARM LI Lin, YE Chun-sheng, MO Jian-hua(102) Research on mechanism synthesis of seven-link hybrid-driven servo press JIN Xu-xing(107) DIE TECHNOLOGY Method of stamping die’s close gap monitoring and its experimental verification LIU Di-hui,WU Xue-sheng,ZHANG Xin-yue(111) Research on layout design for gland progressive die HE Min-hong,WANG Shu-xun,WU Xiao-hong(115) Forming process study and mold design of stiffener HAN Lai-fu,SHANG Zhi-quan, YAN Jiang,et al(118) Design of progressive die for sealing fixing cover with asymmetric flange DING Ming-ming,CAI Dan-yun,HUANG Yong(122) Cold stamping die design system based on knowledge engineering ZHANG Yong-chun, ZHOU Hong, WANG Xiu-feng,et al(125) Design and manufacturing of progressive die for pendulum rod WU Xiao-hong(129) FRICTION & LUBRICATION Influence of transient effect on thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication of roll bearing REN Fue, WANG You-qiang (133) HEATING & HEAT TREATMENT Effects of heat treatment on microstructure and mechanical properties for joint of Ti2 AlNb/Ti60 dual alloys GUO Fan,GUO Hong-zhen,YAO Ze-kun,et al(137) MEASUREMENT & TEXT TECHNOLOGY Verification of point contact plastic strength for metallic materials ZHOU Liu-fang(141) MATERIAL & FORMING PERFORMANCE Study of forming process for AZ31 magnesium alloy during multiple passes ECAP based on homogeneous deformation ZHOU Chao,PENG Bi-you,SHEN Bing,et al(145) THEORY & EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Planning algorithm of regular polygon grid path for laser rapid prototyping HUANG Xiao-mao,YE Chun-sheng,HUANG Wei-jun,et al(152) COMPUTER APPLICATION Comparison of numerical simulation between hot isostatic pressing and warm compaction on Ti-6Al-4V YAO Song,LANG Li-hui,BU Guo-liang,et al(156) Test and FEM simulation of springback for aluminum alloy sheet bending WANG Wei,LI Dong-sheng,LI Xiao-qiang(160) Feasibility supplementary criterion and finite element numerical simulation of bulging for multiple reinforcement ribs GUAN Ai-zhi, SHI Yu-qing(165) Establishment and implementation of quality management system of cast-rolling process for copper tubes MENG Yan-min,LIU Jin-song(170) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Research on the development of plastic working technology based on the papers in the journal of Forging & Stamping Technology in the last ten years ZHANG Lei(174) STANDARDIZATION Preparation and amendment of technical standard “Technical requirements for forgings of high-speed tool steel” JIN Ying(179) Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.4 FORGING Precision die forging technology using high power screw press for DK20 connecting rod ZHAN Hui(1) Numerical simulation and optimization for drive shaft multi-station forging process CHEN Xue-wen,WANG Bo,JIN Chun-guang(6) Calculation of large cylindrical ingot heating rate under the third boundary condition GAO Xing-yong,ZHENG Ji-ming(11) Analysis of automatic forging production line structure based on crankshaft production JIANG Nan,QI Er-man,LIU Guo-bao,et al(14) SHEET FORMING Dynamic and online measurement of metal sheet forming limit based on photogrammetry 3D-full field strain CHEN Jun,LIANG Jin,HU Hao(18) Improvement of cold stamping processing for a fine mesh part CHEN Yan,QIU Jiang-hong(23) Influence on forming intermediate shape in multi-pass deep drawing of sheet metal HAN Zhi-ren,YUAN Ze-bing,QU Xue-jun(27) Analysis of surface defect in automobile outer panel based on finite element CHEN Yong-zhi,GUO Jin-song,LOU Mao-kun(32) Influence of galvanized layer on mechanical properties of thin high strength steel sheet PEI Shao-wei,HAN Fei(36) Design and application about partition of feasible formability diagram in sheet stamping YAN Gai,ZHENG Yan-ping,HE Zhen-gang,et al(40) SPECIAL FORMING Study on laser surface texturing process of SiC LIU Ping-ping,WEI Long,XIE Hai-yin(45) Metal flow analysis of aluminum tube lateral isothermal extrusion WU Li-bo, ZHU Qing,XUE Yong,et al(50) Research on planar spiral wire forming technology OUYANG Kun,YAO Bin,LU Jie,et al(54) Simulation and investigation of effect of wheel angular velocity on continuous extrusion for special shaped copper tube YU Tian-jiao, SONG Bao-yun, PEI Jiu-yang(58) Generation and application of NC code for spiral wire LU Jie,YAO Bin,LI Xiao-hui,et al(64) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Research on maintenance decision-making model for high-speed punch clutch ZHANG Gen-bao,ZHANG Hui-jie, JU Ping-hua,et al(68) Application of variable stiffness damper with disc spring to punch SUN Pei-ming,WEI Xie-ben,CHEN Shu-qin(74) Bearing force analysis and driving power calculation of four-roll plate bending machine YUE Ming-ying, LIU Qiang, LIU Yan-yan(78) Structure design and analysis of welded horizontal spinning machine HUANG Cheng-long,XIA Qin-xiang,ZHAO Xue-zhi,et al(82) Design of tube hydroforming technology equipment’s measurement and control system based on LabVIEW ZHANG Hang,LEI Jun-xiang,CHENG Wen-chao,et al(87) Dynamic analysis of rigid-flexible coupled system for heavy forging press FAN Bin,LIU Ming,LU Xin-jiang,et al(92) Design of control system for multi-link servo press TANG Shi-song,ZHONG Tai-sheng,LUO Su-ping,et al(97) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design of automotive roof flanging-sizing mold with pneumatic switching mechanism CHEN Shi-tao,RUAN Lin-fan,ZHAO Huai-bei(101) Design of stamping process and die structure for contact spring ZHONG Jiang-jing,LIANG Shi-hong(106) Stamping process and mold design of S6 condenser bracket parts HU Zhao-guo,ZHU Chao(111) Blanking die design of manual scale mark for crescent hole MENG Shao-ming,NIE Hui-ping,CHEN Chen(116) ENERGY-SAVING TECHNOLOGY Energy saving application of regenerative combustion technology in forging heating furnace CHEN Cao,SHI Jian-dong,TAN Xue-qing,et al(120) MATERIAL & FORMING PERFORMANCE Formability window of TRIP600 high strength steel sheet at variable blank-holder force CHEN Shu-wan,JIANG Min,ZHAN Yan-ran,et al(124) Forming limit diagram prediction of magnesium alloy sheet at warm condition ZHANG Xiao-long,CAO Xiao-qing,YANG Lin,et al(131) Contrast research of continuous extrusion flow uniformity between magnesium alloy and pure aluminum WAN Meng-meng,WANG Yan-hui,YANG Jun-ying,et al(135) Microstructure and thermal plasticity of AZ31 magnesium alloy extruded tube YANG Shu-heng(140) Research on dynamic mechanical property of super alloy A286 at room temperature XIN Xuan-rong,LIANG Kun,XIE Tian,et al(144) Hot deformation behavior and dynamic recrystallization diagram for low-alloy Q345E steel at high temperature LI Jia,ZHANG Xiu-zhi,LIU Jian-sheng(148) COMPUTER APPLICATION Study on incremental forming of asymmetry square cone ZHAO Shi-yu, GAO Ping-sheng, ZHAN Yan-ran(152) Generation and fabrication of support die STL model for CNC incremental reverse forming ZHU Hu, LIN Wen-wen, HAN Fu-chen(157) Pre-process module development of FEM simulation for hot slab rolling process ZHANG Fang,ZHANG Xiao-ping,WANG Wen-long (162) Numerical simulation and experiment research on multi-directional free forging of Al-Zn-Mg-Cu high strength aluminum alloy ZHANG Yun-fei,WANG Liang,ZHAO Xiao-dong,et al(167) Numerical simulation of cold extrusion and process research for electrode terminal YAN Zhi-xiong,LUO Yun-hua,LI Yan-tao,et al(172) Formability and numerical simulation investigation of 6061 aluminum alloy plates BAI Yun-rui,TAO Jie,GUO Xun-zhong,et al(177) Optimization design of cylinder spinning technology based on orthogonal experiment XIE Jia-qing,ZHAO Han-dong,LI Fei,et al(182) TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION Key technical requirements of PED/AD2000-W0 certification for flange manufacturers LI Zhen-fang,LI Hong-gang,ZHANG Shu-kuan(186) Process planning design of advanced uncoiler blanking line WANG Ping,CUI Li-chun,MA Guo-li(190) Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.5 SUMMARY Research on advanced measurement technology applied for advanced materials ZHANG De-hai,CUI Guo-ying,BAI Dai-ping,et al(1) FORGING Research on surface uniformity control of runner plate for 700 MW hydrogenerator LUO Jin-ping,ZHONG Yue-xian,MA Qing-xian,et al(7) Research on optimization of GH4169 turbine disc hot die forging technique based on Deform-3D and orthogonal experimental method WANG Hao-yu,ZHAO Wei,DONG Jian-xin,et al(13) Tooth shape springback rule and die modification of cold forging straight bevel gear HU Jian-jun,LING Wen-kai,ZHANG Wei-qing,et al(20) Research on cylinder material selection and manufacturing process of centrifuge hanging-basket YANG Hui (24) Forging process and die design of knuckle F51AE BU Wen-xue,ZHAO Zeng-hua,YANG Yong,et al(29) Research on forging process of 4Cr16Mo petrochemical axle YE Yu-juan,GAO Quan-de,SUN Zhen-huan,et al(33) SHEET FORMING Bending sequence planning algorithm based on multiple-constraint model ZHAO Zu-ye,ZHANG Li-chao,SHI Yu-sheng,et al(37) Design of control system for sheet metal multi-point incremental forming CAI Gai-pin,LIAO Qiang,JIANG Zhi-hong,et al(42) Influence of relative bending radius on contact stress peak of forming die LI Wei,WANG Cheng-yong,LU Zhi-bing,et al(46) Experimental research and numerical simulation of springback for advanced high-strength steel-DP590 LI Gui,LIU Yu-qi,KE Jun-yi,et al(50) Stamping process and drawing die design of the minicar front fender MENG Yi-chang(56) Numerical simulation analysis of shape and thickness change in cylinder part’s drawing PENG Guang-wei(62) Numerical simulation and mold compensation of springback for truck longeron QIAN Zhi-rui,HUANG Xiu-xiang,WANG Xin-hua,et al(66) Tensile performance of 50W800G silicon steel sheet with fore-flaw under different loading conditions HE Yu-lin,SUN Ming-jun(70) SPECIAL FORMING Numerical simulation of corner in advance detonating forming for crystallizer square tube WANG Hai-tao,LI Xiao-jie,YAN Hong-hao,et al(74) Research on springback mechanism in flexible roll-forming WANG Shi-peng,HAN Fei(79) Experimental study on double-sided roll forming of TC4 disk ZHANG Feng-guang,JIN Quan-lin,LI Hong-bo(87) Effects of die entry angles on copper bus bar continuous extrusion extending forming CAO Xue,LIU Yuan-wen,PEI Jiu-yang(91) Manufacturing process improvement of single seam welding pipe LIN Xiang-nan(96) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Research on reliability for piston seal of bending machine based on Markov chain ZHANG Gen-bao,GAO Qi-liang,LIU Jie,et al(99) Structure optimization of C-frame self-piercing riveting machine using goal driven optimization HUANG Zhi-chao,CHENG Wen-yu,ZHAN Jin-qing,et al(104) Simulation study on punching process deceleration characteristics of high speed combined hydraulic press YAO Jing,GUO Yue,ZHANG Zhe(110) Research and implementation of control system for CNC hydraulic press brake YU Jun,ZHANG Li-chao,SHI Yu-sheng,et al(115) Research and improvement of rotary forging machine frame WU Hao,WANG Shao-hua,SUN Zheng-feng(119) Strike force measuring system of screw press based on LabVIEW SHI Ran-ran,LI Ming-yao,ZHANG Bao-jian,et al(123) Control system design of warm extrusion automatic feeder manipulator WU Xiao-zhi,WANG Ya-jun,CHEN Da-zhuan,et al(127) Refabrication plan for heavy friction screw press LU Wei-min,SUN You-song,LU Huai-liang(132) Optimization design of linkages for eight-links mechanical press YU Fa-guo,WANG Yuan(138) Analysis of energy saving effect in HSHP-1000T hydraulic press PEI Hua-jun,MA Guo-li,CUI Li-chun(142) DIE TECHNOLOGY Die design of once-molded gear shaft by extrusion forming KUANG Yu-hua(145) FRICTION & LUBRICATION Die wear simulation of forward extrusion process based on Archard theory ZHENG Wei-gang,YIN Cun-hong,YANG Ning,et al(148) HEATING & HEATING TREATMENT Stress model of large cylindrical ingot heating under third boundary condition GAO Xing-yong(152) Design and application of high-pressure water descaling system XIAO Tie-zhong,LUO Jing,GONG Wen-jun,et al(155) THEORY & EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Effect of initial strain rate on superplasticity of 00Cr22Ni5Mo3N duplex stainless steel LI Shao-feng,REN Xue-ping,LI Shu-xia,et al(158) COMPUTER APPLICATION Research on meshing algorithm of aluminum profile extrusion flow model LI Ying,LIU Jiang-wei,ZHAO Guo-qun(162) Microscopic simulation of compression deformation process of powder particles SUN Long,JIAO Ming-hua,YIN Yan-guo,et al(169) Analysis on linear step of HFW cage roll-forming with FEM simulation HU Sheng-de,ZHANG Jing,LIU Yong,et al(174) Numerical simulation for forging method of die block forging of 5CrNiMo hot die steel XIA Qin-xiang,FAN Yan-bo,LV Ming-ke,et al(178) Numerical analysis of titanium alloy processed by ECAE HAN Xiong-wei,YANG Jin-feng,LENG Zhen-long(185) Forging & Stamping Technology 2013, Volume 38, No.6 SUMMARY Optimization design of heavy load-bearing frame—Discussing about the 1200 MN hydraulic press:I YAN Yong-nian,JING Hong,ZHANG Ding-jun,et al(1) FORGING Studied on hot forming technology of railway wheel with considerable variability in size between plate and rim XU Zhang-ze,LI Xiang,XIE Feng,et al(14) Research on machining and welding technology of precision forging hammer XIN Zhi-jie,CAO Min-man,LIU Fang(17) Research on productivity improvement of forging line YAN Feng(20) Application of thermal deformation shrinkage coefficient of bearing ring forging JIANG Yan(25) SHEET FORMING Deformation control method of single-point incremental sheet forming ZHANG Guo-xin,DAI Jing-dong(28) Research on automatically determining sheet metal size in CNC incremental forming ZHU Hu,HAN Fu-chen,LIN Wen-wen(32) Forming process design and numerical simulation of drawing part with flanging SUN Hui,JI Ping-xin,CHEN Yong-xing(37) Study on variable speed blanking noise for thick plate based on servo press CHEN Hui,ZHANG Zheng-rong,PAN Zhen-qiang,et al(41) Briefly discussion about forming characteristics for transition piece body (TP_Body) of combustion engine ZHAO Bao-yan,YANG Hai-gang(46) Pressing process improvement of clamping plate for lifter XIAO Ya-hui,ZHOU Li-bo(52) SPECIAL FORMING Forming stability and numerical simulation of creep forming for 7475 aluminum alloy integrally stiffened panel WU Yang,ZHENG Ying,DENG Yun-lai,et al(56) Developing of counter roller spinning equipment for tube power spinning HUANG Yong,XIA Qin-xiang,CHENG Xiu-quan,et al(62) Prediction of wrinkling in flexible roll forming based on finite element simulation WANG Ting,HAN Fei(67) Study on new elliptical trajectory of orbital forming press YAO Wan-gui,FENG Wen-cheng,SHAO Chang-bin,et al(73) EQUIPMENT & COMPLETE TECHNOLOGY Reliability assessment of CNC bending machine based on mixture Weibull distribution ZHANG Gen-bao,YANG Yi,LIU Jie,et al(76) Research of pressure-relief characteristics of pump-controlled press based on the weakest noise intensity AI Chao,KONG Xiang-dong,LIU Sheng-kai,et al(80) Automatic control of dummy block transport manipulator of aluminum extrusion press HAN Hong(86) Calculation software development of extrusion cylinder based on Matlab-GUI WANG Ling-ling(89) DIE TECHNOLOGY Design of multi-position progressive die for magnetic yoke CUI Bai-wei,DENG Wei-guo(93) Application of incremental forming technology in roll-plastic mould manufacturing WANG Ting-ting,ZHANG Guo-xin(97) Design of multi-position progressive die for seat reinforcement plate XIANG Xiao-han (100) MEASUREMENT & TEXT TECHNOLOGY Research on binocular vision method for full-length bending angle of bending plate MENG De-an,ZHAO Sheng-dun,ZHANG Qi,et al(104) Crack spliced based on non-contact strain measurement LI Ya-nan,WAN Min,WU Xiang-dong(111) MATERIAL & FORMING PERFORMANCE Study on plastic deformation behavior of GH5188 superalloy DONG Yun-peng,WANG Chao-yuan,SONG Xiao-jun,et al(116) Thermo-plasticity and high-temperature microstructure evolution of hyper duplex stainless steel 00Cr32Ni7Mo3.5N LI Jing-yuan,YANG Zhi-hui(122) THEORY & EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH Research on cold extrusion forming process of center elongated-hole for automotive steering screw LIU Bai-xuan,SUN Hong-xing,LIU Hua,et al(128) Deformation behavior of non-metallic inclusions of FGH96 alloy in extrusion process ZHANG Min-cong,FANG Shuang,CHEN You-hong,et al(132) Optimization of initial billet temperature in extrusion process for 304 austenitic stainless steel four valve body based on microstructure evolution ZHAO Jin-guo(138) Constitutive model of ZK60 magnesium alloy based on tube extrusion test WANG Fang,WANG Zhong-tang(142) COMPUTER APPLICATION Research on a knowledge-based system of hydroforming for thin-wall parts WANG Zeng-hua,HUANG Qing-song,CHEN Zhen-lin,et al(146) Research on control strategy and modeling of speed control system for extrusion press YANG Wu,TAN Jian-ping,CHEN Hui(150) Research on influence of non-linear weld line location on weld line movement of tailor-welded blank ZHANG Jia-hua,CHEN Zhi-xiang,XU Lian-qiang,et al(156) Development and application of parametric modeling and automatic analysis platform for sheet metal forming ZHANG Yuan-qing,LIU Yi,BAI Du,et al(160) Improvement of stamping process of vehicle fender CHEN Wen-yong(165) Numerical study of isothermal extrusion process for ZK60 magnesium alloy thin-wall rectangular tube LI Rong-bing(170) Experiment and numerical simulation analysis of extruded aluminum profiles with hollow billets CHEN Zhen-shan,HUANG Yao,WANG Lei-gang,et al(173) Springback analysis of QT8812 car engine oil pan by twice deep drawing QIN Tian,WU Bo-liang,SU Guang-cai,et al(178)
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