
现代大学英语 精读4 第8课 Globalizations Dual PowerGlobalization’s Dual Power 教案

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现代大学英语 精读4 第8课 Globalizations Dual PowerGlobalization’s Dual Power 教案现代大学英语 精读4 第8课 Globalizations Dual PowerGlobalization’s Dual Power 教案 Globalization’s Dual Power para.8----15 I. Teaching Objectives 1) Getting the students to understand the content and structure of this part 2) Getting the students to learn some economy info...
现代大学英语 精读4 第8课 Globalizations Dual PowerGlobalization’s Dual Power 教案
现代大学英语 精读4 第8课 Globalizations Dual PowerGlobalization’s Dual Power 教案 Globalization’s Dual Power para.8----15 I. Teaching Objectives 1) Getting the students to understand the content and structure of this part 2) Getting the students to learn some economy information relevant to the text 3) Getting the students to learn to use such words and expressions as dwarf, flow ,binge ,merge ,to be hard-pressed to do sth, etc. II. Time Allotment Part One 30 minutes Part Two 30 minutes Part Three 30 minutes III. Teaching Procedures Part One (para.8—10 ) 1.A decade later, even after Asia's 1997-98 financial crisis, private capital flows dwarf governmental flows. to dwarf: to make sth. seem small by comparion 使相形见绌 eg. The new skyscraper will dwarf all those near it. dwarf n. (pl. dwarfs \ dwarves) : 1. (in stories) a creature like a small man, who has magic powers and who is usually described as living and working under the ground, especially working with metal (神话中 有魔法的)小矮人 2. (sometimes offensive) an extremely small person, who will never grow to a normal size because of physical problem 矮子;侏儒 dwarfism 侏儒症 They have campaigned for many years against the discrimination experienced by dwarfs/ dwarves. adj. : (of a plant or an animal) much smaller than the normal size 矮小的 flow : movement in one direction, esp. continuously and easily 流 flowingly adv. 随大流(逆潮流): go\move with (against) the flow 2. Ten years later, even after Asia’s financial crisis of 1997—1998, private capital flows are still greater in number than governmental capital flows.Meanwhile, multinational companies have gone on an international acquisition binge. acquisition : 1. the act of gaining possession of sth in addition to the company’s property 购置,收购 eg.the acquisition of shares by employees 雇员勾股 2. the act of getting sth, especially knowledge, a skill, ect. (知识、技能等的)获得,得到 eg.theories of child language acquisition 幼儿语言习得的理论 3. something that sb buys to add to what they already own, usually something valuable (多指贵重的)购得物 acquisitive adj. 渴求获取财物的,贪婪的 binge n. : a period of uncontrolled self—indulgence (短时间的)狂热行动,大吃大喝 a drinking/eating/spending binge eg. Her illness involved periods of binge-eating and then making herself sick v. : to eat in an uncontrolled way,sometimes as a part of an illness eg. She went through periods of binging (also binge-eating). ~ on sth 她心情不好的时候就大嚼巧克力。 When she’s depressed she binges on chocolate. to go on a binge : to do much of sth, such as eating, drinking, shopping 饮酒作乐 3 .In the first half of 1999 alone, the value of new cross —border mergers and acquisitions ~~~ cross—border : between countries.Notice the prefix “cross--” . Also : cross—culture, cross—state mergers and acquisitions : 兼并与收购 merger n. : the union of two or more commercial interests or corporations (机构或企业的)合并,归并 ~ between\of A and B ; ~ with sth Eg. a merger between the two banks 两家银行的合并 merge v. : 合并,结合;相融,渐渐消失在某物中 The hills merged into the dark sky behind them. 山峦渐渐隐入背后漆黑的夜空之中。 merge into the background 悄悄融入整体;不求闻达 企业并购(Mergers and Acquisitions, M&A)包括兼并和收购两 层含义、两种方式。国际上习惯将兼并和收购合在一起使用,统称为 M&A,在我国称为并购。即企业之间的兼并与收购行为,是企业法人 在平等自愿、等价有偿基础上,以一定的经济方式取得其他法人产权 的行为,是企业进行资本运作和经营的一种主要形式。企业并购主要 包括公司合并、资产收购、股权收购. 4. The recent takeover struggle between British and German wireless giants is exceptional only for its size and bitterness. exceptional : being an exception, uncommon; extraordinary 1.She has exceptional ability as a pianist. 2.The company has shown exceptional growth over the past three years. Takeover n. : 1. an act of taking control of a company by buying most of shares 收购,接收,接管 a takeover bid for the company 出价收购这家公司 2. an act of taking control of a country, an area or a political organization by force (对国家、 地区、政治组织等的)强行接管;控制 giant : n. a large company Para. The only difference between the recent takeover struggle between British and German radio giants and other cases is that this takeover is bigger and a lot more bitter. The World Investment Report by the United Nations 联合国从1973年开始发名为《世界发展中的多国公司》的多年度 ,从1991年开始,联合国贸易与发展会议改原先的多年度报告 为年度报告并定名为《世界投资报告》。这一系列年度报告是目前国际上最新、最具权威性的阐述国际直接投资和跨国公司问题的研究报告,数据翔实,论述全面而深入,是进行这一领域的学习与研究的最基本、最重要的参考资料。 Translation 10年后,甚至1997—1998年间的亚洲金融危机过后,私人资金流使得政府的资金流相形见绌。根据这家研究所的统计,1999年私人资金流(银行贷款、债券融资,在当地市场的股本投资以及跨国公司的直接投资)向这29个国家提供的资金总额约为1360亿美元;相比之下,政府的资金流仅为220亿美元。 与此同时,跨国公司掀起了大规模的国际收购狂潮。仅在1999年上半年,新近在发达国家与发展中国家所进行的兼并与收购的总值就超过了5000亿美元。 根据联合国发布的《世界投资报告》,这一数字已大体相当于1998年全年(5440亿美元)的水平,几乎是1991年(850亿美元)的7倍。最近在英国德国无线电巨头围绕接管的斗争,仅就其规模与激烈程度来说就是前所未有的。 Part Two (Paragraph 11~12) 1. Behind the merger boom lies the growing corperate conviction that many markets have become truly global 随着兼并的迅速发展,公司经营者逐渐认识到,许多市场真正变成全 球性市场了。 Paraphrase: The reason for the boom is that more and more people believe that many markets have truly become global. They are no longer producing just for the people in their own country. They want to combine or merge with others to become multinational companies. merger n. [c]: the union of two or more commercial interests or corporations (机构或企业的)合并 e.g. A mergr between the two banks.两家银行的合并。 merger between A and B merger with sth boom n. : a. a sudden increase in trade and economic activity; a period of wealth and success (贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣 a boom year (for trade’exports’ etc.) (贸易、出口)兴 盛的一年。 eg. This year has seen a boom in book sales The insurance business has been characterized by a vicious cycle of boom and bust as companies go in and out of businesses and prices rise and fall. b. a period when sth such as a sport or a type of music suddenly becoming popular and successful.(某种体育运动、音乐)等突然风靡的时 期 v. : a. to make a loud deep sound轰鸣,轰响 b. to have a period of rapid growth 迅速发展,激增 e.g. Business is booming.生意兴隆~ Here, as elsewhere, the leisure industry is booming. corperate :adj. of corporations conviction n. : a. the act of finding sb guilty of a crime in court;the fact of having beeen found guilty 判罪,定罪;证明有罪 e.g. He plans to appeal against his conviction. 他不服判决,准备上诉。 b. a strong opinion or belief 坚定地看法(或 信念) strong political/moral convictions 坚定不移的政治/道德信念 c. [u] the feeling or appearance of believing sth strongly and being sure of about it深信 ,坚信 e.g. He said he agreed but his vioce lacked conviction. 他说他赞同,但语气不坚定。 2. By trying to maximize their presence in as many nations as posssible, companies seek to achieve economies of scale -- that is, to lower costs through higher sales and production volumes -- and to stay abreast of technological changes that can now occur almost everywhere. 公司极力在尽可能多的国家扩大势力,全球发展经济规模 — 也就是 说,通过扩大销售与生产规模来降低成本—并试图与几乎到处都在发 生的技术革命齐头并进 Paraphrase: Many companies manage to expand their business to as many countries as possible, which enables them to produce more and selll more,as a result, their costs will be lowered. In this way, these companies are able to develop economies of scale,and closly keep up with any technological change occurring everywhere in the world. Presence n. : a. (of a person 人)the fact of being in a paticular place出席,在场 b. (of a thing or a substance事物或物质)the fact of being in a paticular place or thing 存 在,出现 e.g. The test can identify the presence of abnormalities in the unborn child. 这项化验能鉴定胎儿是否有不正常现象。 c. a group of people,especially soldiers,who have been sent to a place to deal with a paticular situation (派遣的)一个队;(尤指执行任务的)部队 Some expressions: in the presence of sb/ in sb’s presence 在...面前;有...在场 in the presence of sth 存在...的情况下;有...的存在 presence of mind 镇定;处变不惊;遇事不慌 e.g. The boy had the presence of mind to turn off the gas. 那男孩子征订地关掉了煤气 。 volume n. : a. The amount of space that an object or a substance fills;the amount of space that a container has 体积;容积 b. the amount of sth 量,额 c.[u] the amount of sound 音量,响度 d. [c] a book, that is part of a series of books (成套书籍中的)一卷,一册 abreast adv. : next to sb /sth and facing the same way 并列,并排,并肩 e.g. A police car drew abreast of us and signlled us to stop. 一辆警车开过来与我们并排,示意我们停下来。 keep abreast of sth 了解最新情况;跟上(某事物的发展) 3. In addition, companies increasingly organize production globally, dividing product design, component manufacturing and final assembly among many countries. 另外,公司不断组织全球化生产,把产品设计,零部件制造,最后装 配分散到许多国家去完成。 Part Three ( Paragraph 13-15 ) 1. In Europe, the relentless pursuit of the “single market” is one indicator„if their local operations are hamstrung by fragmented national markets. (Para 13) Para.. In Europe, the persistent and unremitting effort to turn all countries on the continent into a single market shows that there is a general agreement that if the European market remains divided into many small parts behind national borders; their companies will not be able to compete in the international market. relentless: adj. 1. 不停地;持续强烈的;不见弱的 her relentless pursuit of perfection 她对完美的不懈追求 The sun was relentless. 太阳还是那么热。 2. 不放弃的;严格的;苛刻的;无情的 a relentless enemy 残酷的敌人 Single market 单一市场 An association of countries trading with each other without restrictions or tariffs. The European single came into effect on January 1, 1993 market 单一市场的设想源于1957年的《罗马条约》。当时,欧洲领 导人明确提出要消除“商品、人员、服务和资本”的自由流动 障碍。但由于种种原因,单一市场建设直到1993年1月1日 才正式启动。经过一番苦心经营,欧盟单一市场正在逐步走向 成熟和完善,并显现其效果。 单一市场是欧盟最伟大的成就之一。为人员、商品、服务 和资本的自由流动扫清障碍给整个欧洲大陆上的人们带来了 伟 大的繁荣,欧洲发生了巨变。 a widespread recognition: a general opinion;a general agreement to be hard-pressed to do sth. to be under a great deal of strain and worry 处于困境的;处于强大压力下的 — He was hard-pressed to sign the agreement. 他在强大的压力之下签署了。 Operation: business operation企业营运;经营;业务 hamstring v. to prevent sb\sth from working or taking action in the way that is needed 妨碍;使不能正常工作或行为 原形:hamstring 过去分词:hamstrung 现在分词:hamstringing fragmented: broken into parts clamor = clamour n. Para: a noisy outcry a. a loud complaint about something or demand for something b. loud noise, esp. made by people’s voices Examples: After the bombing, there was a public clamor for vengeance. He preferred solitary walks in the wilderness to the clamor of the city. a. clamorous Examples: 1.The newspaper devoted seven pages to a clamorous call for independence. 2.The air was filled with clamorous, excited voices. v. clamor Example: 1. The residents are clamoring against the dumping of chemical waste near their houses. seeking membership: to try to join; to apply for the membership • Bulgaria 保加利亚 • Ecuador 厄尔瓜多 • Estonia 爱沙尼亚 • Kyrgyzstan 吉尔吉斯斯坦 • Latvia 拉脱维亚 • Mongolia 蒙古 • Panama 巴拿马 2. It’s no myth„.But engaging the wider world economy can help. (Para 15) Para. It is not something that always works. A country’s development is surely dependent on its own workers, investment and government policies. But getting into a wider world market does help it to develop quicker. It’s no myth: It is not a myth
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