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四六级高分写作句子模板四六级高分写作句子模板 UNIT ONE 1. Typical patterns for cause and effect 原句:Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. 由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。 句型提炼:1) Because of…, sb adv. does sth / is + ...
四六级高分写作句子模板 UNIT ONE 1. Typical patterns for cause and effect 原句:Because of this positive method, I eagerly answered all the questions I could, never worrying much about making mistakes. 由于这种积极的教学方法,我踊跃回答各种问题,从不怕答错。 句型提炼:1) Because of…, sb adv. does sth / is + adj. to do sth, never worrying , caring much about…由于……, 某人很……做某事,从不怎么担心…. 应用a.由于她强烈的物质享受欲望, 她急于进行权钱交易,根本不顾及对更大利益的破坏。 Because of her strong desire for material wealth, she was eager to trade her power for money, never worrying about any damage to larger interests. 应用: b. 由于他对网上冲浪的兴趣过浓, 他很有可能 一门心思上网,而不会关心自己的功 课。 Because of his undue interest in online surfing, he is likely to put all his mind on this business, never caring about his school work. 原句:Now that I speak a foreign language, instead of staring into space when English is being spoken, I can participate and make friends. (L.50) 既然我现在已能够说外语, 别人讲英语时我不再茫然不解了, 我能够参与并结交朋友。 句型提炼:2) Now that sb. does / has done sth., instead of …, he / she can ,should do sth. else. 由 于, 既然某人做某事,而不再……, 他,她就能做另一事。 应用:a. 既然我们上远程英语课,而不再因在普通课堂上出错感到难堪,那我们就应从网上学 习中有所收获。 Now that we have taken the online course, instead of feeling embarrassed when making mistakes in the regular class, we should reap some benefits from it. 应用: b. 既然你能从心里上乐于接受新的思维方式,而不再对其视而不见,那你就有机会跟 上时代的潮流。 Now that you can keep your mind open to new ways of thinking, instead of turning a blind eye to them, you stand a good chance to keep up with the flow of the times. 2. Typical patterns for comparison & contrast 原句:While my former teacher had been patient with all the students, my new teacher quickly punished those who gave incorrect answers. 以前老师对所有的学生都很耐心,而新老师则总是惩罚答错的学生。 句型提炼:While sth / sb is / does…, sth / sb else is / does… : 某事 ,某人……, 而另一事 , 另一人…… 应用: a.当事情进展得不顺利时,一些人努力去寻求出路,而另一些人则压根不去想解决问 题的办法。 When things go wrong, some work hard to find a way out while others totally lose the desire to think out any solution to the problem. 1 应用:b. 在社交中,有人表现出对其承诺的专一而有人则常常是说话不算话。 In social contacts, some show a total commitment to their promises while some often back away from theirs. 原句: Unlike my senior middle school teacher, my college English teachers were patient and kind, and none of them carried long, pointed sticks! 与高中老师不同, 我的大学英语老师非常耐心和蔼, 他们没有哪个带教鞭! 句型提炼:Unlike sb. / sth. else(that…), sb. / sth. is / does…不像另一人/物(……)那样(与另一 人/物不同),某人/物…… 应用: a. 不像一些贪官高高在上那样, 周恩来生前和人民群众建立了难以忘怀的友谊,从而 将永远活在人民的心中。 Unlike some corrupt officials who set themselves above the masses, Zhou En-lai formed unforgettable friendships with the people during his lifetime, thus living forever in their memory. 应用: b.与我在高中时遇到的女孩不同,她很高傲自大,从不正眼看我一眼。 Unlike the girl I came across in the senior middle school, she is very self-important, never looking me in the eye. 3. Typical patterns for induction 原句: Learning a foreign language has been a most trying experience for me, but one that I wouldn?t trade for anything. 学习外语对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但却是一种拿什么我都不换的经历。 句型提炼:Doing sth. is a most + adj. experience for sb., but one that he / she would not trade / give / exchange for anything. 做某事对某人来说是非常……的经历,但却是一种用什么他,她都不换的经历 应用: a. 追求幸福对我来说是非常艰辛的经历,但却是一种用什么我都不换的经历。Seeking after happiness has been a most painstaking experience, but one that I would not trade for anything. 应用:b. 被别人歧视对我来说是非常难以忍受的经历, 但却是一种我拿什么都不换的经历。 Being looked down upon was a most intolerable experience, but one that I would not exchange for anything. 原句:The most wonderful result of having learned a foreign language was that I could communicate with many more people than before. (L. 47) 学习一门外语最令人兴奋的收获是我能与比以前更多的人交流。 句型提炼:) The most wonderful result of having done sth. / doing sth. is that…(从句) 做某事最令人兴奋的收获,结果是…… 应用: a.在一些大学生看来, 上大学最令人兴奋的收获是他们学会了如何过一种罗曼蒂克式 的生活。 For some students, the most amazing result of having come to college is that they have learned how to lead a romantic life. 应用: b. 发动那场战争最令人难以置信的结果是发动者本身成了战败者。 The most unbelievable result of having started the war was that the starter himself turned out to be the underdog. 应用:c. 上网聊天最令人激动的收获是我可以和许多人分享欢乐与幸福。 The most exciting result of chatting online is that I can share joy and happiness with many people. 2 Unit 2 1. Typical patterns for suggestion 原句:Why do you have to listen to such horrible stuff? / Sandy, why don?t you sit down and eat your breakfast? 你为什么一定要听这么糟糕的音乐,/ 你为什么不坐下吃饭, 句型提炼: Why does sb. have to do sth.?,Why doesn?t sb. do sth.? 某人为什么非得要做某 事,/ 某人为什么不做某事, 应用:a. 你咳嗽这么厉害,为什么每天非得要抽烟呢, You are coughing so badly. Why do you have to smoke every day? 应用: b. 既然有些可怕的疾病来自野生动物,我们为什么不禁止人们食用之呢, Since some of the terrible diseases come from wild animals, why don?t we ban people from taking them for food? 原句:Listen for a minute; I?m sure you?ll like it. (L. 8) 您听一下吧,您肯定会喜欢的。 句型提炼: Do sth. and / ; (I am sure) you /sb. else will / can (not) …(建议你)做某事, 这样你,别 人(肯定)就(不)会…… 应用:a. 用真善美创造生活,你会赋予生命永恒的价值 Create your life in beauty, goodness and truth, and you will invest life with enduring worth. 应用: b. 永不放弃,你肯定会成功。 Never give up trying; I am sure you will make it 原句:You should brush your teeth when you wake up and then brush them again after breakfast. 你该起来后就刷牙,吃完早饭后再刷次牙。 句型提炼: Sb. should (not) do sth. when …(从句) 某人(不)应在……时间做某事。 应用:a. 入乡要随俗。 You should do in the Roman way when (you are) in Rome. 应用:b. 一个官员应在其位谋其政,而不应以权谋私。 When (he is) in office, an official should do his duty,and should not seek personal gains by abusing his power. 应用: c.中国传统知识分子认为:穷则独善其身,达则兼济天下。 Traditional Chinese intellectuals hold that one should refine his personal virtue when in poverty, and help save the world when in success. 原句:Now, would you please hurry up and turn it off? 好了,请快点把它关了。 句型提炼: Would you please do sth? 请/麻烦你做某事(,好吗), 应用:a. 请你振作起来,沮丧是没有用的。 Would you please cheer up? Being depressed does nothing to help you. 应用: b. 你要面对现实。喝这么多酒只会损害健康。 Would you please face up to the reality? For drinking too much can do only harm to your health. 2. Typical patterns for comparison & contrast 原句: 3 Like a shot, the music woke Sandy. 音乐像枪声似的将桑迪吵醒。 句型提炼: Like sb. / sth. else(who/which…), sb. / sth. is / does …像另一人/物(……)那样(与另 一人/物相同),某人/物……应用: a. 像春天的绿叶和盛开的花朵,这些又跳又唱的孩子们预示 着我们的生活有一个充满希望,无限繁荣的未来。 Like green leaves and blossoming flowers in spring, these dancing and singing children signify a most hopeful and prosperous future for our life. 应用: b.和我在大街上见过的许多人一样,他从事着平凡的工作,但是却对我们的社会做着 不平凡的贡献。 Like many people I?ve come across in the street, he does a usual job, but makes unusual contribution to our society. 原句:The music I listened to had a message, too, but the words were clear and the musicians didn?t use such offensive language. 我那时听的音乐也有丰富的含义, 可它的歌词明明白白,作者不用这么令人讨厌的歌词。 句型提炼: Sb. / Sth. does / is sth.,too, (There is sth in…,too,) but, …(陈述不同之处) 某人 ,某物也做 ,是某事,某物,但是……(与前者不同的地方) 应用:a. 我们社会里也存在着不良的做法,但是经过我们的努力是可以被根除的。 There are some bad practices in our society, too, but, practices that can be done away with through our efforts. 应用: b. 面对SARS的传播,我们也感到害怕,然而,我们更把民族的生存置于自己的生命之 上。 Faced with the spread of SARS, we filled with fear, too, but we would prefer to put the nation?s survival above our lives. 3.Typical patterns for emphasis of consequence 原句:Turn that radio down so your mother and I can?t hear it. (L. 12) / Get ready for school or you?ll be late. 把收音机的声音关小点儿,这样你妈妈和我就听不到了。/ 准备上学吧,不然就迟到了。 句型提炼: Do (Don?t do) sth so / or you / sb. will /can(not) …做某事, 这样 / 不然 你,别人就 (不)会…… 应用:a. 经常和父母交换意见,这样你们双方的关系就会很融洽。 Exchange opinions with your parents frequently so you both can be on good terms with each other. 应用:b. 要诚心接受父母的批评,不然你会受到更严厉的批评。 Accept your parents? criticism from the bottom of your heart or you will be under more fire. Unit 3 1.Typical patterns for cherishing the memory of sth. / sb. 原句:When I think of it now, I am amazed at how much courage it must have taken for a grown man to subject himself to such shame and stress. 现在回想起来,我感到十分惊叹。像他那样一个成年人,得有多大的勇气才能经受这样的 屈辱和压力。 句型提炼: When sb. thinks of sth. / sb. else now ( someday in the future), he / she (will) feels amazed at … 现在(将来有朝一日)回想起某事,某人来, 某人会对……感到惊叹。 应用: a. 现在回想起过去50年的风风雨雨,这对老年夫妇为他们有幸结合而且彼此忠诚感 到十分欣慰 When they think of what they have undergone in the past 50 years, the old couple feel delighted at 4 how lucky they were to be united in marriage and how faithful they have remained to each other. 应用: b. 将来有朝一日想起抗非典战役时, 你会为你临阵退缩、贪生怕死而感到羞愧。 When you think of the battle against SARS someday in the future, you will feel shamed at how you backed away from the critical post to save your own skin. 原句:I think of him when I complain about trifles, when I am envious of another?s good fortune, when I don?t have a “good heart”. 每当我因一些琐事而怨天尤人的时候,每当我嫉妒别人运气比我好的时候,每当我没有一颗 “好心”的时候,我就会想到他 句型提炼: Sb. thinks of / remembers / calls to mind sth. / sb. when… (从句) when… (从句), and when … (从句)每当……的时候,每当……的时候,……,某人就会想到某事 , 某人。 应用:a. 每当行使职权的时候,每当在个人利益和更大利益之间作出选择的时候,每当面对各 种诱惑的时候,这位清官就会想到人民的重托。 This honest official thinks of the people?s great trust when he uses his power, when he makes a choice between personal interest and larger interests, when he faces various attractions. 应用: b. SARS 将提醒我们应养成什么样的生活方式。每当我们随地吐痰的时候,每当我们 品尝野味的时候,每当我们不注意个人卫生的时候,我们就会想到SARS. SARS will serve as a reminder of what lifestyle we should develop. We will think of it when we spit anywhere, when we help ourselves to wild game, when we are careless of our personal hygiene. 2.Typical patterns for time-sequence description 原句:….\, and he would not have to go outside again until we met him in Brooklyn on his way home. 他不用出站,下班回家时,我们就到布鲁克林的地铁站去接他 句型提炼: Sb. doesn?t do / does sth. until …直到……某人才……。 应用: a. 我一直被这一难题所困扰,直到昨天才找到了解决的办法。 I had puzzled over this difficult problem until yesterday I found a solution to it. 应用:b.我们总是等到我们所拥有的东西从我们的生活中消失的时候才开始意识到它的价值。 We tend to realize the value of what we have had until there is no more of it in our life. 原句:Once there, he wound cling to the hand-rail until he reached the lower steps that the warmer tunnel air kept free of ice. 一到那儿,他就紧抓着地铁通道的扶手一直往下走,因为地铁内空气暖和,下面几级台阶没 有冰雪。 句型提炼: Once /When/While/Until (sb. is )…, sb. / sth. does … 一旦……/ 当……时,某人 就…… 应用: a. 你一旦把自己融入到新的校园生活之中, 你就会感受到它对你固有观念的强烈冲击。 Once you integrate yourself into the new campus life, you will feel its strong impact upon your fixed ideas 应用: b. 一旦沐浴在那种家庭温馨的氛围中,你会感受到爱的伟大力量。 Once bathed in the warmth of such families, you will feel the great power of love. 3.Typical patterns for concession 原句:Unable to engage in many activities, my father still tried to participate in some way. 虽说有很多活动不能参加,但是父亲还是试着以某种方式去参加。 句型提炼: Adjectival phrase, sb. still does… 虽说是……, 某人还是…… 应用: a.虽说他不愿意接受这个任务,但他还是点头同意了。 Unwilling to accept the job, he still nodded his agreement. 5 应用: b. 尽管他很清楚攀岩的危险,但他仍乐此不疲。 Well aware of the danger of rock-climbing, he still loved and indulged in it as before. 原句:He would make it to the office even if others could not. 即使别人做不到,他也总是按时到办公室。 句型提炼: Sth./Sb. does/is…even if (even though) … (从句) 即使,尽管……, 某事 , 某人还 是…… 应用: a. 尽管他们没有成功,他们追求真理的执著精神值得我们赞扬。 Their perseverance in the pursuit of truth was well worth our praise even if they didn?t make it to their goal. 应用:b. 即使你取得了成绩也不应当骄傲。 You mustn?t be conceited even though you?ve achieved great success. Unit 4 1. Typical patterns for starting a topic through evidence or questions 原句:Research shows we make up our minds about people through unspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them. 有研究显示, 我们对他人的判断是根据我们最初遇到他们的七秒钟里所进行的无言交流形成 的。 句型提炼: A large body of research (evidence / study / facts / experience / data) show(s) (proves / suggests / indicates)that…(从句--Topic) 大量的研究(证据/ 研究/事实/经验/数据)显示(证明/ 表明),…… 应用: a. 大量证据表明,破裂家庭的子女出现情感、行为障碍或触犯法律的可能性是完整家 庭子女的2,3倍。 A large body of evidence proves that children from broken families are two or three times as likely as those in intact families to have emotional or behavioral problems or get into trouble with the law. 应用: b. 表中所给数据显示, 在过去五年中学生使用计算机的情况发生了很大的变化。 The data given in the table show that dramatic changes have taken place in student use of computers during the past five years. 原句:Take a good hard look at yourself. Do you say “I” too often? Are you usually focused on your own problems? Do you complain frequently? 仔细审视一下你自己,你说“我”的次数是否过多,你是否通常将注意力集中在你自己的问题 上,你是否经常抱怨, 句型提炼: Do sth. Question 1, 2, 3…做某事(设定情景) 围绕此情景设问(引出话题) 应用:a. 想一想毕业后的职业追求。哪种职业可以充分发挥你的专业技能,哪种职业可帮助你 实现你的人生价值,哪种职业可确保你名利双收,这些是所有在校大学生将要面临的问题 Set your mind on the pursuit of careers upon graduation. Which career will give full play to your professional skills? Which career will help realize your life value? Which career will ensure both fame and wealth for you? These are the questions all the undergraduates will have to be faced with. 应用:b. 设身处地地为学生想一想。他们对什么最感兴趣,什么样的教学法使他们越学越想 学,未来成功所需的知识结构是什么,你一旦弄明白了这些问题,你就会去寻求教师成功的 秘诀。 Put yourself in the students? shoes. What are they most interested in? What kind of teaching method 6 can turn them on? What is the structure of knowledge necessary to success in the future? Once you achieve a good understanding of these, you will seek after the secrets to success in teaching. 2. Typical patterns for argumentation through a list of examples 原句:I?ve helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. The secret has always been you are the message. 我帮助他们,使他们所作的演讲有说服力, 教他们如何回答不友好的提问,以及如何与人更 有效地沟通。而所有这一切的秘诀都在于要懂得你本人就是信息。 句型提炼: Sb. does one thing, does another thing, …(a list of examples). The secret / basic problem is that…(作者的观点) 应用:a. 你可以梦想当一名土木专家,当一名生物学家,甚至当一名地球物理学家。但 根本的问题是你有什么条件去圆一个又一个的梦。 You can dream of becoming a civil engineering expert, a biologist and even a geophysicist. But the basic problem is what qualities you have to realize one after another of your dreams. 应用:b. 清官吃苦在前, 任人唯贤,主持公道。所有这一切的秘诀就是他视人民的利益高于一 切。 The honest official is the first to bear hardships,appoints people on their merits, and upholds justice. The secret to all of this is that he always sees the people?s interests as above everything else. 原句:They are the same whether they?re having a conversation, addressing their garden club or being interviewed for a job. 无论是在与人交谈时,在花园集会上发表演讲时,还是在求职面试中,他们的表现是一样的 句型提炼: Sb. / Sth. is the same (Sb. does sth.)whether …, … or …(a list of examples). 无论 是……时,……时, 还是……时,某人, 某物的表现是一样的(某人仍做某事)。 应用:a.无论他们的生活艰难时,风平浪静时, 还是充满诱惑时, 他们始终相爱如初。 Their love for each other remained what it had always been whether their life was deep in difficulty, free from storms or full of lures. 应用:b.无论是在战争年代,还是在和平时期,我们党始终以“为人民服务”为宗旨。 Whether it was in wartime or in peacetime, our Party always aimed at serving the people. 应用:c. 不论他身体是否舒适,不论天气是好是坏,也不论其他人是否能按时到办公室上班, 我的父亲总是很守时。 My father is always punctual whether he is sick or not, the weather is nasty or not, or the others can make it to the office on time or not. 原句:Whether you?re talking to one person or one hundred, always remember to look at them. 不管你是和一个人交谈,还是对一百个人发表讲话, 始终记住你要看着他们。 句型提炼: Whether …, … or …, always remember to do sth. 不管……, ……, 还是……, 始终记 住要…… 应用:a.不管给上级汇报工作,还是给下级布置任务,始终记住你要给人留下不卑不亢的印象。 Whether you report to your superiors on your work or assign tasks to your subordinates, always remember to give both the impression that you are modest but confident. 应用:b.不管在事情进展得顺利时,还是在事情进展得不顺利时,始终记住你要保持清醒的头 脑,避免盲目乐观或过分悲观。 Whether things go right or wrong, always remember to keep cool, avoiding blind optimism or undue pessimism. 3. Typical patterns for argumentation through “if” clause 7 原句:Others will want to be with you and help you if you use your good qualities. 如果你利用你的优点,别人就会愿意跟你在一起,并且愿意帮助你。 句型提炼: ) Sb. will (not) do sth. if / as long as / provided … (说话者的情景设定) 只要/如 果……某人就(不)会…… 应用:a. 有时,我们只要多一点点自信心,就能够充分发挥自己的能力。 Sometimes, we will be able to fulfill ourselves if we just draw upon a little moreself-confidence. 应用: b.如果你不努力学习的话,你就不会有什么出息 If you don?t work hard at school, you will hardly get anywhere. 应用: c.如果一个教师心里装着学生, 她/他就会不断地改进教学以满足他们的求知欲。If a teacher has her/his students in mind, s/he will keep on improving her / his teaching in order to satisfy their hunger for knowledge. 原句:If you answered yes to even one of these questions, you need to lighten up. 对于上述问题,哪怕你给出的答案只有一个是肯定的,那么你也需要放松。 句型提炼: If / Even if (though) sb. did (even) sth., he / she needs (doesn?t need) to do sth. else. 哪怕 ,即使某人做了某事,他,她也需要(也不必)做另一事。(提出建议) 应用:a. 哪怕你只有一门考试过关,你也大可不必灰心丧气。 Even if you passed only one of the exams, you don?t need to lose heart. 应用:b. 即使你的童年受了许多苦, 你也不必溺爱你的后代。 Even if you suffered a lot in your childhood, you don?t need to spoil your offspring. 原句:If I did agree, I certainly wouldn?t look at my feet or at the ceiling. I?d keep my eye on the lion. 就算我同意,我也肯定不会看着自己的脚或者天花板。我会注视着那头狮子。 句型提炼: If I did do sth, I certainly wouldn?t do sth. (like that). I would do it (the other way around). 就算我做某事,我肯定不会…... 我会……(现身说法) 应用:a. 就算我追求爱情,我肯定不会只顾沉浸在爱河里而荒废学业。我会将爱情融入我的 学习之中。 If I did hunt for love, I certainly wouldn?t bathe myself in the river of love all the time, neglecting my studies. I?d integrate my love into my studies. 应用:b. 就算我在工作中取得了一些成绩,我也肯定不会沾沾自喜。我会把它视为继续进取 的推动力。 If I did make some progress in work, I certainly wouldn?t pride myself on it. I?d regard it as a pushing force behind my further struggle. Unit 5 1. Typical patterns for definition of sth. 原句:This is an undeclared war that everyone must sign up for in order for us to win. 这是一场不宣而战的战争, 我们每个人都必须参加,我们只有这样才能取得胜利。 句型提炼: Sb./Sth. is a(n)… that / who / which / prep. + which…(从句) 某人或某物是…… 应用a. 幸福的家庭是一个每位成员给与的多而索取得少的家庭。 The happy family is one in which each member gives more to others than take from others. 应用b. 最杰出的领导者是那些能够把无序变为有序, 把不可能变为可能的人。 The greatest leaders are the ones who have the traits to make order from the confusion and get the 8 impossible possible. 2. Typical patterns for comparison & contrast Despite such alarming numbers, the federal and the state governments have been slow in implementing programs to stop the spread of AIDS. 尽管数量大得惊人,但各州和联邦政府在实施防止艾滋病的计划方面行动迟缓 句型提炼: ) Despite / In spite of sth, sb / sth (else) is + adj. in doing … (或: Despite …, sb / sth still does sth else.) 尽管……, 某人 , 某物(仍做……) 在……方面…… 应用:a. 尽管来自公众的非议不断,他仍执迷不悟。 Despite endless criticism from the public, he is still persistent in pursuing his wrong course. 应用:b. 尽管两国人民都渴望和平, 两国间的战争还是爆发了。 The war between the two countries broke out in spite of the fact that the people on both sides desired for peace. 原句: In place of government inactivity, a number of local organizations have emerged. 政府行动不力, 而许多地方性组织却应运而生了。 句型提炼: In place of sth./sb, sth(else)/sb (else ) do/does … 与某物或某人相比, 另一物或另一人 却… 应用: a.与其他人多彩的人生相比, 他在失望,甚至沮丧中走过了他47年的人生旅途。 In place of others? colorful lives, he lived his 47 years? life in disappointment and even frustration. 应用:b. 与前任领导的肤浅相比,现任的领导在处理问题时能够切中要害。 In place of the former leader?s shallowness, the present leader happened to be one of those who can get to the essence of things. 原句: As a result, such books actually have more effect in the communities where they are used than government publications. 这样一来,这些书在使用它们的社区里比政府出版的书籍所产生的影响要大。 句型提炼: ) Sth. /Sb. has / does ,is more… than… 某物或某人 比其他物或人更…… 应用: a.与他的妻子相比,他更多地沉湎于往事的回忆中, 因为他无法忘记那些他们深深相爱 的日子。 He dwelt more on the memories of their past life than his wife because he could not forget the days when they were deeply in love. 应用: b. 她比她的姐姐们更实际,因而她没有在幻想中耗费一生。 She was more realistic than her sisters. As a result, she hasn?t ruined her whole life waiting for something impossible. Unit 6 1. Typical inverted patterns for emphasis 原句: So intense is this wish that if I write the word husband on a piece of paper, my eyes fill with tears. 这愿望如此强烈,以致若将„丈夫?二字写到纸上,我就会热泪盈眶。 9 句型提炼: So + adj. + be + n. + that … (clause). (Or: To such a degree / an extent + be + n. + that …) …如此……以致…… 应用: a.他的拜金主义思想如此强烈,以致于不择手段侵吞公款。 So intense was his desire for money that he was up to anything in helping himself illegally to the public funds. 应用: b. 党对下岗工人是如此关心,以致在短短的几年里数以万计的工人师傅重新走上了工 作岗位。 So deeply concerned was the Party with the laid-off that when only a few years had just passed, thousands upon thousands of workers found jobs again. 应用: c. 他对文学的兴趣到这样的程度:什么东西都分散不了他读书的注意力。 To such a degree was his interest in literature that nothing could distract his mind from reading. 应用: d. 他的民族意识到了如此的程度以至于每当祖国有难时他都及时回来为其效力。 To such an extent is his national consciousness that whenever his motherland is in trouble he comes back in time to render his service to her needs. 原句:From colleagues and old schoolmates came cheerful good wishes clothed in friendly jokes. 同事和同窗旧友们友善地开着玩笑,并向他们致以令人愉悦的美好祝愿。 句型提炼: From …comes/came…sth. 从 …那里传来… 应用:a. 将军发出了从战区撤军的命令。 From the general came the order to withdraw from the theater of war. 应用: b. 远方的父母亲表达了对在医院工作的儿女们的支持和关爱。 From the parents far away came the support and tender love for their children who were working in the hospital. 2. Typical patterns for concession 原句:Then quickly,for such a short,portly, elderly person,she disappeared. 尽管这个老太太又矮又胖,但她说完话眨眼之间就不见了。 句型提炼: For (all)+n., main clause. 尽管……但是…… 应用: a. 尽管我们困难重重,但只要我们万众一心,我们一定能赢得这场正义的反侵略战争。 For all the great difficulties, we will win the just war against aggression so long as we are united as a man. 应用:b. 尽管新郎和新娘的脸上挂着几丝不定的微笑,但是他们的心里却激动不已 。 For all uncertain smiles,the groom?s and the bride ?s hearts are filled with excitement. 原句:What matters is this: whoever she was, Aunt Esther Gubbins was right. 重要的是,无论这位埃斯特阿姨是谁,她的话没错。 句型提炼: ) Whoever (Whatever / Whichever) sb. / sth. is/was,…(main clause) 不管某人,某 物是谁(什么,哪个),… 应用: a. 无论是谁都不能凌驾于法律之上。王子犯法,与庶民同罪。 Whoever he is,he is not to place himself above laws. A prince must be dealt with according to the laws if he violates them. 应用: b. 无论他是谁,只要他的建议对人民有益我们就接受它。 Whoever he is, we will accept his advice if it is of benefit to the people. 3. Typical patterns for declaration of one?s views 原句:Peculiarly, neither ever asked “Whose job is this?” or asserted “That is not my responsibility!” 10 很特别的一点是,他们俩都从来不问“这活该谁干” 也不说 “这不是我的责任~” 句型提炼: Sb. asserts / holds / argues / maintains / contends / favors that …(从句) 某人主张 说,…… 应用:a. 我们主张,国家不分大小,在国际事务中一律平等。 We assert that all nations, big or small, are equal in the world affairs. 应用:b. 他们认为,网上冲浪利大于弊。 They contend that the advantages of online surfing outrun / outshine / overweight / outweigh its disadvantages. 原句:It has always seemed to me that she was the wrong shape for a heavenly messenger. 我总觉得, 她的模样似乎不像是上帝的信使。 句型提炼: It seems / appears to sb. that …(从句) 在某人看来 , 某人觉得,…… 应用:a. 在我看来,积极向上的世界观将使人的生活脱离低级趣味。 It seems to me that a positive outlook on the world will keep one?s life free of bad taste. 应用:b. 我总觉得,在英语知识应用方面语言的生成技能要比接受技能更重要。 It always appears to me that productive skills carry more weight than receptive ones in the application of the English knowledge. Unit7 1. Typical patterns for concurrence 原句:As I spoke, I set the KFC box on the planter beside the pathway…. 我一边说,一边把肯德基快餐盒放在小路旁边的播种机上,… … 句型提炼:As sb did sth, sb/someone else did sth else. 某人一边做某事,一边做另一件事。在某人做某事的同时,他/有人做另一件事。 应用: a. 警察从前门冲进大楼的时候,这群小偷从后门逃走了 As the police were entering the building from the front entrance, the thieves escaped through the back door. 应用: b. 警察一边喊着:“不许动~”, 一边拔枪。 As he shouted: “Freeze!”, the policeman pulled out his pistol. 原句:“Here,” I replied, extending my left arm sideways. “在这儿,” 我边回答,边把左臂伸向路旁。 句型提炼:Sb does/did sth, doing sth else. 某人一边做某事,一边做另一件事。 应用: a. 妻子一边开门,一边说她再也不回这个家了。 The wife opened the door, saying she would never return to this home. 应用: b. 父亲一边威胁着要教训他不争气的儿子,一边举起了手中的鞭子。 The father threatened to teach his shameful son a good lesson, raising the whip in his hand. 2. Typical patterns for simile 原句:(1)His dark eyes shone like polished glass. 他深色的眼睛里闪着光,好似擦亮了的玻璃 (2) Turning those pages and studying their photographs is like flowing on a sad current … 一张张翻看并研读这些照片,仿佛漂流在一条让人伤心的河流上,… … 句型提炼:Sb/Sth does sth like sth. 某人/某物做某事,好像/好似…一样。 Doing sth is like / just the same as (doing) sth else.做某事仿佛(做)另一件事一样。 11 应用: a. 她漂亮的长发从肩头垂下,好似一条黑色的瀑布。 Her beautiful long hair fell down over her shoulders like a black waterfall. 应用: b. 学如逆水行舟,不进则退。 Learning is like rowing upstream; you either struggle forward or drop behind. 原句: …his arms and legs moved unexpectedly, as if attached to unseen wires. 他手臂和双腿冷不防地移动着,就好像是连着看不见的电线似的。 句型提炼:Sb./Sth. does sth., as if … 某人/某物做某事就好像是…… 应用: a. 她看上去似乎是冰做的。 She looked as if she were made of ice. 应用: b. 河床上遍布裂缝,像是在大声抗 议人类在开发自然资源时的贪婪。 The cracks are everywhere on the riverbed as if they were shouting protests against man?s greed in exploiting natural resources. 3. Typical patterns for suggestion 原句: Presently, all we can do is look at smug shots and stick our fingers in the dam. 而目前,我们所能做的就是看看罪犯的照片,并参与到构筑抑制犯罪的大坝中去。 句型提炼:All (that) sb could/can do is (to) do sth. 某人所能做的事是…… 应用: a. 作为大学生,你现在所能做的事情就是全身心地获取知识 As a student, all you?ve got to do now at college is to put all your heart into acquiring knowledge. 应用: b. 在抗击非典的战斗中,一个普通公民所能做的就是坚守岗位,更加努力地工作 During the battle against SARS, all an ordinary citizen could do was stick to his / her post and work harder. Unit 8 1. Typical patterns for argumentation through concession 原句: Of course, all ideas don?t occur like that but so many do, particularly the most important ones. (L4.) 当然, 并非所有的思想都是这样产生的, 但许多思想的产生确实如此, 尤其是那些最为重要的 思想。 句型提炼:Of course, all don?t… but so many do, particularly…当然, 并非所有的…都…, 但许多 确实如此, 尤其是… 应用:a.当然,并非所有的女孩都在赶时髦, 但她们中的许多人确实如此, 尤其是那些看重相貌 的女孩。 Of course, all girls are not keeping up with the Joneses but so many do, particularly those who give much weight to their looks. 应用: b.当然,并非所有的冒险都值得尝试, 但有一些确实值得, 尤其是那些能使你向成功迈进 一步的冒险。 Of course, all the risks are not worth taking but some do, particularly those that make you a step 12 forward on your way to success. 原句:All of us have experienced this sudden arrival of a new idea, but it is easiest to examine it in the great creative personalities, … 我们都有过灵机一动突然有了这样一个新想法的经历,而这在那些富有创造性的天才人物身 上最显而易见。 句型提炼:All of us have done sth. , but it is easiest to examine it in those (who/whose)…我们都做 过……,而这在……人身上最显而易见。 应用:a. 我们都从失败中得到过教训,但这在那些经历了无数次失败而最后成功的人身上最显 而易见。 All of us have ever learned lessons from failure, but it is easiest to examine it in those whose success comes after countless failures. 应用:b. 我们都感受过祖国母亲的爱之力量,但这一点在那些生活不如意的海外游子身上最显 而易见。 All of us have experienced the power of motherland?s love, but it is easiest to examine it in the overseas Chinese whose life does not go well. 原句:How they do it is a mystery but they must come from somewhere. 它们是如何出现在人的脑海中的,现在是一个谜, 但这些思想一定来自某个地方。 句型提炼:) (It is true that) Sth. still is / does…, but (it does not mean / follow that) …(诚然)某事仍 是/在做……,但(这并不意味着)…… 应用:a. 制假是我们社会的顽症,但这并不意味着我们对它无能为力。 Fake-making is a chronic disease for our society to live with, but it does not mean we can do nothing about it. 应用:b. 诚然,事情发展得很顺利,但我们绝不可对一些不利因素视而不见。 It is true that things are going very well, but we must not turn a blind eye to some unfavorable factors. 2. Typical patterns for exemplification 原句:One can draw examples from genius in any field, from religion, philosophy, and literature to art and music, even in mathematics, science, and technical invention, although these are often thought to depend only on logic and experiment. (L. 12) 无论是宗教、哲学、文学,还是艺术、音乐,甚至数学、科学,以及技术发明,在任何领域 的天才人物身上,我们都能找到这样的例子,虽然人们常常认为数学、科学,以及技术发明 所依赖的仅仅是逻辑和实验。 句型提炼:One can draw / take examples from those in any (field), from…to…, even in …, although…我们在任何(领域),包括……和……,甚至在……领域,都能从……身上找到这样的例 子,虽然…… 应用:熟能生巧。我们在任何领域,包括教育、工业、和农业,甚至在理论科学研究领域都 能从成功者的身上找到这样的例子,尽管人们常常认为在理论科学研究领域动脑多于动手。 Practice makes perfect. One can draw examples from the achievers in any field, from education, industry to agriculture, even in pure scientific research, although this is often thought to depend more on brains than on hands. 应用:b. 有志者事竟成。我们在任何社会,包括社会主义社会和资本主义社会,甚至动物世 界里都能从成功的生存者身上找到这样的例子,虽然人们常常认为动物世界的生存法则是弱 肉强食。 Where there is a will there is a way. One can draw examples from the successful survivors in any 13 society, from socialist society to capitalist society, even in the animal world, although it is often thought to go on the jungle law. 原句:Take the example of Richard Wagner composing the opening to “Rhinegold”.( 以理查德 瓦格纳创作《莱茵河的黄金》的前奏曲为例。 句型提炼:Take the example of sb. doing sth.以某人做某事为例。 应用: a. 文明的社会里关爱无处不在。以一只小猫照顾一只生病的小鸭为例。 Concern and care can be found everywhere in a civilized society. Take the example of a cat looking after a sick duck. 应用:b. 婚后的爱情更需要呵护。以这桩美满的婚姻以离婚而告终为例。 The post-marriage love needs treating with more care. Take the example of this happy marriage ending up with divorce. 原句: As a contrast, we may consider a famous story: the discovery by Henri Poincare, the great French mathematician, of a new mathematical method called the Fuchsian functions. 与之相反的是另一件众人皆知的事情:那就是法国伟大的数学家亨利 庞加莱发现被称为福 克斯函数的数学新方法的故事。 句型提炼:) (We may) Consider / Think of sth. / sb. as a contrast to...(我们可以)以某事,某人 为与……相反的例子。 应用: a.我们可以把郑培民的故事作为与官场腐败形成鲜明对照的例子。 We may consider the story of Zheng Pei-min as a contrast to the corruption in the official circles. 应用: b. 与他的懒惰形成鲜明对照的一个例子,就是她的勤奋使她事业有成。 As a contrast to his laziness, we may think of her diligence which has enabled her to make progress in career. Unit 9 1.Typical patterns for standpoint-explaining 原句:The responsibility we have for the future begins when we recognize that we ourselves create the future. 当我们认识到创造未来的正是我们自己,我们也就由此开始肩负起了对未来的责任。 句型提炼: The responsibility sb. has/takes/assumes/shoulders for sb./sth. begins (just) when … (从句)某人对某事所承担的责任始于……之时。 应用:a.男女双方结婚之日,就是承担起赡养双方父母的义务之时。 The responsibility men and women take for supporting each other?s parents begins just when they get married. 应用:b.大学生对社会进步所承担的责任应起始于他们走入大学校门的时侯。 The responsibility college students assume for the progress of society should begin just when they enter college. 原句:We ourselves build the future both through what we do and what we do not do. 我们通过自己的所为和所不为创造着未来。 句型提炼: Sb does sth both through … and (through)… 某人通过…… 和…… 做某事 应用:a.我们不仅通过自己的言论,更重要的是通过自己的行动来向社会证明自身价值。 We prove our own worth to society both through what we say and, even more important, through 14 what we do. 应用:b.我们必须通过运用得当的学习方法和在听、说、读写等方面不断练习来掌握英语知识。 We must make ourselves master of English both through the employment of proper methods and frequent practice at listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Typical patterns for cause and effect 原句:Frequent computer analyses could tell whether workers, like air traffic controllers, are seeing all activity clearly enough to monitor it properly. 采用频繁的电脑分析,能够了解到工作人员,如飞行调度员,是否对工作全局一目了然,从 而做好各自的工作。 句型提炼: A frequent analysis/examination/study of sth.could tell whether/how …(从句) 对……的频繁分析,检测/研究,就能够看出…… 应用: a.仔细研究一下这幅画,就能看出它是赝品还是真迹。 A careful examination of the painting could tell whether it is an original or a copy. 应用:a.他们声称所有的人都享受同等的教育机会和工作机会。然而,仔细分析一下他们的所 为就不难看出这种说法是否能站得住脚。 They claim that all men can enjoy the same opportunities for education and job. A closer study of what they have done, however, would reveal whether their claim can hold water. 2. . Typical patterns for cause and effect 原句:Increases in information and knowledge-based businesses are reducing levels of middle management. 以信息和知识为基础的行业的不断增多正使得中层管理者数量在不断减少。 句型提炼: A steady increase in A leads to a corresponding reduction in B. A的不断增多导致B的相应减少. (划线部分可替换) 应用: a.大量增加防务经费正降低着该国人民的生活水平。 A massive increase in defense spending is leading to a decline in people?s living standards of the country. 应用:b.一个人自信心的稳步提高将会带来其成功率的上升。 A steady increase in one?s self-confidence will bring about a rise in his chances of success. 原句:Home computers will show the alternative results should you act in a certain way.( 家用电脑可以告诉你,你的某种行为方式会带来哪些不同的结果. 句型提炼: Sb. will answer for the + adj. +results should he… (从句)某人要对自己……所导致的 结果负责。(划线部分可替换) 应用: a. 在这个关键时期,任何官员将为他玩忽职守所导致的严重后果而受到惩罚. During this critical period of time, any official will answer for the serious results should he fail to do his duty. 3.Typical patterns for comparison & contrast 原句:Protection of the environment used to be the concern of special groups. Now governments and businesses realize bad air and water pollution affect everyone. 过去,环境保护只是一些特殊团体关注的事情。 如今,政府和企业都认识到,受到污染的空 气和水会危害每一个人。 句型提炼: Sb. / Sth. used to …; but now/nowadays…过去……, 但如今…… 应用: a.过去人们听到某某大学生在打工,常会觉得有点惊奇; 但如今大学生兼做家庭教师或 推销员、导游是常有的事。 People used to be a little surprised when they heard that a college student was doing a part-time job; but nowadays, it is not an uncommon sight for college students to work as tutors, salesmen and tour 15 guides. 应用: b.他曾是队里最好的球员,可现在另外两名超过了他 . He used to be the best player on the team but now two other players are better than he is. Unit 10 1. Typical patterns for exposition of sth. 原句:Integrity is an inner compass for judging your behavior. 正直是判断自身行为的心灵标尺 。 句型提炼: Sth. is a compass / a good test / the basis for (doing) sth. else. 某事,物是(做)…… 的指南,试金石,基础。(划线部分也可用以下短语: a key / secret / trick to 或 a guarantee / the art / bottom line / purpose of 等) 应用:a. 路遥知马力,日久见人心 As distance is a good test for knowing a horse?s strength, so time is a good compass for judging a person?s heart. 应用:b. 诚信是加深你与他人关系的保证。 Honesty is a guarantee of enriching your relationships with others. 原句: A good test for this value is to apply what I call the “Integrity Triangle”, which consists of three key principles. 一个检验这一价值观的好办法就是运用本人所说的“正直三角原则”,它包含三大原则 句型提炼: A good test for doing sth. is to do sth. else.一个做某事的好办法就是……(划线部分也 可用以下短语: The key / secret / trick / The best course to 或 The guarantee / the art / bottom line / the best way / purpose of 等) 应用:a. 生活之道就是懂得何时该抓紧和何时该放手。 The art of living is to know when to hold fast and when to let go. 应用:b. 人生成功的秘诀就是有所不为而后可以有所为。 The secret to success in life is to leave some things undone in order to do other things. 原句: … integrity involves having a personal standard of morality and boundaries that does not sell out to convenience and that is not relative to the situation at hand. 所谓正直,就是有自己的道德界定,既不贪财图利,也不因所处的环境而妥协。 句型提炼: ) Sth. / Doing sth. involves / entails / means doing sth. else. 所谓某事,做某事,就 是…… 应用:a.所谓家务,就是烧饭、洗碗、洗衣和打扫卫生。 Housekeeping involves cooking, washing dishes and clothes, and sweeping and cleaning. 应用:b.所谓创造性,就是敢于向得到公认的理论挑战。 Creativity entails having the courage to challenge the well-established theories. 原句: Integrity means you do what you do because it?s right and not just fashionable or politically correct. 为人正直就意味着去做你应该做的事,因为那是对的,而不是因为顺应潮流或迎合政治上的 需要。 句型提炼Sth. / Doing sth means / suggests / signifies that …(从句) 某事,做某事就意味着,表 16 明…… 应用:a. 一连串的恐怖袭击表明人类要实现全球的和平还有漫长的路要走。 A chain of terrorist attacks suggests that mankind will have a long way to go to achieve a global peace. 应用:b. 生活环境的变革也意味着我们要革除陈规陋习 The reform in living environments also means that we should do away with our outmoded customs and practices. 2. Typical patterns for discriminative analysis 原句:If each of us hires people who are smaller than we are, we shall become a company of dwarfs. But if each of us hires people who are bigger than we are, Ogilvy & Mather will become a company of giants. 如果我们每个人都聘用比我们差的人, 那么我们的公司就会变成一家矮子公司。但是如果我 们每个人都聘用比我们强的人, 那么我们的公司就会变成一家巨人公司。 句型提炼1)If…, sb. / sth. will… But if…, sb. / sth. will…如果……那么……但是如果……那 么……(辩证分析) 应用:a. 如果一个民族松散得像一盘散沙,那么它会被任人宰割。但是如果一个民族团结得 像一个人一样,那么它将无所畏惧。 If a nation is disunited like a heap of loose sand, it will be subject to invasion. But if a nation is united like one man, it will have nothing to fear. 应用:b. 如果一个人经常说一些像“糟透了”、“痛苦死了”这样不祥的字眼,那么他的生活就 摆脱不掉事物的阴暗面。但是如果一个人常常说诸如“妙极了”、“有刺激”等欢乐的字眼,那么 他的生活就会充满欢乐和希望 If one often says such unhappy words as “terrible” and “painful”, his life will be seized with the dark side of things. But if one often utters happy words, like “wonderful” and “exciting”, his life will be full of joy and hope. 原句: People who lack genuine core values rely on external factors — their looks or status — in order to feel good about themselves. 缺乏实实在在内涵的人会去依靠外部因素—如长相或地位—来保持良好的自我感觉。 句型提炼Sb. that / Anyone who lacks sth. / fails to do sth. relies / counts / depends on sth. else — … — in order to …(目的状语)缺乏,未能做某事的人会去依靠其他的东西 —如…… —来 达到……目的。 应用:a. 现如今,一些未能赶上课程进度的 学生会去依靠其他办法—如考试作弊或走后门 (pull wires / strings)—来通过期末考试。 Nowadays, some students who fail to keep up with the flow of the course rely on other methods —cheating in exams or pulling wires — in order to pass the term-end exam. 应用:b. 某些缺乏领导才能的官员会去依靠其他因素—如溜须拍马(flatter)或权钱交易—来得 到升迁。 Some officials who lack the art of leadership count on other factors—flattering or trading money for power—in order to be promoted to higher positions. 第二册 unit one 17 1.Typical patterns for emphasizing sth.: 原句: Normally, Americans do not assess their visitors in such a relaxed surroundings over extended small talk; much less do they take them out for dinner,… 一般来说,美国人是不会在如此轻松的环境里通过长时间的闲聊来评估他们的客人,更不用 说带他们出去吃饭, ?????? 句型提炼Sb. does not do sth.; much less does sb. do sth. else. 某人不会做/没有做某事, 更不用说做其他的事。划线部分可替换) 应用:a. 这个孩子常常对别人的关心置若罔闻,更不用说批评和意见了。 The child often turns a deaf ear to the people’s care; much less do they criticize and advise. 应用:b. 这里的人们从来都没有把这个英俊的小伙子与任何错误的行迹联系在一起,更不会 相信他就是凶手。 People in this area never associate the handsome young man with any wrong deed; much less do they believe he is the very murderer. 2.Typical patterns for choosing one way over the other: 原句: we communicate rapidly through faxes, phone calls or emails rather than through personal contacts, which though pleasant, take longer — especially given our traffic-filled streets. 我们通过发传真、打电话或发电子邮件与他人迅速地进行交流, 而不是通过直接接触。 虽然 面对面接触令人愉快,但却要化更多的时间, 尤其是在马路上交通拥挤时。 句型提炼Sb. does sth. through / by / with… rather than through / by / with…, which, though…,… — especially given… 某人通过??????做某事,而不是通过?????? 虽然后者??????, 但却??????,尤其是??????时。 应用:a. 永恒友谊的秘诀是:真心实意而不是虚情假意地相待。虽然后者有时奏效,但决不可 能长久,尤其是人们的诚信意识增强时。 The secret to a permanent friendship is to treat each other with heart and soul rather than through a false display of affection, which, though effective from time to time, stands no chance to last — especially given people’s growing awareness of honesty. 应用:b. 中国人民与其他民族增进关系的原则是和平共处而不是强权政治。虽然后者如今很 盛行,但必将会以失败而告终,尤其是在全世界都渴望种族平等时。 The Chinese people enrich their relationship with other peoples on the principle of peaceful co-existence rather than on the basis of power politics, which, though very popular at present, is bound to fall through in time — especially given the whole world’s strong desire for racial equality. 3.Typical patterns for revealing contrasts 原句: To us the impersonality of electronic communication has little or no relation to the significance of the matter at hand. In some countries no major business is conducted without eye contact, requiring face-to-face conversation. 就我们而言,电子交流的缺乏人情味与我们手头上事情的重要性之间很少有或完全没有关系。 在有些国家里,没有当面接触就做不成大生意, 需要面对面的交谈。 句型提炼To sb., sth. has little / no relation to sth. else; whereas / while, to sb. else, nothing can be done without sth. else. 18 就某人而言,某事与另一事很少,完全没有关系; 然而对于另一人,没有另一事什么事都做 不成。 应用:a. 对于美国人而言,缺乏面对面的接触和生意的成败无关; 但对中国人而言,没有经 常性的边吃边面谈什么生意都做不成。 To the American people, lack of personal contact has no relation to the success or failure in their business; whereas, to the Chinese people, no business can be conducted without frequent face-to-face chats over meals. 应用:b. 在清官看来,工作没个人油水与其尽职尽责没多大关系;而在贪官看来,没有丰厚 的个人利益回报任何工作都做不成。 To the honest official, no personal returns from his work have little relation to his total commitment to his duty; while, to the corrupt official, no piece of work can be done without fat gains in personal interests. 3. Typical patterns for showing sb.’s feelings about sth.: 原句: Unless a certain amount of time is allowed to elapse, it seems in their eyes as if the task being considered were insignificant, not worthy of proper respect. 如果不是花一定的时间来处理某件事的话,则这件事就好像是无足轻重,不值得给予适当的 重视。 句型提炼Unless…, it seems in one’s eyes (to one’s mind) as if… 如果不是??????,则某人就觉得好像是?????? 应用:a. 按照当今的惯例,如果我们的客人当中没有人在饭桌上喝醉,就好像我们对他们不 够热情。 By the custom of the times, unless some of our guests get drunk at table, it seems to our minds as if we are not warm-hearted enough towards them. 应用:b. 对某些学生而言,要不是必须通过英语考试,他们就觉得英语没有用,不值得再去 努力。 As far as some students are concerned, unless they are forced to pass English tests, it seems in their eyes as if English is useless, not worthy of their further efforts. 原句: Assignments are, consequently, felt to be given added weight by the passage of time. ( 接着,人们觉得用的时间长会增加所做事情的重要性。 句型提炼Sth. is felt ( assumed ) to be given added / more weight / care / concern. 人们认为(觉得)某事更应受到重视 / 关注。(往往不正确) 应用:a. 人们通常认为,与道德发展相比,孩子的学业更应受到家长的重视。 Compared with their moral development, children’s academic achievements are generally felt to be given more weight by the parents. 应用:b. 诚然,环境保护决不应忽视,但经济发展常常被认为更应关注。 No doubt, environmental protection should never be ignored, but economic development is often assumed to be given added concern. Unit 2 1. Typical patterns for describing sb.’s preoccupation with sth.: 原句: The great majority of nations concern themselves with economic development, regardless of its effect on the global ecology. 19 决大多数国家只顾经济发展,而不顾经济发展对全球生态环境的影响。 句型提炼Sb. concerns himself with sth. / doing sth., regardless of sth. else. 某人只顾某事/做某事, 而不顾其他的事。 应用:a. 许多家长只关注孩子的学业和身体,而对孩子的精神健康漠不关心。 Many parents concern themselves with their children’s academic achievements and physical conditions, regardless of their moral health. 应用:b. 一些人只顾匆忙地穿过街道,而不顾路上穿梭的车辆。这时往往就会发生交通事故。 Traffic accidents often occur when people concern themselves with hurrying across streets, regardless of the shuttling cars on the road. 2. Transitional patterns for offering examples: 原句: The following are a few examples of countries undertaking new environmental initiatives. 下面就是几个正在采取环境保护新举措的国家的例子。 句型提炼 The following / Here are a few / some / typical examples of sth. or sb. doing sth. 下面就是几个/ 一些/ 典型的某事或某人做某事的例子。 应用:a. 下面是几个在自己的事业中表现出了强烈兴趣并做出不懈努力的人们的典型例子。 强烈的兴趣和不懈努力是人类一切活动成功的关键因素。 Here are some typical examples of people showing in their careers intense interest plus persistent effort, which is the key factor to the success in every human activity. 应用:b. 下面是几个人的例子,这些人常常把看上去可浪费的时间充分利用起来,使之产生 效率。 The following are a few examples of men who tend to make the normally wasted hours useful and productive. 3. Typical patterns for expressing doubts 原句: The government promises it will protect the region’s native people, but questions remain as to its true level of commitments. (巴西)政府承诺将保护该地区的土著居民,但人们对这个承诺的可信度仍心存疑虑。 句型提炼Sb. promises (undertakes) /intends ( decides) to do sth. / that…, but questions / doubts / worries remain as to… 某人答应(承诺)/ 打算(决定)做某事/ ??????,但人们对 ??????仍然心存疑虑/ 担忧。应用: a. 尽管那家公司已经与工人签定了劳动合同,并承诺保障他们的合法权益,但工人们仍然对 公司的诚信度和可靠性忧心重重。 The company has already signed the labor contracts with the workers and promises to guarantee their legal rights, but worries remain as to its honesty and reliability. 应用:b. 这个年轻人承诺自己要改邪归正,重新做人,但人们对他是否会信守诺言仍然心存 疑虑。 The young man undertakes to turn over a new leaf, but doubts remain as to whether he will keep his promise or not. 4. Typical patterns for showing uncertainty 原句: Observers say the program has succeeded strengthening... and bringing... But it remains to be seen whether these measures will have enough impact to slow the rate of removing the forests 观察家称该计划已成功地巩固了??????而且还带来了??????但要知道这些措施是否会产生足够的影 响来减缓砍伐森林的速度,尚需时日。 20 句型提炼Sb. says / claims / argues that… But it remains to be seen / done whether / which / what…(从句) 某人称 /宣称/ 认为?????? 但是要了解(知道)/ 做??????, 尚需时日。 应用:a. 推销员宣称他们的笔记本电脑质量最好,然而对这种产品到底能用多久,我们将拭 目以待, 因为我们相信真金不怕火炼。 The salesman claims their laptop is of the best quality. But it remains to be seen whether this brand will last long or not, for we believe that “True gold fears no fire.” 应用:b. 经过充分的准备,每个球队对取得比赛胜利都充满了信心,然而最终花落谁家尚待 以后见分晓。 After sufficient preparations, every team is confident of its success in the matches. But it remains to be seen which team will be the final winner. Unit 3 1. Typical patterns for showing the changes of one’s mind 原句:To start with I must admit that at first I harbored reservations about a mixed marriage,…. But when I met Mark, I found him a charming and intelligent young guy. 首先我必须承认,刚开始我对异族通婚是有保留的,??????但当我见到马克时,我发现他是一个既 讨人喜欢又聪明的年轻人。 句型提炼To start with, sb. admits ( feels / believes) that at first ( at the beginning)… But when (as)…, he / she found (realized) that… 首先某人承认(感到/认为),起初,?????? 但是当??????时,某人发现(感觉到)?????? 应用:a. 首先我应该承认,起初她的外貌并没有给我留下什么印象。但随着我们接触增多,我 发现她温柔、贤惠、善解人意。 To start with I must admit that at the beginning her looks left little impression on me. But as we made more contacts with each other, I found her gentle, virtuous, and good at reading my mind. 应用: b. 他首先承认当初他对此事想得太简单,觉得不用费多大力。但当他着手做此事时, 他 突然意识到,凡事想做好都不容易。 To start with he admits that at first he took the matter for granted, assuming it is unnecessary for him to make much effort. But when he set about doing it, he came to a sudden awareness that nothing is so easy if one wants to do it better. 2. Typical patterns for showing one’s disapproval of doing sth. 原句:If we had to resolve all doubt before we acted, very little would ever get done. 假如我们在做任何事情之前,必须把所有的疑难问题全部解决的话,那么我们几乎就什么都干 不成了。 句型提炼If sb. has to do sth. before sb. does what he wants to do, little (nothing) would… 在??????之前,假如必须做??????,那么几乎什么(没有任何事情)可以(能够)?????? 应用: a. 诚然, 谨慎的确重要。但如果在采取行动之前我们总得瞻前顾后, 那么什么事情也 做不成。 Admittedly, being cautious really matters. But if we always have to look ahead and behind before we take actions, nothing could be achieved. 21 应用: b. 假如我们在实施一项计划之前必须征得每个人的支持, 那么很多机会就会白白丧 失, 从而一事无成。 If we have to get everyone’s approval of a plan before we put it into effect, many opportunities would be wasted, thus leaving little to be done. 3. Typical patterns for expressing one’s reservations about sth. 原句: You may be right. But I still think that waiting won’t hurt. 你也许是对的。但我还是认为再等一段时间有好处。 句型提炼Sb. (Sth.) else may be right (correct / reasonable / true). But sb. still thinks (believes / considers / feels / takes the view) that… 某人(某事)也许是对的。但某人仍然认为??????应用: a. 发展当地经济是正确的。但我仍然认为 以牺牲环境为代价来发展经济无异于杀鸡取卵。 Developing local economy is correct. But I still believe developing the economy at the expense of the environment is no different from killing the goose to get its golden egg. 应用b. 他关于成功的定义也许是对的。但我仍然认为一个成功的人是执着追求自己梦想的 人。重要的是过程,而非结果。 His definition of success may be right. But I still think a successful person is one who persists in pursuing his dream. It’s the process, not the result, that counts. Unit 4 1. Typical patterns for revealing different ways of seeing sth.: 1. 原句: At first glance, this is just another routine flight to… Yet for 38 young passengers between fifteen and eighteen years of age, it is the start of a new experience:… 乍一看,这不过又是一架飞往 ?????? 的普通航班。然而对于飞机上的38个年龄在15到18岁 的年轻乘客来说,这是一次全新经历的开始:?????? 句型提炼1. At first glance, sth. / sb. is just… or sb. just feelsYet for sb. else, sth. / sb. is… 乍一看,某事/某人只不过是??????然而对其他人来说,某事/某人是?????? 应用:a.乍一看,她只不过是一位普通的妇女。然而对于这个曾经无家可归的孩子来说,她是一 位无私的伟大的母亲:她把自己所有的爱和精力都倾注到他的成长中。 At first glance, she is just an ordinary woman. Yet for this child who used to be homeless, she is a great unselfish mother: she devotes all her love and energy to his growth. 应用:b. 乍一看,你也许觉得这个村子没有什么特别之处。然而对于那些海外游子来说,这是 他们魂牵梦绕的地方:故乡的景物记载着他们儿时的梦想。 At first glance, you may feel nothing special about this village. But for those overseas Chinese, it is the land to which they bear ever-growing attachments day and night: the scenes of their hometown bear record to their childhood dreams. 原句: For the majority, the decision to study abroad is taken only after a period of at least six months of careful planning. “For me,” says…, “it’s more important to…than it is to…”. 对大多数学生来说,至少要经过6个月的精心筹划才能作出到国外学习的决定。 “对我来说,” 17岁的格洛里亚?马卡托说: “学会讲英语及体验这种经历比从美国政府那里拿到一张证书更 22 为重要。” 句型提炼2. For sb., sth. / doing sth. is / means ... Yet for sb. else , it is more important to do sth. else than it is to do sth. 对某人而言,某事/做某事是/意味着 ?????? 然而对于另一人,做其它事比做某事更重要。 应用:a. 对于多数大学生来说,大学生活意味着获取专业知识与技能。而对少数大学生 而言,寻求快乐比寻求知识更重要。 For the majority of students, the college life means acquiring special knowledge and skills. Yet for the minority, it is more important to seek pleasures than it is to seek knowledge. 应用:b. 在某些人看来,金钱是他们人生的所有追求。而对于那些有远大理想的人来说,实 现人生价值比追求金钱更重要。 For some people, money is all that they strive for in life. Yet for those with high ambitions, it is rather more important to realize their life values than it is to seek after money. 2. Typical patterns for revealing contrasts in sb.: 原句: Basically, most students leave knowing they will have to do without their accustomed parental protection and learn to take care of themselves. However, no one packs his or her bags alone. 事实上,大多数学生在离家时,都知道他们将在没有原来所习惯了的父母照顾的情况下自己生 活,学会自己照顾自己。然而, 他们没有人会独自整理行李。 句型提炼 Basically ( In fact), sb. does sth. knowing that he / she will… However, sb. (still)… 事实上, 当某人做某事时, 都知道他/她将 ?????? 然而, 某人(仍然) ?????? 应用:a. 事实上,当这些勇敢的年轻人冲入火海救人时,都知道这是很危险的,且可能失去生 命。然而,在危机时刻,他们却毫不犹豫。 Basically, these brave young men jumped into the sea of flames to save others knowing it was dangerous and they may lose their lives. However, they made no hesitation at the critical moment. 应用:b. 事实上,当他接受任务时,知道将来会有很多困难和压力,然而, 为了信守诺言, 他接受了挑战。 In fact, he accepted the mission knowing there would be great difficulties and pressures ahead. However, to keep his promise, he took the challenge. 3. Typical patterns for emphasizing difficulty in doing sth. 原句: Things, as they say, are not always so easy. Even young students who plan on staying in the United States just long enough to finish two semesters of high school have difficulty finding a host family. 正如他们所说的那样,事情并不是总那么顺利。甚至那些计划在美国完成两个学期中学课程 的年轻学生也很难找到接待家庭。 句型提炼 Sth. , as sb. says (expects / estimates), is not always so easy ( encouraging / pleasing /… ). Even those who…have difficulty (trouble) doing sth.. 正如某人所说那样,某事不总是?????? 甚至那些??????也很难做某事。 应用:a. 正如许多人所说的那样,漫漫人生路不总是那么平坦。甚至那些至今已克服了诸多 困难的人要达到目标仍有许多困难。 Our great journey through life, as many people say, is not always so smooth. Even 23 those who have so far overcome a lot of difficulties still have much trouble attaining their goals. 应用:b. 正如一些专家预测的那样,今年的就业市场不容乐观。甚至许多拥有硕士学位 的大学毕业生也很难找到满意的工作。 The job market, as some experts predict, is not so hopeful this year. Even many college graduates who hold the master degree have much trouble in finding their satisfactory jobs. Unit5 1. Typical patterns for showing progressive results 原句:…; over time people starve themselves of both food and air, effectively weakening and hooking their children, eventually killing themselves. ??????;久而久之,人们不但缺少食物,而且还缺少空气,这样不但大大地削弱了孩子的体质, 还使他们染上了烟瘾,最终还会导致他们于死地。 句型提炼If…, over time/ in the long run sb. / sth. does sth, effectively / greatly (seriously/ badly ) doing… and doing…, eventually doing…. 如果 ??????,久而久之/长此以往,某人/某事做某事,这样不但大大地(严重地) ?????? 还??????,最 终会导致?????? 应用:a. 如果我们坚持这一好的做法,久而久之,一种崇高的精神将深入人心,这样不 但会大大增强公民的公德意识还会培育后代的爱心,最终实现社会风气的根本好转。 If we stick to this good practice, over time a holy spirit will take root in the hearts of the people, effectively building up citizens’ sense of public morality and fostering offspring’s love of others, eventually making a basic turn for the better in the standards of social conduct. 应用:b. 如果公司职员在违反规定的时候不受到警告或处罚,长此以往,这种情况将变 成普遍现象,这样不但会严重减弱公司管理的力量,还会降低员工的工作效率,最终导致公 司倒闭。 If no warning or punishment is given on the employees’ breaking of rules of the company, over time this will become common phenomena, seriously weakening the power of the management and lowering the working efficiency of employees, eventually leading to the failure of the company. 2. Typical patterns for expressing regret 原句:I remember how carefully I ate when I was pregnant, how patiently… For what, I sometimes wonder; so that she can struggle to breathe through most of her life feeling half her strength,…? 我记得自己怀孕时,吃东西的时候是多么当心啊~ ?????? 有时我纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了 什么,难道是为了她今后大半辈子有气无力地挣扎着呼吸??????? 句型提炼Sb. remembers how… he / she did / has done sth. (for others). For what, sb. sometimes wonders; so that…? 某人记得, 他/她做某事时是多么??????。但有时某人纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么,难道 是为了??????? 应用:a. 科学家记得, 当初他们创建因特网这个20世纪最伟大的发明时是多么的艰辛~ 但有时他们也纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么,难道是为了让孩子们沉溺于网络的虚拟现 24 实而不能自拔, Scientists remember how hard they worked to create the Internet, the greatest invention of 20th century. For what, they sometimes wonder; so that the children indulge too heavily in the virtual reality of the Internet to free themselves from it , 应用:b. 她记得,她为了丈夫的事业和这个家庭的幸福做出了多么大的牺牲啊~但有 时她也纳闷:自己这样做到底是为了什么,难道是为了丈夫说她失去自我而变得乏味吗, She remembers how much she has sacrificed for her husband’s career as well as for the happiness of the family. For what, she sometimes wonders; so that her husband regarded her boring because she lost herself? 3. Typical patterns for citing quotations: 原句:There is a quotation from a battered women’s shelter that I especially like: “Peace on earth begins at home.” I believe everything does. 我特别喜欢一条写在受伤害女人收容所里的语录:“人间平安,始于家庭。” 我觉得世界上所 有的事情都是如此。 句型提炼There is a quotation from… that sb. especially likes / appreciates: “…” sb. believes / thinks everything does ( the same holds / is true for anything in the world / the same goes for…). 某人特别喜欢/欣赏出自?????? 的一句话:“ ?????? ”。某人认为世间事物皆如此。 应用:a. 我特别喜欢毛主席的一句话: “世上无难事,只要肯登攀。” 我觉得世间事物皆同 此理。 There is a quotation from Chairman Mao that I especially like: “Nothing in the world is too difficult as long as you put your heart into it.” I think the same is true for anything in the world. 应用:b. 我特别欣赏威廉 • 赫士列特的话: “人生就是不断地争取做不同于现在的我, 从事办不到的事。” 我觉得这同样适用于我们的校园生活 There is a quotation from William Hazlitt that I especially appreciate: “Life is continued struggle to be what we are not and to do what we cannot.” I believe the same goes for our campus life. Unit6 1( Typical patterns for emphasizing sth.: 原句: Naturally, the name change didn’t cause Debbie / Lynne’s professional achievement —but it surely helped if only by adding a bit of self-confidence to her talents. 当然,戴比(或林恩)的职业成就并不是改名带来的,但是这肯定给她带来了好处,虽说改 名字仅使她对自己的才能增加了一点自信 句型提炼Naturally, sb. / sth. does not cause / lead to / result in… — but sb. / sth. surely helps if only by doing…. 当然,某一结果并不是由某人或某物带来的,但这肯定给某人带来好处/坏处,虽说仅仅是?????? 应用:a. 当然,仅有乐观态度还不能确保你生活幸福,但它的确会给你带来好处,虽说仅仅 是改变了你对生活的态度。 Naturally, optimism alone does not ensure you a happy life—but it surely helps if 25 only by changing your attitude toward life. 应用:b. 当然,一事无成的后果并不是漫不经心所致, 但它的确会给你带来坏处,虽说仅 仅是对你的表现产生了一点点影响 Naturally, carelessness does not lead to your failure in everything — but it surely has negative effects if only by leaving a bit of its mark on your behavior. 2. Typical patterns for adding sth. Unfavorable 原句: Yet , despite this disadvantage, I did manage to become an art critic for a time. Even so, one prominent magazine consistently refused to print “Joe” in my by-line, using my first initials, J.S., instead. 然而,尽管有此不利,我确实曾一度设法成为了一名评论家。即使如此,一家著名的杂志一 直拒绝把“乔”作为我的文章的作者署名,而是用我名字的首字母J.S来代替它。 句型提炼Despite… / For all…, sb. did manage to do sth.. Even so, sb. else refuses to…, doing sth. else instead. 尽管??????,某人设法做了某事。即使如此,他人仍拒绝 ??????,而是?????? 应用:a. 尽管薪金低,工作条件差,他还是圆满地完成了任务。即使如此,老板也没有 提拔他,而是不公正地对待他。 Despite the low salary and bad working conditions, he did manage to finish his task perfectly. Even so, the boss refuses to get him promoted, treating him unfairly instead. 应用:b. 尽管困难重重,中国设法改善了人民生活条件,确保了人民的合法权益。即使如 此,一些西方国家打着人权的旗号,拒绝投我国人权现状的赞成票,而是横加指责。 For all various difficulties, China has managed to improve people’s living conditions and guarantee their legal rights. Even so, some western countries, under the cover of human rights, refuse to vote for the status of our civil rights, making unfounded charges instead. 3. Typical patterns for providing evidence 原句: A recent survey showed that American men thought Susan to be the most attractive female name, while women believed Richard and David were the most attractive for men. 最新调查表明:美国男人认为苏珊是最有吸引力的女性名字,而女性则认为查里德和戴维是 男人中最有吸引力的名字。 句型提炼A recent (latest ) survey (study / investigation / poll) (conducted / done / taken by…) shows (reveals / indicates / finds) that sb. thinks…, while sb. else believes… 最新调查表明:某人认为?????? ,而其他人则认为?????? 应用:a. 最近对大学毕业生做的一次调查表明:为数不少的人认为高薪水非常重要,而大 多数人则认为找一个有意义的工作,做些有趣的事更重要。 A latest survey conducted among college graduates shows that quite a few people think a high salary is of great importance, while most of them believe doing something worthwhile and enjoyable at work is more important. 应用b. 社会学家做的一项调查表明:多数年轻人认为他们信守传统观念,而另有一些人认 为为了家庭和孩子牺牲个人的幸福不值得。 A poll conducted by sociologists indicates that most young people think they remain true to the traditional values, while some others regard it as of little worth to 26 sacrifice personal happiness for the sake of the family and children. unit 7 1. Typical patterns for giving warning: 原句: If you often feel angry and overwhelmed, like the stress in your life is spinning out of control, then you may be hurting your heart. 如果你常常生气、心烦意乱、情绪激动,好像你生活中的压力正在快速加剧并变得失去控制, 那么你可能是在损害你的心脏了。 句型提炼 If sb. often / always…, like… (从句), then sb. may be doing… 如果某人经常/ 总是••••••,好像 •••••• ,那么某人很可能是•••••• 应用:a. 如果你对什么事都挑剔、对什么人都吹毛求疵,好像生活中什么都不如意,那 么你可能在追求一种不幸的生活方式。 If you always pick holes in everything and find fault with everyone around you, like nothing in life agrees with your wishes, then you may be pursuing an unhappy lifestyle. 应用:b. 如果你什么事都看不上眼,好像无事值得你去做,那么你可能在虚度宝贵的时 光。 If you hold everything in contempt, like nothing is worth your efforts, then you may be idling away your precious time. 2. Typical patterns for showing results: 原句: What happens is that the hotter people get, physiologically, with mental stress, the more likely they are to blow apart with some heart problem. 此时就会发生这种情况—人们由于心理上的压力在生理上变得越激动,他们的身体就越可能 因为某种心脏病而垮下来。 句型提炼What happens is that the more sb. or sth.… with…, the more likely sb. or sth. is to… with… 此时就会发生这种情况 — 某人或某事由于 •••••• 变得越 ••••••, 某人或某事就越可能因 为 •••••• 而 •••••• 应用:a. 随着高考临近,会发生这样的情况—由于父母过高的期望孩子越发焦虑,他们 就越可能因为压力太大而发挥差。 With the college entrance exams drawing nearer, what happens is that the more anxious the children get with their parents’ high expectations, the more likely they are to perform poorly with the excessive stress. 应用:b. 在健康的家庭生活氛围里,常常会出现这样的情况 — 孩子由于父母恰如其 分的表扬变得越自信,从而他们很可能会因为这种自信而做得更好。 In a healthy atmosphere of family life, what often happens is that the more self-confident children get with parents’ proper praises, the more likely they are to do even better with such self-confidence. 3. Typical patterns for giving advice 原句:From Eliot’s viewpoint, the other key to controlling stress is to “realize that there are other troublesome parts of your life over which you can have little or no control — like the economy and politicians.” 27 照 句型提炼From sb.’s viewpoint / point of view (angle of view), the (other) key to doing sth. is to realize / recognize / admit / acknowledge ( beware) that…— like… 依照某人的观点,做某事的(另一个)关键因素是承认 / 意识到 (谨防) ••••••—比如 •••••• 应用:a. 按照专家们的观点,戒毒的另一个关键因素是谨防外因导致复吸—比如被同伴勾引。 From the experts’ viewpoints, the other key to ridding yourself of drugs is to beware that you may fall again into the bad habit as a result of external factors — like getting hooked by your companions 应用:b. 按照一位哲学家的观点,摆脱烦恼的另一关键因素是要承认生活中总有些不可控的 事情—比如同事间的闲话和有人对你的妒忌。 From a philosopher’s point of view, the other key to keeping your mind free from worry is to realize that there is always something in life beyond your control — like gossip among your colleagues and somebody’s jealousy against you. unit 8 1. Typical patterns for introducing public opinion about sth.: 原句: It has often been remarked that the saddest thing about youth is that it is wasted on the young. 人们常说:对于青春来说,最令人悲伤的事情莫过于青春在年轻时被浪费掉了。 句型提炼It has often / always been remarked (said) that the saddest (the most pleasing) thing about sth. is that… 人们常常说:对于某事而言,最令人悲伤/ 高兴的事情莫过于 •••••• 应用:a. 人们常常说:对于人生而言,最大的幸福莫过于财富的积累——你获得的每一条经 验,你发现的每一个真理,你结交的每一位朋友•••••• It has often been said that the happiest thing about life is that it is a buildup of treasures—every experience you’ve gained, every truth you’ve found, every friend you’ve made ... 应用:b. 人们常常说:对于婚姻而言,最浪漫的事情莫过于它是由两个相互忠贞不渝的人组 成。 It has often been remarked that the most romantic thing about marriage is that it is made up of two people who remain faithful to each other. 2. Typical patterns for providing evidence: 原句: According to the survey based on responses from over 188,000 students, today’s college beginners are “more consumeristic and less idealistic ” than at any time in the seventeen years of the poll. 根据以188000多名学生的答卷为基础的调查,当今的大学生比这项民意调查开始以来的17 年中的任何时候的大学生都“更主张消费,但少了点理想”。 句型提炼 According to the survey based on responses from…, sb. / sth. is more…than at any time in… 根据以••••••的答卷为基础的调查,某人/某事比••••••任何时候都更•••••• 应用:a. 根据以10,000名青少年的答卷为基础的调查,今天的孩子在智力、体力和心理上 比历史上任何时候都更成熟 28 According to the survey based on responses from 10,000 teenagers, today’s children are more mature in mental, physical and psychological development than at any time in history. 应用:b. 根据对1,360 位来自10个不同学校的学生所进行的调查,今天的孩子在情感和心 理方面比20世纪80年代任何时期的孩子都更容易受到伤害。 According to the survey conducted among 1360 teenagers from ten different schools, today’s children are more likely to be emotionally and psychologically hurt than at any time in 1980’s. 3. Typical patterns for describing contrasts: 原句: Interest in teaching, social service and the humanities is at a low, along with ethnic and women’s studies. On the other hand, enrollment in business programs, engineering and computer science is way up. 如今人们对当教师、社会服务和人文学科、还有种族和妇女研究的兴趣都处于低潮。另一方 面,攻读商科、工程学及计算机科学的学生人数却在迅速增加。 句型提炼Interest in… ( Enthusiasm for… / Quest for… / Commitment to…) is at a low, along with… On the other hand, enrollment in… ( passion for… / pursuit of… / competition for…) is way up. 如今人们对••••••、还有••••••的兴趣(热情/追求/信奉)都处于低潮。另一方面,攻读 •••••• 的人数(对•••••••的激情/追求/竞争)却在迅速增加。 应用:a. 根据时下的时尚潮流,人们对正式、繁复的还有奢华的风格兴趣不高,另 一方面,简约主义却正在兴起。 With the current trend in fashion, interest in formal and complex design is at a low, along with the luxury style. On the other hand, simplicity is way up. 应用:b. 随着整个社会经济的发展,人们对安逸和金钱的追求正成为次要,另一方面,对知 识、真理和品行的追求都在变得愈加强烈。 With the economical development of the whole society, quest for ease and comfort is at a low, along with the pursuit of money. On the other hand, quest for knowledge, truth and moral conduct is way up. 4. Typical patterns for progressive reasoning: 原句: While it is true all of us need…, it is equally true that… And we are better for… More importantly, perhaps, education teaches us… 虽然我们所有的人都确实需要•••••• ,但同样确实的是•••••• 而且正因为••••••我们变得更 有本领•••••• 也许更重要的是,教育使我们•••••• 句型提炼While it is true (that) sb. / sth. need…, it is equally true that sb. / sth.… And sb. / sth. is more… for… More importantly, perhaps,… 虽然某人/某事确实需要•••••• ,但同样确实的是••••••。而且正是因为•••••• 某人/某事才 会更••••••。 也许更重要的是,•••••• 应用:a. 虽然我们的生活确实需要改善,但同样确实的是我们的民族需要腾飞。而且正是 因为我们民族的腾飞我们才会更加富裕。 也许更重要的是,发展教育与科学可以使我们的双 梦成真。 While it is true our life needs to be improved, it is equally true that our nation needs to make rapid advance. And we are better off for the rise of our nation in the world. More importantly, perhaps, the development of education and science can turn both of our dreams into reality. 29 应用:b. 虽然人身安全确实需要保障,但同样确实的是社会秩序需要维护。而且正是因 为社会的稳定我们才会感到更安全。也许更重要的是,全社会应弘扬正气,根除任何陋习。 While it is true personal safety needs to be guaranteed, it is equally true that social order needs to be preserved. And we feel safer for social stability. More importantly, perhaps, our society as a whole should carry forward the healthy trends and do away with any ugly practices. unit 9 1. Typical patterns for showing one’s perspective on sth.: 原句: To those of us who are immigrants, the bill seems simply to sanction a policy secretly implemented by U.S. industry for nearly four decades—namely, stealing brains from the third world. 对于我们这些移民来说,这一议案只不过是正式批准一项美国工业界已秘密执行了近40年的 政策而已—即从第三世界窃取人才。 句型提炼To those of people who…, sth. seems simply / really / merely to do sth. —namely, doing sth.. 对于那些 •••••• 人来说,某事只不过是做••••••而已—即做某事。 应用:a. 对于那些急于出国的人来说,这项新政策只不过是消除了他们长期的担心而已 —即不再限制成分或家庭出身。 To those who are anxious to go abroad, this new policy seems merely to eliminate the worries they have had for a long time—namely, setting no more limits on class origin or family background. 应用:b. 对于我们这些假冒伪劣商品的受害者,这次会议只不过是通过了一部消费者期 盼多年的法律—即保护消费者的合法权益。 To those of us who have ever suffered from fake commodities, the conference seems simply to pass a law longed for by consumers for years—namely, protecting consumers’ legal rights. 2. Typical patterns for expressing purpose: 原句: In general, the “21st Century Technology Resources and Commercial Leadership Act”, which…, is designed to keep the U.S. high-tech industry on top by filling... 总的来说,••••••“21世纪技术人才资源及商业人才领导法案”是为了填补••••••以保持美国在 高科技工业中的领先地位而制定的。 句型提炼In general, sth. is designed / intended to do sth. by doing sth. else. 总的来说,某事旨在通过••••••达到•••••••目的 应用:a. 总的来说,由当地政府组织的这项调查目的是想通过面谈和电话访谈的方式以 弄清事故的真相。 In general, the investigation conducted by the local government is designed to find the truth of the accident by making face-to-face conversations and telephone interviews. 应用:b. 总的来说,这项由在校大学生发起的运动旨在通过开展各种宣传活动以培养 全社会强烈的公德意识。 30 In general, this campaign launched by college students is designed to help the whole society develop a strong sense of public morality by conducting a variety of publicity activities. 3. Typical patterns for presenting argument: 原句:Comments about “Brain Drain” don’t hold much water when every politician has a son or daughter aiming to go abroad. 当每个政客都有一个女儿或儿子在往国外钻的情况下, 有关“人才外流”的批评就不会有实际 的意义。 句型提炼 Comments (Statements/ Arguments / Ideas) about sth. don’t hold much water / don’t gain much ground when sb. does sth.. 在某种情况下/当某人在做某事的情况下,有关某事的批评/论断/观点/ 看法就不会有实际 的意义。 应用:a. 当父母自身都不能够为孩子树立榜样时,有关孩子不良行为的批评就不会有实际的 意义。 Comments about the children’s poor behavior don’t hold much water when the parents fail to set good examples for their kids. 应用:b. 当老师们自己在公众场合喧哗或使用不礼貌的语言时,有关不恰当举止行为的评论 就不会有实际的意义。 Comments about inappropriate manners don’t gain much ground when the teachers make much noise or use rude language in the public places. unit 10 1. Typical patterns for describing sb.?s tone of voice 原句: His voice had a tone of sorrow for the suffering of that ancient city, and a tone of confidence, too—a feeling of belief that London would be there, no matter what it had to endure. 他的声音里表达了一种为这个古老城市遭受的苦难而感到的悲痛,同时还传递着一种信心— 一种相信无论要去忍受什么样的苦难伦敦也将巍然屹立的信念。 句型提炼 Sb.?s voice has a tone of…, and a tone of…, too — a feeling of belief that…, no matter what / how / when / where / who… 某人的声音里有/ 传递着一种 •••••• 语调 / 语气,同时还有/还传递着一种 •••••• 语调 / 语气 — 一种相信无论 ••••••, •••••• 都 / 也 ••••••• 应用:a. 人们欢迎他的讲话,因为他的声音里传达着一种对洪涝灾区人民的关心,同时还传 达着一种信念——相信无论遇到什么艰难困苦这个民族都将勇往直前。 People welcomed his speech, because his voice had a tone of concern for flood-stricken people, and a tone of faith, too — a feeling of belief that this nation would press forward, no matter what difficulties she had to be confronted with. 应用:b. 我讨厌他讲话的方式,因为他的声音里有一种盛气凌人的腔调,同时还有一种玩 世不恭—相信人们无论做什么都是自私的。 I don?t like the way he talks, for his voice has a tone of arrogance, and a tone of cynicism, too—a feeling of belief that all men act selfishly in their own interests, no matter what they do. 31 2. Typical patterns for showing the uniqueness of sb 原句: It seemed impossible for any city to take so much punishment and continue to endure. But the city endured. 在遭受如此重创后仍能继续坚持战斗,这对任何城市来说都似乎是不可能的。但是这个城市 挺住了。 句型提炼 It seems impossible for anybody to take / suffer / bear / undergo so much / many… and continue to do sth.. But sb. does it. 在遭受如此多的••••••后仍能继续做某事,这对任何人来说都似乎是不可能的。但是某人做到 了。 应用:a. 在遭受如此多的灾难后仍能继续蓬勃发展,这对任何民族来说都似乎是不可能 的。但中华民族使不可能变为了可能。 It seemed impossible for any nation to suffer so many disasters and continue to thrive. But China got the impossible possible. 应用:b. 在遭受如此多的不幸后仍能继续井然有序地生活,这对任何家庭来说都似乎是 不可能的。但他们的家庭却生活依旧。 It seems impossible for any family to take so much misfortune and continue to keep its life in order. But their family carries on the business of life as usual. 3. Typical patterns for reminding people of sth 原句: Mark it down that these people are both brave and patient, that all are equal under the bomb, that this is a war of speed and organization, and that… 请记住:这些人既勇敢又耐心;这些人在遭到轰炸时表现得同样出色;这场战争是速度和组 织性的较量; ••••••• 句型提炼Mark it down that…, that…, (…) and that….请记住:••••••;••••••;••••••• 应用:a. 请记住:科学来不得半点的虚伪;科学讲究客观公正;科学需要全身心的投入。 Mark it down that science allows no dishonesty, that science is an art of being objective and just, and that science calls for total commitment. 应用:b. 请记住:爱是甜蜜的也是苦涩的;爱会使人高尚也会使人卑鄙;爱能将野兽变 成天使,也能将天使变为野兽。 Mark it down that love is a mixture of the sweet and the bitter, that love keeps one noble or mean, and that love can make a beast an angel in some respects but, in some other, an angel a beast. 第三册 unit 1 1. Typical patterns for evidence citing 原句: Estimates are that he poured nearly ? 5 million of the stolen money into the village and gave jobs to 43 people 据估计他在该村投入了500万英镑的赃款,提供了43个就业机会。 句型提炼1) Estimates /A research / A report / A poll are / is that …据估计/研究//调查•••••• 应用:a.根据教育部的一份调查报告,农村失学率是全国平均的七倍,从而导致他们的失业率 是全国平均的两倍左右。 A report by the Department of Education is that in the countryside, the school dropout is seven times the national average, which leads to their unemployment rate twice the national average. 32 应用:b.专家估计奥运会的举办将会给这个城市带来几十亿美元的收入和几百万个就业机会 Estimates by the experts are that the Olympic Games will produce a revenue of billions of dollars and millions of job opportunities for this city. 原句: According to the court, Mr. Williams stole more than 8 million pounds over eight years. 据法庭调查,威廉斯八年共窃取了800多万英镑。 句型提炼According to a latest (official / reliable) survey /census / poll / statistics / figures / data ..., …(主句) 根据最新的(官方的/可靠的)调查/统计/数据,•••••• 应用:a.根据统计局公布的数据,与30年前相比,单亲家庭几乎翻了一倍。 According to the statistics released by Census Bureau, the number of single-parent families almost doubled, compared with that of three decades ago. 应用:b.根据对30岁以下的青年人的民意调查,31%的人说“有很多的钱”对他们来说很重要, 比上次的调查上升了12%。 According to a poll taken among young people under thirty, thirty one percent said that it was very important for them to have lots of money, a jump of twelve percent from the previous survey. 2. Typical patterns for emphasizing the changes in sth. / sb. 原句: I went from the need to pay off a few debts to what can only be described as greed. (L. 65) 起初我是想要它来还一些债务,后来就变得只能说是贪婪。 句型提炼Sb. or Sth. goes from the + n. to do … to what is described (known) as / called … 由•••••• 变得只能说是•••••• 应用:a.那些贪官污吏起初只是想占点小便宜,而后来则变得只能说是贪得无厌。 Those corrupt officials went from the desire to gain petty advantages to what can only be described as greed. 应用:b.他对流行音乐的爱好一开始只是为了放松自己,到后来可以说是如醉如痴。 His love for pop music went from the need to relax himself to what can be described as craziness. 应用:c.那位普通的青年起初只是出于道义跳水救人,而后来则可以说是一种伟大的精神促使 他一次又一次地跳下冰冷的河水,直到献出了自己的生命。 That ordinary young man went from the moral need to save the drowning person to what can be called a great spirit that drove him to dive into the cold river time and again till his death. 3. Typical patterns for introducing different ideas 原句:There are those who say that… There are others who say that… But no one could have possibly guessed the truth that… 有一些人说•••••• 还有一些人说••••••可是谁也没有料到这个事实•••••• 句型提炼 (There are) Some people (who) say / think / believe / argue that… (There are) Others (who) say / argue / claim that… But the truth is that… 有一些人认为•••••• 还有一些人认为•••••• 但事实是 •••••• 应用:a.有人说是爱在使世界运转。另外一些较为实际不太浪漫的人则认为不是爱,是金钱。 但事实是能源在驱动着整个世界。 Some people say that love makes the world go round. Others of less romantic and more practical mind say that it isn?t love, but money that runs the world. But the truth is that energy powers the world. 应用:b.有人认为金钱是幸福之本。也有人认为金钱是万恶之源。而事实上金钱只不过是达到 目的的工具。 33 There are those who hold that money is the root of happiness. There are others who believe that money is the source of all evil. But the truth is that money is nothing but a means to an end. 4. Typical patterns for cumulative description (渐进句) 原句: 1. He bought noble titles at auctions, spending 95,000 pounds to become the Lord of Chirnside, and then adding on 10 more Scottish titles. (L. 38-39) 2. Mr. Williams deceived everyone, …, telling them that he inherited the money from a rich uncle. ( L. 53 ) 1.他在拍卖会上买了多个贵族头衔,先是花了95,000英镑成为彻恩赛德勋爵,后来又增加了 十多个苏格兰贵族头衔。 2.威廉斯先生欺骗了所有的人,••••••, 他对他们说自己从一个富有的叔叔那里继承了这笔钱。 原句: 3. Mr. Williams bought up property after property, providing such a large injection of cash into the village…( 3. 威廉斯买下了一笔又一笔的地产,给小村投入了大量资金。 句型提炼 上述三个句子均为渐进句,它是由一个基础句式引出,再逐渐增加具体细节(通常是以独立 结构和分词短语形式出现),使基础句的内容得到补充或深化。 应用:a.在危难之机,全社会向这些灾民奉献了爱心,捐钱、提供生活必需品和解决实际问题。 During the difficult times, the whole society devoted love to the victims, donating money, providing life necessities and solving practical problems. 应用:b.他的务实精神得到完美的体现:说实话、办实事、诚恳待人。 Always telling the truth, doing practical things, and exercising honesty in interpersonal contact, he fully displays the spirit of realism. unit2 1. Typical patterns for showing the results of sb.?s observation / scientific research 原句:Now a new study by a team of Purdue University researchers suggests that even moderate exercise may lead to reduced iron in the blood of women. 由珀杜大学一组研究人员进行的一项新的研究表明: 即使是适度的锻炼,也可能会降低女性血 液中铁离子的含量。 句型提炼A new study (research / opinion poll / survey) by sb. suggests / indicates that… 某人进行 的一项新的研究(科研,民意测验,调查)表明,•••••• 应用: a. 这个科研小组进行的一项新研究表明全球温室效应已对生物环境产生了破坏性的影 响。 A new study by this research team suggests that the global greenhouse effect has produced a destructive impact on the biological environment. 应用:b. 一系列的科研表明,运动有助于老年人增强平衡能力和增长力气。 A succession of scientific studies indicates that exercise can help improve balance and strength in elderly individuals. 原句:We found that women who were normally inactive and then started a program of moderate exercise showed evidence of iron loss. 34 我们发现,那些通常不运动的女性一旦开始适度的锻炼,就会出现铁离子含量下降的迹象。 句型提炼 2) Sb. finds / observes that those who …(从句) show evidence of … 某人发现,通过观察发现,那 些••••••人,动物,出现••••••的迹象。 应用:a. 他们观察发现,那些不太适应环境的动物会出现退化的迹象。 They have observed that those who are less suited to their environment show evidence of degeneration. 应用:b. 他们发现,那些倾向于更积极思维的学生表现出攻关能力强的迹象。 They find that the students who tend to think more positively show evidence of better problem-tackling. 原句:For a woman who already has a poor iron status, any additional iron loss from exercise may be enough to tip her over the edge into a more serious deficiency. 对于那些已经缺铁的女性,任何因锻炼而产生的更多铁离子流失都足以导致体内缺铁状况的 恶化。 句型提炼 For sb. / sth. who / that …, as they have observed / found, any … may be enough to …正如他们所 观察发现的那样,对于••••••的某人,某物来说,任何的••••••足以•••••• 应用:a.正如他们所观察发现的那样,对于一个身体已经非常虚弱的病人来说,任何额外的精 神打击都足以使他彻底崩溃。 For a patient who already has a poor health, as they have observed, any additional mental attack may be enough to break him down. 应用:b.正如他们所发现的那样,对于一个已经很脆弱的生态系统,任何盲目破坏都足以对它 造成难以恢复的损失。 For the ecological system which is already fragile, as they have found, any mindless destruction may be enough to do an irrecoverable damage to it. 2. Typical patterns for argumentation 原句:People think that if they?re not at the third stage, nothing is wrong, but that?s not true. 人们认为,只要不到第三阶段就不会有什么问题。这种看法是不对的。 句型提炼 Some/Many people think/believe/claim that…, but this/that (statement) is not/may not be true/the case.一些/很多人认为/声称 ••••••,但是这种/那种看/说法是/也许是不正确的。 应用:a.有些人认为他们的学习随着学业的结束而结束。这种看法是不正确的。学校所做的只 是教给学生学习的方法,为其在今后生活中继续学习做准备。 Some people think that their education ends up with their graduation, but that is not true. What schools do is only to teach students tricks of learning and prepare them for continued learning in their later life. 应用:b.许多人声称他们从不根据广告上说的去买东西。但事实可能并不是这样。如今人们不 可能对广告视而不见,也不可能不受广告的影响。 Many people claim that they never buy things according to what advertisements say, but this may not be the case. Nowadays, it?s not possible to turn a blind eye to advertisements; nor is it possible for one to avoid being influenced by advertisements. 原句:While active, child-bearing age women are most likely to have low iron stores, men are not safe, especially if they don?t eat meat and have a high level of physical activity. 35 虽然积极锻炼的育龄妇女最有可能铁离子储量低, 但男性也并非不缺铁,尤其是在他们不吃 肉类而又从事高强度的体力活动的情况下。 句型提炼) While sb. / sth. is most / least likely to…, sb. / sth. (else) is (not)…, especially if / when…虽然某人/某事最有,不可能 ••••••, 但(另一) 某人,事也(并非)••••••, 尤其是•••••• 应用:a. 虽然稀有动物最有可能灭绝,但其他动物也并非安全,尤其当它们遭到人类大量捕 杀时。 While rare animals are most likely to become extinct, other animals are not safe, especially when they are caught and killed in large numbers by man. 应用:b. 虽然大学毕业生最不可能面临失业的问题,但他们并不总是保险的,尤其是在他们 未能更新知识或工作与专业不对口的情况下。 While the college graduates are least likely to face the problem of unemployment, they are not always safe, especially if they fail to renew their knowledge or their jobs have nothing to do with their specialties. 3. Typical patterns for suggestion 原句: In general, it?s better to undo the problem by adding more iron-rich foods to the diet, because iron supplements can have serious shortcomings. (L. 53) 一般说来,解决问题的最好方法是在食谱中增加含铁丰富的食物,因为铁离子补剂可能存在 严重缺陷。 句型提炼It?s better /suggestive/ advisable (for sb.) to do sth. (It?s advisable that sb. should do sth.)by v.+ ing..., because … (对于•••••• 来说) 最好是通过••••••来••••••,因为•••••• 应用:a.对于失业者来说最好的方法是通过参加技能培训来提高自己的竞争能力,因为劳务市 场上竞争力强的人最有机会找到工作。 It is better for the laid-off to enhance their competitive power by attending skill trainings, because the strongest competitors have the best chance of finding jobs in the labor market. 应用:b.人们最好通过完善自我来面对未来的挑战,因为未来的冲击不是以人的意志为转移的。 It is advisable for people to face up to the future challenges by bettering themselves, because the future shock is independent of man?s will. 原句:And people who are likely to have low iron should avoid drinking coffee or tea with meals, since substances in these drinks can interfere with iron being absorbed into the body. (L. 65) 铁离子含量可能低的人,吃饭时应避免喝咖啡或饮茶,因为这些饮料中所含的物质会妨碍身 体对铁离子的吸收。 句型提炼Sb. who is (not) likely / bound / resolved / going to …should …, since …(从句) (不)可能 ,肯定,决心,打算••••••的人,应••••••, 因为•••••• 应用:a. 任何打算在这里建厂的人都应把环境保护放在首位,因为这里的风景一旦被破坏, 就很难恢复。 Anyone who is going to build factories here should place the environmental protection before everything else, since the scenery here, once destroyed, is hard to recover. 应用:b. 必然要走入社会的在校大学生应从现在起为未来的社会生活做准备,因为凡事预则立, 不预则废。 The undergraduates who are bound to go into society should prepare themselves for the future social life from today on, since preparedness ensures success, and unpreparedness spells failure. 36 unit 3 1. Typical patterns for explaining one?s ideas 原句: The Hyde School operates on the principle that if you teach students the merit of such values as truth, courage, integrity, leadership, curiosity and concern, then academic achievement naturally follows. 海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如诚实、勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关 心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然就会提高。 句型提炼Sb. does sth. on the principle that … 某人做某事的原则是•••••• 应用:a.他处理错综复杂情况的宗旨是:纲举则目张。 He deals with complicated matters on the principle that if you seize hold of the key link, then everything falls into place. 应用:b.她的处世原则是:与人方便,自己方便。 She conducts herself in society on the principle that, if you make things easy for others, things would be easy for you. 原句: Explaining his approach to education, Joe Gauld notes “no amount of change” with the horse and carriage “will produce an automobile”. 在解释自己的教育方法时,乔–高尔德着重说“无论怎样改革”,马和马车“都改革不出汽车”。 句型提炼2) Explaining sth., sb. notes / emphasizes / points out (that) … 在解释某事时,某人着重 指出,强调说,指出•••••• 应用:a.在解释如何实现远大目标时,他强调说“无论怎样努力,小聪明是办不成大事的”。 Explaining how to reach one?s grand objective, he notes “no amount of effort through petty tricks will achieve great things”. 应用:b.在解释“条条道路通罗马”的内涵时,他强调指出,东方不亮西方亮,关键是永不放弃。 Explaining the meaning of “All roads lead to Rome”, he emphasizes that, when it is dark in the east, it is bright in the west, but the key point is never to give up trying. 原句: To avoid the controversy of other character programs used in US schools, Gauld says the concept of doing your best has nothing to do with forcing the students to accept a particular set of morals or religious values. (L. 39) 为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养所引发的争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴” 这一 概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教观念。 句型提炼 To do sth., sb. says / explains the concept of …has nothing / everything / little/ much to do with … 为了做某事,某人解释说,••••••概念并不是,是要•••••• 应用:a.为了避免在大众中产生误解,他解释说,“洁身自好” 这一概念并不是要禁止人们参 与社会活动。 To avoid the misunderstanding among the public, he explains that the concept of “preserving your purity” has nothing to do with stopping people from taking part in social activities. 应用:b.为了扭转这种不良趋势,他指出,“自我保护” 意识并不是要人们对那些处于险境的 人漠不关心。 To reverse the undesirable trend, he points out that the concept of “self-protection” has nothing to do with asking people to be indifferent to those in danger. 原句: 37 Joe and Malcolm Gauld both say children tend to do their utmost when they see their parents making similar efforts. 乔和马尔科姆都解释说,当孩子们见到自己的父母都在全力以赴时,他们也会竭尽全力。 句型提炼4) Sb. says / notes / stresses that one tends to do sth. when … 某人解释说,着重说, 强调说,当••••••时,他,她会做某事。 应用:a.他解释说,当乐观主义者陷于困境时,他会竭尽全力找出路。 He says the optimist tends to do his utmost to find ways out when he is caught in straits. 应用:b.他还强调说,当悲观主义者陷于困境时,他倾向于自责或任凭命运的摆布。 He also stresses the pessimist tends to blame himself or feel like fate?s plaything when he is caught in a dilemma. 2. Typical patterns for discrimination between right and wrong 原句:We don?t see ourselves as a school for a type of kid… We see ourselves as preparing kids for a way of life — by cultivating a comprehensive set of principles…. (L. 6) 我们并不把自己看作一所专为某一类孩子而开设的学校••••••我们把帮助孩子培养一种生活方 式看作自己的职责,办法是倡导一整套••••••价值观念。 句型提炼Sb. doesn?t see sth. as … Sb. sees sth. as… 某人不把某事看作•••••• 某人把某事看作 •••••• 应用:a.我们大学生不应把自己看成时代的宠儿,应把通过刻苦学习和工作为中国创造光明未 来视为己任。 We college students should not see ourselves as darlings of the times. We should see it as our responsibility to create a brighter future for China—by studying and working hard. 应用:b.我们不应把大学生活看作一段享受自由和浪漫的经历,而应把它视为全面发展的黄金 机遇。 We should not see our college life as an experience of enjoying freedom and romance but see it as a golden opportunity for all-round development. 原句: The Hyde School assumes “every human being has a unique potential” that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth. (L. 36) 海德中学认为“每一个人都有自己的独特潜能”,这种潜能的基础是品格而不是智力或财富。 句型提炼Sb. assumes / believes that one does sth. that is based on …, not (on)…某人认为一个人 做某事,而此事的基础是••••••而不是•••••• 应用:a.那些致力于社会秩序的仁人志士认为,每个社会成员都应有一种“良知”, 这一良知 的基础是道德而不是社会地位。 The best minds devoted in the social order assume that every social member should have “an innate knowledge” that is based on morality, not social status. 应用:b.夫妇二人认为人们渴望经历一段“幸福的婚姻”,而这一婚姻的基础是互敬互爱,而不 是财富和权势。 This couple believe that people desire to experience “a happy marriage” that is based on respect and love for each other, not wealth and power. unit 4 1. Typical patterns for reporting sth. 38 原句:It is said that he had used his wife?s arm as the model, but felt her face was too beautiful for the statue. (L. 8) 据说,他用了妻子的手臂为模本,但又觉得她的脸太漂亮,不适合做神像。 1) 句型提炼It is said / reported that sb. does (did) sth. / sth. happens(ed). 据说 / 据报道,某人 做(了)某事 / 某事发生(了)。 应用: a. 据说,埃及的金字塔是外星人建造的。 It is said that the pyramids in Egypt were constructed by ET (extraterrestrials). 应用: b. 据报道,在理想的状况下人可以活到150岁。 It is reported that man is able to live up to 150 years under ideal conditions. 原句: According to one story, when a government official visited the plant and asked about the letters, a creative employee told him “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” Wilson. 传说有一回,有个政府官员来参观加工厂,问及这些字母的含义,一个想像丰富的雇员告诉 他,“US”是“山姆大叔”威尔逊的缩写。 句型提炼 According to sb. / a report / a story / a survey / a legend, sth. happened/sb. did sth. 据某 人说,据报道,传说 / 据调查,传说, 发生了某事 / 某人做过某事。 应用:a. 关于宇宙的诞生问题,在不同的文化中有不同的说法。有一种说法是,宇宙是上帝 创造的。 For the birth of the universe, there are different versions in different cultures. According to one story, it was created by God. 应用:b. 据白金汉宫的消息说,女王对那些有关皇室的传闻感到很难过。 The Queen was very distressed at those rumors about the royal family, according to sources in Buckingham Palace. 2. Typical patterns for contrast: 原句:While white people had previously been used as models for most American coins, famed artist James Earle Fraser went against tradition by using three actual American Indians as models for his creation. 尽管此前一直是白人被用作美国硬币上的模特,而著名艺术家詹姆斯 — 厄尔? 弗雷泽却反 传统而行之,启用了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。 句型提炼While people tend to do sth., someone goes against tradition / conventionality by doing something else. 尽管人们习惯于做某事,另有人却反传统/常规而行之,做了别的事。 应用:几乎所有的花儿都在春天开,但是梅花却违背常规在深冬绽放,它因不畏严寒而赢得 盛誉。 While almost all flowers come into blossom in spring, the plums go against the conventionality by flowering in deep winter, thus earning a reputation for being fearless of severe cold. 3. Typical patterns for showing one?s persistence in doing sth. 原句:His mother could not approve of her son?s affection for a woman she had never met, but Bartholdi went ahead and married his love in 1876. 他母亲不赞成自己的儿子和一个她没有见过的女子恋爱,然而巴托尔迪不为所动,依然和心 中所爱于1876年结为伉俪 句型提炼Some people object to/are opposed to/put obstacles in the way of/don?t approve of sb.?s doing sth., but sb. goes ahead and … 一些人反对,阻拦,不同意某人做某事,但某人不为所动, 仍•••••• 应用:a. 在十九世纪五十年代,包括一些自然学家在内的许多人反对达尔文对物种进化的探 索,然而达尔文不为所动,仍于1859年11月24日出版了他的巨著《物种起源》。 39 In 1850s, many people, including some naturalists, objected to Darwin?s exploration of the evolution of species, but he went ahead and on November 24, 1859 published his great work The Origin of Species. 应用:b. 爱因斯坦的母亲极力反对他爱上了一个他全家非常不喜欢的女孩,但爱因斯坦不为 所动,毅然和他心爱的人于1903年1月结为伉俪。 Einstein?s mother was bitterly opposed to his love with a girl his whole family had a strong dislike for, but he went ahead and married his love in January 1903. unit 5 1. Typical patterns for making a judgment of sb. or sth. (对••••••的判断) 原句: I have never seen Mrs. Clark before, but I know from her medical chart and the report I received from the preceding shift that tonight she will die. • 我从未见过克拉克夫人,但看过她的医疗记录和上一位值班医生交给我的报告后,我知 道她今晚会去世。 句型提炼Sb. has never done sth. before, but he / she knows / judges / infers / deduces from …that sth. or sb. … 某人从未做过某事,但他,她从••••••中得知,推断某事,某人…… 应用: a. 我从未处理过离婚的案件,但从双方的申诉中判断他们的夫妻缘分已尽。 • I have never handled any case of divorce before, but I judge from the appeals made by both sides that their relationship has come to an end. • 应用: b. 我还从未预测过中国的未来,但从其近20年的经济发展推断她将拥有一个更 加灿烂的明天。 I have never predicted the future of China yet, but I can deduce from her economic development of last 20 years that she will embrace a more brilliant tomorrow. • 原句:As though she is a mind reader(seems to sense my thoughts), Mrs. Clark answers my thoughts and quietly tells me, “…” (L. 38) 克拉克夫人似乎读懂了我心思,平静地回答我说:“ 句型提炼2) As though sb. senses / reads my mind, he / she answers my thoughts and tells (that) … 某人似乎读懂了我心思,他,她回答我, •••••• • 应用:a. 他似乎读懂了我对他的爱情的疑虑,坦率地回答我说,他已和很多女孩相处过, 但唯独和我的接触使他的生活变化最大。 As though he sensed my doubt about his love for me, he answered my thoughts and frankly told me that he had made contacts with many girls but none of them had brought greater changes to his life than the contact with me. • 应用: b. 老师似乎读懂了学生们的心思,他安慰他们说:“只要大家把我课上讲的知识 复习到位,都可以在期末考试中取得好成绩。” • As though the teacher was a mind reader, he assured the students and said, “ Everyone will achieve good results in the term-end examination as long as you have a good review of what I have taught in class.” • 2. Typical patterns for coming to the realization of sth. • 原句:Our eyes meet and somehow, together, we become aware that this is a special moment between two human beings. • 我们相互对视,不知怎么的,我们都意识到,这是两个生命间的一个特殊时刻。 40 • 句型提炼 Their / Our eyes meet and somehow, ( together,) they / I become aware / conscious or realize that …相互的目光发生碰撞,不知怎么的,他们,我意识到•••••• • 应用: a. 他们的目光相遇了,不知怎么的, 他们都意识到这可能是他们的诀别。 • Their eyes met and somehow, together, they came to realize that this might be the time for them to part with each other forever. • 应用:b. 我们的目光相遇了,不知怎么的, 我马上意识到,这次目光接触将使我与她的 关系发生根本性的改变。 • Our eyes met and somehow, I immediately became conscious that this eye contact would bring about a complete change in my relationship with her. • 原句:Slowly, still holding her hand, I become aware that I do not mind this emotional battle, that in fact, it was a privilege she has allowed me, and I would do it again, gladly. • 我依然握着她的手,渐渐地,我意识到我并不害怕这种感情之战,意识到这实际是她赐 予我的特殊荣幸,而且我还乐意再来一次。 • 句型提炼 Slowly / Gradually, in the course of doing sth., sb. becomes aware / conscious or realizes that …, that in fact, … 某人在做某事的过程中渐渐地意识到••••••, 实际上, •••••• • 应用: a. 我在教书的过程中渐渐地意识到我天生适合这项工作,意识到它实际上是我生 命的一部分,而且我乐意把它视作自己的终身职业。 • Gradually, in the course of teaching, I became aware that I was made for the job, that in fact, it was a part of my life, and I would like to see it as my life career. • 应用: b. 在与人交往的过程中,渐渐地,我意识到宽宏大度可以为你营造一个愉快的生 活氛围,意识到它事实上可以使你终生受益。 • Slowly, in the course of associating with others, I have come to realize that large-mindedness can create you a pleasant climate of living, that in fact it can be of benefit to your whole life. • 3. Typical patterns for revealing one?s feelings • 原句:In the total silence, I feel my own pulse quicken and hear my breathing as it begins to match hers, breath for uneven breath (L. 42~43) • 在一片寂静中,我感觉自己的脉搏加快了,我听到自己的呼吸开始伴随着她那不均匀的 呼吸一起一落。 • 句型提炼In the face / case (In a state / a climate of …) of …, sb. feels …(从句) and … 在 ••••••情况下,某人 感觉••••••, •••••• • 应用: a. 面对女友的绝情信,他感觉天快塌下来了,并听到内心在嘲弄他是世上最笨的 人。 • In the face of his girlfriend?s Dear John email, he felt the sky was about to fall and heard his innermost being mock him as the most foolish one in the world. • 应用: b. 在等待那次重要的面试时,我感觉自己的脉搏加快,记忆一片空白。 • In waiting for that important interview, I felt my own pulse quicken and my memory become a complete blank. • 原句: There is swell of emotion within me for this stranger who so quickly came into and went from my life. • 为这位迅速走进又很快走出我生活的陌生人,我心间涌起了一股感情。 • 句型提炼 • 2) There is a swell / fit / an outburst / outbreak of … within sb. for sb. who … / sth. that ... 对 这个……人 / 事,某人心中涌起了一种(股)•••••• • 应用: a. 对这位世上第一个横渡英吉利海峡的残疾中国人,我心中涌起一股敬佩之情。 41 • There is a swell of esteem within me for this disabled Chinese who is the first in the world to swim across the English Channel. • There is a swell of esteem within me for this disabled Chinese who is the first in the world to swim across the English Channel. • There is an outburst of inexplicable anger within me for the move that not only destroys the environment but affects our offspring as well. 42
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