

2017-11-17 27页 doc 106KB 23阅读




通用门座机安装工艺2通用门座机安装工艺2 MQ型门座起重机 通用总装工艺 批准 审核 编制 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 年 月 日 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished...
通用门座机安装工艺2 MQ型门座起重机 通用总装工艺 批准 审核 编制 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 年 月 日 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 概 述 一、适用范围: 厂内总装,滚装上船的MQ型门座起重机 二、总装场地:海西码头。 三、主要吊装设备:260t门机,150t履带吊、50t汽车吊、 5t叉车等。 四、总装的一般要求: 1.执行的技术、技术文件: , GB3811-1983 起重机设计 , GB6067-1985 起重机安全规范 , JT5017—1986 港口门座起重机技术条件 , JT/T99—1994 港口门座起重机试验方法 , JT5020—1986 港口装卸机械司机室 , GB50231-1998 机械设备安装工程及验收通用规范 , GB50278-1998 起重设备安装工程施工及验收规范 , GB50168-1992 电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范 , GB50150-1991 电气装置电气设备交接试验标准 , GB50171-1992 电气装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范 , SI 国际标准计量单位 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 , 施工图纸(含修改通知单)及有关工艺文件等; 2.大型构件的划线在室外进行时,必须考虑阳光温度的影响,应安排在早上或傍晚进行,以确保划线的准确。 3.大件吊装时,应在大件起吊离地(或胎架)约100mm时,停留10分钟,检查各环节的安全可靠情况,确认安全可靠后方可继续起吊,如实际重心位置与理论重心位置相差较多时,应重新调整吊装钢丝绳的长度; 4.在划各机构的排装线时,应综合考虑机构底座的主板必须与底盘的筋板对齐; 5.各机构的排装在相应的底座最终定位并施焊结束后,再进行一次调整,以确保排装的精度; 6.液压管、集中润滑管、电气穿线管以及梯子平台的栏杆连接板必须在主结构的面漆涂装结束前进行安装,以确保整体的油漆质量; 7.平台格栅板安装必须在平台骨架面漆涂装结束后进行,以保持格栅板的整洁; 8.平台安装的高度误差应控制在?3 mm; 9.本总装工艺所用钢丝绳的抗拉强度均为1700MPa。 10.起重量与吊具选用一览 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 3 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-01 工序或部件名称 行走机构轨道排装 测量、检验工具 50m钢卷尺,激光定位仪 重要装配数据 轨道面水平度:?2mm 轨距公差:L/1000 基距公差:?3mm 主要总装 安装工艺指导 工艺轨道: 4件 1、 根据发运要求确定轨道铺设的位置 2、 利用钢卷尺和激光定位仪确定轨道基距 中心线和轨距中心线 3、 将轨道按定出的基准线落位,复校直线度 和水平度 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 行走机构排装 测量、检验工具 50m钢卷尺;激光定位仪 主要装配数据 行走轮轴孔水平差:?2mm 同侧台车与轨道中心偏差:?2.5mm 平衡梁上法兰面高度差,3mm 上部衡梁沿轨道跨度差,?3mm 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导: 行走机构 :4套 1.首先分清行走机构的安装方向和两两配对 情况,分别按基准线吊上行走机构,确保行走 机构垂直,水平,按工艺图进行固定。 2.复校轨距、基距及对角线尺寸,并用激光定 位仪 校对上平衡梁与连接支座的中心十字 线,保证四 组行走机构轴孔处于同一水平面 上,数据合格后大车行走全部槽钢固定。 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 5 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 端梁结构总装 测量、检验工具 50m钢卷尺;激光定位仪 主要装配数据 顶部平面与水平面的平行度; 纵向轴线与轨道的平行度 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 端梁结构: 2件 1、吊运端梁,按照标记,分海侧、陆侧安 装在行走机构上 2、在端梁外侧检查端梁安装的垂直度,误差 不得大于3mm,梁上口平面高度差?3mm, 用槽钢将端梁固定 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 主梁圆筒结构部装 测量、检验工具 50m钢卷尺、重锤线坠 主要装配数据 1. 圆筒法兰水平度?D/1500 2. 筒体对接错边?0.2δ且小于2.5mm 3. 筒体垂直度?2mm; 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 1.主梁圆筒; 1件 1、将主梁结构吊至工装垫凳上 2. 梯子栏杆: 若干 2、调整主梁腰线水平,修整主梁四角和 3、轴流风机 1件 圆筒体上边沿圆周水平,圆周均布装配定 位板 3、将圆筒体吊至主梁结构上方与主梁段 筒体对正 4、检查上部厚法兰平面水平度,调整焊 接间隙 5、焊接筒体环焊缝,偶数焊工对称施焊, 焊接过程检查法兰水平度 6、按要求对环缝做无损检测合格 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 7 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 主梁圆筒总装 测量、检验工具 50m钢卷尺;激光定位仪 主要装配数据 中心与地面门机中心同心度φ10mm 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 主梁圆筒部件 1件 1、在端梁上均布装配定位板 梯子栏杆 若干 2、将主梁圆筒吊至端梁上,注意钢丝绳 穿过圆平台的位置处预留孔 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 转柱与转盘部装 测量、检验工具 5m钢卷尺;激光定位仪 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 9 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 起升、变幅、回转机构、回转支承、机房、 电气房、司机室与转盘组装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 机器房、电气房、司机室总装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 11 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-0, 工序或部件名称 平衡梁(含配重)、小拉杆地面组装 测量、检验工: 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-,, 工序或部件名称 平衡梁(含配重)、小拉杆组件吊装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 13 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-11 工序或部件名称 臂架、大拉杆、象鼻梁地面组装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 L2 L1 10T葫芦*2 拉紧 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-,, 工序或部件名称 臂架、大拉杆、象鼻梁组件吊装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 15 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-,, 工序或部件名称 行走机构轨道排装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 青岛海西重机有限责任公司 MQ型门座机通用总装工艺 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-,, 工序或部件名称 行走机构轨道排装 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils cant 17 / 18 een, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects 工 艺 指 导 图 总 装 说 明 MQ-ZZ-,5 工序或部件名称 钢丝绳缠绕 测量、检验工具 主要装配数据 主要总装内容 安装工艺指导 meters village between road hardening, 11 km of pass group Highway, livelihood project; ordered advance XX finished pupils canteen, and wangji alone finished small teaching floor, and wangji alone finished pupils canteen, and ancient Dang "culture tourism features village", and wangji alone village and Bula village River suspension, and Bula village la Los end of pass group Highway, and XX Meters village debris flow disaster control, building project; started has victims will LOS, wood child moving, and autumn baby, pass group highway construction project; solid do "a water two dirt" regulation, and wood added Jia village, XING side fumin, and XX meters village pass village Highway hardening, and ancient Dang village disaster Hou traffic reconstruction, and Bula village whole village advance, and day care center, major project of early work. Second, develop eco-agriculture construction of the Canyon. Economic development of eco-agricultural construction in an important position, accelerated "8321" works completed caoguo 23700 acres planted, bubble 4125 acres planted walnuts, sumac 4000 acres planted, Yun Huang Lian 6040 acres planted, tea-oil tree planting 8887.8 acres. To cultivate new economic growth points, good farmers ' well-off society of the industrial base. Third, start a poverty alleviation project. Storming the headquarters was established, well-organized, well arranged, formation of 7 supporting task force launched the poverty file state cards work in a timely manner, the task force entered the village door communication policy, mobilization mass base, making poverty eradication plan, and find out about poverty, assist in the implementation of projects
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