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恶搞文化评价的批评恶搞文化评价的批评 我看恶搞文化 ——对“杜甫很忙”现象之评价的批评 摘要:“杜甫很忙”是今年三月以来尤为火热的网络恶搞事件。对此,人们各抒己见,十分火热地展开了对该事件的评价。大致概括,主要分为两派:“保守派”持反对态度,认为这种恶搞是对传统文化和名人的不尊重,是对文化的亵渎与践踏;“开放派”则持肯定态度,认为这种现象不仅是另种对杜甫1300年诞辰的纪念方式,而且还是青年一代极具创意的产物。杜甫并非首当其冲的文化名人,对这种恶搞事件的评价向来也多半持上述两种观点。然而,恶搞文化现象背后隐藏的并非只有危机,而是传统文化的危...
恶搞文化评价的批评 我看恶搞文化 ——对“杜甫很忙”现象之评价的批评 摘要:“杜甫很忙”是今年三月以来尤为火热的网络恶搞事件。对此,人们各抒己见,十分火热地展开了对该事件的评价。大致概括,主要分为两派:“保守派”持反对态度,认为这种恶搞是对传统文化和名人的不尊重,是对文化的亵渎与践踏;“开放派”则持肯定态度,认为这种现象不仅是另种对杜甫1300年诞辰的纪念方式,而且还是青年一代极具创意的产物。杜甫并非首当其冲的文化名人,对这种恶搞事件的评价向来也多半持上述两种观点。然而,恶搞文化现象背后隐藏的并非只有危机,而是传统文化的危机与复苏并存,传统文化的解构与新时代文化的建构并存。因此,对于诸如“杜甫很忙”一类的恶搞文化现象,我们应该审慎度之。且其机要处,是以话语权的解禁及以宽容之态客观待之,而非话语权的禁锢和偏端一隅的强烈排斥或盲目肯定。 关键词:恶搞;大众文化;“杜甫很忙” 2013年是唐代著名诗人号称“诗圣”的杜甫1300周年的诞辰。自三月始,一组关于杜甫的涂鸦在网络上疯传,杜甫时而手扛机枪,时而挥刀切瓜,时而身骑白马,时而脚踏摩托„„被网友戏称为“杜甫很忙”。随即,还出现了一系列的杜甫视频和歌曲,一度将“杜甫很忙”这一新的针对文化名人的恶搞事件推向了高潮,几乎是街头巷尾人人皆知。全民狂欢的时代,也是一个批评盛行的时代,加上微博力量之大,于是乎,针对“杜甫很忙”这一事件的评论瞬间也如日中天如火如荼。 1. “杜甫很忙”恶搞文化现象的大众评价 综观各家之言,大可分为两种观点:一方我称之为“保守派”,以杜甫草堂和河南诗歌协会为代表,对如此恶搞诗圣杜甫持坚决的反对态度,认为这是对伟大诗人和传统文化的大不敬,是一种亵渎和践踏。“杜甫精神是我们民族的精神之personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 光,我们决不允许抵毁杜甫形象~”河南省诗歌协会会长马新朝接受记者采访时说。他还说,“如果是有人恶搞杜甫,恶意丑化杜甫形象,说明他是无知的、浅薄的、低俗的。”我们绝不允许抵毁杜甫形象。恶搞文化、穿越文化不能没有民族底线,不能没有精神之光。我们要尊重杜甫,敬仰杜甫文化,这样我们的民族才能发扬光大。另一方我称之为“开放派“,本来一般的历史教材喜欢用“革命”与“保守”两相对应,但在这里,笔者认为“开放派”远比“革命派”更为妥帖。这一派,对“杜甫很忙”这一现象及其策划、参与者持理解支持甚至是赞扬的态度。华声评论不仅声称“恶搞诗圣杜甫也是一种纪念方式”,还做了一个详细的针对网名做的关于对“杜甫很忙”现象认识的一项调查,而且据华声评论在新浪网上的报道,大部分人都是和他们一样对这一现象持赞扬、支持、理解的态度的。他们认为。杜甫涂鸦不仅是一种另类的纪念杜甫1300周年诞辰的特殊方式,还是青年学生的创意之作。 2. 恶搞文化现象折射出来的后现代文化之表征 当今的中国,恶搞文化虽然仍遭到如此截然不同的评判,但它早已不是一种“时髦”或者罕见的现象了。在势力越来越庞大的大众文化中,恶搞文化俨然已经成为了其中不可小觑的一员。宽泛意义上,恶搞文化现象还可以归为霍尔和维诺“大众艺术”中的重要的一份子。“经由对传统价值的评估和重申,大众艺术既给人们带来了艺术的‘奇异’(surprise),又激发了认同感的冲击。”1针对文化经典、历史人物、权威中心等对象的恶搞现象充满了后现代色彩,“去中心”“碎片化”“对宏大叙事的否定”“对主体的解构”以及“对确定性的怀疑”等,这些我们在恶搞文化现象当中均可瞥见一二。 “杜甫很忙”一组涂鸦,有人说是一高中生课堂上在语文课本基础上的“再创作”,有的人说是国内著名的营销人士薛永昱的策划,是一次网络公关和文化营销的策略。对于事实真相,我们大家并不看重——消解本质中心这本也是后现代特色之一——我们更多享受的是涂鸦、视频及改编歌曲带给我们的狂欢娱乐(狂 1 斯图亚特?霍尔与派迪?维诺:《大众艺术》,第66页。转引自,英,约翰?斯道雷著,常江译《文化理论与大众文化导论》,北京大学出版社,2010,第66页。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 欢化亦是后现代文化氛围的浓郁气息)。如果我们看成是商业机构的营销策划的话,那更是后现代大众文化与消费主义媾和的产物。所以,这些后现代文化表征我们能够在“杜甫很忙”等这一系列的恶搞文化现象中清楚地看到。 3. “恶搞文化”为何如此风靡, 恶搞生成于权威解构和个性张扬的后现代语境,追求颠覆性、解构性、去中心化和个性化。受其影响,恶搞选择以一种另类的话语来彰显个体的历史现实性,动摇绝对的权威性和等级的优越感,解构了普通生活的规范和秩序,冲破了意识形态和主导观念的束缚,反对一元论,竭力倡导并追求多元的互文性。从2005年胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》在网络上的不胫而走,到现在的“杜甫很忙”涂鸦、视频及歌曲在微博上的备受关注,无一不是以其自身蕴含的后现代特质而如获至尊。 现代社会给现代人施加的重重压力和困扰使得具有“新人”意识的现代人反而愈加迷惘、压抑,但占据统治地位的意识形态深潜后现代自由多元之河底,依旧坚持其独断专横的统治。亟需宣泄内心积郁,却又不能自由畅快淋漓地发泄这些多半与主导价值观念评判不一致的思想和情绪,从而不得不借助类似传统意义上的“隐喻”或“转喻”即“恶搞”来达到一种自我心理疏导后的平衡。 当然,如果没有网络技术的高速发展,没有信息社会这一广大便利的平台,没有现代新闻媒介做支撑或者说桥梁的话,恶搞再怎么“奇异”再怎么“对(大众)胃口”,也不可能让“杜甫很忙”在短短几周内就顺利获取数以万万计的眼球,更不可能还引起这么大的轰动和激烈的争论。总之,网络社会为急于彰显个性及其创新意识的人们或者像部分学者所说为处于华语圈边缘的平民群体提供了表达的条件和狂欢的舞台。 尼尔?波兹曼曾就电视对大众的影响与麻痹过比较深刻的论述,“一切公众话语都日渐以娱乐的方式出现,并成为了一种文化精神。我们的政治、宗教、新闻、体育、教育和商业都心甘情愿地成为娱乐的附庸,毫无怨言,甚至无声无息,其personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 结果是我们成了一个娱乐至死的物种。”2由此,有研究者就断言说,“恶搞”是“娱乐至死”的一种典型模式,并因此对“恶搞”现象展开了无情的鞭笞。但正因为恶搞具有的良好的娱乐功效,能够很好地释放人们的压力和抑郁,且能凭借其另类的姿态夺人眼球,从而为自身的流行寻觅到了一个广袤的空间。 4. 正确评判恶搞文化现象的利与弊 以“杜甫很忙”为范,综观自2005年胡戈《一个馒头引发的血案》到现在的“杜甫很忙”,几乎所有的评价都是偏向一隅,要么强烈批判,要么盲目肯定,虽然都有道理,但毕竟忽略了另一面的关键处。笔者看来,恶搞有先锋主义之特色,也有极端主义之嫌疑,我们应该对其全面观之客观判之。唯有如此,我们才能够对文化的现状有真正深刻的洞见,文化事业、人文社会才能持续不断地往更好的方向发展。 恶搞文化的先锋主义之特色 恶搞文化的颠覆性试图解构传统经典、当代主流或主导话语权的权威性、逻辑性和严肃性,从而打破了等级屏障。调和了高雅和通俗文化的鸿沟。这是和人的解放之宏伟大业相一致的,使人的自由意志得到了更好的彰显。 恶搞文化还可以对当下的社会改革尤其是处于转型期的中国的各项改革具有领航灯的先锋作用。如,“杜甫很忙”涂鸦对填鸭式教育的呆板进行了极大的反讽,通过挑战文化名人的严肃性和教材课本的刻板乏味,从而可以对当下的教育改革、人才培养模式的研究给予必要的警醒和提示作用。 恶搞文化的极端主义之嫌疑 恶搞有没有底线,这个问题可以说是出现上述二选一倾向性判断的内在原因之一。对于一些经典文化、历史名人,我们到底能不能拿来调侃拿来恶搞,我们是否可以通过对所有一切的存在进行调侃讽刺恶搞来体现恶搞本身的颠覆性从而达到恶搞本身追求的娱乐和警醒功能,还是,我们要给恶搞划定一些圈圈,恶搞 2 尼尔 波兹曼著,章艳译《娱乐至死 童年的消逝》[M]. 广西:广西师范大学出版社,2009:2。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 只能再这些圈圈里自娱自乐,如此的话,那恶搞究竟还是不是原来意义上的恶搞,还是不是具有它本身所拥有的先锋性质,这些问题在我们全力批判恶搞文化的极端主义之嫌疑时都应该思考。如果没有思考这个问题就对其进行强烈的排斥压制的话,那很显然是有失客观的。何况还忽视了恶搞本身的先锋主义性质~同样,如果我们不思考这个问题,就对恶搞文化进行赞扬和肯定的话,那更不用解释就能见出评判者的盲目肯定倾向了。 但是,不管怎样,只要我们思考这个问题,就会涉及到另一个问题,即,恶搞的极端主义之嫌疑问题。因为,如果坚持恶搞的本身特色的话,那么就可能会不顾一切限制,会颠覆一切,恶搞一切,这样就务必会再出现“杜甫很忙”“最炫杜甫风”等现象。有评论者说,中国的恶搞太极端,对传统文化和历史名人不尊重,也是对自己的不尊重。这个批评可以说是相当严厉的。该评论者还说,西方世界的恶搞文化现象不比中国萧瑟,但从没见西方人拿柏拉图、莎士比亚等文化名人来开涮来恶搞,所以,总结说中国人(尤其是好于恶搞的青年学生)的素质低劣。这种批评不无道理,的确,如何正确认识恶搞文化现象如何恶搞这个问题 不是一个二选一那么简单的问题,我们必须对其深入思考,反复权衡,而不能为恶搞而恶搞,流于表面的肤浅和娱乐,不能因为恶搞而丧失了对历史对传统文化的敬仰,不能因此而导致我们的文化走向浅薄和鄙俗。 总之,对于恶搞文化现象,我们一方面应像保护小孩子的想象力一样保护其话语权的自由空间不受强加的干涉和禁锢,另一方便,我们应该提升受众独立思考和深入赏鉴的能力,这样,我们的文化我们的社会我们自己才会在一个气氛活跃自由的空间里生活、学习和发展。 personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such 参考文献 [1]尼尔 波兹曼著,章艳译《娱乐至死 童年的消逝》[M]. 广西:广西师范大学出版社,2009 [2]约翰?斯道雷著,常江译《文化理论与大众文化导论》[M],北京大学出版社,2010 [3]马克?柯里著,宁一中译《后现代叙事理论》[M],北京大学出版社,2003 [4]陆扬著,《文化研究导论》[M],复旦大学出版社,2006 [5]邹怡.论恶搞:后现代的大众娱乐精神——以中国网络和影视文化为例[J].电影评介.2011(23) [6]胡云飞.狂欢中的另类理性:中国恶搞文化的话语批判[J].学术界.2010(2) personal safety and safety equipment. construction overall arrangement of instruments (see the following figure) ... cabinets, Terminal cabinets, enclosures, UPS battery cabinet base hot-rolled angle steel, hot-rolled angle iron and steel production, the support base as a whole should be kept straight, the weld size overall dimensions meet the requirements should be the principle, Stent positioning and embedded parts after welding in prison. bracket mounting holes required on arrival at the scene, cabinet base hole dimension processing. Enclosure base must be in the control room the control room floor before you start the installation to complete, and activities should be considered a floor support frame set match. Base installation errors shown in the table below. Permissible deviations mm/m items mm/full length straight level 1, 5, 1, 5, position error and parallel degree 5 system Panel, cabinet installation unpacking and inspection (1) together with owners, supervision carried out jointly on behalf of the company, signed after the inspection opening inspection records; (2) before unpacking, on the surrounding floors, tables and chairs, tools, static elimination measures taken, check the device packaging is complete; upon opening the box, you should check if the packaging is damaged, whether the water, moisture-proof, shock-proof measures is good; (3) special tools should be used when opening the box, press level, in order to open packaging; be cautious, non-violent beating; (4) out of the box in accordance with the packing list one by one after an inventory of all hardware, spare parts, a random number of tools, models, specifications, should be consistent with the packing list; hardware looks good, no deformation, breakage, especially off defects such
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