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英语翻译句子英语翻译句子 【例1】 He had words with her. ,误,:他和她谈过话了。 ,正,:他和她吵架了。 ,注释,:have a word with sb.与某人谈话,而have words with sb.与某人吵架。 【例2】 We shall not want for food. ,误,:我们不想什么食品。 ,正,:我们不会缺乏食品。 ,注释,:want vt.想要,想得到;want for缺乏。 【例3】 The only concession he made to the clim...
翻译句子 【例1】 He had words with her. ,误,:他和她谈过话了。 ,正,:他和她吵架了。 ,注释,:have a word with sb.与某人谈话,而have words with sb.与某人吵架。 【例2】 We shall not want for food. ,误,:我们不想什么食品。 ,正,:我们不会缺乏食品。 ,注释,:want vt.想要,想得到;want for缺乏。 【例3】 The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket. ×他对气候的唯一让步就是穿了一件白色的短餐衣。 【译文】 气候变化,他仅稍稍作了一点变通,赴宴时穿了件白色的短礼服。 【例4】 She couldn't have come at a better time. ×她不能在更好的时间来。 【译文】她来得正是时候。 【例5】 She has been a widow only six months. ×她做寡妇(守寡)刚刚六个月。 【译文】她的丈夫去世至今不过半年。 【例3】 The only concession he made to the climate was to wear a white dinner jacket. ×他对气候的唯一让步就是穿了一件白色的短餐衣。 【译文】 气候变化,他仅稍稍作了一点变通,赴宴时穿了件白色的短礼服。 【例4】 She couldn't have come at a better time. ×她不能在更好的时间来。 【译文】她来得正是时候。 【例5】 She has been a widow only six months. ×她做寡妇(守寡)刚刚六个月。 【译文】她的丈夫去世至今不过半年。 【例8】 Public opinion plays a vital and healthy role in the political realm. ×公共舆论在政治领域起着生命力的、健康的作用。 【译文】舆论在政治领域起着极其重要的、有益的作用。 【例9】 I am sure that it would change the situation if you are kind enough to lend support to me. ×我相信如果你有足够的好心支持我的话,它将会改变形势。 【译文】我相信如果你非常好心能撑我一把的话,情况就不一样了。 【例8】 Public opinion plays a vital and healthy role in the political realm. ×公共舆论在政治领域起着生命力的、健康的作用。 【译文】舆论在政治领域起着极其重要的、有益的作用。 【例9】 I am sure that it would change the situation if you are kind enough to lend support to me. ×我相信如果你有足够的好心支持我的话,它将会改变形势。 【译文】我相信如果你非常好心能撑我一把的话,情况就不一样了。 He likes to drink waters. 他喜欢喝水。 他喜欢和矿泉水。 His father is a medicine man. 他的父亲是一名医务工作者。 (a medical man) 他的父亲是个巫医/有法术之人 。 The old man touches no spirits. 那个老人无精打采。 那个老人不喝烈酒。 His addition completed the list. 他的加入完成了名单。 把他加上,名单上的人就全了。 Historically, city life has always been among the elements which form a civilization. 历史上看,城市生活一直是构成文明的方面之列。 从历史上看,城市生活始终是文明的一个组成部分 1.The old man informed us that his wife had had thirteen children, one in every month of the year and one over besides. 老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,每月生一个还多了一个。 老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,如果用一年十二个月的名字给他们取名的话,还多出来一个。 2. …when he was young fellow in the sixties. 当他还是个60多岁的年轻小伙子时。 在60年代,他还年轻时。 3. The object did not move because I pushed it. 因为我推了它,该物体才没有移动。 不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。 2.General Smith and my father are on first name basis. 史密斯将军和我的父亲都是在第一名的基础上。 史密斯将军和我的父亲是直呼名字的知交。 3. Keep your chin up. “ 抬起头” 不要失去勇气,振作起来。 4. Far from eye, far from heart. 眼不见心不烦 别久情疏 5. Sleep as sound as a log of wood. 睡得象段木头。 睡得很沉(香)。 I was late for class yesterday. I had to open the door and go in before everybody. 1. 我只好在大家望着我的情况下推门进去。 2. 我只得在众目睽睽下推门进去。 3. 没办法,我只好因硬着头皮推门进去。 Despair seized him when he was on the rocks. 当他经济困难的时候,他绝望极了。 经济困难使他陷入绝望之中。 那时,他经济拮据,一筹莫展。 You should take into account not only the price but also the quality. 你应该考虑的不仅是价格,而且还有质量 Hitler was armed to the teeth when he launched the Second World War. 希特勒在发动第二次世界大战时武装到牙齿。 Smashing a mirror is no way to make an ugly person beautiful, nor is it a way to make social problems evaporated. 砸镜子不能使丑八怪变漂亮,也不能使社会问烟消云散。 Travel widens our horizons. 旅游开阔了我们的视野。 The sailors swarmed into a laughing and cheering ring around the two men. 水手们蜂拥而至,欢笑着,呼喊着,围成一圈,把那两人围在中心。 She is a busy-body. 她是个忙人。 她是个多嘴多舌、爱管闲事的人。 A little bird told me the news. 一只小鸟将此消息告诉我。 消息灵通人士将此消息告诉我。 I think you are pulling my leg. 我想你在拖我的后腿。 我想你在跟我开玩笑。 He is the last man I want to see. 他是我想见的最后一个人。 他是我最不愿见的人。 When Joan graduated from high school, she looked at the world through rose-colored glasses. 琼高中毕业时,是戴着玫瑰色的眼镜看周围的一切的。 琼高中毕业时,她把一切事情看得太容易了。 I had butterflies in my stomach for an hour or so before I was due to make my speech. 轮到我演讲之前,有一个小时左右我肚子里好像有只蝴蝶似的。 轮到我演讲之前,有一个小时左右我心里都是怪紧张的。 He can hardly open his mouth without talking shop. 他一开口总是三句话不离老本行。 Say one word more, and I will bury a white blade in you and pull it red. 再说,我让你白刀子进去,红刀子出来。 1.When I want your opinion, I?ll ask for it. 我需要你的意见时,我会问你的。 请不要插嘴。 2.You are late for the last time. 这是你最后一次迟到了。 你被解雇了。 3. Don?t cross the bridge till you get to it. 到了桥边才过桥。 不必担心太早。 4. Little fish does not eat big fish. 小鱼吃不了大鱼。 胳膊拧不过大腿。 5. What the tongue says, the neck pays for. 舌头说话,脖子还帐。 舌头闯祸,脖子遭殃。 6. What was hatched a hen must not try to be a rooster! 孵出来是母鸡就别想冒充公鸡。 生来是个女人就别想冒充男人。 7. There „s no pot so ugly it can?t find a lid. 没有丑到配不上一个盖子的罐子。 罐儿再丑,配个盖子不发愁。 姑娘再丑也能配个汉。 丑女不愁嫁。 , Japanese army killed millions of innocent people during the war. 在那场战争中日本军队屠杀了成百上千万无辜的平民。 , Three men were killed in the accident. 有3个男子在事故中丧生。 , The engine was killed by the flood. 汽车的引擎由于大火而熄了火。 , Your joke nearly killed me. 你的笑话真是笑死人。 , I?m reading this book just to killed time. 我读这本知识为了消磨时间 1. Mr. Brown felt greatly flattered when he received the invitation to deliver a lecture. 2. Hans was too obviously flattering the gentleman by saying he was the most courageous man he had ever seen. 3. You?re flattering me by saying that. 1.布朗先生接到作演讲的邀请时,感到非常荣幸。 2.汉斯说,这位先生是他所见过的最有胆识的人,这种阿谀奉承未免过于 露骨。 3.你那么说,就过奖了。 go dutch 各自付帐 in dutch 处境困难;失宠 dutch auction 荷兰式拍卖;喊价逐步减低的拍卖 dutch treat 各付己帐;各自付帐的聚餐或娱乐活动 double dutch 无法理解的语言;莫名其妙的话 dutch courage [俗]酒后之勇 dutch uncle 严厉或直率的批评者 I'm a Dutch if I'm wrong.如果我错了我不是人。 to give one?s heart to 倾心 to lose heart 灰心 to take to heart 关心 to break one?s heart 伤心 heart—felt 衷心 hard-hearted 心肠硬的 from the bottom of one?s heart 从心底里 Heart and soul 全心全意 As thin as a shadow 瘦的像猴子 To spend money like water 挥金如土 To fish in the air 水底捞月 As poor as a church mouse 穷得像叫花子 To kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕 One boy is a boy,two boys half a boy,three boys no boy 一个和尚挑水喝,两个和尚抬水喝,三个和尚没水喝。 red figure 赤字 in red ink 亏空 in the red 亏损 red balance 赤字差额 Interesting story 引人入胜的故事 Extremely hard conditions 坚苦卓绝的条件 总之,在英译汉时,词汇的选择要注意汉语这种内在的节律性(尽量选择对称的词语( She is eighteen and beautiful. 她18岁了,而且很漂亮. 她年方18,天生丽质.(美丽动人) China is a vast country with rich natural resources and a large population. 中国地大物博,人口众多. 例:She was about thirty years old with indeterminate hair and eyes of a startling clear blue--- 她约有30岁,头发很不起眼,眼睛却出人意料地清凉,湛蓝. ---thirty years before,---his name shot suddenly to the zenith from Crimean battlefield, to remain forever celebrated. 30年前,他在克里米亚战役中崭露头角,名声大噪,历久不衰. They spoke to each other rarely in their incomprehensible tongue, but always with a courteous smile and often with a small bow. 谁也听不懂他们的话,但他们很少交谈,而说话时总是一副笑容可掬的样子,还常常微微地鞠躬致意. It was Mrs. Packletide?s pleasure and intention that she should shoot a tiger. Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her. 佩克苔德太太执意要射只老虎.这倒不是她心血来潮,顿起杀念. John can be relied on. He eats no fish. 约翰为人可靠,他很忠诚。 Speak of angels, and you will hear their wings; talk of the devil, and he?s sure to appear. 说曹操,曹操到。 Love is blind. 情人眼里出西施。 Dragon, dog, queen 不同文化艺术中,人们还常常用不同的事物达相同的思想。 Work like a horse 像老黄牛一样干活。 As strong as a horse As stupid as a goose Wet like a drown rat A white Christmas 银装素裹,大雪纷飞的圣诞节 Seat oneself in a wooden chair Accept a university chair Chair the board meeting Condemned to the chair 坐在木椅上 同意在大学里执教 主持董事会 被处电刑 Milk the cow milk the bull 挤牛奶 徒劳之举 1. I never had much in seeing you. There was no love lost between us at any time. 2. We grumble a little now and then , to be sure. But there?s no love lost between us. 1.我向来不大想看到你,我们两人之间大概什么时候都不曾有过好感。 2. 当然啦,我们有时也免不了争论几句,但是我们还是相亲相爱。 1.The old man informed us that his wife had had thirteen children, one in every month of the year and one over besides. 老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,每月生一个还多了一个。 老人风趣地告诉我们,他的妻子生了13个孩子,如果用一年十二个月的名字给他们取名的话,还多出来一个。 2. …when he was young fellow in the sixties. 当他还是个60多岁的年轻小伙子时。 在60年代,他还年轻时。 3. The object did not move because I pushed it. 因为我推了它,该物体才没有移动。 不是因为我推了它,该物体才移动。 1. Last night I heard him driving his pigs to market. 昨晚我听到他把猪赶到市场上去。 昨晚我听到他鼾声如雷,声音就象把猪赶到市场一样。
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