

2017-09-28 25页 doc 275KB 19阅读




无线网卡上不了网掉线的解决办法无线网卡上不了网掉线的解决办法 经常听到网友抱怨无线网卡上不了网掉线,这是一种很常见的故障,首先,我们要从网卡驱动问题找起,排除驱动问题后就应该考虑软件设置方面的问题了,下面详细阐述一下解决方法,希望对大家有用。 (1)电脑搜不到路由器无法联网 故障现象: Win7系统,猫和无线路由器的配置,电脑无法连接无线路由器,只能通过有线暂时上网,搜索不到无线信号,也找不到路由器设置界面。 原因分析: 可能只是直接从猫上面,插了一根网线连接到电脑上面,无线路由断开了和猫直接的连接,所以无法搜到无线信号 解决方案: 1、找...
无线网卡上不了网掉线的解决办法 经常听到网友抱怨无线网卡上不了网掉线,这是一种很常见的故障,首先,我们要从网卡驱动问找起,排除驱动问题后就应该考虑软件设置方面的问题了,下面详细阐述一下解决方法,希望对大家有用。 (1)电脑搜不到路由器无法联网 故障现象: Win7系统,猫和无线路由器的配置,电脑无法连接无线路由器,只能通过有线暂时上网,搜索不到无线信号,也找不到路由器设置界面。 原因分析: 可能只是直接从猫上面,插了一根网线连接到电脑上面,无线路由断开了和猫直接的连接,所以无法搜到无线信号 解决: 1、找两根网线将猫、路由器、电脑三者连接起来 2、现在打开路由器设置界面,一般是192.168.1.1,用户名和密码一般也是admin和password。 3、在路由器界面中设置PPPoE拨号的账户和密码,即宽带拨号的账户和密码,断开无线路由器和电脑的网线 4、重新搜索无线信号,一般就可以搜到并成功连接,如无法打开网页则进行第五步 5、重新设置本地连接自动获取IP和DNS即可解决 (2)无法搜索到自己路由器的信号 1、进入路由器管理界面,确认无线功能是否开启。(开启时路由器的wlan灯会闪烁) of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 2、修改无线信号的频段,改为1到11之内,因为有些网卡不支持12.13频段。 3、调整无线路由器或者无线网卡的位置,避开无线网卡在无线路由器盲区的情况。 4、借用其他无线网卡,看能否搜到无线路由器的信号,确认是否为路由器故障。 5、将无线路由器恢复出厂设置后再重新搜索。 (3)可以搜索到信号,连接不上的调试方法 1、是否正确输入密码 由于某些输入法的原因,可能会添加一个空格或者用错了全角字符、路由器对大小写很敏感,输错会导致无法连接。而且当使用WEP加密方式的时候,四个密钥是不可以同时使用的,只能用其中一个。个人建议输入加密密钥的时候最好采用“复制粘贴”的方式。 以前能正常上网,但由于无线改了密码而不能连上无线网的。由于WIN7有无线密码记忆功能,保存了之前的无线密码而导致不能正常上网。应点击无线网络?右击无线网络?选择“属性” ?在弹出的对话框中输入改后的正确密码?单击“确定”即可。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 2、设置IP地址为自动获得 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 不同的热点默认设置不一样,所以如果设置了固定IP地址可能会无法连接。进入“控制面板” “网络和共享中心”“更改适配器” 右击无线网选择“属性”Internet协议版本 4(TCP/IPv4)选 择“自动获得” “确定”即可。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 3、检查是否有信号问题 把路由器摆放到无线网卡附近,看看是否有信号问题。有些路由器信号品质差,放远了虽然 信号强度良好,但是时常无法连接,为了排除这些低级错误,可以把路由器摆放到笔记本旁 边试试看。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 4、是否使用MAC地址过滤 有的路由器虽然没有加密但是无法连接,那么路由器可能使用了MAC地址过滤,除非使用 BT3之类的软件嗅探得出正确的MAC地址并伪装,否则还是放弃吧。如果是自己搭建的网 络,那就取消MAC地址过滤试试看。 5、网络信道问题 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by 网络中,无线网络的信道虽然可以有13个,但非重叠的信道,也就是不互相干扰的信道只有1、6、11(或13)这三个。一般情况下,我们就选择这三个中的一个。 6、升级无线网卡驱动或路由器固件 无线网卡驱动和路由器固件有可能是问题根源之一,因为配套使用的驱动程序很多,可能会出现兼容性问题。 7、网络需要验证问题 电信的ChinaNet、移动的CMCC热点在很多地方都有,还是不加密的。搜索网络的时候有时会连接上,但是却上不了网,那是因为还需要进一步的验证才行。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by (4)可以连接上路由器,但不能上网的调试方法 请确定该路由器的设置正确,并确保可以连接到Internet,检查浏览器设置,并确保系统没 有问题及没有感染病毒。 of the installation of templates installed, the measurement method, set the necessary ... (3) cleaning and coating of the template in the template should be cleaned before each use and anti-rust protection of mineral oil, oil-contaminated concrete shall not be used, and should not affect the quality of concrete or reinforced concrete. Timber formwork used in baking or other protective materials of paraffin wax. (4) the template removal template removal time, in addition to construction drawings provided, shall also comply with the following provisions: no load-bearing side template of an dismantling, should the concrete reaches its surface and edges do not damage due to stripping, shall not be removed; Pier, wall or column when its strength not less than 3.5MPa part of a template, can be removed. Special template removal time, report to the supervisor for approval. Demolition of reinforced concrete or concrete structure bearing the template shall conform to the construction drawings, and shall comply with the provisions of the previous paragraph. Calculation and test review, the actual strength of concrete structure is able to withstand gravity and other practical load, shall be subject to approval of the supervisor, early form removal. Prestressed concrete structure component or template removal, in addition to conforming to the requirements of drawings, templates should be removed before tensioning the side; die after pre demolition should be established structures or components. Standard structure types of Dismounting bearing template structure span (m) of concrete strength standard values of percentage (%) Board ? 2 50 Board >2, ? 8 75 Board >8 100 beam, and Arch, and shell ? 8 75 beam, and Arch, and shell >8 100 hanging arm component ? 2 75 hanging arm component >2 100 7.3.5 concrete layered points block (1) layered pouring job 1) by supervision engineers approved of pouring layered points block and pouring program for construction, in cant pouring Shi from minimum at began, until keep horizontal. 2) substandard concrete non-warehousing, warehousing of substandard concrete to be removed and disposed of at designated locations by the regulation. 3) pouring of concrete, is strictly prohibited in the cabin with water, such as poor workability, take measures such as strengthening vibration to ensure quality. (2) pour pouring concrete breaks continuity, pouring allows the interval determined by experiment, exceeds the allowable interval by
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