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能听懂对方在所学的语言范围内能听懂对方在所学的语言范围内 Lesson11 At the shop ?Aims and requirements Listening 1( 能听懂对方在所学的语言范围内,用略慢的速度谈有关购物这一话题的内容 2( 在本单元听力训练中,听一遍对话,能理解大意,抓住要点,完成练习1 3( 再听两遍对话,了解具体细节,提供相关信息,完成练习2 4( 能听写对话中的某些句子,填出空缺单词,完成练习3 Speaking 1( 能够围绕购物这一话题,进行课文问答 2( 能够背诵或表演第33课对话 3( 学习第34课,分...
能听懂对方在所学的语言范围内 Lesson11 At the shop ?Aims and requirements Listening 1( 能听懂对方在所学的语言范围内,用略慢的速度谈有关购物这一话题的内容 2( 在本单元听力训练中,听一遍对话,能理解大意,抓住要点,完成练习1 3( 再听两遍对话,了解具体细节,提供相关信息,完成练习2 4( 能听写对话中的某些句子,填出空缺单词,完成练习3 Speaking 1( 能够围绕购物这一话题,进行课文问答 2( 能够背诵或表演第33课对话 3( 学习第34课,分角色表演对话,并能口头复述课文 4( 学习第35课,完成第35课Part2的口头练习 Reading 1( 能够使用字典,查出所给单词,完成第34课第一部分 2( 能够借助于书后注释或工具书读懂课文并完成课文内容练习 3( 阅读两篇文章,认识资本主义社会所具有以貌取人的虚伪性和金钱至上的丑恶性 Writing 1( 学习对话:At the Tailor’s Shop ,并改写成一篇故事 2( 完成第55页Part 6,把句型变成间接引语 ? Communicational sentences 1. There seems to be something wrong with it. 2. I can’t possibly wear it. 3. I would like you to change… 4. You sold me a long coat that I can’t use it any more. 5. I insist that you give me my money back. 6. It’s not my fault. 7. I’m afraid I can’t do that. 8. Why can’t you do something about it? ? Grammar the usage of as if no matter ? Important points After reading this unit, let the students know more about: how to do shopping and some information about Mark Twain. Mark Twain ( 1835-1910 ) Original Name Samuel Langhorne Clemens 马克吐温室美国最富声望的幽默小说家,原名Samuel Langhorne Clement..以善写男童历险故事抨击人类的弱点与虚假而著称于世。他成长与密西西比河畔,浪漫粗犷的河上生 11岁丧父,13岁辍学,后当过排字工人,18-22活及天真无邪的童年给他留下深刻印象。 岁外出漫游,成为轮船领航员。曾做过股票生意,淘过金,成为当地馔写逸事,很手欢 1863年开始Mark Twain作笔名。 迎。 Master pieces: The adventures of Tom sawyer The prince and the Pauper The adventures of Hunkleberry finn Lesson 37 ? Revision 1. Check the homework exercises Ask some students to retell the story of last unit 2. Dictate the words of Unit 9 damage lecture pollute nuclear 损害讲座污染原子核的 radiation 放射 desert 沙漠 cattle 牛 gradually 逐渐地 chemical 化学的 present 在场的 living 活着的 human 人 monitor 班长 separately 单独地 3. Compare some words clothing 衣服总称 谓语为单数形式 clothes 衣服总称 谓语为复数形式 cloth 布料 clothe vt. 给某人穿衣服 ? Presentation SB. P55 part 1 Teach the word foolish a. without reason, sense or good judgement ; silly Ask: "How different clothes are washed? " ? Reading Find out the answer to… What did the customer buy, and what’s wrong with it? (a blouse, the colours ran) Language points 1. I bought this blouse here last month. There seem to be… 似乎,是there be的委婉句型 e.g.: I’m sure there is something wrong with the TV set. There seems to be something wrong with the TV set. 2. I’m not that foolish. that adv. so 如此,那么 e.g.: I’m not that careless. 3. It looks as if… look 系动词,好像 e.g.: It looks as if we shall have to walk home. It looks as if we’re going to have trouble with Mrs White. follow 遵照,听从 Follow the instructions. ? Dialogue speech cassette L37 Play the tape for them to follow. Give them some time, and then ask some students to prepare and act it out. ? Practice Do SB P55 part 2 ? Workbook Do Wb L37 Er1.2.3 ? Consolidation Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front. Homework 1. Recite the passage 2. Preview L38 3. Finish the Wb exercises 后记:学完对话大部分学生能了解购物的基本常识,基本方法以及语言用词。 Lesson 38 ? Revision 1. Revise 37 ask some students to retell the story 2. In L37, we talked about a woman who bought a blouse in a shop, but the colours ran and she went to change it for another one. And this time we will see another customer who will buy another clothes. Let’s see what happened to him. ? Presentation SB P56 part 2 Check the vocabulary in Part1 Use powerpoint. Ask the three questions. ? Reading Look at some picture of Mark Twain. And ask some students to say something about them. Language points 1. no matter what / how / when 引导方式状语从句 e.g.: No matter what he says, I won’t believe him. No matter what problems you have, come to me for help. 2. Come, come. Get him his change. come 感叹词,表劝导、不耐烦 e.g.: Come, come, Alice, you must be patient. Change n. 零钱 e.g.: I have got lots of change in my pocket. v. 找钱 e.g.: Could you change this note? 3. To sell that a suit… 句子相当于 How foolish of Tod to sell such a cheap suit as that… 不定式短语单独用,表示惊异、气愤、祝愿,相当于what/how引导的感叹句 e.g.: To think you should do that. To ask such silly questions. such…as 像……那样的 e.g.: I don’t like such food as cake and candy. 4. Ah, here is the thing I’m after. be after want sth. / try to gain e.g.: Jim is after another job. Don’t marry her, she’s only after you money. 追求,追捕 e.g.: The policemen are after the thief. The dog is after the cat. 5. do sb. a favor do a favor for sb. e.g.: Do me the favor to turn off the radio? favor ( 恩愿 、善意行为 ) some spelling difference between A.E and B.E American E color humor labor neighbor British E colour humour labour neighbour 6. But wait till you… to one’s own measure 按照某人尺寸 e.g.: It seems that coat is made to his measure. ? Sentence study SB P57 part 3 ? Workbook Wb L38 Er 2.3 Homework 1. Recite the passage and act it out. 2. Review L38 3. Preview L39 后记: 学生对本课很感兴趣,尤其是表演本课内容。对作者有了较深入的了解。有些同学发散思维,把文章加以改写并能表演充分。 Lesson 39 ? Revision 1. Check the homework exercises. And ask some questions about the text 2. Get some students to tell me the story. ? Reading SB P58 part 1 Say: “Today we are going to read a story about shopping in London.” Here are some questions 1. What did the lady want to buy? 2. How many shops did she go? 3. Why did she go to so many shops? Answer 1. Two bottles of wine. 2. Six shops. 3. Offer the best advice. Then ask some other questions. 1. What was the woman’s job? 2. What kind of meal was she planning to cook? 3. What kind of wine would be suitable for the meal? 4. Did she receive good service in all the shops? 5. Did she receive good service in some of the shop? Language points 1. Once upon a time, a London journalist wanted to do… once upon a time long long ago 从前 e.g.: Once upon a time, there was an inventor called… Once upon a time, there lived an old woodcutter. do research about 进行研究 research n. make research on/about 2. She did up the button in such a way that… do up 系,扣 相当于fasten e.g.: You’re done up your buttons the wrong way. do up 收拾,整理;梳妆打扮 e.g.: Let’s do up this room first. in such a way 以这样的方式 e.g :You can speak in such a way to that man. so…that such…that e.g.: His idea is such a good one that we all agree to use it. e.g.: His idea is so good that we all agree to use it. 3. what was worse This made the situation even worse. 更糟糕的是 e.g.: He felt very hungry. What’s worse, he had no money on him. be suitable for be fit for be good for 适合,适宜 4. keep back 扣除,留下 eg. You shouldn’t keep back the money of that poor man. ? Language study SB P59 Talk something with them. ? Practice SB P59 part 4.5.6 Homework 1. Finish the Wb exercises 2. Review L39 后记: 学生学会了不能以貌取人。 Lesson 40 ? Revision 1. Check the homework exercises. 2. Get the students to tell me about the story in L39. ? Listening say: “Today we will say: “A girl called Annie lives in Australia. Today we’ll talk about a talk.” Do the listening and check their answer. ? Check point as if 好像 He walks as if he were drunk. 走路的样子可以看出他可能醉了 He walks as if he is drunk. 实际醉了 no matter 无论 ? Word study SB P60 Part 2 ? Writing SB P60 Part 3 ? Workbook Er 1-3 Homework 1. Review this lesson & this unit. 2. Preview Unit 11.
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