
高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选习(一)1

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高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选习(一)1 广西鹿寨县2017高考英语完形填空一轮选习题 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 Most people believe they don’t have much imagination. They are 1 .Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to 2 it. Creativity isn’t always 3 with ...
高考英语一轮复习 完形填空选习(一)1
广西鹿寨县2017高考英语完形填空一轮选习题 完形填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。 Most people believe they don’t have much imagination. They are 1 .Everyone has imagination, but most of us, once we become adults, forget how to 2 it. Creativity isn’t always 3 with great works of art or ideas. People at work and in their free time 4 think of creative ways to solve problems. Maybe you have a goal to achieve, a tricky question to answer or you just want to expand your mind! Here are three techniques to help you. Making connections This technique involves taking 5 ideas and trying to find links between them. First, think about the problem you have to solve or the job you need to do. Then find an image, word, idea or object, for example, a candle. Write down all the idea/words 6 with candles: light, fire, matches, wax, night, silence, etc. Think of as many as you can. The next stage is to relate the 7 to the job you have to do. So imagine you want to buy a friend an original 8 ; you could buy him tickets to match or take him out for the night. NO limits! Imagine that normal limitations don’t 9 . You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want. Think about your goal and the new 10 .If your goal is to learn to ski, 11 , you can now practise skiing every day of your life (because you have the time and the money). Now 12 this to reality. Maybe you can practise skiing ever day in December, or every Monday in January. Be someone else! Look at the situation from a 13 point of view. Good businessmen use this technique in trade, and so do writes. Fiction writers often imagine they are the 14 in their books. They ask question: What does this character want? Why can’t she get it? What changes must she make to get what she wants? If your goal involves other people, put yourself in their 15 . The best fishermen think like fish! ( ) 1. A. wrong B. unbelievable C. reasonable D. realistic 【答案】A 【解析】由下文“Everyone has imagination…”可知大部分人认为他们没有多少想象力的观点四错误的。wrong错误的;believable可信的; reasonable合理的, 有道理的, 通情达理的, 讲道理的;realistic现实(主义)的。故答案为A。 ( ) 2. A. put up with B. catch up with C. make use of D. keep track of 【答案】C 【解析】一旦我们长大,我们中的许多人就忘记如何利用想象力。所以下文教你如何培养自己的想象力。put up with容忍;catch up with赶上,跟上;make use of利用;keep track of明了。 ( ) 3. A. equipped B. compared C. covered D. connected 【答案】D 【解析】下文谈论的都是有关个人工作生活的琐事,所以本句意思应该为“创造力不总是和伟大的艺术和思想著作联系在一起的。 ( ) 4. A. skillfully B. routinely C. vividly D. deeply 【答案】B 【解析】人们在工作和闲暇时间,都会很正常的想出一起解决问题的办法。skillfully巧妙地, 技术好地;routinely例行公事地,正常的;vividly生动地, 鲜明地;deeply深深地。 ( ) 5. A. familiar B. unrelated C. creative D. imaginary 【答案】B 【解析】由下文举蜡烛的例子可知,本句的意思是:这种技巧要求写下互不相关的想法并努力找到它们之间的联系。familiar熟悉的, 常见的, 听惯的, 亲近的, 随便的;unrelated无关的 不相干的;creative创造性的;imaginary假想的, 想象的, 虚构的。 ( ) 6. A. presented B. marked C. lit D. associated 【答案】D。 【解析】由下文叙述可知,此处是说:写下和蜡烛有关的所有想法和词语……。present介绍, 引见, 给, 赠送, 上演, 提出, 呈现; mark做标记于, 打分数, 标志;light点着, 变亮;associate使发生联系, 使联合。 ( ) 7. A. ideas B. ambitions C. achievement D. technique 【答案】A 【解析】你能想到多少就想多少,下一步是把这些想法和你必须要做的事情联系在一起。idea想法, 念头, , 主意, 思想, 观念, 概念;ambition野心, 雄心;achievement成就, 功绩; technique技术, 技巧, 方法, 演法, 手法。 ( ) 8. A. experience B. service C. present D. object 【答案】C 【解析】假设你想为朋友买一个有创意的礼物,你可以买张看比赛的票或者晚上请他出去消遣。experience经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历;service服务, 服务性工作, 服役, 仪式;present赠品, 礼物;object物体, 目标, 宾语, 对象。 ( ) 9. A. work B. last C. exist D. change 【答案】B 【解析】由标题“NO limits!”和后文“You have as much time/space/money, etc. as you want.”可推知此处是说:想象一下一般的限制都不存在。 ( ) 10. A. possibilities B. limitations C. tendency D. practice 【答案】A 【解析】考虑你的目标和新的可能做到的事情。possibility可能性, 可能发生的事物; limitation限制, 局限性;tendency趋向, 倾向;practice实行, 实践, 实际。 ( ) 11. A. in fact B. in particular C. as a whole D. for example 【答案】D 【解析】这里举滑雪作为例子,故要用for example。 ( ) 12. A. devote B. adapt C. lead D. keep 【答案】B 【解析】由下文“Maybe you can practise skiing ever day in December, or every Monday in January. ”可推知此处是说:现在使这个目标适应现实。adapt…to…使适应。 ( ) 13. A. private B. global C. different D. practical 【答案】C 【解析】本段说到了“换位思考”的技巧,故本空应该选择C。要求人们从不同的角度看待问题。 ( ) 14. A. features B. themes C. creatures D. characters 【答案】D 【解析】小说作家常常把自己想象成自己中的一个人物。feature特征, 容貌, 特色, 特写; theme题目, 主题;creature人, 动物, 傀儡, 创造物;character人物,性格。 ( ) 15. A. positions B. dreams C. images D. directions 【答案】A 【解析】如果你的目标涉及到其他人,把自己放在别人的位置上(来考虑问题)。position位置, 职位, 立场;dream梦想; image图象, 肖像, 偶像;direction方向, 指导, 趋势。 2016高考完形填空训练题。 I believe honesty is one of the greatest gifts. I know they call it a lot of fancy names these days, like 21 and straightforward. And it's still what 22 a man a good citizen. This is my secret, and I try to live by. I've been in the taxi business for thirty-five years, 23 there is a lot about it that is not so good. Taxi drivers have to be rough and tumble(乱作一团) fellows to be able to take it in New York. You've got to be 24 to fight the New York traffic eight hours a day. Because taxi drivers are tough, people get the 25 impression that they are bad. Taxi drivers are just like other people. Most of them will act as 26 fellows. You read in the papers almost every week 27 a taxi driver turns in money or jewels or like that people leave in their 28. If they weren't honest, you wouldn't be reading those stories in the papers. One time, I found an emerald(翡翠的) ring in my car. I remembered helping a lady with a lot of suitcases that day, so I went back to where I had 29. It took me almost two days to wait for her in order to return her 30 to her. I didn't get as much as “thank you.” 31, I felt good because I had done what was right. I think I felt better than she 32. I was born and raised in Ireland until I was nineteen years old. I came to this country in 1913 where I 33 several jobs to earn a few dollars before joining the army in World War I. After being discharged(退伍), I bought my own car and have owned one ever since. It hasn't been too easy 34, but my wife takes care of our money and we have a good bit 35 for a rainy day(一时之需). In all my years of driving a taxi, I have never had 36 with the public, not even with drunks. Even if they get a little headstrong(顽固的) once in a while, I just agree with them and then they behave themselves. People ask me about tips. As far as I know, 37 everyone will give you something, because most Americans are 38 generous. I always try to be nice to everyone, whether they 39or not. I believe in God and try to be a good member of my parish(教区). I try to act toward others like I think God wants me to act. I have been trying this for a long time, and the 40 I try, the easier it gets. 21. A.dishonor B. upright C. dishonesty D. faithful 22. A. takes B. becomes C. has D. makes 23. A. know B. known C. knowing D. knew 24. A. tough B. generous C. mild D. warm-hearted 25. A. right B. proper C. wrong D. bad 26. A. honest B. rude C. good D. tough 27. A. when B. what C. where D. which 28. A. cars B. houses C. pockets D. rooms 29. A. picked her up B. dropped her down C. dropped her off D. pull her down 30. A. suitcase B. ring C. car D. emerald 31. A. Still B. So C. But D. Though 32. A.did B. was C .has D. is 33. A. made B. held C. put D. took 34. A. at one time B. some time C. at times D. in no time 35. A. put off B. put up C. put on D. put away 36. A. difficult B. trouble C. word D. anything 37. A. especially B. specially C. particularly D. practically 38. A. fairly B. seldom C. rather D. never 39. A.ask B. advised C. suggested D. tip 40. A. shorter B. harder C .better D. longer 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 21—25 BDCAC 26—30 ACACB 31—35 AABCD 36—40 BDADD 完型填空。阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从以下题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Someone says, “Time is money.” But I think time is __1__ important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time is 2 it’ll never 3 . That’s 4 we mustn’t waste time. It goes without saying that the 5 is usually limited. Even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do 6__ useful. But it is a pity that there are a lot of people who do not know the importance of time. They spent their limited time smoking, drinking and __7__. They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own __8__. In a word, we should save time. We shouldn’t 9 today’s work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to 10 . 名师点评 文章讲述了时间的重要性。金钱用完了可以再来,但时间却是一去不复返。告诫我们要珍惜时间,不能虚度年华。 (D)1. A. much B. less C. much less D. even more 【解析】D。该句中多音节形容词important的比较级应是 more important,用even来修饰比较级,故选 even more important。 (C)2. A. cost B. bought C. gone D. finished 【解析】C。这里表示时间流逝,故选gone。 (A)3. A. return B. carry C. take D. bring 【解析】A。时间流逝就不会再回来,根据文意应选return。 (D)4. A. what B. that C. because D. why 【解析】D。上文解释了我们为什么不能浪费时间,承接上文应用why。 (B)5. A. money B. time C. day D. food 【解析】B。时间的流逝悄无声息,故应选 time。 (B)6. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything 【解析】B。根据文意可知,我们应珍惜时间,做一些有用的事情,故选something。 (C)7. A. reading B. writing C. playing D. working 【解析】C。该句列举了一些人浪费时间的例子,四个选项中只有playing能和smoking, drinking 相提并论,故选playing。 (D)8. A. time B. food C. money D. life 【解析】D。根据文意,浪费时间就是浪费自己的生命,故选life。 (B)9. A. stop B. leave C. let D. give 【解析】B。leave意为“留下,剩下”。根据文意,我们不能把今天的事留到明天做,故选 leave。 (A)10. A. lose B. save C. spend D. take 【解析】A。这里表示浪费时间,故选lose。 【2014高考英语四川省绵阳市二模试题】 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 I walked into the grocery store, not really wanting to buy anything. I just wanted to stay there quietly — the pain of losing my 11 was still too great. And this supermarket held so many sweet 12 . He often came with me, and always bought me yellow roses. Standing 13 the meat, I searched for the perfect small steak 14 my husband used to love it. 15 a woman came up beside me. I watched as she picked up a large pack of T-bone steaks, dropped them in her basket, 16 , and then put them back. She turned to go and once again 17 for the pack of steaks. She saw me 18 her and she smiled. “My husband loves T-bone steaks, but they are so expensive.” “My husband 19 away eight days ago,” I told her, and 20 to control the sadness in my voice, “Buy him the T-bone steaks. And 21 every moment you have together.” 22 by my words, she placed the steaks in her basket and walked away 23 . But several minutes later she came towards me again, 24 a package in her arms. She was 25 the brightest smile I had ever seen. As she 26 , I saw what she held. “These are for you,” she placed three beautiful yellow roses in my hands. I wanted to tell her what the roses 27 for me, but, unable to speak, only watching her walking away. Looking down at the roses, I wondered 28 she knew it. Suddenly the answer seemed so 29 . I wasn’t alone. There were 30 many people caring for me and willing to help me. Just be thankful for what you have and who you are. 11. A. father B. brother C. husband D. son 12. A. groceries B. memories C. flowers D. dreams 13. A. by B. for C. beyond D. against 14. A. even if B. in case C. until D. since 15. A. Actually B. Suddenly C. Instantly D. Hopefully 16. A. missed B. suffered C. doubted D. hesitated 17. A. reached B. searched C. sent D. paid 18. A. following B. helping C. watching D. stopping 19. A. broke B. cleared C. moved D. passed 20. A. decided B. fought C. offered D. pretended 21. A. forget B. recover C. treasure D. imagine 22. A. Surprised B. Embarrassed C. Panicked D. Frightened 23. A. softly B. violently C. silently D. wildly 24. A. fastening B. carrying C. picking D. opening 25. A. covering B. rolling C. spreading D. wearing 26. A. approached B. turned C. continued D. bent 27. A. smelled B. tasted C. collected D. meant 28. A. what B. how C. whether D. when 29. A. accidental B. strange C. obvious D. funny 30. A. still B. just C. even D. also 【参考答案】完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 11—15 CBADB 16—20 DACDB 21—25 CACBD 26—30 ADBCA PAGE 2
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