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伊莉莎_盛开在深谷里的菊花--《菊花》的生态女性主义解读英语论文 XXXX大学本科毕业论文(设计)任务书 编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 伊莉莎,盛开在深谷里的菊花 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXX学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文的研究目标是以生态女性主义的角度来解读约翰·斯坦贝克的短篇小说《菊花》。其主要任务是通过生态女性主义...
XXXX大学本科毕业(设计)任务书 编 号: 论文(设计)题目: 伊莉莎,盛开在深谷里的菊花 学院: XXX学院 专业: 英语教育 班级: XXXX级英语教育X班 学生姓名: XXX学号: XXXXXX 指导教师: XXX 职称:XXX 1、 论文(设计)研究目标及主要任务 本论文的研究目标是以生态女性主义的角度来解读约翰·斯坦贝克的短篇小说《菊花》。其主要任务是通过生态女性主义视角分析伊莉莎与菊花的悲剧命运。 2、论文(设计)的主要内容 本论文分为三章,第一章从三个方面介绍了斯坦贝克和自然的关系以及斯坦贝克和女性的关系。第二章分析了女性与自然的难以分割的密切联系。第三章研究伊莉莎和自然的悲剧发生的原因。 3、论文(设计)的基础条件及研究路线 本论文的基础条件是不同学者对斯坦贝克及其作品《菊花》的研究成果。 研究路线是应用生态女性主义解析斯坦贝克的《菊花》。 4、主要参考文献 Steinbeck, John. The Long Valley. New York: The Viking Press. 1964. Simmonds, Roy. A Biographical and Critical Introduction of John Steinbeck. New York: E. Mellen Press. 2000. 方刚,《社会性别与生态研究》. 北京:中央编译出版社,2009 。 姜淑芹,严启刚, 简析《菊花》的叙事结构[J]. 外国文学研究, 2005(2)。 5、计划进度 阶段 起止日期 1 确定初步论文题目 3月16日前 2 与导师见面,确定大致范围,填开题报告和任务书,导师签字 3月16日-3月23日 3 提交论文提纲 3月23日-3月30日 4 交初稿和文献综述 3月30日-4月20日 5 交终稿和评议书 5月8日前 指 导 教师: 年 月 日 教研室主任: 年 月 日 注:一式三份,学院(系)、指导教师、学生各一份 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)开题报告书 XXX 学院 英语教育 专业 XXX 届 学生 姓名 XXX 论文(设计)题目 伊莉莎,盛开在深谷里的菊花 指导 教师 XXX 专业 职称 XXX 所属教研室 英语高教研室 研究方向 英美文学 课题论证:从生态女性主义的角度解析约翰·斯坦贝克的《菊花》,解读女性和环境的相似命运。 设计:第一章介绍斯坦贝克和自然以及斯坦贝克和女性的关系, 第二章分析女性与自然的难以分割的密切联系, 第三章探讨伊莉莎和自然的悲剧发生的原因。 进度计划:3月16日前确定初步论文题目 3月23日前写开题报告、任务书 3月30日前提交论文提纲 4月20日前提交初稿和文献综述 5月8日前交终稿和评议书 指导教师意见: 指导教师签名: 年 月 日 教研室意见: 教研室主任签名: 年 月 日 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)评议书 姓 名 XXX 学院 XXX学院 专业 英语教育 年级(班) XXXX级英语教育X班 论 文 题 目 伊莉莎,盛开在深谷里的菊花 完成时间 XXXX/5/7 论 文 内 容 摘 要 约翰·斯坦贝克是美国第六届诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,同时也是二十世纪美国文坛上一位非常重要的作家。他对美国二十世纪三十年代大萧条时期艰难动荡的社会经济状况和生活状况的生动描写为他赢得了很大声誉。短篇小说《菊花》就是创作于这一时代,并被称为“斯坦贝克最优秀的短篇小说”。它自出版之日起就引起批评家的广泛关注。《菊花》被收录在斯坦贝克1938年的短篇小说集《长谷》中。小说主要讲述了一位名叫伊莉莎·艾伦的三十五岁家庭主妇的故事。关于她的渴望如何被点燃然后如何又被浇灭。本论文将运用生态女性主义来分析约翰·斯坦贝克的短篇小说《菊花》中伊莉莎和自然的相似的悲剧命运。论文共包括三个章节。第一章从三个方面介绍了斯坦贝克和自然的关系以及斯坦贝克和女性的关系。第二章分析伊莉莎与菊花、女性与自然的难以分割的密切联系。第三章探讨伊莉莎和自然的悲剧发生的原因。 指 导 教 师 评 语 年 月 日 指 导 教 师 职称 初评成绩 答辩小组 姓名 职称 教研室 组长 成员 答辩: 记录人签字: 年 月 日 答辩小组意见: 组长签字: 年 月 日 学院意见: 评定成绩: 签章 年 月 日 XXXX大学本科生毕业论文(设计)文献综述 Literature Review Steinbeck, in a number of his works when he symbolic depictes the natural objects, usually places the women into them, in order to explore the delicate relationship between women and nature, and to recover the so-called mysterious affinity that exists between women and nature (biology or mental) just like ecol-feminists do. John Steinbeck is a productive writer. According to statistics, Steinbeck published twelve novels during his lifetime, two departments of short stories, three departments of travels, as well as a series of political essays and screenplays. Of all the works he has created, The Chrysanthemums is regarded as his most famous short stories. The Chrysanthemums is included in Steinbeck’s 1938 short story collection, The Long Valley. The setting of the story is Steinbeck’s home region, the Salinas Valley, which is shrouded with grey fog in winter. It mainly tells a story about Elisa Allen, a thirty-five-years-old wife of a hill foot rancher. She lives a prosaic life with her husband, but she is expert in chrysanthemums. Though she lives in such an isolated valley, Elisa never stops dreaming of living in the outside world, which seems quite meaningful for this housewife. So one day, when she is working in the chrysanthemums garden, a tinker comes by, a man who is cunning enough to please Elisa by talking about the wandering life and praising Elisa’s chrysanthemums. In consequence, Elisa sends him her chrysanthemums with the expectation of being appreciated. However, Elisa is totally disappointed when she sees the deserted chrysanthemums on her way to the town with her husband. She cries like an old woman. The study of Steinbeck began at year of 1939, with the publishment of The Novels of John Steinbeck: A First Study, a book written by Harry Moll. This book is based on the case analysis as the basic method. In 1957, two professors at the university of New Mexico Ted Locke ii and Wake published Steinbeck and His Critics: A Record of Twenty - five Years, this is the first Steinbeck comment corpus; in 1958,Scar Lee's The Wide World of John Steinbeck became the first major book on the study of Steinbeck. In the 1960 s there are three books concern of this research: Warren French's John Steinbeck, F.K Watt's John Steinbeck And Joseph Feng Teng luo John Steinbeck: An Introduction and Interpretation. From 1960 s to the early 1990 s, Japanese American scholar group, Marlowe and his leadership of Steinbeck's research association -John Steinbeck Society is major association on the study of Steinbeck, and founded The International Steinbeck congress, which is hold every five years, absorb a lot of critics and published many research articles on Steinbeck. During the past ten years research monograph on Steinbeck is relatively few, although some scholars have tried to use the feminist, ecological criticism, cross-cultural theory and new historicism of contemporary critical theory to study his works. But it is still difficult to compare with other contemporary writers in the quantity and quality. All in all, the misreading and misunderstanding of Steinbeck works led to the extremes of existing Steinbeck. Since last 1930s, criticism of the house in the evaluation of his literary creations are often based on fallacies and prejudices, "Some people focus only on the performance of historical themes in the works of Steinbeck, while others with his scientific knowledge and non-teleological thinking as a basis for interpretation of their works. Steinbeck's short story The Chrysanthemums, which is known as " the best short story of Steinbeck’s fifty creation" has draw great attention of the critics, since it was published. Critics from different perspectives to the novel text parsing, constructed the respective value systems about The Chrysanthemums. Such as Cynthia Billy thinks Elisa and chrysanthemum is a reflection of ecological feminism. Leroy Thomas suggests that the release of the chrysanthemum is a symbol of Elisa’s sexual repression. Mordecai Marcus thinks chrysanthemum is something that made up for the lack of a child image in Elisa and Henry’s marriage. Steinbeck is unique as a writer is that he has a keen insight and the kind encountered heartfelt care and compassion to the fate of ordinary people and the nature, which is the eternal charm of him as a writer lies. In China, the study on John Steinbeck mainly focuses on The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men and The Chrysanthemums. In the recent years, many scholars begin to pay their attention on John Steinbeck’s The Chrysanthemums. Huang qi compares the chrysanthemum to apple in his The Contend Between Chrysanthemums and Apple—The Realistic Thinking of The Chrysanthemums. Apple represents the lure in the material society, while chrysanthemum embodies the aspire of the spiritual world. Jiang lu analysis the marriage life in The Chrysanthemums in her work The Pursue of One’s Dream. It mainly analysis how Elisa Allen’s marriage life affects her. Elisa Allen and the nature both suffered from the hurts of the deep-rooted dualism and anthropocentrism. Their tragedy gives us warnings that both women and nature should be treated equally, and in some extents, they are in disadvantage. So they need to be paid more care and attention. Steinbeck's short story The Chrysanthemums, which is known as " the best short story of Steinbeck’s fifty creation" has drawn great attention of the critics, since it was published. Critics from different perspectives to the novel text parsing, constructed the respective value systems about The Chrysanthemums. Such as Cynthia Billy thinks Elisa and chrysanthemum is a reflection of ecological feminism, Leroy Thomas suggests that the release of the chrysanthemum as a symbol of Elisa’s sexual repression, Mordecai Marcus thinks chrysanthemum is something that made up for the lack of a child image in Elisa and Henry’s marriage. What Steinbeck is unique as a writer is that he has a keen insight and the kind encountered heartfelt care and compassion to the fate of ordinary people and the nature, which is the eternal charm of him as a writer lies. In this paper, on the basis of predecessors' research, from the perspective of ecological feminism, through reading again to analyze the Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies in John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums. This thesis will use the eco-feminism to analyze Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies in John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums, it consists of three parts. Chapter One introduces the relationship between Steinbeck and nature, Steinbeck and women, from three aspects: Steinbeck’s ecological awareness, women in Steinbeck’s life and fiction, and Steinbeck’s complex attitude towards women. Chapter Two analyzes the intimate interconnection between women and nature. Chapter Three studies the causes for Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies. 本科生毕业论文设计 伊莉莎,盛开在深谷里的菊花 --《菊花》的生态女性主义解读 作者姓名 XXX 指导教师 XXX 所在学院 XXX学院 专业(系) 英语教育 班级(届) XX级X班 完成日期 XXXX 年 5 月 7 日 Elisa, the Chrysanthemum Blooming in the Isolate Valley -- The Understanding of The Chrysanthemums from Eco-feminism BY XXX Prof. XXX, Tutor A Thesis Submitted to Department of English Language and Literature in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Arts at XXXXUniversity May 7th, XXXX Abstract John Steinbeck, a Nobel Prize winner for literature, is one of the most important men of letters in the twentieth century. His passionate yet accurate depiction of the harsh social and economic conditions of the 1930s' Great Depression wins him great fame. The short story The Chrysanthemums, which is known as " the best short story of Steinbeck’s fifty creation" has draw great attention of the critics, since it was published. The Chrysanthemums is included in Steinbeck’s 1938 short story collection, The Long Valley. It mainly tells a story about Elisa Allen, a thirty-five-years-old housewife of a hill foot rancher. About how her desire be lighted up and then be abandoned. This thesis will use the eco-feminism to analyze Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies in John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums, it consists of three parts. Chapter One introduces the relationship between Steinbeck and nature, Steinbeck and women, from three aspects: Steinbeck’s ecological awareness, women in Steinbeck’s life and fiction, and Steinbeck’s complex attitude towards women. Chapter Two analyzes the intimate interconnection between women and nature. Chapter Three studies the causes for Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies. Key words: Steinbeck eco-feminism Elisa chrysanthemums 摘要 约翰·斯坦贝克是美国第六届诺贝尔文学奖的获得者,同时也是二十世纪美国文坛上一位非常重要的作家。他对美国二十世纪三十年代大萧条时期艰难动荡的社会经济状况和生活状况的生动描写为他赢得了很大声誉。短篇小说《菊花》就是创作于这一时代,被称为“斯坦贝克最优秀的小说”。它自出版之日起就引起批评家的广泛关注。《菊花》被收录在斯坦贝克1938年的短篇小说集《长谷》中。小说主要讲述了一位名叫伊莉莎·艾伦的三十五岁家庭主妇的故事。关于她的渴望如何被点燃然后如何又被浇灭。本论文将运用生态女性主义来分析约翰·斯坦贝克的短篇小说《菊花》中伊莉莎和自然的悲剧。论文共包括三个章节。第一章从三个方面介绍了斯坦贝克和自然的关系以及斯坦贝克和女性的关系。第二章分析了女性与自然的难以分割的密切联系。第三章研究伊莉莎和自然的悲剧发生的原因。 关键词:斯坦贝克 生态女性主义 伊莉莎 菊花 Table of Contents Abstract………………………………………………………………...ⅲ Abstract in Chinese……………………………………………………ⅳ Introduction……………………………………………………………..1 ChapterⅠ John Steinbeck, Nature, and Women……………………..4 A. Steinbeck’s ecological awareness…………………………………..4 B. Women in Steinbeck’s life and fiction……………………………...6 C. Steinbeck’s complex attitude towards women……………………...8 ChapterⅡ The Intimate Interconnection between Women and Nature…………………………………………………......11 A. A brief introduction of eco-feminism…………………………......11 B. Elisa and chrysanthemums……………………………………......13 C. Women’s affinity with nature………………………………..........15 Chapter Ⅲ The Causes for Elisa’s and Nature’s Tragedies…….......18 A. The surface causes: the impact of industrialization……………….18 B. The root causes: the patriarchal society…………………………...20 Conclusion……………………………………………………………..22 Notes…………………………………………………………………....25 Bibliography…………………………………………………………...26 Introduction John Steinbeck, a Nobel Prize winner for literature, is one of the most important men of letters in the twentieth century. He is an American novelist, story writer, playwright, and essayist. His passionate yet accurate depiction of the harsh social and economic conditions of the 1930s' Great Depression wins him great fame. His works, which concern about culture, politics, war, and social issues, are popular among people throughout the world. John Steinbeck was a writer who had won fruitful awards, and was successively elected member of Institute of National Literature and Art, and American Literature and Art Research Institute academician during his life time. He was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in 1939 and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1962, becoming the sixth Nobel Prize winner in the American history, after Lewis, O’Neill, Pearl S. Buck, William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway. He won the highest literary honor, because of his works “through realism, the creation of rich imaginations, showing a sympathetic humor and keen insight to society”. At the same time, his books have been translated to abroad. Until the year he passed away (1968), forty-four novels have been translated into twelve kinds of foreign languages. In 1948, a year before John Stenbeck getting the Nobel Prize, William Faulkner had included him into the fifth important novelist. According to Joseph • Feng Teng luo records: "If anyone is asked for twenty-five years who is the greatest novelist alive’, three names would come up their mind: William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway and John Steinbeck. " Till nowadays, Steinbeck still enjoys great fame internationally. Each year, many of his works are translated into different languages. In some countries, like America and Japan, there are associations for the study of John Steinbeck, which are commitment to the overall and detailed exploration of the author. John Steinbeck is best known for his strong sociological novel The Grapes of Wrath, which is considered one of the greatest American novels. John Steinbeck was born in a family of moderate means on February 27, 1902 in Salinas, California. His native region of Monterey Bay later becomes the setting for most of his fictions. Between 1920 and 1926 Steinbeck studied marine biology at Stanford University intermittently, but he never graduated. He supported himself thought doing some odd manual labor while writing. During World War II, Steinbeck went to Europe as a reporter for the New York Tribune. He died in 1968, six years after he won the Nobel Prize for literature. As a novelist and Nobel Prize winner, he left a precious cultural heritage for the later generations to appreciate and study. Both in the United States and around the world, Steinbeck's works have received widespread attention, and have always been critics’ research objects. His works are loved deeply by the readers, no matter during his lifetime or after his death. John Steinbeck's works have been through a lot of controversy and test. The term ‘ecofeminism’ or ‘eco-feminism’, a product of the marriage between western social environment movement and feminism movement, believes that to control nature correlates to control feminism. It was first put forward by Francoise d’Eaubonne, a French feminist scholar, in her two books, La Feminisme ou la mort, 1974 and Ecologie Feminisme:Revolution ou Mutation, 1978. Ecological feminism in all sorts of social movements sprung up in the early 1980s, it was not popular until 1990s. Ecofeminism is a pluralistic theory that based on the association between the patriarchal society’s oppression of women and its domination of nature, both of which are the victims of the patriarchal society. It stresses the affinity and close connection between women and nature. Steinbeck, in a number of his works when he symbolic depictes the natural objects, usually places the women into them, to explore the delicate relationship between women and nature, and to recover the so-called mysterious affinity that exists between women and nature (biology or mental) like ecol-feminists do. John Steinbeck is a productive writer. According to statistics, Steinbeck published twelve novels during his lifetime, two departments of short stories, three departments of travels, as well as a series of political essays and screenplays. Of all the works he has created, The Chrysanthemums is regarded as his most famous short stories. The Chrysanthemums is included in Steinbeck’s 1938 short story collection, The Long Valley. The setting of the story is Steinbeck’s home region, the Salinas Valley, which is shrouded with grey fog in winter. It mainly tells a story about Elisa Allen, a thirty-five-years-old wife of a hill foot rancher. She lives a prosaic life with her husband, but she is expert in chrysanthemums. Though she lives in such an isolated valley, Elisa never stops dreaming of living in the outside world, which seems quite meaningful for this housewife. So one day, when she is working in the chrysanthemums garden, a tinker comes by, a man who is cunning enough to please Elisa by talking about the wandering life and praising Elisa’s chrysanthemums. In consequence, Elisa sends him her chrysanthemums with the expectation of being appreciated. However, Elisa is totally disappointed when she sees the deserted chrysanthemums on her way to the town with her husband. She cries like an old woman. Steinbeck's short story The Chrysanthemums, which is known as " the best short story of Steinbeck’s fifty creation" has drawn great attention of the critics, since it was published. Critics from different perspectives to the novel text parsing, constructed the respective value systems about The Chrysanthemums. Such as Cynthia Billy thinks Elisa and chrysanthemum is a reflection of ecological feminism, Leroy Thomas suggests that the release of the chrysanthemum as a symbol of Elisa’s sexual repression, Mordecai Marcus thinks chrysanthemum is something that made up for the lack of a child image in Elisa and Henry’s marriage. What Steinbeck is unique as a writer is that he has a keen insight and the kind encountered heartfelt care and compassion to the fate of ordinary people and the nature, which is the eternal charm of him as a writer lies. In this paper, on the basis of predecessors' research, from the perspective of ecological feminism, through reading again to analyze the Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies in John Steinbeck’s short story The Chrysanthemums. This thesis consists of three parts. Chapter One introduces the relationship between Steinbeck and nature, Steinbeck and women, from three aspects: Steinbeck’s ecological awareness, women in Steinbeck’s life and fiction, and Steinbeck’s complex attitude towards women. Chapter Two analyzes the intimate interconnection between women and nature. Chapter Three studies the causes for Elisa’s and nature’s tragedies. Chapter Ⅰ. John Steinbeck, Nature, and Women It is true that he did not go though the ecofeminism movement when John Steinbeck was young. But what he did witness was that the damages of the environment that had done by the rapid developed agriculture mechanization and manufacture industry, and that feminism movement was just in the ascendant but had not succeed in owing the same power, rights, and self-worth, just as men did, in consequence women were still in the subordinate status. All these factors did influence Steinbeck, this careful man. The Chrysanthemums was created in such background. A. Steinbeck’s ecological awareness The 1930s was a turbulent era. In the United States, long-term economic crisis and the great depression made the people struggling on the poverty line; both the international economic and political situation were not optimistic, which lighted up the American's consciousness and vigorous struggle to protect their own interests. In this situation, the writers of conscience used their works as weapons, revealed the urgent social problems, to enlighten the people to pay attention to their own survival crisis, Steinbeck was one of them. Although Steinbeck did not positively in the critique of ecological crisis, but in the novel such as The Grapes of Wrath, The Chrysanthemums, the author put the ecological awareness as its guiding ideology into one of the literary creations, and other consciousness such as economic crisis and the tragic fate of the characters contained in his works. In other works such as "East of Eden", "Steinbeck with Dog Across the United States", "The Winter of Our Discontent"," Sea of Cortez" were directly or indirectly described or criticized the nature or the ecological environment and human way of survival, and this more or less reflected Steinbeck's universal feelings and cultural spirit towards ecology and nature. The causes of Steinbeck's ecological thoughts are various: his early reading experence effects, the influence of parents and grandfather precept, and his love of nature formed his view of nature, his interest in biology and the influence of his close friend Ricketts and the influence of Christian thought, the scientific research and his own practice closely observe the relationship between man and nature as well as the deep thinking of the human future. I think Steinbeck's ecological thought source mainly has two aspects: The first aspect that has to be mentioned is the inflence of Steinbeck’s family and friends. John Steinbeck was born in a well cultured family, with his mother being a well-educated teacher and his father being fond of ancient Greek and Roman culture. And also his grandfather influenced Steinbeck, just as Steinbeck wrote in his book, Steinbeck with Dog Across the United States: As a writer, I seem to have had a very lucky childhood. My grandfather, Sam Hamilton, not only likes works, but also seems to understand the good works, he has several type talented daughters, my mother is one of them. Salinas is such a place, in dark big walnut bookcase with a glass door, many strange and wonderful books can be found. 1 Thanks to the reading atmosphere, John Steinbeck read a lot of world literary classics at a very early age. The classics had a great influence for the formation of his forgiveness and kindness blent. It was this forgiveness and kindness blent caused him to focus on ecology, ecological disaster and human, the relationship between human and nature as well as the fate of human and nature. Steinbeck was affected by many philosophers, writers, his friendship with Ed Ricketts and his great interest of biology was the another important reasons for the formation of his ecological thoughts. Before knowing Ricketts, Steinbeck once was in Hopkins Marine institute elective zoology course, which laid a solid foundation for his later study of Marine biology. The second aspect is Steinbeck’s love towards nature and outdoors. Steinbeck were different from those of other contemporary writers, he not only focused on the fate of mankind, also paid attention on the natural fate. Jay Paris said in the guide of Steinbeck with Dog Across the United States “ in the history of American literature,there are few such writers as Steinbeck, stubborn concerns the fate of their country. -- from the first collection after Paradise Ranch, Steinbeck in every book, has reminded his compatriots of the country's natural environment and habitat unforgettable dream."2 Steinbeck's hometown - the town of salinas, California, near the salinas valley, was a long and narrow and fertile agricultural zone. Salinas was built with Babylon mountains in the east, the west not far from the Pacific coast of monterey bay, the beach where there were a large number of Marine life. Steinbeck's grew up playing in this area, loving every leave of the tree, every inch of the land. "Steinbeck's home town, the most memorable." He recalled: "I remember when I was a child, there were unknown flowers and plants, the toad's hideout and crows of birds in the valley . I remember the valley of the four seasons, trees and people. I even remember its scent." It can be seen that John steinbeck’s ecological awareness has a lot to do with his living background and the environment. And his ecological awareness affects his creations as well. B. Women in Steinbeck’s life and fiction In order to give a correct and accurate analysis on John Steinbeck’s shot story and to draw a reasonable conclusion of Steinbeck’s attitude towards women, a survey of the important women in his life is necessary. The first woman who had undeniable influence on John Steinbeck was his mother, Olive Hamilton, a teacher in Monterey County, who began her teaching career at the age of seventeen. She was a short, plump, buxom woman with round and dollish feature. Being one of the few cultured women in Salinas, Olive Hamilton insisted that all of the Steinbeck children should be raised with cultural and social niceties. So when the God blessed her with a son, she was quite clear about what kind of man she wanted her son to become—that is a man with broad intellectual knowledge who might be a professor or a scientist. It was under the influence of his mother that Steinbeck read lots of books. Just like most of the wives of the middle class, Olive Hamilton was exclusive in educating young Steinbeck, for she wanted her son to be ahead of his contemporaries. When Steinbeck was only three years old, his mother began to educate him. Every day, Olive would spend several hours in teaching Steinbeck reading books. In the start, young Steinbeck was not fond of reading, but gradually he began to make some progress for he did know something about the great literatures, such as the Bible. Due to his mother, the childhood of Steinbeck was spent by burying in books, which made him ahead of his contemporaries in literary capacity. However, Steinbeck was too timid and homely to show his talents in front of his classmates. Steinbeck’s mother believed in his son and explained John’s introspectiveness by saying that he was different and possessing a special intellectual sensitivity. As a result, John Steinbeck was trapped in the embarrassment of his need of his mother’s protection and his longing for a member of his schoolmates. Then it is not a difficult thing to conclude that John Steinbeck’s childhood experience had contributed to his contradictory personality: consciousness of self-abased and outside arrogance. And Olive Hamilton was undisputed the first woman who had influenced John Steinbeck’s view of woman by setting up a traditional but individual-minded woman image. The second woman that should be mentioned was John Steinbeck’s first wife—Carol Henning. She was a delicate and comely girl, who was fond of gardening. It is with her help that John Steinbeck finished his creating of Cup of Gold, Steinbeck’s first novel. Though Carol Henning was delicate in appearance, she is strong in mind and outgoing. At the beginning of their marriage they lived a happy life, but later they fed up with each other. Steinbeck got tired of Carol’s emotional dependency, and Carol could not stand his husband’s sentimental in mood. They totally broke up with the appearance of Gwendolyn, with whom John Steinbeck has fallen in love. Carol Henning and John Steinbeck’s marriage lasted for thirteen years, they came from happiness to sadness, but it is certain that Carol did play a role in John Steinbeck’s introspectiveness personality. The character of Mary in The White Quail, a fiction of John Steinbeck, was just a woman image that could be said come directly from Carol Henning and the story between Henry and Mary was a reflection of Steinbeck and Carol. The third important woman that appeared in John Steinbeck’s life was his second wife--Gwendolyn. As an actress singer, Gwendolyn was undeniably charming to Steinbeck, a man who had a miserable time with his first wife then. They got married just after Steinbeck and Carol Henning divorced. Gwendolyn and Steinbeck’s marriage went on for merely four years, and Gwendolyn gave birth to two children. Their peaceful marriage life only lasted for two years, and then Gwendolyn could not bear the delusion feeling. In the end, she had an adultery with a man who was younger than her and who abandoned her later. Gwendolyn was young and warming, adventurous and spiritual, she was someone that was more similar to Elisa in The Chrysanthemums. When Steinbeck had discussions with Ed Ricketts about the teleological and non-teleological thinking for hours, Gwendolyn was totally out of the man’s life just as Elisa did in The Chrysanthemums. Gwendolyn had a love affair with a young man was, in some sense, looking for some outside appreciation and satisfaction, that is some thing similar with what Elisa expected from the tinker’s compliments of her chrysanthemums. These three women are the major women that have great influence on Steinbeck. In his later works, the influence can be seen more or less. The archetypal of Elisa Allen is a character that has undeniable relationship with the women in his life, especially Gwendolyn. C. Steinbeck’s complex attitude towards women In many critics’ point of view, Steinbeck's novels are very similar with Hemingway's novels, that is basically a "man's world", or a female absent stage. This is because in most of Steinbeck's works, the most glorious and important figures are basically males, in the female characters are assigned roles of almost housewife prostitute, even there is no female in some works. So they concluded that Steinbeck is a "tired woman writer". Huang said, "If the speaker is a typical 'misogyny', then when he talks about women's discourse, he tends to easily reveals gender discrimination. Steinbeck portrayed women use language tone is basically praise and sympathy, not contempt, disgust and other signs of gender discrimination. As few feminist critics said, Steinbeck’s awareness of women is in consistent with the feminist criticism that emergent ten years later.” In a way, he has the rare female consciousness that era. Steinbeck has complex attitude towards women. This can be seen from the female characters he shaped in many of his works. Peruse Steinbeck's major works from the perspective of feminist criticism; it can be found that Steinbeck is actually showing a rather contradictory view of women in the novel. He not only follows the male writers female typed tradition, depicts the extreme faces of many" Madonna and Prostitutes "or" Angels and Demons "stereotype, but also reproduces authentic and distinctive female with concern art. Elisa in The Chrysanthemums is just an example, he treats Elisa as the protagonist, and his sympathy always goes with her. In desperation, these women struggled fiercely, but due to lack of enough courage and the necessary material conditions, they can only move towards a compromise. Steinbeck once said, there are two reasons that a writer writes. One is that a writer writes out of recognition of his own personal failings. For a writer, the act of writing is an attempt to rectify what the writer lacks in himself. The work of a writer is his children….The work or the product is the substitute for that he presents to the world. Therefore, through his works, we can see Steinbeck’s opinion towards women. The great economic depression in the 1930s has changed the role of male and female in the United States. At that time, women were required to join the work force to improve the income of the family. This working experience in some sense helped women to realize their own value. And they gradually recognized their capability. Since they realized that they could do the same job as men, they were not any longer satisfied with their traditional conditions and began to fight for their own rights. Therefore, in the late thirties, there was an atmosphere of woman’s independence in some professional aspects. The great depression radicalized and awakened women, who became independent and active. And women were not the passive “angels in the house” any more. American women were leaving the private sphere and taking risks in the public places, performing activities that were considered exclusively for men. In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa Allen is a combination of masculinity and femininity. It seems that John Steinbeck boasts this kind of woman, capable and lovely. But when woman has conflicts with man, it is woman that who gets hurt. In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa is attracted by the tinker; because of he lives an unconventional free life. However, the tinker cheated her finally and breaks her dream, which leads to her tragedy; while, the tinker gets an extra pot from her. Henry lives a happy life as well. Only Elisa Allen remains frustrated in her marriage life and disillusioned in her hope of making improvement of her conditions. But sometimes he would produce disgust and misunderstanding of the woman, and complain that they gave him the fetters and pain. He once wrote to a friend and concludes the American women as “part man, part politician”. As he wrote, They have the minds of whores and the vaginas of Presbyterians. They are trained by their mothers in contempt for men…. The American girl makes a servant of her husband and then finds him contemptible for being a servant. American married life is the doormat to whorehouse. Eventually they will succeed in creating a race of homosexuals. 3 Chapter Ⅱ.The Intimate Interconnection between Women and Nature There is intimate interconnection between Elisa and chrysanthemums, women and nature. And eco-feminism stresses the affinity and close connection between women and nature. A. A brief introduction of eco-feminism The term ‘ecofeminism’ or ‘eco-feminism’, a product of the marriage between western social environment movement and feminism movement, promotes that to control nature correlates to control feminism. It was first put forward by Francoise d’Eaubonne, a French feminist scholar, in her two books, La Feminisme ou la mort, 1974 and Ecologie Feminisme: Revolution ou Mutation, 1978. Ecological feminism in all sorts of social movements sprung up in the early 1980s, it was not popular until 1990s. Eco-feminism is a pluralistic theory that based on the association between the patriarchal society’s oppression of women and its domination of nature, both of which are the victims of the patriarchal society. It stresses the affinity and close connection between women and nature. Dr. Warren French believes that human society has been facing three major crises: civil rights, women's liberation and environmental degradation in the past 30 years. Ecofeminism is the product of the combination of the women's liberation movement and environmental protection movement, following the mid-19th century to the early 20th century, the first wave of the feminist movement and the second wave of the 1960s, the West set off a third feminist movement wave. Eco-feminist cultural and ideological trend provides a new cultural context for the literary activity. Eco-feminism is a radical form of political activity, a broad concept, a multi-cultural perspective, which was derived from the aggregation of women's rights, civil rights, and peace, and ecological movement, to which added scholars of different academic backgrounds and their unique insights, including the reveal of the contact view between the oppression of women and the plunder of nature. Eco-feminism is characterized by its advocating of combining women's issues and ecological problems, to study the link between the male domination of women and human domination of natural. Vincent Fang summed up in the Gender and Ecological Research gives the definition and subject of eco-feminism: Ecological women are the ideas generated by the combination of Western social ecological protection movement and the feminist movement, aimed from a feminist perspective on nature and the environment, ecological problems and all the oppression of women theoretical research, try to seek to belittle prevalent in society in special relationship between women and oppression of natural oppose patriarchy and binary way of thinking under the rule of the oppression of women and nature, in order to find a method to solve the ecological crisis, advocated the establishment of a new harmony relationship between man and nature. Eco-feminists think ecological problems are not isolated, but a social problem, human beings’ problems. The target to solve the ecological problems is to disintegrate the andocentric, while andocentric and anthropocentric in essence is the same. The first recognition of Eco-feminism is the affinity between women and nature, followed by a critique of modern Western view of science. Eco-feminism generated earlier, but it was not until the 1990s Penetrate into the literary world in the United States, eco-feminist literary criticism before the birth. Eco-feminist literary criticism is the inheritance and transcendence of feminist criticism and ecological criticism. This article uses ecological criticism, eco-female perspective, "female" and "ecological" two dimensions to examine the works of Steinbeck. In a number of Steinbeck works, when he symbolic depictes the natural objects, he usually places the women into them, in order to explore the delicate relationship between women and nature, and also to recover the so-called mysterious affinity that exists between women and nature, either in biology or in mental, just like the ecol-feminists always do. B. Elisa and chrysanthemums Living in such an isolated valley and being a rancher’s housewife, there seems no possibility for Elisa, the thirty-five years old women, to go out and enjoy the life outside, no matter how longing she is. Elisa wants to go into the man’s business, when her husband is talking to two men in business suits, she watches them again and again, she is curious about men’s conversation, and intends to know something. But there is a gap between the couple. Her husband is money-mind and economical, and what he really cares about is to make money. While Elisa, the housewife, takes great care of her chrysanthemums, which is something useless to her husband. She is beautiful for sure, otherwise her husband would not be surprised by her beauty after bathe, but her femininity is always covered, for she works like a man, dressed in a man’s black hat, clod-hopper shoes, covered by a big corduroy apron; her figure looked blocked and heavy in her gardening costume. She is strong and lean, the masculinity has covered her femininity. Even when her husband comes near her wire fence, Elisa straightens her back and pulls on her the gardening glove again. The coming of the tinker disturbed Elisa’s quiet and conventional life. To Elisa, the tinker is someone who is living a life quite different. As a housewife, she should ask about the tinker’s personal life and said that “it must be very nice; I wish women could do such things.”4 It shows obviously her longing for the wandering life and her pursue of the unconventional life. But she could not. As a housewife, it was impossible for her to go out to live that kind of life then. However, the tinker asked to bring her chrysanthemums out to an old woman, which inspired Elisa, for the chrysanthemums she raised was just Elisa herself. She believed that the chrysanthemums could go out to experience the outside life and be appreciated by the people outside. She was lightened up when thinking about her chrysanthemums. But just on the way to dinner with her husband, she found the dark speck on the road; she knew that was the chrysanthemums dropped by the tinker. She was defeated. The fire of hope disappeared. “She turned up her coat so he could not see that she was crying weakly—like an old women.”5 Elisa is a kind hearted woman. Her sympathy comes out easily, when the tinker said he has no dinner; she carried the can and saucepans to him. She gave the tinker the money as he asked without bargaining. She relaxed limply in the seat; she cried weakly like an old woman, meaning that she would continue to age into the role of an old woman still enclosed by society. Elisa is a beautiful, hardworking woman, who does not satisfied with the conventional life, so when the tinker comes, her quiet life is definitely disturbed and her desire is lit up. It seems this is a chance for both her dream and her chrysanthemums to live their dream. But both Elisa and chrysanthemums are ruined when the tinker abandoned the chrysanthemums that he promises to bring to the outside world. There is a Chinese proverb “nothing is more lamentable than a dead heart”, but Elisa is in despair, her heart is dead just as an old woman who has no hope in life. This is a reflection of the American country women during the Great Depression. They seem to live a peaceful life, but they feel conflict and miserable for their desire can never be reached. Elisa is just like the beautifully bloomed chrysanthemum in the Salinas valley that lake of admiration. Elisa, the protagonist, is a fun, intelligent, passionate woman. She lives a dissatisfactory life that without passion, and she is ignored and obstacled at every turning point: no profession, no children, her business interests are ignored for pasture, her wish to see the outside world is considered not suitable for women. Therefore, Elisa poured all her energy and enthusiasm in cleansing her garden and yard. Elisa's husband, Henry, is a sensible man, but not to please his wife. To the social standard, Henry is a good husband that every woman wants: he keeps Elisa, respects her, even now and then takes her out. At the same time, Henry has no imagination. He does his best to praise his own wife liking a child, but he does not know her real interest in business, also didn't realize that she has the potential to play more roles in life. As a traditional male, Henry in this story is a standard of the entire contents of the patriarchal society. He believes there is strict dividing line between the sexes, women like to movies, dinner, for example, while men like fighting and farms. He sees her wife Elisa and chrysanthemum from the angle of the narrow utilitarianism and instrumentalism, he thinks that Elisa is "strong" rather than "beautiful" because strong Elisa can do more housework. His kindness, sometimes underestimate his wife's attitude shows the society cannot be equal treatment to the subject of the female. The values of "women's values are different from men, which is a very natural thing. To get the upper hand is men's values".6 So, the tinker blithely ignored to the chrysanmums after accepted the chrysanthemum, then put it aside, but kept a useful flowerpot, Henry believes Elisa’s chrysanthemum is not as fruit benefits, Elisa is good at housework and chrysanthemum advantage, but not for her husband, she is at best in Henry's eyes, can only be a capable housewife, for him, business is important, chrysanthemum and Elisa is negligible. C. Women’s affinity with nature Cultural ecological feminist thinks that female is considered more close to nature no matter in physical, or in social and psychological. So by Renaissance goddess cultural ecological feminism, the moon, the worship of animals, plants, etc., as the center of the ancient ceremony to celebrate the relationship between women and nature. In The chrysanthemums, Steinbeck by Elisa to chrysanthemum hard of give up complex reflects the natural contact between women and nature. The affection relationship between women and nature in Chinese and western culture has a wealth of expression, and become the most harmonious movement in the relationships between human and nature. Nature gives life to the foundation of survival, it is a perennial source of all things, for the same as women's fertility and endowed with "mother earth", "the mother of all things", etc. The relationship between the integration of nature and women in many literary works, especially the poems refers nature to as "she" is confirmed. Steinbeck in The Chrysanthemum describes the close relationship between female and nature in the novel, namely, chrysanthemum as a representative of the nature is closely bound up with the women. As the main image in the novel, "chrysanthemums" is closely combined with Elisa, the protagonist of the novels, becoming a part of Elisa life and hope. The short fiction tells in the beginning, Elisa carefully trim grow lush chrysanthemum seedlings in her garden. For chrysanthemums , she has a special feeling, because chrysanthemums give her confidence and hope, and the pleasure and vitality of life. Look pale green chrysanthemum seedlings, she "whether verbal or face is permeated with pride", believes in herself and does things very talented, like carefully nurtured her last year of chrysanthemum "ten inches across". Chrysanthemums flourish not only embodies Elisa's love of nature and also reflects the natural return of human behavior. In the interdependent human and nature harmonious coexistence environment, the heroine Elisa is as beautiful full of vitality as the cultivated chrysanthemums she raised . In The Chrysanthemums, both Henry’s and the tinker’s attitude to chrysanthemum and Elisa all without exception shows human civilization pragmatic attitude towards nature, male to female and discrimination, oppression. Their pragmatic attitude towards chrysanthemum and women not only discrimination and abuse for chrysanthemum and nature, but also harm and deny the value of Elisa and all women . As the society thinks women are useless, because in addition to being a mother and housewife, they rarely to the value of the world, only ornament use, only the background of service in the male world. This shows in the male-dominated world, women are always serve as the interests of men, like the nature always succumb to the master of industrial civilization and civilized society. Ecological feminist thought, during the rule of the patriarchal culture of society, women and nature on the status and encounter have similarities, they are ruled and oppressed status. "As the development of nature, women are placed in a passive weak position". While Steinbeck treats the two men as a stand-in of patriarchy or patriarchal society: they ignore the potential of women, discrimination against women and suppression, discrimination against and oppression of nature as human civilization. Chapter Ⅲ.The Causes for Elisa’s and Nature’s Tragedies Jasmin Sydee and Sharon Beder once said: "the ecological feminism is based on the premise of such a kind of social criticism, by the patriarchal oppression against women and the oppression of nature in the west development model of interconnected."7 "Control of nature" is produced in human arrogance, from cave days biology and philosophy, he assumes that nature exists for the sake of human’s comfort. View of this kind of applied entomology and customs mostly originated in the science of the Stone Age. The alarming misfortune, so primitive a science has armed himself with the most modern and terrible weapons, which makes them against the earth together." "Plundering of the earth in the form of a variety of becoming in all sorts of disguise a metaphor of violence to women."8 Therefore, ecological crisis and female oppression are two symptoms of the same disease . A. The surface cause: the impact of industrialization Industrialization not only makes the land slowly died under the machine, also makes the natural resources increasingly depleted, makes the connection between the people, man and self alienation, industrialization finally becomes a disaster. Industrial civilization’s view of nature is a mechanical world view of nature, which separates humans from nature, which regards nature as a machine that is a frame without life and can be apart by the human restructuringand controling. This with a strong human center view of nature provides a defence to human’s behavior of plundering of natural . The values of industrial civilization emphasizes the individual, which runs counter to the ecological holism, the understanding of the industrial civilization brought happiness for the individual perceptual desire of satisfy, which led to the prevalence of hedonism and consumerism. Steinbeck’s criticism of the industrial civilization view of nature is the embodiment of his ecological thoughts. Similarly, Steinbeck thinks the violation by industrialization is not only natural, it also include women. In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa was a victim of her time, and the victim of economic crisis and industrialization as well. In The Chrysanthemums, Henry and tinker show practical attitude, indifference and hostility of life also proved that not only women, men had also been human centered and the infringement of the industrialization, they unconsciously became the main power in the oppression of women and nature. Women and nature are victims of industrialization, suffering from the ravages of the industrialization, the double oppression of human center and the male center. To some extent, Elisa can be seen as the country industrialized society caused by the separation of one of the victims. Henry and the tinker should be responsible for both the tragedy of women in charge and the destroy of ecological environment. To the social standard, it seems that Henry is a good husband that every woman wants: he keeps Elisa, respects her, even now and then takes her out. But at the same time, it is obvious that Henry has no imagination. He does his best to praise his own wife liking a child, but he does not know that her real interest is in business, also did not realize that she has the potential to play more roles in their life. As a traditional male, Henry, in this story, is a standard of the entire contents of the patriarchal society. He is economical, what he concerns most is money, how to make money becomes the essential essay in his life, and this goes with most men at that society, for Henry is just an example. He thinks Elisa Allen should keep apple trees in stead of chrysanthemums, just because chrysanthemums can not make profits, then raising chrysanthemums is a waste of time and energy to Henry and to most of the people during the Industrial civilization society. This also goes with the tinker, the man who comes from the outside world and lives a quite different lifestyle. He is so sopholistic that he made Elisa to give him something pots that did not need to be repaired and which helped him to fill his stomach. He also knows well about how to fawn Elisa by thinking highly of her chrysanthemums. It is true that Elisa was pleased by the tinker then, but it is also the tinker who destroyed her hope by discarding the chrysanthemums and keeping the pot, because the pot is something that is more useful in the material life. It is just a reflection of the pragmatism and utilitarianism of the industrialization. So it is the industry society causes Elisa’s and the chrysanthemum’s tragedies. In such a pragmatism and utilitarianism prevalent society, everything is measured by price and usage. If the world could pay some admiration towards the women like Elisa and her chrysanthemums, they would not be abandoned and their dream would not be destroyed. B. The root cause: the patriarchal society In The Chrysanthemums, the description for valley fog expresses John Steinbeck’s ecological thoughts: human unrestrained way of life and human centralism caused ecological deterioration. Industrial civilization and agricultural civilization directly break off the harmonious relationship between human and nature, and make this kind of wrong view of the world more generalization. After ecological crisis is generated, some western historians and ecologists believe that Christian ethics bears the major responsibility for the damage to the environment. They point out that Christian ethics does not teach the Christian believers correctly treat the relationship between human and nature. In terms of encouraging human behavior affect the natural environment, Christianity plays an important role. The emergence of human centric view does not only generate from Christianity, but it is true that Christianity actually rooted in the social, cultural, and religious philosophy. The traditional ecological ethics of Christianity is people-centric view of the world which deeply affect the consciousness and behaviors of the masses of believers. In Steinbeck’s novels, he shows a theme: nature and women have lost the chance of fertility. Similar to the status of women and nature in the human civilization and social, female representation in his patriarchal rule in human society and natural in the history of Western civilization has been as he had no say and conquer, rule object forced to become human development and utilization of natural resources ", to serve the people's needs and objectives. The alliance of feminism and ecology is undoubtedly a wise move, the same happened bound to form a powerful progressive forces, the global ecological crisis caused by moving in the logo centric and the patriarchal logo centric attack the common target of the criticism, in order to arouse the whole society on the importance of ecological issues and women's issues, and make the world a more harmonious and better, more suitable for humans and other organisms living. From the Eco-feminists’ point of view, both the gender oppression and the ecological crisis is stem from the patriarchal domination and patriarchal binary thought. One of the most important views of the patriarchy is the value of dualism, which divided things into separated parts that different from each other on opposite sides, and gives one party a higher status and value that is above the top of the other party; such as active& passive, sun & moon, culture& nature and so on. Each of these binary oppositions concepts are derived from the basic opposition of male & female. Among these oppositions, male is placed in the former, going with all the bright, tall, and other things and having the positive value. While female is connected with passive, dark and has the negative value. This dualistic differentiation suppresses our thoughts and behaviors. And the deep-rooted dualism and anthropocentrism are closely bounded together. Descartes points out clearly in The Methodology; the dualism idea reflects in controlling the relationship between man and nature is the transformation of nature. Binary opposition of ideas created a natural people opposite unlimited conquest and obtained, which lead to thousands of years of human-centered, and the ideological foundation of dualism environment deteriorating. One of the implications of the theory of applied ecology feminism literary criticism is the analysis of the relationship between women and natural anatomy of a deep-seated cause of women's oppression and the underlying causes of natural double oppression, to clarify the linkages between the various oppressive systems and committed to the eradication of the binary way of thinking and the value of the concept of hierarchy. Conclusion John Steinbeck is a productive and successful writer. And what makes Steinbeck unique as a writer is that he has a keen insight and the kind heartfelt care and compassion, about the fate of ordinary people, and the encounter of nature. This is the eternal charm of him as a writer lies. From Gold Cup to The Grapes of Wrath and his other early works, he is interested in the relationship of the people around him, the social relations and the environment, is the reality of human survival and development, which is a manifestation of his philosophy. So the study on Steinbeck not only should follow tradition, but should contact the reality, analysis, research from a broader perspective. In The Chrysanthemums, Elisa is a beautiful, hardworking woman, who does not satisfied with the conventional life, so when the tinker comes, her quiet life is definitely disturbed and her desire is lit up. It seems this is a chance for both Elisa and her chrysanthemums to live their dream. But both Elisa and chrysanthemums are ruined when the tinker abandoned the chrysanthemums that he promises to bring to the outside world. There is a Chinese proverb “nothing is more lamentable than a dead heart”, but Elisa is in despair, her heart is dead just as an old woman who has no hope in life. Both Henry’s and the tinker’s attitude to chrysanthemum and Elisa all without exception shows human civilization pragmatic attitude towards nature, male to female and discrimination, oppression. Their pragmatic attitude towards chrysanthemum and women not only discrimination and abuse for chrysanthemum and nature, but also harm and deny the value of Elisa and all women. In Steinbeck’s novels, he shows a theme: nature and women have lost the chance of fertility. Similar to the status of women and nature in the human civilization and social, female representation in his patriarchal rule in human society and natural in the history of Western civilization has been as he had no say and conquer, rule object forced to become human development and utilization of natural resources, to serve the people's needs and objectives. The alliance of feminism and ecological is undoubtedly a wise move, the same happened bound to form a powerful progressive forces, the global ecological crisis caused by moving in the logo centric and the patriarchal logo centric attack the common target of the criticism, in order to arouse the whole society on the importance of ecological issues and women's issues, and make the world a more harmonious and better, more suitable for humans and other organisms living. Elisa Allen and the nature both suffered from the hurts of the deep-rooted dualism and anthropocentrism. Their tragedy gives us warnings that both women and nature should be treated equally, and in some extents, they are in disadvantage. So they need to be paid more care and attention. The causes of Elisa’s and nature’s tragedy maybe various in superficial but they are interrelate. The surface cause is the impact of industrialization. Industrialization not only makes the land slowly died under the machine, also makes the natural resources increasingly depleted, makes alienation of the connection between the people, man and self, as a consequence, industrialization finally becomes a disaster. That is because Industrial civilization’s view of nature is a mechanical world view of nature, it separates humans from nature, regards nature as the machine that is a frame without life, and can be apart by the human restructuringand controling. The deep-rooted dualism and anthropocentrism are closely bounded together, that is the root cause of Elisa’s and chrysanthemums’ tragedies. Just as Descartes states, the dualism idea is to control the relationship between man and nature on the transformation of nature. Binary opposition of ideas created a natural people opposite unlimited conquest and obtained that lead to thousands of years of human-centered, as the ideological foundation of dualism environment deteriorating. One of the implications of the theory of the applied ecology feminism literary criticism is the analysis of the relationship between women and natural anatomy of a deep-seated cause of women's oppression and the underlying causes of natural double oppression, to clarify the linkages between the various oppressive systems and committed to the eradication of the binary way of thinking and the value of the concept of hierarchy. The relationship between Elisa and chrysanthemums is a representation between women and nature, for they share the same or similar fate in their life. They are both in the weak side and should be given more attention and appreciation. A harmonious society should be created where men and women, human and nature could be treated equally. That is the real meaningful thing that is beneficial and should be appealed. With the economic prosperity and technology progress, but under the artificial prosperity, there exist series of problems, such as the deterioration of the environment, the unharmonious between men and women, the uncomfortable between ego and human. The society seems fills with unharmonious relationships, and all these things are represented in advance in John Steinbeck’s works. So scholars have to admit Steinbeck is a great writer who reveals the underlying problems and teaches the later generation profound lessons. Notes 1. John Steinbeck. Steinbeck with Dog Across the United States (2005), p33. 2. Jay Paris the guide of Steinbeck with Dog Across the United States (2005), p2. 3. Kiernan, Thomas. The Intricate Music: A Biography of John Steinbeck. Little Brown Company: (1979), p289. 4. John Steinbeck; The Chrysanthemums.(1938), p135 5. Ibid. p142 6. Virginia Woolf. A Room of One’s Own A Harvest Book (1989), p21. 7. Jasmine Sydee and Sharon Beder. Ecofeminism and Globalism. Democracy and Nature[J]. 7.2(2001), p283. 8. Plant, I.ed. Healing The Wounds: The Promise of Ecofeminism [M]Philadelphia: New Society Publishers, (1989), p8. Bibliography Brown,Laura. Not Outside the Range One Feminist Perspective on Psychic Trauma. Trauma Exploration in Memory.Ed. Cathy Caruth. Maryland: The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1995. Buell, Lawrence. The Environmental Imagination:Thoreau, Nature Writing, and the Formation of American Culture. Harvard University Press, 1995. Kiernan, Thomas. The Intricate Music: A Biography of John Steinbeck. Little, Brown and Company, 1979. Simmonds, Roy. A Biographical and Critical Introduction of John Steinbeck. New York: E. Mellen Press. 2000. Steinbeck, John. The Long Valley. New York: The Viking Press. 1964. Weagel, Deborah. Women and Contemporary World Literature: Power, Fragmentation, and Metaphor. New York: Peter Lang publishing, Inc, 2009. 陈俊松.论约翰·斯坦贝克小说中的女性世界,《世界文学评论》,2010(1: 150-154) 方刚.《社会性别与生态研究》.北京: 中央编译出版社,2009 方杰. 荣辱兴衰六十载——国外斯坦贝克研究综述[J]. 外国文学研究, 2002(3) 傅洁琳,康德智. 生态文学批评“人的主体地位”问题研究.东岳论丛,2006(4). 姜淑芹,严启刚. 简析《菊花》的叙事结构[J]. 外国文学研究, 2005(2) 林梅.国外生态女性主义研究述评——兼论妇女与环境[J].中国社会发展战略2008(3) 金莉. 生态女权主义[J]. 外国文学, 2004(5). 胡志红. 西方生态批评研究[M]. 中国社会科学出版社,2006. 雷毅. 深层生态学思想研究[M]. 清华大学出版社,2001. 孙绍先.《女权主义》.北京: 外语教学与研究出版社,2006 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作 者 签 名:       日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 指导教师签名:        日  期:        使用授权说明 本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 作者签名:        日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权      大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 指导教师评阅书 指导教师评价: 一、撰写(设计)过程 1、学生在论文(设计)过程中的治学态度、工作精神 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、学生掌握专业知识、技能的扎实程度 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、学生综合运用所学知识和专业技能分析和解决问题的能力 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 4、研究方法的科学性;技术线路的可行性;设计方案的合理性 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 5、完成毕业论文(设计)期间的出勤情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 三、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 建议成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 指导教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章) 年 月 日 评阅教师评阅书 评阅教师评价: 一、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 建议成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 评阅教师: (签名) 单位: (盖章) 年 月 日 教研室(或答辩小组)及教学系意见 教研室(或答辩小组)评价: 一、答辩过程 1、毕业论文(设计)的基本要点和见解的叙述情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、对答辩问题的反应、理解、表达情况 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、学生答辩过程中的精神状态 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 二、论文(设计)质量 1、论文(设计)的整体结构是否符合撰写规范? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、是否完成指定的论文(设计)任务(包括装订及附件)? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 三、论文(设计)水平 1、论文(设计)的理论意义或对解决实际问题的指导意义 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 2、论文的观念是否有新意?设计是否有创意? □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 3、论文(设计说明书)所体现的整体水平 □ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 评定成绩:□ 优 □ 良 □ 中 □ 及格 □ 不及格 (在所选等级前的□内画“√”) 教研室主任(或答辩小组组长): (签名) 年 月 日 教学系意见: 系主任: (签名) 年 月 日 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的学位论文,是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作所取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中已经特别注明引用的内容和致谢的地方外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式注明并表示感谢。本人完全意识到本声明的法律结果由本人承担。 学位论文作者(本人签名): 年 月 日 学位论文出版授权书 本人及导师完全同意《中国博士学位论文全文数据库出版章程》、《中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库出版章程》(以下简称“章程”),愿意将本人的学位论文提交“中国学术期刊(光盘版)电子杂志社”在《中国博士学位论文全文数据库》、《中国优秀硕士学位论文全文数据库》中全文发表和以电子、网络形式公开出版,并同意编入****《中国知识资源总库》,在《中国博硕士学位论文评价数据库》中使用和在互联网上传播,同意按“章程”规定享受相关权益。 论文密级: □公开 □保密(___年__月至__年__月)(保密的学位论文在解密后应遵守此协议) 作者签名:_______ 导师签名:_______ _______年_____月_____日 _______年_____月_____日 独 创 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。   作者签名: 二〇一〇年九月二十日   毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明 本人完全了解**学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。 本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。 (保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)   作者签名: 二〇一〇年九月二十日 致 谢 时间飞逝,大学的学习生活很快就要过去,在这四年的学习生活中,收获了很多,而这些成绩的取得是和一直关心帮助我的人分不开的。 首先非常感谢学校开设这个课题,为本人日后从事计算机方面的工作提供了经验,奠定了基础。本次毕业设计大概持续了半年,现在终于到结尾了。本次毕业设计是对我大学四年学习下来最好的检验。经过这次毕业设计,我的能力有了很大的提高,比如操作能力、分析问题的能力、合作精神、严谨的工作作风等方方面面都有很大的进步。这期间凝聚了很多人的心血,在此我表示由衷的感谢。没有他们的帮助,我将无法顺利完成这次设计。 首先,我要特别感谢我的知道***老师对我的悉心指导,在我的论文书写及设计过程中给了我大量的帮助和指导,为我理清了设计思路和操作方法,并对我所做的课题提出了有效的改进方案。***老师渊博的知识、严谨的作风和诲人不倦的态度给我留下了深刻的印象。从他身上,我学到了许多能受益终生的东西。再次对周巍老师表示衷心的感谢。 其次,我要感谢大学四年中所有的任课老师和辅导员在学习期间对我的严格要求,感谢他们对我学习上和生活上的帮助,使我了解了许多专业知识和为人的道理,能够在今后的生活道路上有继续奋斗的力量。 另外,我还要感谢大学四年和我一起走过的同学朋友对我的关心与支持,与他们一起学习、生活,让我在大学期间生活的很充实,给我留下了很多难忘的回忆。 最后,我要感谢我的父母对我的关系和理解,如果没有他们在我的学习生涯中的无私奉献和默默支持,我将无法顺利完成今天的学业。 四年的大学生活就快走入尾声,我们的校园生活就要划上句号,心中是无尽的难舍与眷恋。从这里走出,对我的人生来说,将是踏上一个新的征程,要把所学的知识应用到实际工作中去。 回首四年,取得了些许成绩,生活中有快乐也有艰辛。感谢老师四年来对我孜孜不倦的教诲,对我成长的关心和爱护。 学友情深,情同兄妹。四年的风风雨雨,我们一同走过,充满着关爱,给我留下了值得珍藏的最美好的记忆。 在我的十几年求学历程里,离不开父母的鼓励和支持,是他们辛勤的劳作,无私的付出,为我创造良好的学习条件,我才能顺利完成完成学业,感激他们一直以来对我的抚养与培育。 最后,我要特别感谢我的导师***老师、和研究生助教***老师。是他们在我毕业的最后关头给了我们巨大的帮助与鼓励,给了我很多解决问题的思路,在此表示衷心的感激。老师们认真负责的工作态度,严谨的治学精神和深厚的理论水平都使我收益匪浅。他无论在理论上还是在实践中,都给与我很大的帮助,使我得到不少的提高这对于我以后的工作和学习都有一种巨大的帮助,感谢他耐心的辅导。在论文的撰写过程中老师们给予我很大的帮助,帮助解决了不少的难点,使得论文能够及时完成,这里一并表示真诚的感谢。 致 谢 这次论文的完成,不止是我自己的努力,同时也有老师的指导,同学的帮助,以及那些无私奉献的前辈,正所谓你知道的越多的时候你才发现你知道的越少,通过这次论文,我想我成长了很多,不只是磨练了我的知识厚度,也使我更加确定了我今后的目标:为今后的计算机事业奋斗。在此我要感谢我的指导老师——***老师,感谢您的指导,才让我有了今天这篇论文,您不仅是我的论文导师,也是我人生的导师,谢谢您!我还要感谢我的同学,四年的相处,虽然我未必记得住每分每秒,但是我记得每一个有你们的精彩瞬间,我相信通过大学的历练,我们都已经长大,变成一个有担当,有能力的新时代青年,感谢你们的陪伴,感谢有你们,这篇论文也有你们的功劳,我想毕业不是我们的相处的结束,它是我们更好相处的开头,祝福你们!我也要感谢父母,这是他们给我的,所有的一切;感谢母校,尽管您不以我为荣,但我一直会以我是一名农大人为荣。 通过这次毕业设计,我学习了很多新知识,也对很多以前的东西有了更深的记忆与理解。漫漫求学路,过程很快乐。我要感谢信息与管理科学学院的老师,我从他们那里学到了许多珍贵的知识和做人处事的道理,以及科学严谨的学术态度,令我受益良多。同时还要感谢学院给了我一个可以认真学习,天天向上的学习环境和机会。 即将结束*大学习生活,我感谢****大学提供了一次在**大接受教育的机会,感谢院校老师的无私教导。感谢各位老师审阅我的论文。 毕业设计(论文)原创性声明和使用授权说明 原创性声明 本人郑重承诺:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是我个人在指导教师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的成果。尽我所知,除文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,不包含其他人或组织已经发表或公布过的研究成果,也不包含我为获得 及其它教育机构的学位或学历而使用过的材料。对本研究提供过帮助和做出过贡献的个人或集体,均已在文中作了明确的说明并表示了谢意。 作 者 签 名:       日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 指导教师签名:        日  期:        使用授权说明 本人完全了解 大学关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定,即:按照学校要求提交毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版本;学校有权保存毕业设计(论文)的印刷本和电子版,并提供目录检索与阅览服务;学校可以采用影印、缩印、数字化或其它复制手段保存论文;在不以赢利为目的前提下,学校可以公布论文的部分或全部内容。 作者签名:        日  期:        ​​​​​​​​​​​​ 学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 学位论文版权使用授权书 本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权      大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。 涉密论文按学校规定处理。 作者签名: 日期: 年 月 日 导师签名: 日期: 年 月 日 独 创 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的毕业设计(论文),是本人在指导老师的指导下,独立进行研究工作所取得的成果,成果不存在知识产权争议。尽我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本设计(论文)不含任何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写过的作品成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体均已在文中以明确方式标明。 本声明的法律后果由本人承担。   作者签名: 年 月 日   毕业设计(论文)使用授权声明 本人完全了解**学院关于收集、保存、使用毕业设计(论文)的规定。 本人愿意按照学校要求提交学位论文的印刷本和电子版,同意学校保存学位论文的印刷本和电子版,或采用影印、数字化或其它复制手段保存设计(论文);同意学校在不以营利为目的的前提下,建立目录检索与阅览服务系统,公布设计(论文)的部分或全部内容,允许他人依法合理使用。 (保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)   作者签名: 年 月 日 基本要求:写毕业论文主要目的是培养学生综合运用所学知识和技能,理论联系实际,独立分析,解决实际问题的能力,使学生得到从事本专业工作和进行相关的基本训练。毕业论文应反映出作者能够准确地掌握所学的专业基础知识,基本学会综合运用所学知识进行科学研究的方法,对所研究的题目有一定的心得体会,论文题目的范围不宜过宽,一般选择本学科某一重要问题的一个侧面。 毕业论文的基本教学要求是: 1、培养学生综合运用、巩固与扩展所学的基础理论和专业知识,培养学生独立分析、解决实际问题能力、培养学生处理数据和信息的能力。2、培养学生正确的理论联系实际的工作作风,严肃认真的科学态度。3、培养学生进行社会调查研究;文献资料收集、阅读和整理、使用;提出论点、综合论证、总结写作等基本技能。 毕业论文是毕业生总结性的独立作业,是学生运用在校学习的基本知识和基础理论,去分析、解决一两个实际问题的实践锻炼过程,也是学生在校学习期间学习成果的综合性总结,是整个教学活动中不可缺少的重要环节。撰写毕业论文对于培养学生初步的科学研究能力,提高其综合运用所学知识分析问题、解决问题能力有着重要意义。 毕业论文在进行编写的过程中,需要经过开题报告、论文编写、论文上交评定、论文答辩以及论文评分五个过程,其中开题报告是论文进行的最重要的一个过程,也是论文能否进行的一个重要指标。 撰写意义:1.撰写毕业论文是检验学生在校学习成果的重要措施,也是提高教学质量的重要环节。大学生在毕业前都必须完成毕业论文的撰写任务。申请学位必须提交相应的学位论文,经答辩通过后,方可取得学位。可以这么说,毕业论文是结束大学学习生活走向社会的一个中介和桥梁。毕业论文是大学生才华的第一次显露,是向祖国和人民所交的一份有份量的答卷,是投身社会主义现代化建设事业的报到书。一篇毕业论文虽然不能全面地反映出一个人的才华,也不一定能对社会直接带来巨大的效益,对专业产生开拓性的影响。但是,实践证明,撰写毕业论文是提高教学质量的重要环节,是保证出好人才的重要措施。 2.通过撰写毕业论文,提高写作水平是干部队伍“四化”建设的需要。党中央要求,为了适应现代化建设的需要,领导班子成员应当逐步实现“革命化、年轻化、知识化、专业化”。这个“四化”的要求,也包含了对干部写作能力和写作水平的要求。 3.提高大学生的写作水平是社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要。在新的历史时期,无论是提高全族的科学文化水平,掌握现代科技知识和科学管理方法,还是培养社会主义新人,都要求我们的干部具有较高的写作能力。在经济建设中,作为领导人员和机关的办事人员,要写指示、通知、总结、调查报告等应用文;要写说明书、广告、解说词等说明文;还要写科学论文、经济评论等议论文。在当今信息社会中,信息对于加快经济发展速度,取得良好的经济效益发挥着愈来愈大的作用。写作是以语言文字为信号,是传达信息的方式。信息的来源、信息的收集、信息的储存、整理、传播等等都离不开写作。 论文种类:毕业论文是学术论文的一种形式,为了进一步探讨和掌握毕业论文的写作规律和特点,需要对毕业论文进行分类。由于毕业论文本身的内容和性质不同,研究领域、对象、方法、表现方式不同,因此,毕业论文就有不同的分类方法。 按内容性质和研究方法的不同可以把毕业论文分为理论性论文、实验性论文、描述性论文和设计性论文。后三种论文主要是理工科大学生可以选择的论文形式,这里不作介绍。文科大学生一般写的是理论性论文。理论性论文具体又可分成两种:一种是以纯粹的抽象理论为研究对象,研究方法是严密的理论推导和数学运算,有的也涉及实验与观测,用以验证论点的正确性。另一种是以对客观事物和现象的调查、考察所得观测资料以及有关文献资料数据为研究对象,研究方法是对有关资料进行分析、综合、概括、抽象,通过归纳、演绎、类比,提出某种新的理论和新的见解。 按议论的性质不同可以把毕业论文分为立论文和驳论文。立论性的毕业论文是指从正面阐述论证自己的观点和主张。一篇论文侧重于以立论为主,就属于立论性论文。立论文要求论点鲜明,论据充分,论证严密,以理和事实服人。驳论性毕业论文是指通过反驳别人的论点来树立自己的论点和主张。如果毕业论文侧重于以驳论为主,批驳某些错误的观点、见解、理论,就属于驳论性毕业论文。驳论文除按立论文对论点、论据、论证的要求以外,还要求针锋相对,据理力争。 按研究问题的大小不同可以把毕业论文分为宏观论文和微观论文。凡届国家全局性、带有普遍性并对局部工作有一定指导意义的论文,称为宏观论文。它研究的面比较宽广,具有较大范围的影响。反之,研究局部性、具体问题的论文,是微观论文。它对具体工作有指导意义,影响的面窄一些。 另外还有一种综合型的分类方法,即把毕业论文分为专题型、论辩型、综述型和综合型四大类: 1.专题型论文。这是分析前人研究成果的基础上,以直接论述的形式发表见解,从正面提出某学科中某一学术问题的一种论文。如本书第十二章例文中的《浅析领导者突出工作重点的方法与艺术》一文,从正面论述了突出重点的工作方法的意义、方法和原则,它表明了作者对突出工作重点方法的肯定和理解。2.论辩型论文。这是针对他人在某学科中某一学术问题的见解,凭借充分的论据,着重揭露其不足或错误之处,通过论辩形式来发表见解的一种论文。3.综述型论文。这是在归纳、总结前人或今人对某学科中某一学术问题已有研究成果的基础上,加以介绍或评论,从而发表自己见解的一种论文。4.综合型论文。这是一种将综述型和论辩型两种形式有机结合起来写成的一种论文。如《关于中国民族关系史上的几个问题》一文既介绍了研究民族关系史的现状,又提出了几个值得研究的问题。因此,它是一篇综合型的论文。 写作步骤:毕业论文是高等教育自学考试本科专业应考者完成本科阶段学业的最后一个环节,它是应考者的 总结 性独立作业,目的在于总结学习专业的成果,培养综合运用所学知识解决实际 问题 的能力。从文体而言,它也是对某一专业领域的现实问题或 理论 问题进行 科学 研究 探索的具有一定意义的论说文。完成毕业论文的撰写可以分两个步骤,即选择课题和研究课题。 首先是选择课题。选题是论文撰写成败的关键。因为,选题是毕业论文撰写的第一步,它实际上就是确定“写什么”的问题,亦即确定科学研究的方向。如果“写什么”不明确,“怎么写”就无从谈起。 教育部自学考试办公室有关对毕业论文选题的途径和要求是“为鼓励理论与工作实践结合,应考者可结合本单位或本人从事的工作提出论文题目,报主考学校审查同意后确立。也可由主考学校公布论文题目,由应考者选择。毕业论文的总体要求应与普通全日制高等学校相一致,做到通过论文写作和答辩考核,检验应考者综合运用专业知识的能力”。但不管考生是自己任意选择课题,还是在主考院校公布的指定课题中选择课题,都要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的、切实可行的课题。选好课题是毕业论文成功的一半。 第一、要坚持选择有科学价值和现实意义的课题。科学研究的目的是为了更好地认识世界、改造世界,以推动社会的不断进步和发展 。因此,毕业论文的选题,必须紧密结合社会主义物质文明和精神文明建设的需要,以促进科学事业发展和解决现实存在问题作为出发点和落脚点。选题要符合科学研究的正确方向,要具有新颖性,有创新、有理论价值和现实的指导意义或推动作用,一项毫无意义的研究,即使花很大的精力,表达再完善,也将没有丝毫价值。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来选题。首先,要从现实的弊端中选题,学习了专业知识,不能仅停留在书本上和理论上,还要下一番功夫,理论联系实际,用已掌握的专业知识,去寻找和解决工作实践中急待解决的问题。其次,要从寻找科学研究的空白处和边缘领域中选题,科学研究。还有许多没有被开垦的处女地,还有许多缺陷和空白,这些都需要填补。应考者应有独特的眼光和超前的意识去思索,去发现,去研究。最后,要从寻找前人研究的不足处和错误处选题,在前人已提出来的研究课题中,许多虽已有初步的研究成果,但随着社会的不断发展,还有待于丰富、完整和发展,这种补充性或纠正性的研究课题,也是有科学价值和现实指导意义的。 第二、要根据自己的能力选择切实可行的课题。毕业论文的写作是一种创造性劳动,不但要有考生个人的见解和主张,同时还需要具备一定的客观条件。由于考生个人的主观、客观条件都是各不相同的,因此在选题时,还应结合自己的特长、兴趣及所具备的客观条件来选题。具体地说,考生可从以下三个方面来综合考虑。首先,要有充足的资料来源。“巧妇难为无米之炊”,在缺少资料的情况下,是很难写出高质量的论文的。选择一个具有丰富资料来源的课题,对课题深入研究与开展很有帮助。其次,要有浓厚的研究兴趣,选择自己感兴趣的课题,可以激发自己研究的热情,调动自己的主动性和积极性,能够以专心、细心、恒心和耐心的积极心态去完成。最后,要能结合发挥自己的业务专长,每个考生无论能力水平高低,工作岗位如何,都有自己的业务专长,选择那些能结合自己工作、发挥自己业务专长的课题,对顺利完成课题的研究大有益处。 致 谢 这次论文的完成,不止是我自己的努力,同时也有老师的指导,同学的帮助,以及那些无私奉献的前辈,正所谓你知道的越多的时候你才发现你知道的越少,通过这次论文,我想我成长了很多,不只是磨练了我的知识厚度,也使我更加确定了我今后的目标:为今后的计算机事业奋斗。在此我要感谢我的指导老师——***老师,感谢您的指导,才让我有了今天这篇论文,您不仅是我的论文导师,也是我人生的导师,谢谢您!我还要感谢我的同学,四年的相处,虽然我未必记得住每分每秒,但是我记得每一个有你们的精彩瞬间,我相信通过大学的历练,我们都已经长大,变成一个有担当,有能力的新时代青年,感谢你们的陪伴,感谢有你们,这篇论文也有你们的功劳,我想毕业不是我们的相处的结束,它是我们更好相处的开头,祝福你们!我也要感谢父母,这是他们给我的,所有的一切;感谢母校,尽管您不以我为荣,但我一直会以我是一名农大人为荣。 通过这次毕业设计,我学习了很多新知识,也对很多以前的东西有了更深的记忆与理解。漫漫求学路,过程很快乐。我要感谢信息与管理科学学院的老师,我从他们那里学到了许多珍贵的知识和做人处事的道理,以及科学严谨的学术态度,令我受益良多。同时还要感谢学院给了我一个可以认真学习,天天向上的学习环境和机会。 即将结束*大学习生活,我感谢****大学提供了一次在**大接受教育的机会,感谢院校老师的无私教导。感谢各位老师审阅我的论文。 PAGE
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