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20010315福  建  省    ○福建省保险市场2000年概况     ○福建省经济和社会发展概况(2000)    ○福建省各地市保险业务情况(2000)    ○福建省各财产保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000)     ○福建省各人寿保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000)    ○大事记 中国保险年鉴编辑部福建省编辑组 组  长:朱增镳 副 组 长:谢文华 杨大祖 李 春 贾瑞钧 朱 健 邱建庆 赵一平 黄仲达 许建南 沈汉祥 陈 衡 杨增荣 主  编:李 玲 副 主...
福  建  省    ○福建省保险市场2000年概况     ○福建省经济和社会发展概况(2000)    ○福建省各地市保险业务情况(2000)    ○福建省各财产保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000)     ○福建省各人寿保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000)    ○大事记 中国保险年鉴编辑部福建省编辑组 组  长:朱增镳 副 组 长:谢文华 杨大祖 李 春 贾瑞钧 朱 健 邱建庆 赵一平 黄仲达 许建南 沈汉祥 陈 衡 杨增荣 主  编:李 玲 副 主 编:游源芬 周良文 责任编辑:周丰玲 叶寿华 郑志红 李杰男 林其尧 林清榕 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 769 福建省保险市场2000年概况 福州保监办副主任 朱增镳 一、保险业务持续稳步增长,并向广度和深度方向推进   2000年,福建省保费收入为52.48亿元,较上年同期增加5.27亿元,增幅11.27%,高于全省GDP增幅1.67个百分点,高于第三产业增幅0.67个百分点。其中:财产险业务保费收入21.43亿元,较上年同期增加1.25亿元,增幅6.46%,占总保费的40.83%;人身险业务保费收入31.05亿元,较上年同期增加4.02亿元,增幅14.85%,占总保费的59.17%。2000年福建的保险深度1.34%,基本与上年持平,保险密度151.20元,比上年同期增加7.81元。保险覆盖面逐步加大,郊区及农村保险市场的开发力度有所增强,人民群众的保险意识逐步提高。   2000年福建省保险赔款支出(含满期给付)17.75亿元,同比减少17.82%,其中财产险业务赔款支出10.71亿元,同比减少17.13%;人身险业务赔款支出1.17亿元,同比增加88.71%;年金给付2.34亿元,同比增加165.91%;满期给付2.93亿元,同比减少48.87%;死伤医疗给付0.6亿元,同比减少26.83%。保险经济保障职能的有效发挥,为全省经济的发展,人民的安居乐业提供了有力的保障。 二、市场主体不断增加,多元化竞争格局初步形成   2000年,福建保险市场的经营主体有中国人民保险公司、中国人寿保险公司、中国平安保险股份有限公司、中国太平洋保险公司等四家全国性保险公司在福建的分公司及其分支机构224家。经中国保监会批准,12月份,华安财产保险公司福州分公司开始筹建。保险中介市场方面有所突破,福建三木、厦门金富安两家保险代理公司经保监会批准也相续开始筹建,市场竞争主体进一步向多元化方向发展。   三、多方位创新求发展,努力实现公司价值最大化   创新是一个企业生存和发展的基础,保险业作为金融服务企业,要获得不断发展,就必须多方位、多方向进行创新,包括经营战略、产品设计、销售方式、宣传服务、管理技术等。 2000年,福建省各保险企业积极探索创新之路,实施创新之举,促进了公司各项业务的发展和价值最大化目标的实现。在服务方式创新上组织了大型客户服务节活动,设立了“95518”、“95519”、“95500”等服务专线,推出了国内急难援助卡服务,逐步形成在任何时间、任何地点、任何方式服务客户的3A网络,增强了市场竞争优势。中国人民保险公司福建省分公司以体制创新为契机, 管理创新为手段,继续深化三项改革,加强基础管理。各市地分公司已全面成立业务处理中心,财务处理中心正在积极筹备。各分支公司竞相实行竞聘上岗、末位淘汰制,对业务人员实行风险工资制,形成能上能下、利益分配与工作业绩紧密挂钩的用人分配机制,从而充分调动了员工的潜能,有力地促进了业务的发展。中国人寿保险公司福建省分公司完成对全省县级公司计算机网络改造、企业内部电话网络自动拔号升级及中继线路的扩容、县级公司办公自动化系统运作速度的提升和改良,提高了公司创新管理的技术含量。平安福州分公司建立了以费用预算管理为核心的财务全面预算管理体制,节约了成本,增强了积累。太保厦门分公司在销售方式上进行了创新,试行了产险营销和保险业务网上销售,促进了业务的发展。   四、紧紧围绕市场需求,调整险种结构,积极推出适销对路的新产品,促进业务发展 险种结构调整与新产品开发是业务整体素质和核心竞争力的基础,是公司实现可持续发展的保证。2000年,福建省各保险公司从经营策略上更注重有经济效益的业务增长,以发展的手段调整险种结构,改善险种比例失衡的状况。注重研究分析国 770 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 2001年 家经济形势变化,追踪市场需求的热点,积极开发有潜力、有效益、有销路的保险产品,促进业务发展。   2000年,人保省分公司为保持发展后劲,进一步优化调整险种结构,大力推广新险种,巩固了传统险种的重要地位,开发了《家庭财产第三者责任险》、《产品质量保证保险》、《旅游景点责任保险》等新产品,积极推进家财险、个人住房抵押贷款房屋保险、责任险的发展,重点清理整治了财产险储金性业务,取得了保费总量持续增长,经济效益明显提高的良好势头。平安福州分公司在2000年不断推出新险种,保费结构已由储蓄型向健康险和投资、分红险转变,分红险产品仅推出半年,新单保费已占到全部新单保费的21%,销售形势良好,极大地推动了公司业务的快速发展。   五、加强保险监管力度,确立了“四位一体”的保险监管体系   2000年9月21日,中国保监会在福建的派出机构福州特派员办事处正式挂牌成立,标志着银行、证券、保险分业经营、分业监管制度在福建省的落实到位,将有利于进一步加强保险监管,促进福建省保险业持续、快速、健康发展。   福州保监办成立后,即在中国保监会的授权范围内,依照国家法律、法规实施对福建省保险市场的监督管理,保险市场监管力度得到加强。一是建立了包括保险机构管理、高级管理人员任职资格管理、财务管理、费率管理在内的一整套非现场监管工作制度;二是选择潜在风险较大的地区、公司和业务进行专项检查;三是通过市场调研,掌握保险市场的发展状况,解决、反映市场中的一些热点、难点问题;四是对各地、市行业协会筹建工作及时予以部署、协调和指导;五是建立投诉监督电话公开制度和信访举报制度。2000年共受理各类信访投诉、举报件21件,其中13件已妥善处理,8件仍在继续调查处理中。 福州保监办通过市场调研、理论研讨、监管经 验交流等多渠道实践摸索,确立了“以政府监管为核心、企业内控为基础、行业自律为纽带、社会监督为补充”的“四位一体”保险监管体系,开拓了监管思路,有利于监管效率和监管效果的提高。   六、加强保险宣传,提高人民群众的保险意识   全民保险意识的提高和保险知识的普及,是保险市场健全和发展的一个重要方面,加强宣传是保险业界一项长期的工作。2000年,福建省保险业继续加强保险宣传活动,努力普及保险知识,提高人民群众的保险意识。 一是组织开展保险宣传周活动。为贯彻落实江泽民总书记关于《领导干部保险知识读本》的重要批语精神,根据中国保监会的统一部署,福州保监办与省社科联、省保险行业协会、省保险学会联合组织开展了保险宣传周活动。11月13日至18日,全省保险系统统一行动,通过召开新闻发布会,报刊媒体刊载大幅专版广告和题为《认真学习江泽民总书记重要批语,进一步推动我省保险业健康发展》的文章,举办保险理论研讨会和赠书仪式,开展大型咨询活动和丰富多彩的文艺演出、知识竞赛、客户回访、座谈等系列宣传活动,不仅普及了保险知识和提高了公众的保险意识,还争取了地方党政领导和有关部门对保险事业的关心和支持,增进了保险业和新闻媒体的沟通和信任,提升了保险业的整体形象,对推进福建省保险业的持续、健康快速发展产生积极深远的影响。   二是开展“明明白白买保险”宣传咨询活动。12月16日,福州保监办、福建省消费者委员会、福建省保险行业协会及福建各省级保险公司在福州市繁华商业中心东百广场联合举行宣传咨询活动,通过为消费者解答有关保险知识、法规方面的疑问,指导消费者树立正确的保险消费观,明确投保、索赔的正常程序,现场接受消费者的投诉等方式,并通过相关媒体的报道,进一步推动了保险宣传活动的深入开展。 (注:综述栏中数字均含厦门市) 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 771 An Outline of the Insurance Market in Fujian Province in 2000 Zhu Zengbiao,Vice-director of China Insurance Regulatory Commission,Fuzhou Office 1.Continuously Stable Increase in Insurance Business and Advance in Width and Depth The year 2000 saw a total premium income of 5.248 billion yuan in the whole province, with an increase of 0.527 billion yuan over the same period of the previous year, the growth rate was 11.17 per cent which was 1.67 per cent higher than the GDP of the whole province,and 0.67 per cent higher than that of the third industry. Among the total premium income, the property insurance premium was 2.143 billion yuan, which was 0.125 billion yuan higher than that of the previous year, 6.2 per cent up and occupied 40.83 per cent of the total premium income; the life insurance premium was 3.105 billion yuan, which was 0.402 billion yuan higher than that of the previous year, 14.87 per cent up and occupied 59.17 per cent of the total premium income. In 2000, the insurance depth of the province was 1.34 per cent just as the same as that of last year. The insurance density was 151.20 yuan, which was 7.81 yuan higher than that of the previous year. The area covered with insurance was gradually widened. The developing force was strengthened in the insurance markets of the suburb and countryside. The people’s insurance awareness was gradually increased. In 2000, the insurance payments in Fujian province were 1.775 billion yuan (including mature benefits), which was 17.82 per cent lower than that of the previous year. Among that, the payment for property insurance business was 1.071 billion yuan, which was 17.13 per cent lower than that of the previous year; the payment for personal insurance business was 0.117 billion yuan, which was 88.71 per cent higher than that of the previous year; the pension benefit was 0.234 billion year, which was 165.91 per cent higher than that of the previous year; the mature benefit was 0.293 billion yuan, which was 48.87 per cent lower than that of the previous year; the death and injury medical benefit was 0.06 billion yuan, which was 26.83 per cent lower than that of the previous year. The protecting function of insurance was so effectively performed that a strong security was provided for the development of the provincial economy and the people’s living and working in peace and contentment. 2. Continuous Increase in Market Bodies and a Pluralistic Pattern Formed in Competition In 2000, there were four national insurance companies in the insurance market in Fujian province: PICC Fujian Branch, China Life Fujian Branch, Ping An Insurance Company of China, Ltd. Fuzhou Branch, China Pacific Insurance Company Ltd. Fuzhou Branch and 224 their sub-branches. In December, approved by the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, Sinosafe General Insurance Company, Ltd. Fuzhou Branch began to be prepared to establish. There was a breakthrough in the market of insurance intermediary. Fujian Sanmu Insurance Agency Co.,Ltd and Xiamen Jinfuan Insurance Agency Co.,Ltd prepared to establish under the approval of China Insurance Regulatory Commission, with the market bodies in competition developing in the trend of pluralistic pattern. 3. Developing through Innovation in Different Aspects and Trying to Achieve the Greatest Value for the Company Innovation is the basis of existence and development of an enterprise. As a financial service sector to obtain continuous development, insurance industry has to carry on innovation in different aspects and directions, including business strategies, product designs, marketing models, publicizing service and managing technology etc. In 2000, all the insurance companies in Fujian province actively probed into a way to innovation and took a step of innovation to promote the development 772 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 2001年 of all kinds of business and achieve the goal of the greatest value of the companies. In the innovation of service forms, they organized large-scale service activities, set up service lines “95518” and “95500”, put into effect service cards for urgent help in the country and gradually formed 3A network in any time, any place and any way to serve clients and strengthen the advantage in market competition. PICC Fujian Branch continued to deepen the three systems reform and strengthen the basic management by the mechanism of system innovation and the means of management innovation. All the main branches in the cities had established business handling centers and account handling centers were actively prepared to build up. All the sub-branches carried out the system of being on post and eliminating the last through contest and the system of floating salaries to the businessmen and formed the labor and distribution systems which people could be up and down and their benefits were linked to their work so as to fully manoeuvre the staff’s potential and strongly promote the development of business. China Life insurance Company Fujian Branch accomplished the reconstruction of computer network in all its sub-branches, the auto-dial upgrading of the business internal telephone network and the expansion of trunk line and the operation speed upgrading and reconstruction of auto-office system in the sub-branches and improved the technology content of creation management in the company. Ping An Fuzhou Branch established a system of whole financial budget management with expense budget management as a center, saving costs and increasing funds. China Pacific Insurance Company Xiamen Branch carried on innovation in marketing models, tried property insurance marketing and insurance business sale through Internet, promoting the development of business. 4. Tightly Encircling Market Demand, Adjusting the Structure of Insurance Classes, Actively Recommending New Suitable Products and Promoting Business Development It is the basis of the whole quality of business and the core of competition and the guarantee of realizing the continuous development for the company to adjust the structure of insurance classes and develop new products. In 2000, all insurance companies in Fujian province paid more attention to the business increase with economic benefits in the terms of marketing strategy, adjusted the structure of insurance classes by the means of development and improved the situation in proportion maladjustment of insurance classes. They emphasized the research of analyzing the change of national economic situations, traced the focus on the market demand, developed the potential actively, effective and suitable insurance products, promoting business development. In 2000, in order to maintain the developing stamina, PICC Fuijan Branch made further optimization and adjustment in the structure of insurance classes, powerfully popularized new covers and consolidated the important place of the traditional covers, developing some new products such as “Third Party Liability for Household”, “Suretyship Insurance for Product Quality”, “Liability Insurance for Tour Spots” etc., actively carrying on the development of household insurances, personal house mortgage loan insurance and liability insurances, emphasizing the liquidation of the savings business in property insurance and achieving a good tendency of a continuous increase in the total premiums and an obvious improvement in economic efficiency. Ping An Fuzhou Branch recommended some new covers in 2000, with the change from savings-type to health insurance, investment and participation in profits insurances in the premium structure. Only half a year after the insurance of participation in profits was carried out, the premium of this kind of new policies accounted for 21 per cent of the total premium of the whole new policies with a good tendency of sale, greatly promoting the rapid business development of the company. 5. Strengthening Insurance Supervision and Establishing the “Four Aspects as One” Insurance 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 773 Supervision System On September 21, 2000, the office of the accredited person was formally set up in Fuzhou, which was an institution in Fujian, appointed by China Insurance Regulatory Commission. That was a symbol of a good state for carrying out the system of separate operation and supervision between banking, security and insurance in Fujian province, thus assisting in further strengthening insurance supervision and promoting continuous, rapid and smooth development in insurance industry in Fujian. After Fuzhou Insurance Regulatory Office was set up, insurance market in Fujian province was regulated within the scope appointed by China Insurance Regulatory Commission under national laws and rules. The power made to the supervision in insurance market was strengthened. The first was establishing full serial working systems of supervision in non-spots, including the management for insurance institutions, the management for on-post certificate for senior managers, the management for financial affaires and premium. The second was making a special investigation on the companies and areas that existed large potential risks. The third was grasping the developing situation of insurance market and solving and replying some problems of the market through the investigation and research in market. The fourth was timely arranging, coordinating and guiding the preparation work for the insurance associations in districts and cities. The fifth was establishing the systems of disclosing the number for complaint and supervision telephone and of answering letters and exposing bad deeds. In 2000, 21 letters for different exposure were received, of which 13 letters were properly dealt with and 8 were under continuous investigation. Fuzhou Insurance Regulatory Office established the “Four Aspects as One” system for insurance supervision that was “with government supervision as a center, enterprise inner control as a basis, self-regulation as a tie and social supervision as a supplement” through the practical probe by many channels in market investigation, theory research and supervision experience intercourse, developed the thinking ways to supervision, thus assisting in the improvement for supervision efficiency and results. 6. Strengthening Insurance Publicity and Enhancing the Insurance Awareness of the Public Heightening the insurance awareness of the public and popularizing the insurance knowledge is an important aspect of a sound and developing insurance market. Strengthening publicity is a long work for insurance industry. In 2000, Fujian insurance industry continued to strengthen insurance publicity activities, tried to popularized insurance knowledge and enhanced the insurance awareness of the public. 6.1 Organizing and unfolding a weekly activity for insurance publicity In order to carry out the important spirit of the General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s statements about 《A Reader of Insurance Knowledge for Leaders》,according to the uniform action of China Insurance Regulation Commission, Fuzhou Insurance Regulatory Office organized and unfolded a weekly activity of insurance publicity together with the provincial social science union, the provincial insurance association and the provincial insurance institute. From November 13 to November 18, there was a uniform action in the whole provincial insurance, holding news meetings, issuing grand advertisements in newspapers and medium, publishing the article titled “Studying General Secretary Jiang Zemin’s important statements carefully and making a further promotion for the smooth development of insurance industry in Fujian province”, holding seminars on insurance theory and the ceremony for bestowing books. There were a series of publicities, such as big consultative activities, various performances, knowledge competition, visits to clients and discussions ect., which not only publicized insurance knowledge and enhanced the public’s insurance awareness, but also obtained the concern and support to insurance industry from local governments and other departments, improved the 774 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·综述栏 2001年 understanding and trust between insurance industry and news media, raised the whole figure of insurance industry and made an active and deep influence on promoting continuous and smooth development of insurance industry in Fujian province. 6.2 Unfolding the consultative activities of the publicity “clearly buy insurance policies” On December 16, a consultative activity was held by Fuzhou Insurance Regulatory Office, Fujian Consumers’ Committee, Fujian Insurance Association and all the provincial insurance branches in the downtown center Dong Bai Square in Fuzhou City. Through a variety of forms such as answering some questions about insurance knowledge and laws for consumers, helping consumers set up correct ideas for insurance consumption, ensuring a normal process for taking out a policy and making a claim and accepting the complains from consumers on the spot, they further promoted the development of insurance publicity by issuing reports on medium. (Note: The figures in the outline contain those of Xiamen.) 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·经济栏 775 福建省经济和社会发展概况(2000) 一、综合 项 目   数量(亿元) 增长(%) 国内生产总值   3920   9.5 第一产业增加值   638   2.2 第二产业增加值 1711 11.2 第三产业增加值 1571   10.5   二、农业 项 目   数量(万吨) 增长(%) 粮食      854.68   -9.3 油料       25.79   -0.1 甘蔗       82.71   -40.4 水果      356.44    -9.6 肉类      145.92     5.1 三、工业和建筑业 项 目   数量(亿元) 增长(%) 工业增加值      1470     12.5 国有及其控股企业    269.5     12.6 集体企业增加值     43.02   -15.6 股份制企业增加值   142.84     83.5 合资、外企增加值   363.69     12.0 轻工业增加值     358.85     8.8 重工业增加值     372.37    18.4 建筑业增加值     241     0.6   四、固定资产投资 项 目  数量(亿元) 增长(%) 全社会固定资产投资   1110.10    2.3 国有经济       439.27    14.0 集体经济       144.04     19.5 城乡经济       152.67     -2.9 按投资管理渠道划分 基本建设       334.49    -8.0 更新改造       176.48     2.3 房地产开发      198.76     11.3 其他          102.10    15.4 五、国内贸易 项 目   数量(亿元) 增长(%) 全年社会消费总额  1372.79    10.2 城市消费      778.4      10.2 县级以下消费   594.78    10.1 按经济类型划分 公有经济      339.28     7.2 非公有经济    1033.57     11.2   六、对外经济 项 目   数量(亿美元) 增长(%) 进出口总值     212.24     20.5 其中 出口总值     129.09     24.7 进口总值      83.15      14.4 七、财税、金融 项 目   数量(亿元) 增长(%) 全年财政总收入   369.53      20.9 其中 地方财政收入    234.03     15.8 全省财政支出    322.77     16.7 税务收入      359.41     24.9 其中 地税收入      143.48      13.0 国税收入      215.93      35.2 全省金融机构 各项存款余额    3114.32      6.5 其中 城乡居民储蓄存款  1767.59      1.6   八、居民生活及人口   全年城镇居民人均可支配收入7432元,比上年增长8.3%,人均生活消费支出2410元,增长7.0%。城镇和农村住房面积分别15.3平方米和32.14平方米。“九五”期间城镇居民人均可支配收入和农民人均纯收入年均实际增长率均为6.5%。全省有176.36万职工参加失业保险,174.8万企业职工参加了社会养老保险。 据第五次全国人口普查公布,全省人口总数为3471万人,与第四次人口普查相比,增长率为11.45%,年平均增长1.05%。全年出生人口38.07万人,出生率为11.6‰,比上年上升0.54个千分点。老年人口381万,占总人口11.5%,比重上升了1.47个百分点。全省建立农村社会保险服务网络的乡镇达670个,覆盖率达72%。 776 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 2001年 福建省各地市保险业务情况(2000) 1 全部业务 All Insurance Business 财产保险业务 Property Insurance Business 地区名称 Name of Area 名次 保费收入 Premium Income 同比增长(%) 名次 保费收入 Premium Income 同比增长 (%) 福州 莆田 泉州 漳州 三明 南平 宁德 龙岩 合计 厦门 总计 1 8 2 4 3 6 7 5 123293.5 18904.5 103614.5 41566.6 42429.3 34329 21103 37122 422362.4 102450 524812.4 7.45 16.84 23.45 14.80 12.46 16.88 16.35 17.04 14.76 -1.14 11.27 1 7 2 4 3 5 8 6 55193.7 8385 37982.3 15438.2 16588.4 14357 8068.8 13840.9 169954.3 44379 214333.3 5.62 11.27 13.89 7.43 3.69 8.06 8.86 7.94 8.16 0.40 6.46 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 777 STATEMENT OF FUJIAN AREAS INSURANCE BUSINESS(2000) (单位:人民币万元;Unit:RMB10000) 人身保险业务 Life Insurance Business 保险密度(元) Insurance Density 保险深度(%) Insurance Depth 名次 保费收入 Premium Income 同比 增长(%) 名次 全部业务 All Insurance Business 财产保险 Property Insurance 人身保险 Life Insurance 名次 全部业务 All Insurance Business 财产保险 Property Insurance 人身保险 Life Insurance 1 8 2 3 4 6 7 5 68097.8 10519.5 65632.2 26128.4 25840.9 19972 13034.2 23181.1 252406.1 58071 310477.1 8.97 21.72 29.75 19.65 18.92 24.17 21.53 23.29 19.68 -2.28 14.85 1 8 3 6 2 5 7 4 192.82 69.28 142.31 90.71 164.91 121.92 70.58 138.35 131.79 780.47 151.20 86.32 30.73 52.17 33.69 64.48 50.99 26.99 51.96 53.03 338.08 61.75 106.50 38.55 90.15 57.02 100.44 70.93 43.59 86.40 78.76 422.39 89.45 4 6 5 8 1 3 7 2 1.23 0.95 0.99 0.77 1.66 1.54 0.96 1.64 1.14 2.04 1.34 0.55 0.42 0.36 0.29 0.65 0.64 0.37 0.62 0.46 0.89 0.55 0.68 0.53 0.63 0.49 1.01 0.89 0.59 1.02 0.68 1.16 0.79 778 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 2001年 福建省各财产保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000) 表2 保 险 机 构 名 称 Name of Insurance Organization 保 费 收 入 总计 Total 企业财产保险Enterprise Property Insurance 家庭财产保险Household Property Insurance 机动车辆及其第三者责任险 Automobile and Third Party Liability Insurance 船舶 保险 Vessel Insur- ance 货物运输保险 Cargo Transpor- tation Insurance 建筑工程一切险 Contractors All Risks Insurance 福州 中国人民保险公司福州分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司福州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司福州分公司 小计 45078 6692.4 3423.3 55193.7 6697 1247.5 356.8 8301.3 1048 50 314.1 1412.1 25425 3136.5 2368.8 30930.3 5224 27.3 21.7 5273 3515 385.5 186.1 4086.6 662 177 132.3 971.3 莆田 中国人民保险公司莆田分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司莆田分公司 小计 7660 725 8385 1058 36.8 1094.8 60 0.2 60.2 5975 659.3 6634.3 28 - 28 183 14.3 197.3 14 - 14 泉州 中国人民保险公司泉州分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司泉州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司泉州分公司 小计 31135 3051.8 3795.5 37982.3 4752 305 283.2 5340.2 570 2.2 123.6 695.8 21517 2361.9 3146 27024.9 803 - - 803 1950 161.7 99.3 2211 25 - 0.6 25.6 漳州 中国人民保险公司漳州分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司漳州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司漳州分公司 小计 12723 1500.5 1214.7 15438.2 1335 414 473 2222 322 0.2 2.5 324.7 9555 635.7 585.6 10776.3 268 - - 268 448 8.1 5.5 461.6 250 84.4 128.6 463 三明 中国人民保险公司三明分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司三明分公司 中国太平洋保险公司三明分公司 小计 14052 1173.4 1363 16588.4 3266 202 173.7 3641.7 215 0.7 8.8 224.5 8227 650.6 985.8 9863.4 2 - - 2 833 9 4.6 846.6 139 - 12.8 151.8 南平 中国人民保险公司南平分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司南平分公司 小计 13240 1117 14357 2345 219.2 2564.2 238 0.8 238.8 9640 624.4 10264.4 33 - 33 560 30.9 590.9 12 - 12 宁德 中国人民保险公司宁德分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司宁德分公司 小计 7711 357.8 8068.8 716 16.6 732.6 120 0.3 120.3 6159 326.5 6485.5 62 - 62 249 3.7 252.7 67 0.8 67.8 龙岩 中国人民保险公司龙岩分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司龙岩分公司 小计 13301 639.9 13940.9 2081 50.4 2131.4 357 0.4 357.4 9461 574.7 10035.7 - - - 203 0.4 203.4 54 - 54 合计 169954.3 26028.2 3433.8 112014.8 6469 8850.1 1759.5 厦门合计 44379 7357 415 22979 2141 4052 356 总计 214333.3 33385.2 3848.8 134993.8 8610 12902.1 2115.5 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 779 PREMIUM INCOME AND PAYMENT FOR MAJOR TYPES OF PROPERTY INSURANCE OF FUJIAN BRANCHES (2000) (单位:人民币万元;Unit:RMB10000) Premium Income 业 务 支 出 Payment 机器 损坏 保险 Machinery Break- down Insurance 其它财产保险 Other Property Insurance 同比 增长 (%) 总计 Total 企业财产保险Enterprise Property Insurance 家庭财产保险House- hold Property Insurance 机动车辆及其第三者责任险 Automob- ile and Third Party Liability Insurance 船舶 保险 Vessel Insur- ance 货物运输保险 Cargo transpor- tation Insurance 建筑工程一切险 Contract- ors All Risks Insurance 机器损坏保险 Mach- inery Break- down Insurance 其它财产保险 Other Property Insurance 同比 增长 (%) 688 556.6 28.7 1273.3 1819 1112 14.8 2945.8 2.55 23.70 18.49 5.62 19039 2829.7 2968.3 24837 2725 460.3 198.7 3384 60 0.3 2.7 63 11930 1735.9 1820.6 15486.5 1914 110.8 445.6 2470.4 939 74.6 39 1052.6 243 84 2.1 329.1 57 94.1 31.5 182.6 1171 269.7 428.1 1868.8 -33.65 13.43 54.44 -25.05 70 0.1 70.1 272 14.3 286.3 9.14 40.18 11.27 3363 239 3602 349 79.5 428.5 9 - 9 2818 155.2 2973.2 - - - 71 - 71 - 3.4 3.4 2 - 2 114 0.9 114.9 -52.28 6.22 -50.47 125 4.5 7.4 136.9 1393 216.5 135.4 1744.9 8.38 24.36 75.07 13.89 16215 1460 1690.8 19365.8 3564 293.1 191.3 4048.1 105 - 3.4 108.4 10402 907.9 1306.8 12616.7 834 30.9 3.7 868.6 694 199.6 98.4 992 47 - - 47 20 3.7 27.4 51.1 549 24.8 59.8 633.6 -17.67 -9.77 32.40 -14.27 18 0.3 - 18.3 527 357.8 19.5 904.3 -0.24 40.22 121.66 7.43 6234 492.8 447.6 7174.4 757 65.1 3.6 825.7 27 - - 27 4529 389.3 418.9 5337.2 422 - - 422 158 2.3 0.8 161.1 20 - 11.1 31.1 31 - - 31 290 36.1 13.2 339.3 -32.01 -44.50 105.32 -30.18 820 241.4 141.9 1203.3 550 69.7 35.4 655.1 0.23 9.42 50.44 3.69 7748 609.5 487.7 8845.2 1534 40.1 25.5 1599.6 27 - - 27 4724 344.8 304.9 5373.7 - - - - 325 - - 325 28 - - 28 819 222 149.4 1190.4 291 2.6 7.9 301.5 -6.74 11.00 2.25 -5.24 66 170.5 236.5 346 71.2 417.2 7.47 15.63 8.06 7024 312.8 7336.8 1365 17.8 1382.8 72 - 72 5171 255.8 5426.8 2 - 2 189 0.3 189.3 - - - 54 38.8 92.8 171 0.1 171.1 2.30 -20.58 1.06 22 22 316 9.9 325.9 7.10 68.77 8.86 3982 117.8 4099.8 344 0.3 344.3 30 - 30 3389 113.6 3502.6 18 - 18 39 3.3 42.3 22 - 22 5 - 5 135 0.6 135.6 -17.71 -23.01 -17.87 629 4.6 633.6 516 9.4 525.4 6.3 58.00 7.94 6811 192.8 7003.8 885 50.8 935.8 261 - 261 4634 124.8 4758.8 - - - 54 2.9 56.9 74 - 74 648 14 662 255 0.3 255.3 -2.74 17.50 -2.28 3594 7804.9 8.16 82264.8 12949.1 597.4 55475.5 3781 2890.2 534.6 2216.9 3820.1 -19.34 366 1229 0.4 23946 5914 46.26 11509 1551 2656 170 296 229 -28.44 3960 9033.9 6.46 106210.8 18863.1 643.66 66984.5 5332 5546.2 704.6 2512.9 4049.1 -21.59 780 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 2001年 福建省各人寿保险机构主要险种保费收入和支出情况(2000) 表3 保 险 机 构 名 称 Name of Insurance Organization 保 费 收 入 总 计 Total 同比增长 (%) 团体保险 Group Insurance 人寿保险 Life Insurance 意外伤害保险 Personal Accident Insurance 健康保险 Health Insurance 福州 中国人寿保险公司福州分公司 中国人寿保险省公司营业部 中国人寿保险公司省公司营销部 中国平安保险股份有限公司福州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司福州分公司 小计 24414 4752.4 15188.4 19088 4655 68097.8 -6.65 21.23 12.37 28.30 17.11 8.97 1438.8 1215 36.9 739 958 4387.7 1063.9 32.3 3.9 396 357 1853.1 196.2 4.2 5.4 266 40 511.8 莆田 中国人寿保险公司莆田分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司莆田分公司 小计 10077.5 444 10519.5 19.93 85.00 21.72 155 - 155 29.9 16 45.9 11 - 11 泉州 中国人寿保险公司泉州分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司泉州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司泉州分公司 小计 45953.7 17719 1959.5 65632.2 31.19 29.00 3.45 29.75 1768.3 150 94.8 2013.1 653.4 176 40.8 870.2 38.4 6 7.1 51.5 漳 州 中国人寿保险公司漳州分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司漳州分公司 中国太平洋保险公司漳州分公司 小计 21700.2 3768 660.2 26128.4 16.29 51.00 2.88 19.65 469.2 65 - 534.2 535.4 32 25.2 592.6 0.6 11 7 18.6 三明 中国人寿保险公司三明分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司三明分公司 中国太平洋保险公司三明分公司 小计 21140.9 3766 934 25840.9 17.08 42.00 4.71 18.92 1153.7 71 - 1224.7 353.2 23 22 398.2 320.9 17 18 355.9 南平 中国人寿保险公司南平分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司南平分公司 小计 17853 2119 19972 23.73 28.00 24.17 190.1 166 356.1 140.5 25 165.5 23.1 6 29.1 宁德 中国人寿保险公司宁德分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司宁德分公司 小计 11091.2 1943 13034.2 16.96 62.00 21.53 31.2 3 34.2 325.8 6 331.8 4.4 2 6.4 龙岩 中国人寿保险公司龙岩分公司 中国平安保险股份有限公司龙岩分公司 小计 19131.1 4050 23181.1 14.30 96.50 23.29 705.3 100 805.3 185.9 75 260.9 18.7 89 107.7 合计 252406.1 19.68 9510.3 4518.2 1092 厦门合计 58071 -2.28 6197 1495 1343 总计 310477.1 14.85 15707.3 6013.2 2435 2001年 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·统计栏 781 PREMIUM INCOME AND BENEFIT PAID FOR MAJOR TYPES OF LIFE INSURANCE OF FUJIAN BRANCHES (2000) (单位:人民币万元;Unit:RMB10000) Premium Income 业 务 支 出 Benefit Paid 退 保 Surrender 个 人 保 险 Personal Insurance 满期给付 Maturity Benefit 满期给 付率 (%) Maturity Benefit Ratio 死伤医疗 给付 Benefit of Deaths, Injury and Medical Treatment 死伤医疗给付率 (%) Benefit Ratio of Deaths, Injury and Medical Treatment 退保金额 Surrender Value 退保率 (%) Surrender Value Ratio 人寿保险 Life Insurance 意外伤害 保险 Personal Accident Insurance 健康保险 Health Insurance 18189.4 3079.9 14924.5 12568 3180 51941.8 3075.2 417.4 113.1 362 - 3967.7 450.5 3.6 104.6 4757 120 5435.7 4465.9 116.1 4058.5 2277 148 11065.5 18.29 2.44 26.72 12.00 3.00 16.25 2186.5 82 244 594 34 3140.5 8.96 1.73 1.61 3.00 1.00 4.61 2059.2 402.9 149.2 749 355 3715.3 10.49 9.38 1.00 4.00 8.00 5.46 8000.6 294 8294.6 1454.9 13 1467.9 426.1 119 545.1 2191.4 - 2191.4 21.75 - 21.75 703.3 16 719.3 6.98 4.00 6.84 626.7 6 632.7 7.68 1.00 6.01 39663.9 13697 1750.8 55111.7 3826 313 21.3 4160.3 3.7 3377 44.7 3425.4 5959.1 31 - 5990.1 12.97 0.2 - 9.13 2396 516 53 2965 5.21 3.00 3.00 4.52 1822.8 405 109 2336.8 4.4 2.00 6.00 3.56 19073.4 2468 611 22152.4 1558.8 79 - 1637.8 62.8 1113 17 1192.8 6179 47 - 6226 28.47 1.00 - 23.83 1905.8 124 2 2031.8 8.78 3.00 0.32 7.78 2717.4 101 212 3030.4 13.91 3.00 32.00 11.60 17678.1 2303 886 20867.1 908.2 57 - 965.2 726.8 1295 8 2029.8 4372.8 102 22 4496.8 20.68 3.00 2.00 17.40 1486.1 149 7 1642.1 7.03 4.00 1.00 6.36 1488.9 106 337 1931.9 7.91 3.00 36.00 7.48 15964 1381 17345 1318.5 30 1348.5 216.8 511 727.8 3792.1 396 4188.1 21.24 19.00 20.97 1279.6 46 1325.6 7.17 2.00 6.64 1359.4 56 1415.4 8.42 3.00 7.09 9504.8 1372 10876.8 822.8 37 859.8 402.2 523 925.2 2320 9 2329 20.92 0.5 17.87 1059 103 1162 9.55 5.00 8.92 1136.7 57 1193.7 11.92 3.00 9.16 16252.6 2060 18312.6 1938.9 171 2109.9 29.7 1555 1584.7 3794.5 2 3796.5 19.83 - 16.38 1150.7 234 1384.7 6.01 5.74 5.97 1646.5 72 1718.5 9.71 2.00 7.41 204902 16517.1 15866.5 40283.4 15.96 14371 5.69 15974.7 6.33 40176 2229 6631 12532.16 21.58 2388.12 4.11 3172.25 5.46 245078 18746.1 22497.5 52815.56 17.01 16759.12 5.40 19146.95 6.17 782 《中国保险年鉴》·福建省版·大事记栏 2001年 大 事 记 (2000年1月—2000年12月) ○ 2月2日,中国人民保险公司福建省分公司支付福建省协丰鞋业有限公司因洪水造成的财产受损,赔款金额为人民币828.96万元。   ○ 4月,中国人民保险公司福建省分公司支付福建省轮船总公司所属“安福”轮触礁造成的原油泄漏的油污案赔款金额为人民币771万元,这是人保福建分公司有史以来最大的一笔船舶险赔案。   ○ 4月9日,中国平安保险公司在第三届明星会议上授予福州分部(产险)为优秀明星俱乐部荣誉称号。   ○ 5月,中国人寿保险公司莆田市涵江支公司,被共青团中央、中央金融工委授予“国家级青年文明号”。   ○ 9月21日,中国保险监督管理委员会福州特派员办事处正式成立,朱增镳任办事处副主任(主持工作)。   ○ 9月,福州保监办成立后,针对目前我省基层保险监管力量有限和监管现代化、电子化强度较低等现实状况,推出“以政府监管为核心、企业内控为基础,行业自律为纽带,社会监督为补充”的“四位一体”的保险监管模式。“四位一体”的保险监管模式推出,对于防范和化解保险风险,整体提升福建省保险监管质量和效率,具有积极的建设性意义。   ○ 10月,福建省档案局正式发文同意中国人寿福建省分公司进行与电子档案相适应的立卷归档试点。这是该公司在实现业务、财务、信息管理多媒体网络化的基础上,完成办公自动化系统软件的开发、完善和推广使用,在全国系统率先实现省市县三级所有分支公司全部无纸化办公。同时为适应办公自动化新形势下的需要,将电子档案与纸质档案有机结合,对纸质文件立卷归档进行相应改革所取得的成果。   ○ 11月13日至18日,福建省为认真贯彻江泽民总书记对《保险知识读本》所作的重要批语,由福州保监办、省社科联、省保险行业协会、省保险学会共同联合举办“普及保险知识宣传周”系列活动。13日,举行新闻发布会。14日,在福州召开了“普及保险知识研讨会”,省政府副省长汪毅夫、办公厅副秘书长黄常谔、福州市委常委、副市长方贤明以及省委宣传部等有关厅局领导、各新闻单位领导、记者和保险界的专家、学者共计120人参加会议。会上向省市五套班子领导赠送了《保险知识读本》。来自各界的13篇学术作者在会上进行口头和书面发言。15日,在《福建日报》刊登了《推动我省保险业持续健康发展》的联合署名文章。18日,福建省开展声势浩大的“普及保险知识”咨询活动。全省各地、市、县保险分支机构的上万名保险从业人员纷纷走上街头,宣传保险知识。 ○ 11月28日,中国太平洋保险公司福州分公司,对产、寿险实施分业经营。   ○ 11月30日,中国太平洋保险公司福州分公司、泉州支公司为了遵循“一流的服务”宗旨,与全国42家分支机构一道正式开通了“95500”服务热线,进一步方便了广大保户的各种查询及出险报案。 ○ 12月13日,中国人寿保险公司在福州举办了“两个规范”推广经验交流会,来自全国37个省、市分支公司代表共80多人参加了会议。“两个规范”的推行,为逐步建立一支能代表国内寿险同行业先进水平的专业化的销售队伍打下了基础。
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