首页 > [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆短篇:玻璃山(英语原文、英汉对照、汉语译文)译者吴劳


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[美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆短篇:玻璃山(英语原文、英汉对照、汉语译文)译者吴劳 1 [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆短篇小说——玻璃山(英语原文、英汉对照、汉语译文) The Glass Mountain by Donald Barthelme 玻璃山 [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 [中国] 吴 劳 译 电子文本整理制作 胡根木子 二O一O年八月 2 整理制作着说明整理制作着说明整理制作着说明整理制作着说明 《玻璃山》选自[美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 1970年发表的短篇集《城市生活》。 吴劳先生对本篇作品作了如下介绍: “《玻璃山》由一百个短段子所组成,其中的绝大多数只有一句句子。它是篇模仿一只 ...
1 [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆短篇小说——玻璃山(英语原文、英汉对照、汉语译文) The Glass Mountain by Donald Barthelme 玻璃山 [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 [中国] 吴 劳 译 电子文本整理制作 胡根木子 二O一O年八月 2 整理制作着说明整理制作着说明整理制作着说明整理制作着说明 《玻璃山》选自[美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 1970年发表的短篇集《城市生活》。 吴劳先生对本篇作品作了如下介绍: “《玻璃山》由一百个短段子所组成,其中的绝大多数只有一句句子。它是篇模仿一只 童话的作品,把原来的时间地点搬到了今日的纽约闹市区。玻璃山实在是钢铁结构的玻璃摩 天楼。在童话中,登山往往用来象征人的心灵对不可企及的事物的追求。这名现代登山者为 了寻找人生的象征而登山,可是找到的竟是个美丽的公主,才愤而把她摔死。现代人被钢铁 和玻璃所左右,浪漫主义的象征无容身之处。 另外有人认为,在这里,登山活动意味着一个艺术家进行的使人精疲力尽的具体创作劳 动。作者写出了他自己在探索一个象征的过程中的烦躁心情,但找到的那个象征被他一碰却 变成了个美丽的公主,还是老套。因此他把她摔下山去,让山脚下那些代表愤怒的读者的围 观的相识对付她。”① 《玻璃山》的译者是[中国]吴劳先生。吴劳先生的译作堪称经典。假如你读了他的译作 后,例如,他翻译成汉语的[美国]欧内斯特·海明威作品《老人与海》、[美国]杰克·伦敦作 品《马丁·伊登》,你可能就不会再愿意把其他译者的译作读下去了。 ① 引自《外国文艺》1991年第 2 期第 6 页,上海译文出版社。 1 TheTheTheThe GlassGlassGlassGlass MountainMountainMountainMountain 玻璃山(英语原文)玻璃山(英语原文)玻璃山(英语原文)玻璃山(英语原文) TheTheTheThe GlassGlassGlassGlass MountainMountainMountainMountain by by by by Donald Donald Donald Donald Barthelme Barthelme Barthelme Barthelme 1. I was trying to climb the glass mountain. 2. The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue. 3. I had attained the lower slope. 4. People were looking up at me. 5. I was new in the neighborhood. 6. Nevertheless I had acquaintances. 7. I had strapped climbing irons to my feet and each hand grasped sturdy plumber's friend. 8. I was 200 feet up. 9. The wind was bitter. 10. My acquaintances had gathered at the bottom of the mountain to offer encouragement. 11. "Shithead." 12. "Asshole." 13. Everyone in the city knows about the glass mountain. 14. People who live here tell stories about it. 15. It is pointed out to visitors. 16. Touching the side of the mountain, one feels coolness. 17. Peering into the mountain, one sees sparkling blue-white depths. 18. The mountain towers over that part of Eighth Avenue like some splendid, immense office building. 19. The top of the mountain vanishes into the clouds, or on cloudless days, into the sun. 20. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend leaving the lefthand one in place. 21. Then I stretched out and reattached the righthand one a little higher up, after which I inched my legs into new positions. 22. The gain was minimal, not an arm's length. 23. My acquaintances continued to comment. 24. "Dumb motherfucker." 25. I was new in the neighborhood. 26. In the streets were many people with disturbed eyes. 27. Look for yourself. 28. In the streets were hundreds of young people shooting up in doorways, behind 2 parked cars. 29. Older people walked dogs. 30. The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors: ocher, umber, Mars yellow, sienna, viridian, ivory black, rose madder. 31. And someone had been apprehended cutting down trees, a row of elms broken-backed among the VWs and Valiants. 32. Done with a power saw, beyond a doubt. 33. I was new in the neighborhood yet I had accumulated acquaintances. 34. My acquaintances passed a brown bottle from hand to hand. 35. "Better than a kick in the crotch." 36. "Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick." 37. "Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish." 38. "Better than a thump on the back with a stone." 39. "Won't he make a splash when he falls, now?" 40. "I hope to be here to see it. Dip my handkerchief in the blood." 41. "Fart-faced fool." 42. I unstuck the lefthand plumber's friend leaving the righthand one in place. 43. And reached out. 44. To climb the glass mountain, one first requires a good reason. 45. No one has ever climbed the mountain on behalf of science, or in search of celebrity, or because the mountain was a challenge. 46. Those are not good reasons. 47. But good reasons exist. 48. At the top of the mountain there is a castle of pure gold, and in a room in the castle tower sits... 49. My acquaintances were shouting at me. 50. "Ten bucks you bust your ass in the next four minutes!" 51. ...a beautiful enchanted symbol. 52. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend leaving the lefthand one in place. 53. And reached out. 54. It was cold there at 206 feet and when I looked down I was not encouraged. 55. A heap of corpses both of horses and riders ringed the bottom of the mountain, many dying men groaning there. 56. "A weakening of the libidinous interest in reality has recently come to a close." (Anton Ehrenzweig)① 57. A few questions thronged into my mind. 58. Does one climb a glass mountain, at considerable personal discomfort, simply to disenchant a symbol? 59. Do today's stronger egos still need symbols? 60. I decided that the answer to these questions was "yes." 61. Otherwise what was I doing there, 206 feet above the power-sawed elms, whose white meat I could see from my height? 62. The best way to fail to climb the mountain is to be a knight in full armor--one ① A (probably) spurious quotation by a (probably) fictitious person. 3 whose horse's hoofs strike fiery sparks from the sides of the mountain. 63. The following-named knights had failed to climb the mountain and were groaning in the heap: Sir Giles Guilford, Sir Henry Lovell, Sir Albert Denny, Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir Patrick Grifford, Sir Gisbourne Gower, Sir Thomas Grey, Sir Peter Coleville, Sir John Blunt, Sir Richard Vernon, Sir Walter Willoughby, Sir Stephen Spear, Sir Roger Faulconbridge, Sir Clarence Vaughan, Sir Hubert Ratcliffe, Sir james Tyrrel, Sir Walter Herbert, Sir Robert Brakenbury, Sir Lionel Beaufort, and many others.① 64. My acquaintances moved among the fallen knights. 65. My acquaintances moved among the fallen knights, collecting rings, wallets, pocket watches, ladies' favors. 66. "Calm reigns in the country, thanks to the confident wisdom of everyone." (M. Pompidou)② 67. The golden castle is guarded by a lean-headed eagle with blazing rubies for eyes. 68. I unstuck the lefthand plumber's friend, wondering if-- 69. My acquaintances were prising out the gold teeth of not-yet dead knights. 70. In the streets were people concealing their calm behind a façade of vague dread. 71. "The conventional symbol (such as the nightingale, often associated with melancholy), even though it is recognized only through agreement, is not a sign (like the traffic light) because, again, it presumably arouses deep feelings and is regarded as possessing properties beyond what the eye alone sees." (A Dictionary of Literary Terms) 72. A number of nightingales with traffic lights tied to their legs flew past me. 73. A knight in pale pink armor appeared above me. 74. He sank, his armor making tiny shrieking sounds against the glass. 75. He gave me a sideways glance as he passed me. 76. He uttered the word "Muerte"③ as he passed me. 77. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend. 78. My acquaintances were debating the question, which of them would get my apartment? 79. I reviewed the conventional means of attaining the castle. 80. The conventional means of attaining the castle are as follows: "The eagle dug its sharp claws into the tender flesh of the youth, but he bore the pain without a sound, and seized the bird's two feet with his hands. The creature in terror lifted him high up into the air and began to circle the castle. The youth held on bravely. He saw the glittering palace, which by the pale rays of the moon looked like a dim lamp; and he saw the windows and balconies of the castle tower. Drawing a small knife from his belt, he cut off both the eagle's feet. The bird rose up in the air with a yelp, and the youth dropped lightly onto a broad balcony. At the same moment a door opened, and ① Names chosen or invented at random to represent English knighthood. ② Former President of France. The quotation is probably spurious. ③ "Death." 4 he saw a courtyard filled with flowers and trees, and there, the beautiful enchanted princess." (The Yellow Fairy Book)① 81. I was afraid. 82. I had forgotten the Bandaids. 83. When the eagle dug its sharp claws into my tender flesh-- 84. Should I go back for the Bandaids? 85. But if I went back for the Bandaids I would have to endure the contempt of my acquaintances. 86. I resolved to proceed without the Bandaids. 87. "In some centuries, his [man'sl imagination has made life an intense practice of all the lovelier energies." (John Masefield)② 88. The eagle dug its sharp claws into my tender flesh. 89. But I bore the pain without a sound, and seized the bird's two feet with my hands. 90. The plumber's friends remained in place, standing at right angles to the side of the mountain. 91. The creature in terror lifted me high in the air and began to circle the castle. 92. I held on bravely. 93. I saw the glittering palace, which by the pale rays of the moon looked like a dim lamp; and I saw the windows and balconies of the castle tower. 94. Drawing a small knife from my belt, I cut off both the eagle's feet. 95. The bird rose up in the air with a yelp, and I dropped lightly onto a broad balcony. 96. At the same moment a door opened, and I saw a courtyard filled with flowers and trees, and there, the beautiful enchanted symbol. 97. I approached the symbol, with its layers of meaning, but when I touched it, it changed into only a beautiful princess. 98. I threw the beautiful princess headfirst down the mountain to my acquaintances. 99. Who could be relied upon to deal with her. 100. Nor are eagles plausible, not at all, not for a moment. 1970 ① One of a series of fairy tale collections edited by Andrew Lang. ② Traditional English poet (1878-1967); he became Poet Laureate of England in 1930. 5 TheTheTheThe GlassGlassGlassGlass MountainMountainMountainMountain 玻璃山(玻璃山(玻璃山(玻璃山(英汉对照英汉对照英汉对照英汉对照)))) TheTheTheThe GlassGlassGlassGlass MountainMountainMountainMountain by by by by Donald Donald Donald Donald Barthelme Barthelme Barthelme Barthelme 玻璃山① [美国]唐纳德·巴塞尔姆 吴 劳译 1. I was trying to climb the glass mountain. 1.我正试图爬上那座玻璃山。 2. The glass mountain stands at the corner of Thirteenth Street and Eighth Avenue. 2.这座玻璃山矗立在十三街和第八大街的街角。② 3. I had attained the lower slope. 3.我已登上山坡的下段。 4. People were looking up at me. 4.人们正抬头望着我。 5. I was new in the neighborhood. 5.我在这一带地方是个新人。 6. Nevertheless I had acquaintances. 6.然而我有些相识。 7. I had strapped climbing irons to my feet and each hand grasped sturdy plumber's friend. 7.我在两只脚上用皮带绑上铁钉助爬鞋托,每只手紧握一只结实的橡皮吸碗。 8. I was 200 feet up. 8.我在两百英尺的高处。 9. The wind was bitter. 9.风刮得正烈。 10. My acquaintances had gathered at the bottom of the mountain to offer encouragement. 10.我的那些相识聚集在山脚下,给我打气。 11. "Shithead." 11.“蠢货。” 12. "Asshole." 12.“笨蛋。” ① 汉语译文引自《外国文艺》1991年第 2期第 45—51页,上海译文出版社。——胡根木子注。 ② 位于纽约市中心曼哈顿岛的西南部,两街交叉处构成杰克逊广场。 6 13. Everyone in the city knows about the glass mountain. 13.在本城,人人都知道有关玻璃山的事儿。 14. People who live here tell stories about it. 14.住在这儿的人们讲关于它的传说。 15. It is pointed out to visitors. 15.它被指给外地来客们看。 16. Touching the side of the mountain, one feels coolness. 16.用手摸摸这山坡,会觉得凉。 17. Peering into the mountain, one sees sparkling blue-white depths. 17.仔细察看这山坡,能看清闪闪发亮的蓝白色的深层。 18. The mountain towers over that part of Eighth Avenue like some splendid, immense office building. 18.这山矗立在那一段第八街上,像座美仑美奂、庞大无比的办公楼。 19. The top of the mountain vanishes into the clouds, or on cloudless days, into the sun. 19.山顶消失在云端里,在没有云的日子,则融化在阳光中。 20. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend leaving the lefthand one in place. 20.我拔起右手的橡皮吸碗,让左手的留在原处。 21. Then I stretched out and reattached the righthand one a little higher up, after which I inched my legs into new positions. 21.跟着我伸出右手,把右手中的吸在山坡上高一点儿的地方,然后把两条腿儿 慢慢地挪动,换一个位置。 22. The gain was minimal, not an arm's length. 22.向上爬的距离微不足道,还不到一条胳膊的长度。 23. My acquaintances continued to comment. 23.我的那些相识继续发表意见。 24. "Dumb motherfucker." 24.“这愚蠢的下流坯。” 25. I was new in the neighborhood. 25.我在这一带地方是个新人。 26. In the streets were many people with disturbed eyes. 26.街头有许多目光困惑的人。 27. Look for yourself. 27.你自己瞧吧。 28. In the streets were hundreds of young people shooting up in doorways, behind parked cars. 28.街头有几百个小伙子躲在门洞子里和停着的汽车后乱放枪。 29. Older people walked dogs. 29.上了点年纪的人们在遛狗。 30. The sidewalks were full of dogshit in brilliant colors: ocher, umber, Mars yellow, sienna, viridian, ivory black, rose madder. 30.人行道上满是狗屎,五彩缤纷:土黄、棕土色、铁黄色、深赭、铬绿、象牙 黑、茜草玫瑰红。 31. And someone had been apprehended cutting down trees, a row of elms 7 broken-backed among the VWs and Valiants. 31.并且有人因砍下了树木而被逮捕,一行榆树给腰斩了,倒在那些大众牌和英 勇牌汽车之间。 32. Done with a power saw, beyond a doubt. 32.用一把电锯干的,毫无疑问。 33. I was new in the neighborhood yet I had accumulated acquaintances. 33.我在这一带地方是个新人,然而已积累了一些相识。 34. My acquaintances passed a brown bottle from hand to hand. 34.我的那些相识把一只棕色酒瓶一个个地传递。 35. "Better than a kick in the crotch." 35.“比胯部挨一脚强。” 36. "Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick." 36.“比被一根尖棒朝眼睛扎一下强。” 37. "Better than a slap in the belly with a wet fish." 37.“比被一条湿鱼朝肚子上猛击一下强。” 38. "Better than a thump on the back with a stone." 38.“比被一块石头砰地击在背上强。” 39. "Won't he make a splash when he falls, now?" 39.“如果他现在摔下来,会发出泼溅声吗?” 40. "I hope to be here to see it. Dip my handkerchief in the blood." 40.“但愿我在这儿亲眼看到,拿手绢儿蘸血。” 41. "Fart-faced fool." 41.“这丑傻瓜。” 42. I unstuck the lefthand plumber's friend leaving the righthand one in place. 42.我拔出左手的橡皮吸碗,让右手的留在原处。 43. And reached out. 43.然后伸出手去。 44. To climb the glass mountain, one first requires a good reason. 44.要爬上这玻璃上,首先得有个好理由。 45. No one has ever climbed the mountain on behalf of science, or in search of celebrity, or because the mountain was a challenge. 45.没人曾为了科学爬过这座山,或者为了名望,或者因为这山是种挑战。 46. Those are not good reasons. 46.这些都不是好理由。 47. But good reasons exist. 47.然而好理由是有的。 48. At the top of the mountain there is a castle of pure gold, and in a room in the castle tower sits... 48.山顶上有一座纯金的城堡,在城堡高塔中的一间房内坐着…… 49. My acquaintances were shouting at me. 49.我的那些相识正冲着我大叫。 50. "Ten bucks you bust your ass in the next four minutes!" 50.“押十块,你在接下来的四分钟内准会跌烂屁股!” 51. ...a beautiful enchanted symbol. 8 51.……一个美丽的着了魔的象征。 52. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend leaving the lefthand one in place. 52.我拔起右手的橡皮吸碗,让左手的留在原处。 53. And reached out. 53.然后伸出手去。 54. It was cold there at 206 feet and when I looked down I was not encouraged. 54.在 206 英尺的高处很冷,我朝下看是,并不觉得为之鼓舞。 55. A heap of corpses both of horses and riders ringed the bottom of the mountain, many dying men groaning there. 55.一堆马儿和骑马人的尸体围绕着山脚,有不少垂死的人在那儿呻吟。 56. "A weakening of the libidinous interest in reality has recently come to a close." (Anton Ehrenzweig)① 56.“出于性本能而对现实感到的兴趣的衰退最近已告一段落。”(安东·爱伦支 威格语) 57. A few questions thronged into my mind. 57.有几个问题在我头脑中翻腾。 58. Does one climb a glass mountain, at considerable personal discomfort, simply to disenchant a symbol? 58.一个人会单单为了把一个象征从魔法中解救出来,就不惜招致相当的个人不 便,去攀登玻璃山吗? 59. Do today's stronger egos still need symbols? 59.人们今天的更为坚强的自我仍然需要象征吗? 60. I decided that the answer to these questions was "yes." 60.我认为这些问题的答案是“对”。 61. Otherwise what was I doing there, 206 feet above the power-sawed elms, whose white meat I could see from my height? 61.要不然,我在这里干什么?这地方在那些被电锯锯断的榆树上面 206 英尺, 从这高处看得见这些截面的浅色木质。 62. The best way to fail to climb the mountain is to be a knight in full armor--one whose horse's hoofs strike fiery sparks from the sides of the mountain. 62.要爬山失败,最好的办法是当一位身披全副甲胄的骑士——他的马蹄在山坡 上击出火星。 63. The following-named knights had failed to climb the mountain and were groaning in the heap: Sir Giles Guilford, Sir Henry Lovell, Sir Albert Denny, Sir Nicholas Vaux, Sir Patrick Grifford, Sir Gisbourne Gower, Sir Thomas Grey, Sir Peter Coleville, Sir John Blunt, Sir Richard Vernon, Sir Walter Willoughby, Sir Stephen Spear, Sir Roger Faulconbridge, Sir Clarence Vaughan, Sir Hubert Ratcliffe, Sir james Tyrrel, Sir Walter Herbert, Sir Robert Brakenbury, Sir Lionel Beaufort, and many others.② 63.下列骑士登山时失败了,正在尸体堆里呻吟:贾尔斯·吉尔福德爵士、亨利· 洛弗尔爵士、艾伯特·丹尼爵士、尼古拉斯·沃克斯爵士、帕特里克·格里福德 爵士、吉斯伯恩·高尔爵士、托马斯·格雷爵士、彼得·科尔维尔爵士、约翰· 布伦特爵士、里查德·弗农爵士、沃尔特·威洛比爵士、斯蒂芬·斯皮尔爵士、 ① A (probably) spurious quotation by a (probably) fictitious person. ② Names chosen or invented at random to represent English knighthood. 9 罗杰·福尔康布里奇爵士、克拉伦斯·沃恩爵士、休伯特·拉特克利夫爵士、詹 姆斯·蒂勒尔爵士、沃尔特·赫伯特爵士、罗伯特·布雷肯伯里爵士、莱昂内尔· 博福特爵士①以及其他许多人。 64. My acquaintances moved among the fallen knights. 64.我的那些相识在倒下的骑士们中间走动。 65. My acquaintances moved among the fallen knights, collecting rings, wallets, pocket watches, ladies' favors. 65.我的那些相识在倒下的骑士们中间走动,收集戒指、钱包、怀表、贵妇人送 的礼物。 66. "Calm reigns in the country, thanks to the confident wisdom of everyone." (M. Pompidou)② 66.“多亏人人都具有自信的智慧,平静在本国才处于支配地位。”(蓬皮杜先生③ 语) 67. The golden castle is guarded by a lean-headed eagle with blazing rubies for eyes. 67.那座金制的城堡有一头瘦削的雄鹰守卫着,它的眼睛是两块冒着火焰得红宝 石。 68. I unstuck the lefthand plumber's friend, wondering if-- 68.我拔起左手的橡皮吸碗,心想不知道—— 69. My acquaintances were prising out the gold teeth of not-yet dead knights. 69.我的那些相识正在撬下那些还没死透的骑士的金牙。 70. In the streets were people concealing their calm behind a façade of vague dread. 70.街头有些人用一副略微恐慌的外表掩饰起他们内心的平静。 71. "The conventional symbol (such as the nightingale, often associated with melancholy), even though it is recognized only through agreement, is not a sign (like the traffic light) because, again, it presumably arouses deep feelings and is regarded as possessing properties beyond what the eye alone sees." (A Dictionary of Literary Terms) 71.“习惯使用的象征(例如夜莺,常常和忧郁联系在一起),即使仅仅由于约定 俗成而被公认,并不是一个信号(就像红绿灯那样),因为,据说它又是能激起 深沉的情感的,并被认为具有一些超出只有眼睛才能看到的事物的属性。”(《文 学属于词典》) 72. A number of nightingales with traffic lights tied to their legs flew past me. 72.一群腿上绑着红绿交通灯的夜莺飞过我的身边。 73. A knight in pale pink armor appeared above me. 73.一位身披浅红色甲胄的骑士在我上面出现了。 74. He sank, his armor making tiny shrieking sounds against the glass. 74.他朝下滑去,甲胄在玻璃表面上发出轻微的吱吱声。 75. He gave me a sideways glance as he passed me. 75.他溜过我的身边,对我斜眼瞥了一下。 76. He uttered the word "Muerte"④ as he passed me. ① 这些贵族实有其人,为英国十五十六世纪的朝臣或将军。 ② Former President of France. The quotation is probably spurious. ③ 乔治·蓬皮杜(1911—1974),法国总统(1969—1974)。 ④ "Death." 10 76.他溜过我的身边,说了声“死神”。 77. I unstuck the righthand plumber's friend. 77.我拔起右手的橡皮吸碗。 78. My acquaintances were debating the question, which of them would get my apartment? 78.我的那些相识正在讨论这个问题:由他们中的哪一个来接收我的公寓房间。 79. I reviewed the conventional means of attaining the castle. 79.我回想起登上城堡的通常方法。 80. The conventional means of attaining the castle are as follows: "The eagle dug its sharp claws into the tender flesh of the youth, but he bore the pain without a sound, and seized the bird's two feet with his hands. The creature in terror lifted him high up into the air and began to circle the castle. The youth held on bravely. He saw the glittering palace, which by the pale rays of the moon looked like a dim lamp; and he saw the windows and balconies of the castle tower. Drawing a small knife from his belt, he cut off both the eagle's feet. The bird rose up in the air with a yelp, and the youth dropped lightly onto a broad balcony. At the same moment a door opened, and he saw a courtyard filled with flowers and trees, and there, the beautiful enchanted princess." (The Yellow Fairy Book)① 80.登上城堡的通常方法一如下述:“那头雄鹰把它尖利的爪子扎进这青年的娇 嫩皮肤,但他一生不吭地忍受痛苦,用双手抓着这鸟儿的双脚。这畜生吓坏了, 提着他直冲高空,开始绕着城堡飞翔。青年勇敢地抓住不放。他看见这闪闪发亮 的城堡,它在惨白的月光中看上去像盏光线暗淡的灯;他还看见城堡塔楼的那些 窗子和阳台。从腰带上拔出一把小刀,他把雄鹰的两只脚都砍下来。鸟儿一声惨 叫,直从高空,那青年轻巧地落在一只宽阔的阳台上。就在这关头,一扇门开了, 他看到一片满是鲜花和树木的庭院,就在那儿,有那个美丽的着了魔的公主。” (《黄色童话故事集》②) 81. I was afraid. 81.我害怕。 82. I had forgotten the Bandaids. 82.我忘了带邦迪牌创可贴。 83. When the eagle dug its sharp claws into my tender flesh-- 83.当那头雄鹰把它的尖利的爪子扎进我的娇嫩皮肤时—— 84. Should I go back for the Bandaids? 84.我该赶回去拿邦迪牌创可贴吗? 85. But if I went back for the Bandaids I would have to endure the contempt of my acquaintances. 85.不过,如果我赶回去拿创可贴的话,我就不得不忍受我的那些相识的蔑视。 86. I resolved to proceed without the Bandaids. 86.我决定不要创可贴,继续干下去。 87. "In some centuries, his [man'sl imagination has made life an intense practice of all ① One of a series of fairy tale collections edited by Andrew Lang. ② 英国作家安德鲁·兰(1844—1912)广泛收集各国童话,加以翻译改写,编成一套童话故事集,从 1889 年起,每年圣诞出版一册,直到 1910年。每册的节名冠以一种颜色。 11 the lovelier energies." (John Masefield)① 87.“在有些国家中,他的(人的)想象力使生活成为一场发挥所有比较可爱的 活力的认真实践。”(约翰·梅斯菲尔德②语) 88. The eagle dug its sharp cla
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