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秋季锻炼十大注意事项  一、注意衣着防止感冒   秋季和夏季不同,清晨的气温已经开始有些低了,锻炼时一般出汗较多,稍不注意就有受凉感冒的危险。所以,千万不能一起床就穿着单衣到户外去活动,而要给身体一个适应的时间。尤其是老人,在早晨醒来后不要马上起床,因为老年人椎间盘松弛,突然由卧位变为立位可能会发生扭伤腰背部的现象,有高血压、心血管病的老人起床更要小心,可以在床上伸伸懒腰,舒展一下关节,稍休息一会儿再下床。   二、及时补水防止秋燥   从潮湿闷热的夏季进入秋天,一下子气候干燥起来,温度也降低不少,人体内容易积一些燥热,而且秋季空气中湿度减少,容...
  一、注意衣着防止感冒   秋季和夏季不同,清晨的气温已经开始有些低了,锻炼时一般出汗较多,稍不注意就有受凉感冒的危险。所以,千万不能一起床就穿着单衣到户外去活动,而要给身体一个适应的时间。尤其是老人,在早晨醒来后不要马上起床,因为老年人椎间盘松弛,突然由卧位变为立位可能会发生扭伤腰背部的现象,有高血压、心血管病的老人起床更要小心,可以在床上伸伸懒腰,舒展一下关节,稍休息一会儿再下床。   二、及时补水防止秋燥   从潮湿闷热的夏季进入秋天,一下子气候干燥起来,温度也降低不少,人体内容易积一些燥热,而且秋季空气中湿度减少,容易引起咽喉干燥、口舌少津、嘴唇干裂、鼻子出血、大便干燥等症状。再加上运动时丧失的水分会加重人体缺乏水分的反应,所以,运动后一定要多喝开水,多吃梨、苹果、乳类、芝麻、新鲜蔬菜等柔润食物,或是平时多喝冰糖梨水、冬瓜汤等食物来保持上呼吸道黏膜的正常分泌,防止咽喉肿痛。   三、做好准备防止拉伤   对于任何一种运动来说,准备活动都是必须的,因为人的肌肉和韧带在秋季气温较低的情况下会反射性地引起血管收缩、黏滞性增加,关节的活动幅度减小,韧带的伸展度降低,神经系统对肌肉的指挥能力在没有准备活动的情况下也会下降,锻炼前若不充分做好准备活动,会引起关节韧带拉伤、肌肉拉伤等,严重影响日常的生活,锻炼反而成了一种伤害。   四、循序渐进切忌过猛   有的人觉得运动量大身体才能练好,抵抗力强,其实不然,运动跟吃饭睡觉一样,都是适度才好。从中医理论讲,秋天又是一个人体的精气都处于收敛内养的阶段,所以运动也应顺应这一原则,运动量应由小到大,循序渐进。锻炼时觉得自己的身体有些发热,微微出汗,锻炼后感到轻松舒适,这就是效果好的标准。相反,如果锻炼后十分疲劳,休息后仍然身体不适、头痛、头昏、胸闷、心悸、食量减少,那么您的运动量可能过大了,下一次运动时一定要减少运动量。   五、运动保护预防损伤   ㄠ蹵人的肌肉和韧带在秋季气温开始下降的环境中容易反射性地引起血管收缩,关节生理活动度减小,因而极易造成肌肉、肌腱、韧带及关节的运动损伤。因此,每次运动中也要注意运动的方法,除了做好充分的准备活动外,运动的幅度、强度都要重视,不要勉强自己做一些较高难度的动作。   六、晨起锻炼不能空腹   有的人习惯早上起床就先去锻炼,练完再吃早饭,这样对身体不太好。因为运动时身体会消耗大量的能量,经过一夜的消化和新陈代谢,前一天晚上吃的东西已经消化殆尽,身体中基本没有可供消耗的能量了,如果还在腹中空空、饥肠辘辘时锻炼,很容易发生低血糖。对老年人来说更为严重。所以起床后运动前应该适当喝些糖水或吃点水果“垫一垫”,这样让身体得到一些启动的能量,会更有利于健康。   七、酒足饭饱不宜运动   现代人的生活习惯已经很少是“日出而作,日落而息”的了,晚上睡得晚,早上工作又多,不少人没有时间早上锻炼,所以有人就把锻炼的时间定在了晚饭后。能够坚持锻炼是件好事,不过饭后立即进行运动,哪怕是散步也是不利于健康的。这是因为饭后消化系统的血液循环大大增加,而身体其他的部位血液循环就会相对减少,如果马上开始??潤???? ?a运动,消化的过程受阻,胃肠容易生病。所以饭后30分钟后再进行运动为好。   八、晨跑锻炼不宜路边   秋天在林阴大道上慢跑,呼吸清新的空气有利于人体健康。但是现在在城市中,车水马龙的马路越来越多,不少人为了省事,就在马路边慢跑来锻炼,其实这是很不健康的。因为秋季气候干燥,灰土容易飞扬起来,使空气受到污染,在马路边跑步,肺活量增加,会吸入更多的灰尘和汽车排出的有害气体。无形中增加了对身体的损害。所以晨跑和锻炼最好选择在公园等安静又干净的地方进行,而不宜在马路边慢跑。   九、锻炼同时保证睡眠   健身运动一定要在最佳的精神状态和生理状态的情况下,用饱满的情绪投入到健身运动中,才能取得身体锻炼的成果和精神情趣的愉悦。俗话说“春困秋乏”,进入秋季气候宜人,日照时间变短,利用这一好时机尽可能保证睡眠充足不仅能恢复体力,保证健康,也是提高机体免疫力的一个重要手段。所以,在秋季要遵照人体生物钟的运行规律,养成良好的睡眠习惯,这时再加上有序科学的锻炼,身体才能越来越好。   十、调整饮食增强体力   到了秋天,天气转凉,人们都会食欲大振,使热量的摄入大大增加。再加上气候宜人,使人睡眠充足,为迎接寒冷冬季的到来,人体内还会积极地储存御寒的脂肪,因此,身体摄取的热量多于散发的热量。所以,在秋季既要多吃有营养的东西,增强体力,另一方面也要小心体重增加,尤其是本身就肥胖的人。注意多吃一些低热量的减肥食品,如赤小豆、萝卜、竹笋、薏米、海带、蘑菇等,不吃重油腻味的食物,免得加重肠胃负担,还会使体温、血糖上升,使人萎靡不振,产生疲惫感。 One, pay attention to clothing to prevent the common cold In autumn and summer is different, the morning temperature have begun to some low, exercise general http://www.wxgs7.com/post/622.html sweat more, little attention runs the risk of cold. So, do not get out of bed on unlined garment to wear to go outdoors activities, to give the body a adapt to the time. Particularly the elderly, do not wake up in the morning to get up immediately, because the old disc relaxation, suddenly become a standing position by lying may occur sprain back phenomenon, have high blood pressure,cardiovascular disease in the elderly to get up more careful, can be in bed stretch,Shu Zhanyi joints, a little rest for a while and then get out of bed. Two, timely replenishment prevent dryness in autumn From the hot and humid summer into the autumn, suddenly dry climate up, the temperature has fallen, the body content easy to plot a number of dry and hot, and autumn in the air humidity is reduced, easily lead to throat and dry tongue, dry lips,nose bleeding, stool drying www.hjmgyt1.com and other symptoms. Coupled with the loss of water during exercise will increase the body's response to the lack of moisture, so, the movement must drink boiling water, eat pears, apples, milk, sesame, fresh vegetables and other gentle food, or drink normally rock candy pear water, winter melon soup and other food to maintain a normal secretion of the upper respiratory tract mucosa, prevent sore throat. Three, to prevent the injury For any kind of movement, the preparations are necessary, because people's muscles and ligaments in the fall under the lower temperatures can reflex sexual ground to cause vasoconstriction, viscosity increased, reduced joint range of activities, and ligaments stretch degree is reduced, command ability of musclenerve system will fall in not ready to activities of the www.wxgs7.com case also, before exercise, if not fully prepared, will cause ligament strain, muscle strain and so on, seriously affected the daily life, exercise has become a kind of injury. Four, step by step, not too hard Some people feel that the large amount of exercise the body in order to practice good, strong resistance, in fact, exercise and eat and sleep, is moderate to good.From the Chinese medicine theory, the fall is a human essence in the convergence culture stage, so that the movement should also follow this principle, exercise should be from small to large, step by step. Exercise feel body some fever,sweating slightly, exercise and feel comfortable, this is the effect good standard. On the contrary, if very tired after exercise, the rest is still unwell, headache, dizziness,palpitations, chest tightness, reduced www.hitjob.net food intake, your exercise may be too big,must reduce the amount of exercise the next movement. Five, protection of sports injury prevention The muscles and ligaments Cu people in autumn temperatures began to decline in the environment is easy to cause reflex vasoconstriction, joint physiological activity decreases, and so it can easily cause muscle, tendon injury, ligament and joint.Therefore, each exercise should pay attention to exercise, in addition to make full preparations, amplitude, intensity of exercise should pay attention to, don't force yourself to do some high difficulty movement. Six, the morning exercise should not be fasting Some people used to get up in the morning before exercise, after practice and then eat breakfast, so that the body is not very good. Because when you exercise, the body will consume a lot of energy, after a night of digestion and The new supersedes the old., the night before to eat www.dmqzkfw.com things have digest completely, the body without an alternative energy consumption, if still in the womb and hungry empty when exercise, it is prone to low blood sugar. For the elderly is more serious.So after getting up before motion should be appropriate to drink some sugar wateror eat a fruit "cushion", so let the body get some start energy, will be more conducive to health. Seven, unfavorable movement have dined and wined to satiety The living habits of modern people have rarely "Richuerzuo, sunset and interest",go to bed late at night, morning and many, many people have no time to exercise in the morning, so some people take exercise time in after dinner. Adhere to exerciseis a good thing, but immediately after a meal to exercise, even walking is not conducive to health. This is because www.withkyu.com after dinner digestive system greatly increases the blood circulation, and other parts of the body's blood circulation will be relatively reduced, if immediately begin? ? run? ???? A movement, the digestive process is blocked, gastrointestinal sick easily. So after 30 minutes after theexercise is a good. Eight, running in the morning exercise should not be the roadside Autumn jogging in the Boulevard, breathing the fresh air is beneficial to human health. But now in the city, the heavy traffic road more and more, many people in order to save trouble, in kerbside jogging to exercise, actually this is not healthy.Because autumn climate is dry, dust flying up easily, so the air is polluted, running,on the side of the road, vital capacity increased, breathe more dust and harmful gas exhaust. Increases the damage to the body virtually. So the morning run and exercise the best choice in the park such as quiet and clean place, but not in kerbside jogging. Nine, exercise and sleep Fitness must be in the best mental state and physical state of circumstances, with full of emotions into fitness, to obtain the results of physical exercise and mental taste pleasure. As the www.bshaikuo.com saying goes "sleepy autumn lack", fall into the pleasant weather, shorter duration of sunshine, a good time to use it as much as possible to ensure adequate sleep can not only recover, guarantee the health, but also an important means to improve the immunity of the body. So, in the autumn to follow the operating rules of the human body's biological clock, to develop good sleephabits, when coupled with an orderly and scientific exercise, the body can be better and better. Ten, adjust the diet enhanced physical In the fall, the weather turns cool, there will be loss of appetite Zhen, the calorie intake increased significantly. Coupled with a pleasant climate, make personmorpheusenough, to greet the arrival of the winter cold, the body will actively keep out the cold storage of fat, therefore, the body intake of calories than the heat. So, in the autumn should eat www.xzyymgw.net nutritious things, physical enhancement, on the other hand, must be careful to weight gain, especially in obese people themselves. Pay attention to eat some low calorie diet foods, such as red adzuki beans, radish, bamboo shoots, barley, kelp, mushroom and so on, do not eat heavy bored of food, lest aggravating the burden on the stomach, may also make the body temperature, blood sugar rises, make people cachexia, resulting in fatigue.
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