

2014-01-15 5页 doc 42KB 24阅读




出境英语出境常用英语 1.境外填表常用词汇 姓 Family name, Surname 名 First name, Given name 性别 Sex, Gender 男 Male, 女 Female 国籍 Nationality, Country of citizenship 护照号 Passport number 原住地 Country of origin 前往国 Destination country 登机城市 city where you boarded 签证签发地 city where visa was issued 签发...
出境常用英语 1.境外填表常用词汇 姓 Family name, Surname 名 First name, Given name 性别 Sex, Gender 男 Male, 女 Female 国籍 Nationality, Country of citizenship 护照号 Passport number 原住地 Country of origin 前往国 Destination country 登机城市 city where you boarded 签证签发地 city where visa was issued 签发日期 date of issue 出生日期 date of birth, birth date 年year, 月 month, 日 day 偕行人数 accompanying number 签名 signature 官方填写 official use only 职业 occupation 护照 Passport, 签证 Visa 登机、启程 Embarkation 登岸 Disembarkation 商务签证 Business Visa 观光签证 Tourist Visa 2. 在机场 航站、终点站 Terminal 入境大厅 Arrival Lobby 行李 Baggage, Luggage 托运的行李 Checked baggage 行李领取处 Baggage claim area 随身行李 Carry-on baggage 行李牌 Baggage tag 行李推车 Luggage cart 退税处 Tax-free refund 出境大厅 Departure lobby 登机门号码 Gate number 登机证 Boarding Card, Boarding Pass 机场税 Airport Tax 登机手续办理处 Check in Counter 海关申报处 Customs Service Area 货币申报 Currency Declaration 免税商品 Duty-free Items 大号 large, 中号 medium, 小号 small 3. 在飞机上 盥洗室、厕所 Lavatory, washroom, toilet W.C.=water closet; rest room 男厕 Men’s; Gent’s; Gentlemen’s 女厕 Women’s; Lady’s 使用中 Occupied 空闲 Vacant 男(女)空服员 Steward(Stewardess) 机内免税贩卖 In-Flight Sales 4. 钱币兑换 外币兑换店 Currency Exchange Shop 汇率 Exchange rate 旅行支票 Traveler’s check 手续费 Commission 银行买入价 We buy (Bid) 银行卖出价 We sell (Ask) 5. 在酒店 入住登记手续 Check-in 客房服务 Room Service 退房(时间)Check Out(Time) 前台 Front Desk, Reception 咖啡馆 Coffee shop 服务员,侍者 waiter 电话叫醒服务 Wake Up Call, Morning Call 6.日常用语 How do you do, I’m glad to meet you.你好,很高兴认识你。 How do you do! Glad to meet you, too.你好,我也很高兴认识你 It’s nice meeting you. (很高兴认识你) May I have your name,please?请问你叫什么名字? How much? 多少钱? Please show me the menu. 请把菜单给我。 Cheers! Bottoms up! 干杯! I’m lost. Could you do me a favor to find my hotel?我迷路了,您能告诉我怎么回饭店吗? Could you take a picture for me? 你能帮我拍照吗? Thank you very much.非常感谢。 You’re welcome. 不客气。 Let’s keep in touch. 让我们保持联系。 How can I get in touch with you?我怎样能跟你联络上? Wait a moment, please. 请稍等一下。 1 What can I do for you? 我能为您做什么吗? 2 Show me your passport ,departure card and boarding pass please.请出示您的护照,出境卡和登机牌。 3 Please sign your name here.请在这里签名。 4 Where are you from? What is your flight number please?您来自哪个国家?您的航班号是什么? 5 What is your occupatiom?您的职业是什么? 6 Do you have any other document?您还有其它证件吗? 7 Please take off your hat,sunglasses and mask.请摘下您的帽子,太阳镜和口罩。 8 When did you take the picture on your passport?您护照上的照片是什么时候照的? 9 Please go to the port visa office to ask whether you can apply for a port visa.请到口岸签证处去咨询你是否可以办口岸签证。 10 You could only leave with a valid C visa.你只能持乘务签证出境。 11 Please go through the special lane.请走专用通道。 12 Walk around the glass wall and go straight for 100 meters.On your right hand is the sign of lane S.Please follow the immigration officer.绕过玻璃墙直走100米。在你右手边有一个S标志,请跟着边检警官走。 13 The Customs is at the entrance of the hall .海关在大厅入口处。 14 Where can I check in my luggage?在哪儿托运行李? 15 After you finish the immigration inspection ,please turn right and go straight to a stair case and claim your luggage downstairs.在办理完边检手续后,右转直走到扶梯位置,乘扶梯下楼直接提取行李。 16 There is a port visa office here , you can ask for information from them.这有口岸签证处,你可以向他们咨询。 17 Where can I make the customs declaration,please?请问哪里可以办理海关报关手续。 18 Sorry,sir.There are no letters of CHN on your APEC card back..According to the regulations ,you should hold a Chinese visa.对不起,先生。在您在APEC卡背面没有CHN字样。根据规定,您得有中国签证。 19 Please go through the staff only channel.There is the signpost.请走员工通道,那儿有标识牌。 20 These are the crew list,general declaration and passenger manifest.这是机组名单,总申报单和旅客名单。 21 We hope that you collect all the passports before the plane arrives in the future.Otherwise there will not be enough time for the immigration formalities.我们希望以后您提前将所有护照收集好,否则会耽误您的航班正常起落。 22 According to the aviation agreement between our two governments, all crew members should only fly with valid visa.根据我们两国政府签订的民航,所有机组成员必须持有效签证。 23 Welcome to Italy! Wish you have a nice stay in Italy !欢迎来意大利!希望您在意大利过的愉快! 24 It is my pleasure to do this for you .很高兴为您做这些。 25Have a nice journey! Everything goes well! 旅途愉快!一切顺利。 26 How many passengers are there on your plane? 飞机上有多少乘客? 27 Please correct the number here and be careful next time.请在这里更正数字,下次一定要注意。 28 I need to see your pass and employee’s card. 我需要您的通行证和工作证。 29 Sorry.You couldn’t go out of the limited district since you have finished your inspection.There are shops within the area. 对不起,你已经办完手续不能出去了,隔离区里面也有商店。 30 Please leave the inspection area now and do not disrupt the normal order here. 请你们马上离开执勤现场,不要干扰我们的正常秩序。 31 Please follow me to the assisting lane. 请跟我来这边需扶助人员通道办理手续。 32 Please wait a moment.We need to contact the airways to confirm your ticket. 您稍等一下,我们需要和航空公司联系,确认您的机票。 33 Please stand in line according to the name list and wait for the immigration inspection.  请按照名单顺序等候办理手续。 34 What are your flight number and hotel name?请问您的航班号码和酒店名称是什么? 35 You need to hand in the copy of the stick group visa and we will keep it after the inspection.您持用的贴纸式团体签证必须要复印件,我们要在办理入境手续后,将其收存。 36 Please wait a moment. We need to check some information. 请等一下,我们需要核实一下情况。 37 How many passports are there altogether? 一共有多少本护照? 38 I shall seal the box. Here is the receipt for the weapons. Please keep it carefully.  我会给箱子贴上封条(加铅封) 这是收据,请小心保管。 39 Please write down the information on this form.  请将资料填在这个表格里。
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