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十天词汇突破20000Vocabulary Since 1999/2/20 Written by Baker A Bedlamite. · 本版教程为毕克所著目的是在十天内提高单词量到20000,每6页为一天.借助于金山词霸矫正发音 · 学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习 · Reading.doc 学习要求是熟读 · Talking.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 · 学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育第一阶段. · 考取CCIE 以及 Ph.D Majored in Netwo...
Vocabulary Since 1999/2/20 Written by Baker A Bedlamite. · 本版为毕克所著目的是在十天内提高单词量到20000,每6页为一天.借助于金山词霸矫正发音 · 学习要求是脱口背诵,每天学习6小时.建议在学习本教材的同时学习 · Reading.doc 学习要求是熟读 · Talking.doc 学习要求是脱口背诵 · 学完上述4项,应可完成英语素质教育第一阶段. · 考取CCIE 以及 Ph.D Majored in Networking System, I swear. · My Buddha almighty! Vocabulary Fundamental 1000 Vocabulary Foundamental.doc Vocabulary 5000 See Directory: Crack English for graduated Students english for guraduate student\ Vocabulary 10000 Lesson 1 A monument was built to commemorate the victory.纪念碑被建立用于纪念战争的胜利。 The children huddled together for warmth.孩子们拥挤在一起取暖。 Censure is sometimes harder to bear than punishment. 谴责有时候比惩罚更难承受。 The new vaccine eradicated all traces of the disease within three months.新的疫苗能在三个月内清除疾病的所有痕迹。 The barbarians defiled the church by using it as a stable.野蛮的人亵渎了教堂,把教堂当作马厩使用。 The pregnant woman has an enlarged abdomen.怀孕的女人有个很大的腹部。 The lost hikers were bereft of hope when the rescue plane did not see them.当营救飞机没有发现他时,迷失的徒步旅行者被剥夺了希望。 The children were bereaved by the death of their parents.因为父母的死去,孩子们也被剥夺了。 This battlefield is consecrated to the memory of the soldiers who died here.对死在战场的士兵而言,在他们记忆中战场是最神圣的地方。 A good joke does not necessarily evoke a hearty laugh.一个好的玩笑没有必要唤起亲切的笑声。 Wheels left grooves in a muddy dirt road.左车轮陷进泥泞的路上。 The old car jolted its passengers badly as it went over the rough road.当旧的汽车在粗糙的路上行使时,将乘客剧烈的摇晃。 Bowing to greet a lady is now an obsolete custom.向一个女士鞠躬问候现在是个过时的风俗。 Many wild animals prowl at night looking for something to eat.许多野生动物在夜里巡游以寻找食物。 The children scooped holes in the sand.孩子们在沙滩上挖洞。 Diplomats are interested in the status of world affairs.外交官比较感兴趣世界事务的情势。 The farmer sued the railroad station because his cow was killed by the train.农民的牛因火车而死,因此农民控告了铁路局。 The counter of the sink has many grooves along which the water will run off.水池计数器有许多的凹槽,水能从凹槽内流出。 The cat prowled around the cellar looking for mice.猫在地窖里巡游寻找老鼠。 We all sympathized with the husband who was bereaved of his beloved wife.我们都同情丈夫,他丧失了他心爱的妻子。 Her singing evoked admiration from the public.她的歌声博得了公众的钦佩。 We still use this machine though it is obsolete.我们仍然用这台机器尽管它已经陈旧。 The bandit in a typical Western movie rides a horse and goes armed. either alone or in a group.在典型的西方电影里面强盗都骑着马并配着武器,要么独自一个人要么成群。 Christmas commemorates the birth of Jesus Christ.圣诞节是纪念耶稣救世主的诞生。 The children‘s muddy shoes defiled all the rugs in the hotel.孩子们泥泞的鞋子污染了旅馆的所有地毯。 Running in the hall is a deviation from the school rules and will not be allowed.在礼堂里跑步是违背学校纪律的,也是不允许的。 She could bear the disappointments of other people with tolerable fortitude.她能够用可容忍的坚韧承受其他人认为的失望。 The little girl was inconsolable at the loss of her kitten.小女孩在丢失她的小猫咪时极度的伤心。 Aren‘t you hungry? You are only nibbling your food.你还没有饿吗?你只是细咬你的食物。 The coronation of the new king was a splendid pageant.新国王的加冕礼是个辉煌的庆典。 After the scourge of flood usually comes the scourge of disease.洪水的灾难过后往往带来疾病的灾难。 The crippled child tumbled down the stairs and was badly hurt.残废的小孩跌倒在楼梯上并收了重伤。 The iron in the ship caused a deviation of the magnetic needle of the compass.船上的铁导致了指南针磁针的偏差。 A marathon runner must have great fortitude to run such a long distance.马拉松运动员需要有很强的坚韧去赛跑如此长的距离。 The pretty girl‘s reputation was defiled by malicious gossips.漂亮女孩的名声被恶毒的闲话给玷污了。 The boy is just learning to walk, he is always tumbling over the floor.小男孩正在学习走路,他老是在地板上摔跤。 The inauguration ceremony of the new President was a splendid pageant.新总统的就职典礼是个辉煌的庆典。 There are many illnesses, which afflict old people.有很多疾病折磨着老年人。 His employer censured him for neglecting his work.他的雇主责怪他忽视自己的工作。 The thief intruded into the house with caution and dissimulation.小偷小心掩饰的侵入房屋。 Nowadays, it is an inhumane punishment to flog the disobedient soldiers or sailors.现在,鞭打不服从的士兵和船员是个残忍的惩罚。 According to the inscription on its cornerstone, this building was erected in 1919.依照碑石上的字,这个建筑建于1919年。 The gifts of charity meddled with a man’s private affair.慈善事业的礼品受一个男子私人事务的干涉。 He doesn‘t sit straight: his posture is very bad.他没有做直,他的坐姿是很不健康的。 John rummaged all the drawers to find his gloves. John在所有抽屉里到处翻寻他的手套。 The water spouted out when the pipe was broken. 当水管破裂时,水喷射出来。 The climber traversed a long horizontal crack in the face of the mountain slope.登山者横贯了山脉斜坡面一段长的水平裂缝。 A child stood looking with wistful eyes at the toys in the shop window.小孩站着透过商店的窗户用渴望的眼神看着玩具。 He was flogging his horse in a very cruel way.他用残酷的方式鞭打他的马。 She rummaged change from the bottom of her purse.她翻箱倒柜的在底部寻找到她的钱包。 The law does not meddle unduly with a person‘s private life.法律不能过度的干涉人们的私人生活。 The lights traversed the sky searching for enemy planes.灯光划破长空寻求敌人的飞机。 The inscription on the ancient monument was very hard to read.在古老纪念碑上的题字很难识别。 The amicable flash of her white teeth was very impressive.她纯白的牙齿表现出的亲切给人很深的印象。 The soldiers are very exhausted for they have advanced forward without rest in a blizzard.士兵非常疲惫,他们在暴风雪中一直没有休息。 If I were rich, I would like to cruise in the Southern Pacific for six months in a private yacht.如果我富有了,我可能驾着自己的私人游艇花6个月巡航南太平洋。 Yellow fever has been eradicated in the United States but it still exists in some countries.黄热病已经在美国根除了,但在一些国家还是仍然存在。 The doctor‘s report gave us only a glimmer of hope.博士的报告给了我们闪烁的希望。 On his desk, many articles and documents are always piled in great lump.在他的桌子上,许多论文和公文总是堆成很大的一块。 The woman ransacked the house for her lost jewelry.女人在家中到处搜索她失去的珠宝。 He slashed a path through the high grass with a long knife.他用一把长刀砍去贯穿小路的高草。 Out feet slumped repeatedly through the melting ice.??? That pop-song had a great vogue at one time.在一段时间,流行歌曲非常的时尚。 Enemy soldiers ransacked the city and carried off its treasures.敌军洗劫了城市并将财宝运载出去。 Tired from his long walk, he slumped into a chair.长时间的谈话让他累得倒塌在椅子上。 We saw the glimmer of a distant light through the trees.我们看到了透过树木的远距离灯光的.闪烁。 He used to have a great vogue as a film actor, but no one goes to the cinema to see him now.他曾经作为一个电影演员是很时尚的,可现在没有一个人去电影院看他。 What the Ice Age did was to eradicate the abundant mammalian life in the Northern Hemisphere.冰河时代是根除北半球丰富的哺乳动物时期。 He ascribes his success to skill and hard work.他的成功归咎于他的技能及努力工作。 The soldiers kept their heads down behind the bulwark.士兵保持他们的头在壁垒下面。 She looked around this way and that in a dubious manner.她用这种方式环顾四周,这是种可疑的行为。 Selfishness was a facet of his character that we seldom saw before.自私自利是他小心眼的特征,我们以前很少看到的。 For the first time he had to pay heed to his appearance, and in fact he became very well-dressed from then on.至从第一次我们留意他的出现,事实上他那时穿着已经非常讲究了。 The boys huddled together under the rock to keep warm.男孩们拥挤在石头下面以便取暖。 The old man mumbled something to me, but I could not understand him.老人对我含糊地说(喃喃而语, 咕哝)了些,但我不能够理解他。 This ruined bridge is a relic of the Korean War in 1950.这座荒废的桥时韩国1950年战争的遗迹。 Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.公车排放的气体是形成烟雾的主要因素之一。 The thirsty wayfarer was glad to find a fresh spring near the road.口渴的旅行者很乐意在路边上发现新鲜的泉水。 He always speaks with his mouth full of food, it is his wont.他常常嘴里充满食物时说话,这时他的习惯。 Four people were huddled under one umbrella to avoid the sudden shower.4个人拥挤在一个伞下,以避免突然的阵雨。 I‘m feeling better than yesterday, but it is dubious that I can go to school tomorrow.我感觉比昨天号多了,但我明天能否取学校还是可疑的。 No one knows who wrote that play, but it is usually ascribed to Cyril Tourneur.没有人知道谁写了这个剧本,可一般归咎于Cyril Tourneur的功劳。 We believe that a free press and free speech are bulwarks of democracy.我们认为自由地新闻大方的演讲时民主主义的壁垒。 Take heed of what I say, or you will fail in the final examination.留意我所说的,否则你将在最终的考试中失败。 Lesson 23 Civilized people believe in humane treatment of prisoners.文明的人认为应仁慈的对待战俘。 The equator is an imaginary circle around the earth.赤道是假想的绕地球的圆形物。 Because he wasn‘t working hard, he is liable to fail.因为他工作不够努力,他很有可能失败。 He sat alone after the battle, mourning over the loss of his best friend.战斗结束他一个人孤独的坐着, A psychiatrist can help some people to understand their subconscious urges. He has to leave now, he lives farther from here than I do. All the members of the committee agreed to inquire further into the matter. The man living next door hanged himself in sorrow after his wife died. We hung our reproduction of “Mona Liza” above the fireplace. Tainan is one of the historic spots that you should visit. Upon retiring from the office, the President gave all the historical papers to the library. The philosopher claims that kindness is a human trait, but I don‘t believe it. Humane people are considerate of not only other people but also animals. Some people do not believe that ghosts are not real but imaginary beings. The imaginative child always likes to make up fairy tales. Bessie Smith was an incomparable singer in her days. It is foolish to compare horses with airplanes. They are incomparable. Some old superstitions seem incredible to most educated people. People nowadays are incredulous about ghosts and witches. The gentleman laid his land on his son‘s shoulder. The wounded soldier was lying on the battlefield. This kind of shoe is apt to slip on wet ground. Henry is an apt student of the practical science. Children under the age of 10 are all liable to diseases. He declared that he was not liable for his wife‘s debts. The weather forecast says that it‘s likely to be hot tomorrow. The backyard of our house has a luxuriant growth of weeds. She is too proud, too luxurious to marry an ordinary person like you. From time to time, during the night, there was a moan of pain from the sick man. The whole nation mourned the death of the much-loved President. The company will give only oral tests to the applicants. This written report contains both a verbal description and a sketch of the building. The minister made a personal visit to the scene of the fighting. The general issued an order to capture the hill to all personnel. The man seemed poor, but he was respectably dressed. Children should speak respectfully to their elders. The first, second, and third prizes went to Jack, George, and Frank respectively. She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for silence. The farmer raises cattle and crops. The sun will rise at 5:45 tomorrow morning. We have to go to the government patent office to register the new trademark. It is safe to register the letter containing the check. Go to the registrar of the university to know your grades. The boat we are on is the best sailor in the fleet. The men in our navy are called sailors if they are not officers. A group of college professors were waiting in the main salon to see the Minister of Education. The ship‘s passengers have their dinners in the dining saloon. It was certain that Oswald might have a subconscious desire to injure his underling. Edina was unconscious for two hours after the accident. The general was unconscious of being followed by the spy. The club’s secretary prepared several transcripts of minutes of the meeting. The transcription of words into phonetic symbols requires special training. Lesson 24 The woman knelt before the altar to pray to God for her son‘s safe return. If it rains, we have to alter our plan to have a picnic on Sunday. Chinese mountain climbers made a successful ascent of Mt. McKinley in North America. I won‘t give my assent to her plan because it is not well prepared. There are several old cannons on the wall of the castle. This canon has been enacted by the church council very recently. Some of the tops of sneakers are made of canvas. The sales representative canvassed the whole city for subscriptions of the magazine. The cession of the territory could not be avoided because they lost the war. Be seated! The court is now in session. The soldier fainted at the sight of his own blood. The color became faint as the sunset. He feinted with his left hand and hit me with his right. In recent years there has been an intention of the struggle for political power in the country. She felt offended at my remarks, but it wasn‘t my intention to hurt her. There is nothing that we can do now but pray God helps us in our troubles. The lion seized its prey and ate it. Chicago is the principal city in the Midwest of the United States. The principal told the teachers to dismiss (suspend) school during the heavy snowstorm. This country was founded on the principle of individual freedom for all. The population of France remained stationary almost for a century. Herbert bought a notebook at the stationery store. Please write your name and address on this paper. The President addressed the nation on the subject of war and peace. Darkness is an attribute of night, as brightness is that of day. We attribute Edison‘s success to intelligence and hard work. The teachers appointed a committee of five members to plan the class picnic. The court appointed Mr.Lansing as the committee that would take care of the boy’s property. She likes music very much,she never misses a concert. We concerted on the most proper methods for speedily executing the manager’s instructions. I tried but couldn’t understand the content of his speech. John contented himself with two glasses of beer even though he could have had more. Honest but poor is the converse of poor but honest. He conversed with his wife about the summer vacation. The Sahara is a great desert in the northern part of Africa. After the family deserted the farm, its buildings fell to ruin. (=fell out of use). The publisher decided to publish a digest /summary of international law. I like milk very much, but I can’t digest /catch it very well. Most animals have an instinct to protect their young. Her face was instinct with benevolence and kindness. Although the governor knew many peoples, he had few intimates. He intimated /suggested indirectly that he was dissatisfied with his job. The train arrived at exactly /punctually four minutes past eight. There has been a minute improvement in the working conditions of the factory. A dark object moved between the door and me, What? Eidolon? Devil or fairy. Do you object Tommy smoking in this room? Her asked her to marry him but he refused. The street-cleaning department took away all refuse from the street. The little girl was in tears because she’d lost her mother. For security, tear up paper before put it in the trash can. The janitor/buddy removed used towels from the rack. It took long to get used to foreign food. Lesson 10 The entire population was aggrieved by the tyranny of the king. Only a callous/apathy person can see suffering without trying to relieve it. Walking barefoot on the asphalt pavement/trotter makes the bottom of your feet callous. She wants to continue her study in the United States, but her parents disapprove of her plan. Ten dollars is a fabulous price for an ordinary pencil. He was infuriated by the police man’s rough treatment of his wife. His political opponents feared his mordant tongue, and even more his mordant pen. The idiotic Indiaese sang a shit-song of victory, describing their prowess in battle. He was arrested as a member of a subversive organization advocating the forceful overthrow of the present government. Many students find temporary jobs during their summer holidays. Through the years he amassed a large fortune to buy farm after he retired. However, as the evidence began to accumulate, experts from the Zoo felt obliged to investigate. People tend to amass possessions, sometimes without being aware of doing so. The Empire State Building is a colossal structure. Sickness or bad luck often makes a person feel dismal. She was glad to see us again and gave me a genial welcome. It is hard for an inveterate smoker to give up tobacco/cigarette. The punishment for that offence is two years in prison. During his sojourn /stopover in Africa he learned much about native customs. Six robberies in one night put our village in turmoil. A scientist suspends judgment and refrains from drawing conclusions until all the facts are in. She assented to the doctor’s assertion that her son was ill, but could not consent to having him hospitalized. The couple wishes to live in a cozy little home rather than in a lifeless mansion. That factory is trying to diversify its products to sell in different markets. The haggard faces of the rescued miners showed that they had a great deal of sufferings. Careless drivers cause many irreparable accidents. Everyone has two paternal grandparents and two maternal grandparents. The young artist made a replica of the famous painting. His seclusion of the rabbit in the barn was kept secret from everyone else. The two friends wrangled and now they don’t speak to each other. Most bigoted people are intolerant of opposition. Most of the food they eat is deficient in iron and protein. The sly fox eluded the hunters by running back in the opposite direction. Some very great men have come from ignoble families. We are studying about dew, frost, mist, and other kindred facts of nature. During the Romantic period it was fashionable in literature to have a melancholy outlook on the world. No one likes to be regarded as a poltroon. The enemy was routed. The most massive defense system would still leave the nation vulnerable to nuclear attack. The child abided with his grandparents for three years before being returned to his parents. She can't abide watching horror films. Please feel assured that we will abide by our promise. The audience in the theater was irritated by the unruly and boisterous children. To spit in the classroom is despicable. We saw many exotic plants at the flower exhibition, which we had never seen before. For the mountain climber, it is imperative to get food and water before sunset. My wife has such an imperative voice that everyone coveys her. He was nonplused by the strange customs he saw everywhere in the country. The leader of the band bowed in a pompous/exaggerated manner He severed connection with Tom. The day was so sultry that they had little energy left. The moon was waning, and in such a waning light, it is very difficult to see the enemy. Lesson 11 We are becoming acclimated to New York weather. The senators assailed the President on the subject of the treaty between the two countries. His face was congested with anger as the argument grew more heated. Her effusive welcome made us feel most uncomfortable A good manager is frugal in the use of his funds The newspapers accused the government of being insolvent in its debts. Most passengers of the ship were seize d with nausea during the storm at sea She had no way to redeem her furniture out of pawn. They used waterproof cement to prevent water from seeping through the roof of the runnel. A swollen cheek spoiled the symmetry of his handsome face. New York’s hot weather is often aggravated by its humidity. A balmy breeze was blowing across the beautiful lake. The culmination of the doctor’s life’s work was his discovery of a cure of cancer. The storekeeper endorsed my bill when I paid the full amount. The main field of hygiene is concerned with healthy living and cleanliness. Sound is intangible and the same is true of light. Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him. The funeral will be performed according to church rites Her story was boring, but he simulated interest to please her. The account of the trial was transcribed from the stenographer ’s shorthand notes. The United States annexe d Texas in 1845. Some people brew beer at home for home use. The boys whispering in the corner are brewing some mischief The boys derided him for his fear of the darkness. She always evaluates people by their clothes. Swept along by the swift current, he was in imminent danger of going over the waterfall. A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically. There is a preponderance of hot days in July and August. Many sage staffs around the commander helped him win the battle. A sagacious business
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