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7月4日“美国独立日” 环球托业英语学习中心 http://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cn 7777月 4444日“美国独立日” 美国独立日介绍: Middle of the 18th century, the British colonies in the Americas and the United Kingdom have a rift. Colonial expansion, so that t...
环球托业英语学习中心 http://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cnhttp://www.ets-toeic.cn 7777月 4444日“美国独立日” 美国独立日介绍: Middle of the 18th century, the British colonies in the Americas and the United Kingdom have a rift. Colonial expansion, so that they have some kind of conscious and conscious of the British persecution, and the idea of an independent initiation. 1774, representatives from 12 states gathered in Philadelphia, held a meeting of the so-called first subcontinent. hope to find out a reasonable way to settle the issue peacefully with the British. However, the king insists that the colonial must unconditionally succumb to the king, and accept the punishment. 18世纪中叶,英国在美洲的殖民地与英国之间已有了裂痕。殖民地的扩张,使他们产 生某种自觉――自觉到英国的迫害,而萌生独立的念头。1774 年,来自 12州的代聚集在 费城,召开所谓第一次大陆会议,希望能寻出一条合理的途径,与英国和平解决问,然而 英王却坚持殖民地必须无条件臣服于英王并接受处分。 1775, the American armed forces and the British colonial army in the independent Massachusetts flames of war, in May. American subcontinent independence forces held its second meeting with the independent firm determination in the war, and made the famous declaration of independence. fully justified to fight this battle, and this is also the last winning factor. 1781, the U.S. military has won a decisive victory in 1783, the United States and Britain signed the Treaty of Paris that ended the War of Independence. 1775年,美洲独立军队和英国殖民军队在麻州点燃战火,5月,美洲独立军召开第二次 大陆会议,坚定了战争与独立的决心,并发表有名的独立宣言,提出充分的理由来打这场仗, 这也是最后致胜的要素。1781年,美军赢得了决定性的胜利,1783年,美英签定巴黎条约, 结束了独立战争。 Independence Day is one of America's principal legal holiday. July 4, 1776, Jefferson drafted the "Declaration of Independence" conference in Philadelphia formally adopted the mainland, United States of America and solemnly declared independence from Britain. "Declaration of Independence" is a great history of the world literature, adoption of the "Declaration of Independence" that the American people will one day become a memorable day for the United States Independence Day。 独立日是美国主要法定节日之一。1776年 7月 4日,由杰弗逊起草的《独立宣言》在 费城大陆会议上正式通过,庄严地宣布美利坚合众国脱离英国而独立。《独立宣言》是具有 世界历史意义的伟大文献,通过《独立宣言》的这一天也成为美国人民永远纪念的节日,定 为美国独立日。
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