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❤1-15 雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班 主讲:郑仁强 环球英语网校直播课堂 www.eng24.com •强哥4.期5555月雅思写作预测班----大作文---- AGAGAGAG通用 • ((((注意:这里只是1-151-151-151-15题,本月写作预测大 作文共30303030几道题,其余题目及答案5555月3333日 17:0017:0017:0017:00后在用户中心学习资料里下载;5555月 111111...
雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班雅思写作预测直播互动班 主讲:郑仁强 环球英语网校直播课堂 www.eng24.com •强哥4.期5555月雅思写作预测班----大作文---- AGAGAGAG通用 • ((((注意:这里只是1-151-151-151-15题,本月写作预测大 作文共30303030几道题,其余题目及5555月3333日 17:0017:0017:0017:00后在用户中心学习资料里下载;5555月 11111111日和5555月18181818日后会各有一次缩小范围和补 丁,也是在用户中心学习资料下载,请务 必关注我的新浪微博@@@@郑仁强 @@@@雅思写作 预测,微信zhengrenqiangzhengrenqiangzhengrenqiangzhengrenqiang或yasiyasiyasiyasi99999999 !)))) • • Some people think that nowadays Some people think that nowadays Some people think that nowadays Some people think that nowadays people have a lot of pressure in their people have a lot of pressure in their people have a lot of pressure in their people have a lot of pressure in their work, and thus are having less and less work, and thus are having less and less work, and thus are having less and less work, and thus are having less and less time to relax. Do you agree or disagree?time to relax. Do you agree or disagree?time to relax. Do you agree or disagree?time to relax. Do you agree or disagree? • 首先,随着科学与技术的飞速进步,当 今的工作比过去有更高的要求。例如, 现在大学毕业生如果要找到好工作,就 必须要精通英语,计算机科学与驾驶技 术。人们需要花更多时间来学习新技术 和技能。他们的空闲时间趋向于被工作 ,而不是休闲娱乐全部占满。 • In the first place, with the rapid development of science and technology, work today is more demanding than it used to be. For example, college graduates nowadays have to master English, computer science and driving skills before they can find decent jobs. People have to spend more time acquiring new techniques and skills. And their spare time tends to be fully occupied, not with leisure pursuit, but with work-related pursuits. • 其次,竞争变得愈加激烈。许多人担心 自己如果没有像其他人那样努力工作的 话就会下岗。且许多人在新的毕业生面 前感到自己处于劣势。因此,人们投身 于紧张的工作中来保住自己位置也是可 以理解的。 • In the second place, competition is becoming more intense. Many people feel anxious that they may be “laid-off” if they can’t work as hard as others. And they also feel at a disadvantage before new graduates. Therefore, it is understandable that people keep themselves involved in intensely hard work in order to preserve their positions. • 在我看来,这种现象最坏的一面就是巨 大的工作压力将渐渐影响人的心理健康 。过度辛苦的工作意味着人们永远无法 摆脱他们工作带来的疲惫,即使是在他 们的空闲时间。这意味着他们无法享受 正常的生活。 • In my opinion, the worst aspect of this phenomenon is that the huge pressure of work will gradually affect people’s mental health. Excessively hard work means that people can never get rid of the fatigue of their work, even in their leisure time. This means that they can not enjoy a normal life. • • Nowadays, the number of crimes Nowadays, the number of crimes Nowadays, the number of crimes Nowadays, the number of crimes committed by young people in major committed by young people in major committed by young people in major committed by young people in major cities throughout the world is on the cities throughout the world is on the cities throughout the world is on the cities throughout the world is on the rise. What are the reasons? Give some rise. What are the reasons? Give some rise. What are the reasons? Give some rise. What are the reasons? Give some solutions.solutions.solutions.solutions. • 青少年犯罪要归咎于许多因素。媒体是一种强有力 的影响。许多时候,粗野的行为和暴力在电视上出 现。孩子们是脆弱的,他们将它习以为然并且尽量 去模仿那些出现的东西。比如,在美国的弗吉尼亚 州,一名学生就是在看了一个电视节目后杀死了30 名学生。另一个青少年犯罪的原因是不断变化的家 庭体系。核心家庭(只有爸爸妈妈孩子的家庭)是现 在的。更早以前,有联合的家庭,祖父母会教 给孩子们道德价值观,并监督他们的朋友圈。如今 ,父母都工作,孩子则留在家中无人照顾。他们可 能会交友不慎且在同龄人的压力下沉迷毒品。因为 毒品,他们极度的需要钱,这使得他们转向犯罪。 • A number of factors are responsible for juvenile delinquency. Media is one powerful influence. Many times, vulgarity and violence is shown on TV. Children are vulnerable and accept it as natural and try to copy what is shown. For example, in Virginia USA, a student killed 30 students just after watching a TV program. Another cause of crime among youth is the changing family structure. Nuclear families are the norm of the day. Earlier, there were joint families in which grandparents used to teach moral values to children. They kept an eye on the friend circle of their grandchildren. Nowadays, both parents are working and children are left unattended at home. They may fall into bad company and resort to drugs under peer pressure. For drugs they desperately need money which turns them towards crime. • 此外,不断加剧的贫困,失业和竞争导致了青 少年的绝望和沮丧。他们过于有野心且想要快 速挣到钱。他们有很多精力但如果精力没有引 导到正确的方向,他们会误入歧途。消费主义 社会也是把他们推向犯罪道路的很大因素。当 他们在市场上看到新东西时,他们想通过偷或 者骗来得到它们。父母无法满足他们所有的幻 想,所以它们开始小的犯罪行为,这很快使他 们转向大的犯罪上。 • Furthermore, increasing poverty, unemployment and competition is causing hopelessness and frustration among the youth. They are over ambitious and want to earn quick money. They have a lot of energy and if that energy is not harnessed in the right direction, they can go astray. Consumerist society is also a big factor to put them on the path of crime. When they see new things in the market, they want them by hook or by crook. Parents cannot satisfy all their whims and so they start doing petty crime which turns to major crime very soon. • 一些对电视频道的审查制度的是必要的。 父母应当限定孩子看电视的时间。父母应 当和孩子一起看电视以便了解孩子们所接 触的东西。我们也应鼓励联合的家庭。父 母应当成为孩子的榜样。应当给孩子提供 好的家庭氛围。孩子的朋友圈应当受到监 控。我们应当教育孩子消费主义的危害。 学校也应当提供好的教育。最后,政府尽 量降低失业与贫困,它们是罪魁祸首。 • Some censorship of TV channels is needed. Parents should ration the TV viewing hours of children. Parents should watch TV with children so that they know what their children are being exposed to. We should also encourage joint families. Parents should be good role models. Good family atmosphere should be provided to children. Friend circle of the children should be monitored. We should also educate children about the harms of consumerism. Schools should also provide good education. Finally, government should try and reduce unemployment and poverty which are the root causes. • • Some people prefer to be self-employed. Some people prefer to be self-employed. Some people prefer to be self-employed. Some people prefer to be self-employed. Others prefer to work for an Others prefer to work for an Others prefer to work for an Others prefer to work for an employer. Which choice do you prefer? employer. Which choice do you prefer? employer. Which choice do you prefer? employer. Which choice do you prefer? Give some reasons. Give some reasons. Give some reasons. Give some reasons. • 作为一个雇员来工作可以有很多益处。首 先,可以更多时间陪伴家人,帮助孩子做 作业,和全家人去钓鱼等等。其次,可以 承担更少的责任。他只需要做自己的工作 且不需要关心市场,竞争者和预期利润。 当他度假时可以忘却所有烦恼,尽情放松 ,不用担心当他不在时谁做他的工作。最 后,一个雇员总可以找到一个更有趣的且 高收入的工作。 • Working as an employee brings many benefits. First of all, one can spend more time with his family helping his child do his homework, fishing with the whole family, etc. Second of all, one has fewer responsibilities. He just does his job and does not care about the market, competitors and expected profit. One taking a vocation can forget about all troubles, relax and not worry about who does his job during his absence. Finally, an employee can always find a more interesting job with a higher salary. • 从另一方面说,个体经营也有许多益处 。首先,一个人知道他付出越多,回报 就越多。另一个个体经营的重要原因是 独立性。你不需要向任何人汇报,除了 自己。然而,除去这些实际的益处,个 人还需要承担更大的责任。 • From the other side, being self-employed has many benefits too. First of all, one knows the more he works the more he gets . Another important reason of being self-employed is independence. One does not have to report to anyone except oneself. However, in addition to these practical benefits one gets more responsibilities to take care of. • • Some people think that some urgent Some people think that some urgent Some people think that some urgent Some people think that some urgent problems in modern society can only be problems in modern society can only be problems in modern society can only be problems in modern society can only be solved at international level. To what solved at international level. To what solved at international level. To what solved at international level. To what extent do you agree or disagree?extent do you agree or disagree?extent do you agree or disagree?extent do you agree or disagree? • 首先,有一些经济问题。穷国与富国之 间互相依赖。穷国与富国差距的减少只 能通过各民族的共同努力。尽管富国已 经向第三世界提供了帮助和技术支援, 但仍需要做许多事情。另外,一个区域 的经济事件,例如石油输出国组织决定 让石油涨价,影响了全世界的人。 • To begin with, there are the economic issues. There is the interdependence of the rich and poor nations. The gap between rich and poor nations can only be reduced with the joint effort of all nations. Although rich nations have provided aid and technical assistance to Third World nations, there is still a lot to be done. To add to it, economic events in one region, such as OPEC's decision to raise oil prices affect people around the world. • 另一个主要的顾虑是环境。全球变暖是一 个逾越主权界限的问题。除非各民族齐心 协力站在战略角度去战胜这个问题,否则 我们将面临厄运。发展中国家与发达国家 都面临一个艰难的决定,就是在避免对环 境伤害的同时怎么样为人们提供足够的资 源。今天,全世界的科学家全部都关注着 可再生能源,如太阳能,水能,和原子能 。 • Another major concern is of the environment. Global warming is a problem which does not recognize sovereign borders. Unless all nations come together and fight this problem on a war footing, we are all heading towards doom. Both developing and industrialized nations face the difficult decision of how to produce enough for their people while preventing the destruction of the environment. Today, scientists all over the world are unanimously looking at alternative energy sources such as solar, water, and nuclear power. • 此外,一些人们赖以为食的物种正在走向 灭亡,如果他们的数量降到很低点,我们 人类自己将面临灭亡。更重要的是,人口 数量几乎翻了三倍,而工业污染,不可持 续的的农业,和低劣的城市规划减少了整 体水供给量。因此,淡水问题也是需要大 家共同努力来解决的。 • Furthermore, certain species that human beings depend upon for our food supply are going extinct; if their numbers fall too low we may face extinction ourselves. Endangered animals need protection which can only be done by joint efforts. What is more, the human population has nearly tripled, while industrial pollution, unsustainable agriculture , and poor civic planning have decreased the overall water supply. Therefore, fresh water problem also needs to be tackled by joint efforts. • • Many people believe something should Many people believe something should Many people believe something should Many people believe something should be done to prevent animals and plants be done to prevent animals and plants be done to prevent animals and plants be done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, but they take no actions. from dying out, but they take no actions. from dying out, but they take no actions. from dying out, but they take no actions. Why? How can we solve this problem?Why? How can we solve this problem?Why? How can we solve this problem?Why? How can we solve this problem? • 有一些为什么人们做的越来越少的理由。首先,当今人们忙 着追逐地球村带给我们的快节奏生活。他们疯狂追求物质享 受且竭力去得到它。他们成为了消费主义的受害者且因此变 成了工作狂。他们没时间去关心动物和植物。他们甚至不知 道他们的奢侈品是以动物和植物的生命为代价的。再者,他 们不清楚动植物物种灭亡的后果。比如,他们不知道如果食 物链遭到破坏,从长远来看受害的是他们自己。例如,有许 多蝙蝠物种正在走向灭亡。这些蝙蝠帮助控制昆虫的数量。 如果这些蝙蝠消失了昆虫数量将骤增,进而损害我们的庄稼 。所以,我们将无食可取。另外,许多动物,例如啮齿类动 物,帮助种子的分散和植物的授粉。这些植物中有些对药物 研究和医药发展起到了重要作用。 • There are many reasons why people are doing so little about it. Firstly, people nowadays are very busy coping with the pace of the society that this global village is offering . They are running mad in the rat race of material comforts and working hard to achieve them. They have become victims of this consumerist society and as a consequence, have become workaholics. They don’t have time to care about animals and plants. They don’t even know that their luxuries are at the cost of animal and plant life. Furthermore, they are unaware about the consequences of the extinction of animal and plant species. For instance, they don’t know that if the • ecological chain is disturbed, it has an impact on them only in the long run. For example, there are many bat species that are becoming extinct. Such bats help keep the insect population in control . If these bats die then the insects will increase a lot and destroy our crops. So, we will have nothing to eat. In addition, many animals, like rodents, help in the dispersal of plant seeds and in the pollination of plants . Some of these plants are important for medical research and the development of medicines. • 从战略角度上讲,需要实施一些解决。需 要提高对这种现象所导致的结果的意识。其次 ,有了资金,生物学家和博物学者可以用他们 多年的知识来帮助培育各种动物物种。此外, 由于人们经常要对其栖息地的破坏而负责,他 们应当利用资源去保护那些幸存的各种栖息地 ,这才是正确的。我们不应当为了造房子和家 具而砍树。应当建造高层建筑物和铝门以及铝 窗。 • The solutions need to be implemented on a war footing. There should be increased awareness about consequences of this phenomenon. Secondly, with funding, biologists and naturalists can use their years of knowledge to help in the breeding of various animal species. Furthermore, since people are often responsible for habitat destruction, it is only right that they use some resources to help preserve whatever important wildlife habitats are left. Trees should not be cut for housing and furniture. Instead, high rise buildings should be made and aluminum doors and windows should be used. • • With the development of science and With the development of science and With the development of science and With the development of science and technology, more and more jobs are technology, more and more jobs are technology, more and more jobs are technology, more and more jobs are replaced by computers. Are there some replaced by computers. Are there some replaced by computers. Are there some replaced by computers. Are there some jobs that may disappear because of jobs that may disappear because of jobs that may disappear because of jobs that may disappear because of computers? Discuss at least one problem computers? Discuss at least one problem computers? Discuss at least one problem computers? Discuss at least one problem that may bring about.that may bring about.that may bring about.that may bring about. • 新的计算机技术直接导致了许多职业的消失 。现在各种交通工具,从地铁到飞机的车票 代理商,实际上已经不存在了。银行出纳员 的数量也因自动存取款机而锐减。再者,许 多有求助热线的呼叫中心也都是用计算机来 操作。许多年前我在我们的图书馆当助手。 现在这种职位已经不存在了,因为已经安装 了六台新电脑。因电脑而消失的职位数量在 飞速增长,失业率也越来越高。 • A number of jobs have been lost as a direct result of new computer technology. Ticket agents in various transportation facilities, from subway/underground stations to airports are virtually nonexistent these days. Bank tellers have been greatly reduced due to automated bank machines. In addition, many call centers that have help lines are almost entirely computerized A few years ago I worked as a helper in our local library. Today this position does not exist, because six new computers have been installed. The number of positions lost to computers grows exponentially, and unemployment continues to get worse. • 尽管计算机可以很容易的完成这些工作的主要 任务,当顾客有特殊要求或问题时许多计算机 就应付不来了。一个预付款的售票点无法洞察 到游乐场所,且不能给游客贴心的指示。同样 道理,一个自动取款机无法对一个丢了信用卡 的顾客提供帮助和使顾客安心。而且往往,自 动化电话话务员无法回答我们的问题,最终我 们无论如何还是要等着和某人说话。每次当我 走进我之前工作过的图书馆时,我会发现那些 不会用电脑的老人找不到帮他们的人。 • While a computer may easily achieve the main tasks of these jobs, most computers fall short when customers have a unique request or problem. A pre-paid ticket booth does not have insight about the entertainment district and cannot offer friendly directions to a tourist. Similarly, an automated bank machine cannot provide assistance and reassurance to a customer who has just had his credit card stolen. And, more often than not, automated telephone operators cannot answer the one question that we have, and we end up waiting on the line to speak with someone anyway. Every time I go into the library where I worked I notice elderly people who don't know how to use the computers and can't find anyone to help. • • Universities should accept equal numbers of Universities should accept equal numbers of Universities should accept equal numbers of Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To male and female students in every subject. To male and female students in every subject. To male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree?what extent do you agree or disagree?what extent do you agree or disagree?what extent do you agree or disagree? • 所有学位课程招收同样数量的男生女生是不现 实的。任何课程的学生数量都取决于该机构收 到的申请。如果大学决定让没门课程招收的男 女一样多,就必须保证两种性别的申请者足够 多。事实上,许多课程都往往更受一种性别的 青睐。因此以同样比例为目标是不靠谱的。比 如,护理课程倾向于吸引更多女性申请者,而 如果这些位置的50%必须给男性,那就不可能 了。 • Having the same number of men and women on all degree courses is simply unrealistic. Student numbers on any course depend on the applications that the institution receives. If a university decided to fill courses with equal numbers of males and females, it would need enough applicants of each gender. In reality, many courses are more popular with one gender than the other, and it would not be practical to aim for equal proportions. For example, nursing courses tend to attract more female applicants, and it would be difficult to fill these courses if fifty per cent of the places needed to go to males. • 除去上面所说的实际考虑,我也认为把 大学的录取和性别看齐是不公平的。大 学应该根据学生的资历为每门课挑选最 好的学员。这样的话,男生女生就有了 同样的机会,他们知道只要努力考出好 的分数就能成功。 • Apart from the practical concerns expressed above, I also believe that it would be unfair to base admission to university courses on gender. Universities should continue to select the best candidates for each course according to their qualifications. In this way, both men and women have the same opportunities, and applicants know that they will be successful if they work hard to achieve good grades at school. � � Some people think economic development Some people think economic development Some people think economic development Some people think economic development causes poverty, while others believe causes poverty, while others believe causes poverty, while others believe causes poverty, while others believe economic development is the best solution to economic development is the best solution to economic development is the best solution to economic development is the best solution to poverty. Discuss both views and give your poverty. Discuss both views and give your poverty. Discuss both views and give your poverty. Discuss both views and give your own opinion. own opinion. own opinion. own opinion. � 在许多贫穷的国家,自然资源如铜、石油甚至 土地正被正被正被正被当地或外国公司开发开发开发开发,但当地人没有没有没有没有 得到任何好处。得到任何好处。得到任何好处。得到任何好处。尼日利亚的石油和津巴布韦 的钻石就是例子,在这些国家资金从国家流失资金从国家流失资金从国家流失资金从国家流失 或者不能帮助大多数人帮助大多数人帮助大多数人帮助大多数人。其次,经济活动可能 对环境造成毁灭性的后果毁灭性的后果毁灭性的后果毁灭性的后果。在印度的大坝项 目或被砍伐光的雨林可能意味着当地人失去 土地和生计生计生计生计。此外,跨国公司不固定在任何国不固定在任何国不固定在任何国不固定在任何国 家家家家。企业在一夜之间搬离并外包一夜之间搬离并外包一夜之间搬离并外包一夜之间搬离并外包找到更便宜 的劳动力和资源,留下失业的人们。 � In many poor countries, natural resources such as copper,,,, oil or even land are being exploited are being exploited are being exploited are being exploited by local or foreign companies but with little benefitwith little benefitwith little benefitwith little benefit for the local people. Nigeria’s oil wealth and Zimbabwe’s diamonds are examples where money leaves the country where money leaves the country where money leaves the country where money leaves the country or does not help the majoritynot help the majoritynot help the majoritynot help the majority. Secondly, economic activity can have devastating consequences devastating consequences devastating consequences devastating consequences on the environment. Dam projects in India or the clearing of the rainforest can mean local people lose land and livelihoods.livelihoods.livelihoods.livelihoods. Furthermore, multinational companies are not tied to not tied to not tied to not tied to any countryany countryany countryany country. . . . Businesses move overnight and move overnight and move overnight and move overnight and outsourceoutsourceoutsourceoutsource to find even cheaper labor or resources, leaving unemployed people behind them. �然而,我们不能回到在棚屋生活和以物易物棚屋生活和以物易物棚屋生活和以物易物棚屋生活和以物易物 的石器时代。从未有过这么多人用上用上用上用上电,干 净的水,好学校,和比以往任何时候都好的 药。衣服,电子奢侈品,如电话、电视和电 脑都是便宜的。所有这些事情都通过商业 和贸易而实现实现实现实现。他们为政府提供了收入以 改善人民的生活。当印度和中国打开他们 的市场,允许人们经商,数以百万计的人摆摆摆摆 脱贫困脱贫困脱贫困脱贫困。 �。 � However, we can’t go back to a Stone-Age Stone-Age Stone-Age Stone-Age existence of barter and living in hutsexistence of barter and living in hutsexistence of barter and living in hutsexist
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