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2018-08-15 4页 doc 18KB 11阅读




van(小货车)camevan(小货车)came 5 I woke up next morning after a deep sleep. I hadn’t realized how 36 I was. I went to the mouth of the 37 and looked out. The weather was still very windy, but much less cloudy and it had stopped raining. I could see the hillside below us. I woke u...
van(小货车)came 5 I woke up next morning after a deep sleep. I hadn’t realized how 36 I was. I went to the mouth of the 37 and looked out. The weather was still very windy, but much less cloudy and it had stopped raining. I could see the hillside below us. I woke up my brother and we 38 our things and set off down the 39 . At first it was very 40 to climb down over the rocks. There were also thick bushes and it was difficult to walk through them. At one stage(a part of journey)my brother stopped and 41 his pack. He took out a T-shirt and a knife and cut an arm off the T-shirt. “What on earth are you doing?” I shouted . “Watch!” he replied, as he 42 the piece of material to a branch of a tree. “We need to find our way 43 to the cave.” I looked around and realized what a good idea this was. There were hills all around us and one 44 looked very much like another. We went on climbing down the hill and finally came to a small river which passed through a wood. It was easy now to 45 the river through the trees. We walked on probably for about an hour. 46 we came to a small farmhouse. Smoke was coming from the chimney and we knocked hard on the door. However, there was no answer. A path 47 to the farmhouse so we decided to follow this. We walked along the path for about twenty minutes and 48 a narrow road. We stopped and wondered. “Which way now?” 49 we were thinking, a small van(小货车)came round the corner. We waved and the driver stopped. “Where do you want to go?” “We don’t know. We’re completely 50 !”We told her where we lived. “We were walking on the hills, and 51 came down and we got lost.” “Jump in , I’ll take you to the next village and you can 52 from there.” The 53 was wonderful! Both of us were sitting in the baker’s van, which was full of hot 54 with the most delicious smell. “Hungry?” said the driver. We nodded, and she pulled out long thin loaf and handed it to us. We were on our way 55 . 36. A. happy B. sad C. tired D. hungry 37. A. hill B. cave C. farmhouse D. window 38. A. collected B. bought C. put D. held 39. A. road B. way C. direction D. hillside 40. A. easy B. wonderful C. interesting D. difficult 41. A. threw off B. started off C. took off D. searched for 42. A. tore B. tied C. stuck D. left 43. A. out B. back C. away D. off 44. A cave B. tree C. T-shirt D. hill 45. A. follow B. cross C. find D. dig 46. A. In the end B. Quickly C. Suddenly D. The moment 47. A. led B. set up C. wound up D. put up 48. A. found B. came to C. looked for D. discovered 49. A. Because B. While C. What D. As soon as 50. A. lost B. hungry C. unknown D. puzzled 51. A. wind B. rain C. snow D. clouds 52. A. arrive B. remember C. understand D. telephone 53. A. sight B. journey C. van D. taste 54. A. bread B. soup C. water D. coffee 55. A. to the farm B. to the cave C. home D. to school 解析 36. C我先前没有意识到我有多累呵。(用过去完成时是说明在I woke up next morning after a deep sleep.) 37. B洞口 38. A(有选择地)收拾东西 39. D 沿着山坡出发了 40. D下文there were also thick bushes and it was difficult to walk through them.告诉我们爬过岩石的困难 1 41. C拿下包裹/包袱 42. B将……系在一棵树枝上(做记号) 43. B返回洞的路 44.D 上文中有There were hills all around us一个小山象另一个 45.A 跟着这条河走穿过这片树林 46. A 最后我们来到一家小农舍 47. A 通向小农舍的路 48.B 来到一条不宽的公路 49. B 就在我们考虑的时候 50.A 上文回答我们不知道要到哪儿去(因为)我们迷路了 51. B 短文的第一段it had stopped raining告诉我们 52.D 你们可以从那儿打电话 53. B 54.A 旅途太精彩了,因为我们就坐在面包师的货车上,车上装满了热乎乎的面包 55.C 踏上回家的路 2
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