

2017-09-19 5页 doc 26KB 17阅读




看美剧学地道口语生活大爆炸第一季 第1集 What’s your point? 你到底想说什么? We’ll be right back. 马上就好 I know, I do yearn for faster downloads. 我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度 pin one’s hope on 寄希望于,把希望寄托在… wind up with 最后得到的却是  wind up..最后却成为,沦落为 What’s the protocol for leaving? renege on 反悔,出尔反尔  renege on one’s p...
生活大爆炸第一季 第1集 What’s your point? 你到底想说什么? We’ll be right back. 马上就好 I know, I do yearn for faster downloads. 我知道我的确渴望更快的下载速度 pin one’s hope on 寄希望于,把希望寄托在… wind up with 最后得到的却是  wind up..最后却成为,沦落为 What’s the protocol for leaving? renege on 反悔,出尔反尔  renege on one’s promise 食言 proffer n&vt 提供,贡献 be mad about sth 为某事而生气,对什么痴迷  be mad at sb 生某人的气 trip 绊倒 trip over sth 被绊倒 transvestite 异装癖 we need widen our circle 我们得扩大下我们朋友的圈子 That’s the beauty of it. 这正是其美妙之处 I know that moving can be stressful. And I find that when I'm undergoing stress, that good food and company can have a comforting effect. 我知道搬家可能会很累,并且我发现当我身心俱疲时,美食和伙伴能让我感觉很舒坦。 Also, curry is a natural laxative…还有,咖喱本身有通便功效  laxative 泻药,通便的 spoof  n&v 欺骗,恶搞,讽刺 Holy smokes! 我的妈啊,天啊,上帝啊 You’re lactose-intolerant乳糖不耐受,不能吃乳糖 You? No, you’ll only make it worse. 你?算了,你只会越帮越忙。 On top of everything else, ….  最(糟)的是… On top of that 除此以外,另外 Alzheimer's disease 老年痴呆症 carnal 肉体的 carnal relationship This isn’t a good time. 现在不是时候 hit on sb 勾引 get lost 走开,滚开 my apologies 对不起,我道歉 good thinking 好主意,想的不错 intercom  n. 对讲机;内部通话装置 I’m so sorry I dragged you through this 很抱歉,是我拖你下水了 It’s okay. It wasn’t my first pants and it won’t be my last. 没关系这不是我第一条裤子,也不会是最后一条 I’ve learned my lesson. 我得到了教训 She is out of my league 我配不上她,我跟她不合适 I’m done with her. 我跟她玩完了  be done with 不再,摆脱,与…断绝关系 can't stop thinking about it没办法不去想 be self-explanatory 不言自明,一目了然 Dinner is on me晚饭我请 I can see we’re going to have to spell out everything for this girl. 可以看出她什么都需要别人解释一下。(表示她很笨,什么都需要别人解释一下) spell out sth 讲清楚,详细说明 get hooked on sth/sb 被某事某人迷住了 the odds of …的可能性,概率 The odds of that happening are a little slimmer. 出现这种情况的可能性很低。/ 机会渺茫。 What are your odds? 你有多大把握 生活大爆炸第一季 第2集 keep an eye on  v. 照看;留意;密切注视 I was wondering if you could help me out with something. 我想问下你能不能帮我点忙 Don’t take it personally, it his pathology. 他不是故意和你过不去(不要太介意),这是他的老毛病。 be rife with 充满 原句:You realize that scene was rife with scientific inaccuracy. 你知道那个场景完全不符合科学吧。 is a feat of一次的壮举 The new bridge a feat of engineering. 这座新桥是建筑工程的壮举。 It is well established that 很明显… 众所周知 Give me a fulcrum and a lever and I can move the earth. 给我一个杠杆和一个支点,我可以撬动地球 Almost there. 快到了 Did it ever occur to you that…你有没有想过….? 原句:Did it ever occur to you that not everyone has the compulsive need to sort, organize and label the entire world around them? 你有没有想过并不是世界上所有的人都有那种强迫症,要把身边的所有东西都按顺序排好贴上标签? Hard as it may be for you to believe, … 你可能不太相信… straighten up 整理,清理 immaculate adj. 完美的;洁净的;无瑕疵的 get out one’s hair 不打扰  Get out of my hair. 别烦我 Are you insane? 你疯了吗? in the middle of the night 大半夜的 I couldn’t sleep knowing that… 一想到…就睡不着,我睡不着因为想到… You don’t think that crosses a line? 你不认为那太过分了吗? cross the line 越过友情线,做得太过分了 Oh, yes, we discussed it at length last night. 是的,我们昨晚讨论了好久。 Sure, that is another way to go. 好的,那是另一个方法。 Boy, you are all over the place this morning.天啊,你今天真是一塌糊涂 I’m truly sorry for what I did last night. I take full responsibility. 我为昨晚的事感到非常抱歉。责任全在我。 color one’s opinion (of) 影响某人对…的看法 I did what I could. 我能做的都做了 Wait, what was I saying?等下,我刚才说什么来着? You are a doll. 你太可爱了 Intoxicating, isn’t it? 非常醉人,是不是? Here is the thing. 是这样的… An error in judgment 判断失误 Six two inch dowels. Check有. Check表示核对完毕 No, please. We insist. It is the least we can do, considering… 在帮助别人时别人又不好意思时用的客套话。 Hang on. Hold on. 等下 Meet back here in an hour? 一个小时之后在这见? 生活大爆炸第一季 第3集 Don’t panic. 别慌 Stay frosty. 呆着别动 lock and load (荷枪实弹) 准备好了 stay in formation保持队形 It is a trap. 这是个陷阱 I’m all sweaty. 我浑身是汗 华仔(Howard):Stealing snail mail, very old school. I like it 偷窃信箱邮件,很老套的方法,我喜欢 Snap 发飙 Leonard:What is wrong with you? (很不耐烦的),你什么毛病啊? 谢耳朵(Sheldon):Please don’t tell me that your hopeless infatuation is devolving into pointless jealousy. 无可救药的迷恋 华仔(Howard):Love is not a sprint. It’s a marathon, a relentless pursuit that only ends when she falls into your arms or hits you with the pepper spray.  爱情不是短跑,而是马拉松。永不放弃地追逐,直到她最终投入你的怀抱或是用防狼喷雾剂喷你。 谢耳朵(Sheldon):I don’t think you have a shot there. 我看你没戏 华仔(Howard):When it comes to sexual harassment law, I’m a bit of a self taught expert. 说到性骚扰的相关法律,我算是自学成才的专家 ask sb out 约某人 Fair enough. 很公平 Oh. I’ve seen that look before. be torn between难于抉择,左右为难,痛苦挣扎 Can you tell I’m perspiring a little? 能看出来我在冒汗吗? I’m having a panic attack. 我恐慌症犯了。 bounce back 恢复正常 It turns out that Raj and Howard had to work, and Sheldon had a colonoscopy and he hasn’t quite bounced back yet. 肠镜 Well, I’m sure things will pick up. 我相信情况会好转的。 What new at(with)…? 有什么新鲜事  not much 没什么 生活大爆炸第一季 第4集 Put it on the back burner. 先不说这个了,先放一放 谢耳朵:The last department party, professor Finkleday cornered me and talked about spelunking for 45 minutes. Well, here’s an interesting turn of events. A more plausible explanation is that his work in robotics has made an amazing leap forward. Hi, fellas. 大家好 With all due respect 恕我直言 This is my first day off in decades and I’m going to savor it. 这是我十几年来第一次休息,我要好好享受。
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