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[新版]椰子树与一致翻译[新版]椰子树与一致翻译 二十多年前,我在云南插队。当地气候炎热,出产各种热带水果,就是没有椰子。整个云南都不长椰子, 根据野史记载,这其中有个缘故。 Twenty years ago, I was a educated youth settled in the countryside as members of agricultural production brigades in Yunnan province. It was extremely hot, thus making a great number of t...
[新版]椰子树与一致翻译 二十多年前,我在云南插队。当地气候炎热,出产各种热带水果,就是没有椰子。整个云南都不长椰子, 根据野史记载,这其中有个缘故。 Twenty years ago, I was a educated youth settled in the countryside as members of agricultural production brigades in Yunnan province. It was extremely hot, thus making a great number of tropical fruits but banana in whole Yunnan province. It was about an interesting story recorded in anecdote. 据说,在三国以前,云南到处都是椰子,树下住着幸福的少数民族。众所周知,椰子有很多用处,椰茸可 以当饭吃,椰子油也可食用。椰子树叶里的纤维可以织粗糙的衣裙,椰子树干是木材。这种树木可以满足 人的大部分需要,当地人也就不事农耕,过着悠闲的生活。 It said that, before the Three Kingdoms, Sun Han and Wu, there are plenty of coconut palm, the minority nationality live a happy life in the house under the tree in Yunnan province.It was known that coconut palm was of great use, such as Desiccated coconut can be used as the original material of food as well as the coconut oil; some clothes made from the fibres in palm tree leaves, the tree truck is available lumber which almost satisfied with humans life needs. Therefore, the local people lived a leisure life without farming. 忽一比诸葛亮南征来到此地,他要教化当地人,让他们遵从我们的生活方式:干我们的活,穿我们的衣服, 服从我们的。这件事起初不大成功,当地人没看出我们的生活方式有什么优越之处。 Huyibi , coming here ,launched a war towards south, decided to teach the indigene our living-style. Worked what we did, wore what we wore, and obeved our institution.. It didn’t work at first because it was no good admitting our living-style in the locals eyes. 首先,秋收春种,活得很累,起码比摘椰子要累;其次,汉族人的衣着在当地也不适用。就以诸葛先生为 例,那身道袍料子虽好,穿在身上除了捂汗和捂痱子,捂不出别的来;至于那顶道冠,既不遮阳,也不挡 雨,只能招马蜂进去做窝。当地天热,搞两片椰树叶把羞处遮遮就可以了。 First and foremost, It was strain for locals to obtain in autumn but farm in spring, at least, it was more exhausted than picked coconut from the palm tree. Then, the clothes of Han was unavailable for the indigene. For instance, the clothes of Zhuge liang was fabulous but futile except to bring about sweat and miliaria, the cap of Zhuge liang attracted hornet building nest without keeping off rain and sunshine. In the scorching hot summer, picking two coconut tree leaves is enough to keep off the sunshine. 至于汉朝的政治制度,对当地的少数民族来说,未免太过烦琐。诸葛先生磨破了嘴皮子,言必称孔孟,但 也没人听。他不觉得自己的道理不对,却把账算在了椰子树身上:下了一道命令,一夜之间就把云南的椰 树砍了个精光;免得这些蛮夷之人听不进圣贤的道理。 As for the political system of Han dynasty, it was disturbing for local minority nationality. Zhuge liang talked Kong Meng till his jaws ached but didn’t make sense to the indigene.. He never doubt his theory .At the same time, he attributed to coconut palm. Finally, he commanded cut down all the palm trees in a night to prevent barbarian from listening the Kong Meng. 砍了这些树,他说话就有人听了——对此,我的解释是,诸葛亮他老人家南征,可不是一个人去的,还带 了好多的兵,砍树用的刀斧也可以用来砍人,砍树这件事说明他手下的人手够用,刀斧也够用。当地人明 白了这个意思,就怕了诸葛先生。 After cut the trees down, his theory started to make sense to local people. For this phenomenon, my reason was, Zhuge Liang, launched a war towards south, came with a great number of soldiers but not himself. Sword or axe can cut trees down as well as can hurt people. This event was completed improved his army was enormous. The indigene knew the real meaning, so they were afraid of Zhuge Liang. 我这种看法你尽可以不同意——我知道你会说,诸葛亮乃古之贤人,不会这样赤裸裸地用武力威胁别人; 所以,我也不想坚持这种观点。 Maybe you didn’t agree with my opinion. I knew you would say Zhuge Liang, a wise man, was never baldly threaten others.. Therefore, I wouldn’t stiffly insist my view. 对于此事,野史上是这么解释的:蛮夷之人,有些稀奇之物,就此轻狂,胆敢藐视天朝大邦;没了这些珍 稀之物,他们就老实了。这就是说,云南人当时犯有轻狂的毛病,这是一种道德缺陷。诸葛先生砍树,是 为了纠正这种毛病,是为他们好。 For this affair, a reason in unofficial history, barbarian, some are special, extremely frivolous, looking down upon Celestial Empire. After them fading away, there was no voice of opposition. In other words, sometimes, extremely frivolous occurred to Yunnan locals, which was a drawback in morality. He ordered to cut down the trees in order to cure the shortcomings. 我总觉得这种说法有点太过惊世骇俗。人家有几样好东西、活得好一点,心情也好一点,这就是轻狂;非 得把这些好东西毁了,让人家心情沉痛。这就是不轻狂—— 我以为这是野史作者的意见,诸葛先生不是这样的人。 I always consider this saying is extraordinary astounding. Someone have something valuable, live a better life, in a good mood, which is extraordinary astounding. Steady have to destroy all of those, make people in a bad mood. This is the view of the author not Zhuge Liang. 野史是不能当真的,但云南现在确实没有椰子,而过去是有的。所以这些椰树可能是诸葛亮砍的。假如这 不是要野蛮,就该有种道义上的解释。 Maybe the anecdote isn’t a true history, there used to grow coconut tree in the Yunnan province but now there are none. So, it is possible to be cut by Zhuge Liang. Assuming that, no barbarization, there must be a moral explanation. 我觉得诸葛亮砍椰树时,可能是这么想的:人人理应生来平等,但现在不平等了,四川不长椰树,那里的 人要靠农耕为生;云南长满了椰树,这里的人就活得很舒服。让四川也长满椰树,这是一种达到公平的方 法,但是限于自然条件,很难做到。所以,必须把云南的椰树砍掉,这样才公平。 In my view, when ordering to cut down the trees, the idea, everybody is equal when they bore but now is unequal occurred to his mind. But no coconut palm grow in Sichuan, the local people have to live on farming while the Yunnan locals live a leisure life for a large amount of coconut palm. It was anther way to make balance, growing palm trees all over the Sichuan. However, it was tough to make it for the limit of natural conditions. As a result, we have to cut down all the coconut palm in Yunnan province to make balance. 假如有不平等,有两种方式可以拉平:一种是向上拉平,这是最好的,但实行起来有困难;比如,有些人 生来四肢健全,有些人则生有残疾,一种平等之道是把所有的残疾人都治成正常人,这可不容易做到。 If there were any unequal, two methods can get justice. On the one hand, rising the level was the best way, which was tough to be carried out. For example, some was born healthily while the others was born with disability. The equal way was heal all the disability. But it was a seas of troubles. 另一种是向下拉平,要把所有的正常人都变成残疾人就很容易,只消用铁棍一敲,一声惨叫,这就变过来 了。诸葛先生采取的是向下拉平之道,结果就害得我吃不上椰子。 On the other hand, lowering the level, it was easy to turn the moral people into disability, just need to hit though the iron rod, loosing off a horrible scream. It was changed. Zhuge Liang took measure to lower the level, as a result, I couldn’t eat coconut any more. 在云南时,我觉得嘴淡时就啃几个木瓜。木瓜淡而无味,假如没熟透,啃后满嘴都是麻的。但我没有抱怨 木瓜村。这种树内地也是不长的,假如它的果子太好吃,诸葛先生也会把它砍光啦。 During Yunnan province, I ate several blank taste papaya when I was greediness. If the papaya was not ripe, only pins and needles were full with my mouth. But, I didn’t complain about papaya village. None of them grow in hinterland. Assuming that it was delicious, he also would cut it down. 我这篇文章目在说椰子,实质在谈平等问题,挂羊头卖狗肉,正是我的用意。 人人理应生来平等,这一 点人人都同意。但实际上是不平等的,而且最大的不平等不是有人有椰子树,有人没有椰子树。 The title of my article talked about coconut palm, in fact, it was about equality. False advertising is my final purpose. Everybody approved of the idea that all men were created equal. However, in the truth ,It was unfair. Most inequality of all, some areas grow coconut palm, some are not grow. 如罗素先生所说,最大的不平等是知识的差异——有人聪明有人笨,这就是问题之所在。这里所说的知识、 聪明是广义的,不单包括科学知识,还包括文化素质、艺术的品味,等等。这种椰子树长在人脑里,不光 能给人带来物质福利,还有精神上的幸福。 As the Mr. Ross saying goes, the biggest injustice is the contact of knowledge, some are smart while some are silly, which is the key to the problem. The knowledge is comprehensive, not just about knowledge of science, including cultural quality, art taste and so on. It enrich our material but also enrich our spirit when the tree in human mind. 这后一方面的差异我把它称为幸福能力的差异。有些作品,有些人能欣赏,有些人就看不懂,这就是说, 有些人的幸福能力较为优越。这种优越最招人嫉妒。 I call the last contact, the contact of happiness ability. Some master piece are appreciated but someone doubt it. In a word, someone is very capable in creating happiness, which makes jealousy. 消除这种优越的方法之一就是给聪明人头上一问棍,把他打笨些。但打轻了不管用,打重了会把脑子打出 来,这又不是我们的本意。 The method to get rid of this phenomenon is hit on his head making him more stupid. A light pat doesn’t work, a hard hit make him a fool. All of those are not something we would have wanted, 另一种方法则是:一旦聪明人和傻人起了争执,我们总说傻人有理。久而久之,聪明人也会变傻。这种法 子现在正用着呢。 The other method , when a smart argues with a fool, we always say that the fool is right. By and by, the smart become a fool. This method still works.
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