

2017-11-11 13页 doc 125KB 85阅读




在柴油发动机上使用的电磁感应式转速传感器是从喷油泵处获取转速信号在柴油发动机上使用的电磁感应式转速传感器是从喷油泵处获取转速信号 在柴油发动机上使用的电磁感应式转速传感器是从喷油泵处获取转速信号,转速传感器的结构和输出波形 如图1所示。它的工作原理是,在永久磁铁的周围绕有线圈,线圈周围有用铁材料制成的齿轮,当齿轮旋转 时,齿轮的齿顶和齿谷与永久磁铁之间的空气隙不断变化,使通过线圈的磁力线也发生了变化,于是在线圈 中便产生交变电压,如图1(b)所不。 柴油机的喷油泵工作时,传感器的齿轮被带动旋转,所以在线圈中便有交流电压产生。交流电压的频率与 发动机的转速成正比,该交变电压作为输入信号...
在柴油发动机上使用的电磁感应式转速传感器是从喷油泵处获取转速信号 在柴油发动机上使用的电磁感应式转速传感器是从喷油泵处获取转速信号,转速传感器的结构和输出波形 如图1所示。它的工作原理是,在永久磁铁的周围绕有线圈,线圈周围有用铁材料制成的齿轮,当齿轮旋转 时,齿轮的齿顶和齿谷与永久磁铁之间的空气隙不断变化,使通过线圈的磁力线也发生了变化,于是在线圈 中便产生交变电压,如图1(b)所不。 柴油机的喷油泵工作时,传感器的齿轮被带动旋转,所以在线圈中便有交流电压产生。交流电压的频率与 发动机的转速成正比,该交变电压作为输入信号,经转速表内的IC电路放大、整形后就可使转速表指示出发 动机的实际转速。 图2为转速表电路示意图,当齿轮转动时,每一个齿可以产生如图2(b)所示的一个周期的电压,该电压 经放大、整形后,可变成图2(c)所示的矩形波。再经单稳态电路变换,使脉宽为一定值,经电流放大器放 大后输人转速表中。因为输出的脉冲数是根据发动机转速变化的,所以转速表是按照脉冲电流的平均值来指 示发动机转速。 图1 电磁感应式转速传感器的结构与输出波形 图2 转速表电路及电路中各部位波形 在汽油发动机上应用的电磁感应式发动机转速传感器的结构如图3所示。传感器由信号转子和线圈组成,转 子固定在分电器轴上,线圈固定在分电器壳体上。永久磁铁的磁力线经转子、线圈、托架组成封闭masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 回路,当转子随分电器轴转动时,转子凸起和托架间的空气隙不断发生变化,通过线圈的磁通也不断变化,于是在线圈中便产生感应电压,并以交流的形式输出,ECU通过检测脉冲电压间隔,可以检测出发动机的转速。 图3 电磁感应式发动机转速传感器 1永久磁铁;?耦合线圈;3转子;4托架;Φ通过线圈磁通量;U-线圈中产生的电压 实际检测曲轴转角位置及发动机转速的电磁感应式传感器,是由复合转子和耦合线圈组成的,它们安装在分电器上,如图4所示。当转子旋转时,在两个耦合线圈中分别感应出G(G,和G)和N,信号。其中,G信号向ECU提供曲轴转角参考信号,用于确定相对于每缸上止点的喷油定时和点火定时;N,信号则向ECU提供曲轴转角和发动机转速,用N,信号确定基本喷油时间和基本点火提前角。 图4 G、Ne耦合线圈安装位置 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 1G转子;2-GI耦合线圈;3-G2耦合线圈;4 Ne转子;5、9-Ne耦合线圈;6-G、Ne转子;7-G1、 G2耦合线圈;8分电器 具有凸起部分的转子G与分电器一起旋转时,由于转子与耦合线圈GI和G2间的磁隙不断变化,在各耦合线圈上,相对分电器每转一转,就会产生一个脉冲。通过设计,使转子G的凸起部分在某一气缸上止点时,最靠近耦合线圈Gq和G,,通过检测Gq、G,耦合线圈电压的变化即可知道各缸压缩上止点的位置。 N(转子和N,耦合线圈的设置是为了更精确地检测曲轴位置。N,转子具有偶数个凸起,例如24个,这样,在分电器旋转时,每转一圈,在耦合线圈上就产生偶数个电压脉冲,把电压脉冲输入ECU,通过测量脉冲间隔,就可以检测出发动机的转速 直接数字频率合成 ( DDS)信号源的设计与实现。该信号源可输出一定频率范围的正弦波、方波和三角波信号 ,输出频率可通过键盘进行预置 ,输出信号的类型和频率由 L ED数码管显示DDS同DSP(数字信号处理)一样,也是一项关键的数字化技术。DDS是直接数字式频率合成器(Direct Digital Synthesizer)的英文缩写。与传统的频率合成器相比,DDS具有低成本、低功耗、高分辨率和快速转换时间等优点,广泛使用在电信与电子仪器领域,是实现设备全数字化的一个关键技术。 ——国外生产DDS芯片的公司较多,目前国内主要使用美国Qualcom公司(如,Q2220、Q3216I、Q2334、Q2230C等)和A/D公司(如AD7008等)的产品。 ——一块DDS芯片中主要包括频率控制寄存器、高速相位累加器和正弦计算器三个部分(如Q2220)。频率控制寄存器可以串行或并行的方式装载并寄存用户输入的频率控制码;而相位累加器根据频率控制码在每个时钟周期内进行相位累加,得到一个相位值;正弦计算器则对该相位值计算数字化正弦波幅度(芯片一般通过查表得到)。DDS芯片输出的一般是数字化的正弦波,因此还需经过高速D/A转换器和低通滤波器才能得到一个可用的模拟频率信号。 E型变压器并进行了屏蔽隔离技术校准仪能够产生电压、电流信号,是基于校准仪内部的振荡器产生的正弦交流信号,振荡发生器的优劣决定校准仪的优劣,为此我们必须设计一种低失真、输出幅度高稳定的振荡其来满足整机的设计目的。 二. 数字合成振荡器电路实现的条件 通过学习国内及国外数字合成振荡器的著作,结合我们使用单片机CPU和元件编写的基础,能够实现数字合成振荡器电路masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 的设计工作。 三. 数字合成振荡器电路的功能 实现频率的高精度,输出交流正弦波高稳定性和低失真,并能实现多种频率输出。 四. 数字合成振荡器电路的实现过程 以89C52集成电路、数据存储器电路、AD7945以及部分其他集成电路构成,理论上通过正弦波的分解,将正弦波的一个周期分解成n*360等份的数字信息,经软件处理使正弦波行变为数字化,实现了数字化处理。通过电路及软件的使用,达到了设计目的。 高稳定性和高精度、低失真性。能完成数字合成震荡器的设计工作,设计的震荡器达到频率的稳定和精度要求,实现震荡输出信号幅度的稳定性 环形变压器由于有优良的性能价格比,有良好的输出特性和抗干扰能力,因而它是一种有竞争力的电子变压器,本文拟就它的特点作一介绍。 2 环形变压器的特点 环形变压器的铁心是用优质冷轧硅钢片(片厚一般为0.35mm以下),无缝地卷制而成,这就使得它的铁心性能优于传统的叠片式铁心。环形变压器的线圈均匀地绕在铁心上,线圈产生的磁力线方向与铁心磁路几乎完全重合,与叠片式相比激磁能量和铁心损耗将减小25,,由此带来了下述一系列的优点。 1. 电效率高,铁心无气隙,叠装系数可高达95,以上,铁心磁导率可取1.5,1.8T(叠 片式铁心只能取1.2,1.4T),电效率高达95,以上, 空载电流只有叠片式的10,。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 2. 外形尺寸小,重量轻环形变压器比叠片式变压器重量可以减轻一半,只要保持铁心 截面积相等,环形变压器容易改变铁心的长、宽、高比例,可以设计出符合要求的 外形尺寸。 3. 磁干扰较小环形变压器铁心没有气隙,绕组均匀地绕在环形的铁心上,这种结构导 致了漏磁小,电磁辐射也小,无需另加屏蔽都可以用到高灵敏度的电子设备上,例 如应用在低电平放大器和医疗设备上。 4. 振动噪声较小铁心没有气隙能减少铁心感应振动的噪音,绕组均匀紧紧包住环形铁 心,有效地减小磁致伸缩引起的“嗡嗡”声。 图1 环形变压器外形图 5. 运行温度低由于铁损可以做到1.1W/kg,铁损很小,铁心温升低,绕组在温度较低 的铁心上散热情况良好,所以变压器温升低。 6. 容易安装环形变压器只有中心一个安装螺杆,特别容易在电子设备中进行快速安装 与拆卸。 3 环形变压器的分类 根据国外文献介绍,环形变压器可分为标准型、经济型及隔离型等三类,各类的特点 是 1. 标准型电源变压器产品系列容量8,1500VA,有较小的电压调整率、满载运行温升 仅为40?,允许短时超载运行,适合于要求高的使用场合。初次级绕组间采用B级 (130?)的聚酯薄膜绝缘,要求至少包三层绝缘带,能经受交流4000V,1min 的 耐压试验。 2. 经济型电源变压器产品系列容量50,1500VA,在保证性能的基础上力求降低造价, 适用于连续运行而不超载的使用场合,运行温升为60?,绝缘材料等级为A 级 (105?),当满负载时输出电压误差小于3,。 3. 隔离变压器产品系列容量50,1000VA,又可分为工业用和医疗设备用两系列。隔 离变压器着重是它的绝缘性能,初级与次级间用B级绝缘的聚酯薄膜至少包扎4层, 击穿电压大于4000V,所有初级引线必须采用双绝缘导线。变压器最大温升低于 45?。医疗用的隔离变压器除符合上述的要求外,还要符合UL544标准,即初级和 次级绕组应具有热保护,绕组与接地铜屏蔽间隔距离应大于13mm。此外对医疗用 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further 的隔离变压器还要求在初级绕组装有温度保护开关,当铁心温度达到120?时,温 度保护开关断开,当温度恢复正常时,开关自动复位合上。 masses tour; Increase the intensity of the investigation and mediation of disputes, full implementation of the backlog for processing of letters and calls system of leading cadres; Keep against all forms of illegal and criminal activities of highhanded, ensure a good social order; Strengthen the collection of intelligence analysis, closely guarded activities of evil cults; Full implementation of the social security prevention and control in key areas and the treatment of serious public security issues to troubleshoot, ensuring harmony and stability. Four further strengthen publicity and ideological work. Typical highlights of selected tree cultivation, and moral exemplars in the province do not have emerged, respecting the moral model Hang Li Poh, the provincial worker Yu Youbo, State-level model worker Fan Youzhi, Hu Jingqiu, including Yunnan, nujiang's finest, promoted the theme, the combination of a positive energy. Hunan satellite TV in wangji du Village completed the metamorphosis of the show's filming, silent nu nu television program aired the "busybody" Lao Li, ancient village, wood and Jia cun and XX m villages were rated as provincial and State level civilized village. XX international visibility and reputation further enhanced. In addition, we continue to promote democracy, people's congresses, political consultative conference role play, gongqingfu, a mass organization to better serve the scientific development. Further
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