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考场四六级英语作文辅导考场四六级英语作文辅导 B级考试作文辅导 致同学们: 背诵范文是作文的第一步也是最重要的一步。本资料是老师在教学及B级考试辅导过程中收集积累而成, 供同学们内部学习参考, 期望大家认真背诵格式要求和范文,并能活学活用,举一反三,力求在考试中写出高效高质的作文。本资料有不足之处,期待着同学们的反馈和补充,任何建议或资源请发送邮件至doujh1008@163.com 一. 应试指导篇 A. 应试准备 写作部分的目的在于测试考生应用英语进行书面表达的一般能力。要提高书面表达能力,就必须多读、多背、多模仿、多练习。多读、多...
考场四六级英语作文辅导 B级考试作文辅导 致同学们: 背诵范文是作文的第一步也是最重要的一步。本资料是老师在教学及B级考试辅导过程中收集积累而成, 供同学们内部学习参考, 期望大家认真背诵格式要求和范文,并能活学活用,举一反三,力求在考试中写出高效高质的作文。本资料有不足之处,期待着同学们的反馈和补充,任何建议或资源请发送邮件至doujh1008@163.com 一. 应试指导篇 A. 应试准备 写作部分的目的在于测试考生应用英语进行书面表达的一般能力。要提高书面表达能力,就必须多读、多背、多模仿、多练习。多读、多背对解决语言知识的问题非常有效。学习一种语言,在某种意义上就是一系列的记忆和练习活动。 首先,熟记是学习外语的关键之一。考生在准备考试过程中的背记,主要包括四个方面: 1) 背记常用的单词和词组,了解这些单词和词组的语言环境; 2) 背记常用的过渡词与句型; 3) 背记一些比较典型的范文; 4) 背记读过的文章或者看过的电影中一些写得好而且有意思的段落。 其次,多模仿、多练习非常有助于考生掌握写作技巧。为此,考生应多做句子、段落与短文的汉译英练习,同时练习写文章摘要,然后再练习写短文。 B. 1) 合理分配时间。写作部分的时间约为35分钟,一般来说,时间可以分配如下:4 ,6分钟构思,23,27分钟写作,2,4分钟检查。 2) 要使用有把握的词汇、短语、句型和引用语。 3) 要合理布局,一般分3,5段,每段包含3,5句。 4) 要正确使用标点符号,避免残缺句和融合句。注意单词的拼写和字母的大、小写等。 5) 合理使用过渡词,使文章有较强的过渡性。 C. 思路启迪 就应用文的写作而言,根据考试大纲的要求,考生所写篇章在格式与语域方面必须恰当贴切。对目标读者完全会产生预期的效果。指在书面和口头表达中根据不同的交际对象,所采用的话语方式,即正式、一般、非正式的话语等。 考生在平时准备或考试时应该注意的重要方面有: 一:正式语体(书卷语)、一般语体(共核)、非正式语体(口语体)。在词汇层次、短语层次、句型层次和篇章层次都有区别。考生使用语言时应注意所使用语言的贴切性。 二:正式语体词的使用范围较窄,而且一般只在书面语中出现,若出现在口语中,则有讽刺、调侃或幽默的语用效果。考生需要按照正式或共核语体写作。 三:中性语体成分的使用范围比较广:既可以出现在正式语体中,也可以出现在一般介绍或叙述性语篇中,还可能出现在口语中。就这一类词汇的特点,英语的中性语体和口语、俚语等词汇一般都比较短小,尤其是后者,因为短,使用起来才方便,长了拗口。 四:考生在写作应用文时必须判断篇章的接受者与自己的亲密程度、接受者的身份高低、交际场合的正式程度、自己作为作者的身份等。综合考虑之后,再做出文体的判断。之后在选择恰当贴切的篇章组织、句型、词汇等。这样才能取得较好的分数。 五:文章组织时,要注意文章的一致性的原则:段落中的各个句子必须围绕一个主题(一 1 个内容)展开;短文中的各个层次则围绕短文的主题,从不同侧面深入阐述。保证句子的统一性和连贯性是组词的基本要求。句子的统一性和连贯性是相辅相成的,最简单的解释是,意思完整,主次分明,前后连贯。从语义上看,句子各部分应该是紧密联系在一起,表达一个完整的意思;从语法角度来看,正确的句子应该是结构严谨,关系一致,语序正确;从修辞角度来年,好的句子应该是中心突出,逻辑性强,准确简练。如果一个句子表达的意思不完整,主次关系不明确,逻辑关系混乱,那么这个句子的统一性和连贯性就遭到了破坏,句子就有语病,读者也就无法了解作者的本意。 二. 写作技巧篇 (一)便条(note) 便条是当事人借到、领到、收到或归还钱物时留给或收到对方的有效凭证。便条大体上分为两类,即凭证性便条(如借条、欠条、收条等)和性便条(如请假条、留言等)。其格式一般包括:日期,称呼,正文和署名。 便条的格式和写法 英文条据应用词简洁、准确,没有其他客套语;时间放在信纸的右上端,签名(全名)放在信纸的右下方。 1(借条 (Receipt for a Loan) A. 范文: thFebruary, 15.2003 To Mrs. Wang Ling, Borrowed from Mrs. Wang Ling ten thousand yuan (RMB10,000)to be paid back within one year from this date with interest at 9% per year. Li Ming B. 格式要求: 右上角写借期 To ____________ (某人), Borrowed from __________( 某部门) __________( 某物). Return within ______ (某日). 右下角签名 C. 可选用的句子和短语: 1? Borrowed from ___ (sb) ___ (sth). 今借到... 2? Return on within _____(date) _________ (at the rate /interest at...%) 从某人处借。。。某物。 某天归还。。。 ( 如果是借钱,要写明以百分之多少利息归还) 3? ….to be paid back ….归还 2. 收条(Receipt) A. 范文: stSeptember, 1. 2002 Received from Zhang Hua training fee RMB, 500. Zhao Ming B. 格式要求: 2 右上角写收到的日期 Received from __________( 某人) __________( 某物). 右下角签名 C. 可选用的句子和短语: 1? Received from ___ (sb) ___ (sth)今收到…(某日收到某人归还的某物) 3. 请假条 (Asking for leave) A. 范文: April 6,2003 Dear Mr. Wang, Owing to a bad cold, I am unable to attend your classes today and I ask for a day’s sick leave. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. Li Ming B. 格式要求: 右上角写收到的日期 Dear ________ (请假对像) Owing to ___________ (请假原因), I am unable to ________ (缺席事项 ), I need to ask for _______(请假期限)’s leave. Hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. 右下角签名 C. 可选用的句子和短语: 1? Owing to _______ (illness). 由于 ___(疾病). 2? I will be unable to attend party/meeting. 我将会不能够参加晚会/会议 3? I'd like to apply for a three-day leave of absence to look after my sick mother.我想请三天假, 去照料我母亲,她不舒服了。 4? I'd like to ask for a sick leave (for 2 days, for my cold) from 14th to 15th, inclusive. 我想请一个病假___ (因为感冒,2天) 从14号 到15号, 包括15号。 5? I will be glad if you grant me the leave. 我将会高兴如果你批准我休假。 6? I promise to make up the duty as soon as possible. 我答应尽快地补上我该做的工作。 7? Enclosed is a doctor's certificate.附上医生的证书。 短语: 1? a three-day leave of absence 请假三天 2? go back home to see my father 回家看父亲 3? grant me the leave 批准我的请假 4. 留言 (Message) A. 范文: To Mr. Black, Ms. Marie Smith of ABC Company visited this morning at 11:30 and asked you to call her back at 23901188 in office hour. Linda 3 B. 格式要求: To________ (被留言人的称呼) ____________ ( 来自….的留言人) visited this morning at 11:30 and you were not here, he asked you to call her back at _________ ( 电话或电子邮件) in office hour. (具体写明留言事项) 右下角留言人签名 注:如考试答题已给出了格式,就按其格式要求填写内容便可,留言条通常也就这两种书写格式,如下为真题示例 说明:按电话留言的格式和要求,以秘书helen的名义,给Mr.White写一份电话留言,包括以下内容, 1(来电人:霍尼韦尔(Honeywell)公司的Mr.Johnson 2. 来电时间:2001年 6 月25日上午 10点 3(事由:Mr.Johnson明天要出差去北京,因此原定与Mr.White后天上午的约会只能取消,等出差回来后再与Mr.White约时间会面。 参与范文 To: Mr.White Time: 10.a.m., June 25, 2001 Message: Mr. Johnson of Honeywell Co. is going to Beijing on business tomorrow. His thappointment with you on the morning of the 27 has to be cancelled. Mr. Johnson will contact you for another appointment when he is back. From: Helen(secretary) C. 可选用的句子和短语: 1? Mr. ____ called from Shanghai. Please call him today before 4:00 pm or any time tomorrow on 136…….某先生从上海打电话来, 请你在明天下午4点前任何时候都可以打电话 136… 给他. 2? Mrs. ______ called saying that she would be late for 20 minutes. 某太太打电话来说她可能要迟到20分钟. 3? let me know if … comes. 如果….来了就告诉我. (二)通知、启事和海报 通知、启事和海报是个人或团体向大众告知某一件事情的简短文字同,一般由标题、正文、落款(或时间)3部分组成,涉及主办单位、活动内容、议程安排、时间和地点等, 通常还会加上联系地址,联系人或联系电话。 1. 通知(Notice) A. 范文1: NOTICE All teachers and students of Grade 1 are requested to meet in the department conference throom on April 30 (Thursday) at 4:30 p. m. to hear a report on “Computer Assisted Language Learning”. The Foreign Languages Office thApril, 28. 2003 真题示例 说明:以学生会的名义于2002年6月10日写一张演唱会的通知 4 演讲人:著名教授John Smith先生 时间:下周五晚上七点 地点:报告厅 主题:世界经济发展与中国加入WTO后中国轻工业的未来 领票时间及地点:每晚七点至九点在五号楼六零一房间 负责人:李明 Notice Lecture on Global Economic Development and the Future of Chinese Light Industry after China’s Entering WTO Speaker: Professor John Smith Time: 7 p.m. next Friday Place: Lecture Hall Every night between 7 o’clock and 9 o’clock, you can get the tickets in Room 601, Building No.5. Li Ming is in charge of this. 范文 2: FOUND(招领启事) I happened to find a purse, inside which there are cards, cash and other things. Loser is expected to come to Room 412, Dormitory Building Ten to claim it. My phone number is 1222222. Zhang Jun thJan, 12. 2002 范文 3: Lost(寻物启事) It is really my fault that I left my bag in Room 306 of the library yesterday, in which there are two textbooks. Will the finder please send it to me or contact me. I need it urgently. Add: Room 406, Dorm Building Eight Tel: 2020202 Profound thanks from, Loser, Li Xin April 1, 2008 B. 格式要求: NOTICE ( 居中写标题) 正文写明通知对象、事情、时间和地点 右下角 签名 最后写 日期 C. 可选用的句子和短语: 1? All salesmen are required to attend a meeting at Room …. Building ….所有的销售人员请在…号楼,… 号房间开会. 2? Due to the storm, the meeting will be postponed to next week. 由于风雨,会议推迟到下星期. 5 3? For more information, please contact…. 更多信息,请咨询… 4? Please make reservations before … 在… 之前,请预定. All the teachers are expected to be present This is to notify that…. 2.广告 advertisement 语言精简,条条列出重点 A. 范文1: LAKE HOTEL A warm welcome from the heart of Lake Hotel staff! Our 30 rooms and one suite are air-conditioned with satellite TVs and telephone Superb bathrooms Wine bar Transportation from and to airport Single room: $50 Double: $55 Twin: $70 Suite:$166 Contact us: Tel: 0756-00000 Fax: Address: 练习 1. 通知 兹定于2003年10月8日在西校区1,312 举行“中国加入WTO对职业教育的影响”报告会,一年级学生及学生会全体成员均要求参加。 学院办公室 2003年10月5日 2. 启事 玛丽.特纳小姐和托德.沙利文先生谨宣布于2000年10月18日(星期六)在纽约结婚,特此敬告亲友。 3 球讯 今天下午4:30我系和计算机系篮球队在本校篮球场进行友谊比赛。欢迎大家观看助兴。 外语系 4月19日 练习答案: Notice All the students of Grade 1 and members of the Student Union are requested to meet in the thRoom 1-312, West Campus on Oct, 8. 2003 to hear a report on “The Impact of China’s Entry into WTO on Vocational Education.” The Administrative Office th Oct, 5. 2003 2. Miss Mary Turner And Mr. Todd Sullivan Announce their marriage on Saturday, October eighteenth Nineteen hundred ninety-eight 6 3( Basketball Match We are going to have a basketball match with the Computer Department on the playground at 4:30 this afternoon. Welcome to watch the match. The Foreign Languages Department. th April, 19 (三)传真和电子邮件 传真是以书面形式传递的业务信函,电子邮件是通过网络传输的现代交流方式,它们是两种当今社会使用最多的书面通讯方式。 1,传真(Fax) A. 范文: Fax To: Customer Enquiries Section Fax: 37478434 From: Maria King, General Manager Fax:1111111 Date: March 6, 2009 page(s):1 Dear Sir or Madam, Wooden domestic products We would like you to send us a catalogue and a price list regarding your wooden domestic products. We are interested in discussing terms with you and want to know the discounts you offer on large orders. Yours Maria King General Manager B. 格式要求: Fax To: 收件人名,头衔,地址或单位 Fax: 收件人传真号 From: 发件人名,头衔,地址或单位 Fax:发件人传真号 Date:传真日期 page(s):页数 Dear 收件人, 主题 正文——————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————. Yours 署名 C. 可选用的句子和短语: xx Enterprises Co. Ltd client Reply to in response to If this is convenient, please inform us of the specific time of his visit so that we can make further arrangements. 2, 内部通知或内部文告(memo) Memo是指公司的内部文告或便函,用于向员工发布公司信息或员工之间, 上下级之间沟通事务,它一般要求篇幅简短,语言简洁, 主题突出,不需要寒暄,问候,开门见山,无需称呼或落款 范文 7 Memo Date: March 22,2003 To: All Departmental Managers From: Sales manager Date: March 22,2008 rdSubject: Discuss the Sales Plan for the 3 quarter of 2007 rd The sales department has made a sales plan for the 3 quarter of 2007. it is going to hold tha meeting to discuss it in the conference room of the company at 1:00 pm on June 19. We hope all department managers will attend. If you cannot be present, please notify my secretary Linda in advance. Thank you. Cc: General manager B. 格式要求: Memo To: 收件人,头衔 ,部门 From: 发件人,头衔 ,部门 Date: 日期 Subject: 主题 rd The sales department has made a sales plan for the 3 quarter of 2007. it is going to hold tha meeting to discuss it in the conference room of the company at 1:00 pm on June 19. We hope all department managers will attend. If you cannot be present, please notify my secretary Linda in advance. Thank you. Cc: 其他收件人 C. 可选用的句子和短语: I told that we could offer his company a 5% discount on orders over $1000 If any difficulties are met in its completion by this date, please inform me. 3,电子邮件(E-mail) A. 范文: From: Baiyun College gbvtcfao@163.com To: David Williams < David@org.UK> Cc: ljyang@163.com Subject: Time to visit Attachment: Time to visit Date: March 22,2003 Dear Mr. Smith, Thank you for your kind invitation to your school this Saturday morning. I will arrive at your school at 10:00 a.m. Would you please tell me where we shall meet, please? With best regards, Li Ming B. 格式要求: 8 From: 发件人邮箱地址 To: 收件人邮箱地址 Cc:其他人的地址(可省略) Subject: 主题(一定要写) Attachment: 附件(附件文本名字) Date: 日期(可小到钟点) Dear xxx, 正文Thank you for your kind invitation to your school this Saturday morning. I will arrive at your school at 10:00 a.m. Would you please tell me where we shall meet, please? With best regards, 署名 C. 可选用的句子和短语: Attached is my proposal Please see the above in the attachment Attached please find the meeting minutes (四)信函 书信是人们运用文字交流感情、沟通情况的一种应用文体,信函是一种较重要的业务书信。它有6C原则:Completeness(完整)、Correctness(正确)、Clearness(清楚)、Conciseness(简洁)、 Courtesy(礼貌)、Consideration(体谅)。一般信函的格式如下表: International Programs 写信人详细 Cambridge University 地址 London, 100027 U.K. Dec. 28, 2003 日期 The Garden Hotel Guangzhou 收信人详细P. R. of China 地址 Dear Sir, 称呼 Please send me rates for a single room with bath. Would you have th正文 something available from Monday afternoon, March, 4., through the night of th Wednesday, March, 6.? I’d appreciate an immediate reply so I can make reservations right away. Thank you. 结尾敬语 Sincerely, Tony Smith 签名 1(证明信(Letter of Certification) 证明信是证明一个人的身分、经历或某件事情真相的信件或文件。提交的对象为单位(或公司),称号、格式固定化。开头一般为“兹证明……”(This is to certify that.)如: 9 A 范文 Oct. 10, 2003 日期 To whom it may concern, 固定称呼 This is to certify that Mr. Li Ming has studied in Foreign Languages 正文 Department of Guangzhou University from September, 2002 to July, 2003. Guangzhou University 单位名称 B 格式要求 _________ To whom it may concern, This is to certify that _______________________________________________________. ____________________ C可选用的句子和短语 1.To whom it may concern, 有关人士: 2.This is to certify that sb (has, had, was)___as a___(职务)+at单位 /doing时间 兹证明 某人在某单位做某职务多少时间 3. sb did __job (reliable,honest, hard working ....) 某人做 __ 工作 ( 可靠,诚实, 努力工作....) D 练习 请以伯明翰(Birmingham) 大学计算机主任(Ray Mace) 的名义给法驻英使馆写一封证明信. 兹证明雷伟先生是中华人民共各国公民.自2000年2月至于2001年2 月在伯明翰大学语言 系作为访问学者从事计算机科学的学习和研究.雷伟先生拟于5月份携妻儿去巴黎旅游1周, 之后将继续回校学习.特此证明. 伯明翰大学计算机系主任: Ray Mace 写信时间 : 2000年4月23日 E 答案 Department of PC Science Birmingham University U.K. April 23,2000 To whom it may concern , This is to certify that Mr. Lei Wei is a citizen of the People’s A China. Now he is under taking studies and research work on computer science here as a visiting scholar in our faculty from February 2000 to February 2001. I understand that Mr. Lei is planning to pay a week’s visit to Paris in May with his wife and son and then resume his study in our university. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you need any further in formation. 10 Sincerely yours, Ray Mace Dean of the Department of Computer Science 2. 邀请信 A 范文 1: Informal Letter of invitation(非正式邀请函) April 6,2003 日期 Dear Li , 称呼 I heard that you are just back from Britain and will work in China Hotel 正文 soon. I hope you could stay at my home for a dew days before your employment. Looking forward to hearing from you. 结尾敬语 Yours sincerely Li Ming 签名 Informal Letter Accepting an Invitation April 8, 2003 Dear Mr. Lee, Thank you for your kind invitation to the dinner you and Mrs. Lee are giving next Saturday for your brother. I shall be very happy indeed to come, and look forward with pleasure to meeting your brother. Yours sincerely John Smith Formal letter of invitation(正式邀请函) ___主人________ Requests the pleasure of ___客人_____________’s Company at ____什么事_____________ On__星期几__, the _日____of _____月_____ At__几点___o’clock At______ 地址______________________________________ formal Letter Accepting an Invitation 11 Mr. smith accept with pleasure Mr. black’s kind invitation to be present at the marriage of his daughter’s ston Tuesday, July 1 at five o’clock pm at the Lotus Hotel Formal Letter declining an Invitation Mr. smith regret that a previous engagement prevents their acceptance of Mr. black’s kind invitation to dinner ston Tuesday , July 1 at five o’clock pm at the Lotus Hotel Informal Letter Declining an Invitation March 6, 2008 Dear Mr. Lee, I’m so sorry that I can’t come to the dinner you and Mrs. Lee are giving next Saturday for your brother because of a previous engagement that evening. I do appreciate your asking me and hope that I will have the opportunity to meet your brother on some other occasion in the near future. Yours sincerely John Smith C可选用的句子和短语 1. I’d like ...to come to dinner 2. request the pleasure of 3. The favor of a reply is requested 4. May I have the honor of your company at dinner? 5. Thank you for inviting us to dinner 6. I hope you’re not too busy to come. 7. The reception will be held in ...,on ... 8. We sincerely hope you can attend 9. We are looking forward to ... 10. We have decided to have a party in honor of the occasion 11. Please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience 12. Regret(s) that a previous engagement prevents their presence at 12 3. 投诉信(Letter of Complaint) 投诉信是当事人对某产品或服务表示不满意的一种书信形式,格式与其他书信类似。 A 范文 Aug. 8,2003 日期 Dear Sirs, 称呼 I am writing to complain to you about the pairs of shoes that I bought 正文 from your shop during the May Day. When I took it back home, I found there was something wrong with the shoes. As you will realize, I was extremely upset to discover all this. I am returning the shoes with this letter and look forward to receiving a new one of the same size. 结束敬语 Yours truly 签名 Li Ming 4(推荐信(Letter of Recommendation) 推荐信是向朋友(熟人)介绍相关情况。 A 范文 May 16,2003 日期 Dear Mr. Wang , 称呼 I have the pleasure of introducing to you Mr. Zhang Peng. a graduating student 正文 of Guangdong Baiyun Vocational Technical College. Mr. Zhang has studied at Baiyun College for 3 years and has achieved excellent performances. Hope you could offer help if needed. 结束敬语 Yours 签名 Li Ming B 格式要求 I have the pleasure of introducing to you _________. Mr. Zhang has studied (worked) at ________for ___ years and has achieved excellent performances. Hope you could offer help if needed. C可选用的句子和短语 1. The bearer of this letter, Mr. Victor Yalding, is a young friend of mine. 2. I take pleasure in introducing to you the bearer, my brother-in-law Mr. john Smith who is going to visit your city. 3. Allow me to introduce to you the bearer of this letter, Miss Anna Andrew. She is the daughter of my oldest and dearest friend. 4. Anything you can do to help him will be a kindness much appreciated by him and, I need hardly say, by me. 13 5. Surely I’ll be very grateful for any help and advice you can give her. D 练习 内容 : 张明给王强写信介绍他的助手和好友李雷 . 李雷毕业于北京大学 , 主修化学 . 要 校学习期间成绩优秀 , 研究工作亦非常出色 , 是一位有才华\有抱负的年轻人 . 此次到纽 约深造希望得到帮助和指导 . 时间 : 2001年4月2日 E答案 April 2,2001 Dear Wang Qiang, The bearer of this letter, Li Lei, is one of my assistants and goods friends .He graduated from Beijing University, majoring in chemistry. So for as I know, he was she best student in his class and he did exceedingly well in research work.. Since I have known him for three years, I can truthfully say hat he is an intelligent and ambitious young man .I am sure he will become an excellent aspect while he undertakes further studies in New York. Your kindness will be warmly appreciated. Yours, Zhang Ming 5(道歉信(Letter of Apology) 道歉信与普通书信的格式基本相同,但应注意态度要诚恳,原委要解释清楚,措词要委婉。 常用的表示道歉的句型有: A 范文 July 7, 2003 日期 Dear Mr. Ma, 称呼 I am very sorry that I was out when you visited me yesterday. Could you come 正文 again tomorrow as I have something important to talk with you? 结束敬语 Yours truly, 签名 Li Ming B 格式要求 I am very sorry that __________________________ Could you ____________________ ? C可选用的句子和短语 1( I am very /terribly /awfully sorry for /that/to... 2( Please accept our apologies for... 3( I regret that /to say that... 14 6(感谢信(Letter of thanks) 感谢信的特点是:时间及时,简明扼要,着重事由,感谢真诚。 A 范文 July 2,1995 日期 Dear Mr. Wang , 称呼 I am writing to thank you for the wonderful weekend I had at your home .I 正文 enjoyed the party very much and in fact it was the best party I ever attended. It was very kind of you and your wife to invite me and I deeply appreciate your hospitality. 结束敬语 Yours sincerely, 签名 Li Ming B 格式要求 _______________ I am writing to thank you for the _______________________ .I enjoyed the __________ very much and in fact it was the best ______________. It was very kind of you to invite me and I deeply appreciate your hospitality. _______________ C可选用的句子和短语 1(Thank you very much for … 2(I am so grateful to you for 3(It was kind and generous of you to 7(慰问信(Letter of sympathy) 慰问信与普通书信的格式基本相同,但要注意措词,写慰问信要规范,简短,感情真挚。 常用句型有: I was shocked / saddened/ distressed / grieved to hear that… I just can not tell you how sorry I was to learn that… We are hoping / hope for/ to / that… A 范文 May 15 ,2003 日期 Dear Zhang Lin, 称呼 I am very sorry to learn that you broke your leg in a traffic accident and I am 正文 anxious to know how you are now .I hope you will get well soon .If I can be of any help, do not hesitate to let mw know. 结束敬语 Yours, 签名 Li Ming 可选用的句子和短语 1. I was shocked / saddened/ distressed / grieved to hear that… 15 2. I just can not tell you how sorry I was to learn that… 3. We are hoping / hope for/ to / that… D 练习 日期:2001年3月6日 写信人:马丁 收信人:大卫 内容:马丁得知朋友大卫期末考试没及格,因此写信安慰他,劝他不要沮丧 . 建议他认真复习 , 不清楚的内容可以请教老师和同学 . 相信大卫下个学期一定会赶上其他同学 . 如果大需要 帮助 , 一定不要客气 . E答案 thMarch, 6. 2001 Dear David, I’m very sorry to hear of your failure in the final examination. I know you must feel discouraged. But that is not necessary. I know you are a hardworking student. I’d like to suggest that you should always ask “why”. If you are not clear about the points in your study, review them or write them down and ask your teachers or classmates. I’m sure you’ll catch up with the other students next term. Please feel free to ask for my help if you need it. Yours, Martin 8, 预定信(Letter of Reservation) 预定信与普通书信的格式相同,信中要讲明预定规格、时间、要求和预定人的姓名和联系方 式。 A 范文 thJanuary, 10. 2003 日期 Dear sir , 称呼 This company has completed plants to hold its annual convention at 正文 White Swan Hotel on January 18. I wish to arrange for a banquet on the evening of January 18 with an attendance of approximately 40 people. Will you send me rates for a first-class dinner for forty people as well as some menu reservations? I hope you can give an immediate rely. Sincerely yours, 结束敬语 Jenny Clark 签名 B 格式要求 ___________________________ (原因). I wish to arrange for a banquet __________ with an attendance of approximately ______ people. 16 Will you send me _________________________________________________? I hope you can give an immediate rely. C可选用的句子和短语: 1. I would like to book/ reserve… 2. Please send me rates for … 3. I wish to arrange for … 4. I would like to book/ reserve… 5. Please send me rates for … 6. I wish to arrange for … 9 咨询信(Letter of inquiry) A 范文 thDecember, 25. 1999 日期 Dear sirs , 称呼 I am seeking an opportunity to study chemistry in your university 正文 after graduation from Guangzhou University next year. Could you please inform me of the application procedure for admission? I should be very obliged to you if you would kindly send me information about any scholarship for a foreign student? I’m looking forward to your early reply. Sincerely yours, 结束敬语 Zhang Xiaohui 签名 B 格式要求 I am seeking an opportunity to study __________ in your university after graduation from _________________ next year. Could you please inform me of the application procedure for admission? I should be very obliged to you if you would kindly send me information about any scholarship for a foreign student? I’m looking forward to your early reply C可选用的句子和短语 1. Would you please tell me 2. Could you please inform me of 10 求职信 第一段说明从何处获悉对方招聘何职位的信息,表明希望申请该职位;第二段简要介绍 自己的学历、毕业院校、专业、工作经历、兴趣爱好等必要信息,表明符合对方的要求条件; 第三段说明按要求提供相应资料;第四段表示希望早日得到答复,为结束段。(有时第二和 17 第三段可合并) A. 范文: June 25, 2004 Dear Sir or Madam, I have seen from the China Daily of June 6, 2004 that your company is in need of a General Manager’s secretary. It’s my pleasure to apply for the position. I am 24 and graduated from Guangdong Institute of Technology with an excellent academic record in all courses. While I majored in Business Administration, I am skillful at shorthand and typing with a speed of 90 and 70 words per minute respectively. In my spare time, I like dancing, traveling and playing basketball. I am enclosing my resume and a recent photograph. I look forward to hearing from soon. Yours faithfully Wang Huali 11. 证明信 写一封证明信 证明人: 芦常春 吉林大学数学系教授 被证明人 : 李微 芦教授从前的学生 , 现在的下属 内容 : 芦先生给有关部门写信证明李微在校学习四年,成绩优秀,与同学相处整洽.毕业后受 聘该校任助教.在此期间,身体健康,工作努力,忠于职责,诚实可靠.. 答案 February 26, 2001 To Whom It May Concern, This is to certify that Mr. Li Wei ,one of my former students, had studied Mathematics in the math Department of Ji Lin University for 4 years. His academic record was constantly maintained at the top level. He got excellent scores in all the subjects. In addition, he was on good terms with his classmates. After graduation , he has been engaged in our university as a teaching assistant for 3 years . Being physically and mentally healthy, Mr. Li has faithfully attended to his duties and has proved himself to be industrious and thoroughly reliable. Yours faithfully, Lu Changchun Professor of Math Department Jilin University 可选用的句子和短语 1. I'm writing to apply for the /a job as a ____ 2. I have worked / studied in this area for_____ years. 18 3. I’m sure that / I am capable of doing ____(job) 4. For more information/ details, see the enclosed file / resume 5. Looking forward to your early reply. 6(I have learned that your company needs some college graduates. I hope I can find a job in your company. 7( I have seen from the newspaper that your company is in need of a manager assistant. I’m interested in the job. 8( I trust that I am capable of doing the work well. I enclose a brief resume of my life history as you required. Just let me know if you want an interview. 9( I have just graduated from college and my major is computer science 10( My hobbies are music, football and travel. 11( I’ll be looking forward to hearing from you and appreciate your consideration of my application. 12( I enclose my resume and look forward to hearing from you soon. D 练习 你叫李源,写信求职于一家合资企业的助理职务,内容如下: 1(1979年7月出生,福建人。 2(学历:1998年高中毕业(福建一中); 2002年大学毕业(福建大学经济系); 英语(四、六级)成绩优秀并通过口语考试。 3(爱好:音乐,足球,旅游。 E 答案: May, 1st 2002 Dear Sir or Madam, I have seen from the newspaper that your company is in need of a manager assistant. I’m interested in the job. Now let me introduce myself. My name is Li Yuan .I was born in July 1979, in Fujian. In 1998 I graduated from Fujian No.1 Middle School, In2002 I graduated from the economic department in Fujian university. Also I got good marks in both CET 4 and6 and passed the oral test. My hobbies are music, football and travel. Looking forward to hearing from you soon. Yours Truly Li Yuan 11 简历(resume) 简历是一个人的工作经历和所受教育的总结,写简历应遵循以下规则: 简历一般应包括个人信息,教育背景、工作经历及参考资料等方面的内容。 工作经历:列出所有的工作,包括兼职、暑假工、寒假工、志愿工作等。并按时间顺序排 列(英文顺序与中文格式相反,应从现在到过去进行排列)。对每一项工作都列出你做了 19 多长时间、你的老板、你的职务、你的主要职责等。 教育程度:列出学校的名称和地址、起止时间及有助你申请这个职务的课程。 在技能、活动、奖励、兴趣方面,列出你的一此技能,如:打字、计算机编程、懂何种外语,并把这些和你申请的职务相联系,列出你所获得的奖励、证书和你的兴趣。 列出推荐你的人的名字、地址,如:你发前的老板、老师或朋友。 A. 范文: Resume Name: Wang Ming Address: No.168 Sichuan Road , Chengdu, Sichuan 610000 , People’s Republic of China Date of birth: March 6, 1983 Gender: male Marital status: single Health : Excellent Interests : Sports, theatre , reading Job objective: Seek a position as a computer programmer(应聘电脑编程员) Education: 1994-1998 Studying at…. majoring in…. Work Experience 2000-2003 Teacher at Baiyun College(白云学院教师) 1998,2000 Engineer at Sumsung Electronic Company (三星电子公司) Foreign Language Studied English throughout the undergraduate years. Excellent reading ability, good at translation and some conversational ability. Skills: fluent Cantonese, mandarin Character: frank, ambitions C可选用的句子和短语 1.name//address(present\permanent)//date/placeof birth//gender/sex //telephone:/email/fax//marital status(single 、married)名字//住址 (现住址,永久住址)// 出生日期/ 地方// 性别 // 电话:/电子邮件/传真// 婚姻状况 ( 独身者 ,已婚的) 2. working experience(先写现在2003-2006,后写过去2000-2003) 3. education (先写现在 2003-2006 ,后写过去 2000-2003) 4. Skills: I'm capable of doing___/ I have good command of___ / I have passed CEF4/ I have got ___certificate... 5. hobbies : In my spare time, I like reading / I'm interested in ___(music、dance) 6. Personality / character: honest / hardworking / careful / team work /brave D 练习 简历 姓名:蔡敏 性别:男 出生日期:1979年7月29日 婚姻状况:未婚 健康状况:良好 地址:广州市江南西路5号201房 联系电话:84423456 受教育情况: 20 1996年7月在广州市第四十二中学高中毕业;1996年9月至1998年7月 在广州大 学科技学院上学,主修行政管理; 1998年9月至2000年7月在澳门大学经济系上学,主修经济管理; 工作经验:没有 技能:能讲流利的广州话、普通话和英语,懂计算机操作、驾驶 性格:诚实,勇敢,爽快,办事细心,事业心强 E答案: Resume Name: Cai Min Sex: Male Date of birth: July 29, 1979 Marital status: single Health: Excellent Address: RM201 west of Jiangnan Road Guangzhou Telephone: 84423456 Education: September 1998—July 2000 Department of Economics, Macao university ,Majoring in Economics September 1996—July 1998 College of Technology, Guangzhou University, Majoring in Administrative Management ndJuly 1996 Graduate, 42 Middle School, Guangzhou Wording experience: None Skills: Fluent Cantonese, Mandarin and English, computer operation, driving Characteristics: Cheerful, careful in dealing with details, honest and brave, strong ambition 三(专项强化训练 一)请根据以上所学,仔细检查下文中参考答案格式或表达,如有错请作出修改 (1)留言 1、请以Allen 的名义给一位新员工Peter 留一张便条,内容如下: Smith 先生来电话说,所有的新员工都得参加由北京总公司举办的为期三周的培训班。 新员工可望借此了解公司的运作并接受市场调研方面的训练。该培训班由下星期一开始,请 Peter作好准备。进一步的情况可打电话到人事部询问。 答案: Peter, Mr. Smith called and said all the new employees would have to attend a three-week training program provided by the head office of the firm in Beijing, and the new comers would be expected to know something about the operation of the firm and receive some training in Market Research. The program will start next Monday. Please get ready for it. For further information, call the Personnel Department. 2、以Peter的名义写一张电话留言, 告诉John, Grace 今天早上 8:00打来电话, 说她下周星 期一 (9月5日) 下午3:30乘坐飞机到达白云机场, 航班号为CZ—3538 。Grace 请John 替 她在花园酒店订一间浴室的单人房间,她计划在广州呆一个星期,问John 是否方便去机场 接她。 答案: John, Grace called at 8:30 this morning and she said she would arrive at Baiyun Airport at 3:30 p.m. thnext Monday (Sept.5). The flight number is CZ—3538. Grace asked you to book a hotel for a week. She wonders whether it will be convenient for you to meet her at the airport. Peter (2)通知 1、 以公司行政办公室的名义,按通告的格式和要求,写一份于2002年6月30日公布的 通知,包括以下内容: 1( 时间:7月7日星期五下午2:00; 21 2( 会议地点:公司办公楼会议厅; 3( 会议内容:讨论财务击球规划; 4( 出席人员:各部门的负责人; 5( 要求:每人准备一份建议书。 Words for reference: 财务规划 financial program 政办公室 administrative office 部门负责人 department head 答案: Notice All department heads. We, the administrative office, have decided to hold a meeting at 2:00 p.m. at the Meeting Hall of the Office Building of our company on July 7, 2002 (Friday). The financial program will be discussed then. All department heads are required to be present at the meeting at that time and every one is expected to bring with you a proposal on the financial program. The Administrative Office th June 30. 2、 请根据下面的提示,写一则放假通知: 国庆节放假七天,十月一日至七日。九月二十八日、二十九不休息。三十日晚上八点半在礼 堂举行舞会,欢迎所有员工参加。十月八日照常上班。 答案: Notice stththThe National Holidays will be 7 days, from October 1 to 7 . Go to work on September 28 ththand 29 .as usual, there will be a dance party held in the hall at 8:30 p.m. on 30. All staff thmembers are expected to take part in the party. Work will be resumed on the 8 of October at the usual hour. General Manager’s office th September, 5. 2002 (3)广告 Directions: Write an advertisement according to the following facts. Topic: An Apartment to Let or for Sale Location: Edinburgh Court, 326 Flat Street, Scotland Functions: 2nd floor, 4 bedrooms, a dining room and a living room Inner facilities (内部设施):water, electricity, gas, heat, telephone etc. which are concerned about are available Sale price:,130 000 Rent price : ,1 400 per month Agent (代理人):Mr. B. Kasen Tel: 3456789 (office time) 答案: APARTMENT TO LET OR FOR SALE An apartment which is located at Edinburgh Court, 326 Flat Street, Scotland is to let or for sale. The apartment with 4 bedrooms, one dining-room and one bath-room is on the second floor. The inner facilities such as water, electricity, gas, heat, telephone, etc. which house-owners are concerned about are available. As for the rent, ,1400 a month, and for sale, ,130 000. If you are interested, please contact Mr. B. Kasen at 3456789 at office time. 22 (4)求职信 1、你叫李宏,写信求职于一家外资企业。内容如下: (1)1978年5月出生于广州; (2)学历:1996年高中毕业(广州五中),2000年大学毕业(暨南大学经济系); (3)特长:英语(四级),电脑(暨南大学电脑竞赛第二名); (4)业余爱好:游泳、集邮、旅游。 答案: Dear Sir, I have learned that your company needs some college graduate. I hope I can find a job in your company. Now I’ll tell you something about myself. My name is Li Hong. I was born in May in 1978 in Guangzhou. In 1996 I graduated from Guangzhou ano.5 Middle School, and in 2000 I graduated from the Department of Economy in Jinan University. I am good at English and computer. I’ve passed College English Test Band 4. I once took the second place in a computer competition in my university. In my spare time, I like to go swimming, to collect stamps and to travel around .My telephone number is 82385858. Hoping to hear from you soon. Yours Faithfully Li Hong 2、我刚刚大学毕业,专业是计算机 .我对英语很感兴趣且成绩优秀,并获得大学英语四级证 书.我看到你们 昨天刊登在《羊城晚报》上招聘秘书的广告,我想应聘该职位。随信附上我的 简历,盼望早日回复。 写信人:王明 邮编:510725; 地址:广州航海专科学校 写信时间:2002年10月15日。 答案: Guangzhou Maritime College Postcode:510725 Oct.15, 2002 Dear Sirs, I have just graduated from college and my major is computer science .I’m interested in English and excellent at it. I have got the certificate of Band four of CET. I’d like to apply for the position of a secretary advertised in yesterday’s Yang Cheng Evening News. I enclose my resume and look forward to hearing from you soon. Sincerely Yours Wang Ming (5)介绍信 你叫王平,请你根据以下内容给下月将来你校任教的外籍教师写一封信,介绍学校情况,并 请他来信说明抵达日期及航班次,以便到机场迎接。 1( 外籍教师名字和地址:格林先生,126,South street, Washington D.C. USA; 2( 写信日期:2000年8月10日; 23 3( 学校情况:一个图书馆、2座实验楼,还有体育场、游泳池等。学校绿化好,宁静,是 学习的好地方; 4( 你的地址:广州市中山路180号。 答案: 180 Zhongshan Road Guangzhou, China Aug.10,2000 Mr. Green 120 South Street Washington D.C. U.S.A Dear Mr. Green, We were very glad to hear that you would come to our school to teach us English next month. Now I’d like to tell you something about our school. Our school was set up in 1950. It is located in the east of Guangzhou. I t has 150 teachers and 2800 students. There is a 12-storey classroom building, a library building and I lab buildings. Besides, there is a big playground and a swimming pool. The campus is very beautiful. It is covered with green trees and flowers. It looks like a garden. And it is very quiet .We all think it is a nice place for us to study in .Please write to tell us your arrival date and your flight number. We will meet you at the airport. Sincerely yours, Wang pin (6)道歉信 致:斯考特(Scott)公司 收到贵公司2001年2月28日的来信,感谢向我公司订购200台计算机。很抱 歉,目前我公司没有这么多机器。我们已向厂家订贷。下月初即将到贷,届时我们 将及时通知贵方。希望保持联系。 销售部经理:约翰?库博(John Cooper) 答案: Feb.29, 2001 Manager Scott Company Dear Sirs, We have received your letter on Feb.28.2001.Thank you for your order for 200 computers. But we are very sorry that we have not got any in stock for the time being. We have already ordered for them from the manufacturer and they will be available early next month, when we’ll inform you timely. We sincerely hope that you’ll keep in contact with us. Yours truly John Cooper The Sales Manager (7)邀请信 请根据下面的提示,写一封邀信。 24 被邀请人:史密斯夫妇 内容:很久不见,甚为想念。特邀请二位于2001年9月9日下午5时来家吃晚饭,饭后一起去听音乐会,务请光临。 邀请人:布朗夫妇 邀请时间:2001年9月2日 答案: Sep.2, 2001 Dear Mrs. & Mr. Smith, How time flies! It has been a long time since we met each other last time. We miss you very thmuch .We would like to invite you to dinner at our home. At 5 o’clock on Sep.9 after the dinner we’ll go to the concert together. We hope you’ll be sure to come. Yours sincerely Mr. & Mrs. Brown (8)投诉信 请就下述内容写一封投诉信。 你叫王敏,上个月去上海出差时,在书店买了一本法汉辞典。回到家后仔细翻阅时发现缺了几十页,非常恼火。随信将辞典寄回,要求换一本好的并尽快寄来。 答案: To whom it may concern, I am writing the letter to complain of a French-Chinese dictionary which I bought in your shop last month when I was in shanghai on business .When I got home, however, I felt very upset. Now I send the dictionary with this letter and strongly wish that you would change a perfect one and send it to me as soon as possible. Yours truly Wang Min (9)咨询信 我已完成中学学业。我對理科課程特別感兴趣且成績优良。過去六年我一直学习英語,听说读我都不錯。我希望到贵校学习物理。盼早日回复。 写信人: 王明 邮政编码:100044 地址:北京市复兴81号 写信时间:2001年4月15日 答案: 81 Fuxing Road Beijing, 100044 the People’s Republic of China April 15, 2000 25 Dear sir / madam, I would appreciate it very much if you could send me the information about entry to your college. I have finished my high school here and hold the graduate certificate. I was particularly interested in and fairly good at science subjects. In the meanwhile, I have been studying English for the past 6 years and I am well able to listen to, speak and read English. I would like to study physics in your college. I am looking forward to your early reply. Yours truly, Wang Ming (10)简历 Complete the resume form according to the information given below. 1. Personal Information & Education 2. age 6 14 18 Born in Walsall Elementary Lincoln High Law School New York School ,New York School L.A University of (Los Angeles) California L.A. 9/4/1976 1970/1976 1976/1982 1982/1986 3. Working Experience First Job Second job Teaching assistant Lecturer Southern University of California(SUC) Southern University of California 1986/1988 1988--present 4. Foreign language: 上大学期间始终学习法语,具有很好的阅读能力,且擅长笔译,并能流利地交谈. 5. Address: 506 High Street ,Los Angeles, California, USA Tel: 001—818—4575911 答案 Now complete the application form. Application Form John Smith (Present address:) (1) 506 High Street Los Angeles, California Tel.No:101— Fax No:010—818—4575012 thDate of Birth : (2) 9/4/1964(April 9,1964) Place of Place : (3) New York Nationality : (4) American Marital Status(婚姻状况): Married, 1 daughter Education : (5) 1970—1978: Walsall Elementary School, New York (6) 1978--1982: Lincoln High School ,Los Angeles (7) 1982—19866: Law School , University of California foreign Language : (8) I had been studying French for four years at college . Now I have excellent reading ability .I am good at translation and can talk with others in 26 French fluently. Working experience and the reasons you are looking for the job. (自XX年至XX年,在XX处工作,职务XX) (9)1986—1988:teaching assistant, University of Southern Califormia (10)1988—1992: lecturer , University of Southern California (11)一直渴望做律师工作.因为律师工作不仅有趣,而且有更多的机会提高能力,薪金也很诱惑人. I have been longing to work as a lawyer , because the work is not only interesting but also provides more chances to improve my ability .Besides , the salary is very attractive. 二)模拟题 1,假设你是总经理(Robert Smith)的秘书(Wendy woo),你给生产部经理(James Tang)写一封便函(memo), 知会他以下内容:总经理9月19-20要来广州,并视察工厂;总经理要与生产部全体职员见面,并谈话;通知他们取消这两天的其他约会,不要外出; 2(请代王芳向其公司的合作伙伴发出公司庆典的祝贺。内容如下:值引贵公司50华诞之际,请接受我们最真诚的祝贺,愿贵我公司之间的贸易持续发展。 3(请以李英的名义写一封辞职信,内容为:原因是出国学习;此前职位是财务经理;工作年限为三年; 注明辞职时间;回顾过去 4(请代英语系办公室秘书在系公用邮箱里发一份电子邮件 发件人:英语系办公室 收件人:英语系全体学生 邮件主题:英语演讲比赛 内容:定于6月5日,星期三下午两点举行第五届大学生英语比赛,有意参加者于每晚六至八点到外语系办公室友报名,截止日期为六月一号。 5(请代英语系干事写一则通知,内容如下:本星期六(8月8号)下午二时,全体教授和副教授在学院会议室开会,讨论国际学术交流问题,请准时出席。 27
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