

2017-10-11 11页 doc 36KB 24阅读




广东省深圳市人力资源市场从业人员职业资格考试大纲广东省深圳市人力资源市场从业人员职业资格考试大纲 广东省深圳市人力资源市场从业人员 职业资格考试大纲 第一科:《人力资源市场管理法律基础》 一、劳动关系 1、中华人民共和国劳动法 2、中华人民共和国劳动合同法 3、中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例 4、关于非全日制用工的若干规定,深圳, 二、就业促进 1、中华人民共和国就业促进法 2、广东省实施《中华人民共和国就业促进法》办法 三、工资制度 1、深圳市员工工资支付条例 2、中华人民共和国个人所得税法、全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国个人...
广东省深圳市人力资源市场从业人员职业资格考试大纲 广东省深圳市人力资源市场从业人员 职业资格考试大纲 第一科:《人力资源市场管理法律基础》 一、劳动关系 1、中华人民共和国劳动法 2、中华人民共和国法 3、中华人民共和国劳动合同法实施条例 4、关于非全日制用工的若干规定,深圳, 二、就业促进 1、中华人民共和国就业促进法 2、广东省实施《中华人民共和国就业促进法》办法 三、工资 1、深圳市员工工资支付条例 2、中华人民共和国个人所得税法、全国人民代表大会常务委员会关于修改《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》的决定,2011年6月30日第十一届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十一次会议通过, 3、财政部、国家税务总局关于个人与用人单位解除劳动关系取得的一次性补偿收入免征个人所得税问的通知 4、关于职工全年月平均工作时间和工资折算问题的通知 四、职工福利 1、全国年节及纪念日放假办法 2、广东省企业职工假期待遇死亡抚恤待遇暂行规定 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 3、职工带薪年休假条例 4、企业职工带薪年休假实施办法 5、企业职工患病或非因工负伤医疗期规定 6、关于公布广东省高温津贴标准的通知 五、社会保险 中华人民共和国社会保险法 六、劳动争议仲裁 1、中华人民共和国劳动争议调解仲裁法 2、广东省高级人民法院、广东省劳动争议仲裁委员会关于适用《劳动争议调解仲裁法》、《劳动合同法》若干问题的指导意见 七、人力资源服务机构管理 1、深圳经济特区人才市场条例 2、广东省职业介绍管理条例 第二科:《人力资源服务理论与实务》 一、人力资源服务概述 1、人力资源服务的内涵与特征 ,1,资源 ,2,人力资源 ,3,人力资源管理 ,4,人力资源服务 2、我国人力资源服务业的发展存在问题 ,1,人力资源服务业的历史演进 ,2,人力资源服务业发展的现状 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction 3、人力资源服务业发展的主要问题 ,1,人力资源服务业的综合竞争力有待加强 ,2,人力资源服务业市场环境仍需进一步提高 ,3,人力资源服务机构治理结构不完善 ,4,人力资源服务业从业人员素质能力有待提高 二、人力资源招聘服务 1、人力资源招聘服务概述 ,1,人力资源招聘服务概念及作用 ,2,人力资源招聘服务现状及趋势 2、人力资源招聘服务方式分类 ,1,现场招聘 ,2,网络招聘 ,3,平面媒体招聘 ,4,代理招聘 三、人力资源外包服务 1、人力资源外包服务概述 ,1,人力资源外包服务的定义 ,2,人力资源外包服务的内容 ,3,人力资源外包服务的分类 ,4,人力资源外包服务的作用 2、人事代理 ,1,人事代理的含义 ,2,人事代理的产生和发展 ,3,人事代理的分类 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction ,4,实行人事代理制度的作用 ,5,授权人事代理 四、劳务派遣服务 1、劳务派遣服务概述 ,1,劳务派遣的起源与发展概况 ,2,劳务派遣的定义与法律关系 2、劳务派遣服务特点 ,1,劳务派遣的分类及服务内容 ,2,劳务派遣的服务优势 3、劳务派遣服务流程及注意事项 ,1,劳务派遣服务流程 ,2,劳务派遣服务中的注意事项 五、人力资源测评服务 1、人力资源测评概述 ,1,人力资源测评的内涵及分类 ,2,人力资源测评的基本原则 ,3,人力资源测评的功能 ,4,人力资源测评的应用 2、现代人力资源测评的发展状况 ,1,西方现代人力资源测评的发展状况 ,2,我国人力资源测评的发展过程 3、人力资源测评技术 ,1,心理测验法 ,2,面试法 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction ,3,情景模拟测验法 ,4,评价中心技术 六、高级人才寻访服务 1、高级人才寻访服务概述 ,1,高级人才寻访服务的概念 ,2,高级人才寻访服务的优势 ,3,高级人才寻访服务与现场招聘服务的比较 ,4,高级人才寻访服务是配置高级人才的加速器 ,5,WTO与中国“猎头”公司 ,6,猎头的现状与发展 ,7,“猎头”公司发展的新趋势 2、高级人才寻访基本流程 ,1,流程图 ,2,操作流程 七、人力资源管理咨询服务 1、人力资源管理咨询概述 ,1,人力资源管理咨询的定义 ,2,人力资源管理咨询的必要性 ,3,人力资源管理咨询的主要环节 2、人力资源管理咨询的主要内容及基本流程 ,1,工作咨询 ,2,胜任特征评估咨询 ,3,招聘咨询 ,4,咨询 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction ,5,绩效管理咨询 ,6,薪酬体系咨询 ,7,职业生涯规划咨询 ,8,人力资源信息管理系统 八、人力资源培训服务 1、人力资源培训服务概述 ,1,人力资源培训概述 ,2,人力资源培训服务概述 2、人力资源培训服务基本流程操作实务 ,1,培训业务承接 ,2,培训需求分析 ,3,培训规划的制定 ,4,培训课程实施 ,5,培训效果评估 independent legal personality of the company based on the architectural decoration industry in the long run, can also be written to the owners of outdoor decoration project quality ten-year bonds, to owners at ease. In order to guarantee the project quality to meet straight, all construction workers must be in accordance with the relevant specifications and design requirements for the construction, during the construction process will be done step by step quality check. (11) the key technical measures of key processes, complex links, key processes and complex part 1, stone processing, glass plate the plate side trim panel, is the key to the whole process of operation, measuring line and construction personnel allocation and material procurement is a complex part of the process. 2, and stone surface ornaments board processing is overall stone curtain wall most important of construction key, as for Xia material size not accurate, will will effect overall installation complex, as for any Xia material, will will led to overall appearance effect 3, and glass plate business Board is glass curtain wall most key process, as for in business Board Shi not by program and specification, will will led to overall glass curtain wall installation quality and glass high off, dangerous phenomenon of occurred. 4, measuring line is the key point of the whole construction process is the complex part of the entire construction process, as a result of survey lines are not accurate, it will affect the whole decoration project quality, schedule and results. 5, construction workers deployment is a complex part of the entire construction process, because more construction
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