

2012-10-10 50页 ppt 467KB 19阅读




大学英语四级完型填空nullnull大学英语四级考试讲座null Cloze 题型透视在通读全文、把握结构与大意的前提下, 根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、 语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段 最后确定答案. 方法题型透视 题型透视 完形填空的题目在设计时要遵循一定的要求和准则,以保证测试的效度和信度。一般来说,在大学英语四级考试中,出题人会在一篇题材熟悉,难度适中,字数为200-250字的短文中去掉20个词,要求考生在15分钟内填完这20个空。 占总分值710分的10%。null1. 测篇章理解力2. 测词...
nullnull大学英语四级考试讲座null Cloze 题型透视在通读全文、把握结构与大意的前提下, 根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、 语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段 最后确定答案. 方法题型透视 题型透视 完形填空的题目在时要遵循一定的要求和准则,以保证测试的效度和信度。一般来说,在大学英语四级考试中,出题人会在一篇题材熟悉,难度适中,字数为200-250字的短文中去掉20个词,要求考生在15分钟内填完这20个空。 占总分值710分的10%。null1. 测篇章理解力2. 测词汇运用能力3. 测语法运用能力 测试点完形填空的体裁和题材 完形填空的体裁和题材 完形填空的文章多以观点鲜明、条理清楚的议论文或说明文为主,题材涉及范围包括科普、经济、历史、社会、文化、教育等,具有一定时代性、现实性和科学性。完型填空的解题步骤完型填空的解题步骤首段首句是关键 速读全文略大意 先易后难不误时 重读全文补漏遗null审视最近几年的四级考试完形填空题目,不难发现,此题所用文章大多是总分的结构,即先列出中心句,然后围绕此中心思想展开具体分述,因此,我们应对文章的首段首句特别注意。文章的第一句话通常不设空,并且暗含了本文的中心思想或者作者的基本观点。从文章的开头,我们可以了解此文的大致内容。null第一遍阅读的主要目的是迅速了解文章大意、掌握文章的基本发展线索,自己有把握的题先做,拿不准的可以空着。这一遍阅读不必过分推敲,做一大体猜测即可,最重要的是,第一遍下来之后,对文章的意思要基本明了。速读时,要一气呵成,尽管有空白、生词或不明白的地方,仍要坚持下去。注意不要在尚未掌握大意的情况下,边阅读、边做题,这样速度慢、准确率低。null第一遍做完之后,可能会有两三个空格没有填,此时,应该把重点放在这几个空格附近。脑子里已经有了文章的大意,便可根据上下文来重新对四个选项进行分析,从而找出答案。要记住,一般完形填空的文章比较短小,并且是结构紧凑、意义关联的,很多词汇、短语可能不止一次出现,尤其是一些能够揭示中心思想的词汇。因此,要特别注意那些出现频率较高的词汇及短语,即使有些不认识的,也可以根据上下文猜出它的大概意思,并不影响做题。有些空格的答案,可能恰恰就在文章中出现过!所以做题要瞻前顾后,联系上下文寻找线索。null检查时要注意以下几点: 1)上下文的一致性:即时态、语态的一致;代词、名词单复数的一致。 2)从语法和习惯用法及固定搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。 3)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。 4)连词、副词也是完形填空常考的词,要避免出现前后矛盾的情况。null 题目类型语境词汇题, 固定搭配题, 逻辑推理题, 语法结构题语境词汇题涉及内容:语境理解,词汇复现关系,词汇共现关系。null考点透视一.语境词汇题 1. 考查的重点:语境的把握 语境即上下文,段与段之间,句子与段之间,句子之间,短语之间都有一定的语义联系。因此,对语境的理解对解题很重要。2. 词汇的复现关系词汇的复现:指某个词以原词、指代词、同义词,近义词,上一词、下义词等出现在语篇中,语篇的句子通过这种关系得以衔接。所以,空格中要填的词很可能就在上下文中以其他形式出现过。null 命题人将四个选项设置为同义词、近义词或形近词等,以迷惑考生。这就要求我们在平时的学习中,单词要记准确。对于近义词,要弄清楚它们各自的用法。例如: Families of as many as 10 people have had to shelter under a single tent and share cookstoves and bathing ____with neighbors. A) facilities B) instruments C) implements D) appliances (CET-4, 2007.6.) nullfacilities指“设备、辅助物”,一般指公共设施; instruments指“设备、仪器”; implements指工具、器具; appliances指“电器”,多指家用电器。 此处为公共洗澡设施,所以选A)。 null形近词辨异 例1 Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she 75 everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about machines or at least how to drive a car. A) inquired B) insured C) informed D) instructed 例2 Following 88 , the man guided the plane toward the airfield. A) impression B) information C) inspections D) instructions 例3 Never ask a child whether he likes or dislikes a food and never discuss likes and dislikes in front of him or allow 66 else to do so. [A] everybody [B] anybody [C] somebody [D] nobodynull例4 A. encourages(鼓励) B. enables(使能够) C. enforces(强制) D. ensures(确保) 例5 A. attraction(吸引力) B. attention(注意力) C. affection(爱情,亲密) D. motion(动作) 例6 (兼考搭配关系) A. interfered(in干涉) B. interrupted (打断,中断) C. discouraged (from不鼓励做) D. disturbed(打扰,干扰) 例7 A. desired(渴望,想得到) B. revised(修订,修正) C. required(需要,要求) D. deserved (值得,应得)null3. 词汇共现关系:指词汇共同出现的倾向性。与片中,围绕一定的主题,一定的词就会同时出现,这种词的共现关系与语篇题材关系密切。 根据这个原则,可以删除一些和语篇主题无关的选项。二. 固定搭配(熟记新视野课后词组) 考查基本知识的储备。尤其是一些短语动词(look in, let out,等固定下来作为动词使用的结构 )、动词短语(动词和一些常用名词的短语搭配)、名词短语和介词短语。null 由于英语中的固定搭配很多,所以需要同学们在学习中下大力气,平时注意积累一些特定的搭配,比如动词词组的搭配,有特殊意义的短语、成语、谚语以及习惯用语等等。这些不仅在完形填空部分对你有所帮助,而且在其他的题型中也会用到。例如: The listener must hear the sounds to ______ out what the speaker means. A) put B) take C) draw D) figure (CET-4, 2006.12.)此题考查动词词组figure out(合计为, 计算出, 解决, 断定, 领会到)。 词语搭配词语搭配 例1 The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become 85 with the controls of the plane. A) intimate B) familiar C) understood D) close 例2 Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were unable to recall it? When this happens again, do not try to recall it. Do something 73 for a couple of minutes and the name may come into your head. simple B) apart C) else D) similar 例3 A land free from destruction, plus wealth, natural resources, and labor supply, all these were important factors in helping England to become the center for the Industrial Revolution. But they were not enough. Something 73 was needed to start the industrial process. A) else B) near C) extra 额外的,不包括其中的 D) similarnull例4 Take it _69__ granted that he likes everything and he probably will… A. with B. as C. over D. for 例5 But these various means of communication differ in important ways __68__ human language. A. about B. with C. from D. in 例6 …the great tit(山雀) is a case __77__point. A. in B. at C. of D. fornull 语法题综合考查考生的语法知识,这要求大家熟练掌握全部的语法知识。例如: Before you buy an expensive item, or a service, do check the price and ___ is on offer. A) what B) which C) that D) this 可以看出,此处所填的词既可以引导名词性从句,又相当于先行词,符合以上所述条件的只有选项A)。语法题语法题第一、 指代关系 例1 The foreign research scholar usually isolates 76 in the laboratory as a means of protection; However, what he needs is to be fitted into a highly organized university system quite different from 79 at home. 76. A) himself B) oneself C) him D) one 79. A) those B) which C) what D) that 例 2 No two speakers speak in exactly the same way. We can always hear differences 74 them,… 74. A) between B) among C) of D) fromnull例 3 We can change an utterance by replacing one word in it with __73__. A. ours B. theirs C. another D. others 例4 They also suggest that our readers do not call for friends only among those who are most like them, but find many__78__ differ in race. 78. A. people B. who C. what D. friendsnull第二、 虚拟语气 例 2 A geographer might be described as one who observes, records, and explains the differences between places. If places 87 alike, there would be little need for geographers. 87. A) being B) are C) be D) were 例 3…but _63_ you were to move the skin you would not tell anything about the race to which the individual belonged. A. since B. if C. as D. while倒装 知识要点: 倒装分完全倒装与部分倒装两种类型,重点是部分倒装,即只有系动词、助动词和情态动词参与的倒装。常见的倒装结构可以分为四大类:倒装 知识要点: 倒装分完全倒装与部分倒装两种类型,重点是部分倒装,即只有系动词、助动词和情态动词参与的倒装。常见的倒装结构可以分为四大类:1、 否定倒装。指否定副词或否定的副词性结构(hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, little, nowhere, not once ,under no circumstances, in no way, no sooner […than])用于句首时所导致的倒装。 如:Vitamins do not provide energy, __42__ do they construct or build any part of the body. A. either B. so C. nor D. never null2、 虚拟倒装。指在IF引导的虚拟条件句中,将IF省略,把should, had, were提至主语前,形成倒装。 e.g. Were I you, I’ll never promise to do that. 3、 强调倒装。为突出强调某一成分而将它提至句首时,实行倒装:句子结构要求倒装:如: a. so 倒装句 b. 以某些表示肯定的副词开头作状语:only, often, then, so c. 以某些表示否定的副词开头作状语;little, hardly, seldom, scarcely, never, nowhere, not once d. 某些表示否定的副词短语开头作状语: under no circumstances, in no way, no sooner …than, hardly/scarcely/barely…when/before e. As作“虽然—但是”解时用半倒装。 4、 省略倒装。涉及词语包括so, neither, nor 例 __70__ does size have anything to do with intelligence. A. Only B. Or C. Nor D. So从句和强调句型 从句和强调句型 例 1 The word geography comes from two Greek words, eg, the Greek word for “earth” and graphing, 75 means “to write”. A) what B) that C) which D) it 例 2 …but a bird has a single alarm cry, _75_ means “danger!” A. this B. that C. which D. it 例 3 These secondary routes may go up steep slopes, along high cliffs, or down frightening hillsides to towns lying in deep valleys. Through these less direct routes, longer and slower, they generally go to places 88 the air is clean and the scenery (风景) is beautiful, … A) there B) when C) which D) where 语篇考查 (篇)语篇考查 (篇) 例 1 The United States is well-known for its network of major highways designed to help a driver get from one place to another in the shortest possible time. Although these wide modern roads are generally smooth and well maintained, with 73 sharp curves and many straight sections, a direct route is not always the most __75___ one. Large high ways often pass 76 scenic areas and interesting small towns. 73. A) little B) few C) much D) many 75. A) terrible B) possible C) enjoyable D) profitable 76. A) to B) into C) over D) bynull例 2 When research is assigned, the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with 79 guidance. It is the student’s responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain how a university library works; 79. A) maximum B) minimum C) possible D) practical null 解题步骤和技巧解题前: 考试时间有限, 只能用略读法(skimming)将全文快速浏览一遍, 明确文章的主题, 体裁. 尤其要认真阅读全文的第一句, 因为第一句都是一个没有空格的完整的句子, 对后文的重要提示.宏观理解例如,样题(2005年9月)文章的开头写道:Wise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further.这就是文章的主题句。它说明了本文所叙述的内容,一定是与wise buying有关的。而短文的大部分空格处都与主题有直接或间接的联系。 nullWise buying is a positive way in which you can make your money go further. The 67 you go about purchasing an article or a service can actually 68 you money or can add 69 the cost. 67. A)form B)fashion C)way D)method 68. A)save B)preserve C)raise D)retain 69. A)up B)to C)in D)on67.C 68. A 69. B null 技巧完形填空考题中四个选项的词性一般都是一致的,因此可以从词性入手分析解题技巧。一. 动词: 在做动词选择题时,除观察动词自身的结构功能之外,还应注意其语义特点,比如,有的单词含有肯定含义,有的却有否定的含义。考试时应分析具体的上下文。 1. 看动词和主语在语法上、意义上、主谓搭配上的合适性。有时还要看主语是人还是物,主语能不能发出这个动作.null 2. 解题时:做题原则:瞻前顾后,灵活答题。答题方法:1)择优法:根据文章及结构边读边填,如果能够立刻判定最佳答案的,不必再去逐个考证其余答案。2)排除法:如果答案一时难以确定,可按空格位置,从语法结构、词语搭配、上下文语境、习惯用法、词义辨析等方面,对选项逐项分析试填。排除干扰项,从而确定正确答案。 另外,从整体上感知全文,掌握大意还要注意文中的暗示,努力找出关键词。如果是故事性文章,那时间、地点、人物就是关键词; 抓住了关键词就抓住了故事的线索,进而理解全文,此时选填就不会是胡猜乱填。微观分析null解题后: 通读复核,弥补疏漏。 题目全部做完之后, 要仔细认真地复核一遍. 方法是:检查   1)上下文的一致性:即时态语态的一致;代词、名词、单复数的一致。   2)从语法和惯用法及习惯搭配、甚至语感入手,看是否符合上下文的逻辑。 3)段与段、句与句之间的衔接是否连贯。null2. 及物动词做谓语时,动词和宾语搭配的合适性. 具体与抽象一致;褒贬一致;语气一致。3. 看动词的属性----- 是及物动词还是不及物动词二. 名词 1. 选择名词时,要看其前后各个成分搭配的合适性2. 根据语境中的共现或复现关系以及其他语义限定关系三. 形容词 四. 副词 五. 介词 六. 代词 七. 连词 null 通用解题方法 无关词排除法:排除与中心主题无关的选项 2. 对应成分分析法 应用于句子内部对应成分和两个句之间的对应 成分,分析其内在逻辑关系。 3. 同现一组同倾向的词语经常为选项。null4. 关联成分   有些实词未知信息与已知信息语法地位相等, 且存在密切的联系度。 方法:抓住相近成分。选择一个与已知成分最相近的 选项。 5. 总分结构对照方法 若选项出现在总述中,而在所在句中找不到线索, 应去对应的分述中找线索。线索往往离得很远, 但一定能找到。 null 6.复现   同样的意思在文章不同地方重复出现。   1) 在完全看懂句子前提下,确定是复现关系, 则四个选项中某个在原文中能找到的词即为选项。 2) 也可以用不同的词来表达相同的意思。    7.时间线索 把握文章脉络,主线清晰,顺序明了,一条时间主线 贯穿全文。null 最后:注意区分同义词、近义词和形似词 近几年的四级英语考试对同义词、近义词和形似词的 测试逐渐增多。一般四个选项中至少有两个为近义词。 对于这类考题,除具备一定的词语辨析的能力外, 主要是看上下文的语义关系。 逻辑关系逻辑关系1. 对立关系(包括转折和让步) 2. 因果关系 3. 并列关系 4. 总分关系 5. 递进关系 null三. 逻辑推理 在完形填空中出现的比例不大,考查分析上下文和 句际关系的能力。 逻辑关系常以一些关系词为标志: 并列关系 and, neither nor ,either or ,likewise ,similarly , equally , in the same way, 递进关系 even, again, besides, furthermore, moreover, what is more… 转折关系 but, however, though, whereas, while, nevertheless… 因果关系 so, therefore, thus, because, for, since, as,… 让步关系 though, although, despite, in spite of… 条件关系 if, unless, once, provided that, in case of… 解释关系 that is to say, in other words… 顺序关系 before, after, and, first, then, next, finally… nullnullnull 44 its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers. [A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that 【1997】 解析:Even though 尽管(让步);Provided that(=if)只要、如果(必须跟假设事情,不跟客观事实);美国经济在复苏,这是一客观事实。所以,前面不能是Provided that。null 44 its economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary workers. [A] Even though [B] Now that [C] If only [D] Provided that 【1997】 解析:Even though 尽管(让步);Provided that(=if)只要、如果(必须跟假设事情,不跟客观事实);美国经济在复苏,这是一客观事实。所以,前面不能是Provided that。null②although和but,because和so不能在一句话中同时出现。 although和because叫从属连词,既可以放句首,也可以放句中,放句中时,前面一般不加逗号。 But、and和so叫并列连词,只能放在句中,前面逗号可加可不加。 but若出现在句首,是作副词用null42 industrial giants like General Motors and IBM struggle to survive 43 reducing the number of employees, Manpower, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is booming. 42. [A] For [B] Because [C] As [D] Since 解析:for后接名词/动名词作介词时,for可以随便放;若for后接句子,作连词时不能放在句首,只能在句中出现。 For workers it can mean an end to the security, benefits and sense of 50 that came from being a loyal employee. 【for作介词,放在了句首。】nullHumans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, 1 this is largely because, 2 animals, we stand upright. 1. [A] although [B]as [C]but [D]while 【2005】 解析:although、but同时出现→在考两者的区别。前面逗号破题。null③though 做副词时可以做插入状语,放于句中时前面后面都要有逗号。 5. [A] anyway [B]though [C]instead [D]therefore 【2005】 Humans are often thought to be insensitive smellers compared with animals, …… In fact, 5 , we are extremely sensitive to smells, 6 we do not generally realize it. 解析: 5 ,前后意思对立:可从insensitive和sensitive判断出来;也可从in fact(事实上)的语气上判断出。 instead 不能做插入状语,必须作句子的组成成份。 He is ill,I'll be on duty instead. null④、while 与 whereas 的区别:while 可以引导省略式的状语从句,whereas不行。 while 引导省略式状语从句的条件: a. 从句主语与主句主语相一致; b. 从句是系表结构。 同时满足以上两个条件之后,省去从句中的主语和系动词。 48. [A] but [B] while [C] and [D] whereas 【1997】 The phenomenon provides a way for companies to remain globally competitive 48 (省略了:the phenomenon is) avoiding market cycles and the growing burdens 49 by employment rules, healthcare costs and pension plans. 解析: 48 前后的意思都是正面积极的,不是对立关系,所以,表对立关系的but和whereas不能选。对于:and/or表并列关系时,其前后的结构形式必须一样,但是本题provides与avoiding形式显然不一样,故不能选and。对于while ①虽然、尽管(是对立的让步关系);②当……时候,与此同时(是并列关系)。while 可以引导省略式的状语从句,所以本题就是考核该知识点。故,本题选择while。2. 因果关系:2. 因果关系:(难点:必须分清-前因后果 or 前果后因,才可正确答题。)※ 【每年必考】 ⑴表原因的词:because,in that,now that,since,as,for,as a result of,considering。 ⑵表结果的词:so that,such that,as a result,lead to,consequently,therefore,hence,thus,so。null26. [A] considering [B] ignoring [C] highlighting [D] discarding 【2004】 Most theories of juvenile delinquency have focused on children from disadvantaged families, 26 the fact that children from wealthy homes also commit crimes. The latter may commit crimes 27 lack of adequate parental control. All theories, however, are tentative and are 28 to criticism. 解析:juvenile delinquency 青少年犯罪。disadvantaged families 贫穷家庭。wealthy homes富裕家庭。前面贫穷,后面富裕,形成对立关系,所以,本题选择ignoring。ignoring 忽略。discarding 抛弃(不能说抛弃事实,之能说抛弃某种没有使用价值的东西)。considering 考虑到(表因果关系)。highlighting 突出,强调(表递进关系),若用highlighting,则与后面的also(表递进关系)在逻辑关系上发生语意重复,故不能选。null1. [A] Indeed [B] Likewise [C] Therefore [D] Furthermore 【2006】 The homeless make up a growing percentage of America's population. 1 homelessness has reached such proportions that local government can't possibly 2 . To help homeless people 3 independence,the federal government must support job training programs, 4 the minimum wage, and fund more low-cost housing. 解析:such that 如此...以至于...(因果关系)。therefore 因此(因果关系),若用therefore在逻辑关系上发生语意重复,故不能选。 1 的前面说“无家可归者越来越多”,后面说“政府都无能为力”,可见后面是对前面的同一事实进行强调,所以应当选择表示加强语气、强调关系的副词indeed。3.并列关系3.并列关系表示并列关系的词:※ 【每年必考】 and(和),as well as(也),likewise(同样的),while(而,与此同时),similarly(类似地),simultaneously(同时发生地),meanwhile(同时) 。 and题型的三种做题方法: ①and前后选同义词; ②and前后选同一范围词; ③and前后句子对应成分分析法。null25. [A] assistance [B] guidance [C] confidence [D] tolerance 【2003】 _24 they are adjusting to their new bodies and a whole host of new intellectual and emotional challenges, teenagers are especially self-conscious and need the 25 that comes from achieving success and knowing that their accomplishments are 26 by others. 解析:self-conscious(自我意识)。and前面是“青少年自我意识很强”,即“个性强”,属于“主观意识品质”;所以and后面也应该选择“主观意识品质”的词,assistance 帮助。guidance 指导。confidence 自信(主观意识品质)。tolerance 容忍(主观意识品质)。于是,C和D备选,接着看 25 后面的从句“that comes from achieving success”是“来自于获得成功”,可见,confidence(自信)符合该语境,故本题选择confidence。null23. [A] care [B] nutrition [C] exercise [D] leisure 【2003】 Teachers need to be aware of the emotional, intellectual, and physical changes that young adults experience. And they also need to give serious 21 to how they can best 22 such changes. Growing bodies need movement and 23 , but not just in ways that emphasize competition. 解析:and前是movement(运动),应该选它的同义词exercise(锻炼)。4. 总分关系4. 总分关系总分关系:前总述,后分述;前复数,后单数;前大后小。 表示总分关系的词: for example,for instance,such as,including 考点:for example和for instance作插入状语时 ① 若放在句中,则前后都加逗号; ② 若放在句首,则后面加逗号; ③ 若放在句尾,则前面加逗号。null31. [A] as to [B] for instance [C] in particular [D] such as 【2001】 The government is to ban payments to witnesses by newspapers seeking to buy up people involved in prominent cases 31 the trial of Rosemary West. 解析: prominent cases 重大案子(复数形式)。the trial of Rosemary West(Rosemary West案),是单数。可见,前复数,后单数,属于总分关系。故,[B] for instance和[D] such as备选,但是 31 前后没有逗号,于是只能选择[D] such as。null28. [A] in effect [B] as a result [C] for example [D] in a sense 【2003】 … However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be 27 to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, 28 , publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews, 29 student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs. … 解析:考察的插入状语:for example,for instance,though(作副词时)。考点就是标点符号的有无。 28 前后的逗号表明属总分关系,故选择[C] for example。5. 递进关系:(考的少)5. 递进关系:(考的少)表示递进关系的词: still,also,indeed,furthermore(进一步),moreover(而且,此外),highlighting(突出,强调) 。 考点: a. 递进关系是并列关系的一种; b. still与also的区别: still是指一件事情的递进;also既可指一件,又可指两件事情的递进;用still的地方,可以用also,但用also的对方,不一定能用still,两者相遇选also。 c. indeed和furthermore的区别: furthermore仅指同一件事情的递进;indeed既可指一件,又可指两件事情的递进。null四. 语法结构1. 定语从句2.虚拟语气 3. 代替: 为避免重复,往往用代替或省略null08-12-70 This is especially true among 67children from families and communities that have the resources needed to organize and 68 sponsor sports programs and make sure that there is easy 69 access to participation opportunities. Children in low-income families and poor communities are 70 likely to take organized youth sports for granted… A. little B. less C. more D. much篇章理解B)lessTry your best, and you will succeed!Try your best, and you will succeed!
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