

2017-08-29 40页 doc 108KB 45阅读




大学生调查问卷大學生调查问卷 创业单元: 1.您大学所学的专业 A文史艺术类 B理工类 C电脑类 D语言类 2.大学毕业后你选择: A尽可能就业 B趁年轻直接创业 C先就业积累资本再创业 3.您认为创业所第一必备: A广泛的人脉关系 B商业创意和经营模式 C创业资本 D专业知识 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and clas...
大學生调查问卷 创业单元: 1.您大学所学的专业 A文史艺术类 B理工类 C电脑类 D语言类 2.大学毕业后你选择: A尽可能就业 B趁年轻直接创业 C先就业积累资本再创业 3.您认为创业所第一必备: A广泛的人脉关系 B商业创意和经营模式 C创业资本 D专业知识 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 4.您对创业政策了解吗, A非常了解 B一般了解 C苦于没有了解渠道 5.您认为创业最吸引您的地方是: A对行业的兴趣 B厌恶上班追求自由 C解决就业难题 D创业是个人理想 6.您对自己创业前景的判断: A充满乐观和斗志 B迷茫的赌博感 C对失败的恐惧 D无所谓 7.您认为中国大学生创业环境: A恰逢盛世,国势非常好 B环境一般,有利有弊 C创业环境恶劣 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 8.您认为大学生创业相较其他阶层的优势在: A专业知识 B信息渠道丰富 C学习能力强 D同学人脉丰富 9.您认为影响大学生创业成功的因素中最重要的因素是: A家庭背景和人脉关系 B商业创意和经营模式 C政府政策 D机遇 10.您认为大学生创业可能遇到的最大问题是: A合作伙伴难找缺少人脉资源 B资金不足 C内部管理不佳 E亲人反对 11.当资金面临困难时,您会: A向家族亲朋借钱 B向银行贷款 C吸引风险投资 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance D向公益基金会求援 12.如果创业中遇到待遇优厚的工作机会,您会: A继续坚持创业 B选择工作机会 C寻求合作机会 13.如果您想创业,将选择: A独自创业 B家族创业 C朋友合伙 14.如果创业,您将选择哪个领域: A大学所学专业 B自己感兴趣领域 C市场火热领域 D从风险较低的行业起步 15.您是否参加过创业类讲座或培训, A没有 B有过 C经常参加 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 16.在不盈利的条件下,您愿意坚持创业多久, A三个月 B六个月 C一年 D一年以上 17您的创业榜样是: A欧美商业传奇人物 B中国传奇企业家 C身边的创业成功朋友 18您认为欧美日韩经验在中国可复制吗, A发达国家的科学经验是可以在中国生根发芽获得成功的 B外国的科学经验要从根本进行本土化 C中国国情最重要,外国经验反而适得其反 D苏浙模式比发达国家的经验更有借鉴意义 19您选择在哪里创业, A北上广深等一线大城市 B苏杭青岛天津重庆等二线大城市 C到中部经济发展较落后的地区去 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance D到西部去 20您认为多少钱的初期资金即可以开始创业: A一万到五万 B五万到十万 C十万到二十万 D二十万以上 就业单元: 21.您就业会选择: A知名大公司拿低薪 B不知名小公司拿较高薪酬 C只要专业对口工资合理,不论公司大小 22.您对就业地区的选择: A北上广深等超级大都会 B经济发展迅猛的二线城市 C风景如画生活安逸的旅游城市 D回到户籍地,建设家乡 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 23.您是否愿意为一份其他城市更好的工作而放弃一座现居的城市 A愿意,换一座城市无妨 B不愿意,眷恋朋友圈和这座城市的生活习惯 24.如果您非常喜爱的工作家人却不喜欢,您会 A坚持这份工作 B顺应父母的意愿放弃这份工作 25.您会因为暗恋一个人而去她/他的公司上班吗, A会,愿意在一起长久平级工作 B会,并会努力成为她/他的领导 C不会 26.您更偏爱哪国企业 A中国央企和国企 B中国民族私企 C日韩跨国企业或港台跨国企业 D欧美系西方跨国企业 E不在乎 27.如果求职困难,您是否考虑到乡镇工作 A绝不考虑 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance B如果是经济高度发达的富裕乡镇可以考虑 C可以考虑乡镇村官等政府工作 D如果位于风景如画的地区(如大理丽江等)可以考虑 28.您对您薪酬的预期(试用期后工资): A3000——5000 B5000——8000 C8000——10000 D10000以上 29.您对学校就业指导的看法: A常听,学到了很多 B听过,没用 C没听过 30.您的求职 A人才招聘网站投放简历 B校园招聘会 C社会招聘会 D通过老师亲戚朋友等熟人介绍 31.您会因为崇拜一位明星级的企业领袖而渴望进入该企业吗, separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance A非常渴望进入偶像领导的公司工作 B非常渴望能接近他/她,比如努力成为他/她的助理 C不会,偶像和他的企业是两回事,视企业情况而定 32.您在进入一家公司时会期待办公室恋情吗, A非常期待,这是上班重要的期待之一 B期待,但不希望因此影响到工作 C不期待,因为这必然会影响到正常工作 33.您对您心仪企业的印象主要来源于: A该企业的领袖 B企业中的明星员工 C企业实体对生活产生的影响 D媒体报道 E企业在校园中的宣传 34.您当前就业困难的最主要原因是: A就业人口太多,竞争太激烈 B大学贪玩,技艺不精,才疏学浅 C对社会因陌生而产生了恐惧 D从事自己热爱专业的企业太少 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 生活单元: 35.您的租房习惯: A为了省去上下班路上时间,宁愿多花费些房租住在公司附近 B为了省去房租,宁愿多花费上下班路上时间 C愿意将钱多花费在房租上,使得交通便捷居住舒适 D尽可能节省房租钱 36.您最希望在哪里工作生活: A北上广深等超级都会,争取无穷的机会享受丰富的文化生活 B发达的二线城市,享受较慢的节奏和闲适的生活 C家乡,和自己的父母亲居住在同一个地方 D乌托邦,如云南大理。享受与世无争的恬淡,放弃主流价值。 37.您的钱主要花费在(可选三项): A维持社交圈 B文化活动(图书、文玩、收藏、看话剧电影等) C租房,日常餐饮,家用品 D维持恋爱花销 E买车 F买房 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 38.您每天上网的时间: A一小时左右 B两小时到六小时 C六小时以上 39. 平常您使用微博/QQ/SNS网站的习惯是 A每天都使用,有时间就上 B只在工作时间使用 C一般在家使用 D想起来就上,但频率较低 40.您一年间去外地旅行的次数: A一次 B两三次 C三次以上 41.您最常用的旅游方式: A宁可少参观一些未知景点,却爱在同一处风景地往返留恋 B利用有限的休假时间尽量出游,去不同的省市看不同的风景 C少出游,攒到大假期出国游 D利用周末在城市临近省市出游 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 42.您外出旅游通常选择: A名山大川海滨沙滩等自然景观 B古建筑名刹巨殿等历史古迹 C乡间古镇等田园避世秘境 D香港上海等购物天堂 43.在以往的生活中,您有过几次正式的爱情: A 1次到3次 B 3次到5次 C 5次到10次 D 10次以上 E 尚未有过 44.在以往的工作经历中,如果和上司或同事发生顶撞矛盾,您一般的选择是, A默不作声 B联合其他同事与其对抗 C直接沟通 D离职 45. 在以往的生活经历中,如果发现一件特别想购买的东西,但是价separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 格太高,您会选择, A毫不犹豫买下来,借钱也不怕 B先回去攒钱,攒够了再来买 C找父母或暗示男女朋友作为礼物送 D不考虑买了 46. 在以往的生活经历中,对于购物品牌,您会选择, A只固定选择几个最爱的品牌 C没有最爱的品牌,但一定要是名牌才行 D经常选择优衣库、ZARA、H&M等时尚快销品 D很少买品牌服装 47. 以往的生活经历中,您购买过的最贵的物品的价格区间是, A 2000元以下 B 2000-6000元 C 6000-10000元 D 10000-50000元 E 50000以上 48.以下青春爱情类电视剧您最喜欢的是: A中国大陆剧 B台湾剧 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance C韩剧 D日剧 E美剧 49.您最钟爱的电影类型 A美国好莱坞科技制作大片 B欧洲俄罗斯文艺片 C中日韩文艺片 D偶像爱情电影 E暴力枪战黑帮片 50.您是否热爱健身, A有健身卡,固定到健身房健身 B每天做简单健身 C偶尔简单健身 D很少健身 51您最愿意把晚上的娱乐时间用在: A看电影电视剧影碟 B和朋友逛街吃饭泡酒吧 C看一场音乐会戏曲话剧等 D读书 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance E上网 52.您最爱的文化休闲项目: A舞蹈(古典舞,西方舞,现代舞,街舞等) B中国古典艺术(国画,书法,金石篆刻等) B瑜伽 C茶道插花等 53您有宗教信仰吗,如果有是何教,如果无最向往何教: A佛教 B基督教 C伊斯兰教 D道教 E大同教(巴哈伊信仰) 54您有写作的习惯吗, A写日记或博客 B写小说 C写诗 D无写作习惯 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 55在一段感情经历中,您最担心出现的问题: A出现第三者危机 B对方图财不图情 C被严重误会 D感情渐入冷淡出现冷战 56您愿意保持单身的原因: A择偶要求高 B经济实力不够 C曾受到感情伤害 D单身生活品质更高 E不喜欢单身生活 57您每天晚上平均几点上床睡觉, A 9点——12点 B 12点——2点 C 2点——4点 D 5点以后 58您平均每月花多少钱, A 2000元以内 B 2000——5000元 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance C 5000——10000元 D 10000元以上 59您的主要社交对象是哪类人群 A同事或朋友 B客户或工作相关人士 C名流明星富二代 D我讨厌社交生活,喜欢宅在家里 60您会一直接收父母的经济援助吗, A生活基本依靠父母给的零花钱 B工作后偶尔会接受父母的零花钱 C工作后争取不再接受长辈的经济援助 D就算需要经济援助也不会管父母要 61您拥有几件奢侈品,(名品名包名表等) A一件 B五件以下 C五件至十件 D拥有很多 62您多久去一次博物院美术馆展览馆或画廊 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance A一周一次 B一月一次 C半年一次 D已经一年没去过了 63您认为有多少钱才能获得经济上的安全感 A十万——五十万 B五十万——一百万 C一百万——一千万 D一千万以上 64您会在表白被拒绝后还和对方做朋友吗, A会,但是仅仅为了礼貌 B会,并且愿意努力成为朋友 C不会,但偶尔会联系 D不会,努力不再联系 65工作中您最不能容忍的是: A上司愚蠢 B同事愚蠢 C需要喝大量白酒 D经常加班 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance E没有人欣赏你的工作 66您最热爱的饮料是: A茶 B咖啡 C碳酸冷饮 D果汁 E啤酒 F红酒或黄酒 G白酒 67您最向往下列哪类国家的生活方式: A中国 B中国香港和台湾 C日本 D美国加拿大澳洲新西兰 E西欧北欧 68中国最令您自豪的是(可选三项): A饮食文化 B国画书法瓷器等传统造型艺术 C昆曲京剧越剧等传统戏曲艺术 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance D祖国的大好河山和遍地古镇 E悠久的历史 F蓬勃的经济发展 69中国最令您不满的是: A环境污染 B食品安全问题 C贫富差距和社会不公正 D医疗资源分配不公 E政治 F当今教育和文化现象 70您最感兴趣的中国古代朝代: A三国 B唐朝 C宋朝 D明朝 E清朝 公务员单元 71您的学历: A大专以下 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance B大专 C本科 D硕士或硕士以上 72您参加过几次公务员考试, A一次 B两次 C两次以上 D从未参加过 73对越来越多的大学生报考公务员,您有什么看法, A可以理解,对于无家业无背景的毕业生是一条很好的就业渠道 B不能理解,很多同学盲目跟风 C非常不理解,大学生向往公务员是大学的悲哀 D无所谓 74对于报考公务员的条件,如须大专以上学历,几年基层工作经验等,您怎么看: A没必要,不拘一格降人才,人才存在形式多样,国家需要的人才也是多样的,不应设立统一门槛 B有必要,对提高公务员队伍的质量很有必要 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 75如若选择报考公务员,您选择哪种级别, A国家公务员 B地方公务员 C两个都考 D从未考虑公务员 76公务员最吸引您的地方是: A铁饭碗 B工作较轻松,社会福利好 C就业形势严峻,为了解决就业 D精忠报国,心愿所系 77您身边朋友报考公务员的多吗, A很多 B很少 C有一些 D一个都没有 78假如您有很顺利的就业机会,您还会考虑报考公务员吗, A考,一定考 B就业公司好就不考了 C不考了,反正报考公务员也是为了就业 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 79如果您有很好的自身条件并且家境优厚,您会报考公务员吗, A考,当公务员是自身理想 B不考,公务员会限制经商和一些自由 80您认为公务员的工资多少比较合适: A 2000元——3000元 B 3000元——5000元 C 5000元——7000元 D 7000元以上 81您认为以下十一件事情那些事一定要在毕业前做的: 1.和自己的床合张影。 2.清晨去操场跑步。 3.整理好以前的证件。 4.拉一位异性再游一圈校园,拍情侣照。 5.一个都不能少的集体活动。 6.认真记录下每个人的联系方式。 7.告诉喜欢的异性:我曾经喜欢过你。 8.重新在全班面前自我介绍。 9.认真醉一次。 10.去图书馆睡一 下午觉。 separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance 11.拥抱全班人。 Ps如果您觉得除以上十一条外还有一定要做的事情请您写在下面。 我认为: separating spaces. Rational division of functional units according to the needs of various production processes, and classifying the Ribbon. Easily accessible to the people, chickens, equipment, transport, and even air to strict bio-security control. Building construction should pay attention to the relative sealing performance, environmental control. Mainly for temperature, humidity, ventilation, wind magnitude and direction, light, and other climatic factors. Easy to clean and disinfect, can give the chickens with a safe and comfortable living environment. Buildings should be able to prevent bird and rodent, pest control. Environment to minimize and kill the pathogen around the hen house for target, easy to carry out regular cleaning and disinfection, protection of good sanitation. Strict control of personnel dedicated to raising channel of access of captive persons and general protection items for reliable cleaning and disinfection treatment, maximum protection against pathogen of people carry. Eliminate all outsiders from entering, declined the visit as much as possible to minimize the different functional areas of keeping personnel crossing, once crossed to cleansing and disinfection measures are available. Direct contact with chickens in poultry husbandry staff should as far as possible away from the outside world. Keeping personnel should carry out periodic physical examinations. For feeding all relevant staff carry out regular biosafety training. Before entering the chicken coop chickens to control as much as possible to reduce the hens of carriers, through daily feeding and management of resistance
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