

2017-09-26 11页 doc 34KB 12阅读




草原承包合同书草原承包合同书 发包方: 承包方: escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting sup...
草原承包合同书 发包方: 承包方: escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review review-approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, in accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and experience. Review 草原承包合同书 甲方,发包方,: 法定代人: 乙方,承包方,: 家庭住址: 为加快畜牧业发展~提高保护和建设草原的积极性~不断提高草原生产力~增加草地经济效益和生态效益。根据《中华人民共和国草原法》和《黑龙江省草原条例》、《黑龙江省农村合作经济承包合同管理条例》及有关法律、法规的规定~经甲乙双方协商同意~特订立本合同~以供双方共同遵守。 一、承包期限:承包期50年~从2011年09月30日起至 2061年09月29日止。 二、承包草原面积、地点。 甲方将五万公顷草原承包给乙方~该草原位于 坐标为 、 。 使用现状 植被类型 。,草地图及坐标点附后, 三、甲方权利和义务 (一) 甲方的义务 1、保护乙方合法的经营权、产品处置权、收益权、承包权。 2、依照法律法规规定保护乙方合法的草原承包经营权~不得擅自变更、解除合同。 3、在草原承包经营期内~不得擅自对乙方使用的草原进行调 experience. Reviewin accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -rantors and bet. Section II review reviews, guaccess to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowerck and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer aus cheket price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, statoved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through marappr ts (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment companyof the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credi tationons against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implemenom debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautiescape fr2 整。确需适当调整的~甲方应考虑优先收回、调整承包草场中的零散、低产地块~并按草原法律法规所规定的程序办理。 4、保护乙方的生产经营自主权~不得干涉乙方依法进行正常的生产经营活动。 5、承包期满~在同等条件下优先发包给乙方。 6、为乙方开具草原承包费均收据~作为乙方义务完成的凭证。 7、双方签署本合同后的90个工作日内~甲方应督促相关职能部门依法登记造册并向乙方颁发草原承包经营权证。 (二) 甲方的权利 1、收取乙方的草原承包费。 2、如果乙方没有按时缴纳承包费~甲方有权无偿收回草原及草原承包经营权证~并终止合同。 3、监督乙方按合同约定的用途合理利用草原。 4、监督乙方履行改良建设草原义务~保证草原牧草产量逐步提高。 5、制止乙方破坏草原资源及草原保护设施的行为。 四、乙方的主要权利和义务: (一) 乙方的权利 1、依法享有对承包草原的生产、管理、经营自主权。 2、依法享有承包草原产品处置的权利。 3、承包期满~在同等条件下享有对该承包草原的优先承包权。 4、承包经营权受到侵害时有要求赔偿损失及寻求司法救济的 l according to their own knowledge and experience. Reviewin accordance with authorized, independent approvaapproval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -nce with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review reviewccordand other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in ao high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, ais toall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation sh alueguarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property v Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict3 权利。 5、承包草原被征用、使用、占用时~有依法获得补偿的权利。 (二) 乙方的义务 1、承包者应全面履行承包合同。 2、所承包草原只用于放牧、采草、改良种植多年生牧草~不得擅自改变草原用途。破坏草原植被、非法改变草原用途、非法进行草原流转、不履行草原改良建设义务或者履行不符合约定~给甲方造成损失的~按照实际损失进行赔偿~甲方同时可以解除合同。 3、不得擅自转让、转卖或转包承包的草原。如果在草场建设临时设施~必须征得甲方同意方可实施。 4、每年1月30日前向甲方按每公顷30元交纳草原承包费~草原面积5万公顷~每年承包费共计金额150万元。 5、服从区、乡草原改良建设统一规划。依法按时缴纳草原承包费~每年的1月30日为最后缴纳期限~未按期交纳草原承包费的~以日为单位~按照承包费总额的3‰向甲方支付违约金.同时甲方可解除合同。 6、接受相关职能部门的监督和。 7、按规定接受承包费的调整。承包期内~如果适用的法律强制设定承包草场的最低承包费~本将适用法定的最低承包费。如果法定的最低承包费高于本协议约定的承包费~甲方将通过补贴、返还等方式确保乙方届时实际承担的承包费不高于本协议约 experience. Reviewin accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -rantors and bet. Section II review reviews, guaccess to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowerck and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer aus cheket price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, statoved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through marappr ts (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment companyof the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credi tationons against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implemenom debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautiescape fr4 定的承包费。 8、如国家和集体建设等需要依法征用或使用乙方承包的草原~乙方应服从国家的规定~不服从国家建设需要征用、使用、占用草原~不服从政府的禁牧、休牧命令及草原改良建设计划~给国家造成损失的~依法负责赔偿。 9、国家投资建设的草原保护和基础建设设施遭到人为破坏的~无法找到破坏人或破坏人无力赔偿的~由乙方负责恢复原状或者负责赔偿。 10、承包期满后~在同等条件下乙方享有优先承包权。 五、甲、乙双方协商的其他条款 1、爱辉区政府提供草场资源~基本按每头产奶牛配套不少于1公顷草原~根据项目饲养规模和发展实际核准后分期提供。草场使用期限为50年~并核发草原承包经营权证。期满后~在国家政策允许的情况下~可以优先再发包给企业。首期提供约5万公顷草场资源~作为项目发展的前期基础。到2015年末~企业奶牛存栏未达到5万头~区政府有权无偿收回已发给企业的草原和草原承包经营权证~并按实际存栏规模重新核发。 2、为了扶持企业前期发展~承包期内~前6个公历年度~企业先缴纳草原承包费~区政府将采取灵活的财政支持~将企业缴纳的承包费100%返还中兴牧业,之后的5个公历年度的承包费50%返还企业~并于每年度第1个月内支付,之后的承包期内~每年度的第1个月内支付当年度承包费。 in accordance with authorized, independent approvaapproval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -nce with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review reviewccordand other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in ao high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, ais toall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation sh alueguarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property v Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strictl according to their own knowledge and experience. Review5 3、中兴牧业不能改变草原用途~只允许放牧、采草。如改良种植多年生牧草需向相关部门提请备案。企业无权转让、转卖或转包第三者。草原开发要科学规划~合理布局~要有系统性、永续利用性~坚决杜绝破坏和占用资源的行为。。 4、在中兴牧业承包草原期间~如遇国家政策调整~企业必须无条件服从国家政策。同时爱辉区政府在草地上修路、修水利设施、矿产资源开发及其它公益事业~企业必须积极支持~涉及乙方投入及地上建筑物部分~经双方协商后可酌情给予补偿。 5、本合同不因甲方法定代表人的变更而变更~合同执行期任何一方不得擅自变更和解除,合同如有未尽事宜~由甲乙双方共同协商~作出补充规定~补充规定与本合同具有同等效力。 六、效力和争议解决 1、合同签署后甲乙双方应共共同遵守~一方违约由过错方承担损失~双方都有过错的~各自承担相应的责任。 2、甲乙双方因合同履行发生争议或者纠纷的~应协商解决,协商不成的~可向爱辉区人民法院提起诉讼。 七、合同生效日期 本合同自签订之日起生效。本合同一式四份~甲乙双方各二份。 附:草原承包示意图 experience. Reviewin accordance with authorized, independent approval according to their own knowledge and approval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -rantors and bet. Section II review reviews, guaccess to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in accordance with the Bank select borrowerck and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, and other special situations. Customer aus cheket price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value is too high, and so on. Mortgage, statoved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation shall prevail; investigators through marappr ts (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property value assessments to assessment companyof the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a guarantor willing, guarantees or credi tationons against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the Bank crediting support. Implemenom debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict precautiescape fr6 甲方:爱辉区林业局七二七林场,公章, 甲方法人代表: ,盖章, 乙方:黑河中兴牧业有限公司 乙方法人代表: ,签字, 年 月 日 l according to their own knowledge and experience. Reviewin accordance with authorized, independent approvaapproval staff should perform their duties strictly in accordance with authorized, prohibited Super license. Approval shall, -nce with the Bank select borrowers, guarantors and bet. Section II review reviewccordand other special situations. Customer access to Customer Manager product documentation standards set by States should be in ao high, and so on. Mortgage, status check and to verify ownership, leasing and is imposed by the existence of a relocation, ais toall prevail; investigators through market price than the reciprocal verification of charge values, prevention assessed value assessments to assessment company approved by the Bank to assess reported or recognized the value of the Bank confirmation sh alueguarantor willing, guarantees or credits (MS) charge status, value and evaluation of liquidity. Arrival (mass) bet property v Bank crediting support. Implementation of the guarantee the guarantee personal credit business, investigators should verify a precautions against serious adverse credit history of borrower (guarantor) and their spouses get the escape from debt of the bank records of actual control of enterprise and its associated spouse obtained credit support strict7
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