

2017-12-04 10页 doc 29KB 21阅读




三年级十岁生日会主持稿阳三年级十岁生日会主持稿阳 阳光牵着我的手 Seasons in the sun ——三年级“我十岁了”集体生日会暨家长开放日 G3 10-Year-Old Birthday Celebration and Parents’Day 开场白: A:今天,我们无比激动。 B:Today we are very excited. C:今天,我们无比幸福。 D: Today we are very happy. A:初夏的阳光洒落在我们的身上, B: We bathe in the summer sunshine C:...
三年级十岁生日会主持稿阳 阳光牵着我的手 Seasons in the sun ——三年级“我十岁了”集体生日会暨家长开放日 G3 10-Year-Old Birthday Celebration and Parents’Day 开场白: A:今天,我们无比激动。 B:Today we are very excited. C:今天,我们无比幸福。 D: Today we are very happy. A:初夏的阳光洒落在我们的身上, B: We bathe in the summer sunshine C:温柔的清风拂过我们的脸庞, D: We feel the gentle breeze. AC:笑声回荡在我们的耳旁, BD: We laugh happily. AC:欢乐充满了每个人的心房。 BD: Our hearts are full of happiness. 合:今天是我们的十岁生日,我们欢聚一堂,共度美好时光。 Today is our 10-year-old birthday. We get together to enjoy the wonderful time. AC:协和双语学校三年级“我们十岁了”集体生日仪式现在开始。(掌声响起) BD: SUIS Grade 3 ten-Year-Old Birthday Celebration now begins. 一 、歌舞《放轻松》 A:小时候,校园挂在高高的蓝天上。看见她,听到她, B: When we were young, the school was as far as the sky. We saw it. I heard it. A:就好像拥抱着满天的星星,都是我的向往。 B: Just like holding all the stars in the sky, carrying all my desires. A:入学了,校园挤进了我重重的包里,也爱她,也恨她。 B: After entering the school, it gets into my heavy school bag. I love it while sometimes resent it. A:就好像追随着一条长长的小溪,让我欢乐也让我迷茫。 B: Just like a long brook. Make me happy, make me puzzled. A:如今,校园终于融入我美妙的生活中, B: Now, school life becomes a wonderful part of my life. A:无论离她近远,都能感受到那份快乐、那份美好。 B: Near or far, I can feel the happiness. A:校园生活到底如何, B: How’s our school life? A:就让三(6)中队的同学们用优美的歌声带我们去感受校园的轻松,感受快乐。 B: Class 3F will lead us to the joyful school life by their graceful song. A:让我们一起欣赏三(6)中队的合唱——《放轻松》。掌声欢迎。 B: Let’s welcome them to sing a beautiful song. Childhood. 二、时装秀 C:昨天我们被这校园的精彩深深的感动。 D: Yesterday, we were deeply impressed by the wonderful school life. C:今天我们也要为这美丽的校园赠添色彩。 D: Today, we want to make our school life even better. C:用我们甜甜的话语, D: With our sweet words. C:用我们天真的微笑。 D: With our pure smile. C:用我们缤纷的衣衫, D: With our beautiful clothes. C:用我们坚定的脚步。 D: With our firm steps. C:请欣赏三5中队同学为我们带来的——《时装秀》 e Class 3E to give us a fashion show. D: Let’s welcom 三、朗诵 A:我们每一步的成长,都饱含了爸爸、妈妈的心血,爷爷、奶奶的关爱。 B: Our parents and grandparents do a lot on our way to grow up. A:为了我们能健康、幸福的成长,他们可以说是任劳任怨。 B: They never give up and only want to make us healthier and happier. A:如今,我们已经十岁了,成为了一个大孩子。作为一名少先队员,我们要学会自 己的事情自己做。 B: Now, we are ten years old. As a Young Pioneer, we need to learn to do things by ourselves. A:能做的事情学着做,家里的事情帮着做。要成为爸爸、妈妈的好帮手,家里的 小主人。 B: We can also learn to do some housework to help our parents. 合:我们十岁了,我们长大了。我们十岁了,我们懂事了。 We are ten. We are old enough to be helpful. A:今天,我们有许多话想告诉爸爸妈妈。 B: Today, we have a lot to tell mum and dad. A:就让三(3)中队的同学来传达我们的心声――《 》 B:Let’s welcome students from Class 3C to express the words from our hearts. 四、歌舞《小燕子》 C:年幼时,父母照顾我们,给我们幸福的生活。 D: When we were young, our parents took care of us and provided us with a happy life. C:我们就如同初生的小燕子那样快乐,那样无忧。 D: We were just like the baby swallows. So happy and no worries. C:就让我们用歌声表达我们的心情, D: So let’s sing a song to share our feelings together. C:请看三(1)中队给我们带来的歌舞——《小燕子》 D:Let’s enjoy a wonderful performance from Class 3A. 五、舞蹈 C:我们是一群热爱生活的少年。 D: We are the children who love our lives. C:我们爱唱,爱跳,爱笑,爱闹。 D: We like singing, dancing, smiling and playing. C:瞧,这群少年已经向我们走来。 D: Look! The children are coming. C:活力四射的P3(B)中队同学们,你们准备好了吗, D: P3B, are you ready? C:请大家掌声欢迎。 D: Let’s show our big hands for them. 六、竖笛 C:有一种笛子音色柔和轻盈 D:There is a kind of flute that sounds so softly and nicely. C:有“鸟鸣般笛子”的美誉 D:And it is also called the “Bird Flute”. C:它――就是我们音乐课的特色教育 D:We learn to play the it in our music lessons. C:让我们静静聆听三(4)中队表演的《捷克圆舞曲》。 D:Let’s enjoy a wonderful performance by Class 3D. 七、父亲给孩子子的一封信 A: 我们从婴儿时“哇哇”坠地到逐步地成长, B: We grow up from little babies. A:父母们付出了多少的心血与汗水, B: Our parents have done so much for us. A:我们是否记得他们的生日,我们可曾体会过他们的辛劳, B: Do you remember their birthdays? Could you feel their hard work? A:感恩需要用心去体会,用心来报答。 B: We should thank them from bottom of our hearts. A: 请聆听父亲给孩子的一封信 B: Please listen to a letter written by a dad to her child. (背景) 八、《相信爱》 A:十年在时间的长河中只是一个短短的瞬间, B: Ten years is just a short period in history. C:十年在人生的旅途中也是一段长长的旅程, D: But it is a long journey of our lives. A:十年让一个呱呱坠地的婴儿成长为一名光荣的少先队员 B: It makes a little baby turn into an honorable young pioneer. C:我们要感谢的人实在太多、太多„ D: We want to say “Thank you” to many people. A:老师,这个亲切的名字从小就在我们的心田里扎根 B: Teacher is a name that I knew since I was a child. C:老师,是你们手握着手,教会我们打开知识的大门 D: Dear teachers, you take our hands to open the gate to the unknown world. A:爸爸、妈妈将我们带到这美好人间,精心抚育 B: Dear mum and dad, you give us life and raise us up. C:当我们有点滴进步,您的眼睛就会盈满欣慰的泪花 D: There are tears in your eyes when you see me making progress. A:拿什么来感谢你,我的父母, B: How can I thank you, my dear parents? C: 拿什么来感谢你,我的老师, D: How can I thank you, my dear teachers? AC:同学来把我们感恩之情、我们的爱表达出来吧~ BD: Dear students, let’s show our gratitude to them together. (相信爱——个别同学上台表演,各班出一名家长上台,学生献花) 九、合唱《gardenia in blossom》 A:十年在我们生命的长河中只是一个短短的瞬间, B: Ten years is just a short period of our lives. A:光阴好似流水,日夜将我们灌溉。 B: Time flies like an arrow. It gives us a lot. A:昨日的花蕾,已渐渐绽开, B:Yesterday’s bud is starting to bloom. A:让听P3A中队的同学给我们带来的英语歌《gardenia in blossom》~ B:Let’s welcome P3A to sing the song 《gardenia in blossom》for us. 十、舞蹈 A:舞蹈不仅能表现优雅之美,还能表现出阳刚之气~ B: Dance can be not only graceful but also masculine, A:有请我们三(2)中队的文艺小达人们~看看他们给我们带来的精彩表演~ B: Let’s welcome the children from 3B to show us their performance. 十一、生日歌 A:冬去春来,转眼我们已经十岁了。 B: Time flies. We are ten years old now. C:三千多个日日夜夜里,凝聚着父母的关爱、老师的教导、队员的帮助、自己的 努力。 D:There are parent’s love, teachers’guidance, friends’help and our own hard work in ten years. A:今天是我们三年级全体同学的生日,我们相聚在一起,共度美好时光。 B: Today is our 10-year-old birthday. We get together to enjoy the wonderful time. C:请让我们和父母、师长一起来分享这个有意义的时刻。 D: Dear parents and teachers, please celebrate this special moment with us! (背景音乐,老师捧蛋糕进入会场,左右各一名同学相伴) A:金色的十岁属于我们。让我们共同点亮十岁生日蜡烛,燃起生日烛光,燃起生 活之光、理想之光。(唱生日歌) B:This moment belongs to us. Let’s light the candles! C:烛光照耀着我们的脸庞,照暖了我们的心房,祝全体同学们—— D: The candles light up our faces and warm our hearts. 合:生日快乐~(全场合) irthday! Happy b A:让我们在烛光中许下最真诚的愿望。感谢您,我的父母~感谢您,我的老师 (许愿) B: Let’s make a wish. Thank you, my dear parents and teachers! :我们是幸福的一代,我们会用我们的智慧和勤劳的双手去实现最伟大的理想和C 愿望~相信我们一定能行~ D: We are the happy generation. We can realize our beautiful dreams with our wisdom and hard work. AC:同学们,请记住这一天,让我们一起吹灭象征着十岁生日的烛光吧~ BD: Dear friends, please remember today. Let’s blow out the candles! 合:一、二、三、吹 (全体吹灭烛光) 结束语: A:我要给妈妈一个甜蜜的吻,感谢她无微不至的关怀。 B: I will give mum a sweet kiss to thank for her caring. C:我要为老师系上丝巾,难忘她耐心细致的教导。 D: I will give teacher a scarf to thank for her patience. A:我要和同学握握手,因为我们是朝夕相处的好朋友。 B: I will shake hands with my friends to cherish our friendship. C:我为自己竖起大拇指,因为我能勇敢面对困难。 D: I will show myself two thumbs up because of my courage to overcome difficulties. A:十岁生日,是一个不平凡的生日 B: This is a special birthday. C:童年的生活甜蜜美好 D: The childhood is always sweet and happy. A:有过失败的眼泪,但更多的是成功的欢笑。 B: We have tears but more laughter. C:今天是个多么快乐的日子,我们全年级同学和家长、老师们聚在一起,欢度自 己的十岁生日。 D: Today is such a happy day because we celebrate our birthday with all friends, parents and teachers. 合:我们要骄傲地宣布, 全年级齐读: 我们长大啦~ 合:协和双语学校三年级“我们十岁了”集体生日仪式到此结束。 Here’s the end of SUIS Grade 3 ten-year-old birthday celebration. 附:目前给孩子的一封信 孩子: 哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也渐渐不行,请耐着性子试着了解我„„ 如果我吃的脏兮兮,如果我不会穿衣服„„有耐性一点„„ 你记得我曾花多久时间教你这些事吗? 如果,当我一再重复述说同样的事情„不要打断我,听我说„. 你小时候,我必须一遍又一遍的读着同样的故事,直到你静静睡着„„. 当我不想洗澡,不要羞辱我也不要责骂我„„ 你记得小时后我曾编出多少理由,只为了哄你洗澡„ 当你看到我对新科技的无知,给我一点时间,不要挂着嘲弄的微笑看着我 。 我曾教了你多少事情啊„.如何好好的吃,好好的穿„如何面对你的生命„„ 如果交谈中我忽然失忆不知所云,给我一点时间回想„如果我还是无能为力,请不要紧张„ 。 对我而言重要的不是对话,而是能跟你在一起,有你的倾听 当我的腿不听使唤„.扶我一把„.如同我曾扶着你踏出你人生的第一步„. 有一天你会发现,即使我有许多过错,我总是尽我所能要给你最好的„当我靠近你时不要觉得感伤,生气或无奈。 I love you son 我爱你孩子 你的父亲
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