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北京银泰中心 世界建筑导报 20 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 北京银泰中心 资料提供:北京银泰置业有限公司、约翰·波特曼建筑设计事务所、Remedios Siembieda Inc. Beijing Yintai Centre 摘要:北京银泰中心项目力求以典雅的设计和简洁的形式为北京带来新时代的 自豪和尊严。 关键词:北京天际线,一致性 Abstract: The design of Beijing Yintai Centre tries to bring dignity and self-confi...
世界建筑导报 20 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 北京银泰中心 资料提供:北京银泰置业有限公司、约翰·波特曼建筑事务所、Remedios Siembieda Inc. Beijing Yintai Centre 摘要:北京银泰中心项目力求以典雅的设计和简洁的形式为北京带来新时代的 自豪和尊严。 关键词:北京天际线,一致性 Abstract: The design of Beijing Yintai Centre tries to bring dignity and self-confidence of new era for Beijing by elegant design and tiny forms. Keywords: Skyline of Beijing, Unity Owner: Beijing Yintai Property Co., Ltd. Project Management Company: Bovis Lend Lease Project Consulting Co., Ltd International design and consultant team including: Architect and Office Interior Design: JOHN PORTMAN & ASSOCIATES INTERNATIONAL Architect and Office Interior Design: REMEDIOS SIEMBIEDA INC. Designers: John Portman and Richards Mixon Principal-in-Charge: Grace Tan Project Manager: Greg Botsch Project Architect: Don Starr Design Developed: 2001-2002 Construction Completion: Scheduled for 2007 名称:北京银泰中心 项目设计包括28家国际设计顾问团队,主要有: 建筑/结构设计和写字楼室内设计:约翰·波特曼 国际建筑设计事务所 酒店和公寓室内设计:REMEDIOS SIEMBIEDA INC. 工程地点:北京银泰中心位于建国门外大街 建筑总面积: 349,998m2 建筑总高度:249.90m 地上建筑总面积: 263,708m2 地下建筑总面积: 86,290m2 业 主:北京银泰置业有限公司 设计日期: 2001-2002 建设时期:预计2007年完工 1 1、 塔楼顶部灯笼 2、 北京银泰中心室外鸟瞰图 21 世界建筑导报 2 世界建筑导报 22 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 一、项目概况 北京银泰中心位于北京的心脏:中央商务区 (CBD),设计的目的是为了强化北京天际线的视 觉效果。 银泰中心是大型的综合设施,在底部设 置有水景主的公园,其上升起三座平面方形的 塔楼,体量简洁有力。这三座塔楼中的公寓楼是 整个项目的中心,其两翼为办公楼。公寓楼的特 色是容纳了一家五星级的柏悦酒店, 拥有优雅舒 适的客房、豪华的公寓和服务设施。 公寓塔楼的顶部造型魅力四射,令人联想起中国 传统的灯笼。高速电梯能够迅速地将客人带到设 置在这个“灯笼”里的酒店大堂里。酒店的其他 公共空间,如酒吧、休息区、特色餐厅等也位于 这个“灯笼”之内,为北京营造一处颇具特色的 景观。在白天,这个灯笼形的立方体成为中国建 筑和文化的象征,而在夜间,它将以其光芒成为 整个项目的标志。 该项目的低层裙房部分内容纳了诸多的功能如一 间大型的食品零售店、各类专卖店、数家餐厅、 大型宴会厅、设有游泳池的健身中心灯。这些设 施与位于一层的大面积零售区域通过自动扶梯和 电梯联系起来。 在裙房之上设置有美丽的屋顶花园,将三座塔楼 联接成一个整体。人工营造的自然环境为人们在 都市中提供了一处宁静的场所。花园的设计并不 试图去在一个摩登的建筑中拷贝中国传统的园林 要素,而是采用了象征的手法。树荫和水声创造 出令人心旷神怡的环境,也与建筑交相辉映。而 且,这里也是主人们举行特殊聚会和活动等的绝 佳场所。 用地通过对水元素的广泛运用而创造出特色鲜明 的景观,这些水景将用地从周围的城市道路中分 离出来。乘车来此的人们可以通过一处大型的具 有纪念意义的空间进入到建筑内部。三座塔楼的 入口互相独立并且易于辨识。入口的公共空间由 庄重的圆柱支撑着屋盖,投射的自然光线赋予这 个空间优雅的形象。在北京工作和生活的人们的 生活方式,在这里通过让人亲近的尺度的花园和 水景而得到优化,建筑的许多细节也以当代的手 法暗示着中国的传统建筑韵味。 在北京银泰中心, 超越时尚的材料被用来营造和 加强空间与都市环境的一致性。在交通繁忙的区 域, 北京银泰中心对称的布局能引导步行者和司 机的秩序感。在生活忙碌的商业区, 该项目的庭 院和水池带来安静平和的感觉。在北京这样一个 富有建筑遗产的伟大国家的首都,该项目力求以 典雅的设计和简洁的形式为北京带来新时代的自 豪和尊严。 3 3、 东/西剖面 4、 北京银泰中心北立面效果图 5、 北京银泰中心南立面效果图 6、 夜景 23 世界建筑导报 4 5 世界建筑导报 26 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 二、建筑设计 本文概略地描述波特曼先生关于北京银泰中心的 设计哲学。 “首先,建筑要有人文的关怀,然后才由文化和 文脉的影响来确定形式”,Portman, John Portman & Associates, Inc. 的主席波特曼先生说,“建 筑首先是关于人和功能。在我设计生涯的早期, 我就成为一个对于人们及人们如何对建成环境作 出反映的敏锐观察者。虽然一座成功的建筑必然 是强调功能的,但为了使建筑让人难忘,建筑师 必须能够发现哪些东西能唤起人们积极的反应。 空间的形态、大小等等都是有力的工具。另一个 因素是自然。它是能够将感情因素融入设计中的 最有效的之一。因此,景观和水景设计经常 是建筑——无论内外——的整体”。 “其次,建筑作为一种公共艺术,将是文化和文 脉的一部分。它必须认识到时间、场所和环境以 对其独特的物理和文化特征作出反应,而这些特 征是每个场所的基本特性。每一种文化都催生其 自身的建筑形式。这些形式反映了生活,观察和 感觉的模式。因此,这些因素成为我们在设计新 建筑时必须考虑的问题,以期与过去建立联系。 然而,因为建造方法、材料和技术的改变,建筑 的形式不应该固定成某种模式,而是应该从文化 的精神中抽象出来,并且置于它们被创造出来的 时间框架之内。” 北京快速的房地产开发和造城运动,已经为北京 的天际线带来了可观的建筑设计的多样化景象。 邻近地段的不同的建筑形状和形式,以及它们花 样繁多的屋顶形状,光怪陆离五花八门的建筑材 料和色彩,使得它们互相对立,以吸引注意。而 北京银泰中心的设计是完全不同的。其设计的策 略是用其独特的对称性布局、良好的环境设计、 优雅的形象和简洁的形式将其同周围的建筑区别 开来。 酒店塔楼的总高为249.9米,使其成为周围环境 中显著的地标。这一63层、18,519平方米的大 厦拥有一家237个房间的凯悦酒店、44 套豪华 公寓和216套出租公寓。环抱着这栋塔楼的是两 座186米高的办公塔楼。这两座塔楼有44层的 办公面积,一座塔楼的面积为71,926平方米, 而另一座是71,980平方米。 酒店的公共区域、大堂、餐厅和酒吧、休息区等 均配置在塔楼顶层的玻璃灯笼内。提供公共服务 支持的设施,如会议室、水疗、酒店办公室等都 在同一层内,正好位于公共层之下。在酒店塔楼 的地上五层、裙房的地上四层中有数个公共和私 密的设施,如宴会厅、餐厅、健身房等。裙房内 有两个大宴会厅,而且以其屋顶花园将三座塔楼 连接起来。 到目前为止,裙房的设计还未最后完成。以下是 对设计将如何进展的概括描述。这个拥有五层的 裙房被命名为“公园生活”。地下一层和B1层的 部分为食品零售,B1层的其他部分和地上三层 将被开发成“生活方式中心”,拥有大尺度的奢 华品牌零售商店。这些商店可以通过电梯、地铁 入口和地下通道很方便地到达。裙房的第4层为 VIP餐厅,第5层为屋顶花园和健身中心。屋顶 花园围绕着休息区,配置有水景和绿化。健身中 心拥有一个游泳池,这里的三面都可看到外部的 景色。 裙房升起的部分连接起了所有的三座塔楼,覆 盖了一个巨大的庭院,位于整个综合设施的中 心部分,成为车流和参观者的交通核心。庭院高 10米,可以自然采光和通风。整个项目的交通 流线都集中在这里,方向明晰而互不交叉。此 外,三座塔楼各有通向其所临街道的独立的出 入口,拥有自己独立的门牌号码。 经过被覆盖的庭院, 访客可以进入办公塔楼的主 门厅。塔楼配置有十二组双甲板电梯,一套自动 扶梯能将访客带到上层的电梯厅, 从这里可以俯 视门厅空间。五星级酒店非常豪华,能满足客人 们的需要。从一个沿着车用庭院北侧配置的独 立车道,访客可以直接进入酒店大堂,从这里可 以通到各豪华公寓。酒店的客人可以直接从电 梯通到60层,这里正是酒店的大堂。客人们能 够从大堂拾级而上到各酒吧和餐厅中去,或者 向下到各会议室和健身中心,当然也可以乘电 梯直接到位于34~45层的客房中去。 裙房首层配置有能够俯视美丽庭院、水池和喷泉 的大堂休息区。为了确保客人流线的高效和流 畅,酒店门厅和前台服务区适当地分别配置,这 样能够把人们迅速地通过自动扶梯带到二层的餐 厅以及三层的娱乐厅、宴会厅和会议室。第4层 为酒店的客人和公寓主人以及其他特别会员们艺 术级的健身设施。酒店和公寓的客人可以直接从 电梯厅到达这些设施,而特别会员们可以直接从 酒店入口西侧的直达电梯直接进入健身中心。 豪华公寓有一个独立的底层电梯大厅,远离酒店 的入口,由直达电梯通向四层的私人餐厅俱乐 部。酒店的电梯通向三层的会议室和宴会厅。豪 华公寓的居住者也可以通过各种电梯进入所有的 设施。 出租公寓也拥有自己的独立门厅。它可以经由酒 店门厅或者从北侧建国门外大街上直接进入。和 酒店的客人一样,出租公寓的住户可以使用酒店 内的所有设施。 7 7、 一层平面入口 8、 北京银泰中心汽车大堂效果图 9、 北京银泰中心地下室内零售商场效果图 27 世界建筑导报 8 9 世界建筑导报 28 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 10 29 世界建筑导报 sive retail areas in the first basement by esca- lators and elevators. On top of the podium is a beautifully landscaped roof garden that ties the three towers together. The inclusion of nature in the projectÕs design gives people a sense of tranquility within the city. Rather than attempting to copy a traditional Chinese garden in a modern, formal and rather symmetrical space, elements of historic Chi- nese gardens are incorporated in a symbolic way. The cool greenery and the sound of water create a welcome antithesis to the congested urban surroundings. They also serve to high- light the forms of the architecture, a man-made entity, against the attributes of nature. The lush roof garden serves as a sanctuary for tenants and a splendid venue in which to host special events and functions catered by the hotel. The site is abundantly landscaped and the ex- tensive use of water features is unique to the site, separating it from the congestion of the surrounding roadways. Motor access to the site is via a large monumental space under the po- dium that is planned to give each tower its own sense of grand entry. Supported by majestic circular columns, this covered courtyard is graced by natural light. The lifestyle of people working and living in Beijing is enhanced by the complexÕs human-scale gardens and water features, and its architectural details that sug- gest ancient Chinese architecture in a contem- porary way. At Beijing Yintai Centre, timeless materials are specifically used to create and reinforce spaces in harmony with the urban surroundings. In an area where traffic is busy, the symmetrical plan of Beijing Yintai Centre brings a sense of order that guides pedestrians and drivers alike. In a business district where life is hectic, the gar- den and pools of the project bring a feeling of calmness and peace. In the capital city of a great nation with rich architectural heritage, the el- egant design and simple forms bring a sense of dignity, stateliness and grandeur represen- tative of the pride of Beijing's new era. Architectural Design It is appropriate to state Mr. PortmanÕs design philosophy which is the basis of the Beijing Yintai Centre design. ÒArchitecture is foremost a humanistic concern that is then given form by distinct cultural and contextual influences,Ó said John Portman, chairman of John Portman & Associates, Inc. ÒArchitecture is first about people and program. Since early in my career I have been a keen observer of people and how they respond to their built environment. Although successful buildings must be functional, to make the ar- chitecture memorable the architect must dis- Overview The Beijing Yintai Centre is located on a very prominent site in the heart of BeijingÕs Central Business District. Designed to enhance the Beijing skyline, Beijing Yintai Centre is a com- prehensive mixed-use complex that rises from a water garden park at its base. The three tow- ers are square in form and are studies in simple, straightforward design. The residential tower is the focal point of the project and has twin of- fices towers flanking it. The residential tower features an exceptional five-star Park Hyatt hotel with elegant guestrooms, luxury apart- ments and service apartments. The residential tower is majestically crowned by a large cube that recalls a Chinese lantern. Express elevators sweep guests to the top of the building where the hotel registration area is located within this lantern. Other hotel public functions, such as a bar, lounge and specialty restaurant also located within in the lantern, provide spectacular views of Beijing. By day, the cube acts as a stately symbol of Chinese architecture and culture, and by night, it glows brightly marking the site. The podium base of the project includes func- tions such as an upscale retail food outlet, spe- cialty retail stores, several restaurants, a Grand and Junior ballroom, a fitness centre and an enclosed pool. These are connected to expan- 11 10、 北京银泰中心室内效果图 11、 CBD中央商务区鸟瞰图 世界建筑导报 30 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 focal point for Beijing Yintai Centre. This 63- level, 118,519-square metre building will hold a 237-room Park Hyatt Hotel, 44 luxury apart- ments and 216 service apartments. Flanking this main tower are two 186-metre high office towers. These two towers hold 44 levels of of- fice space. One office tower is 71,926 square metres, while the other is 71,980 square metres. The hotel public areas, lobby, restaurant and bar/lounge are located at the top levels of the main tower within the glass lantern. Public sup- port facilities such as meeting rooms, health spa and hotel office are in the levels just be- low the public areas. In the lower five floors of the residential tower and the four floors of the podium base are several public and private facilities, such as ballrooms, restaurants and health club. This elevated podium contains two ballrooms and, with its beautifully landscaped roof garden, ties the three towers together. The podium design is still being finalized. The following is a general idea of how the plans may evolve. The five storey podium is named ÒPark LifeÓ. The first basement level and parts of B1 hold food retail outlets. The rest of B1 and the first three floors of the podium are be- ing developed into a ÒLifestyle CenterÓ featur- ing upscale retail stores with luxury brands. These retail shops are accessible through elevators, subway entrances and tunnels from the west and south through B1. Level 4 offers VIP dining and Level 5 is the Roof Garden and Fitness Centre. The Roof Garden surrounds lounge areas with water features and greenery. The fitness centre has an enclosed pool with views to the outside in three directions. The elevated podium connecting all three tow- ers creates a large covered courtyard below at ground level. Supported by majestic circu- lar columns, this covered courtyard at the cen- ter of the complex serves as an expansive en- cover the common denominators that evoke a positive response. The formation of space, large and small, is a powerful tool. Another is nature; it is one of the most effective means to weave elements of sensory appeal into the design. Thus, landscaping and water are of- ten an integral part of the architecture, inside and out. ÒSecondly, architecture, as a public art, becomes part of the culture and context. It must recognize the time, place and circumstances in order to respond to the unique physical and cultural char- acter that is the essence of each place. Each culture generates its own distinct architectural forms. These forms reflect patterns of living, see- ing and feeling. Therefore, it becomes essential that we include an imaginative approach to in- digenous form in new architecture, thus building a continuum with the past. Yet, as building methods, materials, and techniques have changed, formal archetypes should not be used literally. Rather, they should be abstracted from the spirit of the culture and recognize the time frame of their own creation.Ó Rapid real estate development and new con- struction in the city of Beijing has brought about a considerable variety of architectural design character in Beijing¡¯s skyline. Various build- ing shapes and forms around the neighboring sites, with their elaborate roof shapes and as- sortment of building materials and colors com- pete against one another for attention and recognition. It was important that the Beijing Yintai Centre design be different. The strate- gic solutions to achieve a unique design that would reveal the presence of Beijing Yintai Centre and distinguish it from neighboring projects are the symmetry of planning, good environmental layout, elegance of design, and simplicity of form. The 249.9-metre high hotel/service apartment/ luxury residential tower is designed to be the try drive and the visitorsÕ central arrival and dis- tribution hub within the complex. The ten metre high space allows natural light and ventilation into the covered courtyard, where major en- trances to the hotel/service apartment tower and the two office towers exist so that the traf- fic circulation system flows in one direction, straight forward, without cross circulation. In addition, the three towers also have entry points accessible from the siteÕs perimeter streets, pro- viding individual street addresses. From the covered courtyard, visitors enter the office towers main lobby. Serviced by twelve double deck elevators, a set of escalators lead the visitors to the upper elevator lobby, which overlooks the grand lobby space below. The five-star hotel is luxuriously designed to meet the needs of the guests. From a separate drive along the north side of the covered auto court, visitors enter the elegant hotel entry which also serves as the entry point for those going to the luxury apartments. Hotel guests take elevators directly to the 60th floor which is the hotel lobby and is the first level of four within the glass struc- ture at the top of the tower. Guests can then take stairs and elevators up to three levels of dining and bars, or down to meeting rooms and the health spa. They can also take separate elevators down to the guest room levels, 34 through 45. The ground floor provides a lobby lounge that overlooks the beautiful landscaped garden, pools and fountains. To ensure the efficient and smooth flow of the guests, the hotel lobby and registration area is appropriately located sepa- rate from the escalators that take the public di- rectly to the restaurants located on level two, and the entertainment hall, the ballrooms and meeting rooms located on level three. The fourth level provides the hotel and apartment guests and special members with state-of-the- art health club facilities. Hotel and apartment guests can access the floor directly from the elevator core, while special members can ac- cess the health club facilities directly by shuttle elevators located immediately west of the ho- tel entry. The luxury apartments have a separate ground floor elevator lobby off the hotel entry and are served by shuttle elevators to parking and to the fourth floor private dining club. The hotel elevators provide keyed access to the third floor ballrooms and meeting rooms. Luxury apart- ment residents also have access to all the fa- cilities and services of the hotel. The service apartment has its own private lobby. It can be accessed from the hotel lobby, or from the north side on Jianguomenwai Street. Like the hotel guests, the service apartment tenants can access all the facilities and services the hotel provides. 12 12、 总平面图 13、 北京银泰中心中央主楼顶部灯笼造型内部的共享空间 31 世界建筑导报 13 世界建筑导报 32 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 三、景观设计 最初的景观设计概念由Arnold Associates 提供。 后来Place Media被雇用来为整个项目提供景观 设计。他们的景观设计正在完成过程中,下述的 仍然是最初的设计概念,而它们有可能被改变。 风景建筑在城市中必须以一定的目的和适当的 形式对都市风景进行再创造。水、树和石是主要 的自然材料,被用来赋予城市设计以尺度和意 义。在这个北京新景观的设计项目中,设计者并 不企图去仿造农村或田园风光。相反, 是表示 根据人们使用空间的需要、城市的肌理来确定 #设计#。对历史元素的表达是现代化的,因为 那是与当代中国的巨大城市相关的。超越时尚 的材料被用来创造和加强空间与周围都市环境 的协调性。 北京银泰中心的景观设计包括三个与大厦和它 们文脉相关的区域。每个区域的设计描述如下: 街道种植 用地四周的街道上均种植高大的落叶乔木,营 造出一种拱廊般的感觉,能遮蔽人行道并强调 步行区域的尺度。从入口庭院也能看到这些树 木,从而能给更大的范围进行定位。 三环路位于用地的东侧,设计要求种植银杏树, 以缓冲人行道八米之外的建筑用地和道路之间 的声音和视觉干扰。在人行道内侧配置有30 米 宽的公园,园内种植以伦敦悬铃树,以及草坪 和各类灌木。园中的长凳形状跟随弯曲的地形, 其后为常青树篱。这个公园设计意向是创造开 放、半私密的场所,供人们闲坐在被树叶遮荫 的早晨阳光下。不规则的种植用来装饰漫步道, 并且阻止人们以公园为捷径通到内庭院。离大 厦较近的长方形水池边种植有柳杉树。 在沿用地南端的永安南路的两端各种植以一列 榆树,在中部种植有伦敦悬铃树形成拱廊,强 调了用地的主入口。 太和中心西侧的人行道上种有两行银杏树,形 成五米宽的绿色空间,另外两行银杏树则在夏 季的下午提供遮阳。在北端和南端的长方形反 射池的东侧种植有Cyptomeria 树。 北侧的建国门外大街种植有两列伦敦悬铃树, 以在东部和西部尽端形成植物拱廊。在各个角 落中,以更多列的悬铃树创造出小公园,并以草 坪和低树篱围合停车场。在这一侧, 线性的反 射池的北边种植以秃头柏,在冬季落叶时将带 来更多的阳光。常春藤被种植在围墙的北侧, 可以遮挡进入北侧塔楼的主入口。 屋顶花园 屋顶花园最初的设计概念由Arnold Associates 提供。后来SUPPER POTATO被雇用来完善屋顶 花园的设计,而目前正在设计中。以下描述的 设计概念是最初的,有可能改变。 设计不是试图去在现代环境中拷贝中国传统的 园林,而是以一种象征的手法来再现传统园林 的精神。秩序和对称也可以存在于不规则的、 缺乏组织的自然空间中。入学指导下的住宅一 般有明确的边界和对称的配置,然而和以道家 思想为指导的自然形态的花园取得很好的和谐。 在这里,高度秩序化的空间被融入更少秩序感 的园林中。花园中设有亭子,它是作为一种元 素存在。亭子的古典几何构图和周围风格化大 14 14、 北京银泰中心游泳池 15、 六十一层酒吧东视图 33 世界建筑导报 厦以及的非对称的庭院间有机融合。 在传统的中国庭院里,讲求虚实的对比和转换, 例如,真实被看作幻象。这样的手法可以继续在 当代园林中沿用,因为经验往往是个人化的,而 这种个性能在花园的空间中得到返观内照。 某些植物经常与传统的园林联系在一起,如梅 兰竹菊。植物的种类之所以得到限制,是为了强 调协调和单纯。为了创造一种更大、更老的树的 效果,有些树以紧凑的团组方式种植,如三棵或 以上。竹子以狭长的带状种植方式,以形成屏风 的效果,并且,种植后要将它们低处的竹叶摘 去。 水是中国传统庭院里的另一重要元素。在传统 庭院里, 水控制了它所在的庭院部份。由于反 射,水面“借”入了天空,使得空间看起来更大。 水在白天反射了变化多姿的光线,而在晚上则 引起关于月亮的诗情画意。平静的水面与垂直 的元素,如树木和建筑等形成对比。 由于水具有许多象征性的涵义,它也可以被其 他材料的平坦表面来象征。在不能用水面来创 造美学效果的地方,光滑的草坪等就可以取而 代之。草坪表面处理得光滑平整,而且仔细设 计的边缘给人以水池岸般的印象。 在中心区域,树木直接从铺装中长出,这里使 用了一种开口的地砖和特殊的泥土混合。在铺 装区域之外,树木和草皮、灌木、花木等一起 种植,均被安排在非对称的组团中。 六十层“灯笼”内的种植 餐厅室外边缘的种植采用了由低矮的常青植物 构成图案,其间穿插以矮小的开花洋李。季节 性的颜色由装在种植罐内的开花植物营造,配 置在大片的常青灌木图案中。花树成为从餐厅 中外望视线的景框而不是遮挡视线。季节性花 种植在花罐中,按照要求种植能在春天、夏天 和秋天开花的植物。 水池和喷泉 水景在北京银泰中心的环境设计中扮演着关键 的角色。反射水池为整个项目营造了一个背 景。池水并不深, 深度小于150mm。设置了一 系列喷泉,有些还配有雕塑,有些配有充满活 力的动景,以表达环境的无缝衔接。 所有景观部分的基本设计概念如下: -为人们的欢乐而创造和强化大厦的外部环 境; -使用树木来作为遮阳设施,而且可以为室外 的部分提供自然光照; -在正常视点上保持景观的透明度,营造一种 开放的、欢迎的感觉; -在首层使用常青和半常青的灌木来与冬季落 叶的乔木形成对比。 总之, 景观也许可以被理解成一系列由树木构 成的“雨蓬”连接起来的光线、空气和室外空 间,在夏季提供阴凉而冬季提供光照。没有采 用物理的界限分隔,而是营造出开放的、希望 大众参与的场所,使得每一个元素都和其周围 的景观互动。材料的质量、便利的维护、能源 的节约等始终是设计中着重考虑的因素。 15 世界建筑导报 34 世界建筑导报 PROJECT REVIEW作品评析 Initial landscape design concepts for this project were provided by Arnold Associates. Place Me- dia has since been hired to provide landscap- ing for the entire project. Their landscape de- sign is still being finalized. The following details the initial design concepts which are subject to change. Landscape architecture in the city must recre- ate nature in forms appropriate to the intensity and purpose of the urban landscape. Water, trees, and stone are the primary natural mate- rials used to give scale and meaning to urban designs. In this new Beijing landscape, no at- tempt is made to mimic the rural or pastoral landscape. Rather, the expression is based on the needs of people using the spaces, and the geometry of the city. The historic expression is modern because that is what relates to the con- temporary large city in China. The timeless materials are used to create and reinforce spaces in harmony with the urban surroundings. The Beijing Yintai Centre landscape design con- sists of three distinct areas related to the build- ings and their context. The designs for each of these areas are described as follows: Street Plantings The streets on all four sides of the building com- plex are lined with large deciduous trees that create an arcade-like canopy shading the walks and giving scale to the pedestrian space. The trees are also seen from the covered entry court under the elevated podium giving definition to the larger space. The 3rd Ring Road is elevated along the east side of the site. The design calls for planting pairs of Ginkgo trees in the sidewalk eight meters apart to visually buffer the elevated road from the building site. Inside the sidewalk, a 30-metre wide park is planted with four stag- gered rows of London Plane trees widely spaced with grass and low planting beds curv- ing beneath. Benches follow the curved beds, backed with low clipped evergreen hedges. The intent of this park design is to create an open, yet semi-protected, place to sit, just out of the main traffic stream in filtered morning sunlight. The irregular planting beds invite strolling and discourage short cuts through the pa
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