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金蝶K3软件财务模块介绍金蝶K3软件财务模块介绍 金蝶K/3ERP软件 www.hnkingdee.cn www.soft0731.cn 财务及人事管理系统 总账、报表、现金管理、网上银行、固定资产管理、应收款管理、 应付款管理、实际成本、财务分析、人事/薪资管理 总账系统 系统简介 金蝶K/3 成长版总账系统面向各类企事业单位的财务人员设计,是财务管理信息系统的核心。系统以凭证处理为主线,提供凭证处理、预提摊销处理、自动转账、调汇、结转损益等会计核算功能,以及科目预算、科目计息、往来核算、现金流量表等财务管理功能,并通过独特的核算项目功...
金蝶K3软件财务模块介绍 金蝶K/3ERP软件 www.hnkingdee.cn www.soft0731.cn 财务及人事管理系统 总账、报表、现金管理、网上银行、固定资产管理、应收款管理、 应付款管理、实际成本、财务分析、人事/薪资管理 总账系统 系统简介 金蝶K/3 成长版总账系统面向各类企的财务人员设计,是财务管理信息系统的核心。系统以凭证处理为主线,提供凭证处理、预提摊销处理、自动转账、调汇、结转损益等会计核算功能,以及科目预算、科目计息、往来核算、现金流量表等财务管理功能,并通过独特的核算项目功能,实现企业各项业务的精细化核算。在此基础上,系统还提供了丰富的账簿和财务报表,帮助企业管理者及时掌握企业财务和业务运营情况。该系统完全符合2006年新会计准则对企业会计核算的各项要求,既可以独立运行,又可以与报表、工资管理、现金管理、固定资产管理、应收款管理、应付款管理等模块共同使用,提供更完整、全面的财务管理解决。 主要功能 多维辅助核算与分析 系统提供科目辅助核算功能,在会计科目下设置多种类别的核算项目,并提供丰富的核算项目账簿和报表,帮助企业更全面、明细地从多角度记录和核算经营活动,实现多角度管理分析。 自动转账设置 系统提供自动转账设置模板,并可通过后台代理服务,在指定时间由系统自动生成转账凭证,帮助企业财务人员提高工作效率。 预提摊销处理 系统提供凭证预提和摊销处理,并同时提供摊销预提报告的查询功能,且可通过后台代理服务自动运行,帮助企业方便、快捷地进行各项费用的摊销和预提。 期末调汇处理 系统提供期末调汇功能,帮助企业自动计算汇兑损益,生成汇兑损益转账凭证和期末汇率调整表,并可通过调汇历史信息表查询各币别的汇率变动情况。 期末损益结转 系统提供结转损益功能,支持按指定类别的核算项目进行期末损益结转,帮助企业从不同角度核算结营成果。 多调整期 系统提供多调整期功能,支持调整期间凭证的录入、查询和过账,以便企业在年度报表审计过程中,无须反结账即可录入上年会计调整分录,帮助企业快速详细地保留审计轨迹。 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 科目计息 系统提供科目计息功能,计算科目积数与利息,帮助企业计算资金机会成本,进行资金时间价值管理。 科目预算控制 系统提供科目预算管理,支持在基础资料科目中设置预算数值,在凭证录入时实现简单的预算控制。 现金流量表编制 系统提供凭证录入指定和T形账户批量指定现金流量项目,自动生成现金流量表主表与附表的功能,支持现金流量表多级次多币别的查询,帮助企业快速准确地编制现金流量表,加强资金管理。 往来业务核算和账龄分析 系统提供按数量和金额两种往来业务核销的方式,且可以分段准确计算账龄,帮助企业加强往来账款管理,提升资金控制水平。 强大的账簿报表查询 系统提供强大的账簿报表查询功能,支持跨期查询、以后期间数据查询、多核算项目类别组合查询,可以实现从总账至明细账直至凭证的追踪查询,方便企业查询分析财务信息。 与其他业务系统无缝链接 系统提供与K/3 成长版系统各业务系统接口,业务系统可直接生成凭证传递到总账系统,业务单据与凭证间可相互联查,帮助企业实现财务业务的一体化管理。 报表系统 系统简介 金蝶K/3 成长版报表系统面向各行业的报表编制人员设计,是与电子表格操作风格类似的报表编制工具,系统提供报表编制、报表查询、报表审核、报表打印、报表联查、报表分析等功能,通过灵活、丰富的取数公式,帮助企业快速、准确地从K/3 成长版 各系统中取数,为企业管理分析提供依据。该系统作为基础模块,完全符合2006年新会计准则对企业会计报表的各项要求,可与所有K/3 成长版子系统集成应用,是K/3 成长版整体解决方案的重要组成部分。 主要功能 预设丰富的报表模板 系统根据成长型企业实际需求,预设了符合企业会计准则、小企业会计制度的多张报表模板,帮助企业报表编制人员快捷编制基本财务报表。 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 报表取数 系统提供了丰富的取数函数,可从K/3 成长版各系统中获取各类型的财务核算、物流、成本、HR等业务数据,同时提供取数公式填充向导,帮助企业报表编制人员快速进行报表定义。 取数公式批量填充 系统提供成批指定取数科目、核算项目,自动批量生成取数公式的功能,帮助企业报表编制人员减少单个公式定义的重复性工作量,快速进行报表的编制。 多账套取数管理 系统提供多账套管理、跨账套取数功能,支持分账套集中式管理的应用模式。 报表批量重算和定时重算 系统提供报表批量重算功能,可通过设置重算方案,批量重算报表,并可通过后台报表运算工具,让系统在指定时间自动完成报表重算,避免挤占业务高峰期的系统资源,帮助企业提高系统资源利用率,节省应用成本,提高工作效率。 多表页管理与表页汇总 系统提供多表页管理与表页汇总功能,在一张报表上可设置多张表页,并自动把报表中不同表页的数据项进行汇总,生成的汇总报表可选择追加到当前报表或生成新报表。 报表审核 系统提供设置审核条件对报表进行全方位审核的功能,确保报表数据的准确性,避免了手工审校不可避免的易错和工作量大等弊端。 报表打印功能 系统提供灵活丰富的格式定义和缩放打印功能,帮助用户编制并打印出美观的报表。同时提供区域打印和批量打印功能,用户可以选择某一张报表中的部分区域进行打印,也可以设置批量打印方案,在不打开报表的情况下,批量打印多张报表。 报表分析和图表展示 系统提供报表的结构分析、比较分析、趋势分析功能,可按图表进行分析展示,为企业管理决策提供科学直观的依据。 报表授权管理 系统提供针对具体报表的授权管理功能,报表的建立者可进行报表的授权,将报表按需要授予不同的权限给指定的用户,从而保证报表数据的安全性。 现金管理系统 系统简介 金蝶K/3 成长版现金管理系统面向企业财务部门的出纳和资金管理人员,对企业资金业务the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 进行全面管理,包括现金管理、银行存款管理、票据管理、往来结算管理、现金流预测,并及时出具相应资金分析报表,会计人员在该系统根据出纳录入的收支信息,自动生成凭证并传递到总账系统,能够帮助企业及时监控资金周转及余缺情况,随时把握公司的财务脉搏,合理调剂,加快资金周转速度。该系统既可独立运行,又可与总账、应收应付、网上银行系统集成使用,为企业提供更完整、更全面的资金管理解决方案。 主要功能 多种日记账处理模式 系统提供从总账引入日记账、复核登日记账、以及手工录入日记账三种登日记账方式,帮助企业灵活选择不同的现金管理强度。 银行存款及现金对账 系统提供银行对账单录入和导入功能,以及现金日记账与总账、盘点金额对账,银行存款日记账与总账、银行对账单对账的功能,确保资金账实相符。 原币、本位币金额同时统计 系统提供同时统计原币、本位币金额的功能,外币账户日记账同时显示外币和本位币金额,帮助有外币往来的企业更加清晰地掌握当前资金情况。 票据管理 系统提供本票、汇票等14种收款票据和13种付款票据的管理,方便用户管理日常业务票据。在集团资金管理模式下,企业票据信息可以传递到集团结算中心,为集团资金管理提供依据。 支票管理 系统提供了对付款支票的购置、领用、报销、作废、审核、核销、查看、预览、打印等功能,帮助出纳人员清楚的掌握支票的领购存情况,加强企业支票管理。 自动生成凭证 系统提供依据票据、现金日记账及银行存款日记账自动生成凭证并传递到总账的功能,帮助财务人员减少出错机会,提高工作效率。 资金报表查询 系统提供各种资金日报表、资金头寸表、银行存款余额调节表、长期未达账等报表。 往来结算管理 系统提供企业的完整资金结算流程管理,支持与金蝶K/3 成长版应收应付系统紧密集成,实现从供应链系统(采购、销售)到应收、应付系统再到现金管理、网上银行的一体化应用,确保对企业资金的严密控制。 网银连用功能 系统提供与网上银行系统的集成功能,通过网上银行系统与四大国有商业银行及招商银行、交通银行、光大银行、民生银行等多家股份制银行无缝直联,支持实时从外部银行系统接收收款单,并经由网上银行系统向外部银行提交付款单,实现企业资金信息与银行同步,提高the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 资金业务处理效率。 现金流预测功能 系统提供现金流预测功能,通过采集销售、采购、应收应付等业务系统数据,对企业未来的现金流量和存量进行预测,帮助企业防范支付危机、增强资金使用的性。 系统简介 金蝶K/3 ERP应收款管理系统面向制造企业、商业流通企业和行政事业单位的往来业务管理人员而设计,系统提供销售发票、收款、退款、应收票据管理、应收款结算等全面的应收业务流程管理,以及凭证自动生成、坏账管理、信用管理、到期债权预警、与总账和往来单位自动对账等综合业务管理功能,同时提供账龄分析、回款分析、销售分析等管理报表,帮助企业一方面加强与往来单位的业务核对,缩短应收账款占用资金的时间,加快企业资金周转;另一方面合理有效的利用客户信用拓展市场、以最小限度的坏账损失代价换取最大程度的业务扩展。该系统可以与总账系统、应付系统、报表系统、现金管理等财务系统组成完整的财务解决方案,也可与销售管理系统、采购管理系统、仓库管理系统、存货核算管理系统一起组成完整的供应链解决方案。 主要业务流程 主要功能 结算管理 应收系统可接收销售系统传递的发票,也可以直接在本系统新增发票和其他应收单,作为企业确认债权的依据,并通过预收单、收款单等对债权进行收款结算处理。 收款结算包括到款结算、预收款冲应收款、应收款转销等七种类型的企业债权结算方式,满足企业按单收款、按产品明细收款、按订单收款等不同层次的结算要求,以及转销业务结算和财务处理的要求。同时系统支持手工核销、自动核销、单据审核后自动核销等多种核销方式,帮助企业根据业务重要性原则和效益性原则,随时选择适合业务需要的结算解决方案,以便在报表分析中得到明细程度不同的数据结果。 票据管理 系统提供全面的商业汇票的业务处理与跟踪管理,应收票据审核后可以自动生成收款单或预收单,参与后the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 续的结算处理;同时系统支持应收票据的进一步业务处理,帮助企业随时监控应收票据的背书、贴现、收款、退票等业务。 凭证管理 系统提供模板式和非模板式两种凭证生成方式,用户可以根据操作习惯自行选择。凭证保存时,系统自动校验单据与凭证上的往来科目的币别、总金额、账期等内容,并对单证内容不符的情况及时给予详细提示,帮助用户最大限度地减少错误操作。 信用管理 系统提供针对客户、部门、业务员等五种信用对象,按照合同、发票等单据的信用期间、信用额度、信用数量进行不同强度的信用控制,包括:取消交易、预警提示、不予控制等。帮助企业根据自身的业务管理要求,灵活地配置信用管理方案,达到“以最小的信用管理成本,获取最大的销售成长”的目标。 坏账管理 系统提供坏账准备的计提、损失和收回的业务和相关的账务处理,对于坏账准备的计提,系统支持备抵法下的三种计提:销货百分比法、账龄分析法和应收账款百分比法,满足企业灵活的业务需要,帮助企业加强对应收账款的管理。 对账功能 系统提供应收系统的单据与总账账簿的对账功能,包括按总额对账和按往来科目对账两种方式,帮助企业随时进行业务信息与财务信息的核对,及时发现和遏制业务部门与财务部门之间由于信息不对称造成的账实不符问题。 支持外币核算和期末调汇 系统可支持多种外币应收、收款业务的处理,并且可以在期末对外币核算的应收账户自动计算汇兑损益,生成汇兑损益转账凭证及调汇记录表,汇兑损益转账凭证传递至总账;通过调汇记录表可方便查询到各种币别的历史变动情况和各期的汇兑损益情况。满足企业的外币核算和期末调汇处理的需要。 丰富的报表数据 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 系统提供按照业务发生先后统计的应收款明细表、汇总表;按照未结算的单据余额并方便与客户对账的账龄分析表、往来对账单、到期债权列表、月结单;以及周转分析、回款分析、趋势分析等其他各种分析报表,帮助企业准确快速的查询应收款的发生额和余额信息,并为企业的个性化管理报表提供丰富的基础数据。 系统简介 金蝶K/3 ERP应付款管理系统面向制造企业、商业流通企业和行政事业单位的往来业务管理人员而设计,系统提供采购发票、付款申请、付款、退款、应付票据管理、应付款结算等全面的应付业务流程管理,以及凭证自动生成、到期债务预警、与总账和往来单位自动对账等综合业务管理功能,同时提供账龄分析、付款分析、趋势分析等管理报表,帮助企业及时支付到期账款,合理地进行资金的调配,提高资金的使用效率。该系统可以与总账系统、应收系统、报表系统、现金管理等财务系统组成完整的财务解决方案,也可与采购管理系统、销售管理系统、仓库管理系统、存货核算管理系统一起组成完整的供应链解决方案。 主要业务流程 主要功能 票据管理 系统提供全面的商业汇票的业务处理与跟踪管理,应付票据审核后可以自动生成付款单或预付单,参与后续的结算处理,同时系统支持应付票据的进一步业务处理,帮助企业随时监控应付票据的开具、付款、退票等业务。 结算管理 应付系统可接收采购系统传递的发票,也可以直接在本系统新增发票和其他应付单,作为企业确认债务的依据,并通过预付单、付款单等对债务进行付款结算处理。 付款结算提供包括付款结算、预付款冲应付款、应付款转销等七种类型的企业债务结算方式,满足企业按单付款、按产品明细付款、按订单付款等不同层次的结算要求,以及转销业务结算和财务处理的要求。同时系统支持手工核销、自动核销、单据审核后自动核销等多种核销方式,帮助企业根据业务重要性原则和效益性原则,随时选择适合业务需要的结算解决方案,以便在报表分析中得到明细程度不同的数据结果。 凭证管理 系统提供模板式和非模板式两种凭证生成方式,用户可以根据操作习惯自行选择。凭证保存时,系统自动校验单据与凭证上的往来科目的币别、总金额、账期等内容,并对单证内容不符的情况及时给予详细提示,the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 帮助用户最大限度地减少错误操作。 对账功能 系统提供应付系统的单据与总账账簿的对账功能,包括按总额对账和按往来科目对账两种方式,帮助企业随时进行业务信息与财务信息的核对,及时发现和遏制业务部门与财务部门之间由于信息不对称造成的账实不符问题。 支持外币核算和期末调汇 系统支持外币往来业务的处理,并且可以在期末对外币核算的应付款账户自动计算汇兑损益,生成汇兑损益转账凭证及调汇记录表,汇兑损益转账凭证传递至总账;通过调汇记录表可方便查询到各种币别的历史变动情况和各期的汇兑损益情况。满足企业的外币核算和期末调汇处理的需要。 丰富的报表数据 系统提供按照业务发生先后统计的应付款明细表、汇总表;按照未结算的单据余额并方便与供应商对账的账龄分析表、往来对账单、到期债务列表、月结单;以及付款分析、趋势分析等其他各种分析报表,帮助企业准确快速的查询应付款的发生额和余额信息,并为企业的个性化管理报表提供丰富的基础数据。 系统简介 金蝶K/3 成长版现金管理系统面向企业财务部门的出纳和资金管理人员,对企业资金业务进行全面管理,包括现金管理、银行存款管理、票据管理、往来结算管理、现金流预测,并及时出具相应资金分析报表,会计人员在该系统根据出纳录入的收支信息,自动生成凭证并传递到总账系统,能够帮助企业及时监控资金周转及余缺情况,随时把握公司的财务脉搏,合理调剂,加快资金周转速度。该系统既可独立运行,又可与总账、应收应付、网上银行系统集成使用,为企业提供更完整、更全面的资金管理解决方案。 主要业务流程 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 主要功能 多种日记账处理模式 系统提供从总账引入日记账、复核登日记账、以及手工录入日记账三种登日记账方式,帮助企业灵活选择不同的现金管理强度。 银行存款及现金对账 系统提供银行对账单录入和导入功能,以及现金日记账与总账、盘点金额对账,银行存款日记账与总账、银行对账单对账的功能,确保资金账实相符。 原币、本位币金额同时统计 系统提供同时统计原币、本位币金额的功能,外币账户日记账同时显示外币和本位币金额,帮助有外币往来的企业更加清晰地掌握当前资金情况。 票据管理 系统提供本票、汇票等14种收款票据和13种付款票据的管理,方便用户管理日常业务票据。在集团资金管理模式下,企业票据信息可以传递到集团结算中心,为集团资金管理提供依据。 支票管理 系统提供了对付款支票的购置、领用、报销、作废、审核、核销、查看、预览、打印等功能,帮助出纳人员清楚的掌握支票的领购存情况,加强企业支票管理。 自动生成凭证 系统提供依据票据、现金日记账及银行存款日记账自动生成凭证并传递到总账的功能,帮助财务人员减少出错机会,提高工作效率。 资金报表查询 系统提供各种资金日报表、资金头寸表、银行存款余额调节表、长期未达账等报表。 往来结算管理 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 系统提供企业的完整资金结算流程管理,支持与金蝶K/3 成长版应收应付系统紧密集成,实现从供应链系统(采购、销售)到应收、应付系统再到现金管理、网上银行的一体化应用,确保对企业资金的严密控制。 网银连用功能 系统提供与网上银行系统的集成功能,通过网上银行系统与四大国有商业银行及招商银行、交通银行、光大银行、民生银行等多家股份制银行无缝直联,支持实时从外部银行系统接收收款单,并经由网上银行系统向外部银行提交付款单,实现企业资金信息与银行同步,提高资金业务处理效率。 现金流预测功能 系统提供现金流预测功能,通过采集销售、采购、应收应付等业务系统数据,对企业未来的现金流量和存量进行预测,帮助企业防范支付危机、增强资金使用的计划性。 the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)
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