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戴妃写给男友情书曝光,两人感情深厚戴妃写给男友情书曝光,两人感情深厚 戴妃写给男友情书曝光,两人感情深厚 Extracts of intimate letters from Princess Diana to Dodi al-Fayed were read out at an inquest into their deaths in a London court on Friday, and Dodi’s father’s lawyer said they showed the relationship was serious, not just a ho...
戴妃写给男友情曝光,两人感情深厚 戴妃写给男友情书曝光,两人感情深厚 Extracts of intimate letters from Princess Diana to Dodi al-Fayed were read out at an inquest into their deaths in a London court on Friday, and Dodi’s father’s lawyer said they showed the relationship was serious, not just a holiday fling. In one letter Diana thanks “Darling Dodi” for a holiday on his yacht, adding “This comes with all the love in the world and as always a million heartfelt thanks for bringing such joy into this chick’s life.” In another exchange, dated August 13, 1997 -- a week after the first media reports of their affair and just over two weeks before the couple were killed in a Paris car crash -- Diana sent him some cufflinks which had belonged to her father. “Darling Dodi, these cufflinks were the very last gift from the man I loved most in the world, my father,” her letter said. “They are given to you as I know how much joy it would give him to know they were in such safe and special hands. Fondest love, Diana.” Dodi’s father Mohamed al-Fayed, owner of the Harrods luxury store in London, says Diana and his son were killed by British security services on the orders of Philip, Queen Elizabeth’s husband and father of Diana’s ex-husband, Prince Charles. Al-Fayed alleges the killing was ordered because the couple were about to announce their engagement and Diana was pregnant. He claims the royal family did not want the mother of the future king to have a child with his son. Michael Mansfield, the lawyer representing al-Fayed at the inquest, produced the extracts from the letters as he quizzed the princess’s friend and close confidante, Rosa Monckton, about the couple’s relationship. “She was treating this relationship with Dodi as a serious matter wasn’t she? It doesn’t suggest it was little more than a fling after a couple of days,” Mansfield asked her. Monckton replied that Diana tended to speak and write in an extravagant way but agreed the letters were not just written to make someone happy. 上周五,戴安娜王妃及其男友多迪?艾尔法耶德的死因案在伦敦一 家法院开庭审理。戴安娜写给多迪的情书部分内容在法庭上被公开宣 读。多迪父亲的律师称,情书内容明戴安娜和多迪的感情是认真的, 并不只是“假日玩伴”而已。 戴安娜在一封信中感谢“亲爱的多迪”带她去他的游艇上度假,并 在信中写道:“我要给你世界上全部的爱,并像往常一样,由衷地感谢你 给这个女子的生活带来了如此的乐趣。” 在1997年8月13日的另一封信中,戴安娜将她父亲的一些袖扣送 给了多迪。写这封信的前一周,两人的恋情曝光,两周之后,他们便葬身 于巴黎车祸。 戴安娜在信中说:“亲爱的多迪,这些袖扣是最爱我的父亲送给我的最后一件礼物。” “我现在把它们送给你,因为我知道,如果父亲知道这些袖扣现在属于一个安全而特别的人,他一定会感到很欣慰。深爱你的,戴安娜。” 多迪的父亲、伦敦哈罗德兹名品店的老板默罕默德?艾尔法耶德称,戴安娜和他的儿子死于英国安全当局的暗杀,并称伊丽莎白女王的丈夫菲利浦亲王以及戴安娜的前夫查尔斯王储就是幕后指使。 艾尔法耶德提出这样的控告是因为,当时戴安娜和多迪即将宣布订婚,而且戴安娜已怀孕。艾尔法耶德声称,英国王室不希望未来国王的母亲为多迪生下孩子。 艾尔法耶德的律师麦克尔?曼斯菲尔德在询问戴安娜生前密友罗莎?蒙克顿有关两人的关系时,公开了这两封情书的部分内容。 曼斯菲尔德问道:“戴安娜王妃对多迪的感情是认真的,是吗?从信件内容来看,一段时间之后,两人的关系并非‘玩伴’那么简单。” 蒙克顿回答说,戴安娜说话、写东西向来比较夸张,但同时也赞同她写这两封信并不仅仅是为了让多迪开心。 Vocabulary: inquest into:审问;审理(尤指调查疑为非自然死亡者的死因) fling:short period of enjoyment in some(often irresponsible) activity 一时的(常为放纵的)行乐 上一篇英语: 股神巴菲特挤掉盖茨成全球首富下一篇英语: 我是 哈佛最成功的辍学生查看更多关于人物点滴的文章网友同时还浏览 了: 73天单人环球航行法国水手打破纪 “冰棒教授”挑战严寒,野外生存 亨利?福特和流水线 笑对人生,她用笑声同癌症病魔抗 尼古拉-托斯特 猫王普雷斯利
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