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妈妈应该怎么样护理新生儿妈妈应该怎么样护理新生儿 1 妈妈应该怎么样护理新生儿 别看这个刚出生的小不点儿软得你都不敢抱,好像稍用点儿力就会伤到他。其实,他比我们想象的要结实得多。他身上出现的一些这样那样的小异常,也不 像我们想象的那么严重,它们只不过是宝宝生长发育过程中的小插曲。你不用担心,不用做任何事情,他自然而然就会恢复正常。就像走路一样,偶尔走歪一步并无 大碍,他以后照样会跑。 有些异常,你不必担心 1 、小女婴的“假月经” 有的小女婴出生后5,7天,阴道里会出现一些灰白色黏液分泌物,有些还是血性的,这种现象俗称“假月经”。这是一种...
妈妈应该怎么样护理新生儿 1 妈妈应该怎么样护理新生儿 别看这个刚出生的小不点儿软得你都不敢抱,好像稍用点儿力就会伤到他。其实,他比我们想象的要结实得多。他身上出现的一些这样那样的小异常,也不 像我们想象的那么严重,它们只不过是宝宝生长发育过程中的小插曲。你不用担心,不用做任何事情,他自然而然就会恢复正常。就像走路一样,偶尔走歪一步并无 大碍,他以后照样会跑。 有些异常,你不必担心 1 、小女婴的“假月经” 有的小女婴出生后5,7天,阴道里会出现一些灰白色黏液分泌物,有些还是血性的,这种现象俗称“假月经”。这是一种正常的生理现象,家长不必担 心。因为胎儿在妈妈肚子里时,妈妈体内的激素会通过胎盘进入胎儿体内。宝宝出生后,来自母体的雌激素突然中断,就可能出现类似月经周期样的出血。这种“假 月经”一般出现在宝宝出生后的6周内,此后分泌物会逐渐减少,最终消失。 特别提醒: 小女婴的阴道里分泌透明的、白色的、黄色的或淡淡的血性分泌物都是正常的。但如果“假月经”持续超过6,8周,或者出血呈鲜红色,就不正常,要带宝宝去看医生了。 2 、小婴儿的稀便 吃母乳的月娃娃,大便经常是金黄色的稀糊状,每天排便次数多少不等,大多1,4次,也有的7,8次,甚至更多一些。只要宝宝精神好,吃得好,体 重增长正常,大便和平时比较没有太大的区别,就不能把这种稀便当成腹泻处理。宝宝排稀便是很正常的现象,因为母乳完全符合宝宝的生长需要,特别容易消化和 吸收,所以大便就呈现为均匀的稀糊状。有的妈妈认为宝宝是因为吃母乳导致拉稀的,硬要添加一些奶粉。这样做宝宝的大便次数倒是减少了,可是却容易造成消化 不良,甚至发生便秘。妈妈的乳汁是最好的婴儿食品,4,6个月的小宝宝最好纯母乳喂养,不需要添加任何辅食。如果母乳实在不足,再添加些配方奶。 3、 呼吸忽快忽慢 细心的妈妈会发现,自己的小宝宝喘气不太均匀,时快时慢的,偶尔还会深深地吸一口气,妈妈为此担心不已。其实,这在新生儿中很正常。新生宝宝鼻 咽部和气管狭小,肺泡适应性差,呼吸主要靠膈肌的升降。而且,新生宝宝每次呼气与吸气量都很小,不能满足体内对氧气的需要,他的呼吸频率自然地就会加快, 每分钟可达40,50次,以吸进更多的氧气。所以,小宝宝呼吸不规律、呼吸频率快都是正常的生理现象。 特别提醒: 如果宝宝在呼吸不规律的同时,还有咳嗽、面色发紫、口吐泡沫的现象,要及时带他去医院就诊。 1 2 4 、体温升高 新生宝宝“发烧”很正常~因为他们的体温调节中枢尚未完善,调节功能差,体温不像大人那么稳定。刚出生的宝宝,体表面积与体重比例比成人大,皮 下脂肪又薄,皮肤很容易散热,造成体温升高。给他盖得过多,又没有给他补充足够的水分,也会使宝宝的体温升高。所以,你只要让屋里保持适宜的温度,不要给 他盖太多的东西、穿太厚的衣服,宝宝就不会“发烧”了。 5 、打喷嚏 很多情况都会引起小宝宝打喷嚏。刚出生的小宝宝,鼻腔狭小,鼻脸短,外界一些微小的物质,比如棉绒、绒毛、粉尘等,都会刺激他的鼻黏膜,引起他 打喷嚏。还有,溢奶返流到鼻腔中,宝宝也会打喷嚏。另外,洗澡后宝宝受冷气刺激,也容易打喷嚏。这些情况都是很正常的,千万不要因为宝宝打了几个喷嚏就忙 着给他吃感冒药。 6、嘴唇上长疱 宝宝的上下嘴唇都长出了小疱~是喝奶粉上火了,是妈妈吃了上火的东西,都不是~这些小疱是因为喂奶的姿势和吸吮的动作导致的。这些小疱会时隐时 现。不用担心的是,嘴唇上的小疱不会造成宝宝疼痛,也不会影响他喝奶。而且,这些因为吸吮而出现的小疱会随着宝宝的长大慢慢变小,逐渐消失。 7 、出生几天后体重变轻 “他怎么还没出生的时候重,不会有什么问吧,”先别着急,绝大多数新生宝宝,尤其是母乳喂养的宝宝,在出生后头几天都会有体重减轻的现象。这 是因为妈妈的乳汁在头几天还不是很充足,而且初乳虽然富含抵抗感染的抗体,但比较稀薄。再加上出生前宝宝体内储备的多余水分会通过排尿、吸吮等逐渐消耗 掉,使体内水分一时失去平衡,造成暂时性体重减轻。一般情况下,宝宝的体重10天内即可恢复。 特别提醒: 看你的宝宝是否属于正常的体重变轻,可以从2个方面来观察: 第一,体重丢失量应小于出生体重的10%。 第二,出生后满2周时,体重应回升到出生时的体重水平。如果宝宝不符合这两个条件,那他多半是脱水了。 8 、“马牙”和“螳螂嘴”不要挑 刚出生的宝宝,上腭中线和齿龈上经常可以看到一些黄白色的小斑点,俗称“马牙”或“板牙”,医学上称之为“上皮珠”,是上皮细胞堆积或黏液腺分 泌物积留所致,宝宝出生 2 3 后数周至几个月就会自然消失。“螳螂嘴”其实是新生儿两侧颊部隆起的脂肪垫,有利于宝宝吸吮,属于一种正常的生理现象,不必治疗, 也不用作任何处理。有些家长以为这些现象不正常,还有些人竟然用针去挑破它,这样做容易损伤宝宝的口腔黏膜,引起感染。 9、乳头不要挤 我国民间有一种旧习,就是宝宝出生不久,大人要给宝宝挤乳头,挤出一些黏液来。说是如果不挤,男孩长大乳头会发痒,女孩乳头会凹陷。其实这种说 法没有一点科学道理,不挤乳头的宝宝长大根本不会出现这种现象。而且,新生宝宝的抵抗力很弱,如果给他挤乳头,会使细菌从挤破处侵入体内,导致化脓性乳腺 炎、新生儿黄疸,严重的还会引起败血症,给宝宝带来很大的痛苦,甚至可能危及生命。 10 、不要试图把肚脐上的“脏”东西擦掉 宝宝的肚脐愈合后,色素往往会聚集于宝宝新长好的肚脐深部,看起来好像很脏的样子。不过,你可千万别因为它“脏”就试图把这些脏东西给擦掉。有 些色素沉着会随着宝宝长大逐渐消退,有些色素也许会伴随宝宝一生。这些色素沉着不会有任何不良后果,也没有治疗的必要。如果试图把它擦掉,反而会刺激宝宝 的局部皮肤,引起感染。 11、不要把小婴儿“绑”起来 1岁以内的小宝宝平躺在床上睡觉时,会摆出像青蛙一样的姿势,两条胳膊弯曲向上呈“W”状,两条腿弯曲向下呈“M”状,这是宝宝最自然的休息姿 势。因为婴儿的屈肌发育占优势,他用这种姿势睡觉很舒服。随着年龄的增长,这种现象就慢慢消失了。有的妈妈担心宝宝将来长成“罗圈腿”,总想把宝宝的胳膊 腿拉直。于是把宝宝的腿、胳膊都拉直了包上,而且包得很紧。其实这样做并不好,会使宝宝一直处于僵直状态,浑身紧张疲劳,休息不好,反而影响生长发育。 12、不要把宝宝捂得太严 总以为刚出生的宝宝很娇弱,担心宝宝被冻着,家长就里里外外给宝宝包上好几层,即便是炎热的夏天也得包着,其实这么做会有隐患。在医学上,有一 种疾病叫“婴儿捂热综合征”,就是指小宝宝因为衣被过暖或蒙被睡觉,导致体温过高而出大汗、面色苍白、高热、抽搐、昏迷,甚至还有可能影响神经系统发育。 所以,即使在寒冷季节,也不要给宝宝盖得过多,捂得太热。一旦发生“婴儿捂热综合征”,要立即松解衣扣,擦干汗水,减少包裹,体温过高的话可以用温水给他 洗澡。注意~这时切忌用退热药退烧,以免宝宝出汗过多引起脱水,加剧病情。 13 、不要往奶粉里加蜂蜜或葡萄糖 有的家长喜欢将蜂蜜(内含大量葡萄糖)或葡萄糖加在奶粉里,增加奶粉的甜度,这样宝宝更爱喝,而且他们认为葡萄糖有营养。可是,葡萄糖属于单 糖,不必经过消化就能直接为人体所吸收、利用,长期给宝宝吃,会使他的胃肠变得“懒惰”起来。宝宝的胃肠功能缺乏锻炼,时间长了就会造成体内消化酶分泌功 能低下,导致消化功能减退,影响宝宝的生 3 4 长发育。另外,医学专家发现,约10%,15%的蜂蜜中能检验出肉毒杆菌,这种细菌可以产 生毒力很强的肉毒杆菌毒 素。婴儿肠道屏障功能较差,肉毒杆菌毒素会通过肠壁进入血液, 引起宝宝中毒。 14、不要频繁更换奶粉品牌 对于没有母乳或母乳不足的新妈妈们来说,给宝宝挑选奶粉是一件大事。那么多的品牌, 高中低档都有,怎么挑还真是不太容易的事情。所以,有的妈妈 听说别人的宝宝喝了某种 奶粉长得好,也换成那种奶粉。或听说哪种奶粉添加了这样那样的好东西,也想买给宝宝喝。 但是,频繁地给宝宝换奶粉并不好。有资料表 明,经常换奶粉,容易增加宝宝过敏的可能。 所以,宝宝1岁以内,最好只选用一种奶粉,只要宝宝适应,就坚持用这种奶粉喂养宝宝。 有家族过敏史的宝宝,换奶 粉更要慎重。 Don't look at the newborn minuscule soft can't embrace you, like a little with some force will hurt him. In fact, he is much stronger than we imagine. Him some such and such small anomaly, also not as serious as we thought, they 't have to worry about, don't do anything, he naturally will return to normal. Like to walk, occasionally go slanting unscathed, will run after him. Some exceptions, you don't have to worry about 1, the little girl \"false menstruation\" Some small 5 ~ 7 days after birth, vagina can appear some gray mucus secretion, some still bloody, this phenomenon is commonly known as \"false period\". This is a normal physiological phenomenon, parents don't , mother hormones in the body through the placenta into the fetus. After the baby is born, from maternal estrogen suddenly, bleeding like menstrual cycle may appear. This kind of \"fake menstruation\" generally appear in the six weeks after birth, after discharge will gradually reduce and eventually disappear. Special remind: Little baby girl's vagina secretion transparent, white, yellow or light hemorrhagic secretions were normal. But if \"false\" menstruation lasts for more than 6 ~ 8 weeks, or hemorrhage, a bright red, not normal, will take the baby to see a doctor. 2, small baby's stools Month baby breastfeeding, defecate is often a thin paste, golden stool frequency varying amounts every day, mostly 1 ~ 4 times, and there are 7 ~ 8 times, and even more. As long as the baby's spirit is good, eat well, normal body weight growth, defecate peace is not big difference, can't handle this loose as diarrhea. Baby looser is very normal phenomenon, because milk is perfect for baby's growth, especially easy to digest and absorb, so shit to dilute paste evenly. Some parents believe that their baby is because eat breast milk lead to diarrhea, want to add some milk powder. Do babies defecate time is reduced, but is likely to cause indigestion, even constipation. Mother's milk is the best baby food, 4 ~ 6 4 5 months the best exclusive breastfeeding baby, don't need to add any side dish. If the mother's milk is insufficient, add some formula. 3, fast and slow breathing Careful mother will find, your baby pant is not even, when the fast slowly, when occasionally deeply, mother worry about it. Actually, this is normal in the newborn. The newborn baby of nasopharyngeal and trachea is narrow, alveolar adaptability is poor, breathing depend mainly on the rise and fall of diaphragm. And, with each inhalation and exhalation of newborn babies are small and can't meet the body's need for oxygen, he naturally will speed up, breathing frequency up to 40 ~ 50 times per minute, in order to take in more oxygen. So, baby irregular breathing, breathing fast frequency is normal physiology phenomenon. Special remind: If the baby in irregular breathing at the same time, still have cough, complexion empurples, foaming at the mouth of the phenomenon, to take him to the hospital in time. 4, increased body temperature Newborn babies \"fever\" is very normal! Because they are the temperature regulating center has not yet perfect, regulating function is poor, temperature is not as stable as adults. Newborn babies, the proportion of body surface area and weight into the National People's Congress, under the skin fat, thin, the skin is easy to heat dissipation, leading to higher temperature. They built too much for him, and did not supply enough water for him, also can make the baby's body temperature. So, as long as you keep the appropriate temperature, don't give him too much, too thick clothes, baby won't be a \"fever\". 5, sneeze In many cases can cause the baby sneezing. Newborn baby, nasal cavity is narrow, short nose, face, outside some minor matter, such as cotton wool, wool, dust, etc., will stimulate his nose mucous membrane, cause he sneezed. Also, spilled milk regurgitation in the nasal cavity, the baby will sneeze. In addition, after bathing the baby by the cold air stimulation, also easy to sneeze. These conditions are very normal, don't because the baby made some sneezing was busy for him to eat cold medicine. 6, long lips blister The baby's lips up and down all long out of the small blister! Is to drink milk powder were mentioned? Is mom ate irritated? All is not! These small blister because her posture and the result of the action of sucking. These small blister will be hidden. Don't worry, the small blister on your lips does not cause the baby pain, will not affect him to drink milk. Also, the because of sucking and appear small blister with the decrease of the baby to grow up slowly, gradually disappear. 7, after a few days of birth weight loss \"How he hasn't been born? Won't have what problem?\" Don't try so hard, the vast majority of newborn babies, especially breastfed babies, in the first few days will have the phenomenon of weight loss. This is because the mother's milk in the first few days are not 5 6 enough, and colostrum although rich in antibodies to fight infection, but relatively thin. Plus born baby will reserve excess water in the body through urine, sucking consume gradually, make the moisture inside body out of balance, causing a temporary loss of weight. In general, the baby's weight resumed within 10 days. Special remind: See if your baby is belong to normal weight loss, and can be observed from two aspects: First, the amount of weight loss should be less than 10% of birth weight. Second, when the full 2 weeks after birth, the weight should be recovered to birth weight. If the baby does not meet the two conditions, that he was probably dehydrated. 8, \"the horse tooth\" and \"mantis mouth don't pick. Newborn babies, the middle route of the palate and gums often can see some small yellowish white spots, commonly known as \"the horse tooth\" or \"die\", called on medicine \"epithelial bead\", is accumulation of epithelial cells or secrete mucus gland points caused by storing up, from several weeks to months after the birth of a new baby will disappear naturally. \"Mantis mouth\" is actually a newborn on both sides of the cheek swollen fat pad, is advantageous to the baby to suck, belongs to a normal physiological phenomenon, need not treatment, nor used for any treatment. Some parents think that these phenomenon is not normal, and some people actually use a needle to prick it, and do so easy to damage the baby's oral cavity mucous membrane, cause infection. 9 don't squeeze, nipple Our country folk have a kind of old habits, soon after the baby is born, adult should for baby nipple, squeeze out some mucus. Say if not crowded, boy grew up and nipples are itchy, girl nipple will sag. Actually this law says no scientific reason, don't squeeze the nipples baby grow up won't appear this kind of phenomenon. And the resistance of newborn babies is very weak, if you give him the nipples, can make the bacteria from the crowded virginity invades the body, leading to fester sex mammary gland inflammation, neonatal jaundice, serious still can cause sepsis, give the baby a lot of pain, may even be life-threatening. 10, don't try to put the \"dirty\" things from the navel Baby's navel heals, pigment tend to gather Yu Baobao new good navel deep long, looks like a dirty look. However, you don't because it \"dirty\" you tried to put to wipe off the dirt. Will have some pigmentation as babies grow up gradually faded, some pigment may accompany the baby life. The pigmentation won't have any bad consequences, no treatment is necessary. If you try to erase it, it will stimulate the baby's local skin, cause infection. 11, don't put the baby \"bound\" rise Within 1 year old baby lie low is on the bed when sleeping, posing like frogs, two arms bend upwards \"W\" shaped, both legs bent downward is \"M\", this is the most natural baby rest position. Because of infant flexor development advantage, his posture is very comfortable to sleep. As the growth of the age, this kind of phenomenon will slowly 6 7 disappear. Some mother worried about my baby grow into \"round\" in the future, always want to put the baby's arms and legs straight. So the baby's legs and arms are straight on the package, and package very tight. Actually do is not good, can make the baby has been in a rigid state, all the tension fatigue, rest is bad, but affect the growth and development. 12, don't put the baby wu too strict Always thought newborn baby is very delicate, worry baby are frozen, the parents in several layers for baby's bag, even the hot summer, you have to pack, in fact, doing so would have hidden dangers. In medicine, there is a kind of disease called \"baby wu heat syndrome\", is refers to the baby for the suit is too warm or be sleeping, lead to high temperature and sweating, pale, high fever, convulsions, coma, and even may affect the nervous system development. So, even in the cold season, and don't give the baby was built too much, wu too hot. Wu heat syndrome \"in the event of\" babies, to immediately release the button, dry the sweat and reduce the parcel, can give him a bath with warm water temperature is too high. Attention! At this time of avoid by all means use antipyretic fever, in order to avoid the baby sweating too much cause dehydration, aggravate condition. 13, don't add honey or glucose to milk powder Some parents like the honey, containing a large number of glucose) or glucose in milk powder, increase the sweetness of milk powder, so the baby more love to drink, and they think that glucose nutrition. Belongs to a single sugar glucose, however, need not through digesting can be used directly absorbed by human body, will, give the baby to eat for a long time, will make his stomach \"lazy\". Baby's lack of exercise, gastrointestinal function after a long time can cause secretion of digestive enzymes in the body can work is low, cause digestive function impairment, affect the baby's growth and development. In addition, medical experts have found that about 10% ~ 15% of honey can be tested botox, the bacterium can produce strong virulence botulinum toxin. Baby the intestinal barrier function is poorer, botulinum toxin can through the intestinal wall into the blood, baby cause poisoning. 14, not to replace milk powder brand For new mothers with no milk or milk shortage, selected for baby milk powder is a big thing. So many brands, high school low-grade, how to choose is not easy thing. So, some mother heard that someone else's baby to drink some milk powder grow well, also with that kind of milk powder. Or heard that kind of milk powder added such and such a good thing, also want to buy for your baby to drink. However, frequently change milk powder is not good for baby. The data table Ming, often in milk powder, easy to increase the chances of baby allergies. So baby within 1 year old, had better choose only a kind of milk powder, as long as the baby to adapt to, just stick with the powdered milk to feed the baby. Baby have a family history of allergies, more carefully in milk powder. 7
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