

2017-09-30 50页 doc 229KB 15阅读




系统地讲述报关,报检的知识系统地讲述报关,报检的知识 .什么是报检员,报检工作内容及作用 概念: 报检员是负责本企业的进出口货物或者接受委托人的委托向国家质量监督检验检疫总局申请办理商品检验、动植物检验、卫生检验等报检手续的人员,也是报检单位与检验检疫机构联系的桥梁,报检员素质的高低直接影响检验检疫工作的效率和质量。 报检员工作内容及作用: 主要是向出入境检验检疫机构进行登记,填写报检单并提供相应的随附单证。报检员在申请检验、检疫、鉴定工作时,应按规定缴纳检验检疫费用(事后由检验检疫部门的人员进厂检验),对出入境不合格货物,应及时向检验检疫机...
系统地讲述报关,报检的知识 .什么是报检员,报检工作内容及作用 概念: 报检员是负责本企业的进出口货物或者接受委托人的委托向国家质量监督检验检疫总局申请办理商品检验、动植物检验、卫生检验等报检手续的人员,也是报检单位与检验检疫机构联系的桥梁,报检员素质的高低直接影响检验检疫工作的效率和质量。 报检员工作内容及作用: 主要是向出入境检验检疫机构进行登记,填写报检单并提供相应的随附单证。报检员在申请检验、检疫、鉴定工作时,应按规定缴纳检验检疫费用(事后由检验检疫部门的人员进厂检验),对出入境不合格货物,应及时向检验检疫机构汇报。报检的工作对维护国家安全,人民生命健康,企业合法权益起着重大的作用。 2.报检员的需求情况、就业方向和就业前景 需求情况: 现在报检员必须持证上岗,目前全国报检单位已达几万家,平均每家需持证报检员10名。以此推算,今年全国将达到60万名左右。 3.就业方向: 报检员比较合适的企业有专业报关企业、外贸企业、国际货物运输代理企业、国际船务运输代理企业。 .何谓报关员 随着我国进出口贸易的快速发展,企业对海关报关员需求不断加大。报关员正成为一种受人羡慕的职业。 报关一般分为专业报关、代理报关、自理报关3类,我国目前以自理报关、代理报关为主,专业报关比较少。现在我国对报关员实行通过全国统一资格考试,这有利于我国报关业逐步形成以专业报关为主,代理报关、自理报关并存这样一种报关服务体系,并且最终过渡到专业报关行业为主体的报关服务大市场,同时全国统一考试可以使我国的报关企业逐步同国际报关行业接轨,向国际惯例靠拢。 2.怎样成为一个报关员 成为一个报关员的前提是必须参加资格考试,全国统一考试的条件相当宽:只要年满18岁,有完全的民事行为能力,高中毕业或中专毕业以上的学历均可参加。? 考试采取"公开、平等、竞争"的原则,全国统一报名日期、统一命题、统一试卷(笔试、闭卷)、统一评分标准、统一录取。 外贸专业词汇:付款 1. The buyer suggested D/A as the terms of payment, but the seller was unwilling to make any exception. 买方建议用承兑交单作为付款方式,但卖方不愿例外。 We can't agree to draw at 30 days D/A. 我们不同意开具30天期的承兑交单汇票。 So it's better for us to adopt D/P or D/A. 因此,最好是采用付款交单方式或承兑交单方式。 I suppose D/P or D/A should be adopted as the mode of payment this time. 我建议这次用付款交单或承兑交单方式来付款。 It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. 如果您能接受D/P或D/A付款,那可帮了我们大忙。 Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P? 您能否来个例外,接受D/A或D/P付款方式, We insist on a letter of credit. 我们坚持用信用证方式付款。 As I've said, we require payment by L/C. 我已经说过了,我们要求以信用证付款。 We still intend to use letter of credit as the term of payment. 我们仍然想用信用证付款方式。 We always require L/C for our exports. 我们出口一向要求以信用证付款。 L/C at sight is normal for our exports to France. 我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。 We pay by L/C for our imports. 进口我们也采用信用证汇款。 Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit. 我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤消的信用证。 You must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter the additional protection of banker's guara ntee. 你必须意识到不可撤消信用证为出口商提供了银行担保。 Is the ing of "confirmed" necessary for the letter of credit? 信用证上还用写明“保兑”字样吗, For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favour with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight. 我们要求用不可撤消的、允许分批装运、金额为全部货款、并以我方为抬头人的信用证,凭即期汇票支付。 What do you say to 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P? 百分之五十用信用证,其余的用付款交单,您看怎么样, Please notify us of L/C number by telex immediately. 请立即电传通知我方信用证号码。 The beneficiary of the L/C is to be China National Corporation, Beijing. 信用证的受益人为中国工艺品进出口公司北京分公司。 Will you please increase the credit to $1000? 能不能把信用证金额增至1000美元, The credit is short opened to the amount of RMB100. 信用证的金额少开了人民币100元。 Your L/C No. 48 is short of $29. 你方第48号信用证少开了29美元。 Many banks in Europe are in a position to open L/C and effect payment in Renminbi. 欧洲的许多银行能够开立信用证,而且用人民币支付。 I open a letter of credit in Renminbi with a bank in U.S.A. 我在美国的一家银行开立了人民币信用证。 The Barclays Bank in London is in a position to open letters of credit in Renminbi against our sales confi rmation or contract. 伦敦巴克莱银行可以凭我们的销售确认书或合同开立人民币信用证。 When do I have to open the letter of credit? 顺便问一句,您几时开立信用证呢, When can you arrange for a credit under the new import license? 按照新的进口许可证规定,你方什么时候能开出一张信用证, Please open letter of credit in good time. 请及时开出信用证。 We'll open the letter of credit at sight. 我们会按时开证的。 I agree to use letter of credit at sight. 我同意用即期信用证付款。 Is the credit at sight or after sight? 信用证是即期的还是远期的, Our letter of credit will be opened early March. 我们在3月初开出信用证。 We'll open the credit one month before shipment. 我们在装船前1个月开立信用证。 Please open the L/C 20 to 30 days before the date of delivery. 请在交货前20到30天开出信用证。 This letter of credit expires on 15th July. 这张信用证7月15日到期。 The validity of the L/C will be extended to 30th August. 信用证的有效期将延至8月30日。 Will you persuade your customer to arrange for a one-month extension of L/C No.TD204? 你们能不能劝说客户将TD204号信用证延期一个月, To do so, you could save bank charges for opening an L/C. 这样做,你们可以省去开证费用。 It's expensive to open an L/C because we need to put a deposit in the bank. 开证得交押金,因此花费较大。 We pay too much for such a letter of credit arrangement. 这种信用证付款方式让我们花费太大了。 There will be bank charges in connection with the credit. 开立信用证还要缴纳银行手续费。 A letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. 信用证会增加我们进口货物的成本。 The seller will request to amend the letter of credit. 卖方要修改信用证。 Please amend L/C No.205 as follows. 请按下述意见修改第205号信用证。 Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order. 你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。 Payment is to be effected (made) before the end of this month. 这个月末以前应该付款。 It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling. 用英镑付款较方便。 Now, as regards payment, we've agreed to use U.S. Dollar, am I right? 至于付款,我们已同意用美元,对吗, We may have some difficulties making payment in Japanese yen. 用日元付款可能会有困难。 I've never made payment in Renminbi before. 我从未用过人民币付款。 We can't accept payment on deferred terms. 我们不能接受延期付款。 What's your reason for the refusal of payment? 你们拒付的理由是什么, Collection is not paid. 托收款未得照付。 We don't think you'll refuse to pay. 我们相信你们不会拒付。 Nly one refusal of payment is acceptable to the bank. 银行只接受一次拒付。 You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused. 如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。 We'll not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us. 见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。 We're worrying that a decline in prices might lead to refusal of payment. 我们担心市场价格下跌会引起拒付。 Of course payment might be refused if anything goes wrong with the documents. 如果单据有问题,当然可以提出拒付。 The equipment will be paid in installments with the commodities produced by our factory. 设备以我们工厂生产的产品分期偿还。 Now we have settled the terms of payment. 现在我们已经谈妥了付款条件。 Shall we have a talk about terms of payment today? 我们今天谈谈付款条件怎么样, What is the mode of payment you wish to employ? 您希望用什么方式付款, This is the normal terms of payment in international business. 这是国际贸易中惯用的付款方式。 We can't accept any other terms of payment. 我们不能接受其他的付款条件。 If you can't be more flexible, we won't accept your terms of payment. 如果你们不能灵活些,我们将不接受此种付款方式。 Please protect our draft on presentation. 请见票即付。 Your draft will be honoured on presentation. 你方的汇票见票即付。 The draft was discounted in New York. 汇票已经在纽约贴现。 Our draft No.36 was dishonoured. 我们的第三十六号汇票被拒付了。 The draft has not been collected. 汇票之款尚未收进。 We'll be unable to meet these draft. 我们无力兑付这些汇票。 We've drawn a clean draft on you for the value of this sample shipment. 我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。 We've drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to $20,000. 我们已经按照发票金额20,000美元向你方开出了汇票。 The draft has been handed to the bank on clean collection. 汇票已经交银行按光票托收。 You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. 您就当作有信用证一样,向我开汇票托收。 We're sending our draft through Bank of China for documentary collection. 我们将汇票交中国银行按跟单托收。 We'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis. 我们将按托收方式向你方开出即期跟单汇票。 We'll draw a sight bill in favour of the Export Bank Singapore. 我们要开立一张以新加坡出口银行为收款人的即期汇票。 We've already remitted the amount by cheque. 我们已经将款以支票汇出。 We enclose a cheque for RMB200. 我们附上人民币200元的支票一张。 We regret we can't accept payment "cash against document". 很抱歉,我们不能接受凭单付款办法。 We'll agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。 We accept D/P payment for future dealings. 以后的交易我们以付款交单方式支付。 We can do the business on 60 days D/P basis. 我们可以按60天付款交单的方式进行交易。 We agree to draw at 30 days D/P. 我们同意开立30天期的付款交单汇票。 We'll draw D/P against your purchase. 我们按付款交单方式收你方这批货款。 As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D/P at this sales-purchasing sta ge. 在此推销阶段,我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励。 We regret we can't accept "Cash against Documents" on arrival of goods at destination. 很抱歉,我们不能同意“货抵目的地付款交单”方式付款。 Accepting Bank 承兑行 Advice of Clean Bill for Collection 光票托收委托书 Advising Bank 通知行 Anticipatory L/C 预支信用证 At sight 即期,见票即付 At…days (month)after sight 付款人见票后若干天(月)付款 At…days after B/L 提单签发后若干天付款 At…days after date 出票后若干天付款 At…days sight 付款人见票后若干天即付款 Authority to Purchase (A/P) 委托购买证 Back to Back L/C 背对背信用证 Bank Guarantee 银行保函 Banker's Acceptance L/C 银行承兑信用证 Banker's Bill 商业汇票 Banker's Bill 银行汇票 Bankers' Acceptance Bill 银行承兑汇票 Buyer's Bank 买方银行 Buyer's Usance L/C 买方远期信用证 Cash Against Documents (C.A.D) 凭单付现 Cash Against Payment 凭单付款 Cash On Delivery (C.O.D) 交货付现 Cash With Order (C.W.O) 随订单付现 Certified Invoice 证明发票 Collection Advice 托收委托书 Collection Bill Purchased 托收出口押汇 Commercial Acceptance Bill 商业承兑汇票 Commercial Bill 商业汇票 Confirmed Irrevocable L/C 保兑的不可撤消信用证 Confirmed L/C 保兑的信用证 Confirming Bank 保兑行 Consignment Invoice 寄售发票 Contract Guarantee 合约保函 Countervailing credit (俗称)子证 Credit payable by a bank 银行付款信用证 Credit payable by a trader 商业付款信用证 Credit with T/T Reimbursement Clause 带有电报索汇条款的信用证 Date of issue 开证日期 Demand Draft (D/D) 票汇 Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收 Documents against Acceptance (D/A) 承兑交单 Documents against Payment (D/P) 付款交单 Documents against Payment after Sight (D/P sight) 远期付款交单 Documents against Payment at Sight (D/P sight) 即期付款交单 Documents of title to the goods 物权凭证 Drawee Bank 付款行 Expiry Date 有效期 Exporter's Bank 出口方银行 General Letter of Hypothecation 总质押书 I.C.C. Publication No.400 第400号出版物 Import Guarantee 进口保证书 Importer's Bank 进口方银行 Irrevocable L/C 不可撤消的信用证 Irrevocable Unconfirmed L/C 不可撤消不保兑的信用证 Issuing Bank 开证行 L/C amount 信用证金额 L/C number 信用证号码 Letter of Credit (L/C) 信用证 Letter of Guarantee (L/G) 保证书 Letter of Hypothecation 质押书 Letter of Indication 印鉴核对卡 Mail transfer (M/T) 信汇 Manufacturers' Invoice 厂商发票 Negotiating Bank 议付行 Notifying Bank 通知行 Opening Bank 开证行 Opening Bank' Name & Signature 开证行名称及签字 Overriding credit 母证 Paying Bank 付款行,汇入行 Payment Guarantee 付款保证书 Performance Guarantee 履约保证书 Performer Invoice 形式发票 Presenting Bank 提示行 Promisory Note 本票 Recipe Invoice 收妥发票 Reciprocal L/C 对开信用证 Red Clause L/C 红条款信用证 Remitting Bank 汇出行 Repayment Guarantee 还款保证书 Retention Money Guarantee 保留金保证书 Revocable L/C 可撤消的信用证 Revolving L/C 循环信用证 Sample Invoice 样品发票 Seller's Bank 卖方银行 Sight Bill 即期汇票 Sight L/C 即期信用证 Telegraphic Transfer (T/T) 电汇 Tender/Bid Guarantee 投标保证书 Terms of validity 信用证效期 Time Bill 远期汇票 Trade Acceptance L/C 商业承兑信用证 Transferable L/C 可转让信用证 Transmitting Bank 转递行 Traveler's L/C 旅行信用证 Trust Receipt 信托收据 Unconfirmed L/C 不 保兑的信用证 Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits 跟单信用证统一惯例 Uniform Rules for Collection 《托收统一规则》 Untransferable L/C 不可转让信用证 Usance Bill 远期汇票 Usance L/C 远期信用证 acceptor 承兑人 bailee 受托人,代保管人 bearer 来人 beneficiary 受益人 cheque 支票 clean Bill for Collection 光票托收 clean bill 光票 clean payment 单纯支付 collection 托收 commodity 产品 consignee 受托人 consignor 委托人 consingnee 受托人 convenient 方便的 copy 副本 dealing 交易,生意 decline 下降,下跌 deferred payment 延期付款 destination 目的地 discount 贴现 discount 贴现 dishonour 拒付 documentary bill 跟单汇票 draft 汇票 drawee 付款人 drawer 出票人 endorse 背书 endorsee 被背书人 endorsement 背书 endorser 背书人 fixed L/C or fixed amount L/C 有固定金额的信用证 flexible 灵活的,多变的 form of credit 信用证形式 guarantor 保证人 holder 持票人 invoice 发票 method of reimbursement 索汇方法 original 正本 pay on delivery (P.O.D) 货到付款 pay order 支付凭证 payer 付款人 payment against documents through collection 凭单托收付款 payment against documents 凭单付款 payment agreement 支付协定 payment at maturity 到期付款 payment by acceptance 承兑付款 payment by banker 银行支付 payment by bill 凭汇票付款 payment by installment 分期付款 payment by remittance 汇拨支付 payment for (in) cash 现金支付,付现 payment in advance 预付(货款) payment in full 全部付讫 payment in kind 实物支付 payment in part 部分付款 payment on terms 定期付款 payment order 付款通知 payment respite 延期付款 payment terms 支付条件,付款方式 payment 支付,付款 pay…Co. not negotiable 付…公司,不准疏通 pay…Co. only 仅付…公司 pay…Co. or order (pay to the order of…Co.) 付…公司或其指定人 principal 委托人 progressive payment 分期付款 refusal 拒绝 remittance 汇付 sales-purchasing 促销,推销 simple payment 单纯支付 something goes wrong 某事上出问题,出现差错 stage 阶段,过程 the bank interest 银行利息 the mode of payment 付款方式 the refusal of payment 拒付 to amend L/C 修改信用证 to make exception 例外 to open by airmail 信开 to open by brief cable 简电开证 to open by cable 电开 to pay 付款,支付,偿还 trustee 被信托人 truster 信托人 usance credit payment at sight 假远期信用证 without recourse 不受追索 2. 运输: We arrange shipments to any part of the world. 我们承揽去世界各地的货物运输。 From what I've heard you're ready well up in shipping work. 据我所知,您对运输工作很在行。 What is your specific transport requirement? 你们需要的运输条件是什么, It will cause a lot of problems in our transportation. 这将给我们的运输带来很多问题。 The two sides finally reached an agreement on the mode of transportation. 双方就运输方式达成了。 Today let's discuss the mode of transportation of the steel we ordered. 今天我们就谈谈关于钢材的运输方式吧。 How do you usually move your machines? 你们出口机器习惯使用哪种运输方式, The goods are now in transit. 此批货物正在运输途中。 Do you do any chartering? 你们租船吗, A part of the goods were damaged in transit. 一部分货物在运输途中受损。 Transport by sea is the most important mode of transportation in the world today. 海运是目前世界上最重要的一种运输方式。 Please have the goods transported by air. 请空运此批货。 We don't think it is proper to transport the goods by railway. 我们认为此货不适合用铁路运输。 You may have some difficulties in arranging railway transportation, I guess. 我猜你们安排铁路运输有困难。 If the goods are to be transshipped from one means of transportation to another during the course of the entire voyage, it's called "combined transportation". 如果货物在运输途中交换交通工具,这便是"联运"。 We think it necessary to move the articles by way of combined transportation. 我们认为联运货物十分必要。 It's simpler and cheaper for both of us to arrange multimodal combined transportation. 安排联运对我们双方都既简单又经济。 Freight for shipment from Shanghai to Hongkong is to be charged to your account. 从上海到香港的运费由贵方负担。 The bill of lading should be marked as "freight prepaid". 提单上应该注明"运费预付"字样。 We'll send you by air a full set of non-negotiable documents immediately after the goods are loaded. 货一发运,我们就寄给你方一套单据副本。 when the goods have been loaded, you can get the B/L signed by the master of the vessel. 货装上船后,你可以得到由船长签字的提单。 We'll send you two sets of the Shipped, Clean Bill of Lading. 我们将寄送两套已装运清洁提单 付款: It's convenient to make payment in pound sterling. 用英镑付款较方便。 We can't accept payment on deferred terms. 我们不能接受延期付款。 What's your reason for the refusal of payment? 你们拒付的理由是什么, You ought to pay us the bank interest once payment is wrongly refused. 如果拒付错了,你们应该偿付我方的银行利息。 We'll not pay until shipping documents for the goods have reached us. 见不到货物装船单据,我们不付款。 What is the mode of payment you wish to employ? 您希望用什么方式付款, This is the normal terms of payment in international business. 这是国际贸易中惯用的付款方式。 Please protect our draft on presentation. 请见票即付。 Your draft will be honoured on presentation. 你方的汇票见票即付。 We've drawn a clean draft on you for the value of this sample shipment. 我们已经开出光票向你方索取这批货的价款。 We've drawn on you for payment of the invoice amounting to $20,000. 我们已经按照发票金额20,000美圆向你方开出了汇票。 We'll draw on you by our documentary draft at sight on collection basis. 我们将按托收方式向你方开出即期跟单汇票。 The draft was discounted in New York. 汇票已经在纽约贴现。 We'll agree to change the terms of payment from L/C at sight to D/P at sight. 我们同意将即期信用证付款方式改为即期付款交单。 We can do the business on 60 days D/P basis. 我们可以按60天付款交单的方式进行交易。 As a special sign of encouragement, we'll consider accepting payment by D/P at this sales-purchasing stage. 在此推销阶段,我们将考虑接受付款交单方式以资鼓励。 I suppose D/P or D/A should be adopted as the mode of payment this time. 我建议这次用付款交单或承兑交单方式来付款。 L/C at sight is normal for our exports to France. 我们向法国出口一般使用即期信用证付款。 Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit. 我们的付款条件是保兑的不可撤消的信用证。 For payment we require 100% value, irrevocable L/C in our favour with partial shipment allowed clause available by draft at sight. 我们要求用不可撤消的、允许分批装运、金额为全部货款、并以我方为抬头人的信用证,凭 即期汇票支付。 It's expensive to open an L/C because we need to put a deposit in the bank. 开证得交押金,因此花费较大。 Your refusal to amend the L/C is equivalent to cancellation of the order. 你们拒绝修改信用证就等于取消订单。 代理: In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint you as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 We keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents. 我们在伦敦有库存并经营销售兼做代理。 We've decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars. 我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家代理。 We can play an important part as a buying agent in your overseas trade. 我们能在担任你方海外贸易的进口代理中起重要作用。 We'll leave aside the problem of agency until next week. 我们暂时把代理问题搁置到下周。 We're in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent. 我们能负起作为你方进口业务中买放代理的责任。 Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly appoint you as our sole agent. 除非你们增加营业额,否则我们无法指定你们作为我方的独家代理。 When opportunity matures, we will consider making you our exclusive agent for the U.K. 当机会成熟时,我们将考虑委托你为我方在联合王国的独家代理。 I am here today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market. 我今天来是为了申请做你方产品在我国市场上的独家代理。 We'll consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T shirts for the next two years in your local market. 我们将考虑指定您为贵国市场上T恤衫的独家代理,为期两年。 I propose a sole agency agreement for bicycles for a period of 3 years. 我建议订一个专销自行车的为期三年的独家代理协议。 When do you expect to sign the agency agreement? 您何时签定代理协议呢, The agency agreement has been drawn up for the period of one year. 为期一年的代理协议书已经拟订出来。 I want to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of 2 years. 我想和你们签定一项为期两年的独家代理协议。 Well, what annual quantity would you like to suggest for the new agreement then? 那么,您认为在新的协议中年销售量应是多少呢, I hope you'll spare no efforts to promote the sale of our products so as to pave the way for renewing the agency agreement when it expires at the end of this year. 希望贵能尽力促进销售,为协议在今年年底期满后续订铺平道路。 We can renew the agreement of agency on its expiry. 我们可以在代理协议期满时续订。 I've come again to renew our sole agency agreement for another 3 years. 我们这次再访是想把我们之间的独家代理协议延长三年。 I'm entitled to being appointed as your agent. 我有权被指定为你方代理。 Please get in touch with our agents for the supply of the goods you require. 你们所需的商品,请与我们的代理联系。 索赔: We've given your claim our careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。 We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。 The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim. 中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。 We have received your remittance in settlement of our claim. 我们已经收到你方解决我们索赔问题的汇款。 Claims for incorrect material must be made within 60 days after arrival of the goods. 有关不合格材料的索赔问题必须在货到后60天内予以解决。 We have already made a careful investigation of the case. 我们已经对这个索赔案件做了详细的调查研究。 I want to settle our claim on you for the 100 tons of bleached cotton waste, as per Sales Confirmation No. 1254E. 我们想处理一下关于销售确认书第1254E号100吨漂白废棉的索赔问题。 We are not in a position to entertain your claim. 我们不能接受你们提出的索赔要求。 But we regret our inability to accommodate your claim. 很抱歉我们不能接受你方索赔。 I'll write to our home office to waive our claim immediately. 我立即写信给我们的总公司提出放弃索赔。 I'm afraid you should compensate us by 5% of the total amount of the contract. 贵公司要赔偿我方合同全部金额的百分之五。 We regret for the loss you have suffered and agree to compensate you by $500. 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意,同意向你们赔偿500美圆。 I propose we compensate you by 3% of the total value plus inspection fee. 我想我们赔偿贵方百分之三的损失,另外加上商检费。 There are some different types of claims. 索赔有几种不同的类型。 This is a claim on quality. 这是质量索赔。 This is a claim on shortweight. 这是短重索赔。 This is a claim on delayed shipment. 这是延期装运索赔。 Claim on shortweight is caused by packing damage or shortloading. 短重索赔是由包装破损或装运短重引起的。 Claim on delayed shipment is that sellers fail to make the delivery according to time schedule. 延期索赔是对卖方没有按时装运货物而提出的索赔。 Claim on quality originates from inferior quality of goods or quality changes. 品质(质量)索赔是在货物质量低劣或是质量改变的条件下发生的。 对...询价 to make an inquiry 发出询盘;向...询价 to make delivery 交货 to make prompt-delivery 即期交货 firm price 实价,实盘 firm offer 实盘 official offer 正式报价(报盘) to make an offer for 对...报盘(报价) to offer for 对...报价 wild speculation 漫天要价 the preference of one's offer 优先报盘 subject to 以...为条件,以...为准 make headway 有进展 at wide intervals 间隔时间太长 counter-offer 还盘,还价 to sign a contract 签合同 to enter into a contract 订合同 to draw up a contract 拟订合同 to be stipulated in the contract 在合同中予以规定 to be laid down in the contract 在合同中列明 to come into effect 生效 to go (enter)into force 生效 to cease to be in effect/force 失效 quality clause 品质条款 quality certificate 品质证明书 quality of export and import commodities 进出口商品质量 good merchantable quality 全销质量 to be in conformity with 与...一致 to compared with 与...相比 to be responsible for 对...负责 to be inferior to 次于... transferer 转让者 transferee 受让者 to attach importance to sth. 对...引起重视 to be identical with, to conform to 与...相符,与...相吻合 quantities of sth. 大批... to change hands 转手 in total 总共 discount 折扣 in large quantities 大量 minimum quantity 最小数量 maximum quantity 最大数量 short weight 短重 priced 已标价的,有定价的 pricing 定价,标价 to be equivalent to 相当于 to employ 用...计价,采用... exchange rate 汇率 to pass over 转给,转嫁 to adopt, to employ, to use (某种价格术语)采用某种价格 packing charge 包装费用 packing expenses 包装费用 packaging 包装方法 be in good order 完好 be in bad order 实价,实盘 to be on a par with 与...相媲美 rough handling 粗率的处理 to reinforce the packing 加固包装 to cover (effect,arrange,take out) insurance 投保 insurance coverage; risks covered 保险范围 fine print 细则 to provide the insurance 为...提供保险 premium rate 保险费率 ocean marine cargo insurance, marine insurance 水险(海运货物保险) average 海损 Particular Average (P.A) 单独海损 General Average (G.A) 共同海损 Marine Losses 海损 partial loss 部分损失 total loss 全部损失 inspection of commodity 商品检验 reinspect 复验 to coincide with 与……相符 be in conformity with 与……一致 be identical with 与……一致 Inspection Certificate 检验证明 surveyor 检验行,公证行 to make delivery of the goods 交货 to take delivery of the goods 提货 transshipment (T.S.) 转运 to tranship (transship) 转运 transhipment permited 允许转运 transhipment prohibited 不许转运 transit shipment 转运,中转 transhipment on route 中途转运 transhipment to be allowed 准许转运 partial shipment 分批装运 to be in transit 正在运输 to do charter 租船 to have some difficulties in 在...有困难 to arrange transport 安排运输 combined transportation 联运 a full set of 一整套 mode of transportation 运输方式 way of transportation 运输方式 means of transportation 运输方式 to transport by sea 海运 to transport by railway 铁运 transportation by sea, land, air, and mail 海、陆、空、邮运输 the refusal of payment 拒付 payment terms 支付条件,付款方式 the mode of payment 付款方式 discount 贴现 to amend L/C 修改信用证 leave aside 搁置 get in touch with 与……联系 to be entitled to 有权 to pave the way for 为……铺平道路 in settlement of 解决 to make an investigation 调查研究 Sales Confirmation 销售确认书 claim for short weight 由于短重而索赔 claim for damage 由于损坏而索赔 claim for loss and damage of cargo 货物损失索赔 claim for inferior quality 由于质量低劣而索赔 claim against carrier 向承运人索赔 claims settlement 理赔 claim indemnity 索赔 claims rejected 拒赔 claims statement 索赔清单 claims settling fee 理赔代理费 3. 一、价格行情 实际价 actual price 标价||不二价 fixed price 进口价 import price 出口价 export price 价格表||价目表 list price 时价||现行价 current price 市场标价 market price||tag price 出厂价格 factory price||price atfactory 成本价 cost price||prime cost||first cost 原成本 initial cost 购入价格 buying price||purchase price 出售价格 selling price||sale price 净价 net price||nett price 现货价格||立即付款价格 spot price 总价||毛价 gross price 特别价格||牺牲价格 special price 特价||低于市场价格 marked-down price 付现金价格||现金支付价 cash price 赊购价格||挂帐价格 credit price 契约价格||合同价 contract price 特贵(讨价)价格 fancy pirce||exorbitant pirce||extravagant price 普通价格 average price||natural price||normal price 缺货时的市场价 famine price 平面价格 flat price 询价 asked price 追加的价格 additional price 加上杂费的价格 all-round price 按行情索要的最高价 best price obtainable 递价 出价|| bid price 一揽子价格 blanket price||lump price 削价||折扣价||降价 cut price||price cutting 竞销价格||拍卖价格 auction price 开价||起始价 opening price 概算价格 approximate price 行市价格 ruling price 基本价格 basic price||ground price 价格||破记录价格 record pirce 收盘价||稍跌的价格 close price 收盘行情 closing pirce 竞争价格 competitive price 加价价格 cost plus price 保证金付清后价格 exhaust price 额外价格 extra price 平价||相当价格 fair price 实价||固定价格 firm price 发行价格 issue price 高价 high price 低价 low price 清算价格(美) making-up price 造币价格(纯金) mint price 廉价||低价 moderate price 名义价格 nominal price 最低价格||成交价格 lowest price 最低价格||成交价格 rock-bottom pirce 最高价格 ceiling price 最低价格 floor price 报价||报盘价 offered price 公定价格||官方定价 official price 黑市价格 market price black- 包括一切费用的价格 overhead price 质量单位价格 per quality unit price 现行价格 present price||price current 禁止价格 prohibitive price 开价||报价 quoted price 克己价格||竞买最低价 reserve price 零售价格 retail price 批发价格 wholesale price 双方议定价格 settling price 场外价格||交易所外价格 street price 预约价格 subscription price 卷尺价格 tape price 内部行情 trade price||inside price 两种价格 two prices 单价||单位价格 unit price 最低价格||开拍价格 upset price 广大价格||行情价格 wide price 商品价格协会 price association 标价 price card 价格协定 price cartel 价格波动 price fluctuation 物价指数 price index||price numbers 限价 price-limit||limit 价格表 price-list 价目记号 price mark 价格变动 price movements 交易价格||议定价 price negotiated 价格条款 price terms 加上费用价格 price plus 投标价格 price tendered 工资 price wages||price-work 装运港船上交货价格 F.O.B. price||Free on board price 装运港船上交货并含平仓费在内的价格 F.O.B. & Trimmed price 船边交货价格 F.A.S. price||Free alongside ship price 到岸价格(成本+运费+保险) C.I.F. price||Cost, insurance, and freight price 成本加运费价格 C. & F. price||Cost & freight price CIF加佣金和利息价格 C.I.F. & C.I. price||C.I.F. Commission, Interestprice CIF加汇费价格 C.I.F. & E. price||C.I.F. & Exchange price 含全部费用的价格 franco price 现场交货价格 loco price 卡车交货价 F.O.T. price||Free on Truck price 码头交货价 free docks price 目的地码头交货价 Ex quay price 工厂交货价 Ex factory price 目的地船上交货价 EX ship price||free overside price 火车站交货价 At station price 含铁路运费价格 On rail price 到岸价格||陆上交货价 landed price 关栈交货价||保税仓库交货价 Inbond||bond price 完税后交货价格 Duty paid||Ex customs compound 完税前交货价格 Duty unpaid price 付款条件 现金帐户 Cash account 预付现金 Cash advance 凭提货单支付现金 Cash against Bill of Lading (B/L) 凭单据付现款||凭装货单付现款 Cash against Documents 现金资产 Cash assets 现金结存||现金差额 Cash balance 现收现付制||现金收付制 Cash basis 付现款后交货||交货前付现款 Cash before delivery 装运前付现款 Cash before shipment 现金交易 Cash dealing 现款押金||现金存款 Cash deposit 现金折扣||现金贴现 Cash discount 付现款||现金支付 Cash payment 现金结算 Cash settlement 货到付现款 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)(Eng.) 货到收现款 Collect on delivery (C.O.D.)(Am.) 承兑后若干天付款 days after acceptance (D/A) 开票日后若干日 days after date (D/D) 见票后若干日 days after sight (D/S) 定期汇票 date draft 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)||documentary Bill for Acceptance(D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 折扣 discount (DC) 付现款时2%折扣 less 2% due net cash 现款5%折扣 5% for cash 一个月内付款2%折扣 2% one month 三个月内付款需现金 3 months net 立即付现款 prompt cash 付现款 net cash||ready cash||cash 汇票(美) draft 汇票(英) bill of exchange 见票即付||即期汇票 draft at sight||sight draft 托收汇票 draft for collection||bill for collection 来取即付汇票 draft on demand||bill on demand 见票后 .. 天付款 draft at .. days' date 跟单汇票 draft with documents atta ched||documentary draft 无追索权汇票 draft without recourse 银行汇票 bank draft 银行汇票||银行票据 banker's draft 商业汇票 merchant's draft 电汇 cable draft 折扣汇票 discount draft 被拒付汇票 dishonoured draft 付款例文 我方现拟采购附单所开出的各项货物,希贵方能尽量航寄最优惠的 C&F 纽约价格. We are now in the market for the goods mentioned in the attachedlist and shall appreciate it if you will airmail us as soon aspossible your best quotation C&F, New York. 这次订单为合同的组成部分之一。请告最优惠条件为盼。 Please put us on your best terms, as this order forms a part of thecontract. 请告知现金支付的最佳条件和折扣率。 Please state your best terms and discount for cash. 请告知有关折扣的最佳装运条件。 Please put us on your very best shipping terms as regardsdiscount. 由于贵方报价需现金,所以我们想再打折扣。 We think you can well accord us a substantial discount off yourlist price, which we see are quoted net cash 谢绝报盘 感谢贵方报价,遗撼的是目前我公司对此尚无兴趣。 We thank you for your offer, but we regret that it does not atpresent interest us. 感谢寄来的样品。但目前我库存过多,待需用时, 定当与贵公司接洽。 We thank you fo rthe samples just received, but at present we arerather overstocked; when we are in the market again, we will giveyou an opportunity of quoting. 我们曾对此类商品进行过试销,因顾客反映不良而停止, 所以无法考虑贵方对该 商品的报价,深表遗撼。 We regret we cannot avail ourselves of your offer of these goods,because we have allready tried such goods, and had discontinuedthem through the complaints of our customers. 谢谢贵方的报价,遗撼的是我们无法订货。 We thank you for your offer, but regret being unable to hand youorders. 二、目录、价目表 希望能寄给我们贵公司的目录以及大批量订货的报价。 I shall be glad if you will send me your catalogue, together withquotations for large quantities. 随信寄去目录表一份,并附有批量订购现货的报价。 We are sending you by this post a catalogue, containing quotationsfor large orders taken from our existing stock. 现寄上一份适合贵公司业务的,并附有图解的机械目录付本。 We have pleasure in sending herewith a copy of our illustratedcatalogue of the machines suitable for your business. 随信寄去新修改的目录和价目表,希望这些商品能适合贵公司的业务。 I send you my revised catalogue and price-list, in the hope thatyou may find something to suit you. 付款方式及其英语大全 现金帐户 Cash account 预付现金 Cash advance 凭提货单支付现金 Cash against Bill of Lading (B/L) 凭单据付现款||凭装货单付现款 Cash against Documents 现金资产 Cash assets 现金结存||现金差额 Cash balance 现收现付制||现金收付制 Cash basis 付现款后交货||交货前付现款 Cash before delivery 装运前付现款 Cash before shipment 现金交易 Cash dealing 现款押金||现金存款 Cash deposit 现金折扣||现金贴现 Cash discount 付现款||现金支付 Cash payment 现金结算 Cash settlement 货到付现款 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)(Eng.) 货到收现款 Collect on delivery (C.O.D.)(Am.) 承兑后若干天付款 days after acceptance (D/A) 开票日后若干日 days after date (D/D) 见票后若干日 days after sight (D/S) 定期汇票 date draft 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)||documentary Bill for Acceptance (D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 折扣 discount (DC) 付现款时2%折扣 less 2% due net cash 现款5%折扣 5% for cash 一个月内付款2%折扣 2% one month 三个月内付款需现金 3 months net 立即付现款 prompt cash 付现款 net cash||ready cash||cash 汇票(美) draft 汇票(英) bill of exchange 见票即付||即期汇票 draft at sight||sight draft 托收汇票 draft for collection||bill for collection 来取即付汇票 draft on demand||bill on demand 见票后 .. 天付款 draft at .. days' date 跟单汇票 draft with documents atta ched||documentary draft 无追索权汇票 draft without recourse 银行汇票 bank draft 银行汇票||银行票据 banker's draft 商业汇票 merchant's draft 电汇 cable draft 折扣汇票 discount draft 被拒付汇票 dishonoured draft 报关员考试指导:佣金Commission He came to China to hold a talk about the commission for his new business. 他来中国是洽谈有关生意中的佣金问题。 What about the commission? 佣金是多少, Usually a 1% commission is given to our agent. 一般情况下,我们给代理商百分之一的佣金。 We'll give you a 3% commission on every transaction. 每笔交易我们都付给百分之三的佣金。 We expect a 5% commission, of course. 当然,我们希望能得到百分之五的佣金。 We're usually paid with a 5% commission of the amount for every deal. 对每笔交易的成交量,我们通常付给5%的佣金。 Our agents in other areas usually get a 3-5% commission. 我方其他地区的代理通常得到3-5%的佣金。 We can get 4.5% commission if 10,000 cases are ordered. 如果订1万箱,我们可以得到4.5%的佣金。 The commission from our corporation is very favourable. 我们公司给的佣金很优惠。 The above price includes your commission of 2%. 上述价格包括百分之二的佣金在内。 The above price excludes your commission. 上述价格不包括佣金在内。 This amount includes all commission. 这一数字包括所有佣金在内。 Our quotation is subject to a 4% commission. 我方报价包括百分之四的佣金在内。 Generally speaking, commission depends on the quantity of goods ordered. 一般来说,佣金多少由订货量决定。 You can get a higher commission rate if you order a bigger quantity. 如果你们订货量大,佣金率就会高。 It's better for us to start business on commission basis first. 对我们来说,最好能在给佣金的基础上开展交易。 We don't pay any commission on our traditional products. 对我们的传统产品,概不付给佣金。 Commission is allowed to agents only. 我们只对代理付佣金。 We don't pay commission to firms dealing with us on principal-to principal basis. 对于不通过中间商直接往来的商号,我们一概不付给佣金。 Words and Phrases commission (com.) 佣金,手续费 two or several items of commission 两笔或几笔佣金 all commissions 所有佣金 to pay the commission 支付佣金 rate of commission or scale of commission 佣金率 commission transaction 付佣金的交易 commission agent 代理商;代办人;代理贸易商 commission charges 佣金;手续费 overriding commission 追加佣金 commission on a sliding scale 递加佣金 The commission has been increased to 5% in your favour. 贵方佣金已增至百分之五。 You can grant us an extra commission of 2% to cover the additional risk. 你们可以获得另外百分之二的佣金,以补偿你受的额外风险。 We'll get 0.5% more in commission for our effort. 经过努力,我们可以多谋到百分之零点五的佣金。 For every additional 10 pieces of pianos sold, we'll give you 0.2% more commission. 每笔交易若能多卖出10架钢琴,你们可以多得百分之零点二的佣金。 We can't agree to increase the rate of commission. 我们不能同意增加佣金率。 A 5% commission means an increase in our price. 百分之五的佣金就等于价格提高了。 A higher commission means a higher price. 如果佣金提高了,价格也要提高。 A 4% commission is the maximum. 我们最多给百分之四的佣金。 Is it possible to increase the commission to 4%? 能不能把佣金提高到百分之四呢, Even a 6% commission is not high. 甚至百分之六的佣金都不算高。 2% commission is not enough, is it? 百分之二的佣金是不是少了点, The present commission isn't enough. 现有的佣金不够。 There are three items of commission left unpaid. 只剩三笔交易的佣金未付。 Additional Words and Phrases commissions earned 佣金收入 commissions received in advance 预收佣金 commission for collection 代收帐款佣金 commission insurance 佣金保险 commission system 佣金制 commission agency 代理贸易 selling commission 代销佣金 buying commission 代购佣金 报关员考试英语指导:索赔Claim Claims occur frequently in international trade. 国际贸易中经常发生索赔现象。 We are now lodging a claim with you. 我们现在向贵方提出索赔。 I've heard that you have lodged a claim against us. 听说你们已经向我们提出了索赔。 We've given your claim our careful consideration. 我们已经就你们提出的索赔做了仔细研究。 We lodged a claim with you on fertilizer yesterday. 昨天我们就化肥问题向贵方提出索赔。 We filed a claim with(against) you for the shortweight. 关于短重问题,我们已经向你方提出索赔。 The Chinese representative and Mr.Bake discussed the claim. 中方代表与贝克先生商谈了索赔问题。 We have received the letters giving full details of this claim. 我们已经收到了内容详尽的索赔信件。 Sometimes the shipping company or insurance company is found to be responsible for the claim. 有时候,船公司或保险公司应负责赔偿。 Words and Phrases claim 索赔;赔偿;赔偿金 compensate 赔偿,补偿 to make a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to register a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to file a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to lodge a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to raise a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to put in a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to bring up a (one's) claim 提出索赔 to make a claim with (against) sb. 向某方提出索赔 to make a claim for (on)sth. 就某事提出索赔 claims 索赔;债权 关员考试英语指导:销售Sale Your T shirts can find a ready market in the eastern part of our country. 贵国的T恤在我国东部市场很畅销。 We all understand that Chinese shippers are very popular in your market on account of their superior quality and competitive price. 我们都知道中国拖鞋因价廉物美而畅销于你方市场。 This product has been a best seller for nearly one year. 该货成为畅销货已经将近1年了。 There is a good market for these articles. 这些商品畅销。 There is a poor market for these articles. 这些商品滞销。 There is no market for these articles. 这些商品无销路。 Your bicycles find a ready market here. 你们的自行车在此地销路很好。 They talked over at great length the matter of how to increase the sale of your products. 他们详细地讨论了怎样增加你方产品的销售。 Please furnish us with more information from time to time so that we may find outlets for our stationery. 由于对此货物的需求将不断增加,请提前补充货源。 They are doing their utmost to open up an outlet. 他们正在尽最大努力以打开销路。 Our demand for this product is steadily on the increase. 我们对该产品的需求正在稳步地增长。 We are sure that you can sell more this year according to the marketing conditions at your end. 根据你地的市场情况,我们确信今年你们有望销得更好。 Packing has a close bearing on sales. 包装对产品的销路有很大关系。 We are trying to find a market for this article. 我们正在努力为此项商品找销路。 We regret we cannot find any market for this article. 我们很抱歉不能为此项商品找到销路。 According to our experience, these handicrafts can find a ready market in Japan. 根据我们的经验,这些手工艺品在日本销路很好。 We can discuss further details when you have a thorough knowledge of the marketing possibilities of our products. 等你们全面了解我们产品销售可能性之后,我们再进一步细谈。 According to your estimate, what is the maximum annual turnover you could fulfill? 据你估计,你能完成的最大年销售量是多少呢, The market situation is not known to us. 我们还不了解市场情况。 Your market still has great potential. 你们的市场仍有很大潜力。 There are only a few unsold pieces. 只有几件商品未售出。 Words and Phrases salable 畅销的 popular 有销路的 find a market 销售 selling line 销路 trial sale, test sale, test market 试销 salable goods 畅销货 popular goods 快货 the best selling line (the best seller) 热门货 to find (have) a ready market 有销路,畅销 to have a strong footing in a market 很有销路 good market 畅销 poor(no) market 滞销 goods that sell well 畅销货 sell like wild fire 畅销,销得很快 报关员考试英语指导:代理Agency In consideration of your extensive experience in the field, we are glad to appoint you as our agent. 考虑到你们在这一业务范围的丰富经验,我们很高兴指定你们为我们的代理。 I'm entitled to being appointed as your agent. 我有权被指定为你方代理。 We keep a stock in London and act as distributors as well as agents. 我们在伦敦有库存并经营销售兼做代理。 We've decided to entrust you with the sole agency for cars. 我们决定委托你作为我们汽车的独家代理。 Thank you for your proposal of acting as our agent. 谢谢你方作为我们代理的建议。 If we come to terms, we'll appoint you as our agent. 如果达成协议,我们将指定你为我方的代理。 We wish to handle as an agent the goods you are exporting. 我们愿意担任你们出口商品的代理。 We can play an important part as a buying agent in your overseas trade. 我们能在担任你方海外贸易的进口代理中起重要作用。 We're in a position to take good care of your import business as a buying agent. 我们能负起作为你方进口业务中买放代理的责任。 Please get in touch with our agents for the supply of the goods you require. 你们所需的商品,请与我们的代理联系。 We'll leave aside the problem of agency until next week. 我们暂时把代理问题搁置到下周。 We're not prepared to take the agency into consideration for the time being. 目前我们还不准备考虑代理问题。 We won't consider agency in your market at present. 我们目前不考虑在你地市场的代理问题。 We have to decline your proposal of acting as our sole agency. 我们不得不谢绝你们作为我方独家代理的建议。 I think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency. 我认为现在讨论代理问题为时过早。 Unless you increase the turnover, we can hardly appoint you as our sole agent. 除非你们增加营业额,否则我们无法指定你们作为我方的独家代理。 Don't you think the annual turnover for a sole agent is rather conservative? 对独家代理来讲,这样一个年销售量,您不认为太保守吗, It was two years ago that we made them our sole agent. 我们是在两年前委任他们为我方独家代理的。 When opportunity matures, we will consider making you our exclusive agent for the U.K. 当机会成熟时,我们将考虑委托你为我方在联合王国的独家代理。 We'll consider appointing you as our sole agent for our T shirts for the next two years in your local market. 我们将考虑指定您为贵国市场上T恤衫的独家代理,为期两年。 I am here today to apply for the sole agency of your product in our local market. 我今天来是为了申请做你方产品在我国市场上的独家代理。 How can we appoint you as our sole agent for such a small quantity? 订货量如此之少,我们怎能请您做独家代理呢, I propose a sole agency agreement for bicycles for a period of 3 years. 我建议订一个专销自行车的为期三年的独家代理协议。 We are not yet prepared to take the question of sole agent into consideration for the time being. 我们目前还不准备考虑有关独家代理的问题。 Your application for sole agency is now under our careful consideration. 我们正在仔细考虑你方想要独家(经营)代理的请求。 We should be interested in acting as your sole agent. 我们很乐意做贵公司的独家代理人。 报关员考试英语指导:合同Contract We'll have the contract ready for signature. 我们应准备好合同待签字。 We signed a contract for medicines. 我们签订了一份药品合同。 Mr. Zhang sings the contract on behalf of the China National Silk Import & Export Corporation. 张先生代表中国丝绸进出口总公司在合同上签了字。 A Japanese company and SINOCHEM have entered into a new contract. 中国化工进出口总公司已经和日本一家公司签订了一份新合同。 It was because of you that we landed the contract. 因为有了你,我们才签了那份合同。 We offered a much lower price, so they got the contract. 由于我们报价低,他们和我们签了合同。 Are we anywhere near a contract yet? 我们可以(接近于)签合同了吗, We sign a contract when we are acting as principals.("principals" refers to the "seller" and the "buyer") 当我们作为货主时都要签订合同。(这里的“货主”指合同中的卖方和买方) I know we (the seller) should draw up a contract and the buyer has to sign it. 我们知道我们(卖方)应该拟出一份合同,买方必须签署合同。 We should simultaneously sign two contracts, one sales contract for beef and mutton, and the other contract of equal value for the purchase of cotton. 我们同时签两个合同,一是牛羊肉的销售(出口)合同,另一个是等额的棉花购买(进口) 合同。 We both want to sign a contract, and we have to make some concessions to do it. 我们都想签合同,因此双方都要做些让步。 We are here to discuss a new contract with you. 我们来这里和您谈谈订一份新合同的问题。 Our current contract is about to expire, and we'll need to discuss a new one. 欧文们现有合同快要期满了,需要再谈一个新合同。 We can repeat the contract on the same terms. 我们可以按同样条件再订一个合同。 A few problems with supply under the old contract must be quickly resolved. 老合同中的一些供货问题必须尽快解决。 We ought to clear up problems arising from the old contract. 我们应该清理一下老合同中出现的问题。 Do you always make out a contract for every deal? 每笔交易都需要订一份合同吗, As per the contract, the construction of factory is now under way. 根据合同规定,工厂的建设正在进行中。 Words and Phrases contract 合同,订立合同 contractor 订约人,承包人 contractual 合同的,契约的 to make a contract 签订合同 to place a contract 订合同 to enter into a contract 订合同 to sign a contract 签合同 to draw up a contract 拟订合同 to draft a contract 起草合同 to get a contract 得到合同 to land a contract 得到(拥有)合同 to countersign a contract 会签合同 to repeat a contract 重复合同 an executory contract 尚待执行的合同 a nice fat contract 一个很有利的合同 originals of the contract 合同正本 copies of the contract 合同副本 a written contract 书面合同 to make some concession 做某些让步 报关员考试英语指导:出口押汇 Negotiation 押汇 C: Excuse me, do you provide any trade service here? 你们有提供贸易押汇服务吗, T: Yes, we do. Can I help you, sir? 有的,先生。我能为你效劳吗, C: Yes, I would like to know how about the services you provide to customers in which credit facilities are not required? 我想知道你们提供给客户无须信贷安排的服务有那 些项目, T: Certainly, sir. The services will include export financing; outward bills collection transferable letters of credit, letters of credit advising and confirmation, inward bills collection, trade information and insurance. 那当然可以,先生。服务范围包括出口贷款,出口单托收,信用证转让,信用证通知及确认, 进口单托收,贸易资料及保险服务。 C: How can I benefit from your export services? 那么在出口押汇文件的处理上,我所享有的服务有怎样, T: Our staff works until 6:00pm each weekday night so that your export documents can be promptly processed. This will greatly help your cash flow. In addition, we can dispatch documents to your counterpart,s bank for earlier payment. In turn, will save your transit interest. 我们的职员每日能为您服务到下午6点,确保各出口押汇文件可及时办妥,使你的现金周转 更加灵活。同时,由于我们能助你将单据尽早递送到你的业务伙伴的银行及收取有关款项, 所以能使你缩减利息开支。 C: By the way, can I fax my instruction to your bank? 那么,我可以将押汇指示以传真方式通知贵行吗, T: Sure, this is what we always encourage our customers to do. Besides, as we have an advance-computerized system to process the documents efficiently and accurately, you can use our electronic facilities for trade transactions 当然可以, 我们一直鼓励客户这样做。此外,由于我们设有先进的电脑系统,能有效率及 准确地处理贸易文件,所以,你也可透过我们的电子银行服务进行各项押汇交易。 C: Can your bank provide training or seminars on trade documentation to our company? As we note that it is very difficult to train new staff. 贵行会向我们提供有关贸易单据处理的培训班和讲座吗,因为我们在训练新职员时常遇到 这方面的问题。 T: Yes, we do. This service will be subject to your request. 我们会的。这服务将根据你们的需要和要求而定。 C: Okay. I will think about it seriously and will probably contact you again later. Thanks a lot! 好的,我将详细考虑这项服务,我会再联络你,谢谢~ T: Not at all! 不用客气~ 报关员考试英语指导:付款术语 C.W.O (Cash With Order) 随订单付现 C.O.D (Cash On Delivery) 交货付现 C.A.D (Cash Against Documents ) 凭单付现 P.O.D (pay on delivery) 货到付款 M/T (Mail transfer) 信汇 D/D (Demand Draft) 票汇 T/T (Telegraphic Transfer) 电汇 D/P (Documents against Payment) 付款交单 D/A (Documents against Acceptance) 承兑交单 D/P (Documents against Payment at Sight) 即期付款交单 D/P (Documents against Payment after Sight) 远期付款交单 clean Bill for Collection 光票托收 Documentary Bill for Collection 跟单托收 报关员考试英语指导:付款函电范例 KK Kiddie Korner,Inc. September 4,2000 Mr. Zhou Shimao Export Manager Hengshan Electronics Company 1438 Qiushou Street Changsha,Hunan China Dear Mr. Zhou, We are glad to inform you that a new Import Licence has been granted and that we are able to increase the total amount of L/C NO. NBB993745 to USD 110,000,000.You will soon receive our L/C amendment advice through your advising bank. As we understand it is impossible to ship the goods before the originally agreed delivery date,we have extended the shipment and validity dates of the L/C to October 15 and 30 respectively.Please refer to the attached copy of our application for amendment to the said L/C. We wish to thank you again for your close cooperation,which has enabled us to obtain the new Import Licence in such a short time. Yours faithfully, Salim Abdulla Marketing Manager 4. 一、L/C Teaching aim: After learning, students are supposed to master the making methods and handling of export documents on L/C basis. Teaching emphasis: The examination and analysis of L/C; the making of invoice(发票)and packing list(装 箱单); the making of shipping note(托运单), B/L(提单), application for insurance(投 保单), insurance policy(保单), certificate of origin (原产地证)and customs declaration form(报关单);?? the making of shipping advice(装运通知);the making of certificate of vessel?s voyage (航程证明);the making of draft(汇票) Teaching difficult points: The handling procedure of export licence(出口许可),export consignment(出口托 运),export inspection application(出口报检), export declaration(出口报关), export verification(出口核销) Teaching hours: 30 class hours Teaching materials and methods: ppt, cases, document samples, multimedia, online answering Main teaching contents and design (一)Following practice:Exporting of women’s woven trousers of Guoguangzu Imp & Exp Corp. Ltd (国光之珠公司出口棉织女裤业务) 1. Brief introduction to the project After introducing background information and the process of the project, teachers can ask students to try analyzing it and bring forward the task?s aim together with the introduction of the requirements for examining L/C. 2. Analysis of the project 2.1 Analysis of the project’s information and introduction of the task’s aim 2.1.1 Teaching how to examine and analyze L/C (with the help of other L/C cases) (1) Export enterprise’s examination of L/C ? Examination in accordance with regulations of the sales contract ? Examination of? transport regulations ? Examination of? documents regulations ? Examination of? responsibility of payment of banks? expenses ? Examination of? L/C?s soft regulations ? Examination of? words remarked in L/C?s blanks and margins or words remarked by seals ? Examination of the correspondence between L/C?s clauses (2)Handling of problems in L/C If problems are found out after the exanimation, related persons should sort out them adhering to international practice as follows: For the problems made by the opening bank, it is the bank who is responsible for dealing with foreign party and justification. Before the result comes out, the exporter can?t handle the shipment in a hurry. If trade terms and requirements for documents are not correspondent with the 1. contract or the exporter fails to do it, it?s the exporter?s duty to negotiate with the importer. 2. The contents which need to be amended should be pointed out as a whole. Repeat amendment should be avoided. 3. The contents of the same amendment should be accepted as a whole. The partial acceptance is not allowed and it is void(无效的). 4. The request of amending L/C should be made by the beneficiary (受益人)to the applicant(申请人). Agreed, the applicant will notify the opening bank(开 证行). Only after receiving the modification notification forwarded by the notifying bank(通知行), the beneficiary can amend the L/C effectively. 2.1.2 Diving students into groups of 3 to4 persons to discuss and analyze L/C under the following project and share ideas with other groups. 2.1.3 Teachers assess the results of every group 2.2 Setting the route of completing the task According to the analysis of L/C in the last class, combining with the project, students are supposed to try setting the route of completing the task and introduce the knowledge of export documentation procedure. 2.2.1 Teaching the knowledge of export documentation procedure (with the help of other L/C cases) 5. Sending and receiving orders and goods preparation(收发订单与备货)? 6. Export consignment (出口托运) 7. Commodity inspection application and application for insurance(商检报验与 投保) 8. Export clearance formalities (出口通关手续) 9. Documents signing and authentication (签证与认证) 10. Comprehensive documentation and examination(综合制单、审单) 11. Presentation of documents and foreign exchange settlement(交单结汇) 12. Handling of export verification and drawback(办理出口退税核销) 13. Documents filling management (单证归档管理) 2.2.2 Diving students into groups of 3 to4 persons to discuss and analyze L/C under the following project and share ideas with other groups. 2.2.3 Teachers assess the results of every group The route of completing the project is as follows: Handling? export quota and export licence(办理出口配额与许可证)——making out commercial invoice(制作商业发票)——making out packing list(制作装箱 单)——handling application for export inspection and filling in export application for inspection( 办理出口报检手续, 填制出境货物报检单)——handling certificate of origin(办理产地证)——handling export consignment formality and filling in shipping note(办理出口托运手续,填制托运单)——handling insurance and filling in application for insurance and insurance policy(办理投保手续, 填制投保单、保险 单)——handling export verification of export payment of foreign exchange and filling in export verifying instrument(办理出口收汇核销手续, 填制出口核销单) ——handling export declaration formality and filling in export declaration form(办理 出口货物报关手续, 填制出口货物报关单)—— obtaining and making out B/L (换 取提单, 填制提单)——making out shipping advice(制作装运通知)—— making out other certificates such as certificate of classification and certificate of vessel?s voyage (制作其他证明如船级、航程证明)——making out draft(填制汇票) Every class is designed with the task, which is arranged in the above order. 3. Handling of export quota(出口配额) and Export Licence (Task 1) 3.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of import-export quota and licence (1)Quota management of exports(货物出口配额管理) ? Definition and kinds ? certificate of quota ? the catalogue of commodities under the quota? management 14. Goods under export quota licence management:玉米、大米、小麦、棉花、 锯材、活牛(对港澳)、活猪(对港澳)、活鸡(对港澳)、蚕丝类、 煤炭、焦炭、原油、成品油、稀土、锑砂、锑(包括锑合金)及锑制品、 氧化锑、钨砂、仲钨酸铵及偏钨酸铵、三氧化钨及蓝色氧化钨、钨酸及 其盐类、钨粉及其制品、锌矿砂、锡矿砂、锡及锡基合金、白银。 15. Goods under export quota bid management:蔺草及蔺草制品、碳化硅、氟 石块(粉)、滑石块(粉)、轻(重)烧镁、矾土、甘草及甘草制品。 实行出口配额有偿使用的:矾土、人造刚玉、甘草及甘草制品。 (2)Export licence management of goods ?the catalogue of commodities under the export licence management ?the application and issue of export licence ?the validity of export licence (3)Links between quota and licence management (4)Handling procedure of export licence (5)Contents and the making regulations of the application form 3.2 Following practice: After teaching, students are supposed to learn to fill in the application form of export licence. 3.3 Exanimation and assessment: Teachers examine the conditions of following practice and make assessment. Making out Commercial Invoice(Task 2) 4( 4.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of commercial invoice The major invoices adopted in import-export trade are as follows:: 16. COMMERCIAL INVOICE (商业发票) 17. CUSTOMS INVOICE(海关发票) 18. PROFORMA INVOICE(形式发票) 19. CONSULAR INVOICE(领事发票) 20. MANUFACTURER?S INVOICE(厂商发票) (1)Definition of commercial invoice (2)Functions of commercial invoice Check if the seller?s performance of the contract complies with its regulations The evidence of the payments and keeping accounts The proof of payment instead of the draft in the deal when the draft is not used 21. Facilitating the importer to check and accept goods and make the payment 22. Importer and exporter?s evidence of keeping accounts and verifying 23. The basis on which applying for the customs entry and paying duties in exporting place and the importing 24. One of documents offered to handle insurance with the insurance company( calculating the premium) and to handle foreign exchange settlement with the bank (3)Contents and making of commercial invoice The description of goods must comply with the L/C?s regulations. If necessary, it must be made with original words of L/C. The contents can?t be deleted. Otherwise, the bank may think they aren?t correspondent. 25. If the description of goods is simple in the L/C, the dealer can list the detailed contents in accordance with the contract after printing the L/C. 26. If there are mistakes concerning this part in the L/C, the dealer can let them alone or use brackets to state the correct description. 27. If the description of goods is shown in the third foreign language( not English), the invoice should be made in the same language. (4)Some countries’ special regulations of invoice (5)Analysis of L/C’s clauses concerning commercial invoice 4.2 Following practice: After learning, students are supposed to make out the commercial invoice under the project. 4.3 Examination and assessment: Teachers examine the conditions of following practice and make assessment. 5(Making out Packing List(Task 3) 5.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of packing documents (1)Definition and functions (2)Common packing documents 28. PACKING LIST(装箱单/包装单) 29. SPECIFICATION? LIST(规格单) 30. WEIGHT LIST/WEIGHT MEMO(重量单/磅码单) 31. MEASUREMENT LIST(尺码单) 32. NEUTRAL PACKING LIST(中性包装单) 33. PACKING DECLARATION(包装声明) 34. PACKING SPECIFICATION(包装说明) 35. PACKING SUMMARY(包装提要) 36. WEIGHT CERTIFICATE(重量证书) 37. ASSORTMENT LIST(花色搭配单) (3) The making (samples demonstration) (4) Some points of making out packing lists 38. Names should correspond with stipulations of the L/C. 39. The gross weight, net weight and total gross and net weight should be listed and the numbers should correspond with other documents. 40. Generally the unit price and the total amount are not stated and the number and issuing date should correspond with the invoice?s. (5)Analysis of L/C’s clauses concerning packing documents 5.2 Following practice: After learning, students are supposed to make out the packing list under the project. 5.3 4.3 Examination and assessment: Teachers examine the conditions of following practice and make assessment. 6. Handling Export Inspection Application(make out Export Application for Inspection,Task 4) 6.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of inspection application procedure and documents (1)Kinds and functions of entry-exit inspection and quarantine documents 41. Entry application from for inspection(入境货物报检单) 42. Entry customs clearance bill (入境货物通关单) 43. Entry notification of inspection and quarantine(入境货物检验检疫情况通知 单) 44. Export application form for inspection(出境货物报检单) 45. Export customs clearance bill (出境货物通关单) 46. Export receipt of exchange (出境货物换证凭单) 47. Certificate of inspection(检验证书) 48. Certificate of sanitary (卫生证书) 49. Inspection certificate of veterinary( 兽医卫生证书) 50. Inspection certificate of animals and plants(动、植物检疫证书) 51. Inspection certificate of means of transport(运输工具检疫证书) 52. Application procedure and regulations of entry-exit inspection and quarantine 53. Qualification of applicant 54. Range and the procedure 55. Period and locations 56. Documents attached 57. Regulations of filling in export application form for inspection 58. Regulations of filling 59. The export inspection application should be made by the inspection declarant who should fill in? export inspection application form in accordance with the contract and related documents within 7 days before the customs declaration or shipment 60. An inspection application form is made out for one batch of exports ( one classification or one B/L). The form should be filled out completely and the “/” is used for the blank content. Any alteration is forbidden. 61. Regulations of filling in entry application form for inspection ?(5) Analysis of L/C’s clauses concerning the inspection certificate 6.2 Following practice: After learning, students are supposed to make out the export application form for inspection under the project 6.3 Examination and assessment: Teachers examine the conditions of following practice and make assessment. 7. Handling Certificate of Origin(Task 5) 7.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of certificate of origin (1)Functions of certificate of origin (2)Kinds of certificate of origin 62. Certificate of origin(一般原产地证书) 63. Generalized System of Preference Certificate of Origin (普惠制产地证书) 64. Certificate of manufacturer?s origin(厂商产地证书) (3)Certificate of Origin (一般原产地证) 65. The handling procedure 66. Contents and the making method (4)Generalized System of Preference Certificate of Origin (普惠制产地证书) 67. The handling procedure 68. Contents and the making method (5)Certificate of origin issued by the manufacturer or the exporter (6)Analysis of L/C’s clauses concerning the certificate of origin 7.2 Following practice: After learning, students are supposed to make out Certificate of Origin and the Generalized System of Preference Certificate of Origin under the project 7.3 Examination and assessment: Teachers examine the conditions of following practice and make assessment. 8(Handling export consignment(filling in shipping Note Task 6) 8.1 Knowledge preparation: The knowledge of export consignment procedure and documents (1)Export shipping note (2)The operation procedure of export shipping note 5. 常见商务英文缩略语 A AAS Automatic Approvel system 自动许可制 AAC Afro-Asian Conference 亚非会议 AAR Against All Risks 保增综合险 abd. About 在船上 abs(s) acceptance,accepted 摘要 abt. acre 关于,大约 acc,acpt. accounts paya 承兑 ac. acre 英亩 a/c,acct account current 银行往来存款 a/cs pay account payable 应付帐款 a/cs rec. account receivable 应收帐款 A/D After Date 出票后 ADMS Advanced Data Management System 高级数据 管理系统 Admr administrator 财产管理人 AFEB Authorized Foreign Exchange 核准的外汇银行 AF Air Freight 预付运费 AFB Air Freight Bill 空运提单 Adv Advice 通知 Agt AN Arrival Notice 到货agent 代理人 AI Approval of Import 进口许可 Amt amount 金额 Ann annalsf 年表 通知 a/o account of 记入某人帐内 .a/p account paid 帐项付清 a.p. additional premium 附加保险费 A/P Advise to Pay 通知付款 A/P Authority to Purchase 委托购买证 AP Account Payable 应付帐款 A/R Advice of Receipt 收到通知 AR All Risks 一切险,综合险 A/S Account Sales 销货清单 A/S After Sight 见票后 A/S At Sight 见票即付 ass assessed 估计 assimt. Assignment 分配,转让 asst. assistant 助理 ATL Actual Total Loss 实际全损 att. attached 附加 auct auction 拍卖 av. average 海损,平均数 A/V According to Value 按值 A/w Actual Weight 实际重量 AWB Air Way Bill 空运提单 B B/A Bank Acceptance 银行承兑票据 bal. Balance 余数,平均 b/d balance brought down 余额转下 b/f balance brought forward 余额承前 banky bankruptcy 破产,倒闭 bar barrel 桶 bargn bargain 买卖契约 BB Bank Book 银行存折 BB Branch Bill 分行票据 BB Buy Back 回购 BB Back to Back Account 对开帐户 B/B Bill Book 出纳薄 BC Beneficial Cost 受 B/D Bank 益成本 BC Bulk Cargo 散装货 B/C Bill for Collection 代收票据 BD Bill Discunted 贴现期票 Draft 银行汇票 b/d brought down 转下页 bdl bundle 捆,包,束 B/E Bill of Entry 报关单 B/E Bill of Exchange 汇票 B/G Bonded Goods 保税货物 Bkpg book keeping 记帐薄 Bkt basket 篮,筐 B/L Bill of Lading 提货单 bl. Bale 包 B/N Bank Note 钞票,纸币 b/o brought over 过入 B/O By Order 奉….之命 BO Buter?s Option 买主选择 BO Bad Order 无法满足的货单 BO Blanket Order 总括定货单 BOC Bank of Chia 中国银行 bot bottle 瓶,坛 BOT Board of Trade 商务局 BP Base Pay 基薪 BP,B/P Bills Payable 付款单据 BP Bills Purchased 国际收支 BPB Bank Post Bill 银行汇票 BPC Book Prices Current 现行帐面价格 BR Basic Requirements 基本要求 BR Bank Rate 银行贴现利率 Br brand 商标,牌子 B/R Bills Receivable 应收票据 Brkge brokerage 佣金,经手费 B/S Balance Sheet 资产负债表 B/S Bill of Sale 出货单 B/st bill at sight 见票即付 BTT Bank Telegraphic Transfer 银行电汇 Bud budget 预算 BV Bookl Value 帐面价值 bx.,bxs boxes 箱 C c.ca.c/s case(s) 箱 c cargo 货物 CA Chartered Accountant 会计师 CA Cash Advice 预付现款 CA Chief Accountant 会计主任 CA Commercial Agent 贸易事物官 CA Capital Account 资产表 c.a. capital assets 固定资产 c.a. current assets 流动资产 c.a. current advice 货项通知单 C/A Capital Account 资本帐 C/A Credit Account 赊购帐 C/A Current Account 现金帐 CAD Cash Against Documents 凭单兑现 CFR Cost and Freight 成本与运费价 Can. Cancel 取消 Carr.pad carriage paid 运费以付 Cat catalogue 目录 CB Cash Book 现金帐薄 C/b clean bill 光票 CB Commercial Bank 商业银行 CBD Cash Before Delivery 交货前付款 CBS Cash Before Shipment 装船前付款 CBT aCommercial Benefit Tax 商业利润税 CC,C/C Chamber of Commercial 商会 c.c. currency clause 货币条款 c.c. current cost 市价 C/D Carried Down 结转 CD Certificate of Deposit 存款证 c.d. cash discount 付现折扣 C&D Collection&Delivery 收款发货 CDR Cargo Delivery Teceipt 交货收据 Cel. Cancel 取消 Cert. Certificate 执照,凭单 C/F Carried Forward 归入 CFR Cost and Freight 成本加运费 CFS Container Freight Station 集装箱货运站 c.g.t. captital gains tax 资本利润税 CH Cargo Hold 货舱 CH Customs House 海关 C/I Certificate 保险单 CIA Cash in Advance 预付现金 CIF Cost,Insurance,Freight 到岸价 CIF&C Cost,Insurance,Frerght And Commission 到岸加佣金价 CIF&I Cost,Insurance,Frerght and Interest 到岸加利息价 CIF&E Cost,Insurance,Frerght and Exchange 到岸加汇费价 CIP Carriage and Insurance Paid To 运费,保险付至 CK,cheq Check 支票 CLP Container Load Plan 装箱单 C/N Contract Note 合同书 C/N Consignment Note 发货通知书 CN Credit Note 贷项清单 c.o. certificate of origin 原产地证明书 C/o Cash Order 现金汇票 CO. Company 公司 COD Cash on Delivery 现金提货 COFC Container onFlat Car 平板车装运集装箱 Col. Column 项目,专栏 Coll. Collection 收款,托收 Collr collector 收帐人 Comp. composition 债款折偿 Co-op cooperation 合作经营 Corp corporation 公司(股份) Conf confirmation 确认 COS Cash on Shipment 装船付现 C/P Charter Party 租船合同 Cp. Commercial paper 商业票据 CPT Carriage Paid To 商业票据 CPT Carriage Paid To 运费付至 D D(dft.) Draft 汇票 D/a days after acceptance 承兑后…..天付款 D/a discharge afloat 船上卸货 D/A Documents Against Acceptance 承兑交单 D/A Deposit Account 存款薄 DA Debit Advice 借项通知单 DAF Delivered At Forntier 边境交货价 Dbk drawback 取回,退税 Dbt debit 借方 D/C,diss. Discount 折扣 D/C Deviation 绕航条款 DD Direct Debit 直接借方 DD Double Draft 联单 DD Differential Duties 差别关税 D/D Document Draft 跟单汇票 D/D Demand Draft 即期汇票 DDP Delivered Duty Paid 完税交货 DDU Delivered 未完税交货 dd.(deld.) delicered 以交付 dem. Demurrage 滞期费 dep. Deposit 存款 dept. department 行政科室 DEQ Delivered At Quay 码头交货 DES Delivered Ec Ship 船上交货 Dev. Development 开发 Dish?d dishonored 拒付 div.(dv.) dividend 红利 DLE development Loan Fund 开发贷款基金 D/M Dispatch Money 速谴费 D/N Debit Note 借记通知 Doc. Documents 文件 D/P documents against Payment 付款交单 D/P Deferred payment 迟付货款 DPV Duty-paid Value 完税价格 Drm(s) drum(s) 桶 Dr. drawer 出票人 DT(d.t.) delivery time 交货时间 Dup.(dupl.). duplicate 副本 DW dead weight 载重量 D/W Dock Warrant 码头栈单 DWT Dead weight tonnage 载重货物 Dy delivery 交货,交付 E E export 出口 E exchange 汇票 E&OE Errors and omission excepted 差误遗漏除外 EB Export Bounties 出口津贴 EC error corrections 错误更正 ecom economy 经济 E/D Ecport Declaration 出口申报单 E/L Export License 出口许可证 Encl.(enc.) enclosed 函内附件 Emb embargo 禁运 END endorsement 背书,保证 EO Examining Officer 检察员 EOM end of Month 月底 EOS end of season 季末 EOY end of year 年底 EPL excess profit levy 超额利润税 Eq. Equivalent 同值 ETA estimate profit levy 预计到达时间 ETD estimate time of departure 预计离港时间 ETE estimate time on Route 预计开航时间 Etc et cetera 等等 Est estimate 估计 Eur Europe 欧洲 Exch exchange 外汇 Exc except 除外 EXP exit permit 出口许可证 Exp expire 期满 Exp ecport 出口 Exs expenses 花费,费用 Ext. extract 摘要 EXW Ex works 工厂交货 F FA freight agent 货运代理 FA free alongside ship 船边交货价 FAA free alongside ship 不负赔偿责任 FAQ free from all average 大陆货,中等品 FAS free alongside ship 船边交货价 FB freight bill 运费单 FBE foreign bill of exchange 国外汇票 FBH free on Board in Harbor 发货地价格 FBM feet board measure 英尺 Fc. franc 法郎 FCA free Carrier 货交承运人 FCL cargo Full Container Load Cargo 整箱货 FD(f/d) free docks 船坞交货 F&D freight and demurrage 运费及延装费 FFA foreign freight agency 国外货运代理人 Ffa free from alongside 船边交货 FGA free from General Average 共同海损不赔 Fifo first in first out 先如先出法 FIO free in and out 船方不负责装卸费 F/L freight list 运价表 FO(fo.) firm offer 实盘 FO for order 准备出售 FO free over-side 船边交货 F/O forward Orders 订货 F/O In favor of 付给 FOB Free on board 离岸价 FOB plane free on board plane 飞机上交货价 FOB Quay free on board Quay 码头上交货价 FOB Train free on foard train 火车上交货价 FOB&C free on board and commission 包括佣金的离岸价 Foc free of charge 免费 FOR free on rail 火车上交货价 FOS free on Steamer 船上交货价 FOI free of interest 免息 FOT free on rail 卡车上交货价 F/P fire policy 火灾保险单 FP fixed price 固定价格 FP floation Policy 预约保险 FP floor price 最底价 FP(fp.) full paid 讨乞 FPA free ffrom particular average 平安险 Fin.sec. financial secretary 会计员 Fin.stat financial statement 会计薄 Fin.stndg. financial standing 资产表,信用状况 Fin.yr financial year 会计年度 Fit. Free of income tax 免交所得税 Fiw free in wagon 货车交货价 FLN following landing number 下次港口起货号 Free case no charge for case 箱子免费 Frt.ppt. freight prepaid 运费预付 Fit&grat freight and gratuity 运费与小帐 Fr.pt freezing point 冰点 Ft. full terms 全额付款条件 Ft. feet 英尺 FTC Fair trade commission 公正交易委员会 FTW free trade wharf 码头交货价 FX Foreign exchange 外汇 FWD fresh water damage 淡水损失 Fy.pd. fully paid 付讫 G GA General Agent 总代理 GA General Average 共同海损 Gal(s) gallon(s) 加仑 GAO general Accountion office 总审计局 GAP Gross Agricultural Product 农业总产值 Gas gasoline 汽油 Gaz gazette 公报 GBO goods in bad order 货物损坏 GC general cargo 杂货,一般货 GC general catalogue 总目录 GDP gross domestic product 国内生产总值 GDS gross domestic storage 国内总储备 GIC guaranteed investment certificate 保证投资书 GIP general insurance policy 总括保险单 GL general list 总目录 Gm general manager 总经理 GM general mortagage 总括抵押 Gm gram 克 GMQ good merchantable 上好可销品质 GNP gross national product 国民生产总值 GRT gross registered tonnage 注册吨位 GMT Greenwich mean time 世界标准时间 G/N guarantee of notes 承诺保险 GND gross national demand 国民总需要 GNE gross national ecpenditure 国民总支出 GNI gross national income 国民总收入 GNS gross national supply 国民总供给 GNW gross national welfare 国民总福利 Govt government 政府 GP grace period 宽限期 GP guiding principle 指导原则 GPO general post office 邮政总局 GR general rules 总则 GRWT(GW) gross weight 毛重,总重 GRL gross requirements list 总需要清单 GSP grneralized system of pregerences 普惠制 GSP gross social product 社会生产总值 GT gross tonnage 总吨数 GTC good till cancelled 撤消前有效 GTM good this month 本月有效 GTW good this week 本周有效 GTT give and take trade 互让贸易 H HAC hague arbitration convention 海牙仲裁公约 HDBK handbook 手册 H.E. his excellency 阁下 HE high efficiency 高效率 Hf half 半 Hg. Hectogram 百克 Hhd. Hogshead 大桶 HHI household industry 家庭工业 Hk. Hank 一卷,一束 Hl. Hectoliter 百升 Hm hectometer 百米 H.M. his majesty 阁下 HM hot money 国际游资 HO head office 总行,总公司 Hon?d honored 承兑 HP half pay 半薪 HP horse power 马力 HP.-hr horsepower-hour 马力/小时 Hr(s) hour(s) 小时 Hr harbor 港口 HKD hongkong dollar 香港元 HS high speed 高速 Ht. Herght 高度 Hund. Hundred 一百 HWY high way 高速公路 I IAW in accordance with 根据,依据 IB invoice book 发票薄 IBD inward book 进口签证科 IBI invice book inward 进货薄 IBOP international balance of payments 国际收支 I/C inward collection 代收款项 ICU international code used 国际电信密码薄 ID inside diameter 内直径 I/D import declaration 进口申报表 IDA import duties act 进口税法 IDC ill developing countries 不发达国家 IDC industrial decelopment center 工业发展中心 IE industrial engineering 工业工程 IE intelligence estimate 情报判断 IF in full 全文 I/L import license 进口许可证 Imp. Import 进口 In. inch(es) 英寸 Inc. incorporated 股份有限公司 Inc(s) in-closure(s) 附件 Incl inclusive,in-closure 附件 IND indicator 指示器 Indef indefinite 不一定 INF information 通知 Ins inspector 检查员 Insce insurance 保险 Insol insolvency 无力偿付债务 Inst instant 本月 Inst installment 分期付款 Int interest 利息 Inv invoice 发票 Inv inventory 财产目录 INT international 国际的 Inv.doc invoice with documents 附提单发票 IOU I owe you 欠条,借据 I/P insurance policy 保险单 IQS Import quota system 进口配额制 IQC international quality center 国际质量中心 IOP irrespective of percentage 全部赔偿 I/R inward remittance 汇入款项 IR inland revenue 国内税收 IRR internal tate of return 内部收益率 Iss issue 发行 ITC international trade charter 国际贸易宪章 J J journal 分类帐,日记薄 JA joint account 共同帐户 JDB journal day-book 每日分类帐 J/F journal folio 分类帐页数 Jour journal 日记帐 Jr. junior 小 Jt. Joint 参加,合伙 JV joint venture 合资企业 JVC joint venture corporation 合资公司 JWOD jettison/washing overboard 弃货和落水货物 K K kilogram 公斤,千克 K karat 克拉 K kilo 千 Kg.kilo. kilpgram 公斤,千克 Kilom.Km kilometer 公里 KD knocked-down 降低价格 KID key industry duty 基础工业保护关税 Kl kiloliter 公升 KW kilowatt 千瓦 KP key point 要点 KT kiloton 千吨 KYD kilo-yard 千码 L L letter 信 L ledger 分类账 L/A landing agent 卸货代理行 L/A landing account 起货单 L/A letter of authority 授权书 LA loan agreement 贷款协定 LA local authority 地方当局 LASH lighter aboard ship 载驳船 Lab. Laboratory 实验室 L&D loss and damage 损失与损坏 Lat. Latitude 纬度 Lb.lbs pound 磅 LC leased channel 租用线路 LCC local currency cost 地方货币费用 LCF local cost fund 地方费用基金 LCL less than carload lot 零担货 L&D loans and discounts 放款及贴现 LE liberalization of exchange 汇总自由化 L&G loss and gain 损益 LG letter of guarantee 保证书 Lg. Length 长度 L/H letter of hypothecation 抵押证书 L/I letter of indemnity 赔偿保证书 LIP life insurance policy 人寿险 LLA lend-lease act 租借法 Lkg. Leakage 漏损 LM local manufacture 地立制造 LNWT legal net weight 法定净重 LOA letter of agreement 协定书 LOA letter of offer and acceptance 交货验收单 LOI letter of instructions 指令书 Long longitude 经度 LR long-range 远距离 LRP long-range plans 长期 LT letter telegram 书信电报 Ltd.Ld. limited 有限(公司) Lt. Long ton 长吨 L/T letter of trust 信托书 LWL load waterline 载重线 LWM low water mark 底水线 L/W last week 上同 LW long wave 长波 M m.m meter 米 m. mile 英里 m.Acct my account 本公司账户 m/a/c money on account 账上货币 marg. Margin 保证金 max. maximum 最高限度 mar. maritime 海事 manuf. Manufacture 制造 MB Memorandum Book 备忘录 MBO Management by Objectives 目标管理 M/C Marginal Credit 信用放款限制 MCA Mutual Currency Account 共同通货账户 MCI Marking Cost Index 销售价格指数 MCE Minimum Cost Estimating 估计最低成本 M/D Memorandum of Deposit 存款单 Mdse. Merchandise 货物,商品 MEA Manufacturer?s Export Agent 厂家外销代理 M/d. months after date 出票日后…个月 Meno. Memorandum 备忘录 Mfd. Manufactured 已加工的 MFN Most Favored Nation 最惠国 Mfr. Manufacturer 厂商 Mgr. Manager 经理 Mg. Milligram 毫克 Mgt. Management 管理 MIP Marine Insurance Policy 海上保险单 MLL Million 百万 Min. minimum 最低限度 MIP Monthly Investment Plan 月投资计划 MIS Management Information System 经营情报系统 Misc. miscellaneous 混杂的 Mk. Mark 商标 ml. Milliliter 毫升 MLR Minimum Lending Rate 最低放款利率 M/LC More or Less Clause 溢短装条款 MM Merchant Marine 商船 mm. Millimeter 毫米 M/M Made Merchantable 有销路的(商品) MO Mail Order 邮购 M/O Money Order 汇款单 MP Market Price 市场价格 MPIP Market Price and Income Policy 物价和收入政策 MR Money Remittance 汇款 Ms. Manuscript 稿本 M/S Months After Sight 开票日后…月 Mtg. Mortgage 抵押 MT Mail Transfer 信汇 M/T Metric Ton 公吨 MTP Management Training Program 管理训练计划 MTP Medium Term Plan 中期计划 MTP Minimum Travel Price 最低旅坏价格 MU Monetary Unit 货币单位 MY Marketing Year 销售年度 N N North 北 N/a non-acceptance 拒绝承兑 N/a no account 无往来帐户 N/a no advice 无通知 N/A New Account 新帐户 Nav navigation 航行,航海 NB Nothing Between 无交易 N/C New Charter 新租船契约 N/C No Charge 免费 NC Net Capital 净资本 NC No Change 无变化 NC No Correction 无更正 NCC Non-Convertible currencies 非兑换货币 NCD Negotiable Certificate lf Deposit 无名可转让存折 NCV No Commercial Value 无商业价值 ND National Debt 国债 ND No Dated 未注明日期 Nd. No delivery 未交货 N/e no effects 无存款 Ne not enough 数量不足 Net.p net proceeds 纯利 NEW Net Economic Welfare 经济福利净额 n.f.n/f no funds 无款,无本钱 NFT No Fixed Time 无固定时间 NG Net Gain 纯收益 NI National Income 国名收入 NI National Insurance 国名保险 NIS Not in Stock 无库存 NL Net Loss 净损失 NLT Net Long Ton 净长吨 NLT Not Later Than 不迟于 NM No More 没有了 N/M No Mark 无商标 No. Number 号码 N/O No Order 无指示 NNP Net National expenditure 国名纯支出 N/P no payment 拒绝付款 NP national price 国内价格 NP notary public 公 证人 NP net proceeds 纯收入 NPV net present value 净现值 NR no risk 无危险 N/R notice of readiness 备装停止 N/R clause notice responsible clause 免责条款 N/R no responsibility 无责任 No red no reduction 无折扣 N/S none in stock 无库存 N/s not sufficient 数目不足 NSF no sufficient funds 存款不足 NT new terms 新条款 NTB non-tariff barrier 非关税壁垒 NWT net weight 净重 NU name unknown 船名不详 NVO non-vessel owner 非船主 NW northwest 西北 NY new york 纽约 NZ new Zealand 新系兰 O O order 订单 O/a on account of 记入某帐 O/a overall 全部 OA Outstanding Account 未尝还帐款 O/A open account 往来帐户 O/B opening Bank 开证银行 O/B order book 订单记录本 O B/L order bill of lading 海运提单 O/C open charter 预约租船合同 O/C outward collection 输出代收款 O/c overcharge 乱讨价 OCC oil consuming countries 石油消费国 OCC operation control center 作业控制中心 OCP overland common point 共同卸货点 O/d on demand 见票即付 O/D o/d overdraft 透支 OEL open end license 开放式进口许可证 OFF office of facts and figures 统计局 OK all right 全部同意 OG ordinary goods 普通货物 OGL open General License 公开通用许可证 OM orderl marketing 有序市场销售 OM other measueres 其他措施 O&M operation and mainterance 操作与维修 On Cons on consignment 寄售 O.No. order number 订单号码 Op out of print,out of press 绝版 OP open policy 订单保险单 OPA overall payments agreement 总括支付协定 O pd over paid 超额支付协定 O/R outward remittance 汇出汇款 OR owner?s risk 货主担风险 ORD owner?s risk damage 损失风险货主担 ORB owner?s risk breakage 破坏风险货主担 ORC owner?s risk chafing 磨损风险货主担 Ord no. order number 订单号码 Orig original 正本 O/S on sale 出售 O/S out of stock 缺货,脱销 OSS overseas supply store 对外国人的商店 OT over time 超时 OT on truck 卡车交货价 O/T old term 老价格 Ovld over toverload 过载 OZ ounce 蛊司 P P pence 便士 PA payment agreement 支付协议 Pa per annum 每年 P/A particular average 单独海损 P/A procurement authorization 采购授权书 P/A power of attorney 代理权 P/A personal account 私人帐 P/A private account 个人负担 Pa.da pay day 发薪日 P&L profit and loss 盈亏 Pat patent 专利 Pat pattern 样本 PB private brand 私人商标 Pc(s). piece(s) 每件,个 PC(B) petty cash(book) 零用帐本 Pc per cent 百分比 Pc price current 时价 PC payment committee 支付委员会 PC Program Control 程序控制 Pcl. Parcel 包裹 Pc post card 明信片 Pd paid 付讫 Pd port dues 港务费 Pd property damage 财产损失 PD pregerential duties 特惠关税 PDD past due date 过期 Per an per annum 每年 PF private Flow 私人投资来源 PFU prepared for use 备用 ph. per hour 每小时 PLR Prime Lending Rate 优惠放款利率 Pke. package 包装 PL Partial Loss 分损(保险) PM Premium 保险费 PM Post Meridiem (afternoon) 下午 PMO Post Money Order 邮政汇票 PMT Payment 支付 PN Promissory Note 期票 PO Post Order 邮政汇票 P/O Payment Order 付款通知 POB Post Office Box 邮政信箱 POC Port of Call 停泊港 POD Pay on Delivery 现金交货 POE Port of Debarkation 装载港 POO Post Office Order 邮政汇票 POR Payable on Receipt 货到付款 pp. parcel post 邮局小包 PP Please Pay 请付款 PP Particular Port 特定港 PP Personal Property 私人财产 PP Postal Price 标价 PP Post Paid 邮资已付 PP Purchasing Power 购买力 ppd. Prepaid 预付 pref. Preferred 优先 pres. President 董事长,总统 P/R Parcel Peceipt 寄货单 prin. Principal 资本,资金 PS Postscript 附言 P/S Public Sale 拍卖 PTO Please Turn Over 转下页 PE Please Exchange 请兑换 pu. paid-up 已付款 PUR Purchasing Receipt 购买证 PQS Percentage Quota System 百分比定额制 Q Q Quantity 数量 Q Quarantine 检疫 QA Quality Assurance 质量保证 QC Quality Certificate 质量检查证 QC Quality Control 质量管理 Q/D Quick Dispatch 快件,快速装卸 qlty. quality 质量 qto. quarto 夸脱(容量单位) quotn. quotation 价目表 quanrt. quarterly 每季的 qy. quay 码头 qy. Query 查核 R R Response 回答 R Registered 已注册 r rate 比实例 r rent 租金 R/A Refer to Acceptor 与持票人接洽 RC release clause 豁免条款 RC revolving credit 周转信用金 R/D Refer to Drawer 与出票人接洽 RD Registered 已注册 reb . rebate 回扣 red .rd . received 已收到 ref . reference 照会 , 查询 RE With Reference to 关于 Recr . receiver 收款人 Redn . reduction 减价 RFWD Rain and Fresh Water Damage 下雨或淡水受损 RI Re-insurance 再保险 Rem. ream 令(量纸单位) RM remitt remittance 汇款 Rept . receipt 收到 Res . reserve 准备金. Req. required 要求,需要 RO Remittance Order 汇款委托书 ROG Receipt of Goods 货已收到 ROP Record of Production 生产记录 R/P Return of post 请即回信 RP Real Property 不动产 RP Reference Price 参考价 RP Retail Price 零售价 RP Reply Paid 回电已付 Rpt . report 报告 R&R Rules and Regulation 规章制度 RQ Reserved Quota 保留份额 RV Revised Version 修订本 RY Railway 火车 RYT Reply to Your Telegram 回复贵电 S S Sale 出售 S South 南 S Stock 股票 SA Subject to Approval 以同意为准 SA System Analysis 系统分析 S/A Special Authority 特准,资格证书 SB Savings Bank 储备银行 SB Sales Book 储备薄 SB Supplementary Benefit 补助金 SC Salvage Charges 救助费用援救费 SC Service Charge 劳务费 SEC Secretary 秘书 SD Sea Damage 海损 SD Sight Draft 即期汇票 S/D Security Deposit 保证金 Sd. Short delivery 交货不足 SDR Saving Deposit Rate 储备存款利率 SDR Special Drawing Right 特别提款权 Sdy. Sundry 杂物 SF Semi-finished 半成品 SF Special Fund 特别基金 Sgd. Signed 已签署 SGN Signature 签名 Shpt. Shipment 运输,货载 SL Specific License 特别许可证 SLF Saving and Loan Foundation 存放款基金会 SMP Semi-Manufactured Products 半制成品 S/N Shipping Note 装船通知 SO S/O Seller?s Option 卖主选择 SO Shipping Order 装货通知单 soc. Society 合伙,协会 SOS Save Our Ship (Souls ) 求救信号 SP Sales Promotion 推销 SP Special Purpose 特种用途 SP Stop Payment 停止支付 S/P Spare Parts 零备件 Sq. square 平方 . Sq.in. square inch 平方英寸 SR Shipping Receipt 装运单 SR Special Reserve 特别储备 SRCC Strikes,Riots and 罢工,暴动 Civil Commotion 与内乱 SRD Statuory Reserve of Deposits 法定存款准备率 ss. steamship 轮船 SS Social Security 社会保险 St. street 街道 St.(stand.) Standard 标准 St. steamer 大轮船 Stbt stemboat 小轮船 ST Short Ton 短吨 St.Dft Sight Draft 见票即付 STA Short Term Arrangements 短期安排 Stk. Stock 库存,股票 Stp. com. Stipulated Commission 规定佣金 SUB Supplement Unemployment Benefits 附加失业金 subs. Subsidiary 补助金 Subs. cap. Subscribed capital 认定资本 Supp. Supplement 补遗,附录 Supt. Superintendent 监督 SW South West 西南 Syst. System 系统 SWG Standard Wire Gauge 标准线 SUNFED Special United Nations Fund 联合国经济 TA Telegraphic Address 电报挂号 TA Technical 开发 For Economic Developlment 特别奖金 T T Ton 吨 Assistance 技术援助 T/A Trade Acceptance 商业承兑票据 TAL Total 全部,总计 TB Trial Balance 计算表 TB Tariff Barriers 关税壁垒 TB Treasury Bill 国库债券 TC Telegraphic Collation 电报校正 TC Traveler Check 旅行支票 TD Time Deposit 定期存款 TDP Technical Development Plan 技术发展计划 Tel.NO Telephone number 电话号码 Temp. temperature 温度 Thro. Though 通过,联运 TF Till Forbidden 到回绝为止 TL Total Loss 全损 TLO Total Loss Only 仅保全损险 TM Trade Mark 商标 TMA Telegram with Multiple addresses 分送电报 TMO telegraphic Money Order 电汇 TOFC Trailer on Flat car 平板集装箱拖车 TOP Turn Over,Please 请翻页 Tonn tonnage 吨位 TP Tax Payer 纳税人 TP Top Priority 最优惠 TP Treaty Port 通商口岸 TP Trigger Price 启动价格 TP Turn Point 转折点 TPP Tax-Paid Price 税后价格 TPND Thief,Pilferage & Non-delivery 盗窃遗失险 Tr Transfer 转移,汇报 TR Telegram Retention 留置电报 Trip Triplicate 三倍,三件 Ts till sale 到售完为止 TQ Tariff Quota 关税分额 TQC Total Quality Control 全面质量管理 TR Trust Receipt 信托收据 Tr translate 翻译 Tr transpose 换位 TRA Trade Relations Association 贸易关系协会 Trans transaction 交换 Transf transferred 转换 TS Transshipment 转口装运 TT Telegraphic Transfer 电汇 TU Trade Union 工会 T&dft Tare and Draft 包装与汇款 TV Teansit Visa 过境签证 TW total weight 总质量 TWC Total Work Cost 总生产成本 U UA unit of account 记帐单位 U/A underwriting account 保险项目 UEI unemployment insurance 失业保险 UGRR underground railroad 地铁 UK united kingdom 英国 Ult ultimo 上月 UN united nations 联合国 USA united states of America 美国 Un under bond 在保说仓库中 Un under selling 低价售出 Un underlying mortgage 优先抵押, 第一担保(抵押) Uncert uncertain 未确定 UP united press 美联社 U/w underwriter 保险业人 V V versus 对于 VA value analysis 价值分析 VAT value added tax 价值附加税 VE via rastern 经由“东线” Ves vessel 船舶 VC valued cargo 贵重货物 VC visa consular 领事签证 VDR variable Deposit requirements 不定期存款条件 Vg very good 情况良好 Via by way of 经由 Vol volume 卷册 VOP value as original policy 照原保险价格 Voy voyage 航海 Vp vice-president 副经理 Vv vice versa 反之亦然 W W West 西 WA With Average 单独海损 Wb . wast book 草稿薄 WB Water Ballast 船底货 WB Warehouse Book 仓库记录 WB Waybill 货运单 WBS Without Benefit of Salvage to Insures 海难与保险无关 Wdth . width 宽度 WFC World Finance Corporation 世界金融公司 X X Exchange 交换 XC Ex Coupon 除息票 X d . Ex Dividend 除股息无红利 X in. Ex Interest 除利息 XP Extra Message Paid 已另函附上 X rt . Ex Right 无权利无新股特权 Xtry. Extraordinary 额外 Y Y Year 年 Y Yen 日元 YB Year book 年鉴 Yd(s) yard(s) 码 Yr. Your 你的 Y?day yesterday 昨天 Z Z zero 零 ZD Zero Defects 无差错 ZI Zone of Industry 工业区 ZL Zero 基准线 Zn zinc 亚铅(用锌包) 6. 货单支付现金 Cash against Bill of Lading (B/L) 凭单据付现款/凭装货单付现款 Cash against Documents 现金资产 Cash assets 现金结存/现金差额 Cash balance 现收现付制/现金收付制 Cash basis 付现款后交货/交货前付现款 Cash before delivery 装运前付现款 Cash before shipment 现金交易 Cash dealing 现款押金/现金存款 Cash deposit 现金折扣/现金贴现 Cash discount 付现款/现金支付 Cash payment 现金结算 Cash settlement 货到付现款 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)(Eng.) 货到收现款 Collect on delivery (C.O.D.)(Am.) 承兑后若干天付款 days after acceptance (D/A) 开票日后若干日 days after date (D/D) 见票后若干日 days after sight (D/S) 定期汇票 date draft 汇票(美) draft 托收汇票 draft for collection/bill for collection 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)/documentary Bill for Acceptance (D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 折扣 discount (DC) 付现款时2%折扣 less 2% due net cash 现款5%折扣 5% for cash 一个月内付款2%折扣 2% one month 三个月内付款需现金 3 months net 立即付现款 prompt cash 付现款 net cash/ready cash/cash 汇票(英) bill of exchange 见票即付/即期汇票 draft at sight/sight draft 来取即付汇票 draft on demand/bill on demand 见票后 .. 天付款 draft at .. days' date 跟单汇票 draft with documents atta ched/documentary draft 无追索权汇票 draft without recourse 银行汇票 bank draft 银行汇票/银行票据 banker's draft 商业汇票 merchant's draft 电汇 cable draft 折扣汇票 discount draft 被拒付汇票 dishonoured draft 货物 goods/freight/cargo 运输 transportation/transit/conveyance 运送 transport/to carry/to convey to 运输业 transportation business/forwarding business/carrying trade 运输代理人 a forwarding agent 承运人 a freight agent/a carrier 船务代理人 a shipping agent 陆上运输 transportation by land 海上运输 transportation by sea 货物运输 goods traffic/freight traffic/carriage of freights/carriage of goods 货轮 cargo boat/freighter/cargo steamer/cargo carrier 火车 goods-train/freight-train 卡车 goods-van/goods wagon/freight car/truck 货运办公室 goods-office/freight-department 运费率 freight/freight rates/goods rate 运费 carriage charges/shipping expenses/express charges 车费 cartage/portage 运费预付 carriage prepaid/carriage paid 运费到付 carriage forward/freight collect 运费免除/免费 carriage free 协定运费 conference freight/freight rate 运费清单 freight account 托运单 way-bill/invoice 运送契约 contract for carriage 装运 shipment/loading 装上货轮 to ship/to load/to take on a ship 装运费 shipping charges/shipping commission 装运单/载货单 shipping invoice 装运单据 shipping documents 大副收据 mate's receipt 装船单 shipping order 提货单 delivery order 装船通知 shipping advice 包裹收据 parcel receipt 准装货单 shipping permit 租船契约 charter party 租船人 charterer 程租船/航次租赁 voyage charter 期租船 time charter 允许装卸时间 lay days/laying days 工作日 days working 连续天数 running days/consecutive days 滞期费 demurrage 滞期日数 demurrage days 速遣费 despatch money 空舱费 dead freight 退关 short shipment/goods short shipped/goods shut out/shut-outs 赔偿保证书(信托收据) letter of indemnity/trust receipt 装载 loading 卸货 unloading/discharging/landing 装运重量 shipping weight/in-take-weight 卸货重量 landing weight 压舱 ballasting 压舱货 in ballast 舱单 manifest 船泊登记证书 ship's certificate of registry 航海日记 ship's log 船员名册 muster-roll (船员,乘客)健康证明 bill of health 光票 clean bill 不清洁提单 foul bill 有疑问提单 suspected bill 现金帐户 Cash account 预付现金 Cash advance 凭提货单支付现金 Cash against Bill of Lading (B/L) 凭单据付现款||凭装货单付现款 Cash against Documents 现金资产 Cash assets 现金结存||现金差额 Cash balance 现收现付制||现金收付制 Cash basis 付现款后交货||交货前付现款 Cash before delivery 装运前付现款 Cash before shipment 现金交易 Cash dealing 现款押金||现金存款 Cash deposit 现金折扣||现金贴现 Cash discount 付现款||现金支付 Cash payment 现金结算 Cash settlement 货到付现款 Cash on delivery (C.O.D.)(Eng.) 货到收现款 Collect on delivery (C.O.D.)(Am.) 承兑后若干天付款 days after acceptance (D/A) 开票日后若干日 days after date (D/D) 见票后若干日 days after sight (D/S) 定期汇票 date draft 承兑交单 documents against acceptance (D/A)||documentary Bill for Acceptance (D/A) 付款交单 documents against payment (D/P) 折扣 discount (DC) 付现款时2,折扣 less 2, due net cash 现款5,折扣 5, for cash 一个月内付款2,折扣 2, one month 三个月内付款需现金 3 months net 立即付现款 prompt cash 付现款 net cash||ready cash||cash 汇票(美) draft 汇票(英) bill of exchange 见票即付||即期汇票 draft at sight||sight draft 托收汇票 draft for collection||bill for collection 来取即付汇票 draft on demand||bill on demand 见票后 .. 天付款 draft at .. days„ date 跟单汇票 draft with documents atta ched||documentary draft 无追索权汇票 draft without recourse 银行汇票 bank draft 银行汇票||银行票据 banker„s draft 商业汇票 merchant's draft 电汇 cable draft 折扣汇票 discount draft 被拒付汇票 dishonoured draft 现金帐户 Cash account
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