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in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进

2018-03-03 7页 doc 24KB 12阅读




in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进 in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进,右耳朵出 中文中常会用“一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出”来表示某些话听到了,但根本没有放在心上。而在 英语中,也有近乎相同的表达。通常会说: Something goes in one ear and out the other. Examples: The teacher felt that everything she told her students was in one ear and...
in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进
in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进 in one ear and out the other 左耳朵进,右耳朵出 中文中常会用“一只耳朵进,一只耳朵出”来表示某些话听到了,但根本没有放在心上。而在 英语中,也有近乎相同的表达。通常会说: Something goes in one ear and out the other. Examples: The teacher felt that everything she told her students was in one ear and out the other. 老师感受 到教给学生的东西,都会左耳朵进,右耳朵出。 How many times have I told you to get to work on time. But my words just go in one ear and out the other. 多少次我告诉你上班要准时。但是这些话总是一耳朵进,一耳朵出,毫不起效 。have/get butterflies in one’s stomach 心里打鼓/紧张 To have butterflies in one’s stomach means feeling very nervous about doing something. Get butterflies in one’s stomach 胃里有蝴蝶,形象地描述了心里忐忑,慌张不安的情形。 Examples: He got butterflies in his stomach when waiting for the interview. 等待面试的时候,他心里七上 八下,忐忑不安。 There are plenty of fish in the sea. 天涯何处无芳草。 Attention. The saying actually means there are lots of potential mates in the world. It is often used to console a person who has lost a girlfriend or boyfriend. 中文中我们有“天涯何处无芳草”,英 文中却会说“海里的鱼可多着呢”. 当面对失恋的伙伴时候,不要忘记说一句:There are plenty of fish in the sea. Examples: - I don't know what to say to comfort you, but cheer up! There's plenty of fish in the sea and you'll find your soul mate, your perfect match! 我不知道该说些什么安慰你,但是打起劲来~ 天下何处无芳草,还有整片树林呢,你会找到你的心灵伴侣,你完美的另一半的~ carry someone away 沉迷,走神 When someone is carried away by something, it means something causes him/her to lose control. 除了carry something away表示带走某物时,当某人陶醉于某事而走神时,也可以用到carry away这个短语。 Examples: The men helped me carry the table away. 那个人帮我拿走了桌子。 The audience was carried away by the enchanting music. 美妙的音乐感染了听 Walk the talk 言行一致 Walk the talk means saying something in a way that appears to be true or real. And sometimes it is used in another form talk the talk or walk the walk. Walk the talk是指某人说到做到,言行一致。 也可以说walk the walk, talk the talk或者完整形式talk the talk and walk the walk. 该口语的反 义表达为talk the walk只说不做。 Examples: To be a good leader, one has to walk the talk. Just talking does not serve any purpose. 要成为一个好领导,必须言行一致。光说没有一点用。 Are you a cheapskate? 你是小气鬼吗, A cheapskate refers to a stingy person who cares about money too much. 今天来学习一个新词 cheapskate。Skate 即可以当动词也可以当名词,它被我们所熟悉的意思是“溜冰”或者是“溜 冰鞋”,其实它在俚语中也有“家伙”的意思。cheapskate就是指一个人很吝啬钱财,总是买便 宜货或者不打折的时候不买东西的那类人。相类似的,还有一个词也很形象:penny-pincher, 顾名思义“连一分钱都要捏在手里不放的人”,但有时候penny-pincher也有正面的涵义。 Examples: I’m a cheapskate. Some would say frugal, which sounds much more positive, but in reality I can be a real cheapskate. 我可是挺抠门的。也许有人会说是节省,这样听上去更加积极一点。但 是事实上我确实是一个小气鬼。 Our family is really pinching pennies these days trying to save money. 我们家这些日子真是省 吃俭用,想法省点钱。 Topless Meeting 禁带电脑(等工具)会议 In a topless meeting, employees are not allowed to bring laptops, blackberry phones and other gadgets in the meeting room. The idea is to avoid distractions and let employees engage with each other in discussion. Topless本身指非常暴露的衣服,但topless meeting绝不是不穿衣服的会 议。在这里topless中的top是指laptop(笔记本)和其他一些科技工具。在topless meeting 中,不允许携带任何科技小工具。这样做,有助于每个会议参与者都能全心地投入到讨论中 以使整个会议保持流畅。 Examples: If you can't be topless, you shouldn't be in the meeting. 如果你不能做到禁带笔记本,就不该出 现在会议上。 seal the deal 搞定了 Seal the deal means coming to an agreement or determining the terms of an agreement. seal the deal 是指做成了一桩买卖,有时也引申为完成了某件事情。 Examples: Doing business over meals is a ritual that has existed for centuries. Taking clients to breakfast, lunch or dinner has long been an effective way to build relationships, make the sale or seal the deal. 在饭桌上做生意已经是历时久远的一个惯例了。带着客户去享用早餐、午餐和晚餐一直以来是一种建立客户关系,完成买卖交易的行之有效的。 Yao finished with 32 points to lead his side, adding 21 rebounds and 8 great blocks to seal the deal. 姚明共得了32分,另外还有21个篮板和8个大盖帽,率领全队获得了胜利。 talk turkey 有话直说 As we all know, turkey was the food eaten on Thanksgiving Day. But what does mean by “talk turkey”? Actually it refers to “talk frankly and directly” and it has nothing to do with turkey. Turkey 火鸡,talk turkey谈谈火鸡,事实上talk turkey表示坦率地说话,不拐弯抹角。昨天我们学了beat around the bush,它的反义除了get down to business这种表达,今天起你在美语中还可以说talk turkey. Examples: Talk turkey or I'll go. 说正事吧,不然我要走了。 Don’t beat around the bush. It’s time we started talking turkey. 别转弯抹角了,让我们有话直说吧。 :(with)flying colors 凯旋而归/漂亮的胜利 Doing something with flying colors refers to getting a great success in doing it. flying colors据说来自于航海术语, colors在当时指飘扬着的海军军旗。当一艘战舰凯旋而归时,就会用军旗飘扬来表示胜利。沿用今天,flying colors表示成功地做了某事。 Examples: She passed the GRE with flying colors. 她漂亮地成功通过GRE考试。 They launched their new products in international market with flying colors. 他们成功将新产品打入了国际市场。 a Mickey Mouse job 不重要的工作 A Mickey Mouse job refers to a job done in an extremely poor manner. The job is small and not at all important. A Mickey Mouse job指一份随随便便的,一点都不重要的工作。Mickey Mouse 除了我们所熟知的米老鼠之外,也有“小而不重要的意思”。之前我们还学到过一个和此类似的表达——McJob。这个合成词来自于McDonald’s,形容地位低几乎没有前途的工作,不过这个词被创造之后引发了麦当劳的不满。他们积极采取改变人们的看法。 Examples: You have no chance to get a raise since what you’re doing is just a Mickey Mouse job. 你没有机会加薪,因为你所做的只是一份微小且不重要的工作。 The charity has been described as a Mickey Mouse operation. 这家慈善机构被人形容为既小也没有多大价值。 jaw-dropping 下巴掉下来了, When something is defined as jaw-dropping, it is extremely surprising. 上周我们学习了一个大笑的短语laugh one’s head off, 提到中文中有类似的表达“笑得下巴都掉了”。那么原文翻译过去的jaw-dropping是不是也表示什么有趣的事情让人大笑不止呢,事实上,英文中的jaw-dropping所要表达的是让人惊讶,叹为观止的意味。需要注意的是,此短语一般不用使动。 Examples: My jaw dropped when I saw my phone bill. 当看到电话账单时,我极为惊讶。 Let’s take a picture of this jaw-dropping architecture. 让我们给这个叹为观止的建筑物拍个照吧。 The devil is in the details. 细节决定成败 When the hard part of what you are trying to do is in the many small details, you can say "the devil is in the details.” 中国有“失之毫厘,差之千里”一说,英文中则有这么句谚语“The devil is in the details”,用“魔鬼在细节中”来表示细节的重要,有时候决定着成败。所以当你花了很多时间和精力在细节上时,就可以说“The devil is in the details.” Examples: I thought I would be able to write that article in two hours, but it ended up taking me five. The devil is in the details. 我本来想我可以用两个小时写这篇文章,但是最后用了我5小时。细节很要命哪~ I can sketch a basic outline of the plan for you and it may look very simple, but the devil is in the details. 我可以给你一个的大致轮廓,虽然它看去如此简单,但是细节决定成败,(花了不少心思)。
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