

2017-09-01 41页 doc 120KB 11阅读




西班牙旅游签证须知西班牙旅游签证须知 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, inte...
西班牙旅游签证须知 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 西班牙旅游签证须知 西班牙驻华大使馆地址:北京三里屯路9号 , 签证领区划分 北京领区: 除上海领区外的各省市 上海领区: 江苏、浙江、安徽、上海、江西 持有半年以前发放的北京领区所属城市暂住证者可以在北京办理签证 , 受理时间 西班牙使馆受理时间为7-8个工作日 , 销签: 1、回国后48小时内销签 2、护照,回程登机牌 3、出发前取消的,必须在团队出发之前提前到使馆销签 、使馆销签后不退登机牌,如有需要请提前说明 4 面试: 使馆根据审核的情况确定是否面试,并由使馆通知面试。面试比率较低。 面销: 申请签证时使馆会在被要求面试销签的客人的签证旁边盖章加注,凡护照上 加盖“回国后15天内到使馆面试”字样的客人回国后必须到使馆面销,但并 不是每团都需要面销。 , 贴示 1、使馆要求;提供的有效财产必须是有多笔交易记录的流动资产,例如:存单、存 折、债券等。固定资产例如:房产、车产等只能作为辅助材料,不能作为审核依 据 2、照片不能翻拍或磨损 3、如果有旧护照必须提供;如旧护照丢失,需要当地派出所挂失的报案手续单 或本人写的详细的丢失说明 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 西班牙签证所需资料――在职人员 材料名称 具体说明 1. 有效期在6个月以上的因私护照(自回国之日开始算,为6个月以 上,护照首页请用A4纸复印2份) 护照 2. 请在护照最后一页签名,中文姓名 3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件 1. 白底彩色近照4张, 照片尺寸要求35×45mm 照片 2. 请在照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名 名片 原件2张 1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份 身份证 2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份 户口本 户口本中所有成员页均用A4纸复印,无论是否直系亲属(每人1份) 1、如提供配偶财产,而户口本又无法体现其夫妻关系的,需提供结财产: 婚证的复印件 请提供下述两项中的2、如提供活期存折的复印件,请提供近期6个月以上多笔交易记录一项; 的存折复印件 要求提供 3、如提供银行借记卡对帐单,请提供由银行出具近期6个月以上的1存折的复印件 银行借记卡的对帐单原件。(要求对帐单上一定要体现申请人的姓2 银行借记卡对帐单原名并且必须加盖银行的业务章) 件 4、请尽可能多的提供其它财产如:存单,房产证,购车发票等复印件。 余额每人至少3万以注:2、3项客人只需提供其中一项;第4项为辅助材料十分重要,希上 望大家积极提供 1. 所在单位为企业单位的申请者,请提供营业执照副本的清晰复印 营业执照 件,用A4纸复印,有年检记录,并在复印件上加盖单位公章 或 2. 所在单位为的申请者,请提供组织机构代码证的清晰复印组织机构代码证 件,用A4纸复印,有年检记录,并在复印件上加盖单位公章 个人资料表 后附,请完整并准确填写 1. 使用公司正规抬头纸打印,并加盖公司红章 2. 在职证明内容需包括:单位名称、本人职务及收入、旅行时间、负在职证明 责人职务、签字以及电话、传真,并需要注明担保申请人按期回国。 3. 后附样本供参考,见附件1,2 担保金 每人五万元人民币以上担保金 如果夫妻同去,须提供结婚证复印件,如丢失,请提供结婚证件丢失其他补充材料 说明。 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 1. 曾被任何国家拒签过的客人,请提供拒签说明,此说明可以是使 馆的拒签信,也可以是申请人本人写的说明,中英文均可 提示 2. 使馆有权在受理签证时抽取申请人到使馆面试,或要求申请人回 后到使馆面试销签 3. 使馆对户口本上身份为农民的申请人审查较为严格,拒签率高 西班牙签证所需资料――退休人员 材料名称 具体说明 1. 有效期在6个月以上的因私护照(自回国之日开始算,为6个月以 上,护照首页请用A4纸复印2份) 护照 2. 请在护照最后一页签名,中文姓名 3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件 1. 白底彩色近照4张, 照片尺寸要求35×45mm 照片 2. 请在照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名 1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份 身份证 2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份 户口本 户口本中所有成员页均用A4纸复印,无论是否直系亲属(每人1份) 1、如提供配偶财产,而户口本又无法体现其夫妻关系的,需提供结财产: 婚证的复印件 请提供下述两项中的2、如提供活期存折的复印件,请提供近期6个月以上多笔交易记录一项; 的存折复印件 要求提供 3、如提供银行借记卡对帐单,请提供由银行出具近期6个月以上的1存折的复印件 银行借记卡的对帐单原件。(要求对帐单上一定要体现申请人的姓2 银行借记卡对帐单原名并且必须加盖银行的业务章) 件 4、请尽可能多的提供其它财产如:存单,房产证,购车发票等复印件。 余额每人至少3万以注:2、3项客人只需提供其中一项;第4项为辅助材料十分重要,希上 望大家积极提供 个人资料表 后附,请完整并准确填写 退休证 用A4纸的复印件 担保金 每人五万元人民币以上担保金 如果夫妻同去,须提供结婚证复印件,如丢失,请提供结婚证件丢失其他补充材料 说明。 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 1. 曾被任何国家拒签过的客人,请提供拒签说明,此说明可以是使馆 的拒签信,也可以是申请人本人写的说明,中英文均可 提示 2. 使馆有权在受理签证时抽取申请人到使馆面试,或要求申请人回国 后到使馆面试销签 3. 使馆对户口本上身份为农民的申请人审查较为严格,拒签率高 西班牙签证所需资料――学生 材料名称 具体说明 1. 有效期在6个月以上的因私护照(自回国之日开始算,为6个月以上,护照首 页请用A4纸复印2份) 护照 2. 请在护照最后一页签名,中文姓名 3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件 1. 白底彩色近照4张, 照片尺寸要求35×45mm 照片 2. 请在照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名 1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份 身份证 2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份 户口本中所有成员页均用A4纸复印,无论是否直系亲属(每人1份) 户口本 1. 如18岁以下可直接提供父母财产或本人名下财产 2. 如18岁以上无个人财产的在校生,可提供父母财产,户口本如不能体现和父财产: 母的亲属关系,需要提供三方亲属公证及认证,如能体现则无需公证 请提供下述两项中 3. 如提供活期存折的复印件,请提供近期6个月以上多笔交易记录的存折复印件 的一项; 4(如提供银行借记卡对帐单,请提供由银行出具近期6个月以上的银行借记卡要求提供 的对帐单原件。(要求对帐单上一定要体现申请人的姓名并且必须加盖银行的1存折的复印件 业务章) 2 银行借记卡对帐单 5(请尽可能多的提供其它财产如:存单,房产证,购车发票等复印件。 原件 注:3、4项客人只需提供其中一项;第5项为辅助材料十分重要,希望大家积极余额每人至少3万以 提供 上 后附,请完整并准确填写 个人资料表 1. 使用学校正规抬头纸打印,内容全部为英文 2. 准假信内容需包括:学校名称、学生所在系或班级、旅行时间、系领导或校长学校准假信 的签字以及电话,传真等 3. 后附样本供参考,见附件3、4 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 1. 与父母双方同行,需提供: 1 A. 三方亲属关系证明公证及认证,公证要以孩子为主申请人 82. 与父或母一方同行,需提供: 岁 A. 三方亲属关系证明公证及认证,公证要以孩子为主申请人 以 B. 不去的一方要出具同意书的公证及认证 公证及认证 下3. 与父母以外的非直系亲属同行,需提供: 的 A. 三方亲属关系证明公证及认证,公证要以孩子为主申请人 学 B. 父母双方出具的同意书的公证及认证 生 4. 对于单独成行者,使馆不予受理 每人五万元人民币以上担保金 担保金 1. 曾被任何国家拒签过的客人,请提供拒签说明,此说明可以是使馆的拒签信, 也可以是申请人本人写的说明,中英文均可 2. 使馆有权在受理签证时抽取申请人到使馆面试,或要求申请人回国后到使馆面提示 试销签 3. 使馆对户口本上身份为农民的申请人审查较为严格,拒签率高 西班牙签证所需资料――无业人员或家庭主妇 材料名称 具体说明 1. 有效期在6个月以上的因私护照(自回国之日开始算,为6个月以 上,护照首页请用A4纸复印2份) 护照 2. 请在护照最后一页签名,中文姓名 3. 持换发护照者,需同时提供所有旧护照原件 1. 白底彩色近照4张, 照片尺寸要求35×45mm 照片 2. 请在照片背面用铅笔写上自己的姓名 1. 如是旧身份证请用A4纸复印2份 身份证 2. 如是新换发的身份证请用A4纸复印正反两面各2份 户口本 户口本中所有成员页均用A4纸复印,无论是否直系亲属(每人1份) 1. 如是提供配偶财产,而户口本又无法体现其夫妻关系的,需提供财产: 结婚证的公证及认证 请提供下述两项中的2. 如提供配偶或个人的活期存折的复印件,请提供近期6个月以上多一项; 笔交易记录的存折复印件 要求提供 3、如提供银行借记卡对帐单,请提供由银行出具近期6个月以上的1存折的复印件 银行借记卡的对帐单原件。(要求对帐单上一定要体现申请人的姓2 银行借记卡对帐单原名并且必须加盖银行的业务章) is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 件 4、请尽可能多的提供其它财产如:存单,房产证,购车发票等复印件。 余额每人至少3万以注:2、3项客人只需提供其中一项;第4项为辅助材料十分重要,希 上 望大家积极提供 个人资料表 后附,请完整并准确填写 无业人员或家庭主妇需提供街道或物业开具的居住证明 要求: 居住证明 1(使用街道或物业正规抬头纸打印,加盖红章 2(街道或物业负责人的签字和电话 担保金 每人五万元人民币以上担保金 1. 无业人员或家庭主妇需要提供配偶的在职证明,如不在一个户口 本上,需要提供结婚证的公证及认证。 其他补充材料 2. 如果夫妻同去,须提供结婚证复印件,如果丢失,请提供结婚证 丢失说明 1. 曾被任何国家拒签过的客人,请提供拒签说明,此说明可以是使馆 的拒签信,也可以是申请人本人写的说明,中英文均可 提示 2. 使馆有权在受理签证时抽取申请人到使馆面试,或要求申请人回国 后到使馆面试销签 3. 使馆对户口本上身份为农民的申请人审查较为严格,拒签率高 附件1:西班牙在职证明参考样本 TO: VISA SECTION Dear Sirs, Ms. / Mr. XXX (姓名) works in XXXXX (单位名称) from xx. xxxx (入职时间). She/He plans to go to Europe for travelling in xxx (出国时间某年某月). All the expenses include air tickets, transportation, accommodation and health insurance will be covered by herself / himself. She / He will come back on the schedule and then still work in our unit after the visit in Europe. unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader Your kind approval of this application will be highly appreciated. Name Date of Birth Passport-No. Position Salary XXXX XXXXXX GXXXXXX XXXX XXXX Best Regards, 领导人签名 领导人职位 单位盖章 Tel: xxx-xxxxxxxx (单位电话) Add: xxxxxxxxxxx (单位地址) Unit Name: xxxxxxxxxxx (单位名称) 注: 1. 在职证明需打印成英文 2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的在职证明中 3. ()括号中为我们为您更加清晰在职证明的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的在职证 明中 4(请不要将“附件1:西班牙在职证明参考样本”字样保留在完成的在职证明中 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 附件2:在职证明样本译文 致:签证官 XXX女士/先生 自X年X月X日(该单位入职时间)在XXX(单位名称)工作。 她/他计划于XXX年XXX月(出国时间某年某月)赴欧洲旅游,所有费用包括:机票费,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由她/他本人承担。她/他将会按时回国并继续在我单 位工作。 姓名 出生日期 护照号 职位 薪水 XXX XXXX GXXXX XXXX XXXX 希望您能够予以签证 领导人签名 领导人职位 单位盖章 单位电话:XXXXXXXX 单位地址:XXXXXXXX 单位名称:XXXXXXXX 注:附件2的内容是为了方便大家了解英文在职证明信的内容,不会作为申请资料送进使馆 unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 附件3:准假信参考样本 Certification XXX is a student in class XX grade XX in XXXXXX (学校名称). He/She will travel to EUROPE for vacation in xxx (出国时间某年某月) with his / her parents. According to the schedule, he/ she will stay there for xx days. All the expenses including transportation, accommodation, meals and health insurance will be paid by his / her parents. Best Regards, 领导人签名 领导人职位 学生盖章 Tel: xxx-xxxxxx Add: xxxxxxxxxx School Name: xxxxxxxxxx 注: 1. 准假信需打印成英文 2. 凡样本中XX的地方,均需相应填写您的相关信息,不要保留XX在完成后的准假信中 3.()括号中为我们为您更加清晰准假信的内容而标注的解释,不要保留在完成后的准假信中 4(请不要将“附件3:准假信参考样本”字样保留在完成的在准假信中 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 附件4:准假信样本译文: 证明 XXX是XXX(学校名称)X年级X班的学生。他/她将于X年X月(出国时间某年某月)和他/她父母去欧洲旅游。根据行程,他/她会在国外停留X天。所有费用包括:机票费用,运输费,住宿费和医疗保险等均由他/她父母承担。 学校领导人签名 学校领导人职位 学校盖章 学校电话:XXXXXXXX 学校地址:XXXXXXXX 学校名称:XXXXXXXX 注:附件4的内容是为了方便大家了解英文准假信的内容,不会作为申请资料送进使馆 is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 申请签证个人资料表 姓 名 性 别 出 生 地 出生日期 学 历 民 族 婚姻状况 职 务 年 收 入 现单位工作时间 ,中文, 家庭住址 ,英文, 邮政编码 家庭电话 护照号码 护照种类 身份证号 身份证签发机关 Email 手机 身份证签发日期 身份证有效期 父亲姓名 母亲姓名 父亲出生日期 母亲出生日期 配偶姓名 配偶出生日期 配偶出生地 配偶单位名称 配偶职务 配偶单位电话 子女姓名 子女出生日期 是否有亲朋在国外,如果有请填写以下内容: 姓名及国籍 关系,如果有, 联系电话 是否有同行人员~如果有请注明并说明关系: 是否出过国或申请过出国签证,是否曾被拒签?请说明情况: 是否去过瑞士~如去过请说明前往该国目的以及所到过的该国的具体城市名称: unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader unit to the Organization as the basic form of the party, to implement the "three lessons", members of democratic appraisal, such as daily educational administration system for basic support, making good use of various forms of education and training, integration into the regular, everyday work, a better objective world and remolding of subjective world. You want to combine studying the party's history, to carry forward the party's fine tradition and style, making it a spiritual power for party members and cadres. To contact focus on party members and cadres ' ideological and practical work, persist in combining positive education and the reverse side warning, to advanced models as a mirror, to negative examples as a warning. To local conditions, one policy, preventing the pot, one size fits all, and flood irrigation to prevent formalism and the motions to prevent routine aside, preventing easy to open, how many notes do to judge study results. 1, individual self-study. Leading cadres should read, learn, and understanding of the original principle, with conviction, with affection, with a mission to learn, with issue. The Party (total) branch according to the actual situation, levels of distinction, distinction, self-study demands on members, enhancing relevance and effectiveness. Encourage individual branches to produce Visual, Concise popular study materials can be produced making the pocket book, the use of micro-party lecture, micro-micro-video animation, to meet party members ' diverse needs of different groups. XX municipal organization Department produced a concise reader 在职人员及退休人员需增加填写以下内容:,退休人员可以不填写单位情况, ,中文, 工作单位 ,英文, ,中文, 单位地址 ,英文, 单位邮政编码 单位电话 单位负责人姓名 负责人的职务 未成年人及学生需增加填写以下内容: ,中文, 学校名称 ,英文, ,中文, 学校地址 ,英文, 学校邮政编码 学校电话 校长或系领导姓名 所填领导的职务 父亲工作单位 单位电话 母亲工作单位 单位电话 备注:1、请逐项填写上述信息并确保要内容完整、字迹清晰 2、电话号码前请注明区号 本人声明:本人保证以上所填内容完全属实。如因本人漏填或错填造成本人被取消申请资格~本人将承担因此造成的所有风险和损失: 申请日期: 年 月 日 ? 申请人签名: is a qualified party members--party members in rural areas, as one of the rural party members and feature material. 2, intensive discussions. Town Party Committee center group (enlarged) learning and other forms, organize focused learning, each determined 1 thematic exchanges and discussions. Party plenary meeting of party members, party members around the Panel discussion organized. The first topic "belief and faith, strengthen four kinds of consciousness '" (schedule April-June); the second topic "commitment to a disciplined bottom line, lofty sentiment" (the time scheduled for July-September); the third topic, "adhere to the fundamental purpose, play party" (schedule October-December). Every thematic discussions with a number of party members focus on the, other party members to interact. Learning topics to both stick to the theme, and keep abreast of the actual, reflecting the characteristics of different groups of party members, party members, and on the. 3, tell a good party lecture. Party members and leading cadres should take the lead in to the branch give a Party lecture, to give a Party lecture, businesses, schools and other grass-roots party organizations in the countryside. "71", branch in conjunction with the beginning of the 95 anniversary activities, focused schedule 1 party lecture. Town Party Committee will invite school teachers, team members give a Party lecture. Encourage Branch Secretary, ordinary party members practice speaking party lecture, strengthen interaction and q/a release puzzled, enhance the attraction and appeal. 4, online learning. Full use of the various types of network media, time pushes learning content. Guiding party
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