

2017-09-27 29页 doc 72KB 1378阅读




5s管理内容‘5s管理内容‘ 5S是指整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、习惯(纪律)等五个单词组成,其日文的罗马拼音均为S,因此简称“5S”。 5S定义 整 理:SEIRI 要/不要 整 顿:SEITON 定位 清 扫:SEISO 没有垃圾和脏乱 清 洁:SEIKETSU 保持光亮和卫生 习 惯:SHITSUKE 养成纪律的习惯 根据日本劳动安全协会在1950年推行的口号是:安全始于整理、整顿,而终于整理、整顿。可见日本早期只推行5S中的整理、整顿,目的在于确保安全的作业空间,后因生产管理需求和水准的提高,另增清扫、清洁、习惯,而成为...
5s管理内容‘ 5S是指整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、习惯(纪律)等五个单词组成,其日文的罗马拼音均为S,因此简称“5S”。 5S定义 整 理:SEIRI 要/不要 整 顿:SEITON 定位 清 扫:SEISO 没有垃圾和脏乱 清 洁:SEIKETSU 保持光亮和卫生 习 惯:SHITSUKE 养成纪律的习惯 根据日本劳动安全协会在1950年推行的口号是:安全始于整理、整顿,而终于整理、整顿。可见日本早期只推行5S中的整理、整顿,目的在于确保安全的作业空间,后因生产管理需求和水准的提高,另增清扫、清洁、习惯,而成为现在的5S,着眼点不限于安全,扩大到环境卫生、效率、品质、成本等方面。日本企业成功的秘诀和人民生活高水平的真谛,在于持续不断地、有系统的全面推行生产和经营管理5S运动。 所以推行5S的时候,不可操之过急,也不要期望一次见效;它不可能在短期内获利,而是长期投资;没有捷径,只有脚踏实地去做。现代化企业成功的经营告诉我们:一个组织要发展,设备一定要精密、产品要优良,而5S就更加重要。因为脏乱的工作场所,非但时间成本太高,人员安全没保障、士气低落,更重要的是不能制造出优良的产品,尤其是客户下大笔订单前,一定要求到生产现场参观。如果未彻底推行5S,则经常临时抱佛脚来整理,即费时又耗人力。反之实施5S的组织或办公室,则一定到处窗明几亮,物品放置井然有序,标识、看板、通道畅通无阻,因此可以提高组织的形象,获得客户的信赖,成为组织无形的宝贵资财。现今人们生活水平提高,教育水准层次高,追求美好的生活品质观念,充满新的价值观。组织环境品质的好坏也成为新一代年轻人选择工作的条件之一。因此,塑造组织明朗的工作场所,成为追求人力资源成功的对策之一。 第二章为什么要推行5S, 根据日本企业经济成长的经验,大多数的组织近年来深深体会到组织升级的必要性。于是经常举办产业研讨会、产业考察团或建立品质活动月、品质激励奖等等,不外乎也是期望本组织能朝着高品质的目标推进。 在此,我们可以提出充分的证明,推行5S运动也能为组织带来许多效用,请看为什么要推行5S的最大理由。 1. 5S是无声但最有魄力的推销员;因为可以从客户得到整洁工厂美誉的赞扬,获得产品品质的信赖; 2. 5S管理法则,能吸引许多人来参观工厂,借此提高组织的形象; 3. 整洁的工厂,将能吸引客户订单的意愿; 4. 在整洁的工作场所中上班的员工,都有被肯定、被赞扬的荣誉,进而促进组织团队精神力量的提高,生产力也会提高; 5. 5S的工作场所是节约的场所,因为5S的理论是从零基管理出发的,借以降低成本,减少浪费,减少库存; 6. 推展5S后,跟随减少浪费而来的是生产时间的节约,当然交货延迟的现象也就自动消失了; 7. 建立5S的组织是明亮的、视野良好的工作场所,走道、堆积区域都标示明显,不会违反通道原则。工作服及安全防护用具保持整齐,员工有安全、舒畅的工作环境; 8. 5S也是建立标准化的推动者,透过习惯的纪律要求,每位员工正确地执行任务,并且任何一个员工到任一个工作场所也能立即展开作业,随时向品质零缺点目标迈进; 9. 不管任何行业展开5S管理法则推行,都会创造出令人满意的工作场所;也能带动全组织进行改善的气氛;员工认为自己有示范作用,将更有改善的意愿,达到全员参与工作的干劲; 10. 实施5S活动,亦能培养一批有企划、能力,以及自主管理的干部和员工,如上所述,实施5S的优点如此之多,当然是必须进行5S的理由。 5S改善对象及目标 实 施 项 目 改 善 对 象 目 标 整 理 空 间 清爽的工作环境 整 顿 时 间 一目了然的工作场所 清 扫 设 备 高效率、高品质的工作场所 清 洁 乱 源 卫生、明朗的工作场所 习 惯 纪 律 全员参与、自觉行动的习惯 第三章5S重点意义 5S的整理、整顿并非局限于:做好整理、整顿,就好了,也不是喊喊口号、贴贴公布栏、公开宣告,总而言之,它并非写出来、喊口号来让人看的,而是要确确实实、踏踏实实地去“做”的事。 我们要先充分了解它的基本含义后,再来确认耳熟心知的5S运动吧~ (1S)--整理 “整理”这个单词,往往让人误认为把散乱各地的东西重新排列整理就“好了~OK”,其实重新排列、重新堆积整齐,只能算是“整列”,而“整理”的详细内容应该是: ? 将需要和不需要的东西分类; ? 丢弃或处理不需要的东西; ? 管理需要的东西。 但是丢弃需要“狠心”和“魄力”,我们经常有这样的心理和观念:“留下以后或许有用”、“这个尾数留下等下批订单再用”、“多买一些,急用就不用愁了”等,这些不明确或假设的心态,往往造成“空间”和“成本”的浪费。 C 错误的观念导致浪费 我们先举因错误导致浪费的实例,您便可以更加了解推动5S的重要性。 Ø 未经“整理”的组织,经常库存一些长期未使用的材料,而浪费大笔的库存资金费用; Ø 从来不用的料架和柜子,占用了宝贵的空间; Ø 仓库里有什么材料,我凭感觉就可以知道啦; Ø 请的搬运人员越多,表示我公司很忙; Ø 因缺料、机械故障,而不能如期向客户交付产品,我们没有办法的啦; Ø 先赶货要紧,多生产一些,把不良品先挑出来,等出货后再修理; Ø 这个小刀伤没关系,随便绑贴一下就没事了; pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown Ø 以前我们就是这个样子,产品销路不错,客户也没说工厂太脏乱; Ø 有重要客户来参观公司,提前动员大扫除一下,就可以给客户留下好印象; Ø “喂~昨天的报告放到哪里,”“明天我上班再拿给你,因为我要找找看。” 清理“不要”的东西,可使员工不必每天反复整理、整顿、清扫不必要的东西而形成做无聊、无价值的时间、成本、人力成本…..等浪费。 C “要”的整理 管理“要”的东西是依据“时间性”来决定的: 要 用 的 (1)一个月内使用的;(2)每周要用的;(3)每天要用的。 不经常使用的 (1)一个月后用的; (2)半年才用一次的;(3)一年才用一次的。 透过上述的分类后,如果当您在考虑扩充厂房之前,如先做好整理工作,经过时间及空间整理工作后,您一定会对厂房的容量变大而大吃一惊。所以,“整理”是5S的基础,也是讲究效率的第一步,更是“空间管理”的第一课。 (2S)--整顿 执行“整顿”的消极意义为防止缺料、缺零件,其积极意义则为“控制库存”,防止资金积压。 整顿是放置物品标准化,使任何人立即能找到所需要的东西,减少“寻找”时间上的浪费,也就是将物品,按“定点”、“定位”、“定量”三原则化,使工作效率、工作品质、材料控制成本上,达到最大的效益。 (3S)--清扫 产品品质的优或差与组织的清洁有着相当密切的关系,在一般的印象中,“清扫”就是用扫把扫扫地、用抹布擦拭机器即可。其实,真正的“清扫”应是除了包括上述的最基本动作之外,工作场所的地面、墙壁、天花板以及日光灯的内侧均要清洗干净,除了能消除污秽,确保员工的健康、安全卫生外,还能早期发现设备的异常、松动等,以达到全员预防保养的目的,借以提高工作效益、降低成本,使设备永远维持在最佳的运转状态下,进而生产出良好品质的产品。 (4S)--清洁 “清洁”与前面所述的整理、整顿、清扫的3个S略微不同。3S是行动,清洁并不“表面行动”,而是表示了“结果”的状态。它当然与整理、整顿有关,但以与清扫的关系最为密切。为机器、设备清除油垢、尘埃,谓之清扫,而“长期保持”这种状态就是“清洁”,将设备“漏水、漏油”现象设法找出原因,彻底解决,这也是“清洁”,是根除不良和脏乱的源头。因此,“清洁”是具有“追根究底”的科学精神,大事从小事做起,创造一个无污染、无垃圾的工作环境。 (5S)--习惯、纪律 5个S—整理、整顿、清扫、清洁、习惯,在推行5S运动中都很重要,但是我们认为其中最重要算是“习惯”。5S实际上是日常习惯的事,也不是靠一个人做就可以的,而是需要亲身去体会实行,由内心里得到认同的观念。因为自己的疏忽,会给别人带来不便、损失,所以养成习惯、确实自觉遵守纪律的事情,就是“习惯”。 以中国人对于各种活动的态度都有“三分钟热度”、“虎头蛇尾”的状况,如何让5S活动养成习惯,持续不断地、全面彻底地进行,就必须从“纪律”管理着手,从心里自然流露出来的“必须”的心态去实行,才是成功的要素。 C 大家都养成遵守纪律的好习惯,成为一个高尚的人~ 第四章 整理、整顿的精神及重要性 4.1前言 组织是人、事、物的结合体,既然是结合体,就表示彼此之间有交集的存在,也有空集合的存在。 交集表示彼此之间有挂钩,有挂钩表示有关心,然而这种关心,往往会出于本位,而产生重复。 而空集合,则易产生一种三不管的地带。 既有三不管又有重复,一般组织在管理上,自然会有很多不合理的存在,这种不合理,就是我们要清除的现象,也就是组织要实施整理、整顿的方向。 4.2推动整理、整顿的动机—[质量、成本、人性]的追求 4.2.1整理、整顿是现代化工厂管理的起步 l 国际化、自由化、趋势的事实; l 组织面对种种冲击以及客观环境的需要,经营管理者已了解到一个事实; 一追求机会利润的时代已经逐渐远去。 l 庄敬自强之道唯有加强[管理]。除非组织有合理化的[管理],否则只有步上被淘汰这条道路; l [管理]内容包罗万象,行动更是数以千计,招式之多令人眼花缭乱无所适从,究竟应从何处下手较易得到事半功倍的效果; l 最简单、最有效也是最容易,但为一般组织所疏忽的就是管理的起步。 4.2.2整理、整顿是组织舒适化的捷径 l 人性管理的追求; l 塑造[质感]的工作气氛。 4.2.3整理、整顿与组织形象 l 一般被认为高水准的组织必定是重视整齐清洁,观瞻良好的组织; l 整理、整顿、清扫彻底实行才能使组织具有宽敞而明亮的空间; l 顾客对于明净亮丽的组织寄以无限的信赖; l 工作环境的良好将是求职者无比的向往,人才将以能为高水准的组织服务为荣; l 总之,整理、整顿、清扫是成为高水准、高效率的开端及重要手段。 4.2.4忽视整理、整顿是低效率的代名词 (a) 浪费的温床 l 整理、整顿、清洁杂乱的组织,很多浪费的地方不易被发现,隐藏的损失不易被察觉,造成很多浪费的温床; l 就好像在不知不觉中一捆一捆的钞票不翼而飞。 (b) 事故灾害等安全上的罪魁祸首 l 工作伤害肇因以工作环境及个人的工作习惯为主; l 工作灾害如火灾,起因于工作环境的未合理整备。 (c) 低效率的象徽 l 忽视整理、整顿员工从事过多的搬运,寻找重复的动作,大大降低生产效率; l 在零乱不堪、布满灰尘的组织不可能生产出好的质量。 4.2.5追求组织管理的综合效果 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown l 提高士气; l 质量稳定; l 设备维护; l 提高安全性; l 提高效率。 4.3整理整顿的意义 4.3.1定义 所谓的整理,就是把不必要的东西处理掉,也就是将有用的东西和没有用的东西, 明显的分开,同时可将没有用的东西尽快的处理或废弃。 换句话说,整理的目的,就是在排除管理上的浪费,像资源利用的浪费;空间闲 置的浪费;容器利用的浪费;货架空置的浪费;在制品、原材料、次品过多的浪 费等。 整顿就是消除无谓的寻找,既缩短准备的时间,随时保持立即可取的状态。 整顿的目的也就是替物品找到一个固定的家,待需要的时候,能随心所欲的取用, 而这一个家是符合安全、质量、效率等要求。 4.3.2同义活动 (a) 5S+1+1+1 l 整理(Seiri)区分要与不要的东西,不要的丢弃; l 整顿(Seiton)需要时立即可使用的状态; l 清扫(Seiso)消除灰尘、杂乱、果物等保持清洁; l 清洁(Seiketsu)保持卫生、美观、无公害的状态; l 修身(Shitsuke)有礼貌、有教养、遵守规律、规则; l 习惯化(Shukanka)落实良好习惯; l 认真努力(Shitsukary)全心全力做完美; l 死为止(Shinumade)终身永恒持续。 (b) 六整(E) l 整理 物品、机器、容器、工具量具及通道的整理; l 整顿 定点、定位、定容、定人、定物; l 整洁 环境、物品、机器、工具的清洁; l 整仪 服装仪容(制服、名牌、头发…); l 整军 工作精神效率、操作; l 整员 出勤率、出席率、上下班安全。 (c) 同义活动关联性 六 整 5 S 5 S + 1 整 理 整 理 整 理 整 顿 整 顿 整 顿 清 扫 清 扫 清 洁 整 仪 清 洁 清 洁 整 员 修 身 遵 行 习 惯 化 整 军 认真努力 死 为 止 4.4整理、整顿的重要性 4.4.1 成为高水准组织的第一步---成为[浪费减到最小的组织]的第一步。 4.4.2 是为实现完全生产的必要手段: 整理、整顿、清扫的本身并不是一项目的,而是一种手段,是为实现[完全生产]的必要手段。组织改善的目标就是要向[完全生产]挑战;而整理、整顿、清扫不彻底执行的话,就无法达成[完全生产]的目标,所以整理、整顿、清扫是实现[完全生产]目标的必要手段。 *完全生产的目标 :(a)零灾害、零事故; (b)零不良、零抱怨; (c)准备时间不超过十分钟; (d) 推行一人多机(提高生产效率); (e) 最少的半成品、库存品; (f) 节省资源及能源。 第五章 5S导入的演变 任何组织导入5S要有先决的认识:(一)5S活动必须以潜移默化去运作方能成功,才能长久,否则存在着“三分钟热度”就会半路夭折;(二)5S推动跟任何一个一样,必须是要符合“国情”的,不能以别人可以容易达成,我们就一样画葫芦的沿用,结果只能是失败,它必须是随时修正,找出最适合自己的方法再实施。 5S是一种长期执行的运动,在以下几种情况下导入,其成功率较高。 一. 组织业务扩充、搬迁新厂房或调整工作场所时 这种时机要事先规划、教育训练,硬体部分在设计时就应考虑环境容易维护和区域规划,当人员进入时,即能遵守新环境的规则。 二. 新产品、新技术、新设备、新管理引进的时候 在一个墨守成规的环境里,忽然要改变一些习惯,必然会引起“守成”员工的对抗,如果不及时导入5S的观念和行动,则达不到引进的目的,所以必须及时导入。 三. 新年度开始之际 每年除旧布新、大扫除的时候,全面开展5S活动,顺便宣布新年度的5S运动计划,能够使大部分的员工所接受。 第六章 5S要由上司关心做起 5S活动在推动前期是由上而下的手段,首先要面对的是组织的主管干部。如果得不到部门主管、干部的共识、支持,就不会产生全员参与的境界,活动就不可能正常开展,所以“干部的心理建设”是非常重要的一环。 1. 要抛弃马马虎虎的习惯:“这样就好了~”,“随随便便~”,“以后再说吧~”等等的坏习气; 2. 思想观念要“革心”,“脱掉”旧习惯 要接受新观念的时候,任何人都会碰到与旧用观念的内心的冲突和判断。不把旧习“脱掉”是永远容纳不进新的观念的。 3. 以身作则,事事带头 干部在组织中是众人瞩目的人物,任何的言行都呈现在部属的面前。“言教不如身教”及为感化人心的最好的方法之一。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 4. 根除“只说不做”的心态 5S活动是一种“身体力行”的活动,干部如果只是用权势发号命令而不动手做, 恐很难令部属信服。所以执行5S活动时,除了要“说”之外更要“动手去做”,有了 示范对象,自然就没有任何不做的借口了。 5. 要有“继功”、“恒心”、“没有回头路” 做了5S活动,是不能走回头路,必须要不停的进行检查、检讨和改善,耐心地 教诲每一个人养成习惯。 第七章 5S推动办法 掌握了适当的时机,将是踏上成功的第一步,推行5S运动须要有八个步骤和四 个原则渐次进行。 (步骤一)经营 决策的导入 l 组织全员由高层主管至一般员工全部参加,不能有任何例外~ (步骤二)观念宣导 透过教育训练的方法,进行工作方法的灌输。 (1) 5S教育训练计划 l 聘请专家授课,建立干部心理建设; l 设定课程计划及出勤记录; l 高层主管最好列席全部上课; l 顺道建立内部师资,以单位主管为优先甄选对象。 (2) 成立推动机构 推动委员会组织细则: 1. 主任委员二年一任,由组织指派; 2. 总干事、委员半年一任; 3. 总干事采用组阁式,由委员选举产生; 4. 各部门主管必须参加; 5. 各部门未参加过者,优先推派; 6. 离任委员有业绩者,皆列入荣誉委员; 7. 每周定期开会一次,每次一小时; 8. 迟到、缺席者均处予罚金,为开会基金。 列题;XX 组织 5S推行委员会组织图 主任委员 总 经 理 总干事 经 理 委员 委员 委员 委员 委员 委员 仓 总 采 品 制 I 储 务 购 质 造 E 部 部 部 部 部 部 门 门 门 门 门 门 成立各级推行委员会的要点: l 设定组织章程,执行细则及委员的产生; l 依委员的专长做任务编组; l 拟订“推动时间表”; l 开展正常的、持续不断地推行工作。 (3) 文宣计划 l 大力开展5S的各种形式的宣传、教育活动; l 设置必要的工具和看板,便于开展5S活动; l 保存好原始记录(数据或图片等),便于对照和改善; l 组织向本单位或外单位5S推行好的样板学习。 列 题: 要与不要清单表 单 位 填表日期: 年 月 日 类 别 机器 模具 原料 半成品 成品 文具 报表 科技 橱柜 料架 容器 文件档案 项次 规 格 数量 分类 理 由 价 格 初 审 复 审 核 准 区 域 备 注 附表 1. 本表由各组织主管填写;2. 确认由下向上分级审核;3. 审批确认后,由执行人根据本表进行处理。 说明 1. 请以代号和?方式填表;2. 代号按本组织XX-XX规定;3. 物品按A:报废B:一月内用C:一月后使用。 核准人: 复审人: 初审人: 填报人: (步骤三)附表 (步骤三)“要”和“不要”分类 l 由课、组长针对所辖区域的库存、设备、空间做盘点,并区分其“要”和“不要”; l 掌握时机推动(本文第五章开始已述,略); l 分类如下:详见附表 (1) 库存:原物料、零件、半成品、成品; (2) 设备:机械、设备、工具、量具、模具等; (3) 空间:柜架、桌椅、储物箱等。 l 处置与讨论: (1) 经常使用,一个月以内使用,放置工作场所; (2) 一个月以后要用,放暂放区或固定区; (3) “不要”项目经判定后,集中报废或拍卖; (4) 成立专案小组处理“不要”的设备或物料。 l 建档:将此步骤决定的全过程和判定原则进行资料建档做为编定“标准书”的依据,附:标准书样板 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 地 点 内 容 时 间 负 责 人 地 面 (1) 将铜加工碎屑予以回收;(2) 将垃圾杂物送往指定地点;(3) 加工的本体掉地及时拾起;(4) 污秽应即擦拭除去;(5) 区域线不使脱落或弄脏。 (步骤四)区域规划,建立标准书 盘点后的东西按类别做定点、定位、定量的规定。 (1) 区域规划 l 制作组织工作场所的平面图,标示部门位置,并列出面积,公布于各区域明显地方; l 标示盘点后的物料,设置看板,配合颜色管理达到目视管理的目标; l 地面标线作业,依区域图进行定点、定位、定量标示。 (2) 视察 l 由5S委员会及高层主管至全组织视察,并记录“改善追踪单”(见表2); l 由视察措施,来做为初级阶段的标准书和改善追踪,使活动带入热身阶段。 (3) 改善(红单)制定 l 利用红单来完成整理、整顿的工作执行; l 改善工作由各级主管自主推行; l 建议格式如(表3、表4)。 (4) 建立示范区 l 选定易改善部门,率先做榜样来示范,以做部门观摩; l 部门内也可由某个人做模范,给本部门其他人效仿。 由部门主管自己做起效果最佳。 表2:5S运动改善记录表 责任单位 改 善 内 容 改善期限 备 注 制一B组 1. 转产后原工件仍放置现场,请立即向仓库办理退料;2. 5只无用料桶请迅速处理;3. 三号机床电动机积铜屑太多,请清扫。 4月5日立即立即 制动D组 1. Z15号机漏油严重,联系工务组迅速解决;2. A5通道堆积料桶妨碍运行,请合理规划物料存区。 4月8日4月9日 品检组 1.张小五上班时吃东西污染产品,请教育并按章处罚。 4月5日 开 单 日 期:02年4月4日 开 单 部 门:管理部 改 善 负 责 人:制一课长 开 单 人:经理 表3:环境改善红单 编号: 年 月 日 表4:关心您提醒您 填 单 人 我有话要说 责任单位 日 期 贴示地点 责任单位 改 善 事 项 贴示地点 未定位 不清洁 检查项目 未区分 不安全 说 明 未定量 不需要 加点 扣点 改 善 期 限 日内 改善期限 注:表3在初期使用,表4经修改后使用,均一式二联。 (5) 编制“环境标准书” l 环境标准书是活动推展的“规则”,必须明确具体的内容,分门别类制定; l 制定时需5S委员会的成员参与,并报其备案……. <步骤五>检讨 透过值星制度的实施来执行红单作业,将整理、整顿的工作落实,并在每周“值星会议”中提出讨论,以确定整理和整顿工作的效果。 <步骤六>看板的制作 依现场整理、整顿的需要做下列看板: l 公布栏:给5S委员会一个园地,是5S委员会活动信息发布的管道,也是员工对公司反应的表现; l 生产显示:利用图表使每日生产状况让员工都知道,作为努力的目标; l 生产管理看板:让现场管理者与员工,一目了然的知道现在生产哪些东西,数量多少,还差目标多少,如何努力,如何改善,问题出在那里, l 工具板:工具集中管理才不致无定点、定位而浪费时间寻找和丢失; l 模具板:将模具放置于机台最近的距离、并标示分类,将取放的时间减少,并节约时间寻找; l 标示板:将仓库物料存放位置明显依区域、类别制作成大看板,让使用者明了,避免重复寻找的时间; l 标语:以生动的语言、活泼的漫画,切合5S运动的主题制作标语,来引起全公司的关注和参与,协助提高活动的鼓动性。 <步骤七>奖惩办法拟定 执行整理、整顿进行红单作业时,办法的制定要以“荣誉”和“自动自觉”的原则来执行,效果较佳。 l 评分办法:针对部门人数、场所面积等特性制定评分办法; l 奖惩办法:以评分的结果选出第一名授予红旗一面并张示。 最后一名发给黑旗一面张示并义务劳动一个月。 *提示---奖惩办法可依据公司的管理和文化不同而异。 <步骤八>检讨、修正、持续执行 l 排轮值表、贴红单; l 5S委员持续扩大运动的层面; l 每周定期开会讨论,不能间断; l 不断要求、宣导; l 高层主管不定期列席开会; l 进行评分执行奖惩办法; l 环境标准书随时修改,配合改善进度力求合适合宜; l 观摩检讨:部门之间相互观摩、到5S活动开展有成就的企业观摩,验证自己的实施效果; l 举办成果验收活动,请公司、机关主管、专家进行成果,来达到全体员工成就感的认同和提高执行的信心。 pour on the wash rack water air dry, you can use. 2, with glassware no pathogens or bacteria has not been contaminated utensils after use can be washed at any time, drawing straws of chemical reagents, are first soaked in water, until a certain number, then concentrates on cleaning. Has the potential to be contaminated with pathogens, must be properly disinfected, dirt removal, wash with soap solution, then rinse with water. If liquid dispenser failing to wash utensils and lotions soak after due time and then washed with water. Lotion ingredient is acid-potassium dichromate and concentrated flow, its role is will organic soluble substances in order to flush. Have a very strong corroding effect of washing liquid, must be used with special care to avoid spilled on clothes, the body, and other items. Second, the media type is prepared in the lab for microbial growth and reproduction of any substrates or accumulation of metabolites, called media (Media). Due to various types of micro-organisms to different nutritional requirements, training purposes and testing different needs, so many different types of media. We can according to certain standards, a wide variety of media is divided into several types. 1 whether, based on its chemical composition of culture medium ingredients fully understand to differentiate medium can be divided into natural, synthetic and semisynthetic culture medium medium medium. 1) natural medium natural medium refers to the use of a variety of animal, plant or microbial material, its composition is difficult to know for sure. Usedmaterial reset asbestos online heating, bottle direction not on to himself and the others wash bottled purification water washing instrument or loaded washing liquid washing precipitation graduated cylinder, and measuring cup rough to volume take must volume of liquid with cannot heating, cannot in which preparation solution, cannot in oven in the baking, operation Shi to along wall joined or pour out solution volumetric Preparation accurate volume of standard solution or was measuring solution non-standard of mill mouth plug to keep original; leaking of cannot with; cannot in oven within baking, cannot with straight fire heating, can water bath heating buret (25 50 100ml) capacity analysis titration operation; points acid type, and alkali type piston to original; leaking of cannot using; cannot heating; cannot long-term store lye; alkali type tube cannot put and rubber role of titration liquid trace buret 1 2 3 4 5 10ml trace or half trace analysis titration operation only piston type; Remaining note matters ibid automatically buret automatically titration; can for titration liquid needed isolated air of operation except has and General of buret same of requirements outside, note sets custody, addition, to distribution cheer with double even ball moved liquid tube accurate to moved take must volume of liquid cannot heating; top and tip not knock broken scale straw accurate to moved take various different volume of liquid ibid weighing bottle short shaped as determination dry weightlessness or in oven in the drying benchmark real; high shaped for weighing benchmark real, and samples not cover tight mill mouth plug baking, mill mouth plug to original Reagents bottle: fine mouth bottle, and wide mouth bottle, and took bottle fine mouth bottle for store liquid reagents; wide mouth bottle for loaded solid reagents; Brown 推行5S是一条漫长的道路,绝不是短期能看到实际成果,就算经过一段时间达到预定的目标后,能够持之以恒维持成果,再创更高的境界,都是值得投入5S活动行列的朋友深思的问题。 管理学家对于人类从事企业工作,提出了一项“人类五大需求”的理论:生理需求、安全需求、社会需求、被尊重需求、自我实现需求,可以作为我们参考来溶入5S活动的运作。 管理者在推行5S时,必须去寻找公司管理文化里能引起员工“参与的诱因”在那里,从引导的层面去制造“参与的动机”。 在此,我们认为管理者必须要有几点应知: l 人是不可思议的,就算在非常恶劣的环境中工作,习惯了也能视而无睹的继续工作,如:公厕管理员,能在厕所中喝茶吃饭; l 管理者也经常犯下不好的习惯:用自我辩护来解决问题,例如:到别人的工厂参观回来,就说:“我们公司的厂房太旧了,要做到像他们那样,是不可能的……”、“做到那样的境界,要化多少钱啊,”“不可能….”等等; l 中国人都有容易满足和不求完善的心态,往往“懒”劲作怪不求上进。 这些都是推行5S的致命伤,都是“守旧”、“习惯”,当然,管理者没认识到,就别说推动了。 我们的看法: 1. “动机”就是寻找原动力的源泉,在中国社会里或是企业内,要形成参与的“动机诱因”过程是:(麦芽糖与鞭子)到(羞耻与鼓励)的相互运用; 2. 让员工不断地由活动中(自我反省),让人产生向上心和竞争心,进而涌现出无限的创意和活力; 3. 管理者要不断地、适宜地调整自己所扮演的角色;能给员工由(因为管理者在,所以要好好工作)的感觉,转变为(管理者是一个能教导我、让我成长的工作伙伴)的感觉;
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