

2017-09-18 15页 doc 47KB 626阅读




西游记主要情节概括西游记主要情节概括 1、石猴出世:东胜神洲傲来国海中有花果山,有一块石头受天地之灵气,享日月之精华,忽然有一日崩开,里面出现一只石猴。该猴发现水帘洞后被群猴拥戴为王。 2、石猴拜师:石猴为寻找长生不老的仙方,根据一老猴指点独自驾筏出门求学,师承菩提祖师,得名孙悟空。悟空从祖师学得长生之道、七十二般变化及“筋斗云”。一日,悟空受众人挑唆,变为松树,引起祖师不快,被逐出洞。回到花果山,与占山妖魔厮斗取胜,带回被掳的众猴与物品,自称美猴王。 3、官封弼马温:悟空向东海龙王讨得(定海神针)如意金箍棒。在幽冥界勾掉猴属在生死簿上的...
西游记主要情节概括 1、石猴出世:东胜神洲傲来国海中有花果山,有一块石头受天地之灵气,享日月之精华,忽然有一日崩开,里面出现一只石猴。该猴发现水帘洞后被群猴拥戴为王。 2、石猴拜师:石猴为寻找长生不老的仙方,根据一老猴指点独自驾筏出门求学,师承菩提祖师,得名孙悟空。悟空从祖师学得长生之道、七十二般变化及“筋斗云”。一日,悟空受众人挑唆,变为松树,引起祖师不快,被逐出洞。回到花果山,与占山妖魔厮斗取胜,带回被掳的众猴与物品,自称美猴王。 3、官封弼马温:悟空向东海龙王讨得(定海神针)如意金箍棒。在幽冥界勾掉猴属在生死簿上的姓名。龙王和阎王奏玉帝,请伏妖猴。玉帝知其厉害,便假意招安,派太白金星赴花果山招安悟空。将其封为弼马温。 4、大闹天宫:孙悟空因向东海龙宫借得“如意金箍棒”,又去阴曹地府,从生死簿上勾销自己名字而被告上天庭,玉帝招他上界做弼马温。悟空嫌官小,打回花果山,树起“齐天大圣”旗号。玉帝派十万天兵天将捉拿孙悟空,没有成功,便请孙悟空管理蟠桃园。孙悟空偷吃蟠the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia-containing compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v) 桃,搅了王母娘娘的蟠桃宴,又盗食太上老君的金丹后逃离天宫。玉帝令托塔天王率十万天兵捉拿悟空。悟空打退了众天神。观音菩萨举荐二郎真君助战;太上老君在旁使暗器帮助,最后悟空被擒。悟空被刀砍斧剁、火烧雷击,甚至置太上老君八卦炉锻炼四十九日,依然毫发无损,还炼成火眼金睛。玉帝请来佛祖如来,才把孙悟空压在五行山下。 5、祸起观音院(大闹黑风山):唐僧悟空行到观音院,老住持为谋占唐僧袈裟欲纵火烧死唐僧师徒,悟空从天界借得避火罩罩住唐僧,火烧禅院。黑风山黑熊怪趁乱偷走了袈裟,想开“佛衣会”炫耀宝物。孙悟空追寻袈裟,大闹黑风山,不能取胜后去请观音菩萨帮忙,观音变作白衣秀士,劝熊怪服下悟空变的仙丹;最终观音收服了黑熊怪,悟空夺回了袈裟。 6、计收猪八戒: 高老庄高太公家高小姐被官府抢走,妖怪猪悟能救出高小姐后被高老汉招赘为女婿。酒宴上,妖怪酒醉现出真面,将高小姐锁在后花园。悟空与师父来庄投宿。悟空变为太公之女。迷惑妖怪,弄清了妖怪的来历。原是天蓬元帅,因调戏嫦娥被发下界错投了猪胎,经观音点化,等候取经人。唐僧收, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl reduric solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulph oncentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acider. C3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of wat nto nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives;rted i, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be convetarch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collectsn the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid scontaining compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, i-and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia 1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-of the average result. Protein from starchn the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: whethe second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or 2 他为徒,给他取名猪八戒。 7、大战流沙河:师徒三人来到流沙河畔,流沙河中妖怪径抢唐僧,八戒悟空去战,妖怪钻入水中,不肯上岸。悟空去见观音,观音让木叉与悟空同去。木叉叫出妖怪悟净。唐僧收悟净为徒,悟净以颈下骷髅结成法船,渡唐僧过河。 8、四圣试禅心:骊山老母与观音、普贤,文殊菩萨变成母女四人,欲招唐僧为夫,并要将三个女儿嫁给悟空、八戒和沙僧,意在试探师徒四人禅心是否坚固,唯八戒意动神摇,溜进后堂去撞天婚,被捉弄捆于树上,八戒十分羞愧。 9、偷吃人参果:唐僧师徒到五庄观投宿清风、明月两位道童奉师父镇元大仙之命,以人参果款待唐僧,唐僧误认人参果为婴儿而未敢食。八戒怂恿悟空偷果三个师兄弟一起分享,遭到二道童怒骂。悟空一怒推倒了人参果树逃离,却被镇元大仙捉回去。悟空求得观音医活果树,二人结为兄弟。 10、三打白骨精:唐僧遣悟空去化斋饭。山中白骨精想吃唐僧肉以长生不老,一变美女,二变老妇,三变老翁,迷惑唐僧,均被孙悟空ution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)ol solfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcoh, ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sul(m/m), or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water amplesed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) sng boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consume. Usiesence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia releasng compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the prcontaini-n and ammonia1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitroge-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch s moreof the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash i. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number 3 识破,打死妖怪,唐僧以为滥杀无辜大怒,逐走悟空。 11、(悟空与八戒)双战黄袍怪:唐僧误闯黄袍怪的波月洞。黄袍怪的夫人原是十三年前被掳的宝象国公主,她放走唐僧给父王送信。国王恳请八戒、沙僧降妖。沙僧被擒,八戒逃回馆驿。黄袍怪变做俊俏郎君拜见国王,将唐僧变做老虎囚禁笼中。白龙马变作宫女刺杀黄袍怪受伤。八戒来到花果山,用激将法请回孙悟空。悟空请来星神收回,救出公主,恢复唐僧原身,师徒重归于好。 12、夺宝莲花洞:行至平顶山,悟空让八戒巡山。八戒要躲懒睡觉,编谎骗人,但被变成啄木鸟的悟空一一听知,戳穿其谎言。八戒只得再去探路。被莲花洞银角大王捉去。银角大王又使用移山法,一面压住悟空,一面将唐僧、沙僧和白马掠回洞府。悟空挣扎脱险后,经过几番周折,终于将银角大王装进葫芦内,这时,太上老君赶来,收走了由炼丹的金、银二道童变幻的金角、银角大王。 13、大战红孩儿:火云洞红孩儿是牛魔王与铁扇公主的儿子,用苦肉计骗取了唐僧的信任,纵风将唐僧慑走,并口喷三昧真火烧得悟, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl reduric solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulph oncentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acider. C3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of wat nto nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives;rted i, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be convetarch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collectsn the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid scontaining compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, i-and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia 1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-of the average result. Protein from starchn the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: whethe second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or 4 空、八戒落荒而逃。悟空请来龙王洒下雨水,反被烧伤。八戒去请观音,被红孩儿假扮观音捉去,最终悟空真观音用莲花宝座,降伏红孩儿,收他做了善财童子。 14、车迟国斗法(降三怪):车迟国国王兴道灭佛,宠信三位道士——虎力大仙、鹿力大仙和羊力大仙,封他们为国师。他们作威作福,欺压僧人,悟空大为不平,戏耍国师,在三清殿,以尿水作圣水赏赐给三大仙。三大仙欲报受辱之仇,与唐僧斗法。先斗祈雨,再斗坐禅,三斗隔板猜物。悟空使计,三大仙皆输。最后赌砍头剖心下油锅,悟空使出降妖手段,三大仙现出原形死于非命。 15、趣经女儿国:师徒途径女儿国,唐僧、八戒误饮子母河水怀胎。悟空取来落胎泉水,如意真仙因其侄红孩儿被悟空而降生恨。悟空教沙僧趁自己诱开真仙之机,取走泉水。唐僧八戒饮水解胎。医好了师父、师弟的奇恙。西梁女儿国王倾慕唐僧,欲招唐僧为夫。唐僧割断情丝,谢绝了女儿国王的一片好意。隐藏宫中的琵琶妖女,乘机把他摄入琵琶洞,悟空与八戒与妖女酣斗,却被她暗施毒针刺伤。后经昴日星君相助,才收伏了蝎子精 。 ution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)ol solfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcoh, ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sul(m/m), or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water amplesed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) sng boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consume. Usiesence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia releasng compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the prcontaini-n and ammonia1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitroge-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch s moreof the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash i. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number 5 16、真假美猴王:悟空因打死强盗被唐僧赶走,去见观音被留。六耳猕猴乘机假冒悟空打倒唐僧,抢去文牒,去西天取经,沙僧求助观音。观音与悟空沙僧同去花果山,真假悟空恶战,真假难辩。如来使他现了原身,被悟空一棒打死,观音送悟空回唐僧处。 17、三调芭蕉扇:前方火焰山挡路,悟空向牛魔王妻铁扇公主罗刹女借芭蕉扇,罗刹女因其子红孩儿被悟空降伏,一扇将他扇到九万里外的小须弥山灵吉菩萨处。悟空得到定风丹二借宝扇,被扇不动,变成虫子随茶水进入公主肚中,公主疼痛难忍,只得答应借扇。不料却是假扇,愈扇火愈大。悟空变做牛魔王形状,三借得宝扇,不料真牛魔王得知被骗,变成八戒模样,又拿走了扇子。悟空与天将恶战牛魔王,收服牛魔王,铁扇公主终于答应借扇。悟空扇息山火,师徒翻越火焰山。 18、盘丝洞斗妖:盘丝洞蜘蛛精七女妖把进来化斋的唐僧被蛛丝缠住。悟空见蛛女们去濯垢泉洗澡,变饿鹰,叼走其衣。八戒下水变成鲇鱼乱钻,然后现出本相,与蛛女们战斗,被蛛女用丝缠住。悟空打死小妖,救下师父,七女走脱。师徒们前行,来到黄花观。观主正, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl reduric solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulph oncentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acider. C3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of wat nto nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives;rted i, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be convetarch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collectsn the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid scontaining compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, i-and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia 1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-of the average result. Protein from starchn the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: whethe second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or 6 是蛛女们的道兄多目怪。他用毒茶加害唐僧师徒,被悟空识破。打斗中,多目怪胁下千眼齐放金光,罩住悟空。悟空请来毗蓝婆菩萨,用金针破金光,才收伏多目怪——蜈蚣精及众蛛女。 19、天竺收玉兔:天竺国“布金禅寺”中一个不明来历女子的哭声,引起了唐僧师徒的关注。天竺国公主骑象择亲,一箭射中唐僧之帽。国王为公主和唐僧举行盛大婚礼。悟空救起欲投河自尽的寺中女子,问明女子原是天竺国真公主,一年前被黄风刮走。悟空揭破秘密与假公主打斗。嫦娥下界收伏假公主——月宫捣药的玉兔,真公主才得与父母团聚。 【答题策略】故事情节按要求应由三部分组成:故事的起因、故事的经过、故事的结局。考场上答好这类题,务必按这三部分内容来完成,才能做到层次条理清晰。同时要注意语言流畅。 温书假做好如下工作: 1、对照《进阶》上的背诵默写,复习古诗ution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)ol solfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcoh, ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sul(m/m), or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water amplesed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) sng boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consume. Usiesence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia releasng compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the prcontaini-n and ammonia1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitroge-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch s moreof the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash i. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number 7 词背诵,重点掌握以前订正的红色字。 (((((((( 2、对照文言文复习提纲复习文言文,要求字句过关,含糊不清、似懂非懂的字词要及时(((((((请教或查阅课本、笔记,万不可囫囵吞枣,以((((((((( 讹为讹。 3、对几部名著的主要情节、主要人物、主题思想作简要回顾,对自己没有把握的作品要有意识地加强。(以往印发的名著材料及《进阶》中的部分材料可以作为重要参考) 4、思考下列作文题的构思,准备素材(素材要力求跳出学习、学校及同学间“纷争团结”之类的小圈圈,有生活的现实性或成长的感悟性、思辨性;人间真情的感染力是永不过时的,但素材要有独创性)。 凝聚 教训 从那一天开始 变化 瞬间 感动 难题 习惯 属于我的光荣 热爱 困惑 5、务必告诫自己要认真审题,思考成熟后(((( 再下笔;题量不会太大,不要心急;语基题中遇到新题型不要心慌,万变不离其宗,要认真(((((((揣测命题者的意图(包括分值的设置);阅读题(((((((( , cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcohol solution of the neutral methyl reduric solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sulfate. Standard solution of sulph oncentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acider. C3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water, or at least the purity of wat nto nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) samples of starch and its derivatives;rted i, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consumed the number that can be convetarch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia release. Using boric acid solution collectsn the presence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid scontaining compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, i-and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitrogen and ammonia 1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-of the average result. Protein from starchn the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash is more than 1%, should not exceed 2% in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value of the difference of the results: whethe second determination as a result. Results of two small The number. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or 8 要回到文本中去思考(拓展题除外),在文本中寻找(归纳)答案,答题力求规范饱满,紧扣((((((((文本;作文要注意扣题,特别是开头和结尾,(((((( 力求出彩;注意卷面,书写要工整,特别是作((((( 文,非到万不得已不做大的涂改;要有意识地克服自己以往答题习惯中的一些不足。考前的30天,你是自己最好的老师,没有谁比你更了解自己,没有谁比你更能让自己实现超越。祝你进步。 ution of the neutral methyl red, cold saturated solution and a 50% (v/v)ol solfate. Standard solution of sulphuric acid: about 0.02mol/L, or 0.1 mol/l standard solution. Indicator: by two 50% (v/v) alcoh, ρ 20 for 1.43g/mL. Boric acid solution: 20g/L. Catalyst: formed by the 97g and 3G of potassium sulfate anhydrous copper sul(m/m), or at least the purity of water. Concentrated sulphuric acid: 96% (m/m), ρ 20 for 1.84g/mL. Sodium hydroxide solution: 40% of starch and its derivatives; 3, reagent in the determination process, only use analytical grade reagent and distilled water amplesed the number that can be converted into nitrogen. This method is suitable for ammonia content is greater than 0.01% (m/m) sng boric acid solution collects, and then calibrated sulfuric acid solution titrated, get the volume of sulphuric acid consume. Usiesence of a catalyst, sulfuric acid starch and its derivatives and reaction products of alkali, and distilling ammonia releasng compounds. To the sample n samples of the original weight weight weight expressed as a percentage. Principle 2, in the prcontaini-n and ammonia1, define the content: formed by hydrolysis of starch and its derivatives in the sample of free amino acid content of nitroge-determination of Kjeldahl nitrogen-than 1%, should not exceed 2% of the average result. Protein from starch s moreof the difference of the results: when the ash is less than 1%, should not exceed 0.02% of the average results when the ash i. 5, allows the analysis of personnel simultaneously or in quick succession for the second determination, the absolute value the second determination as a result. Results of two small The number 9
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