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伴性遗传-教案伴性遗传-教案 教案二 性别决定和伴性遗传 讲课人 陈兰桂 讲课时间 2009.4.26 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、以XY型为例,理解性别决定的知识 2、以人的色盲为例,理解伴性遗传的传递规律 (二)能力目标 通过红绿色盲患者与正常色觉间的婚配后代色觉情况的学习,学会分析性染色体上基因传递的特点,培养分析和解决问题的能力。 (三)情感目标 1(通过性别决定及伴性遗传的讲解,认同有关近亲婚配的危害 ; 2(通过性别决定的学习,树立正确的价值观;通过色盲这一伴性遗传的学习,树立科学的世界观。 二、重点难点...
伴性遗传-教案 教案二 性别决定和伴性遗传 讲课人 陈兰桂 讲课时间 2009.4.26 一、教学目标 (一)知识目标 1、以XY型为例,理解性别决定的知识 2、以人的色盲为例,理解伴性遗传的传递规律 (二)能力目标 通过红绿色盲患者与正常色觉间的婚配后代色觉情况的学习,学会分析性染色体上基因传递的特点,培养分析和解决问的能力。 (三)情感目标 1(通过性别决定及伴性遗传的讲解,认同有关近亲婚配的危害 ; 2(通过性别决定的学习,树立正确的价值观;通过色盲这一伴性遗传的学习,树立科学的世界观。 二、重点难点 1、重点:1)XY型性别决定方式 2)人类红绿色盲的主要婚配方式及伴性遗传的规律 2、难点:人类红绿色盲的主要婚配方式及其伴性遗传的规律 三、教学方法 观察、讨论、阅读、讲述 四、课时安排 1课时(理论) 五、教学过程 导入:(中国年轻女性自杀状况) 在某山区,一个妇女生了四个孩子,is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 都是女孩,周围的人瞧不起她,婆家瞧不起她,就连她自己也瞧不起自己,以为自己没本事,生不了儿子,便自杀了。引导学生思考,生男生女到底取决于谁,生活中有一些常见的遗传病,比如,色盲症、血友病等,这些病症男女的发病率不同,为什么,带着这些问题学习探究“性别决定和伴性遗传”。 一 性别决定 1、人体细胞内的染色体 当然,不是所有的染色体都同性别有关,只是个别的染色体决定生物的性别。 因此,染色体分为两类: ,、性染色体和常染色体 (,)性染色体???决定性别的染色体。 (,)常染色体???与决定性别无关的染色体。 例如:人的体细胞中有,,对(,,条)染色体,其中,,对为常染色体,只有,对是性染色体(图见书) ,、性别决定类型 ,,型 :,,为雌性,,,为雄性 ,,型:与XY型相反,同型性染色体的个体是雄性,而异型性染色体的个体是雌性。 ,、,,型的性别决定 男性能产生两种类型的精子,即是,型和,型,且数目相等,比例:1:,,女性只产生一种类型的卵细胞,哪一种精子与卵细胞受精是机会均等的,因此后代的性别比例为,:,。 ,: ,, × ,, ? ? ? 配子: , X , is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 子代 ,, ,, 注意:性染色体的活动规律与常染色体是一致的,也符合基因的分离规律和自由组合规律。 由于封建的男尊女卑观念和长期的性愚昧,把生女归罪于母亲,这是无知的现,这种愚昧无知曾经导致了千千万万女性的悲剧,因此,我们要提倡男女平等。 二、伴性遗传 思考:“在以前的学习中我们知道基因在染色体上,那么性染色体上的基因控制的性状是否与性别相关联呢,其遗传有什么规律呢,”以这个问题进行知识过渡,将学习由性别决定转到伴性遗传,既然提到了伴性遗传,首先就要明确伴性遗传的概念:“我们以前学习到的所有遗传现象都是位于常染色体上的基因控制的遗传,所以称为常染色体遗传,那么什么叫伴性遗传呢,”以此问题引导学生得出伴性遗传的概念。 ,、伴性遗传的概念: 伴性遗传:位于性染色体上基因所控制的性状表现出与性别相联系的遗 传方式。 例如:红绿色盲、血友病等 ,、色盲的遗传: 红绿色盲:一种先天性的色觉障碍,患者不能分辨同样亮度和饱和度的红色与绿色。 为什么有这样奇特的现象呢, 色盲基因(b)以及它的等位基因——正常人的B就位于X染色体上,而Y染色体的相应位置上没有什么色觉的基因。 那么:既然在X上,女性有两个X,会不会得病机会更多呢,男性的Y上没有b ,那么说不定男性得病的该少啊, 我们分析一下: (,)人的正常色觉和红绿色盲的基因型 ,, , ,, 色盲女性 ,, 色盲男性 ,,, ,, 正常(携带者)女性 ,, 正常男性 nager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordinationect mang in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by projot arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reportiign, n) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the desimely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1am approaching construction in a tconstruction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction te-.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project precontacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close -le support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobi-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department2 ,, ,, 正常女性 由此可见,色盲是伴,隐性遗传病,男性只要他的X上有 b基因就会色盲,而女性必须同时具有双重的b才会患病,所以,患男>患女 (,)色盲遗传的几种情况 BBb例1: P: XX × XY ? ? ? Bb配子 X X Y BbBF1 XX XY 如图体现了两点:A男患者通过他的女儿把Xb基因传给他的外孙子导致其患病。 BbBF1 XX × XY ? ? ? ? BbBX X X Y BBBBbbF2 XX XY XX XY 女儿携带者,儿子正常表现出“交叉遗传” “隔代遗传”的特点B男患者比女患者多。 表现型 正常 女携带者 男患者色盲 bbB例2: P: XX × XY ? ?? bB 配子 X X Y BbbF1 XX XY 表现型 :女携带者,男患者如图说明:女性色盲,儿子一定是色盲患者,这也是男患者多于女患者的原因之一。 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination 思考讨论:外祖父色盲,外孙子一定色盲吗,(否) 通过以上分析让同学们讨论,总结出色盲的遗传的两个显著特点: ?男性多于女性 男:6.8,,,,女:,.,, ?一般地说,色盲这种病是由男性通过他的女儿(不病)遗传给他的外孙 子(隔代遗传、交叉遗传)。 ,母患子必患,女患父病患。 ?男性正常,那么他的母亲和女儿一定正常。 3 其他伴性遗传 伴X显性遗传,伴Y遗传。 通过对隐形遗传的分析,让同学们讨论总结出伴X显性遗传以及伴Y 遗传的特点。 伴X显性遗传,比如抗维生素D佝偻病。 特点:?连续遗传 ?女性多于男性。 ,女性正常那么她的父亲和儿子一定正常。 ?男性患病,那么他的母亲和女儿一定患病。 伴Y遗传,比如外耳道多毛症。 特点:?患者全为男性,?父传子,子传孙。 4 人类遗传病规律 ? 有中生无为显性 ? 无中生有为隐性 nager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordinationect mang in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by projot arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reportiign, n) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the desimely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1am approaching construction in a tconstruction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction te-.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project precontacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close -le support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobi-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department4 板书设计 第三节 性别决定和伴性遗传 一 性别决定 1、常染色体 2、性染色体 3、 性别决定的方式 二 伴性遗传 1、性遗性的概念 2、人类红绿色盲伴性遗传 特点: (1)隔代遗传 (2)男性患者多于女性患者 is large and ample power and local society, construction after consultation with the local power supply Department near the site established a provisional transformer 315KVA and for on-site construction, electricity and electricity. While spare 1-200Kw generators in case of power failure. 5, communication in the project Department in construction fixed telephone (mobile support), fax machines and other communications tools to guarantee full-time dispatchers on duty 24 hours to remain with the owner, the engineer, railway departments as well as the design of close contacts, ensure smooth construction of the project. 3.2.2. the construction coordination 1, coordination with the owner (1) meet the owners project pre-construction preparations such as land acquisition and relocation, create conditions as soon as possible, and construction team approaching construction in a timely manner. (2) attend owners ' associations project coordination and complete the work. 2, and design coordination unit (1) strictly in accordance with the drawings and design units provides optimization recommendations, without consent of the design, not arbitrarily changed the design. (2) the problems in construction drawings, design units and owners and supervisory reporting in a timely manner, and to advise on the design, handling design changes after construction. (3) actively assisted by project manager and design unit in engineering there are temporary problems, works well. 3, in coordination
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