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t2清仓年终总结t2清仓年终总结 篇一:语言学 chapt2 总结 Chapter2 SPEECH SOUNDS ?、How speech sounds are made? ? Speech organs ?Pharyngeal cavity: voiced, voiceless ?Oral cavity: the uvula, the soft palate, the hard palate, the teeth ridge, the teeth and the lip. ?Nasal cavity: Three nasal ...
t2清仓年终总结 篇一:语言学 chapt2 总结 Chapter2 SPEECH SOUNDS ?、How speech sounds are made? ? Speech organs ?Pharyngeal cavity: voiced, voiceless ?Oral cavity: the uvula, the soft palate, the hard palate, the teeth ridge, the teeth and the lip. ?Nasal cavity: Three nasal consonants: [m],[n],[ η ] ? The IPA ?、The IPA(the international alphabet) main principles were that there should be a separated letter for each distinctive sound, and that the same symbol should be used for that sound in any language in which it appears. ?、IPA chart :?consonant:a、non-pulmonicb、pulmonic ? vowel ?、DIACRITICS: the diacritics are additional symbols or marks ?、Consonants and Vowels ?The difference between consonants and vowels When we pronounce if there is obstruction of airstream, then it is consonant, opposite is vowel. ?Consonants Three properties:? voicing: voiced and voiceless?the Manner of Articulation?the Place of Articulation ?Vowels Four basic requirements: ? the height of tongue raising(high, mid, low) ? the position of the highest part of the tongue ? the length or tenseness of the vowel ? lip-rounding ?、From Phonetics to Phonology ?Coarticulation and Phonetics Transcriptions ? Definition: When we pronounce, sounds continually show the influence of their neighbors, such simultaneous or overlapping articulation are involved, we called the process coarticulation. ? two branches of coarculation: a、 anticipatory coarticulation (e.g. lamb) b、 preservative coarticulatione(e.g. map) ? a、 ASPIRATED: e.g. [p] in peak b、 UNASPIRATED: e.g. [p] in speak ? Phonetic Transcriptions: ?Two branches: a、broad transcription b、narrow transcription ? difference: in the transcription, if they use diacritic, they are narrow transcription, or not. ?Phonemes ? For example, tea: phonetic transcription [tIn]; din: phonetic transcription [dIn]. Thus [t] and [d] are important sounds in English, because they enable us to distinguish tin and din. This technique, called the MINMAL PAIRS test, can be used to find out which sound substitutions cause difference of meaning. For English, it leads to the identification of over 40 ―important‖ units, called phonemes. Phoneme is the smallest unit that distinguishes the meaning. ?、Language differ in the selection of contrastive sounds [p]in peak is aspirated--[ph] and [p]in speak is unaspirated--[p]. [ph] and [p] they are the same phoneme/p/ but are different phonetic sounds conditioned by different position. ?、 Transcription Phonemic transcription are placed between slant line (/ /); Phonetic transcription are placed between square brackets ([ ]). ? Allophones ?、 Definition In the example, [p, ph] are two different PHONES and are variants of the same phoneme/p/. such variant of a phoneme are called ALLOPHONES of the same phoneme. ?、 Complementary Distribution [p, ph] never occur in the same context: /p/?[p]/[s]____[ph] elsewhere ?、 Condition of Allophones ? they are both phonetically similar ? they are in complementary distribution ?、 Free Variants Cup – it is the same word pronounced in two different ways:[kh?ph] and [kh?p,] ?、Phonological Processes, Phonological Rules and Distinctive Features ?ALLISMISTION ?、 All instances of assimilation: Nasalization, Dentalization, and Velarization. ?、 Branches of assimilation: ? Regressive Assimilation: a following sound is influencing a preceding sound ? Progressive Assimilation: a preceding sound is influencing a following sound ?、Devoicing a process by which voiced sounds become voiceless. ? Epenthesis, Rule Ordering and the Elsewhere Condition ?、 Epenthesis A、a hotel, a boy, a use, a big man B、an apple, an honor, an old lady ?、The three variants of the plural form in English a、 The [s] appears after voiced sounds b、 The [z] appears after voiced sounds c、 The [ez] appears after sibilants (notes: Voiced sounds include vowels) ? Distinctive Features ?、 Distinctive features are known as BINARY FEATURES because we can group tem into two categories: one with this feature. and the other without 篇二:2013年终总结 工 作 总 结 报 告 - XXX年年终工作汇报 时光飞逝,一转眼2013年已接近尾声。自2013年11月4日来到XX公司商务中心SAP商务组就职,在这一个多月里我了解到对于公司而言,2013年是既艰难又显著提高的一年。刚进入公司,了解到公司为上市引进一项SAP系统,此系统需将之前所做工程的所有数据录入其中。商务中心SAP商务组由商务中心总经理领导,本人作为商务中心SAP商务组成员,主要负责编制下发项目的SAP数据录入(凭证信息、采购订单、成本计划),成本绩效的打印、协助本部门成员进行的打印、办理领导临时交办的任务等工作。现对本人2013年的具体工作情况汇总如下: 一:SAP模板数据录入:根据投标部、幕墙部、商务部及智建部所做的成本绩效、投标清单,我们将其准确无误的录入到SAP模板中。前期的录入工作均是用SAP系统模板录入,但是由于模板更新频繁,所以一直未能进行。经协商,我们统一用excel进行采购订单、甲方清单、成本计划的录入,本人录入的项目有:中国气象局3#住宅楼工程、河北百善药业工程、福建省医学科学研 究院一层及部分中庭地面工程、承德市双桥区东方比利别墅区、锦城明郡E区、F区外立面石材幕墙工程、中国邮政储蓄银行辽宁分行外墙石材工程、成都双流机场T2候机楼内租赁商业地块装修工程、北京注册会计师协会装修工程、清华大学天通苑医院一期3号综合楼外檐幕墙工程等40多个 项目,并及时进行凭证号、凭证日期的补充。 二、成本绩效的打印:成本绩效打印完成488份,其中合作项目365份,自营项目123份,并全部交给财务。在成本绩效的打印过程中,遇到的问有: 1、项目名称有误;2、一个项目中只有投标清单,无成本绩效或只有成本绩效无投标清单;3、结算金额的不确定;4、大多数的成本绩效存在格式的错。通过与相关部门的协调,对上诉问题均已解决。综上所述的几个问题,导致打印成本绩效时,消耗了很多的时间。 三、合同的打印及台账的更新:按照财务中心的要求,合同打印完 成522份,并全部上交给财务。打印过程中的问题:部分合同无合同金额、无甲乙方的盖章等。 四、工作一个月的收获:通过这一个月的工作与学习,本人主要收获有一下几点: 1、 对SAP业务与工作有所了解; 2、 不论处于什么样的工作岗位,都要保持正确的工作态度, 认真工作,减少工作中的失误,防止做重复的工作; 3、 遇到问题及时与相关人员进行沟通,寻找解决问题的方法, 使工作更加顺畅的进行,不能逃避问题、推卸责任。 五、根据公司的现状,对未来一年的工作计划: 1、加强对公司业务、流程及SAP的业务流程的学习,增强自身的专业知识,加强自身的专业技能与技巧,努力达到公司所需人才的要求; 2、加强自身的沟通能力,遇到问题与困难,及时与各相关部门沟通、协商,方便各部门工作上的相互配合,使工作更加顺利的进行。 3、严格遵守公司的规章,按照公司的要求工作。加深对自身职位的了解,认清自身的本质工作,履行自身的工作任务,使工作保质保量的完成。 4、积极配合本部门及各相关部门人员的工作,及时完成领导下发的工作任务,对工作保持积极向上的态度,不逃避,不躲避,不气馁。 在以后的工作中,本人将取长补短,尽心尽力,尽职尽责,全 心全意为公司服务。本人将不断提高自身的工作技能,尽自己最大的努力为公司谋取最大的利益。 最后祝愿集团在接下来的一年里,蒸蒸日上,祥瑞降临~ 报告人:孙亚杰 时间:2013年12月13日 篇三:九年级U4 T2 知识点总结 Unit 4 Topic 2 Key Points Section A 1.on the earth:在地球上=on earth on earth:(1).在地球上;(2).究竟,到底 2.in order to +短语:为了„.; in order that从句:为了„;相当于so that。 3.can与be able to 的区别: 相同点:二者都表示“有能力做某事”。 不同点:can表“能力”时只有一般现在时和一般过去时两种; be able to则有一般现在时、一般过去时、将来时和完成时等时态。 4.语法: (1).一般现在时态被动语态: be+ done eg. Many spaceships are sent into space by China. (2).一般过去时态被动语态: was/were + done eg. Spaceship V was sent into space in 2003. (3).一般将来时态被动语态: will be +done (注:will是第一助动词,否定句,疑问句都围绕will进行变化。) eg. More spaceships will be sent into space in the future. Exercise 1. It’s about life ___________(在太空). 2. A wonderful movie ____________(将上映). 3. All the people travel ___________(乘坐宇宙飞船). 4. I think we will live in space _______(某一天). 5. We will be able to do anything that __________(能够被做)on the earth . Section B 1.(1).take part in:参加(会议或群众性活动等),着重说明主语参加 该活动并在活动中发挥作用。 eg.We often take part in physical labor. (2).join:参加(某一组织团体、党派),成为其中一员,或和某人一 起做事情。 eg.When did your brother join the army? He’ll join us in singing the song. (3).join in:多指参加小规模的活动,如“球赛、游戏”等。 常用 于日常口语。 eg.Come along , and join in the ball games. 2. prefer sth. to sth. „:喜欢„„而不喜欢„„ prefer doing sth. to doing sth. „:喜欢做某事而不喜欢做某事 eg. I prefer green tea to coffee. I prefer cooking myself to eating out. 3.realize:V.意识到;实现=achieve=make sth. come true eg. Our dreams will be realized. = We will make our dreams come true. Section C 1.name:n.名字;V.命名,给„取名 be named after„:以„命名 2. at a distance of „有 „„距离 at/from the distance:在远方 3.倍数表达法: 倍数/分数+ as +adj./adv.原级+as+比较对象:„的几倍 4.weigh:V.重,有多重; n.(不可数)重量,分量 lose weight:减肥 eg.The large stone weighs over 10 tons. 5. search for :搜索, 强调“寻找的目标” 。 eg. All night they searched for the lost boy. search„ for„搜索,强调有具体的目标。如: eg.She searched many shops for Jim’s gift. search:“在„„搜查”或“搜身”, 是个及物动词,后面直接跟“被搜查的对象”。如: eg. Mr.Smith searched every room in the house. 6.It has been+since+从句(一般过去时). It is+一段时间+since+从句(一般过去时). Section D 1.There have/has been是there be句型的现在完成时结构。 2.millions of„ 数以百万计的„ 3.beyond:prep.(介词)超出,在„之外,晚于,迟于 4.send sth. to sb.=send sb. sth.寄给某人某物 Exercise (1)A wonderful movie will be ________(上映) tonight. (2)We will be able to do anything that can be______(做) on the earth. (3)I won’t believe there are aliens ______(直到)I see them with my own eyes . (4)Our dreams will be ________(实现). (5)The gravity on the surface of Mars is about __________(五分之二) as strong as it is on earth.
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