
办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-immigration check list

2018-02-02 17页 doc 47KB 57阅读




办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-immigration check list办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-immigration check list 外籍办证申请文件清单检查 Check list of permits application for Expat. 一、新办 New Applying 就业许可审批Applying for Alien Employment License form 6个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、营业执照(副本)或登记证、组织机构代码证、地税登记证、公司章程(如有)的复印件,并盖公章; 2、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公...
办证中国工作签证全流程中英文-immigration check list
办证中国工作签证全中英文-immigration check list 外籍办证申请文件清单检查 Check list of permits application for Expat. 一、新办 New Applying 就业许可审批Applying for Alien Employment License form 6个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、营业执照(副本)或登记证、组织机构代码证、地税登记证、公司章程(如有)的复印件,并盖公章; 2、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章; 3、《聘用外国人就业#申请表#》一式两份(单位盖章); 4、外国申请人的工作简历和其从事该项工作的资格证明(学历证书、职位资格证明需同时提供中文翻译原件,特殊工 种的证书须经过本国公证机关公证,公证证明应为中文); 5、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位聘用外国人就业的#申请#(包括单位和申请人基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用 理由、被聘用人拟任部门和职位,具体工作和期限等),并盖公章; 6、用公司信头纸打印的用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 7、如属派遣人员,需提供公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 8、如外国申请人有在华工作经历的,需提供原单位公司信头纸打印的离职证明,并盖公章; 、按业务需要所要求的其他资料(以市公安出入境管理部门受理为准)。 9 6 working days (including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration 1/ Copy of business license or registered certificate、organization code certificate、tax registered certificate、company constitution,and cover stamp; 2/ Copy of foreigner’s valid passport(the person data), and cover stamp; 3/Two copies of ,and cover stamp; 4/ The curriculum vitae of the foreigner and the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job(Chinese translated version is required); 5\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp; 6\ The letter of intention for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp; 7\ The letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp; 8\ If work experience in China, provide a company letter of leaving certificate and cover stamp; 9\ Other documents required by police section. 就业许可证书Applying for Alien Employment License 7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局 1、用公司信头纸打印用人单位聘用外国人就业的申请报告(包括本单位基本情况、单位英文名称、具体聘用理由、被 聘用人的拟任部门和职位,具体工作内容和期限等),并盖公章; 2、用人单位的营业执照(副本)(分支机构的另需提供总公司营业执照(副本))或民办非企业登记证、组织机构代码 证的复印件,并盖公章; 3、《聘用外国人就业申请表》(经广州市公安局出入境管理部门审核批准并签署意见); 4、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章; 5、用公司信头纸打印用人单位的聘用意向书,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 6、外国申请人完整、详细的工作简历(包括就业单位名称,所在国家城市、起始时间、任部门和职位、具体工作内容 等)和教育学历证书和其从事该项工作的职业资格证明复印件,(以上文件如为外文的,须同时提供中文翻译原件并公 证确认); 7、申请人健康状况证明(有广东国际旅行卫生保健中心出具,地址:广州市天河区天河北路龙口西路207号)(我司 可协助办理); 所需资料:(需时3个工作日) A.申请人护照原件和复印件(首页、最新签证页和最新入境章页); B.白底小一寸彩照8张; C.人民币700元(费用以实际的为准); D.体检当天不能吃早餐和喝咖啡。 8、如申请人原在中国有就业的,需提交原就业许可注销证明; 9、如属派遣人员,需提供用公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 10、法律、法规规定的其他文件。 7 working days (including the on-line application time)---Bureau of labor 1/ The application report of reasons for employment of the foreigner in detail issued by the employment company(including the basic information of the company, name of the company in English and Chinese, the reason why it will employ this foreigner, the information of the foreign candidate, the employment period etc.),and cover stamp; 2/ Copy of business license or registered certificate and organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 3/《Application for recruiting foreign worker in China》(which is approved by Division of Exit & Entry Administration Department of Public Security of Guangdong Province); 4/ Copy of foreigner’s valid passport(the person data), and cover stamp; 5/ The letter of intention for employment issued by the employment company, and cover stamp; 6/ The curriculum vitae of the foreigner , copies of the educational diploma and the credentials of the foreigner required for the performance of the job.( Chinese translation of the documents is required as attachment, the notaries certificate in Chinese or English of qualification for the performance of the special job is also required); 7/ The health certificate of the foreigner to be employed(Our company should assist to handle this); Required documents:(it need 3 work days to finish) A. Original and copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid visa and the latest entry stamp); B. 8 pieces white ground photograph of small one inch; C. RMB 600yuan(the actual cost to prevail); . D. No eat breakfast and drink coffee on that day. 8\ If the applicant's former employment in China is required to submit proof of the original employment permit canceled; 9\ The letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp; 10\ Other documents required by police section. 工作通知电函(邀请函)Applying for Letter or telex of visa notification( Saying “Invitation Letter”) 7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---外经贸委 1、《外国人入境审批表》一式三份,并公司联络员和法定代表人签名和盖公章(需上网申请,需时2个工作日); 2、用公司信头纸打印的申请报告(来华目的及对有关事项承诺及担保),并盖公章; 3、用人单位的营业执照(副本)和组织机构代码证的复印件并盖公章(上年度已通过年审); 4、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页),并盖公章(护照有效期须在一年以上); 5、由广州市人力资源社会保障部门核发的《外国人就业许可证书》原件和复印件。 7 working days (including the on-line application time)---Trade Economy Corporation Bureau 1\ Fill three forms,sign and cover stamp; 2\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp; 3\ Copy of business license and organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 4\ Copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data),and cover stamp; 5\ Original and copy of the Alien Employment License. 工作签证Applying for Z visa 时间按各国而定 申请单位凭签发的《外国人就业许可证书》申办工作签证通知表,获准来中国就业的外国人,应凭劳动保障部门签发 的就业许可证书、被授权单位(广东省、广州市对外经济贸易合作部门)的工作通知函电及本国有效护照或能代替护 照的证件,到中国驻外使、领馆、处申请职业签证(Z),用人单位应在被聘用的外国人持职业签证入境后十五日内, 持许可证书、与被聘用的外国人签订的劳动及其有效护照或能代替护照的证件等其他所需资料到原发证机关为外 国人办理《外国人就业证》。2、外国、台港澳地区企业常驻代表机构的首席代表、代表可免办就业许可证书,经市公 安局出入境管理部门审核批准后,凭工商行政管理部门的登记证明等资料到被授权单位申请办理工作签证通知表,再 凭工作签证通知函电和工商行政管理部门的登记证明在中国驻外使、领馆、处申请职业签证(Z)入境,入境后十五日 内凭职业签证(Z)及有关证明直接办理《外国人就业证》。 The time depends on every different country 1/ The employer,bringing with the Employment License issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, should apply for the letter or telex of visa notification issued by the authorized unit,Foreigner with permission to work in China should apply for Employment Visas at the Chinese embassies, consulates and visa offices, bringing with them the Employment License issued by the Ministry of Labor, the letter or telex of visa notification sent by the authorized unit and the valid passport or Travel Document. The employer should, within fifteen days after the entry of the employed foreigner, take to the original Certificate Office the Employment License, the labor contract with the said foreigner and his passport or Travel Document and other documents as required to receive his Employment Permit while filling out the Foreigner Employment Registration Form, 2/ Personnel refereed to chief representatives and representative of the permanent offices of foreign enterprises in China, exempted from the Employment License,with the registration certification issued by the administrative authorities of industry and commerce, should apply for the letter or telex of visa notification issued by the authorized unit after the approval by Entry and Exit Administration Division of Guangzhou Municipal Public Security Bureau. And they should apply for Employment Visas(Z) at the Chinese embassies, consulates and visa offices with their letter or telex of visa notification sent by the authorized unit and the registration certification issued by the administrative authorities of industry and commerce. Then they may apply directly for the Employment Permit by presenting their Employment Visas and relevant papers after their entry into China. 就业证Applying for Working Permit 7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局 1、用人单位的营业执照(副本)和组织机构代码证的复印件并盖公章; 2、外国就业申请人的有效护照复印件(个人资料页、Z签证页和最新入境章页),并盖公章; 3、填写《外国人就业登记表》一份加盖公章,申请人签名并贴相片,另附二寸彩色近照一张; 4、如属非派遣人员,需提供劳动关系证明(中文劳动合同)复印件壹份,并加盖公章; 5、如属派遣人员,需提供用公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名,及壹份用公司信头纸打印的工 作证明,并盖公章; 6、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)复印件,并盖公章,1个 工作日可取。若住在五星级酒店的可出示酒店住宿证明代替; 7、外国人就业许可证书原件(外国、台港澳地区企业常驻代表机构的首席代表、一般代表可免办就业许可证书)。 7 working days (including the on-line application time)---Bureau of labor 1\ Copy of business license and organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 2\ Copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 3\ (signed by foreigner and attached by two pieces of passport size photos),and cover stamp; 4\ if not the dispatched personnel,please provide one photocopy of labor relations prove(Chinese labor contract) and cover stamp; 5\ if the dispatched personnel,please provide the letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;and one letter of work proves with stamp; 6\ Copy of the registration form of temporary residence and cover stamp; 7\ Original of the Alien Employment License. 居留许可Applying for Residence permit 8个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、护照原件和复印件(个人资料页、Z签证页和最新入境章页),并盖公章在复印件上; 2、填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,并盖公章; 3、大一寸彩色证件照片一张,并递交该照片的回执; 4、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)原件。若住在五星级酒店 的可出示酒店住宿证明代替; 5、申请人的就业证原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 6、用人单位的公司营业执照副本原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 7、用人单位的公司组织机构代码证复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 8、如属非派遣人员,需提供劳动关系证明(中文劳动合同)复印件壹份,并加盖公章; 9、如属派遣人员,需提供用公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 10、用公司信头纸打印的工作证明,并盖公章。 8 working days(including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration 1\ Original and copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 2\ Fill
and cover stamp; 3\ One visa photo for foreigners in Guang Dong Province and a receipt of such photograph 4\ Original of the registration form of temporary residence; 5\ Original and copy of and cover stamp; 6\ Original and copy of business license,and cover stamp; 7\ Copy of organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 8\ if not the dispatched personnel,please provide one photocopy of labor relations prove(Chinese labor contract) and cover stamp; 9\ if the dispatched personnel,please provide the letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp; 10\ One letter of Work proves with stamp. 二、延期 Renewal 就业证延期Renewal for Working Permit 7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---劳动局 1、用人单位的营业执照(副本)和组织机构代码证的复印件并盖公章; 2、外国就业申请人的有效护照复印件(个人资料页、最新居留许可签证页和最新入境章页),并盖公章; 3、填写一份《外国人就业证延期申请表》,并加盖公章和申请人签名,另附二寸彩色近照一张; 、如属非派遣人员,需提供劳动关系证明(中文劳动合同)复印件壹份,并加盖公章; 4 5、如属派遣人员,需提供用公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名,及壹份用公司信头纸打印的工 作证明,并盖公章; 6、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)复印件,并盖公章,1个 工作日可取。若住在五星级酒店的可出示酒店住宿证明代替; 7、外国人就业证原件(外国申请人必须在就业证上签名)。 7 working days (including the on-line application time)---Bureau of labor 1\ Copy of business license and organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 2\ Copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 3\ (signed by foreigner and attached by two pieces of passport size photos),and cover stamp; 4\ if not the dispatched personnel,please provide one photocopy of labor relations prove(Chinese labor contract) and cover stamp; 5\ if the dispatched personnel,please provide the letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp;and one letter of work proves with stamp; 6\ Copy of the registration form of temporary residence and cover stamp; 7\ Original of the Alien Employment Permit. 居留许可延期Renewal for Residence permit 8个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、护照原件和复印件(个人资料页、最新居留许可签证页和最新入境章页),并盖公章在复印件上; 2、填写《外国人签证、居留许可申请表》,并盖公章; 3、大一寸彩色证件照片一张,并递交该照片的回执; 4、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)原件。若住在五星级酒店 的可出示酒店住宿证明代替; 5、申请人的就业证原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 6、用人单位的公司营业执照副本原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 7、用人单位的公司组织机构代码证复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 8、如属非派遣人员,需提供劳动关系证明(中文劳动合同)复印件壹份,并加盖公章; 9、如属派遣人员,需提供用公司信头纸打印的派遣证明,并盖公章和外国申请人签名; 10、用公司信头纸打印的工作证明,并盖公章。 8 working days(including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration 1\ Original and copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 2\ Fill and cover stamp; 3\ One visa photo for foreigners in Guang Dong Province and a receipt of such photograph 4\ Original of the registration form of temporary residence; 5\ Original and copy of and cover stamp; 6\ Original and copy of business license,and cover stamp; 7\ Copy of organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 8\ if not the dispatched personnel,please provide one photocopy of labor relations prove(Chinese labor contract) and cover stamp; 9\ if the dispatched personnel,please provide the letter of dispatch for employment,signed by foreigner and cover stamp; 10\ One letter of Work proves with stamp. 三、访问签证 F Visa 访问签证申办(F签证)Applying for F visa 7个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---外经贸委 1、《外国人入境审批表》一式三份,并公司联络员和法定代表人签名和盖公章(需上网申请,需时2个工作日); 2、用公司信头纸打印的承诺函(说明具体业务内容、在华(穗)行程和相关承诺及担保事项),并盖公章; 3、用人单位的营业执照(副本)和组织机构代码证的复印件并盖公章(上年度已通过年审); 4、由海关出具的邀请单位与被邀请人国家(地区)直接进出口统计数据; 5、外国申请人有效护照的复印件(个人资料页和以往来华出入境记录),并盖公章(护照有效期须在一年以上); 6、用外国公司信头纸出具的在职证明扫描件(内容包括该外国人在该公司所任职务、护照号、来华目的、出入境时间、 旅费是否足够等),并需盖外国公司公章或相关负责人签名; 7、其他要求提供的相关材料; 8、不受理外国人家属随行进行商务考察。 7 working days (including the on-line application time)---Trade Economy Corporation Bureau 1\ Fill three forms,sign and cover stamp; 2\ The report of reasons for employment in detail,and cover stamp; 3\ Copy of business license and organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 4\ The report of direct import and export statistics from the customs and cover stamp; 5\ Copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data and in the past China exit and entry record),and cover stamp; 6\ Photocopy certificate of incumbency,sign and cover stamp; 7\ Other documents required by police section; 8\ Don't accept foreigners accompanying family members for a business tour. 访问签证延期(F签证)Renewal for F visa 8个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、外国申请人有效护照的原件和复印件,并盖公章; 2、填写《外国人签证证件申请表》,并盖公章; 3、大一寸彩色证件照片一张,并递交该照片的回执; 4、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)原件; 5、在穗接待单位证明函件; 6、用人单位的公司营业执照副本原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 7、用人单位的公司组织机构代码证复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 8、其他要求提供的相关材料 9、不受理外国人家属随行进行商务考察。 8 working days(including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration 1\ Original and copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 2\ Fill and cover stamp; 3\ One visa photo for foreigners in Guang Dong Province and a receipt of such photograph 4\ Original of the registration form of temporary residence; 5\ One letter of Work proves with stamp; 6\ Original and copy of business license,and cover stamp; 7\ Copy of organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 8\ Other documents required by police section; 9\Don't accept foreigners accompanying family members for a business tour. 四、商贸签证 M Visa 商贸签证申办(M签证)Applying for M visa 时间按各国而定 外国申请人凭相关资料及本国有效护照,到中国驻外使、领馆、处申请商贸签证(M)。 商贸签证延期(M签证)Renewal for M visa 8个工作日(包含上网申请时间)---出入境 1、外国申请人有效护照的原件和复印件,并盖公章; 2、填写《外国人签证证件申请表》,并盖公章; 3、大一寸彩色证件照片一张,并递交该照片的回执; 4、申请人最新有效的《境外人员临时住宿登记表》(由在广州市住宿所在地公安部门出具)原件; 5、在穗接待单位证明函件; 6、用人单位的公司营业执照副本原件和复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 7、用人单位的公司组织机构代码证复印件,并盖公章在复印件上; 8、其他要求提供的相关材料。 8 working days(including the on-line application time)---The Exit and Entry Administration 1\ Original and copy of foreigner’s passport(the person data,the valid Z visa and the latest entry stamp),and cover stamp; 2\ Fill and cover stamp; 3\ One visa photo for foreigners in Guang Dong Province and a receipt of such photograph 4\ Original of the registration form of temporary residence; 5\ One letter of Work proves with stamp; 6\ Original and copy of business license,and cover stamp; 7\ Copy of organization code certificate,and cover stamp; 8\ Other documents required by police section.
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