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四川省大学英语三级考试真题 四川省大学英语三级练习一 试卷一 Test Paper One Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (20 minutes) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best compl...
四川省大学英语三级练习一 一 Test Paper One Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (20 minutes) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 13. This heavy traffic is ________ for this time of the day. A) actual B) natural C)formal D) normal 14. he began to feel hungrey since the previous evening. A) not having eaten B) not have eaten C) not eating D) having not eaten 15. The teacher recommended that each student ________ a plan for the summer vacation. A) would make B) made C) make D) makes 16. He is very popular with his schoolmates and feels ________ to win the election. A) confusing B) confident C) convincing D) conscious 17. Nowhere else in this area ________ such a beautiful scene. A) is it B) is there C) it is D) there is 18. These children are quick ________ learning, we’ll have them trained in new methods. A) from B)for C) at D) on 19. His health ________, Tom had to leave the army in 1990. A) failing B) failed C) did fail D) had failed 20. Since they aren’t answering my telephone, they ________. A) should have left B) need have left C) would have left D) must have left 21. The flight was supposed to take off at ten o’clock, but ________ we had to wait until eleven o’clock. A) in vain B) in advance C) in case D) in effect 22. There was a knock at the door again, and it was the second time someone ________ me that evening. A) has interrupted B) had interrupted C) would have interrupted D) should have interrupted 23. Surprisingly, the accident did very little ________ to either car. A) harm B) damage C) danger D) injury 24. I feel like ________ to the landlord of the house to complain about the broken window. A) writing B) write C) to write D) to have written 25. After going to several interviews, she eventually ________ to get a job. A) managed B) attained C) succeeded D) achieved 26. When you make a public speech, try your best to make yourself clearly ________ . A) understand B) understanding C) understood D) to understand 27. If the pressure is not ________ immediately, there may be an explosion. A) revealed B) released C) resolved D) relieved 28. Every means ________ tried, but we still cannot solve this problem. A) is B) have been C) are D) bas been 29. I’d like to come with you but that’s not a promise, don’t ________ it. A) count on B) call on C) live on D) wait on 30. They have invited me to dinner ________ is very kind of them. A) as B) which C) it D) that 31. I can leave this note to ________ is in charge of foreign affairs of the university. A) who B) whom C) whoever D) whomever 32. Which do you think is ________, health or wealth? A) the best B) the better C) best D) better Part III: Reading Comprehension (40%) (35 minutes) Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions or unfinished statements. For each question, there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You should choose the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 33 to 37 are based on the following passage. Want to see a good film – without leaving the house? Well, just switch on the television. That’s fine for most of us, but people couldn’t do so 20 or 30 years age. A visit to the cinema was “an evening out,” a film was something special. Young people still go to the cinema often. Children watch a lot of television. Films and film stars are a strong force in our lives. So it is surprising how little film education there is in schools. Why don’t more children learn how films are made, and why they are made? The best film education is when children make a film of their own. This is not too difficult. Three things are important – the cost, the idea of the film, and organization. A 4-minute film can cost as little asよ 10. Schools can hire the necessary equipment. They can also borrow films that other children have made. This helps them to see what is possible in a short film. Children will be making the film, so the main ideas for the film must come form them. When these have been agreed, the organization begins. Someone must Write the film and plan the filming. Some children will be actors, others camera men, lighting men, technicians and so on. They all have to practice a lot before the film itself is made. They learn a great deal about the technical problems of films, and about themselves. 33. A film was once something special because ________. A) people had to go to the cinema B) television was not so popular as now C) people didn’t have to leave the house D) there weren’t many films 20 or 30 years ago 34. The word “This” (Line 1, Paragraph 2) refers to ________. A) getting the idea of a film B) learning how to make films C) organizing filming activities D) making a film by children themselves 35. It is good for children to make their own films at school because A) they can learn a lot about filming C) they can entertain themselves B) they like films and film stars D) they want to become film stars 36. The author writes this passage mainly to tell us ________. A) the low cost of making films B) the important things in making films C) why and how to make films in schools D) whether to offer children film education 37. We can conclude from the passage that ________. A) children can benefit a lot from making films B) it is necessary for children to go to the cinema C) children spend too much time watching TV D) it is difficult for children to make films of their own Passage Two Questions 38 to 42 are based on the following passage. What is happening in our weather? Of course we have never been able to predict exactly what the weather will be like, but now strange weather patterns are seriously affecting many parts of the world. For example, droughts (旱灾) in Mexico and Brazil have recently caused great crop losses and in the United States they have even had to make their own snow for the Winter Olympics! Scientists have found that the cause of this strange weather is that the air circulation pattern has changed and is now more variable than earlier in the twentieth century. This means that different regions of the world get long spells (持续时间) of the same type of weather, whether hot , cold, wet or windy. However, weather experts have different views about why this has happened. One theory is that the temperature of the sea has increased. Another is that man’s activities on earth have disturbed the balance of nature. Whatever the cause, the economics of many countries in the world depend upon the weather. And until we know exactly what effect man’s activities are having on the weather, we cannot make changes which might help. So for the moment the only answer is …wait and see ! 38. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the first paragraph? A) We have never predicted the weather B) Man is now able to control the weather C) Strange weather has appeared only in some North American countries D) It has always been impossible for man to predict the weather accurately. 39. The strange weather patterns on the earth can he best described as ________. A) steady and balanced C) likely to cause serous disasters B) changeable but predictable D) unpredictable but favorable to man 40. The word “affecting” in Paragraph 1 can be replaced by ________. A) yielding good crops in C) causing few losses in B) having harmful effects on D) producing desired effects on 41. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that ________. A) weather patterns are similar in different regions of the world B) the air circulation pattern remains unchanged in the last century C) our weather depends on the changes in the air circulation pattern D) it is possible to predict weather patterns over a long period of time 42. It can be learned from this passage that ________. A) scientists have similar opinions about the changing weather B) no one is sure about the cause of the changing weather C) cutting down forests has affected the climate D) the weather will become worse in the future Passage Three Questions 43 to 47 are based on the following passage. The World Bank is one of the largest suppliers of development assistance. Its main goal is to improve living conditions for poor people throughout the world. Last year, it provided more than seventeen-thousand-million dollars in loans to developing countries to help end poverty. The money went to efforts like debt reduction for some of the poorest countries in the world. That program was designed to increase debt assistance and provide it faster than in the past. As a result, twenty-three countries received debt assistance last year as compared to seven countries the year before. The World Bank does more than just provide loans, however. It believes that continued poverty reduction comes from investing in the people of a country – especially through education and health programs. The World Bank employs engineers, economists, public policy experts and social scientists to create these kinds of programs. These professionals also provide developing countries with the necessary technical help to carry out the programs. The Bank has helped to make great progress in developing nations, where life expectancy (寿命) has increased and baby and child deaths have decreased, and more adults now can read than in the past. However, protesters have held large demonstrations at recent World Band meetings. Opponents say Bank programs make industrial nations richer and developing nations poorer. Others say the organization’s activities result in environmental damage. 43. The World Bank aims mainly at ________. A) helping poor countries better their living conditions B) becoming the largest supplier of development assistance C) paying debts for some of the poorest countries in the world D) providing loans for developing countries in order to make profits 44. Last year the World Bank offered debt assistance to ________. A) fewer poor countries C) more rich countries B) fewer rich countries D) more poor countries 45. Which of the following is probably NOT the way that the World Bank helps a country? A) Creating health programs. C) Educating the people B) Providing technical help D) Making profits in the country. 46. According to the passage, opponents criticize the World Band because ________. A) it has helped the rich countries a great deal B) it has cared too much about the poor countries C) it has widened the economic gaps between rich and poor countries D) it has caused most of the world environmental pollution 47. This passage is manly about ________. A) the management of the World Band B) the assistance programs of the World Band C) the achievements of the World Bank D) the organization activities of the World Bank Passage Four Question 48 to 52 are based on the following passage. He is a good observe, accurate, patient and objective and applies persistent and logical thought to the observations he makes. He utilizes the facts he observes to the fullest extent. For example, trained observes obtain a very large amount of information about a star (e.g. distance, mass, size, rate of movement etc.) mainly from the accurate analysis of the simple lines that appear in a spectrum (光谱). He is skeptical (怀疑的) 0 he does not accept statements which are not based on the most complete evidence available – and therefore rejects authority as the sole basis for truth. Scientists always check statements and make experiments carefully and objectively to prove them. Furthermore, he is not only critical of the work of others, but also of his own, since he knows that man is the least reliable of scientific instruments and that a number of factors tend to disturb objective investigation. Lastly, he is highly imaginative since he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete. Furthermore, he needs imagination if he wants to make hypotheses(假设)of how processes work and how events take place. These seem to be some of the ways in which a successful scientist thinks and acts. 48. What quality of a good observer is NOT mentioned in Paragraph 1? A) Intelligence B) Patience. C) Persistence. D) Objectivity. 49. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that a scientist believes that . A) no statements can be proved true B) all statements may be misleading C) authority is the sole basis for truth D) authority does not necessarily mean truth 50. The word “them” (Line 4, Paragraph 2 ) refers to . A) statements B) experiments C) scientists D) authorities 51. A scientist is critical of his own work because he knows that he is . A) aware of his own findings C) liable to be wrong B) likely to be criticized D) capable of being entirely objective 52. The word “imaginative” (Line 1, Paragraph 4 ) most probably means . A) accurate and objective C) curious and serious C) creative and inventive D) skeptical and critical Part IV: Translation from English into Chinese (10%) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, there are four items which you should translate into Chinese, each item consisting of one sentence. These sentences are all taken from the reading passages you have just read in Part III of the Test Paper. You are allowed 15 minutes to do the translation. You can refer back to the passages so as to identify their meaning in the context. Write your translation on the Translation Sheet in Test Paper Two. T1. (Lines 3-4, paragraph2, Passage 1) They can also borrow films that other children have made. This helps them to see what is possible in a short film. T2. (Lines 3-4, Paragraph2, Passage 2) This means that different regions of the world get long spells of the same type of weather, whether hot, cold, wet or windy. T3. (Lines 2-4, paragraph4, passage 3) These professionals also provide developing countries with the necessary technical help to carry out the programs. T4. (Lines 1-2, Pargagraph4, Passage 4) … he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only complex but also frequently incomplete. Part V: Writing (15%) (30 minutes) Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Hard Word and Success. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline. Write your composition on the Composition Sheet in Test Paper Two. Outline: 1.不劳则无获。(No pains, no gains.) 2.勤奋使人成功。(Where there is diligence, there is success.) Words for reference: diligence (勤奋), goals, efforts, difficulties, overcome . 试卷二 Test Paper Two Part I Listening Comprehension Section C Spot Dictation Directions: In this section, you will hear a passage three time. Listen carefully during the first reading. Then listen to the passage again. When it is being read the second time, you should fill in the six blanks numbered from S1) to S6) with the exact words or phrases you have just heard. Finally, when the passage is read for the third time, you should check what you have written. Sometimes I wonder if college and I were meant for each other. These days, many people say that they think a college degree is worth only the paper it is written on. Those people may be right. My father tells me that all his friends and he have done S1)_____ without college degree. In many ways he and they are very successful. To any-one who S2) ________his success by big cars, large houses, and fancy clothes, a college degree may not be worth his time. However, for my friends and me, success means something else. Every one of us wants more for his life than just S3) _________ things. Sure, those S4) __________of position and power are very nice and comfortable, but against them we’ll S5) ___________even one finely tuned mind. So although we may never have fancy cars and diamonds, the people whom I S6) ______________ and I will always have our knowledge. One can lose one’s riches, but knowledge remains. 翻译纸 .Translation Sheet Part IV: Translation form English into Chinese (10%) Directions: In this part, there are four items which you should translate int. Chinese, each item consisting of one sentence. These sentences are all taken from the reading passages you have just read in the Third Part of the Test Paper. You are allowed 15 minutes to do the translation. You can refer back to the passage so as to identify their meaning in the context. Write your translation on the Translation Sheet. 1. They can also borrow films that other children have made. This helps them to see what is possible in a shout film. (Lines 3-4, paragraph2, Passage 1): ____________________________________________________________________ 2. This means that different regions of the world get long spells of the same type of weather, whether hot, cold, wet or windy. (Lines 3-4, Paragraph2, Passage 2) ____________________________________________________________________ 3.These professionals also provide developing countries with the necessary technical help to carry out the programs. (Lines2-4, Paragraph4, Passage 3) ____________________________________________________________________ 4. … he often has to look for relationships in data which are not only com0plex but also frequently incomplete. (Lines 1-2, Paragraph 4, Passage 4) . 作 文 纸 Composition Sheet Part V: Writing (15%) Directions: For this part you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition of no less than 100 words on Hard Work and Success. Remember your composition must be written according to the following outline. Write your composition on the Composition Sheet. Outline: 1.不劳则无获。(No pain, no gains.) 2.勤奋使人成功。(Where there is diligence, there is success.) Words for reference: diligence(勤奋), goals, efforts, difficulties, overcome Hard Work and success 四川省大学英语三级练习二 试卷一 Test Paper One Part II: Vocabulary and Structure (20%) (20 minutes) Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). You must choose the one answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 13. She is one of the newest film stars from America and has many fans, in Europe. A) specially B) particularly C) partially D) specifically 14. __ a little earlier this morning! I missed the school bus by only one minute and had to wait in the cold for nearly an hour. A) If only I had got up C) If only I get up B) If I had got up D) If I got up 15. __ twice, the postman refused to deliver our letters unless we chained our dog up. A) Being bitten C) Having bitten B) Had been bitten D) Having been bitten 16. They took measures to prevent poisonous gases from escaping in the chemical plant. A) fruitful B) beneficial C) effective D) influential 17. Never before that night __ so great my responsibility was. A) I had felt B) I felt C) did I feel D) had I felt 18. There was a knock at the door. It was the second time. someone me that evening. A) had interrupted C) would have interrupted B) to have interrupted D) having interrupted 19. There is not much time left; so I'll tell you about it __ A) in short B) in detail C) in brief D) in all 20. Indoor heating syst
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