

2017-09-02 13页 doc 41KB 26阅读




小天鹅水魔方洗衣机小天鹅水魔方洗衣机 洗衣机是利用电能产生机械作用来洗涤衣物的清洁电器。按其额定洗涤容量分为家用和集体用两类。中国规定洗涤容量在6kg以下的属于家用洗衣机:家用洗衣机主要由箱体、洗涤脱水桶(有的洗涤和脱水桶分开)、传动和控制系统等组成,有的还装有加热装置。洗衣机一般专指使用水作为主要的清洗液体,有别于使用特制清洁溶液,及通常由专人负责的干洗。 主要分为三类: 1、 波轮式洗衣机 采用微电脑控制洗衣及甩干功能、省时省力,存在耗电、耗水、衣物易缠绕、清洁性不佳的缺点,适合除需要特别洗涤之外的所有衣物,流行于日本、中国、东南亚...
小天鹅水魔方洗衣机 洗衣机是利用电能产生机械作用来洗涤衣物的清洁电器。按其额定洗涤容量分为家用和集体用两类。中国规定洗涤容量在6kg以下的属于家用洗衣机:家用洗衣机主要由箱体、洗涤脱水桶(有的洗涤和脱水桶分开)、传动和控制系统等组成,有的还装有加热装置。洗衣机一般专指使用水作为主要的清洗液体,有别于使用特制清洁溶液,及通常由专人负责的干洗。 主要分为三类: 1、 波轮式洗衣机 采用微电脑控制洗衣及甩干功能、省时省力,存在耗电、耗水、衣物易缠绕、清洁性不佳的缺点,适合除需要特别洗涤之外的所有衣物,流行于日本、中国、东南亚等地。 2、 滚筒式洗衣机 采用微电脑控制所有功能、衣物无缠绕。最不会损耗衣物的方式,缺点是耗时,时间是普通的几倍,而且一旦关上门,洗衣过程中无法打开,洁净力不强。适合洗涤羊毛、羊绒以及丝绸、纯毛类织物,流行于欧洲、南美等主要穿毛、绵为主的地区,几乎100,的家庭使用的都是滚筒洗衣机。 滚筒洗衣机优点是全面的洗涤能力,使的它在众多洗衣机中鹤立鸡群。因为衣物在洗涤过程中不缠绕、洗涤均匀、磨损小,所以就连羊绒、羊毛、真丝衣物也能在机内洗涤,做到真正的全面洗涤性能。可以利用加热激活洗衣粉中的活性酶,充分发挥出洗衣粉的去污效能。由于用水量较小,可以在桶内形成高浓度洗衣液,在节水的情况下带来理想的洗衣效果。 3、 搅拌式洗衣机 衣物洁净力最强,省洗衣粉,但是喜欢缠绕,相比前两种方式损坏性 加大,噪音最大,适合洗涤除需要特别洗涤之外的所有衣物,主要在北美普遍使用。 我要介绍的是小天鹅TB70-5018CL波轮式洗衣机。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 水魔方系列洗衣机是小天鹅主打品牌,采用了水魔方防缠绕技术,很好 的避免了衣物间的缠绕,让洗衣效果更出色。 下是它的主要性能指标简介: 小天鹅 TB70-5018CL洗衣机 产品类型 波轮式 洗涤容量 7kg 脱水容量 7.0kg 预约时间 24小时 标准,搅拌洗,羊毛,童装,快洗六种程洗衣程序 序互换满足用户需求 洗涤功率 450W 脱水功率 450W 输入功率 450W 内筒材料 不锈钢 水位 十段 模糊控制 支持 安全锁 童锁 外型尺寸 550×565×924mm 特设自洁、桶干燥、童锁功能 用户可根据洗涤物的污浊程度设定洗衣机 每次的漂洗时间,每次漂洗时间为1、2、3 分钟3种 童锁功能,锁定各种用户参数设定,避免 操作带来的不便 其他特点 多位数码管显示,洗涤、漂洗、脱水都数 字可调 洗涤、漂洗双水位调节 十档水位细分 自洁,可保持内桶洁净,除去异味 剩余时间显示,使洗衣过程一目了然。方 便掌控时间 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 在外观方面,小天鹅TB70-5018CL洗衣机采用了纯净的白色机身,搭配上流线型的淡蓝色操作区,整机显得动感十足,干净简洁,能够很好的与家庭装饰融为一体。 这款小天鹅洗衣机的操作区为传统的按键式操作,提供了标准、搅拌洗、羊毛、童装、快洗六种程序互换满足用户需求。并且还提供了不同的水位模式以供用户选择。 这款小天鹅洗衣机采用了不锈钢内筒,并提供了桶干燥功能,同时还采用了水魔方雾态洗技术,很好的避免了衣服间的缠绕,让洗衣效果更加出色,同时也更加保护衣物。 这款小天鹅洗衣机的洗净比为0.9,为国家一级能耗产品。 当前,全国生活用水价格普遍看涨,洗衣机节水已成为消费者和行业关注的热点话题。小天鹅“水魔方”波轮洗衣机,以其性能突出的五大节水功能设计,成为最受消费者欢迎的节水波轮洗衣机之一。 ?“动态节水”科技省水30% 众所周知,波轮洗衣机是内外套桶结构,洗涤过程中内外桶存相同水位的水。据介绍,小天鹅水魔方波轮采用了特殊无孔内桶设计,配合带搅拌棒的专利波盘,以及不同扬程的喷水口,在洗涤过程中通过虹吸原理,把外桶的水抽到内桶来,使外桶水低于内桶,省去常规波轮洗衣机外桶的一部分水,动态洗涤节水约30%,即用七分水达到十分水的效果。 ?“一桶洗”科技省水40% 作为波轮洗衣机设计史上的一大创新,小天鹅节水水魔方更是采用了特殊的“一桶洗”科技。通过封闭内桶设计,洗涤过程中可彻底省去脱水桶与外桶之间夹层内的水,仅在内桶内完成洗涤部分,比普通有孔洗衣机节水约40%,在同一个洗涤周期内,远优于国家A级用水量标准,而且全封闭内桶杜绝衣物二次污染,side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 洗衣更健康。 ?多段水位细分、超低水位启动 小天鹅水魔方普遍采用了8至10段水位细分设计,在每种洗涤模式下都可自由调节水位,而且可做到均匀调节,每档用水量明确,用水做到心中有数。在众多小天鹅水魔方波轮洗衣机中,6公斤大容量雾态洗水魔方启动水位最低仅12升,而节水水魔方最低启动水位更是只需10升,能轻松对付一件衬衫的洗衣任务。 ?“双水位”洗涤,漂洗更省水 普通洗衣机在洗涤和漂洗时的水位相同,即使在某一程序下水位可调,漂、洗水位也会同时受影响。而小天鹅水魔方洗衣机设置“双水位”洗涤,可在洗衣服之前对“洗涤水位”和“漂洗水位”进行分别设定,一般是低水位洗涤、常规水位漂洗。“双水位”设定可以洗得干净、漂洗彻底,同时省水、省钱、更健康。 ?“水循环”人性储水二次利用 洗衣机一般的标准程序是“一洗两漂三脱水”,而水魔方波轮设置了“水循环”程序以后,在第二遍漂洗结束后可不进行排水,留下的水就可以二次利用。例如加入洗衣粉和脏衣服再次进行洗涤,或者把干净的水排到桶里留做打扫卫生等,真正做到省水省钱。 五大节水科技使得小天鹅水魔方成为目前市场上众多节水洗衣机的代表,而除节水特性外,小天鹅水魔方还具有其他众多功能:“水魔方”能产生多种特殊水流,洗衣不缠绕不打结;“雾态洗水魔方”通过洗涤漂洗时的雾化进水能充分溶解洗涤剂,深层去污渍,去残留更彻底;“衣炫水魔方”拥有“热能净衣自控洗”、“银离子抑菌洗”、“高精衣物感知洗”和“智能多路分配洗”四合一side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations “衣炫科技”,洗净衣物的同时还能保持衣物光鲜不褪色„„ 白色的机体,很容易与房间搭配,七公斤的容量也不显笨重,轻巧,便于移动。 三千左右的价位,在洗衣机市场中属于中端,适用于一般家庭使用。我还研究了这个价位的另外几款洗衣机,与小天鹅水魔方进行比较。 海尔全自动波轮洗衣机XQS60-828 ,最大的特点就是采用了海尔世界首创的“洗净即停”技术,该技术能时刻感知桶内水的浑浊变化程度,衣服洗净后洗衣机就自动停止。相比传统洗衣机,用户操作更加简单,只需轻轻一按,启动洗衣程序,洗衣机就可以自己独立思考完成全部操作。该款产品拥有6公斤的洗涤容量和脱水容量,绝对能满足大多数家庭的洗涤要求。 这款洗衣机与小天鹅水魔方相比,“洗净即停”是一大优势,从另外一个角度为用户节省了水,避免了用户自己对衣物的估计不足而用水过度或是洗涤不足的情况。而小天鹅水魔方的水喷雾,可以更加洁净的清洗衣物,这也是海尔所没有的。 海尔XQG52-Q718的超薄设计十分值得称道,该机拥有5.2公斤的洗涤容量,却只有不到40公分的超薄厚度,可以节省很多空间。这款洗衣机也非常适合清洗夏天的常换衣物,因为该机拥有29分钟的极快洗程序,能够满足上班族的需要。此外,该机还设有预约洗和全程防皱浸泡功能,即衣物在最后一次漂洗时将衣服泡在水里, 如果您不在家的话可以不甩干,以免生皱;甩干以后还有智能抖散程序,衣服也不会出现褶皱。 这款洗衣机的智能化与超薄设计非常优越,着力点也足够吸引顾客。 西门子 WM1065洗衣机,采用的是滚筒设计,因此功能键基本都设置在机身的上方,可以方便用户的使用。功能方面,西门子 WM1065洗衣机拥有渗锌钢板,螺旋飓风波轮,多种洗涤程序,智能模糊技术,24小时预约等多种功能,同时这款洗衣机更拥有双级不锈钢内桶,10分钟快速洗两项尖端技术;同时这款产side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations 品还使用了泡沫自检系统、衣量自检系统和不平衡检测与校正系统,这些技术都是确保洗衣机平稳运行的关键。另外,这款产品能够同时洗涤5.2公斤的棉织物以及600转/分的防皱免熨脱水,是都市现代一族的好帮手。 西门子 WM1065洗衣机的洗涤容量可以满足一般三口之家的使用,同时这款产品还具备了一流的静音技术,配合平衡减震系统,使洗衣更平稳安静,因此完全不用担心洗衣机在工作的时吵到家人的休息。 滚筒洗衣机的最大优势便是防缠绕,这一点小天鹅水魔方也做到了,从而更加具有竞争优势。当然,滚筒洗衣机往往存在噪音大的弊端,西门子的这款洗衣机拥有一流的静音技术,配合平衡减震系统,无噪音,也让人很舒服。 每一种洗衣机都会有自己的优势,小天鹅水魔方洗衣机便是站在省水的角度设计的一款洗衣机。同时它还避免了缠绕这一麻烦,拥有了滚筒式洗衣机的优势,省去了滚筒的噪音,算是一款性价比很高的洗衣机。 side of road subgrade 2m. Direct-buried cable upper and lower should be covered with not less than 100mm thick layer of soft soil or sand, and affix the protection, the coverage should be wider than 50mm on each side of the cable, cover plate can be used to protect concrete or brick. Direct-buried cable in line every 50-100 meters, cable turns should be appreciable bearing flags or stakes. Direct-buried cable prior to backfill, shall be subject to acceptance of concealed work before they can be filled. 4.1.5 factory of making cable terminal cable mainly in the low-voltage cable head, dry Pack, its production should strictly abide by the production process. should check the insulation before the first cable production qualified, low-voltage power cables with 1000V shake table, its insulation value should not be less than the specified value. making cable head, cut from the Strip begins continuous operation until the completion of the cable, reducing insulation exposure time, strip-cut cables, insulation should not damage conductors and reservations. The armored power cable and control cable shield should be connected to a good shall not be interrupted, and ... Correctly positioned, vertical clearance shall be distributed evenly per shell bus and the shell should be concentric, the error shall not exceed 5mm, segments and segment connection, two adjacent bus and enclosure, after connecting bus and enclosure should not be subject to mechanical stress. Short circuit between phases of the shell plate is correctly positioned, good connection between support plates shall be mounted firmly, insulation Grade insulation shell should be made. 4.1.11 the installation of explosion-proof electrical equipment rectisol wash unit area, tank farm and other explosion-proof areas, the electrical installation shall be carried out as explosion-proof requirements. electrical installations
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