

2011-09-04 49页 pdf 596KB 17阅读




SAT阅读长难句解读(完整解析版) 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    1 / 49    白晶晶 SAT阅读长难句(解析版) 为了帮助大家攻克 SAT阅读,我花费了很多的时间和精力来整理 SAT阅读当中的这些 难句,选自 SAT真题(共 44句),OG(共 38句)和 OC(共 23句)三个部分,一共 105 句。旨在帮助各位学子梦想成真。治 SAT如烹小鲜,猴哥、白晶晶...
满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    1 / 49    白晶晶 SAT阅读长难句(解析版) 为了帮助大家攻克 SAT阅读,我花费了很多的时间和精力来整理 SAT阅读当中的这些 难句,选自 SAT(共 44句),OG(共 38句)和 OC(共 23句)三个部分,一共 105 句。旨在帮助各位学子梦想成真。治 SAT如烹小鲜,猴哥、白晶晶很给力,神马都是浮云, 好好研习是王道! 真题部分 1. In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the new cars,with their outlandish fins,passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck. 难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞(明喻) 难词注解:turnpike:n. 收费公路 outlandish a.奇怪的,古怪的 fins:散热片 dealt: deal的过去时,在此意思是发牌;deck:一副纸牌 语法:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the 地点状语 主语 谓语 状语 主语 谓语 new cars. with their outlandish fins. passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an 宾语 定语 伴随状语 endless deck. 意群训练:In Ohio, our road sometimes moved right alongside the turnpike and we could see the new cars. with their outlandish fins,passing us as regularly as cards being dealt off the top of an endless deck. 参考译文:在俄亥俄州,我们有时候沿着收费公路右侧行驶,就能看到长着奇形怪状散热片 的汽车驶过,川流不息,就像一张张纸牌从盒上散落,无穷无尽。 2. “No, I won't ride with servicemen- ,”said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. 难句类型:复杂修饰+修辞方法(明喻)+讽刺语气 难词注解:seditious a.煽动性的 stunned a. 震惊的, 惊讶的 duffle bag帆布行李袋 Pontiac庞帝克,美国产轿车 fuming冒烟的 语法分析:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed 谓语 主语 down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. patriotically 状语 主语 offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting 定语 谓语 宾语 伴随状语 smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. 状语 意群训练:“No, I won't ride with servicemen,” said my casually seditious father, as he slowed down and peered at a soldier and then resumed his full cruising speed, while I. 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    2 / 49    patriotically offended. watched the stunned defender of my freedoms kicking at his duffle bag and getting smaller and smaller as planet Pontiac continued its fuming orbit. 参考译文:我爸爸一向煽动,他停下车来,注视着年轻的士兵:“不,我才不要和军人共 车呢!”然后继续缓缓行驶。而我看着那个惊愕的自由的守护者踢着他的帆布行李袋,爱国 心受到伤害。我们的车(庞帝克)犹如一颗行星,继续行驶在浓烟滚滚的轨道上,士兵的身 影越来越小。 3. Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who offer humor seminars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved productivity. 难句类型:复杂修饰 难词注解:dole out发放 语法分析:Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who 主语 谓语 宾语 间接宾语 offer humor seminars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved 定语 状语 productivity. 意群训练:Fortune 500 companies actually dole out big fees to comedy consultants who offer humor seminars and improvisational workshops— all in the name of improved productivity. 参考译文:事实上,财富 500强的公司借着提高生产力的名义,为开展幽默讨论会和即 兴训练的喜剧顾问发放经费。 4. By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed me in ways I cannot predict. perhaps in ways profound, perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lose a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different. 难句类型:排比 难词注解:arrogance n.傲慢,自大 语法分析:By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed me in 状语 主语 谓语 宾语 补语 主语 谓语 宾语 ways I cannot predict,perhaps in ways profound. perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lose 状语 状语 a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking 独立句子 at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different. 意群训练:By journey's end, I will not be the man I am today. Africa will have changed mein ways I cannot predict. perhaps in ways profound, perhaps only superficial. Perhaps I will lose a few pounds, perhaps the arrogance in my walk. Perhaps my walk. even my way of looking at things, will be a little more African. But for now, I am different. 参考译文:行至途穷,我将不再是现在的我。非洲将以我想象不到的方式改变我,或许 深远,或许浅显。也许我会瘦掉几近,也许走路不再傲慢。也许我的走姿,甚至我看待事物 的方式,也将变得更加像非洲人。但是现在,我依然格格不入。 5. One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system. 难句类型:复杂修饰 难词注解:neuroanatomist神经解剖学家 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    3 / 49    compelling a.引起兴趣的 语法分析:One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one 主语谓语 谓语 宾语 went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling 状语 early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system. 状语 意群训练:One can as easily become a chemist or a neuroanatomist because of where one went to school or whose influence one happened to come under as because of a compelling early response to the logic of chemistry or the beauty of the human nervous system. 参考译文:正如化学的机理和人类神经系统的完美能激发人早期自发的反应一样,人同 样容易受到上学的地点和某位人士的影响,从而成为化学家或者神经解剖学家。 6. Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little moment of superiority. 难句类型:复杂修饰 难词注解:sneak up悄悄地接近 语法分析:Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a 谓语 宾语 条件状语 minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have 条件状语 谓语宾语 a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little 宾语 moment of superiority. 宾语 意群训练:Provide your readers with such assistance. If you would like them to rest for a minute so you can sneak up behind them and stun them with something new, let them have a little peaceful description, or perhaps a little something funny to smile over, or a little moment of superiority. 参考译文:为你的读者提供这种描写。如果你想让他们休息片刻以便自己悄悄躲到他们 背后,用新的文字再次震惊读者的话,你可以先给读者一段平静的描写,或是忍俊不禁的文 字,或是短暂的优越感。 7. The predominant fashion among serious writers has been to consider any recognizable concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwise spotless face of art. 难句类型:复杂修饰 难词注解:blemish n.缺点 语法分析:The predominant fashion among serious writers has been to consider any 主语 定语 谓语 recognizable concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwise spotless face 宾语 宾语 介词短语 of art. 意群训练:The predominant fashion among serious writers has been to consider any recognizable concern for the reader as a commercial blemish on the otherwise spotless face of art. 参考译文:正统作家把任何可以辨识的基于读者的考虑当成是原本无暇的艺术品的商业 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    4 / 49    污点,这成为一种风尚。 本句需重点掌握 otherwise的用法,可以理解成“原本”。 8. Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.” 难句类型:复杂修饰+插入语 难词注解:acclaim vt.向…欢呼,为…喝彩 render vt.提供 语法分析:Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be 主语 定语 插入语 谓语 expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists, who 不定式 定语 believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must 从句 render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.” 并列成分 意群训练:Authors who make this their motto, in the name of artistic integrity, can hardly be expected to tolerate the attitudes of critically acclaimed nineteenth-century novelists, who believed that their first duty was to try to seem “pleasant,” and that to do so they must render their meanings “without an effort to the reader.” 参考译文:将此奉为箴言的作家,就(作品)艺术的完整性的层面,很难容忍 19世纪受 到评论界赞赏的小说家的态度。这些小说家认为自己的首要是“愉悦读者”,为实现该职 责,他们必须把作品“不费吹灰之力”地展示给读者。 9. The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the problem. 难句类型:复杂修饰 难词注解:hypothesis n.假说,假设,前提 语法分析:The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the 主语 谓语 宾语 identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through observation and 定语 定语 experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the 定语 problem. 意群训练:The scientific method is the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the identification of a problem, the collection of relevant data through observation and experimentation, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses that aim to solve the problem. 参考译文:科学方法是对知识的系统的追求,它包括对问题的区分,通过观察和实验收 集的数据和旨在解决问题的假设的形成和测试。 10. Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to raise financial support at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promised too much too soon. 难句类型:复杂修饰+倒装+省略 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    5 / 49    难词注解:triple v.(使)增至三倍 语法分析:Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to raise financial support at a rate nearly 插入语 状语 状语 谓语 宾语 介词短语 triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promised too much too 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语 状语 soon. 意群训练:Indeed, in the last 25 years, in an effort to raise financial support at a rate nearly triple that of the rest of society, the scientific community may have promised too much too soon. 参考译文:在过去的 25 年中,为将经济支持提高到其它社会支持的三倍,科学团体确 实付出很大的努力,也许有点急功近利。 11. Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise. 难句类型:复杂修饰+难词 难词注解:intuition n.直觉 atrophy v.萎缩,衰退 mediate v.调停, 斡旋 apprehension n.忧惧 语法分析:Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy 主语 谓语 补语 从句 through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension 从句 of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or 从句 awareness is limiting and unwise. 意群训练:Perhaps one can say with more than mere intuition that certain skills do atrophy through not being used, that an increasing reliance on electronics to mediate our apprehension of the world does lead to the loss of certain sensitivities, and that to lose any sensitivity or awareness is limiting and unwise. 参考译文:或许,我们不只凭直觉也可以认为,某种技术不使用就会退步,而我们越来越依 赖于用电子学来协调对世界的忧惧,这确实导致我们敏感的丧失,这种丧失是有限的,也不 明智。 12. If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer, it might be one analogous to recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species. The more the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally centralized, the more homogenized its ways of living, the more the dangers of sameness become apparent. 难句类型:复杂修饰+难词 难词注解:sentimental a.感伤的;多愁善感的 analogous a.相似的 paramount a.极为重要的, 至高无上的 homogenize v.使均匀,使一致 语法分析:If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer, it might be one 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    6 / 49    从句 形式主语 谓语 analogous to recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of 定语 补语 species. The more the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally 主语 谓语 补语 centralized, the more homogenized its ways of living, the more the dangers of sameness 补语 谓语 主语 主语 become apparent. 谓语 表语 意群训练: If there is a scientific rather than a sentimental answer, it might be one analogous to recognizing the paramount importance of maintaining the diversity of species. The more the world becomes politically, economically, and culturally centralized, the more homogenized its ways of living, the more the dangers of sameness become apparent. 参考译文:如果有科学的而非感性的答案,一个比较相近的答案就是认识到保持物 种的多样性至关重要。世界在政治上、经济上和文化上变得越发集中,生活方式越发趋 同,这种同一的危险就越发明显。 13. To take a notorious example, the European trade regulations restricting the varieties of fruit and vegetable seeds permitted for sale within the European Community have for years been viewed as potentially disastrous by scientists. 难句类型:复杂修饰+倒装 难词注解:notorious a.臭名昭著的,声名狼藉的 语法分析:To take a notorious example, the European trade regulations restricting the 插入语 主语 varieties of fruit and vegetable seeds permitted for sale within the European 定语 定语 地点状语 Community have( for years) been viewed as potentially disastrous by scientists. 时间状语 谓语 宾语补足语 被动语态(真正 的主语) 意群训练:To take a notorious example, the European trade regulations restricting the varieties of fruit and vegetable seeds permitted for sale within the European Community have for years been viewed as potentially disastrous by scientists. 参考译文:举一个臭名昭著的例子,欧洲贸易条款限制在欧洲社区销售各种各样的水果 和蔬菜种子。长期以来,科学家认为这是潜在的危险。 14. Deception of an innocent kind is their intention; asked if the picture is genuine, few of them, I imagine, would lie. Nor would they be wise to. 难句类型:省略+倒装 难词注解:innocent a.(of)无辜的;无害的;天真的,无知的 genuine a.真的,非人造的 语法分析:Deception of an innocent kind is their intention; asked if the picture is genuine, few of 主语 谓语 宾语 谓语 them, I imagine, would lie. Nor would they be wise to. 主语 插入语 谓语 倒装句 意群训练:Deception of an innocent kind is their intention; asked if the picture is genuine, few of 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    7 / 49    them, I imagine, would lie. Nor would they be wise to. 参考译文:他们的目的是欺骗无知的人,我尝想,如果被问到这幅画是不是真品,他们也会 照实说,没有那么狡黠。 15. Nevertheless, despite the overwhelmingly conservative assumptions of most Americans, we are in fact in the throes of a genuine and dramatic revolution in our culture, and it behooves us to understand it before passing judgment. 难句类型:复杂修饰+难词 难词注解:throes n. 剧痛, 挣扎,名词 throe的复数形式 behoove对...有此必要 It behoove sb. to do sth.某人有必要做某事 nevertheless ad.仍然,然而,不过 语法分析:Nevertheless, despite the overwhelmingly conservative assumptions of most 插入语 介词 名词性短语 Americans, we are in fact in the throes of a genuine and dramatic revolution in our culture, and it 主语 插入语 介词短语 宾语 介词短语形式主语 behooves us to understand it before passing judgment. 谓语 不定式 状语 意群训练:Nevertheless, despite the overwhelmingly conservative assumptions of most Americans, we are in fact in the throes of a genuine and dramatic revolution in our culture, and it behooves us to understand it before passing judgment. 参考译文:不过,尽管大多数美国人的想法非常的保守,事实上,我们的文化改革剧烈而又 真实,身处这种痛苦当中,我们应该在做出判断前理解它。 16. In academic circles, I linger on the fringes where the warmth of the fire never reaches, an irreverent outsider, a loner who prefers fieldwork to the university, and general readership to academic journals. 难句类型:插入语+修辞方法(暗喻) 难词注解:fringe n.边缘 irreverent a.不尊敬的 fieldwork n.实地考察工作 语法分析:In academic circles, I linger on the fringes where the warmth of the fire never 状语 主语 谓语 宾语 地点状语 reaches, an irreverent outsider, a loner who prefers fieldwork to the university, and general 主语 定语从句, 并列结构 readership to academic journals. 意群训练: In academic circles, I linger on the fringes where the warmth of the fire never reaches, an Irreverent outsider, a loner who prefers fieldwork to the university, and general readership to academic journals. 参考译文:我徘徊在学术圈的边缘,从未感受到这团火的温暖。一个不敬的局外人,一个 寂寞的人,喜欢实地考察胜过死读,喜欢通俗杂志胜过学院期刊。 17. Although we were at the age when one always had the need, instinct, and immodesty of inflicting on one another everything that swarms in one's head and elsewhere, nothing had gotten through Sandro's shell of reserve, nothing of his inner world, which nevertheless one felt was dense and fertile—nothing save a few occasional, dramatically truncated hints. 难句类型:复杂修饰+难词 满分名师猴哥、白晶晶                                                                         转载请注明满分网 www.manfen.net    8 / 49    难词注解:inflict vt.使遭受, 施以, 加害, 折磨 shell n.壳;外壳; reserve n.储备;矜持; truncate v.把(某物)截短,去尾 save prep.除…之外 语法分析:Although we were at the age when one always had the need, instinct, and immodesty 主语 时间状语引导词主语 谓语 宾语 of inflicting on one another everything that swarms in one's head and elsewhere, nothing had 宾语 补足语从句 主语 gotten through Sandro's shell of reserve, nothing of his inner world, which nevertheless one felt 谓语 宾语 并列成分 was dense and fertile—nothing save a few occasional, dramatically truncated hints. 定语从句 并列成分 介词短语 意群训练: Although we were at the age when one always had the need, instinct, and immodesty of inflicting on one another everything that swarms in one's head and elsewhere, nothing had gotten through Sandro's shell of reserve, nothing of his inner world, which nevertheless one felt was dense and fertile—nothing save a few occasional, dramatically truncated hints. 参考译文:尽管,我们处在这样的时代:每当我们想起什么的时候,出于直觉和不道德,我 们总有用这种方法折磨其他人的需要。但是 Sandro,在他矜持的外表下,在他本应丰富和 厚重的内心世界里,除了一些短暂的、偶然的线索,没有任何东西出现。 18. Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but they have also embedded themselves so deeply in our consciousness that many individuals profess feeling closer to, and more passionate about, them than about their own primary relationships: witness the fervent public to interest in the life of Britain's Princess Diana, or the fans who told television interviewers that her wedding was the happiest day of their lives. 难句类型:倒装+并列+复杂修饰 难词注解:protagonist n.主角, 支持者 repository n.容器, 仓库, 贮藏室, 智囊 witness vt. 见证,目击,出席,观察 fervent a.热情的 语法分析:Not only are celebrities the protagonists of our news, the subjects of our 谓语 主语 宾语 daily discourse, and the repositories of our values, but t
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