
调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons)

2017-09-29 12页 doc 43KB 17阅读




调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons)调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons) 调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons) Desktop icon settings Users can easily and quickly invoke application or system tools by clicking on the system icon and shortcut icon o...
调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons)
调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons) 调整桌面图标的大小及间距(Adjust the size and spacing of the desktop icons) Desktop icon settings Users can easily and quickly invoke application or system tools by clicking on the system icon and shortcut icon on the desktop. Under the default configuration of the Windows operating system, the system provides users with several commonly used system icons on the desktop, such as my computer and recycle bin. In addition, users can display executable files of frequently used applications on the desktop in the form of shortcut icons. By modifying the registry, users can set the size and spacing of icons on the desktop. 2.2.1 changes icon sizes on the desktop. Some users feel that the desktop icons are too small for viewing when the system screen is high resolution. By modifying the registry, users can change the size of the desktop icons, the steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Window Metrics subkey. (2) there is a string value item Shell Icon Size in the WindowMetrics subkey. The user can set the size of the desktop icon by modifying the numeric value of the value item, and the default value is 32. (3) exit the registry editor and restart the computer, when the user will discover that the desktop icon changes with the numerical data entered by the user in the Shell Icon Size value item. Figure 2.5 shows the display size of the desktop icon when the user Shell Icon Size value item data is set to 50. 2.2.2 changes the spacing of desktop icons. By modifying the registry, users can not only modify the size of desktop icons, but also modify the spacing of desktop icons. The steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Window Metrics subkey. (2) in the WindowMetrics subkey, there is a string value item called IconSpacing, which is used to determine the horizontal spacing of the desktop icons, with a default value of 75. The user can make changes based on his own needs. (3) in the WindowMetrics sub item and a IconVerticalSpacing string value, the value is used to determine the vertical spacing of the desktop icons, the default value is -1125, the user can modify according to their needs. (4) exit the registry editor and restart the computer. Figure 2.6 shows the distance between the desktop icons when the IconSpacing value is 75 and the IconVerticalSpacing value is -600. Figure 2.6 new icon spacing 2.2.3 hides all icons on the desktop. The user can change all the icons on the desktop by modifying the registry. The steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies \Explorer subkey. (2) in the Explorer subkey, create a new double byte value item named NoDesktop, and set the value data of the value item to 1. (3) exiting the registry editor and restarting the computer, when the icons on the desktop are gone, as shown in figure 2.7. Figure 2. The 7 desktop icon disappeared If the user needs to restore all of the icons displayed on the desktop, simply delete the NoDesktop value item or change the value data of the value to 0. Add 2.2.4 system icon Windows operating system under normal circumstances, the desktop is only my computer [], [], [my documents], [network neighborhood recycling] and [Internet] Explorer 5 system icon. But in practical applications, some other system tools, users will often use, such as [control panel] and so on. Here, we will give the desktop to add [control panel] system icon, for example, for users how to modify the registry on the desktop to add system icons, the steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\ Windows \CurrentVersion\Explorer\Desktop\NameSpace subkey. (2) create a child item called {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} in the NameSpace subkey. (3) exit the registry editor and restart the desktop. At this time, the user can see the icon of the control panel on the desktop, as shown in figure 2.8. This method can add icons of some system tools frequently used by users to the desktop, so as to improve the efficiency of users. Figure 2.8 new add [control panel] Icon 2.2.5 hides the IE browser icon, which shows how to hide all icons on the desktop by modifying the registry. Next, we will show you how to hide the IE browser icon on your desktop by modifying the registry. The steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer subkey. (2) in the Explorer subkey, create a new double byte value item named NoInternetIcon, and set the value data of the value item to 1. (3) quit the registry editor and restart the computer. When the computer is started, the user will see that the IE browser icon on the desktop has disappeared. If the user wants to restore the display of the IE browser icon on the desktop, simply delete the NoInternetIcon value item or change the value data of the value item to 0. 2.2.6 closes the desktop icon's tooltip. In order to save more system resources, we can change the registry to close all the desktop icons: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced subkey. (2) there is a double byte value item of ShowInfoTip in the subkey, which is the prompt information used to decide whether to turn off the desktop icon. The default value of the numeric data is 1, which indicates the prompt information. Change the value data of this value to 0, which means the prompt information to turn off the desktop icon. (3) quit the registry editor and restart the computer. When the computer is started, users will find that clicking on any icons on the desktop will no longer see the tooltip. If the user wishes to retrieve all of the desktop icons, just change the value data of the ShowInfoTip value to the default value of 1. 2.2.7 change the briefcase icon, by modifying the registry, users can make the briefcase icon into metal color, the steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{85BBD920-42A0-1069- A2E4-08002B30309 D}\DefaultIcon subkey. (2) the value data of the default value item in the DefaultIcon subkey is changed from "C:\Windows\system32\syncui.dll", "0" to "C:\Windows\system32\syncui.dll", "1"". (3) quit the registry editor and restart the computer 2.3 settings [my computer] and shortcut icons (1) Icons on the desktop consist of two parts: the system icon and the shortcut icon. This section focuses on configuring users how to configure advanced settings for system icons and shortcut icons by modifying the registry. 2.3.1 modify [my computer] (or other system tools icon) message on the Windows desktop, when the user moves the mouse to [my computer] icon, the system will automatically give [display on your computer files and folders information]. Users can modify the registry to change this prompt information, the steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069- A2D8-08002B30309D} subkey. (2) a InfoTip string value in the sub item, the value system of numerical data item is [my computer] message, users can modify according to their needs, we will assume here [my computer] message to come [I double-click]. (3) from the registry editor and restart the computer, then when the user moves the mouse to [my computer] when you will find my message [Computer] has been changed to double my [fast], as shown in figure 2.9. Figure 2.9 [tips for my computer] The user can modify the message except [my computer], that information can also modify the other system tools icon, in order to facilitate the user prompt information, icon on these tools to modify the system, we are listed in Table 2.1 are special item in the CLSID sub item in the sub item. When you change the tooltip for other system tool icons, simply change the subkey in step 1 to the corresponding subkey in table 2.1. Table 2.1 other special items and their CLSID Special item The corresponding subkey in the CLSID subkey Inbox {00020D75-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} Control panel {21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D} Printers and faxes {2227A280-3AEA-1069-A2DE-08002B30309D} Internet Temporary Files {7BD29E00-76C1-11CF-9DD0-00A0C9034933} Briefcase { 85bbd920-42a0-1069-a2e4-08002b30309d } ActiveX高速缓存文件夹 { 88c6c381-2e85-11d0-94de-444553540000 } 网络连接 { 992cffa0-f557-101a-88ec-00dd010ccc48 } Web文件夹 { bdeadf00-c265-11d0-bced-00a0c90ab50f } 计划任务 { d6277990-4c6a-11cf-8d87-00aa0060f5bf } 预定文件夹 { f5175861-2688-11d0-9c5e-00aa00a45957 } 历史记录 { ff393560-c2a7-11cf-bff4-444553540000 } 2.3.2更改【我的电脑】(或其他系统工具)的名称和图标用户通过 修改注册不但可以修改【我的电脑】的提示信息,还可以修改【我 的电脑】的名称和图标,操作步骤如下: (1)启动注册表编辑器,打开hkey_classes_root \ CLSID \ { 20d04fe0-3aea-1069 - a2d8-08002b30309d }子项。 (2)该子项中的默认字符串值项的数值数据就是【我的电脑】的名 称,用户可以根据自己的需要进行修改,如可以改为【我的计算机】。 (3)该子项中还有一个名为用作默认图像的图标的子项,用作默认 图像的图标子项中的默认字符串值项就是【我的电脑】图标的路径, 用户可以根据自己的需要输入用户选定的图标路径及图标文件名,如 可改为“F:\ PIC .bmp”。 (4)退出注册表编辑器并重新启动计算机,更改前后的结果如图2.10 所示。 修改前的图标修改后的图标 2.10修改【我的电脑】的名称和图标图 修改其他系统工具的名称和图标时,只需将步骤1中的子项换成表 2.1中相应的子项即可。 2.3.3关闭【我的电脑】(或其他系统工具)的提示信息前面我们讲 到【我的电脑】的提示信息可以通过修改注册表来进行修改,但是这 些提示信息或多或少地也占用了系统部分资源,为了节省系统资源, 用户也可以通过修改注册表来关闭【我的电脑】的提示信息,操作步 骤如下: (1)启动注册表编辑器,打开hkey_classes_root \ CLSID \ { 20d04fe0-3aea-1069 - a2d8-08002b30309d }子项。 (2)删除该子项中的InfoTip值项。 (3)退出注册表编辑器并重新启动计算机。 当计算机启动完毕后,用户用鼠标单击【我的电脑】时,就会发现系 统不再弹出提示信息。如果用户需要恢复提示信息的显示,则需要重 新创建InfoTip值项,并将该值项的数值数据设为提示信息。 关闭其他系统工具的提示信息时,只需将步骤1中的子项换成表2。 1, the corresponding sub item can be. 2.3.4 do not open [my computer] (or other system tools) icon for some time, we in order to prevent other users in [my computer] without permission to modify its contents, can modify the registry to prevent other users to open my computer [], the operation steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{20D04FE0-3AEA-1069- A2D8-08002B30309 D}\InProcServer32 subkey. (2) the numeric data of the default value item in the InProcServer32 subkey is changed from "%SystemRoot%\system32\ shell32.dll" to "%SystemRoot%\system32\shell32.dll-"". (3) quit the registry editor and restart the computer. When you open icons for other system tools, simply change the subkey in step 1 to the corresponding child in table 2.1. 2.3.5 cancel the small arrow shortcut icon in the Windows system in order to distinguish the icons on the desktop which is the file icon, which is specified in the application icon, the shortcut icon in the lower left corner to add a small arrow. In the actual operation of the computer, the user is only concerned about whether the desktop icon can open the corresponding files and applications, but will not notice whether the icon is shortcut icon. And sometimes the small arrow of the shortcut icon also affects the visibility of the shortcut icon. In order to remove the small arrow on the shortcut, we can do this by modifying the registry: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\lnkfile subkey. (2) delete the IsShortcut string value entry in the lnkfile subkey, and the IsShortcut value item is used to control whether to display small arrows in the ordinary application and data file shortcuts. (3) open the HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\piffile subkey. (4) delete the IsShortcut string value entry in the piffile subkey, and the IsShortcut value item is used to control whether or not to display the small arrow of the MS_DOS program shortcut. (5) when you exit the registry editor, the user will find that the small arrow on the shortcut icon on the desktop disappears, and figure 2.11 shows the contrast of the small arrow before and after the disappearance of the arrow. 2.3 settings [my computer] and shortcut icons (2) 2.3.6 small arrow shortcuts to the small arrow icon other shortcut icons in icon for the shortcut will sometimes have an impact, if the user wants more distinctive icons on the desktop, the small arrow can modify the registry to use other icons as a shortcut icon on the steps. The following: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Windows \CurrentVersion\Explorer subkey. (2) create a child item called Shell Icons in the Explorer subkey. (3) in the Shell Icons subkey, create a string value entry called 29. (4) the numeric value of the 29 value item is set to the path of the user selected picture and the name of the image file, as shown in figure 2.12. Here we assume that the data of the 29 value item is set to E:\WINNT\System32\TWEAKUI.CPL, 1. Figure 2.12 sets the 29 value item (5) quit the registry editor and restart the computer. After the computer restarts, the user will find that the shortcut icon on the desktop has changed, as shown in figure 2.13. The modified icon before the modified Icon Figure 2.13 changes the small arrows in the shortcut to other icons If the user needs to restore the small arrow in the shortcut icon, just delete the contents of the Shell Icons child and the item contained in the shortcut. 2.3.7 hides shortcuts (4 words) in the shortcut icon In everyday computer usage, a user creates a shortcut on the system desktop for the convenience of opening some applications to the executable files of these applications. The Windows system provides many kinds of methods to create a shortcut for the user, but these methods to create a shortcut, shortcuts application named [shortcut name] + application, such as the name of the shortcut icon Winzip application is a shortcut [Winzip]. In this case, as more and more shortcuts are created, more and more "shortcuts" will appear on the screen, 4 words. From the aesthetic point of view, the user can modify the registry to make the shortcut icon is named without "shortcut" 4 words, the steps are as follows: (1) start the registry editor and open the HKEY_CURRENT_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\ Windows \CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer subkey. (2) create a binary value item called link in the Explorer subkey and set the value data of the value item to 00000000. (3) quit the registry editor and restart the computer.
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