

2018-03-28 8页 doc 29KB 19阅读




兰花的换盆心得兰花的换盆心得 兰花是一个生命体~对环境的变化比较敏感。一株兰花如果经常的换盆~捣鼓来捣鼓去的~势必影响到它的生长~甚至会有所损伤。那么兰花在什么情况下换盆比较恰当~个人认为以下几种情况是有必要换盆的,下面所说的换盆有的也包括分株,。 一、苗数太多 一株兰花正常生长的情况下~在一个花盆里是不可能无限制的生长下去的~时间一长~当兰花长满花盆时~如果再继续发苗下去~会出现两种现象:一种是兰花把花盆涨破~另一种是花盆足够坚固~兰花芦头被挤得大小不一~扭曲歪倒~甚至是上上下下~极不整齐。所以为了整盆兰花的美观~一盆兰花苗量多时~...
兰花的换盆心得 兰花是一个生命体~对环境的变化比较敏感。一株兰花如果经常的换盆~捣鼓来捣鼓去的~势必影响到它的生长~甚至会有所损伤。那么兰花在什么情况下换盆比较恰当~个人认为以下几种情况是有必要换盆的,下面所说的换盆有的也包括分株,。 一、苗数太多 一株兰花正常生长的情况下~在一个花盆里是不可能无限制的生长下去的~时间一长~当兰花长满花盆时~如果再继续发苗下去~会出现两种现象:一种是兰花把花盆涨破~另一种是花盆足够坚固~兰花芦头被挤得大小不一~扭曲歪倒~甚至是上上下下~极不整齐。所以为了整盆兰花的美观~一盆兰花苗量多时~我们就不得不换盆,换大盆或分株,。 二、出现病虫害 兰花在出现某些病害时~我们为了保住一个优秀的兰花品种~可以用分株的来保护还未受感染病菌的兰苗。如兰花感染了白绢病~茎腐病~软腐病以及严重的焦尖等病害。与其它侵害兰花叶片的病害不同的是~这些病害往往侵害兰花的根茎部位~靠叶面喷施和灌根药物是很难彻底清除病菌的~即使当时控制住了~以后还是有复发的危险。所以在这种情况下~我们尽量做到换盆,兰花要消毒后换上新的植料,~能保住一苗是一苗。有些虫害一经发现~严重的也要换盆。如蛞蝓~蜗牛~蛴螬~根蛆等。这些害虫不仅食取兰花的嫩叶~有的还食取兰花的根茎~并且还会在花盆里产卵繁殖。换盆就可以做到彻底铲除。 三、促进发苗 对于大多数的兰友来说~自己兰苑的优秀品种苗量越多~增值就越快。所以当一株兰花有了四五苗~甚至是两三苗连体时~也可以换盆,分株,以便多发苗。保守一点的通常是分成两三苗一组上盆~若是兰花苗壮~根又好~养兰条件优越~技术达标的兰友也有单苗上盆的~这样就做到了资源的最大利用。为了不让老芦头默默无闻~把老芦头分下单独上盆也有机会发芽的。当然也有的兰友不用起苗~直接在兰盆里切苗分株~同样可以起到多发苗的作用。还有的兰友是起苗后~通过扭转鳞茎连接处刺激芦头~兰苗却不分离~然后重新种下~也可以起到多发苗的作用。 四、其他情况 还有一些其它的情况是要换盆的:比如有时候花盆里的植料时间长了养分严重不足~新苗弱小~还不来花。有的是植料板结了~会影响到兰花的根系和生长。这时也可以起苗换上新的养分更多更疏松的植料。有一种情况是~一盆兰花种下一两年了都没动静~既不生长~也不死苗~这种情况很有可能是根部出了问,通常所说的僵苗了,~可以考虑换盆。至于兰花出售时那是非倒出来不可的。 兰花在非必要的情况下最好不要换盆~因为兰花每换一次盆就要重新适应新的环境。有的兰友在观察兰花时~只要是觉得哪里有一点不对劲~马上就重新来过。甚至是听到别人说某种植料养兰花更好~于是乎一阵子好忙。殊不知折腾来折腾去的~兰花会越长越差。 这里还要累述一下的是兰花换盆的时间。一株兰花~只要条件允许~一年四季都可以换盆的。但通常情况下~是在花期后而叶芽没来之前,花芽和叶芽刚来时最好不要动,~气温在10——30度之间换盆比较好~温度太低或太高都不适宜兰花换obtained by chemical reaction, and the end is timed drops the experimental value obtained, finishing operations can be understood as titration end points. In selected indicators, we should try to make end point and the line with the stoichiometric point, but actually the stoichiometric point and the end point is not necessarily exactly coincide, called error caused errors. 4. error: end point and errors arising from stoichiometric point does not necessarily happen to coincide. Second, the reaction conditions and types of titration analysis titration analysis the scope of chemical analysis, which is based on the reaction ...AVolume. Three, the standard solution is in titration analysis using standard titration solution components to be measured, and to calculate the concentration and volume of components to be measured, can see exact concentration of the standard solution is a critical issue. Preparation of standard solution isAPreparation of NaOH solution to you 0.1000mol/L not what you think. In fact, preparing 0.1000 mol/l NaOH standard solution itself is unreasonable, a reasonable request is to present a general concentration, such as preparation of 0.1 mol/l NaOH standard solution. Right of preparation method is should is in Taiwan said Shang rough to said take 4g above of NaOH, dissolved Yu 1000mL water in the, distribution into approximate Yu 0.1 mol/L of NaOH solution, then with another a known accurate concentration of standard solution to determine it, through calculation to learned that you preparation of NaOH solution of accurate concentration, despite it not is 0.1000 mol/L, but it is close 0.1 mol/L of, accurate to decimal Hou fourth bit ofII, and sampling volume of accuracy 1. test in the for try products and reagents, "weighing" or "volume take" of volume, are to Arab digital said, its accuracy can according to numerical of effective number bit to determine, as said take "0.1g", Department refers to said take weight can for 0.06~0.14g; said take "2G", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.5~2.5G; said take "2.0g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.95~2.05g; said take "2.00g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.995~ 2.005g。 2. the "precision" means the weighing weight must be accurate to 1 per thousand of the weight. 3. "call" means a weighing weight must be accurate to the weight of the 1%. 4. the "precise amounts" refers to the accuracy of the measured volume shall conform to the national standards for the precision requirements for volumetric pipette. 5. "volume" means the graduated cylinder or according to the measured volume of the number of significant digits selected measuring. 6. take the dosage is "about" number refers to taking dosage shall not exceed ? 10%. Three, and test precision 1. constant heavy except another has provides outside, Department means try products continuous twice dry or blazing burning Hou of weight differences in 0.3mg following of weight; dry to constant heavy of second times and the yihou the times said heavy are should in provides conditions Xia continues to dry 1 hours Hou for; blazing burning to constant heavy of second times said heavy should in continues to blazing burning 30 minutes Hou for. 2. test in the provides "by dry products (or no water real, or no solvent) calculation" Shi, except another has 盆。各种兰花的花期不一~全国各地的气温差异又比较大 ~所以兰花的换盆是要因人而异~因地而异~因品种而异。上面有几种情况是不得不换盆的~不受这个限制。 八 注 意 翻盆,换盆,是养护兰花的一项工作。通常~盆栽兰花两年就要翻一次盆。因为此时~盆内养料几乎消耗光~且兰株繁多~根系过密~新根无舒展余地~死亡空瘪老根残留盆中~可能传染病菌。翻盆时要做到“八注意”。 一、注意换盆时间正常生长的盆兰~并非每年都要翻盆~一般是2年翻盆一次。翻盆一年四季,除酷暑严寒,都可进行。大多数兰花在春、秋两季换盆。春季通常在2月下旬至4月下旬~秋季则以9月下旬至11月中旬为宜。但必须做到一点的是~翻盆前两天~应控制浇水~让盆内稍干些~既便于脱盆~又可避免兰根含水重而折断。 二、注意选则晴朗的天气翻盆须选个晴朗的天气。翻盆的第一步是脱盆~若是颗粒,仙眉仙土、兰基石一类,植材栽培的~只要将兰盆倒臵~用手指夹住叶束基部~另一手轻拍盆边~使植料松动~很快就可将兰株与植料分离。如若采用传统方法~用“兰花泥”栽种的~首先把兰盆横放~用手指从盆底孔往内推~将盆土推动~再倒臵兰盆~用手指夹住兰叶基部~托住泥垛,另一手将兰株连泥垛推出兰盆。 三、注意根系处理修剪需用刀具~最好备专用剪刀~先放在开水中浸泡几分钟~消毒后使用。 首先整修根系。剪除发黑的根~以及腐烂的空瘪根~修剪时要留心勿碰伤新根~尤其是注意保护好极尖透明状的“水晶头”~那可是兰花的生长点~非常脆嫩~一不小心便会折断。 其次是修剪和去掉腐朽空瘪的球茎。修剪时要特护新芽~千万不可碰伤。 修剪的兰株~务必进行严格消毒~消毒可用高锰酸钾1000倍水制成溶液或甲基托布津800倍水制成溶液~将兰根在溶液中浸泡5至10分钟~目的是将病菌杀死。 应特别注意的是~兰根在溶液中浸泡消毒后~根内含有充足的水分~不能急于上盆~兰根容易脆断。应将兰株放在阴凉通风处~待兰根呈乳白色~方可上盆种植。 四、注意兰盆消毒旧的或原用的兰盆再用时~必须用清水洗刷干净后~放在阳光下晒干~这可起到消毒杀菌的作用。新用的盆,素烧盆一类,~要放在水中浸泡一段时间方可使用~既清洁又消除“火气”。 五、注意兰盆大小、高低选择兰盆~主要是根据兰花种类、兰株多少、兰苗健壮程度~选取大小适中的盆。如植株较多~长势又旺~应选口径大些的兰盆。种小苗、弱苗不能用大盆与深盆~大苗不能栽在小盆与浅盆中。一般情况下~蕙兰、建兰类的盆选择略微大一些、深一点的盆~春兰类的盆选择小一些、浅一点的。 六、注意覆盖水孔盆底的排水孔上应覆盖一块窗纱~在窗纱上压一块瓦片~防止盆土流失~又不失排水作用~如果是深盆~除瓦片外~再填盆高1/5的白塑料泡沫~或粗粒仙土~构成盆底的泄水透气层~然后铺一层培养基质~便可植兰。 七、注意定植扶正兰株:如果是在盆内只栽一丛~应使老球茎偏于盆兰一侧~为日后留有发展空间。用手扶正兰株~尽量勿让兰株拥挤在一起。 obtained by chemical reaction, and the end is timed drops the experimental value obtained, finishing operations can be understood as titration end points. In selected indicators, we should try to make end point and the line with the stoichiometric point, but actually the stoichiometric point and the end point is not necessarily exactly coincide, called error caused errors. 4. error: end point and errors arising from stoichiometric point does not necessarily happen to coincide. Second, the reaction conditions and types of titration analysis titration analysis the scope of chemical analysis, which is based on the reaction ...AVolume. Three, the standard solution is in titration analysis using standard titration solution components to be measured, and to calculate the concentration and volume of components to be measured, can see exact concentration of the standard solution is a critical issue. Preparation of standard solution isAPreparation of NaOH solution to you 0.1000mol/L not what you think. In fact, preparing 0.1000 mol/l NaOH standard solution itself is unreasonable, a reasonable request is to present a general concentration, such as preparation of 0.1 mol/l NaOH standard solution. Right of preparation method is should is in Taiwan said Shang rough to said take 4g above of NaOH, dissolved Yu 1000mL water in the, distribution into approximate Yu 0.1 mol/L of NaOH solution, then with another a known accurate concentration of standard solution to determine it, through calculation to learned that you preparation of NaOH solution of accurate concentration, despite it not is 0.1000 mol/L, but it is close 0.1 mol/L of, accurate to decimal Hou fourth bit ofII, and sampling volume of accuracy 1. test in the for try products and reagents, "weighing" or "volume take" of volume, are to Arab digital said, its accuracy can according to numerical of effective number bit to determine, as said take "0.1g", Department refers to said take weight can for 0.06~0.14g; said take "2G", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.5~2.5G; said take "2.0g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.95~2.05g; said take "2.00g", Department refers to said take weight can for 1.995~ 2.005g。 2. the "precision" means the weighing weight must be accurate to 1 per thousand of the weight. 3. "call" means a weighing weight must be accurate to the weight of the 1%. 4. the "precise amounts" refers to the accuracy of the measured volume shall conform to the national standards for the precision requirements for volumetric pipette. 5. "volume" means the graduated cylinder or according to the measured volume of the number of significant digits selected measuring. 6. take the dosage is "about" number refers to taking dosage shall not exceed ? 10%. Three, and test precision 1. constant heavy except another has provides outside, Department means try products continuous twice dry or blazing burning Hou of weight differences in 0.3mg following of weight; dry to constant heavy of second times and the yihou the times said heavy are should in provides conditions Xia continues to dry 1 hours Hou for; blazing burning to constant heavy of second times said heavy should in continues to blazing burning 30 minutes Hou for. 2. test in the provides "by dry products (or no water real, or no solvent) calculation" Shi, except another has 填料植兰:一手扶兰~另一手用铲铲植料~待植料掩至球茎时~将兰株轻轻往上提~致使根系更加舒展。同时摇动兰盆~让植料紧挨根部。 栽兰深浅宜适度:春兰类球茎微露一点在外~蕙兰类球茎要全部掩盖。 八、注意植后管理翻盆后应放在半阴和通风良好的地方~然后用喷嘴孔细小的喷壶在表土层细细浇灌。注意定根的水必须浇透。10至15天后~可进行正常管理。
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