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公民的基本权利公民的基本权利 1. 平等权 凡具有中华人民共和国国籍的人都是中华人民共和国公民。 中华人民共和国公民在法 律面前一律平等。国家尊重和保障人权。 2. 政治权利和自由 (1)选举权与被选举权。中华人民共和国年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、 职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都享有选举权和被选举权, 但是依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。 (2)监督权与获得赔偿权。 (3)政治自由。中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。 3. 宗教信仰自由 4. 人身自由 ...
公民的基本权利 1. 平等权 凡具有中华人民共和国国籍的人都是中华人民共和国公民。 中华人民共和国公民在法 律面前一律平等。国家尊重和保障人权。 2. 政治权利和自由 (1)选举权与被选举权。中华人民共和国年满18周岁的公民,不分民族、种族、性别、 职业、家庭出身、宗教信仰、教育程度、财产状况、居住期限,都享有选举权和被选举权, 但是依照法律被剥夺政治权利的人除外。 (2)监督权与获得赔偿权。 (3)政治自由。中华人民共和国公民有言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威的自由。 3. 宗教信仰自由 4. 人身自由 5. 社会经济、文化教育方面的权利 (1)财产权; (2)劳动权; (3)劳动者休息的权利; (4)获得物质帮助的权利; (5)受教育的权利。 6. 特定人的权利 (1)保障妇女的权利; (2)保障退休人员和军烈属的权利; (3)保护婚姻、家庭、母亲和老人; (4)保护未成年人; (5)保护华侨、归侨和侨眷的正当权利。 公民的基本义务 1. 维护国家统一和各民族团结。 2. 遵守宪法和法律,保守国家秘密,爱护公共财产,遵守劳动纪律,遵守公共秩序,尊重社会公德。 3. 维护祖国的安全、荣誉和利益。 4. 保卫祖国,依法服兵役和参加民兵组织。 5. 依照法律纳税。 6. 其他义务,如夫妻双方有实行生育的义务,父母有抚养教育未成年子女的义务等。 1、选举制度 选举形式——直接选举与间接选举并用。 1. 乡级、县级人大代由选区的选民直接选举产生; 2. 地市级、省级人大代表由下一级的人大间接选举; 3. 全国人大代表由省、自治区、直辖市人大、特别行政区中国公民和人民解放军选举产生。 2、全国人大及其常委会 全国人民代表大会 1. 全国人大是国家最高权力机关,在整个国家机构体系中处于核心地位;全国人大由省、自治区、直辖市、香港特别行政区、澳门特别行政区和军队选出的代表组成。全国人大每届任期5年。 2. 全国人民代表大会的主要职权 (1)修改宪法和监督宪法实施的权力。宪法修改由全国人大常委会或者1/5以上的全国人大代表提议,并由全国人大以全体代表的2/3以上的多数通过。 (2)制定和修改国家基本法律的权力。全国人大有权制定和修改涉及整个国家生活中的根本性、全局性问题的刑事、民事、国家机构法律和其他基本法律。 (3)对国家机构组成人员的选举、决定和罢免权。 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of (4)对国家重大事项的决定权。 (5)对其他国家机关的监督权。 (6)其他职权。 全国人民代表大会常务委员会 1. 全国人大常委会是全国人大的常设机构,是最高国家权力机关的组成部分,在全国人大闭会期间行使最高国家权力。全国人大常委会的组成人员包括委员长、副委员长、秘书长和委员。常委会每届任期5年,其中委员长、副委员长连续任职不得超过两届,其他组成人员不受此限。 2. 全国人大常委会的职权 (1)立法权。制定和修改除应当由全国人大制定的基本法律以外的其他法律,在全国人大闭会期间,对全国人大制定的法律进行部分补充和修改。 (2)法律解释权。 (3)监督权。 (4)重大事项决定权。 (5)全国人大授予的其他职权。 3、民族自治地方和特别行政区 民族自治地方只包括自治区、自治州、自治县,不包括民族乡。民族自治地方的自治机关是自治区、自治州、自治县的人民代表大会和人民政府,不包括人民法院和人民检察院。 特别行政区行政长官,是特别行政区的首长,代表特区,依照基本法的规定对中央人民政府和特别行政区负责。行政长官由年满40周岁,由在特区通常居住连续满20年并在外国无居留权的永久性居民中的中国公民担任,在当地通过选举或协商产生,由中央人民政府任命。任期5年,可以连任一次。 主刑 主刑指审判机关对犯罪分子判处刑罚时,只能独立适用,不能附加适用的刑罚。我国《刑法》规定的主刑有管制、拘役、有期徒刑、无期徒刑和死刑五种。 1. 管制。管制是对犯罪分子不实行关押,但是限制其一定的自由,让其在公安机关的管束和群众的监督下进行改造的一种刑罚。管制的期限为3个月以上2年以下,数罪并 罚时,最高不能超过3年。 2. 拘役。拘役是对犯罪分子在短时间内剥夺人身自由,就近予以监禁的一种刑罚。拘役的期限为1个月以上6个月以下,数罪并罚时,最高不能超过1年。 3. 有期徒刑。有期徒刑是在一定期限内剥夺犯罪分子的人身自由,强制其从事劳动生产,并进行教育和改造的一种刑罚。有期徒刑的期限,除《刑法》第50条、第69条规定外,为6个月以上15年以下,数罪并罚时,最高不能超过20年。 4. 无期徒刑。无期徒刑是对犯罪分子剥夺终身自由并强制其参加劳动生产、接受教育和改造的一种刑罚。 5. 死刑。死刑是剥夺犯罪分子生命的一种刑罚。死刑只适用于罪行极其严重的犯罪分子,犯罪的时候不满18周岁的人和审判时怀孕的妇女,不适用死刑。 附加刑 1. 罚金。罚金指强制犯罪分子或者犯罪单位向国家缴纳一定数额金钱的一种刑罚。 2. 剥夺政治权利。剥夺政治权利指剥夺犯罪分子参加国家管理和政治活动权利的一种刑罚。剥夺政治权利是剥夺下列权利: (1)选举权和被选举权。 (2)言论、出版、集会、结社、游行、示威自由的权利。 (3)担任国家机关职务的权利。 (4)担任国有公司、企业、和人民团体领导职务的权利。 3. 没收财产。没收财产指将犯罪分子个人所有财产的一部分或全部强制无偿地收归国有的一种刑罚。 4. 驱逐出境。驱逐出境是强迫犯罪的外国人离开中国国(边)境的刑罚方法。这种方法仅适用于犯罪的外国人,故是一种特殊的附加刑。 2010年贵州公务员考试《行政职业能力测验》常识判断法律常识核心考点——犯罪形态。 犯罪形态,是指故意犯罪在其发展过程中,由于某种原因出现结局所呈现的状态,包括完成形态和未完成形态。完成形态是刑法分则明确规定的,完全符合犯罪构成要件的形态,是犯罪的一般形态。未完成形态是不完全符合犯罪构成要件,是对犯罪构成要件的修正,是由分则和总则共同确定的,是犯罪的特殊形态,它包括犯罪预备、未遂和中止。 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of 1. 犯罪既遂 犯罪既遂是犯罪的完成形态,是指故意实施的犯罪行为具备了特定犯罪构成的全部要件所呈现的停止形态。判断犯罪构成的的是犯罪实行行为是否符合特定犯罪构成的全部要件。 2. 犯罪预备 犯罪预备,指为了犯罪,准备工具和制造条件的行为。有犯罪预备行为,因意志以外的原因而未能着手实行的,是预备犯。 犯罪预备的特征包括: (1)主观上,为了实行犯罪,行为人具有为便利实行、完成某种犯罪的主观意图。 (2)客观上,实施了犯罪预备行为(准备工具、制造条件)。准备工具,指准备为实行犯罪使用的各种物品,如为杀人而购买刀、枪、毒药。制造条件,指为实行犯罪制造机会或创造条件,如:?进行犯罪前的调查;?排除实行犯罪的障碍;?前往犯罪现场或者诱骗被害人赴犯罪地点;?跟踪或者守候被害人;?勾引共同犯罪人;?商议或者拟定实施犯罪的计划等。 (3)未能着手实行。 (4)因意志以外的原因而未能实行。 3. 犯罪中止 犯罪中止,是指犯罪分子在实施犯罪过程中,自动放弃犯罪或者自动有效地防止犯罪结果的发生的行为。 犯罪中止的特征包括: (1)时间性。在犯罪过程(包括犯罪预备和实行的过程)中,自动放弃犯罪或者自动有效地防止犯罪结果发生的,是犯罪中止。 (2)中止的自动性。不是因外界不可抗力量放弃:?认为可能实行犯罪既遂,但自愿放弃。能否既遂,以行为人的认识为准;?中止的原因,有的可能是惧怕刑法的处罚,也可视为中止。 (3)中止的客观性。实际上放弃行为,以后也不准备再实施这个行为。 (4)中止的有效性。在实行终了的情况下,要采取有效手段防止结果的出现。必须是没有发生作为既遂标志的犯罪结果(有效性),要有积极中止的行为(客观性)。 4. 犯罪未遂 已经着手实行犯罪,由于犯罪分子意志以外的原因而未得逞的,是犯罪未遂。对于未遂犯,可以比照既遂犯从轻或者减轻处罚。 犯罪未遂的特征包括: (1)已经着手实行犯罪,同犯罪预备相区别。 (2)犯罪未得逞,同犯罪既遂相区别。 (3)未得逞是由于意志以外的原因,同犯罪中止相区别。意志以外的原因包括:?某种使犯罪分子认为客观上不能实现自己目的的意志;?某种情况致使犯罪人客观上不可能实施犯罪行为或者不可能实现犯罪的结果;?行为已经终了,但某种情况阻止了结果的发生。 人身伤害型犯罪: 1. 故意杀人罪 故意杀人罪是指故意非法剥夺他人生命的行为。 2. 非法拘禁罪 非法拘禁罪是指行为人故意非法剥夺他人人身自由的行为。 3. 绑架罪 绑架罪是指以勒索财物为目的绑架他人或者绑架他人作为人质的行为。 4. 刑讯逼供罪 刑讯逼供罪是指司法工作人员对犯罪嫌疑人、被告人使用肉刑或变相使用肉刑,逼取口供的行为。刑讯逼供致人轻伤的应以刑讯逼供罪从重处罚,但若刑讯逼供致人重伤、死亡的,超出了刑讯逼供罪的构成要件,应当直接按照故意伤害罪或故意杀人罪定罪处罚。 the weight of the weighing bottle W2 g, ... When; microbalance and 100mg to 20G when have to use tweezers gently picking up using weight values as needed in the box. 8. the object and the center of the big weight on the scale plate and around the small weights weights should be given in sequence. 9. each balance fixed a pair of weights, no swap. Weights are only permitted at the weights on the specified location in the box, placed at the base of the scale, or operation is not allowed on stage. Weighing several times measured on the same sample, apply the same scales and weights to offset errors due to scales and weights. 10. mechanical coded scale readings directly by index and a projection screen. Cyborg overweight scales, Gram and the projection screen of the following reading coded knob indicates numerical; more balance in the scale pan weight value. On balance, 100mg weight of rotating mechanical raise the knob to increase or decrease in weight and over 100mg weight, weights in the weight box to compare. 11. record balance weight value, closing balance, according to the open note the quality weights in the weight box, back when to check it again. The weighing result is recorded on the record. 12. the weighingChinese (company name). Which are easy, elementary school textbooks, and General books, generally recommend to use unit symbols. (2) unit symbols shall be according to their company name, or referred to as read, and not according to the pronunciation of the letters. Should not be used in a combo unit unit symbols and Chinese symbols. For example, the speed units km/hour, there are two mistakes: "hour" is a name, not as a symbol while mixing unit and Chinese symbols. Correct should be km/h or km/h (3) legal units of measurement and prefix symbols, are traditional. Unit symbols have no plural form may attach any additional tags. Usage error: mins (4) multiplication combination unit consisting of two or more units, multiplying units available are the No. However, Chinese symbol must be used when multiplying by points. For example: NM: n • m Nm ...A Effective digital processing, significant figures in section III 1. actual measured figures in the analysis job is called significant digits. 2. effective numbers in the records, which allow several Milkmen regularity, poor and only 1. Second, significant figure rounding rules "four homes and six into the 50%" rules give too many numbers. ? 4 o'clock when the mantissa, the homes; mantissa ? 6 o'clock, then the; tail equal to 5 o'clock, if an even 5 front shed, is odd then go into. When the 5 and there are not any number other than zero, 5 front is the singular is used occasionally when making excursions into. For example, the following rounding off numbers to three significant digits to the left of 2.324 ? 2.325 ? 2.32 ? 2.335 ? 2.32501 ? 2.33 2.33 three, effective digital algorithms 1. addition and subtraction, number and the sum or difference of the effective number of
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