首页 > 厦门驾考科目二后溪新考场考试经验总结厦门华职驾校整理


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厦门驾考科目二后溪新考场考试经验总结厦门华职驾校整理厦门驾考科目二后溪新考场考试经验总结厦门华职驾校整理 厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 考试和我平时的练习总结一下,希望能为后面的考生参考一下 吉锦凤梨穗桂圆干 厦门市集美区东锦果林场 对于考试的操作和细节,几点感觉特别要注意的事项,和大家分享下: 1.不能紧张,一紧张就很难说能过了 2.要注意车的转向灯能不能正常使用,能不能亮什么的,我有队友在三号平台15号车,两次机会都挂在转向灯,不知道是不是那台车有问题,很奇怪,还有一个队友也是上了三号平台15号车,第一次机会挂在转向灯和侧方停车停顿了一下,灯扣了10分,停顿扣了1...
厦门驾考科目二后溪新考场考试经验总结厦门华职驾校整理 厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 考试和我平时的总结一下,希望能为后面的考生参考一下 吉锦凤梨穗桂圆干 厦门市集美区东锦果林场 对于考试的操作和细节,几点感觉特别要注意的事项,和大家分享下: 1.不能紧张,一紧张就很难说能过了 2.要注意车的转向灯能不能正常使用,能不能亮什么的,我有队友在三号平台15号车,两次机会都挂在转向灯,不知道是不是那台车有问题,很奇怪,还有一个队友也是上了三号平台15号车,第一次机会挂在转向灯和侧方停车停顿了一下,灯扣了10分,停顿扣了100分,第二次挂在曲线行驶要出曲线时候,方向多打了,后轮压到线,扣100分,听他说车速没控制好,来不及修正方向 3.我第一次机会在半坡挂了,下坡的时候提醒我不合格,看了一下车上的那个考试说是起步超时扣了100分,我第二次顺利通过了,但是扣了10分,也是起步超时,但是不知道扣在哪里,一直想不出来 4.我半坡下坡虽然知道不合格了,但是没有引导员过来,我就直接把后面的直角和曲线走了一遍才回到原点的,刚好熟悉了一下路线,我有队友也是这样的,第一次没通,还是把后面没做的项目做了一遍,然后重新第二次考试,好像如果没有人过来让你回到原点,可以这样试一下,第二次做就比较有底了 5.还有就是倒车入库和侧方停车要主要看那些线,不要看错了或者看晕了,容易出错 记住一定不要紧张哦,拿出平时的水平一般都会没问题的 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 祝接下来的考试,大家都顺利通过哦 先研究了平面图,教练也很耐心的跟我们每个人讲了一遍,要先感谢他,整个过程没吃过我们一顿饭或喝过一瓶水,对我们又很负责,教的很到位. 1.战前准备 考试每个人都会紧张,说不紧张那是安慰自己,我是属于比较紧张的,当时腿抖的厉害,在候考区的时候就跟一起的学员说笑,稍稍缓解了一些,身份证一定要随身带,进门要刷,出来打成绩也要用到。 上车的时候要先系安全带,调整座椅,(座椅要调平时训练时的那样,因为看后视镜座椅的靠背有很大关系); 接着调后视镜,一般情况下是前门手把在镜子(离人)这边的1/3处,后轮可以看到一半的地方; 再接着试下离合,踩几下熟悉熟悉,一切准备好后再挂1档,放手刹,打左转向灯,起步走(注意development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 起步的时候,一定要离合松到车子抖动的时候再放刹车) 2,侧方停车 车子沿着要停车库边缘20cm左右直线行驶,待车盖到黄色虚线边缘停车(我是停车后头伸长看的如果超出就晚点打方向,如果刚好在线前面就直接把方向右打死再起步),换档,起步方向右打死,待看到车库后右库角时回正, 待左边后轮到库左边线处(不能压线,压线距离太宽了)方向左打死,看到车正了停,换档,拉手刹,打左转向灯,起步,待车盖碰到最左边边线时回方向,多回一圈待车正了方向再回正,车子走出这个区域后是可以停车的,但不能熄火 3.半坡定点 车子沿着边线20cm左右直线行驶,待车标(就是车头前面"W"上面竖着的那个小"W")与标杆平齐时停车,这时的车速一定要慢, 打左转向灯,起步(注意起步时,离合一定要松到车子抖动比我们正常要大一点点,再松刹车,这时车子会自动上去不后溜,抖动太大容易熄火) 4,直角转弯 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 车子沿着边线20cm左右直线行驶,待车盖到直角边线前10cm处,方向左打死,转弯后回正,我第一次有压到内角,第二次才过 5.曲线 进入曲线进车子一定要直着进,比较好控制,速度要慢下来,顺着弧度左转,半圈半圈的转,弧度大要根据情况,转方向的速度要快,车速要慢,一定要顺着线的边缘来走,我当时是头伸长看着车盖来转的 6倒库(附图) 从曲线出来到倒车入库的时候要打左转向灯,进入倒库区域后,车身要与最左边的实线保持一些距离(这个距离要我们平时练习的时候估好,我是在1号平台,当时是车左边对虚线的第二节,也就是差不多两节虚线的宽度),保证在倒库的时候前轮不压线,车身要超出黄色虚线,才会提示倒车放入库,不然没有成绩,倒库就按我们平时练习的进一般没什么问题,只是那里的库好小,而且线又比较多,倒库动作做完后一定要从右边出来到接车的地方,左边出来的话成绩为零的,切记从右边出来. 候考区的那个图是左边出来的,误导人 倒库我训练的时候是从库里面出来,车盖到前面的黄线方向右打死,车正后方向回直(这个时候要观察车身离边线的距离是多少,考试的时候,从曲线到倒车入库的时候要走这段路,需要这个距离,这样前轮倒库的时候才不会压这条线) 从右边进库,从后视镜的下方(附图)看到前面虚线与后视镜重合时,方向右打死(注意车子动的时候没进库停车前车子一定不能停)待看到车库口超出20cm要回一圈或两圈方向,待车身到线边时再右转,看到后库角时回正,微调方向进库,进库后,后视镜与库口的黄色实线重合停development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because 厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 车,车子停了就不能再动.起步的时候刹车一定要最后放,就是刹车放了车子必须要开始走动) 从左边时库和右边打方向的时间一样,就是看到车身离线边差不多30cm的时候方向要回直,微调进库,停车时间同右边的,镜子要重合前面那条黄线,车镜子对线与座椅靠背有很大关系,只要对好自己的点,考试的时候坐椅要按照这样调 沿边线20cm走,这20cm的距离我是看车标离线的距离差不多就好了,主要是要直走,别走歪了 整个就是这样的,本来想拍照的,考试时太紧张,考完就让走了,不能呆在那边,就没照片,总归一点是就车速一定要慢,慢慢的我们才有反应和调整的时间,放刹车时一定要等离合稳了再放,这样刹车一放,车子就走,就不会说车子后溜,倒库的时候线条比较乱,一定要看清楚车库在哪里,别转错方向了,一定是先右再左,语间提示到哪个项目后,一定不能停车,停车就代你完成了这个动作. 其实考试也要靠一点运气,就像我们练习时一样,总有不好的那么几次,考试的环境是陌生的,难免会遇到,不要担心,不是还有一次嘛,我们下次要记住位置,调整一下,或许就过了,考试的过程,如果语音没提示不合格,就要相信自己,走下去 图片的顺序跟平面图是一样的,针对侧方和倒库我随手画了一个,没天份,大家将就着看看,目前就这些了,之后有什么我想起来了再补充,或者有今天一起考的,大家一起交流交流 development direction, prevention medical patient disputes, bad event, hospital of technology of, digital, network, intelligent厦门华职驾驶员培训有限公司 of, information became currently and future measure hospital management level and operation efficiency of a key factors. currently domestic of medium hospital are this aspects constantly improve hospital information level, Technology management level, medical level in order to occupy a strong position in the market competition. The weak electricity system construction project is going digital, centralized management of the network. perform advanced, stable, reasonable structure, strong expansion, economic and practical standards of the integrated management system. Engineering range this times weak system construction project of engineering covers following system: integrated wiring system (including network system and voice communications system), wired TV system, information guide and the released system, monitoring system, access management system, parking management system, surgery monitoring teaching system, ICU visits system, call on told management system, queued station system, buildings control system, weak intelligent of management system. In the construction of weak current system, we believe that the needs of each independent and stable operation of the subsystem, and mutual interaction between and mutual support is a very important step. Because
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